• A program that searches for similar faces. FindFace: an application that allows you to find any person on the Internet by photo

    FindFace service, developed for users of Russia’s largest social network “VKontakte”, will be able to find any person in the virtual space with just one photo. The project is based on facial recognition technology created by N-Tech.Lab.

    FindFace allows you to find a person, find out open information and contact him through a social network account, and for all this a photograph taken mobile phone. Poor lighting or a bad angle will not prevent the algorithm from quickly finding the right person. The service identifies the person in the photo with an accuracy of about 70%, and if the right person was not found, FindFace suggests looking at the photo similar people, which makes it unique among modern dating services.

    New look social service was developed based on the technology of N-Tech.Lab, a company specializing in solutions in the field of neural networks. Such networks are capable of analyzing information and learning like humans, but they do it much faster. To search the desired file in a database of 300 million photos, the N-Tech.Lab algorithm takes less than a second. This solution was recognized as the best at the international competition The MegaFace Benchmark, organized by the University of Washington.

    Now you can use FindFace using mobile applications for iOS and Android, as well as through a browser. All necessary calculations are performed on remote servers, so the requirements for gadgets are minimal. The service allows you not only to find the desired user, but also send him messages, like, view photos and other information.

    At the first stage of its development new service will work on the VKontakte social network, whose daily audience exceeds 100 million people. In the future, FindFace will become available to users of other social networks.

    Basic functionality is free. For users with a wider range of capabilities (unlimited number of queries per month, complex search settings, etc.), the service will cost from 149 to 459 rubles per month.

    Only a few manage to meet their double, coming face to face just on the street. Fortunately, modern capabilities today they allow you to find your “twin brother” using a smartphone or computer, without leaving your sofa or at a special twins festival. However, there are many options, but not all of them are safe and effective. Therefore, it is better to use proven services with an impeccable reputation.

    How to find your double - choose a good photo

    First, you will need a photo of yourself from a frontal angle, with high clarity and a plain background. A passport photo or one as close as possible will do. Required condition is only your image without other people or animals. The gaze should be directed directly at the camera. Next, you need to download the photo to your computer and use the services of one of the sites to search for your “mirror image”.

    Finding a double by photo using online programs on websites

    • Twins(http://ts.family-site.com.ua) is a social network of twins. Without boring registration and passwords via SMS, you upload a good high-quality photo or a link to it, after 5-7 minutes you get a photo of possible doubles among music and film stars. The principle of the search is to select over 40 facial features similar to yours. control points at the supposed double.
    • Stranger Twins (https://twinstrangers.net) is an English-language site where you need to upload your photo and select your facial features from the proposed options. Next, the program automatically selects your doubles with their contact information.

    Search for doubles on social networks

    • Doubles (http://vk.com/club15522443) - a VKontakte group where everyone who wants to meet their doubles posts their photos on the group wall.
    • Find a double by photo (http://ok.ru/group/51792531357844) - a similar service on the Odnoklassniki network. Here you can post your photo, or view ready base photos in the hope of seeing a person similar to yourself in one of them.

    Finding a double is a very fun and exciting thing, but many scammers take advantage of it. Avoid new sites that require authorization via SMS, ask you for money, or insist on providing your passwords to social network accounts.

    Imagine the situation. You saw a certain young lady somewhere on the Internet, and you really liked her. To be more precise, you actually liked her appearance: at a minimum, you don’t know her smell, so you don’t know anything about her MHC - and from a biological point of view, this is oh so important (here’s another video). And, let's face it, in addition to appearance and MHC, there will be other criteria that will ultimately determine how much you really need it. And yet, the appearance seemed to you not just good, but ideal - perhaps you had even once seen some young lady similar to this one, and had already experienced approximately the same feelings.

    In general, be that as it may, you really liked the appearance, but for some reason this particular girl does not suit you. Maybe she's a superstar and she's not that interested in you, maybe she's married, or maybe you just don't want to move to where she lives just yet (you never know). And you wonder if she is the only one who combines all those 512 appearance criteria that you consider ideal. Actually, probably not - you've already seen a girl like this before, remember? But wait, you don’t know her at all (maybe you saw her on the subway or on the street, but for some reason you never met her).

    What if such a site existed? You find a person there (it doesn’t have to be a girl), and see what other people this site considers similar to him. How does he solve this? It seems to me that it’s worth making two layers here - one automatic, and the second custom. With automatic, everything is clear - this is where facial recognition technologies come into play. We, in principle, can, with some accuracy, identify people whose facial features have a certain similarity (similar eyebrows, similar lips, similar eye color). In some form, this has already been implemented, for example, there is a site called PicTriev (searches for photographs that contain people with similar faces), and there is also a site for searching for celebrities similar to a person. Yet this approach has obvious drawbacks - this method is quite imprecise, and it will (at least for now) give large number both false positives and false negatives (type I and type II errors - that is, even if the results are correct, faces will still often be falsely identified as similar, and falsely identified as dissimilar). In addition, a person has more than just facial features. He has hair (it has a color, some have it curly, and so on), there is a hairstyle that he wears most often (in many cases), there is a figure (it is very important criterion, in fact), and much more. That's why I think that, in addition to automatic selection similar people for each person in the database, there must be a selection based on data received from users.

    For example, you have a girlfriend. You have known her for many years, and remember her appearance very well. And then suddenly you see somewhere on a social network a girl who looks exactly the same as her. And then you can go to this site and add a connection. If your friend is already on the site, then you go to her page and add her there. If she is not on the site, then you can add her page to the site by simply uploading her photo. You can also provide name, addresses in social networks and so on - if you want. Or you can specify later. Or someone else can do it (including the girl herself).

    Probably, access to editing people’s pages should be made available to everyone, because not everyone will register on the site themselves, upload a photo and provide information about themselves. But, of course, here you need to act carefully from the point of view of respecting someone else’s right to privacy - of course, if someone sees their page on the site and wants not to edit it (because previous versions will still remain in the history of edits), but in general to remove it from the site, then this option should also be available, otherwise it turns out to be disrespectful towards people.

    Once you've created a connection (possibly by uploading photos and filling out details - in case one of the people was not previously on the site), this girl will appear in your friend's list of similar people. And vice versa - your friend will appear in the list of similar people of this girl. Moreover, if other people confirm that they are really similar, then the connection becomes stronger (that is, they will appear higher in each other’s list of similar people). You can make a separate section on the site where you can view connections established on the site, and either confirm that they are similar, or, on the contrary, deny it. In this way, both connections added by users and connections added automatically can be “corrected”. Moreover, you can provide a lot more - for example, if some user constantly adds different connections, and on average they have very good rating(that is, many users have confirmed that the people this person has tagged as similar do have significant similarities in appearance), then you can initially set a good rating for this user's new connections.

    In general, we get a rather interesting service. After all, who knows how many cases there may be when we want to find people who are similar to some person we know? Or maybe we want to find people similar to ourselves? Or, if we are looking for actors for a film, then try to find a person who looks like some kind of celebrity who, according to the plot, will appear in the film?

    If anyone is interested in joining the team, write, you can by personal message, you can by email. Of course, it is still unknown what will happen in the end, but why not try? Something interesting might turn out. :)


    Use the resource http://celebrity.myheritage.com, which is the official website mobile application MyHeritage, which allows you to find a double by . Register on the site or go directly to the link at the bottom of the page, which allows you to download the application to your phone depending on your mobile platform. The search for a double is carried out among a fairly large list of celebrities.

    Look for suitable applications on social networks. For example, on VKontakte there is an application “Doubles - who looks like you?”, which searches for a double by photo in approximately the same way as in MyHeritage. By using search services you will find several more similar mini-games on various social networks.

    Apply special services, searching for similar images. For example, you can find a double from a photo on the website http://www.tineye.com/. Just upload your photo from your computer through a special field and run it through the search. After some time, the service will display results with images and photographs of people similar to you.

    Try to find a suitable resource or application to search for doubles by keywords through any of the Internet search engines. Similar programs and games are released quite often, so you may be lucky. Avoid fraudulent sites that offer to view search results for similar people only after sending an SMS message to a short number. As a rule, such services only withdraw money from mobile accounts, but do not help you find doubles using photos.


    • how to find someone like me for free

    It is believed that every person has a double. Most people who have never studied parapsychology and are not interested in this topic have a weak connection with it, and they cannot penetrate from the astral plane into the three-dimensional dimension where a person lives. However, with due persistence and work on oneself, the astral double you can call and even ask for help.


    There is a ritual for calling double. Stand facing north, close your eyes and raise your arms up. Say: "Dream of Lia Granos." After this you can open your eyes. Now squat down and say the following: “My double, show up, give a sign about yourself. Support me, insure me, help me!” Reply from your double it could be anything - a sudden wind, the creaking of floorboards, the rustling of clothes, a squeak, a crack - any unusual sound. After you have received the signal from your astral double, say: "Granos li." You can make contact with your double both at night and during the day. You should not do this on the thirteenth and seventeenth.

    You can not just call the astral double, but also send it to help your loved one if he is in a difficult situation. To do this, go outside, turn your face in the direction where yours should go and say: “Nord sen sana. My double, fly (indicate the place where you want to send him). Provide assistance (state the name of the person to whom the double should fly and the problem in which assistance is required). Be a true friend and ambassador."

    You can also summon the astral during a regular session of spiritualism. To do this, prepare a Whatman paper with a circle drawn on it. Place candles on the sides and draw an arrow or marker on the saucer. Heat the saucer over the candle flame, place it in the center of the circle, place your hands on it and instead of “Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, come,” say your name. After this, you may feel unpleasant sensations in the solar plexus area, and other participants in the seance will be able to ask questions to your astral double. He will answer them by pointing to in the alphabet.

    Please note

    Remember that you should not summon an astral double for fun. If you treat this simply as an interesting pastime, then strange things may begin to happen in your apartment.


    • how do I know if I have a doppelganger?

    It happens that when you see a photo of a person, you understand that you need to find out at all costs who is captured in this frame. Finding a person from a photo is quite difficult, but thanks to the development modern technologies, quite real. Moreover, you can do this completely free of charge.


    To find a person, print the image on a color printer or in a photo salon and try to show it to your friends. If this is some famous person, then someone will definitely remember the wanted person. Also, this method can also work if you probably know additional information about the person. For example, area of ​​residence, place of previous work, establishments where the wanted person frequents.

    You can find a person by photo using the Google image search service. To do this, go to images.google.ru. Find the image search window and drag the file saved on your computer there, press enter. You can also upload photos to search by clicking on the camera icon. A link to an image posted on the Internet will also work. Google will search and give you similar images, after which you can click on the desired photo to go to the site where it is posted and read the description. To make your search more precise, remove from answers extra elements right-click and continue inspecting the photo. When desired image will be found, copy its address (right mouse button > copy image address) and paste into address bar your browser.

    Question from a doppelgänger seeker...

    Hello. Tell me, is it possible to find your double on the Internet? I tried to register on several sites, but everywhere they only take money (for example, via SMS), and the result is zero. I have several photos: side, front, large and small. I would like to free option, and not too difficult for beginners...

    Good afternoon

    You can search, but you can’t always find it...

    Before starting the search, I want to say a couple of things:

    1. firstly, do not send any SMS to short numbers(in most cases, they won’t find a double for you, and they’ll charge you money from your phone... At least read the reviews on independent resources first before paying for the service);
    2. you need a photo of the person (for whom you want to find a double). Photo is needed JPG format(all services accept this format). The photo should clearly show the face so that the person in it is looking directly at you. Preferably a photo normal size(most importantly, not too small)

    So, let's start the search...

    All matches of persons presented in the article are random! I don’t want to discredit anyone, glorify anyone, or harm anyone in any way.

    One of the most powerful and reliable ways to find a double is to use well-known search engines: Yandex, Google and others. The essence of the method is that search engines allow you to search for images by image. Those. if you have a close-up photo of a face, you can upload it to the service and find similar pictures.

    In addition, another significant plus is that this method is free, and the search engines are quite powerful and will give a head start to all other services combined!

    I’ll show you using Yandex images as an example: first just follow the link above ( https://yandex.ru/images/ ). At the top, on the right, there is a search button for the image - click it!

    Below is my original photo, for which I was looking for doubles.

    As you can see, the search engine found dozens of pictures: many of the faces in the photo are very similar to the original! Moreover, another advantage is that you will not only find photos, but you will also be able to find resources and addresses of pages on the Internet where these photos are presented (i.e., it is quite possible that the contacts of your double are left there and you will be able to contact him - unless, of course, you need it).

    PicTriev // search for a double among celebrities

    The presented service is unique in its kind (there were several others, but they stopped functioning, at least those that I know about).

    The essence of the service is that it recognizes your uploaded photo (more precisely, the face on it). Then it begins to analyze it and look for a match between your face and celebrities.

    Results may vary greatly depending on quality original photo(and his permission, by the way!). For best result you need to upload a photo of your front face.

    After going to the site, you only need to click one button “Upload Image” and select a photo from your hard drive.

    • the site will automatically determine the gender of the person captured in the photo (in the example below, the gender is determined correctly!);
    • age will also be determined (approximately);
    • Several famous people and similarity percentages will be shown. In the example below, I should note that the degree of similarity is quite high - visible to the naked eye.

    The service leaves the most positive impressions of its work. In general, I'm happy!

    TinEye // search among 16.8 billion images

    Another service for searching by photo. All you have to do is click one button to upload your photo. In a moment, the service will give you search results.

    The service allows you to search among 16.8 billion images! This figure is very large and not every service can compete with so many photos and pictures.

    The service is positioned: how search engine from the pictures. In the future, it is planned to introduce subscriptions that signal the appearance of your copies (or similar) photos on the Internet, as well as search for several images at once.

    In general, for those who are looking for pictures and photographs, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with such a large database!

    Note: from using TinEye some users establish the identities of unknown soldiers by finding copies of photos on American servers with full list and a description of the people present in the photograph.

    How-Old.net // age determination from photos

    I couldn’t ignore this service: it, of course, does not know how to search for doubles, but it determines the age of people from an uploaded photo. Moreover, it does it very accurately!

    For example, I uploaded photos of people I know (whose ages I know), my own - the age is determined either accurately or with an error of 2-3 years!

    To determine age: just go to the website and upload a photo (button Use your photo, see screenshot below).

    The result will not be long in coming: in a few seconds you will see the age of the person shown in the photo.

    Note: if you upload a photo that shows several people at once, the service will determine the age of everyone.

    For high definition accuracy: download high quality photos without processing them with Photoshop (and other graphic editors).

    This is where I end the article, I hope you now have not one, but several doubles!