• Search to find people what's new. Find a person by last name

    Some life situations require finding a person, establishing his location or finding out his last name and first name, knowing only a minimum of information about him. The reasons for such a search can be very different and sometimes to obtain such data it is not possible to contact specialized authorities, for example, the police or an operator mobile communications. Current issue How to find a person by phone number can be solved independently using free programs and services. All possible ways find someone knowing contact number, consider below.

    Is it possible to find a person online for free by phone number?

    Modern technologies, varied software, services of mobile operators - all this provides a lot of opportunities to find a person, knowing his phone number. Many services are free and easy to use; other search options will require some effort and, possibly, financial investment. TO free methods searching for a person online in Russia by phone number includes:

    Ways to find out a person's location by mobile phone number

    Establishing geolocation via a mobile phone is not difficult, in modern world there are a lot of opportunities for this, which people skillfully use, both for good purposes and for sabotage. To resolve the issue and establish the whereabouts of a person, a variety of methods can be used, from the help of a mobile operator to contacting law enforcement agencies (police) or other government agencies. Let's consider in detail each of the options that will help you find a person if you know the phone number.

    Contact your mobile operator

    More recently, find out where the user is mobile phone, could only be an employee of the special service (police, FSB), in modern conditions Almost everyone can do this. For subscribers cellular communication It will help to find out a person’s location by phone number special services, functions or access directly to the operator’s salon. Such services are usually paid and their cost depends on various factors, for example, the tariff, the capabilities of the application, and the method of obtaining the necessary information.

    Through law enforcement agencies or other government agencies

    It is possible to find a person and establish his location through law enforcement agencies(police, FSB) or government agencies, but this process has a number of features and nuances that you should be aware of:

    • It is possible to obtain information legally by contacting the relevant authorities with a statement substantiating the reasons for such interest. It should be remembered that government agencies will not provide information just out of idle curiosity; strong motives are needed to search for an object that violates human rights personal life and space.
    • Almost anyone can find a person in an illegal way by turning to friends who have power, influence and the ability to get necessary information through government agencies. At risk, it should be understood that if a violation is detected, criminal liability can't be avoided.

    Using apps on Android or iPhone via satellite

    It is possible to find a subscriber using special applications, which are designed and work only with certain phones– iPhone, Nokia or on Android system. It will no longer be difficult to find a switched-on device via satellite. A special program will help with this, after its installation, signals about the movement of another subscriber are transmitted to the satellite at a certain frequency, or information can be obtained upon request. Advantages of subscriber tracking via satellite:

    • The ability to monitor the movements of relatives and children using special program and navigator, or, if necessary, determine the location of the subscriber of interest.
    • To track, you need to install an application on your phone and know the phone number of the person you need to find.
    • Thanks to some applications, it is possible to find and locate a person not only in real time, but also to find out about his movements several hours ago.
    • High accuracy in determining the user's geolocalization (the error is a maximum of ten meters).

    TO popular applications, which help to establish the localization of the subscriber, include:

    • “Where are mine” is an application for devices with Android OS that allows you to determine the subscriber’s location with high accuracy. The program is paid, but in order to save money, a family or corporate rate for several people.
    • “My Friends” is a program developed for iPhone that helps you locate your friends. A useful geolocation service provides the ability to find on a map where a particular user is located at a given period of time. The disadvantage of the application is that it cannot be used secretly; the program is installed on two gadgets and confirmation is required for activation.

    On websites on the Internet, using special programs

    It is possible to establish the location of a mobile phone user by knowing his number and using a special program or websites on the Internet. On the pages of the World Wide Web there are many programs that promise to provide complete information about the location and movement of the subscriber. A striking example is the GSM Direction Finder program as well as online service with which you can find a person’s location by mobile phone number. Features of using such programs:

    How to find a person's name knowing their home phone number

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to find out the name of a person, having a number home phone. This is very easy to do, you just need to have a computer at home with an Internet connection or downloaded to your device address books. In order to find out a person’s name by home phone number, you must perform the following steps:

    • Download or download from disk a directory of addresses. There are a huge number of such reference books; it is advisable to choose updated editions, and before downloading and uploading, you should definitely check the file for viruses so as not to damage the system.
    • Select the necessary parameters: region, city.
    • In certain cells, enter the address: street, house, apartment.
    • The last name and first name of the person who is registered and lives at this address will appear in a new window.

    Today, most people around the world use mobile phones. telephone communication, due to its mass availability and convenience. No less of them use social networks, thanks to which everyone can search for any person registered there.

    By opening up the convenience of communication, the social network also allows you to quickly find people if you don't know about them complete information or they are hiding. Having only a personal mobile phone number or some combination of mobile phone numbers in hand, you can find an account and get in touch. This will be much more convenient than sorting through numbers, calling or writing SMS. Read about how to find a person by phone number on social networks in this article.

    A way to find a person by mobile number on VKontakte that has stopped working

    The registration process on VK.COM occurs through a mobile phone, which previously provided access to simple way searching for people. Today it stopped working as additional checks were introduced.

    To begin, go to the VK.COM website, log out of your account and click on the link below to go to mobile version website:

    Let's say we know a certain number 89225763248 - enter it. If a user with such a mobile phone is registered, the system will allow you to proceed to the next step. This step is to verify the last name specified in the profile. If you know, in addition to the number, the last name, then you can find the account. Without specifying the last name, it is impossible to find a profile in this way - this is the security innovation that blocks access to a simple way to find a person by phone number:

    But do not despair, as there are other methods of obtaining the necessary information.

    Search news and posts on VK.com

    It happens that VKontakte users leave their profile public - available for internal and external search, and also indicate personal number mobile phone. The probability of such an outcome is small, but it should be used.

    To check this: log into your personal account, go to the profile page and indicate your existing phone number in the search bar:

    As a result, we receive a list of news, records and publications that are in one way or another related to the desired numbers. Let's say, after looking through all the information found, we managed to find the necessary information - we rejoice!

    If the necessary information is not available (as in our case), we move on to another method of searching for a person.

    We are looking for people through synchronization of device contacts and VK.com

    To use this method, you need to do a few things: simple steps. However, to perform them on your mobile device The application from VK.com must be installed in advance and logged into your account.

    To find people through contact synchronization, you must first create these contacts on your device. To do this, dial the number (89225763248 - our test), save it in phone book devices:

    Then launch the application, go to the “Settings” - “Account” section:

    And let's go to synchronize contacts:

    In the window that appears, select “Contacts only” instead of “Do not sync”:

    p.s. After a while, a notification was received by email that among the imported contacts it was possible to find a person with the required mobile phone number:

    Nowadays, a large number of people post their contact information c They create their own pages on social resources, various blogs, use ICQ messengers, Skype and other services where they leave their contact information. This is what makes it easy to search for people. Now we will look at several ways to find a person on the Internet.

    The simplest and easiest way to find the right people are the most popular and accurate ones: Google, Yandex and Rambler. How to find a person on the Internet using them? You can simply enter your last name. But this is often not enough, because the same surname can belong to many people, often celebrities. So the person you need will be lost in this pile of information. You will have to enter additional data: full name, year of birth, etc.

    How to find a person on the Internet using social networks? This must be done by searching for each specific resource. For example, the Odnoklassniki website has its own search program, which only works within this system. Often this approach brings the desired results, because social network pages may not get into the search engine. Google service or Yandex. In addition to the above-mentioned system, there are also such giants as Facebook, VKontakte, microblog Twitter and others. These are places where a huge number of people are registered. Therefore, you need to look there first. But to search you will have to register yourself.

    Social networks have advanced search. You can specify a country, city, school, university, etc. You can also search for people by interests or place an ad that will be read by acquaintances or friends. We need to remember where a person was born, where he studied, where he vacationed, served, and perhaps played sports. Remember the music you listened to. All this can serve as contact information, because searching by interests very often brings results.

    How to find a person on the Internet if he may be behind the cordon? In this situation, you must definitely search on Facebook, Twitter and other foreign social networks. For example:

    Hi5 (Mexico, Peru, Mozambique, Mongolia, Thailand, Syria, Romania, Portugal);

    Friendster (mainly covers ;

    Mixi (Japan);

    SkyRock (France).

    It's worth checking out Classmates as well. This is a worldwide service with voluntary registration, but full access there is a fee here.

    Now let's see how to find a person on the Internet by photo. There is a special website for this, tineye.com. You will need a picture of the person you are looking for in electronic form. We upload it to this search engine, then click “Search”.

    One more in a good way search is the TV show “Wait for Me.” They are looking for people here. You can try your luck on their official website.

    Finally, when you already know how to find a person on the Internet by first and last name, by photograph, interests or other contact information, you need to warn about large quantities scam sites. Here they offer to send paid SMS or another method of depositing funds. Don't be tempted, you'll just end up wasting your time and money.

    The development of Internet technologies makes it possible to solve many important problems. Dynamics modern life obliges people who want to succeed to keep up with the times. On the Internet, people search for information to answer certain questions, search for contacts, and promote ideas. This method of communication is convenient and accessible. Searching for people on the Internet is about collecting information from all sources. world wide web, where this or that person could leave his coordinates.

    How to find a person by first and last name?

    To find the necessary contact on the Internet, you need to use a search program. Open one of the websites, such as Yandex or Google. In the appropriate field, write the necessary information about the person you are looking for and click the search button. After which the service will give you information from those Internet sources in which this contact could have left his information or his name was mentioned.

    You can also search for a person by name on social networks. This search method is more successful, since the page on this web resource assumes the availability of more complete information about its users. This is a photograph, date of birth, place of residence, friends. With this information you will probably find desired contact. Finding a person by last name, first name, patronymic on any of the social networks, having registered on the corresponding site, is very simple. Searching for people is carried out as follows: enter information in the appropriate field and click the “Find” button. All users of this social network with similar information will be reflected in the search results.

    If the search still fails, you can use other more effective features of the social network. How to find a person by first and last name, as well as other contact information? If you know the person you are looking for well, but there is no information about him in search services, then the social network provides such an easy-to-search feature as “advanced search” to specify more detailed information. When you upload a photo with friends to your page and tag those who are depicted there, this information will appear in the news feed of the social network, and the portal services will link the accounts of users who may be familiar. This function is very convenient for those who are trying to find their classmates, friends, and acquaintances.

    How to find a person by first and last name if his data is not on the Internet? In cases where the search did not bring results either on social networks, or in Yandex, or in Google, you can contact a specialized service that deals with this issue. The famous TV show “Wait for Me” is popular, where many people turn for help. Here you can get information for those who are looking and who they are looking for. To answer a question by first and last name, you must first collect all available information about it, and then use the search method that is most suitable.

    I bring to your attention several ways to obtain data based on different parameters.

    How to find a person on social networks

    Find a person in Yandex you can do 16 at once social networks search for pages the right person. Yandex.ru/people - this is the cherished address of the service.

    It is possible to search not necessarily by full name, but also by nickname:

    When you are not sure about the user's name/nickname, you can resort to logical operator OR (vertical):

    Posts from others on Twitter

    Through NEAR we find out what people around are discussing.
    For example, in city N:


    Or with the coordinates we are interested in:


    The latest user notes on social media. networks

    Using Social Searcher, we find recent posts on Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo, and many others.

    However, the service is not suitable for Odnoklassniki, VK, Moya Kruge (which is a pity). Plus, the system is in constant development, so we can’t find data about every person yet.

    What they say about a person

    We will see what is written about the user, the TOP hashtags, and the TOP users who talk about him more often than others.

    Do you have any debts?

    We find out the apartment number by his landline phone number

    To do this, in the Sberbank application, go to the section where they pay for MGTS services (My negative review of MGTS).

    Then we enter telephone number, and the apartment number appears.

    User video

    You will find a lot of interesting things on Youtube. All you have to do is use the necessary search options:

    Finding out the location by IP

    Since there are many variations of hiding your real address, there is no one hundred percent guarantee. However, trying is not torture.

    a) We look at the original text of the letter from the user we are interested in:

    b) We look for the IP address there.

    Scientific research

    Some students review their professors' research in this way, hoping to get a plus on the exam! Exists for those interested.

    Information about the Golden Years

    How to find on Facebook

    It turns out that you can use search here email. After all, the number of registered users here is more than a billion. And there is a chance to run into a person of interest to us. To do this simply postal address enter into search bar. The system should immediately find the profile (if it is linked to mail).