• Search for people VK full version. Search for people in contact

    When searching for a person, all means are good and the first thing that comes to mind is to use the functionality of the social network Vkontakte, since the number on this site exceeds the population of Russia. There are many ways to search for people, and this is also influenced by various factors, which we will consider later. Let's assume that you do not have a VKontakte account, or logging into the social network from the device from which you plan to search is unsafe, but this is not a hindrance. It is possible to search for a person without registration.

    Search for people on VKontakte without registration and authorization

    From the main page of VKontakte you can no longer go to the people search page, so you immediately copy and paste into address bar next url: vk.com/search. First of all, you should enter the user's last name and first name, of course, if you know this data. The name may have different variations, for example: Alexander, Sasha, Sanek - it is advisable to check them all.

    The person could also provide their data in English; you should check this option if you didn’t find anything in Russian.

    You can select the Region (Country and city of residence), after which the school where the person you are looking for studied (or is still studying) will be available with the ability to select the year of graduation and the letter of the class and the university (with faculty, department and year of graduation).
    If you know the age, indicate the range from and to, which includes the full number of years of the desired person. Next in the filter lists are gender (three options), marital status, selection of accounts with an avatar and filters that most likely will not help much in the search, but on the other hand allow you to more accurately specify a person: (life position, work, military service). At the very end is the date of birth - year, month, day.
    But remember that when creating an account, the user may not have specified the parameters by which you are looking for him - this will make it difficult to find a person on VKontakte. Therefore, after using each filter, you should check the list of people, if, of course, their number is within reason.

    Search for people on VKontakte after authorization

    If you are registered on VKontakte, it is better to go to the site and only then search the right people. In order to go to the search, you need to select the item, then in the column on the right click on Search for friends. Filters that help you find the same ones (will open if you click on Advanced search) + it is possible to search on third party services Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki and Google+, but everywhere you need to have an account on the described sites.

    Search by photo on VKontakte

    If you have a photo of a person, you can use Google search and check if there is a page with such a photo on the Internet. This method not exact, but I'll quote it because it's quite interesting.

    1.Go to https://images.google.com/imghp?hl=ru&gws_rd=ssl

    2. Click on the photo icon

    3. Upload a photo from your computer or add a link

    4. We search and analyze search results.

    Using domain search in search engines

    You can also try to find a person through search engines by specifying the domain in order to clarify where to conduct research. To do this, we will use the special command site:vk.com First Name Last Name (you can specify the city for a more accurate selection). How it looks in Yandex:

    Search in thematic groups

    There are communities on VKontakte that purposefully search for people. Almost every city has a separate group, which significantly narrows the scope of the search.

    It is enough to offer news with detailed description and a photo, if available, and wait for the administrators to publish your application. Perhaps someone is also looking for you and will see your post. You can always use it to know whether they are looking for you or not.

    What to do if you can’t find a person on VKontakte

    The user could get banned or not register at all on this social network. However, if you are sure that he has a VKontakte account, you can try to look for him among his circle of acquaintances, relatives and friends.

    So we've sorted it out all sorts of ways search for people on VKontakte, relevant for 2018. Today, it is impossible to find a person by email and phone number on the social network VKontakte. The most accurate search filters are last name, first name and city of residence, since many users do not like to fill out their account information, so other filters may lead to nothing. And remember: if a person does not want to be found, he will do everything to hide his data, for example, create with deliberately false information.

    Today we will talk about how to find this or that person on the VKontakte social network. There are several in various ways, which we will tell you about right now. Well, which one is better to use, only you decide.

    It’s easy to guess that the easiest way is to register on the site. After you create your page, you can search for people directly from it by entering the name at the top of the screen. The search is carried out not only by first and last name, but also by region, school, university, age, gender, marital status and even by life position! Another thing is that many users simply do not fill out this information about themselves, which, however, is not surprising. But there is almost always a photograph. By the way, recently it appeared new feature, which allows you to sort people with the same name by date of registration or popularity.

    Alternatively, you can open the page http://vk.com/people/ and enter your username. If it is on the site, you will definitely find it. You can use this search without registration, which is very convenient, but there are some issues here. Here's an example: if a user has opened his page only for VKontakte members, then you can open his account only after registering on the site.

    The third method is much simpler. You do not need to register on VKontakte, you just need to open one of the popular search engines. In our case it will be either Yandex or Google. What are we doing? Simply enter the first and last name of the person you are looking for and click search. For example, we are looking for Pavel Ivanov - the search results on the first page usually show one page from VKontakte with that name, but there is a high probability that this is not the one you need. In addition, the search is further complicated by the fact that the user you are trying to find can hide their account from being indexed by search engines.

    The fourth method also requires turning to social networks. IN search bar you need to enter the following request: site:vk.com first name, last name, city of residence. That is, the request turns out something like this: site:vk.com Ivanov Pavel Vologda. In the same Yandex, the first link will be released in which you can see all the people with such data at once and this is very convenient. The downside is that this list does not display users who have blocked search engines from indexing their profiles. Moreover, this search method, as well as those mentioned above, is completely legal, since users themselves provide their data for indexing by search engines (this is in case someone is worried about the dissemination of personal data).

    As you can see, everything is easy and simple. If you want to know our opinion, then most the best way- first.

    Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today we will sort it out with you the desired function V social networks, namely, searching for people on VKontakte by last name and first name, as well as other parameters available to you. What is this for? Well, you never know?! You always need to find someone! Lost acquaintances, friends who disappeared somewhere, or maybe a person you liked who flashed by and disappeared into nowhere. This is why we are here with you today! Well? Let's get started?! Let's go...

    Someone already has their own account on social networks, and someone else only intends to settle there, but in the end he will do it sooner or later, such is the rhythm of our lives today that each of us is simply obliged to register in social network. Since you simply cannot do without social networks now... EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING is there!

    And in order to choose which social network to register on, there is probably no need to explain to you now - this is, of course, Vkontakte! Why? Because this is currently one of the most popular social networks on RUNet, which is in high demand among all ages, including the youngest and oldest - Everyone sits there and constantly communicates!

    Well, now let’s move on to the most important thing, why we have gathered here today, in fact...

    How can you quickly search for people on VKontakte by last name and first name?

    You are most likely already logged in social networks VK? If not, then do so, and if you are not registered yet, then register quickly! And how to search for people on VKontakte by last name and first name without registration for free - I’ll tell you at the very end of this post! But for now, you and I will be searching for people on VKontakte with registration...

    I repeat that social Vkontakte network is very extensive and has a huge amount of information in its database for each of its users. This is what you and I will use for our own selfish purposes in order to find the person we need, no matter how much she hides from us in the wilds of the Internet!

    As you know, every registered user of a social network, anyone, leaves a lot of personal information there when registering:

    • Last name First name Patronymic
    • Age or year and date of birth
    • Registration and actual residence address
    • Photos and photo albums
    • Educational institutions he attended, including primary school etc.
    • Place of work and study
    • Your hobbies and interests
    • Marital status and presence of children

    And this is not all that is listed that can be found on you and me in our social network accounts! Do you feel that this mass confidential information hanging on the Internet open access and everyone will be able to find out everything about us, whatever they want?! What are we going to do now?

    VKontakte search for people by last name and first name

    And so, go to your VK page, earlier, in old version There was such a “People” tab, now for some reason it is missing, but it doesn’t matter. You need to do this trick in the link...

    Yes, just insert the phrase “people” after the slash and a page will open where you can search for people on VKontakte by last name and first name, as well as other possible parameters that you have available. Here is an example of a search page:

    On this page, almost limitless possibilities open up for you to search for VK people! You can search for any person you need by numerous parameters or by those that you have on at the moment time:

    • If you have a first and last name, enter them in the required fields and press search
    • After this, the system database will give you a certain group of people similar according to the data provided
    • To weed out from this list greatest number unnecessary, you need to enter into the search some other data of the person you are looking for, for example, region of residence, age, school where he studied. If you know, then forget it
    • Then your choice will be sharply reduced and you will hopefully be able to find the person you need on VKontakte

    This is how you can find almost any individual you need, if you put in a minimum of effort and time, using the Vkontakte social network!

    What about searching for people on VKontakte without registration for free? You can do this even if you are not a registered user of this social network!

    This will help you promote the VK group!

    Many of you who have your own accounts, pages, public pages, groups and not only on VKontakte, but on any social network, are engaged in their SEO promotion and promotion on the Internet, so that attendance increases and the audience multiplies. All this is done in order to increase earnings on the Internet on social networks. And this is an indisputable fact!

    But not everyone knows where and how best to cheat so that it is effective and safe. I want to give you a little hint about this...

    This concludes my story for today and I want to say goodbye and see you again!

    Hello subscribers!

    The other day I watched a series about how childhood friends lost each other and many years passed before they met again. More precisely, one friend began to look for the other and eventually found him.

    Well, of course, I won’t tell you now about the series I watched)

    He just gave me the idea that I, too, have such a friend - a friend from childhood.

    Once upon a time, she and I lived in the same house, but then my parents and I moved to another city. And they already had their own worries, and 20 years flew by unnoticed!

    Just think...

    And we haven’t communicated since then.

    And I so badly wanted to find her, to find out what was happening to her now, how her fate had turned out. This is what I did in my spare time.

    And I think that now everyone who reads my article remembered such a person.

    Well, I won’t believe for anything that someone didn’t have such a “loss.”

    After all, it doesn't have to be a friend. Perhaps the girl once “lost” her boyfriend, which she now very much regrets. Or the guy broke up with the girl he still remembers. Or maybe grandfather or grandmother suddenly remembered their first love, and want to find her at all costs!

    But what can we say, if it happens that even relatives at some point simply forget about each other for many years, and then look for...

    One good thing is that now we live in a world high technology and most importantly we have internet! And with his help we can find anyone.

    So, let's talk today about how find a person, using Internet portals, websites and of course social media. networks - VKontakte or Odnoklassniki.

    How to find a person by last name, first name and patronymic for free and without registration

    In fact, there are a lot of opportunities to find the person we need. Especially now.

    But before we start looking at search methods, I want to WARN you: we should not forget that in world wide web There are a lot of scammers and you don’t need to go to all sorts of “suspicious” sites. And even more so, you CANNOT ENTER your passport data.

    Also keep in mind that almost all people search sites are free. At least the ones I'll tell you about. And you don’t even have to register for them! Just like that.

    Now, let's look at the sites you can turn to to find people.

    Method 1. Search by phone number

    Firstly, we can search in the electronic telephone directory; this type of search is suitable for us only if we can at least guess in which country, region and city the person is located.

    To do this, enter into the search engine “ Telephone directory Russia", but it’s better just follow this link //russia09.info/rossiya, since the search engine will give you a lot of sites where they are trying to withdraw money for the service, but I have already found a safe one for you.

    So, the following window will appear there (do not pay attention that the title says 2014, in fact it is updated, 2016):

    Select the desired country, for example Russia. Next, select a region from the proposed list, or simply enter the required city and click “Find”.

    We fill in all the fields known to us (if only the last name and first name are known, enter only them) and click “Search in the directory.” And the system will give you all the data that is in the database, or it will say “Nothing found”, then we will continue to search.

    Method 2. Find a person through “Wait for Me”: by last name, first name and date of birth

    The next free Internet portal for searching is: National service for mutual search for people “Wait for me”, by the way, a very famous site and program!

    Here you can not only search, but also leave a request for the person you want to find, and also see if anyone is looking for you.

    We find it again through Search. Just enter the words “Wait for me” and here is a link: Wait for me. National service for mutual search for people (poisk.vid.ru), we go through it.

    And we get to home page site.

    Here, we fill in all the data known to us and click “Find”. If the information we need is not available, then we leave a request to find the person.

    Method 3. Find a person through search

    The next way is to simply enter search engine last name, first name and patronymic of the person you are looking for. I’ll show you with an example, I’ll look for myself))

    So what do we see? What we see is that the search engine gave us people from social networks!

    Therefore, we move on to the next method - searching on social networks.

    Let's start with VKontakte.

    How to find a person in contact? Search for people in contact

    Both registered and unregistered users can search for people on this social network. Now I will show how to do this for unregistered users, since for those who have their own page, the search algorithm is exactly the same. The only difference is that the former will search through a search engine, the latter will simply go to their page.

    So, we do everything exactly the same as written above, enter the last name, first name and patronymic in the browser and click “Find”.

    Next, a window appears where we see all registered users under the searched last name and first name. You can sit and just look through them all, but if you have additional information, then just use the “Sort” function. Here you can specify the country, age, gender, etc., and the system will automatically select users according to the specified criteria. Everything is very easy and simple!

    In Odnoklassniki the search is similar:

    ABOUT! By the way, I almost forgot!!! In Yandex itself, there is one excellent function: Yandex.People - search for people. And now we will consider it in detail...

    Search for people through Yandex.People - across all social networks

    As stated above, there is one very interesting feature— Yandex.People (people.yandex.ru). So, there we can enter all the data about the person, and the system will search ALL SOCIAL NETWORKS! And it will give us all the people who match the given search.

    Now let's look at everything in more detail.

    Enter “Yandex.People” in the browser.

    Enter the person and click “Find”. And, as you can see, all matches from ALL social networks were returned. networks!

    This was our interesting topic today.

    Thank you for your attention!

    Do you want to find a person’s profile on VKontakte, but you don’t have an account on this social network or have forgotten your password? You don’t have to go to Channel One in Wait for Me or turn to detectives. There are several simple ways searching for people on VK without registration.

    Search for people on VKontakte

    The easiest way is to use the built-in VKontakte search for people. If you go to the main page of the site without authorization, the search will not work. It is available without registration at this link: https://vk.com/search. There are many filters available by city, age, gender, schools and universities, and interests.

    Google and Yandex

    Using the Google or Yandex search engine, you can limit the search to one domain - vk.com. To do this, enter a query (first name, last name, city, etc.) and add site:vk.com separated by a space.

    Yandex has a separate search engine for people on social networks, which is located at people.yandex.ru. Searches not only on VKontakte, but also on Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, My World.

    You can refine your request by entering your exact age or range, city, place of study or work.

    Search by photo

    If you still have any photo of a person, you can find his profile using FindFace service. Insert a photo and find a person with high accuracy. Detailed instructions we described. To use the service, you still have to log in via VK.

    Search by number

    The phonenumber.to service can show information about the owner of the number. This includes an avatar, a link to your VKontakte profile, full name, and address. If the site does not open, try opening it through an anonymizer/proxy. For example, the new Opera for PC has a built-in VPN that replaces the IP address with a foreign one.

    Create an account

    If you don't have an account, you can register one in a couple of minutes. Don't want to show off your number or email? There are many services on the Internet that provide temporary mailbox without registration and virtual number for activation via SMS.

    You can also buy already ready account. Yesterday I needed additional profile for experiments, and was too lazy to register a new one, look for additional number. In the search, I found an account store and bought one of them for 10 rubles.