• Step-by-step instructions: how to install Windows XP on a netbook for a beginner. How to reinstall and configure the system on a netbook? Step by step instructions

    Despite the fact that Windows XP today is considered obsolete and the manufacturer has long stopped releasing updates for it, it is still very popular.

    Including owners of netbooks. Since these gadgets have rather modest operating parameters. Installation is usually carried out from flash memory.

    What do you need

    To install Windows XP OS on a netbook you will need:

    • Windows XP OS distribution;
    • memory card connected to a PC via USB port;
    • netbook;
    • specialized software.

    In order to perform the action in question without any difficulties, it is advisable to acquire a “clean” version of XP, without various kinds of “makeweights” in the form of built-in applications and drivers. Because otherwise, all sorts of conflicts may arise at the software level in the PC, leading to difficulties during operation and configuration.

    The key point is the presence of a special USB memory, to which, using special application, copied by the OS. This memory will be connected before starting the computer. To create boot device optimal choice there will be an application WinSetupFromUS.


    Windows installation XP from flash drive to netbook begins with preparatory work.

    It consists of the following steps:

    All stages are very important, it is advisable to treat each of them as responsibly as possible. Because otherwise, there is a high probability of data loss or the occurrence of any other problems related to the deletion of information or something similar.

    Video: Windows XP on a netbook

    Bootable flash drive with WinSetupFromUS

    An application called WinSetupFromUS makes it possible to prepare a distribution kit with a valid boot area in a minimum amount of time, allowing you to install the operating system on a netbook. The process of loading the OS onto the media thanks to WinSetupFromUS becomes almost completely automated. The user only needs to format it in advance.

    Photo: creation bootable usb flash


    It is advisable to perform formatting using a specialized software. The best option for such a case there is a program called BootIce. It is important to remember one important feature this process– after its completion, the data from the memory card will be completely destroyed without the possibility of recovery. Therefore, it is advisable to save them on another medium in advance.

    The formatting process must be performed in strict order:

    When all the above operations are completed, you just need to wait a little. The formatting process itself takes a small amount of time. It is only important not to remove the device from the port during this operation, and also not to turn off the power to the computer. This may adversely affect the operation of the device, and the process will have to start again.

    Creating a boot entry and bootloader

    When formatting is successfully completed, you can proceed to the next stage of work - creating a boot area on the device and directly boot entry.

    This is done as follows:

    When the operation is completed, you can safely begin loading the distribution onto the media. To do this you will need to use the application WinSetupFromUS.

    Copying Windows XP to a flash drive

    Launch the WinSetupFromUS application.

    A window will open in which you will need to perform the following actions:

    • in the field called " USB disk selection and format" select the device to which you want to copy the operating system;
    • check the box next to the box called “Windows 2000/XP/2003 Setup”;
    • click on the ellipsis located opposite empty field and select the folder on local disk, containing the OS distribution;
    • click on the “OK” button;
    • the path to the located distribution will appear in the empty field;
    • At the bottom of the window there is a “GO” button - click on it with the left mouse button.

    When all the above steps have been completed exactly, all that remains is to wait a while. After the creation of the boot device is completed, the message “Job Done” will appear on the screen - translated from English, this means that the job is completed. After completing all the above operations, you can safely proceed with the installation.


    To check whether it is possible to install using the distribution package copied to the device, simply insert the media into the USB port and wait a while. If autoboot is enabled on the PC, then after a while a dialog box will appear on the monitor, allowing you to complete the installation. If such a window is missing, then an error was made somewhere.

    Video: Windows XP from USB-Flash drive to netbook

    How to install Windows XP from a flash drive to a netbook

    The installation of the system of the type in question on personal computer, regardless of its type, is nothing complicated. Some difficulties sometimes arise at the stage of preparatory work. This is the BIOS setting, choosing a priority device during the boot process and other important points.

    Difficulties especially often arise when trying to install XP on a PC model that uses SATA. This version The OS has quite a problem working with the controller of this type. That is why when setting up the BIOS it is necessary to mandatory transfer controller hard drive to IDE compatibility mode.

    If for some reason it is not possible to perform such an operation, then you must use the XP version with built-in drivers that allow the system to work normally with SATA devices.

    BIOS setup

    Preliminary BIOS setup for XP installation includes two main stages:

    • selecting a priority device for downloading;
    • switching the hard drive controller to IDE mode (if the hard drive operates via a SATA interface).

    To enter the BIOS, you must press a certain key combination, or any one, before starting to boot your personal computer.

    For various models Netbooks have different keys. It all depends specific model Bios:

    • ALR – F2, Ctrl+Alt+Esc;
    • AMD – F1;
    • AMI – Del, F2;
    • Award Bios – Del, Ctrl+Alt+Esc;
    • DTK – Esc;
    • Phoenix – Ctrl+Alt+Esc, Ctrl+Alt+S, Ctrl+Alt+Ins.

    Download priority

    To make a USB flash drive a priority when booting a personal computer, you must follow the steps in strict order:

    • go to Bios;
    • find a menu called Boot or a similar one with a similar name;
    • discover item Boot Device Priority;
    • select USB storage device.

    The bootloader menu may look different. Often, under the “Boot” item there is a list of devices from which booting can be done. And just use the “-” and “+” keys to select the one you need. (1st boot devise, 2st boot devise). When all the required manipulations are completed, you need to switch the controller to IDE compatibility mode - if there are no drivers in the distribution.

    Switching the SATA hard drive controller to IDE-compatible mode

    Many netbook Bios today support IDE compatibility mode.

    To enable this mode the following steps are required:

    • go to Bios;
    • find the item called SATA MODE;
    • use the “+” and “-” keys to change the mode to IDE.

    The menu may differ significantly in different modes. When searching for the desired item, you need to focus on the technical term SATA. In most cases, menus with such names allow you to manipulate the controller and its operating mode.

    Installation process

    The process of installing Windows XP from a flash drive is as follows:

    After formatting is completed, the installation process will begin. It runs almost entirely automatically.

    User participation is required only at the following stages:

    The last step will be to create account. After completion this stage a personal computer can be used to perform various tasks.

    The type of technology in question is gradually becoming a thing of the past (it is being replaced by tablets), as well as the XP operating system. Despite this, today netbooks are still relevant and widely available. Since many users are quite conservative and are in no hurry to switch to new software. That is why installing XP from a flash drive is still practiced.

    Installing Windows 7 OS from a bootable USB flash drive with a free wizard visit

    In this article we will look at the question of how to install Windows system 7 to a netbook from a bootable USB flash drive. Plus, it might be worth reading the article on how to install Windows 7 in Minsk.

    What are the main points and questions that arise during installation? Why from a flash drive, you may ask? And I answer because netbooks do not have a DVD drive. He's not there at all.

    Therefore, let's consider installing from a flash drive.

    If you need to install or reinstall Windows with all the necessary programs and drivers, then just contact us using the contacts in the header of the site and our specialists will do this work, inexpensively, efficiently and on time

    It’s strange, many will think, but how to install Windows usually installs from a disk. This is exactly the situation in which we will use a flash drive. From it you can install Windows 7 on a netbook from a flash drive, only for this we will need to prepare a flash drive, i.e. format it if necessary and do it bootable Windows 7 flash drive.

    In the article price of installing Windows 7 you can find out how much it costs to install this operating system.

    So, then let’s figure out what an “image” is in our case, Windows 7

    Image i.e. a virtual copy of a disk, with the help of some special programs the disk is copied, only it is not just copied, but a file is created as an image, i.e. The copy of the disk is only virtual. Such copies can be made from any disc, be it game discs or audio with films.

    And it’s very convenient to use, for example, if you don’t want to insert the disc with the game into the drive again, then you simply mount its virtual copy on your computer or netbook and go ahead and play (if the game requires a disc) or install the game. Another advantage is that you don’t need to take out the disc again because every time you scratch it a little and eventually it will no longer be readable, but it sits like new. Let's get started.

    What does it mean to prepare a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7? This means that we need to write Windows onto it, and then install Windows 7 on the netbook from a flash drive. You won’t be able to just copy Windows onto a flash drive. For this you need special program to write a Windows 7 image to a USB flash drive.

    It must also be noted that if Windows image 7 is larger than 4 GB, then the flash drive must contain a file NTFS system, often the flash drive has Fat 32. The difference between these file systems is important for us that Fat 32 does not see files larger than 4 GB, but NTFS does. And since the Windows 7 image can be more than 4GB in size, this means we don’t need a file Fat system 32.

    Changing the file system is very simple. You just need to format the flash drive, and in the settings just below, instead of Fat 32, select NTFS

    Moreover, the flash drive must be at least 4 GB in size. I usually use it to write an image to a flash drive. Windows program 7 USB DVD tool to make a bootable USB flash drive. Working with this program is very easy, you just need to specify the path to the image with Windows 7 on your computer, indicate the flash drive and click next. And the files will be written to the flash drive.

    This can also be done UltraIso program, many do it. And in general there are enough such programs. Just search on the Internet to make a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7. But the easiest way to make a bootable USB flash drive is with the Windows7 USB DVD tool. Enter it in an Internet search and add download at the end.

    And so you have prepared a flash drive with Windows 7. Next, we need to reboot the netbook and press the F11 or delete key during the next boot. F11 is better, because the boot selection screen will immediately appear, we need to select USB: ... instead of dots, the name of your flash drive.

    If you choose to boot from a flash drive, then installation should go from bootable flash drive. Next, the installation is the same as from disk, if you want to refresh this information, then read the article

    Here we will consider some preparatory actions necessary in cases where the computer does not have DVD drive, in particular on netbooks - instructions on how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive.

    The difficulty of installing Windows 7 on netbooks is that these computers do not have CD-DVD drives. And accordingly operating system they can be installed either with external USB devices or via the network.

    I will not consider installation over a network, since this is an activity for specialists, but using USB Flash (colloquially a flash drive) is simplest option, accessible to everyone. Of course, there is also USB CD-DVD drives, but these devices are still much less common than flash drives, and there are no special features in installation from such a drive, nothing to write about.

    Using USB Flash can you install windows 7 on netbook in different ways but the best one is this:

    • First, save the Windows XP installation disk image as ISO file. If you use Linux, then the easiest way to make an image is with the command dd if=/dev/sr0 of=CD.iso bs=2048 conv=noerror,sync. Under Windows, such a file can be created using many programs, for example Nero, InfraRecorder, ImgBurn, Ultra ISO, IsoBuster etc.
    • Then, using the usbflashinfo program, you need to find out which controller is used in your flash drive. This is very important because no universal programs to work with any controllers. Each of these programs is “tailored” for a specific controller. You can search for your model among the ready-made results in this forum.
    • Next, on the website flashboot.ru, find a program to work with the controller of your flash drive. Using this program, create a CD-ROM partition on a flash drive and upload an ISO file with the image of the Windows 7 installation disk there.

    This is a little longer and more complicated than, for example, using programs like WinSetupFromUSB, but it reduces compatibility problems to zero. From such a flash drive, pseudo CD-ROM, you can boot even on those computers that cannot boot from an ordinary flash drive.

    As a result, your flash drive will emulate the USB CD-ROM device in which it is “inserted” installation disk Windows 7. That is, the computer will “see” it exactly like that - a USB CD-ROM. And the download will happen as if you connected to computer USB CD-ROM.

    The most important and difficult point is to correctly install the controller and memory chips used in your flash drive. And then choose the version service program for this combination there is a controller plus memory. Moreover, it may be necessary to search through several versions of such a program. Since such programs are “tied” not only to the controller, but also to the type of memory chips that are used in the flash drive. For example a flash drive PQI Traveling Disk U172P 2 GB performed on the USBest UT165 controller. In order to create a CD-ROM partition on it, you need a program UT165 MPTool 1.65.10.

    You can read more about creating such a CD-ROM in the article How to make a CD-ROM from a flash drive.

    In most cases, such programs by default create two partitions on a flash drive - a USB CD-ROM of the same size as the ISO file and a USB-HDD with the remaining space on the flash drive. For example, if the flash drive size is 2 GB, and the ISO file size is 700 MB, then by default the program will create two partitions - USB CD-ROM 700 MB and USB-HDD 1.3 GB. That is, on one connector the computer will “see” both CD-ROM and HDD drives and this, on some computers, may cause boot problems. In order to avoid such problems, it is better to specify the settings in the program to create only one partition - USB CD-ROM.


    In the same way, you can install not only Windows 7, but also Windows Vista or Windows XP. However, for most netbook models, Windows 7 and Windows Vista will be too heavy. Deciding which version to use Windows is better install, you need to take it based on the hardware configuration of the netbook - dimensions RAM, internal disk and display. It makes sense to install Vista or Seven only if these parameters are greater than 1Gb, 16 Gb and 1024 x 600 pixels.

    Note 2

    To create a bootable Windows flash drives 7 you can use the program Universal-USB-Installer. This will be somewhat simpler, but the end result will not be a CD drive emulator, but a regular bootable flash drive, which may not boot on some computers.

    Installing Windows 7 on tablet computers

    In the same way you can install Windows 7 on Archos 9, ViewSonic ViewPAD, Iconia Tab W500, 3Q Qoo, or another tablet computer supporting i386 architecture. However, in this case, in addition to a bootable flash drive, you will also need a USB keyboard and mouse so that you can work until the touchscreen drivers are installed. And of course, you will need drivers for the touchscreen model used in the tablet. In this case, in general, the order of installing Windows will be as follows:

    1. Connect USB keyboard and a mouse.
    2. Boot from the USB flash drive and install Windows.
    3. Install drivers for the touchscreen.
    4. Disable the keyboard and mouse and continue working via the touchscreen.

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    Even a small amount can help write new articles :)

    Post publication date: 01/15/2011

    How to install Windows XP/7 from a USB flash drive? This question torments many people happy owners laptops and netbooks where there are no CD-ROMs or other options for installing the system. I recently bought myself one that originally came with Windows 7 Starter. It didn’t suit me either in terms of functionality or performance; it slowed down too much. In general, I had to somehow get out and rearrange Windows. The problem arose immediately - how to install Windows, if among the tools I have is a 4 GB flash drive, a USB port in a netbook and a Windows image on a PC. Before you start creating bootable flash card we need:

    • Actually the flash card itself. Choose the capacity of the flash drive depending on the weight of the Windows distribution itself. For XP, 2 GB is enough, for 7 from 4 GB.
    • Program .

    Installing Windows from a flash card

    I would like to immediately warn you that when you install the WinSetupFromUSB utility, the antivirus may “swear” at some files, considering them viruses. Don't worry, the program is clean in this sense - install it, don't be afraid.

    ATTENTION!!! When creating a bootable USB flash drive, make sure that you have transferred all the information from the card to your computer, because... formatting will be performed during the creation process.

    So let's begin. Open the utility and select the one you need from the list of drives.

    Next you will need to format it and create a partition that will be bootable. For these purposes, utilities do not offer two programs: “ Bootice" And " RMPrepUSB».
    We will use Bootice, select the button there Perform Format.

    In the next window you need to select USB-HDD mode (Single Partion) and press Next Step.

    Next, the program issues two warnings, in one of which it warns us that the card will be formatted. Just click OK and that’s it, the preparation is complete, close Bootice.
    Let's go to the main program, and here we put a checkbox next to the line that indicates the Windows that you want to install. For XP - the first line, for 7 - the second line, well, in general, everything here is intuitive. In the line we indicate the path to the Winus distribution.

    IMPORTANT!!! Specify the path not to the image, but to the folder in which the already unpacked distribution lies.

    At this point, the preparation of the flash drive is completely completed. If copying files is successfully completed, the utility will display the message “ Job done" Next, we boot from the flash drive, having previously specified USB-HDD first in the BIOS.

    • If you are installing Windows Xp, then first select Windows 2000/XP/2003 Setup and then First part of Windows XP Professional SP3 setup from partion 0. After the first stage of installation and reboot, you need to boot from flash again and now select Second part of 2000/XP/2003 setup / Boot first internal hard disk.
    • If you install 7-ku, then everything is intuitive. After the installer has copied the files to hard drive and rebooted your computer, choose to boot from the hard drive rather than from a flash drive, otherwise the files will be copied again, which will lead to the creation of a second copy of Windows.

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    Installing Windows on a netbook is practically no different from full installation for stationary machines or laptops. Before moving on to the main topic of this post, it is necessary to analyze the capabilities of this device. What kind of device is this, where did it come from? Although last question It’s not important to us, but everyone should know about the capabilities of such a machine.

    In general, now we are talking about a kind of “subnotebook”, endowed with modest performance. Players can play old games, but be careful, and only backward games like Diablo. Screen diagonals usually range from 7 to 12 inches. The main advantages of netubbooks are their small size, minimal power consumption, and cost, which is the most powerful argument. By the way, these devices are deprived of optical drives, so users have to use only USB ports.

    A selection of operating systems.

    Installing Windows on a netbook begins with the fact that you will need to become familiar with the characteristics of your device. Often, manufacturers endow their products with a nasty quality - users can only use one operating system. For example, latest models could be “tailored” for Windows 8, so owners of such copies will have to change their preferences. And the transition to version 7 or even XP is no longer possible. Such are the things... More precisely, it is possible, but on the official website for your netbook you will not find drivers for 7 and especially for XP and, accordingly, it will be in semi-working condition.. Who needs this?

    We install Windows on the netbook.

    So, we have already noted that Windows will be installed on a netbook using a USB port. You will need to arm yourself with a flash drive, hard drive with a USB interface or a special drive that connects to the same port. A USB drive is a good solution that will serve you well even after the main work. which we are now discussing.

    First of all, you need to configure the system to boot from the port where the USB flash drive with the selected version of Windows is connected. This is done through the BIOS, which turns on in just a couple of steps. For more information on how to start a computer from any drive, see

    On next stage the decisive phase begins. As usual, the machine will reboot several times, the system will prompt you to select a language, configure the hard drive layout, set the date or time, and enter a password for the already selected username. There is nothing complicated here. If installing Windows on a netbook causes you difficulties, then I suggest you read a couple of previous posts:


    This is where your heroic deeds end. In this work, everything is quite simple, but for mobility, you will have to pay some price. The last piece of advice is to download the drivers for your netbook in advance., since most likely after installing the driver on WIFI or network card they won’t stand, so you won’t be able to connect to the internet, and without internet you won’t be able to download and install drivers for WIFI and the network card)))) It’s a vicious circle!

    You can read more about installing drivers here.

    Below, you can watch a video that explains in detail how to install Windows. (for example, I posted a video of installing Windows 7) Good luck!