• Programs for working with sound. Full setup and installation of Realtek High Definition Audio

    IN lately Along with the term “multimedia”, another term has become widespread - “ music programs" The new term turned out to be as polysemantic as its parent - this combination began to be called any program that deals with any sound; At the same time, there is often a confusion of basic concepts and confusion in the principles of operation of programs. As a result, some users are not even aware of some of the features available to them, while others mistakenly place unjustified hopes on the program (and the computer as a whole). The purpose of this article is a classification of methods for working with sound on a PC and a review of technologies and software for this purpose.

    Professionals and "advanced amateurs" who have an understanding of PC audio processing technologies can feel free to skip the next chapter - it is intended mainly for beginners in this field.

    Audio and MIDI

    IN modern computers There are two most popular technologies related to sound and music:
    • Audio is the most universal technology that represents arbitrary sound as it is - in the form of a digital representation of the original sound vibration or sound wave (wave), which is why in some cases it is called wave technology. Allows you to work with sounds of any type, shape and duration. Audio information is usually stored in files with the WAV extension.
    • MIDI is a musical notation technology based on recording events that occur when playing an electronic instrument - keystrokes, pedals, actions on controls, toggle switches, buttons, etc. The sequence of such events forms the “electronic score” of a musical work - as it were full program control of an “automatic orchestra”. It allows you to very accurately record a fairly complex piece of music, and then perform it any number of times in strict accordance with the program. Information is usually stored in files with the MID extension.
    MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface - a digital interface for musical instruments, now accepted as a world standard in all more or less serious electronic musical instruments.

    Audio technology is usually used where there is an original audio signal that needs to be processed - it is used to record, process and mix “live” acoustic and voice parts, speech, noise, special signals, etc. MIDI technology has gained success in creating musical works from scratch, using only electronic instruments. With the help of a MIDI system, both a certain musical framework can be created, to which voice or acoustic parts will later be added, as well as a full-fledged, complete piece of music.

    To use audio technology, a simple audio adapter containing an ADC and a DAC - analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters - is sufficient. At the same time, the complexity, quality and price of the adapter do not at all affect the fundamental capabilities of sound processing - it only depends on the adapter overall quality input and output conversion, as well as service capabilities (for example, fast hardware compression or filtering).

    To use MIDI technology, you first need an electronic musical instrument that converts a sequence of notes and control commands into sound - regular or digital. It can be a keyboard synthesizer, a sound module (tone generator, or a synthesizer without a keyboard), a music card with a hardware synthesizer, or a software synthesizer - a program that simulates the operation of a real synthesizer. Accordingly, all the possibilities available in this technology are entirely determined by the available set of MIDI instruments.

    In Windows, each technology is represented by its own type of audio device. Devices can be real (hardware adapters) and virtual (simulator programs, generators, filters, etc.). Programs communicate with devices through audio and MIDI ports, which appear in the system after installing the corresponding devices.

    A special case of audio ports are DirectSound ports. A classic (Wave, MME) audio port does not guarantee extremely fast sound output - when exchanging small fragments, due to buffering and the low frequency of calls to the adapter, significant delays (relative to the playing time of the fragments themselves) occur. The DirectSound interface, included in the DirectX interface kit, allows you to work with the adapter with minimal buffering and overhead, significantly reducing latency. In addition, in DirectSound, several programs can use one port at the same time, which is not always possible when working with Wave ports.

    Classification of programs

    Any program for working with sound on a PC uses in one form or another one of these technologies or both at once. I distinguish the following main classes of programs:
    • Audio processors
    • Multitrack recording and mixing systems (multitrack recorders)
    • Audio editors
    • Signal generators and analyzers (audio generators/analysers)
    • Virtual/software synthesizers
    • Music editors (music/MIDI editors)
      • sequencers
      • trackers
      • score editors
    • Music/MIDI processors
    • Auto composers
    • Auto accompaniment generators, jammers
    • Score recognition software
    • Format converters
    • CD audio track readers (CD rippers/grabbers)
    • Psychoacoustic compressors
    • Players
    • Systems for radio broadcasting and discos (delivery systems)
    • Utilities and control programs (utility/control software)
    Many programs combine functions from different classes: for example, sound editors and sequencers often also provide processor capabilities (real-time processing), and music processors and auto-composers often have sequencer functions.

    Sound processors

    They simulate the operation of typical sound processing devices used in studio work - amplifiers, limiters, noise suppressors, companders, effect units, etc. There are three main types of processors:
    • Nonlinear (off-line) - receive a signal in the form of a disk file, previously recorded by other means, and write the processing result to another disk file.
    • Real-time pass-through - receive a signal directly from the audio port and output the result to another port.
    • Plug-ins - receive a signal from another program using a special program interface (API) and return the processing result to the same program. Microsoft DirectX has become the de facto standard for such an interface. Modules typically support real-time processing.
    Processors of the first type were developed quite a long time ago, giving way to processors of the second type as the power of computers grew. After the advent of DirectX, popular processors were developed in this interface.

    Cylonix Vocoder

      Developer - James J. Clark

    18-band real-time vocoder. A Pentium-120 is required for satisfactory operation. The delay between the input and output signal on the Pentium-166 is a little more than half a second, on the Celeron-460 it is about 0.2 s. DirectX is not supported.

    The multiband vocoder is based on the fact that the human speech apparatus operates on a difference principle: the original sound of the vocal cords, rich in harmonics, is subject to dynamic control - resonant amplification, amplitude modulation and filtering - as it passes through the vocal tract. The principle of operation of such a vocoder is to decompose the speech control signal (modulator) into a given amount frequency bands and analysis of dynamics in each band. The signals obtained as a result of the analysis with a certain accuracy repeat the dynamics of the vocal tract. These signals control the bank frequency filters, through which a harmonic-rich carrier signal is passed; as a result, a “talking” carrier signal is formed at the output of the bank, as if the sound of a similar timbre was produced by the vocal cords themselves.

    Both the carrier and control signals can be generated in several ways - by the program itself, input from the audio port, or taken from a ready-made Wave file.

    The vocoder has many parameters: filter bandwidth, proportions of mixing input and output signals, methods for recognizing speech sounds, mode for reproducing the height of the control signal, types of mapping control signals to filter banks. Various display methods - shift by several stripes, inversion, rearrangement of adjacent stripes, etc. - allow you to change the timbre of the received signal within extremely wide limits.

    Each vocoder channel has a set of controls - level, stereo panorama, decay time, delay, echo time and intensity, and the level of additional distortion.

    It is also possible to disable control signal analysis - then the program works like a regular 18-band equalizer.

    Multi-channel recording and mixing systems

    Designed for multi-track recording and playback of phonograms like a multi-channel tape recorder, as well as for final mixing of a multi-track phonogram. The main functions are editing operations on tracks, combining sound fragments, organizing a smooth transition from one fragment to another, adjusting the volume and position on the stereo panorama for each track, dubbing the entire track or its individual fragments.

    Most multi-channel recording systems are designed to work in serious studio conditions, so almost all of them have support for remote control (MMC), synchronization with external devices(SMPTE). Row modern systems also supports synchronization with videos.

    Multi-channel systems predominantly use non-destructive installation. This means that the program operates on a multi-track panel not with the audio data itself, but only with links to their fragments (clips). This significantly reduces memory requirements, speeds up data access and, in addition, protects them from unwanted changes.

    DDClip Pro

      Developer - SoftLab-NSK
    Novosibirsk system of multi-channel recording, editing, mixing and composition with video data. Requires Pentium-100, 16 MB of memory. Formats up to 32 bits with any sampling rate are supported.

    Provides up to 32 audio tracks, one MIDI track and two video tracks. Each track can contain an arbitrary number of clips - audio or video fragments, each of which, in turn, is a link to a specific section of the source data - audio, MIDI or video.

    The working technology in DDClip is based on the selection and combination of clips of all three types. For the video being created, all the necessary fragments are prepared, then they are placed in the required order on the tracks, after which precise fitting, alignment, adjustment of volume levels and panorama, application of effects and final mixing are performed.

    Simple video processing operations are available on video tracks - cropping frames, smooth transitions between frames. Videos can be played on any device with the Video for Windows interface.

    An additional monitor is supported for video output.

    Profiles can be superimposed on clips - volume and stereo balance envelopes. Real-time effects can also be applied - delay, echo, chorus, phaser, flanger, graphic/parametric equalizers. Several effects can be chained together. Global (master) effects from the same set can be applied to the entire project.

    The Clip Collection auxiliary window is a convenient tool for quick selection suitable clips and dragging them to the desired places on the tracks.

    Samplitude Studio

      Developer - SEK"D
    Powerful recording and mixing system with support for MIDI tracks. Destructive and non-destructive editing, direct loading of audio tracks from a CD, import of videos in AVI/MPEG formats and synchronization with them are possible.

    Volume, panorama and surround envelopes are supported. Several different modes of mouse action on objects - selection, dragging, drawing envelopes, etc. A convenient way to fix clips using a special icon in the center of each clip.

    Along the edges of the selected clip, so-called handles are displayed - in each of the four corners and in the middle of the top edge. The lower corner manipulators are responsible for the left/right borders of the clip, the upper corner ones are for the steepness of the volume rise/fall at the beginning/end of the clip, and the top center one is for the overall volume of the clip.

    Available interesting feature Convolution - selection from audio track harmonics common to the other track with suppression of other frequency components.

    Wide range of processing operations - reverb, spectral analyzer, parametric/graphic equalizers, multi-point filter, compressor/expander, stereo expander, noise reducer (general and sample), waveform generator. Processing modules in the DirectX standard are supported.

    Supports recording of audio CDs with the ability to place pauses between tracks.

    n-Track Studio

      Developer - Flavio Antonioli
    A recording, editing and mixing system with some MIDI sequencer functionality. Destructive and non-destructive installation is possible. The number of audio and MIDI tracks is unlimited. Supports work with DirectSound ports and sound formats up to 24 bits and 96 kHz.

    It has separate recording and playback level indicators, the ability to synchronize with video (AVI/MPEG), volume/panorama envelopes in non-destructive editing mode, and a metronome.

    Native and DirectX modules are used for processing; processing is possible both during playback and in direct input mode from the port (live input). The built-in modules include Chorus, Vol/Pitch Shift, Echo, Compression, Reverb.

    To view and edit MIDI tracks, there is a Piano Roll window with a simple interface and the ability to quantize.

    Sound editors

    Combines the functions of a digital tape recorder, an audio editing station and a set of audio processing devices (processors). Carry out recording, playback and editing (cutting, pasting, replacing fragments of the phonogram). Most often they have a set of built-in and/or connected sound processors, with the help of which complex processing of the recorded soundtrack is implemented. The editor can be multi-channel, allowing separate recording and processing of several audio tracks with their subsequent mixing. A number of editors provide real-time audio processors, as well as signal exploration tools such as spectrum analyzers, weighting filters, and statistical functions.

    Among the typical functions sound editors the most common are:

    • Recording and playing back an audio signal through the audio port of the sound adapter (card)
    • Reads and writes audio files, mainly RIFF PCM (WAV) format, as well as other common formats
    • The ability to process mono and stereo signals with 8 and 16 bits and a sampling frequency of up to 44,100 Hz (often up to 24 bits and 96 kHz)
    • Signal editing (cutting, pasting, deleting and multiplying fragments)
    • Various methods of selecting a working area (selection) during editing with alignment (snap) by zero crossing points (zero crossing), by time (time), by rhythmic beats (beats)
    • Marking points and fragments of a phonogram with maintaining a list of such marks, from which you can quickly move to the marked section, as well as support for a list of playback sections (play list), with which you can replace linear playback with “ragged”
    • Basic processing operations: amplification/attenuation, normalization (scaling the signal so that its amplitude fits exactly within a given range), smooth increase/decrease of the volume level (fade), change of stereo balance (pan), compression/stretching dynamic range(compress/expand), threshold transmission (gate), envelope overlay (envelope)
    • The main types of effect processing: phaser, flanger, reverb, delay, echo, overdrive, distortion, fuzz, etc.
    • Special operations: frequency filtering (filter/EQ), changing the height (pitch) of a signal or duration (stretch) of a section of a phonogram, attenuation of noise (noise, hiss) and clicks (clicks, pops), formation of musical sounds from sections of a phonogram, spectral analysis of the entire phonogram or section thereof
    • Converting signal format - sampling frequency, sample bit depth and number of channels, mixing stereo channels into one
    • Generation of signals of various shapes and characteristics - both stationary and with time-varying parameters, as well as noise with different distributions
    • Access to those registered in the system external modules(plugins) for audio processing in the DirectX/ActiveMovie standard, to which a selected section of the soundtrack is transferred for processing
    • Synchronization of recording/playback via MIDI - starting recording or playback based on an external event, sending synchronizing messages to other devices (master device, master sync), synchronization based on messages coming from other devices (slave device, slave sync)
    • Automatic alignment during selection - based on zero crossing points and timestamps.

      When editing, it is convenient to use the Preview Cur/Cursor functions (listening to what the cutting result will be before making the cutting itself) and Pre-roll to Cursor (listening to a small area in front of the cursor).

      A list of marked regions and selective playback is supported.

      In recording mode, it is possible to create a “remote control” - Remote Control. In this case, the main editor window is replaced with a small “remote control” window located on top of other windows. This function is convenient when recording a signal generated by another program, or a device that is controlled from another program.

      In recording mode, it is also possible to directly flush data to disk, bypassing the system cache with write back. This allows you to get rid of long pauses when Windows flushes the cache to the disk, stopping all programs, but the work of the disk in this mode becomes very stressful due to continuous positioning. It must be said that when working through the cache, Sound Forge uses the disk much more aggressively than most other editors.

      The editor can work with external samplers (Akai, E-mu, Kurzweil, Peavey) that support MIDI SDS and/or SCSI SMDI standards. It also supports preparing samples for ACID, another Sonic Foundry program designed for creating music from ready-made fragments.

      The signal generator produces simple periodic signals and DTMF series, and also has the FM Synthesis function - frequency modulation operator synthesis, popular in electronic synthesizers of the early 80s.

      Native plugins are supported. Using the Batch Converter module, you can create a sequence of processing operations, which can then be automatically applied to one or more files. CD Architect is designed for creating and recording audio CDs. Spectrum Analysis is used to spectral analysis phonograms, Noise Reduction - to reduce interference and noise, Q-Sound - to give the sound a three-dimensional effect.

      MIDI synchronization is possible in both master and slave modes.

      There is an amateur localization of SF 4.5 in Russian (menu and message texts have been translated). The translation quality is average.


        Developer - Steinberg
      One of the most powerful and convenient modern editors. Supports formats up to 24 bits and 96 kHz.

      Provides all necessary editing operations, normalization, dynamics conversion, pitch/time correction. Complex processing operations are few: three-band equalizer, harmonizer for 16 voices (creates additional harmonics of the main voice), high-quality Chorus.

      The main attention in processing is paid to the support of real-time modules - native, DirectX and VST (from Cubase VST). To control the modules, there is a special effects panel (Master Section), in which you can select up to six modules at the same time. For WaveLab/VST modules, control panels are shown that are stylized to look like hardware rack units. Module panels, as well as WaveLab toolbars, can be located anywhere on the screen, not just in the editor window.

      It has the functions of comparing two files, generating a test signal from an envelope, constructing a three-dimensional spectrogram and showing it from different points of view.

      The Batch Processor function allows you to create an algorithm for batch processing a set of files.

      Supports data exchange with hardware samplers AKAI, Ensoniq, E-mu, Kurzweil, Roland in SDS/SMDI standards. Can read audio tracks from CDs. Contains a built-in CD recorder with the ability to set the duration of pauses between tracks.

      It has several interface styles and color palettes. After each operation, the time spent on the operation is noted down to the millisecond, which is convenient for assessing efficiency.

    And complex ones (applying effects, equalizing, audio recording).


    Audacity- . There are versions for popular editions of Windows, Linux and macOS. The functionality of the utility allows it to compete with commercial developments.

    The application interface is rough. For experienced users, the large icons and buttons for basic functions will remind you of the design of Windows XP. For macOS fans, the design of the utility will seem archaic. Although it cannot be called beautiful, it is still simple and understandable. INAlmost all the inscriptions are presented with a few exceptions, which will allow you to start working without a long study of manuals.

    The utility's interface is designed in such a way that even a user who has not previously had experience with such software can perform basic operations with audio data. The main action buttons are located in the top panel of the main window.

    In order for the program to start supporting the main popular ones, you need to install the free FFmpeg and LAME codecs. This is inconvenient, but the developers had no other choice due to licensing problems. Experienced users will like the fact that the utility can work with uncompressed data (FLAC, WAV).

    When the user finishes editing and saves the file,will automatically open a dialog for filling in tags. If the user often edits audio, he will not need to enter information manually each time - the utility allows you to create templates.

    To add files to the editor, use a standard dialog or simple drag and drop. With sound, the program can do everything that commercial products can do: noise reduction, gluing, trimming, applying effects, changing height. The source file is not affected in any way during operation. The application copies the sections of the track on which operations were performed to the project directory. When the user clicks the "Save" button, the utility simply combines the modified and original data to create a new file. This achieves maximum safety user data.

    Can save the entire track or a separate part. If you are editing multi-channel audio, it is possible to save the individual channels into different files.

    In addition to making changes to existing tracks, the application can record sound from the line input of the audio card, the mixer and microphone built into the OS. In this case, the utility allows you to start capturing after pressing a button or when the signal level reaches a specified limit.

    Audio softwarehas a wide range of effects in its arsenal. If these are not enough, you can install any third-party VST plugin. The frequency response analyzer generally works stably. But it has one significant drawback. After downloading the file, the utility analyzes only part of it.


    Although the program has its shortcomings, it is the best free audio editor. Its functionality is comparable to commercial products. After downloading the application, the user receives powerful tool. And the price of commercial analogues with the same functionality is very high. The download link is on the official Audacity resource. Windows- An OS that is highly susceptible to virus threats, so downloading the utility from third-party resources is not recommended.


    Mixcraft is not just an audio editor, but an entire virtual studio. Its main distinguishing feature is a large number of built-in samples, loops, effects, and virtual instruments.

    All this variety of tools allows you not only to perform simple operations on audio data, but also to create your own tracks and make remixes.

    Main Features

    Audio softwarehas the following distinctive features:

    • 7000 samples supplied with the program;
    • more than 20 built-in professional-grade effects;
    • 11 pre-installed plugins in VST format;
    • the ability to import loops from popular library containers;
    • The utility supports almost all modern audio file formats.

    Mixcraft is a program that is best suited for users involved in mixing tracks or composing. The program interface is non-standard, so the utility will take some time to master.

    The only drawback is this program for working with soundnot free. However, you can use it for two weeks without purchasing a license.

    If your computer runs on Windows XP, Vista or 7, and is also equipped with an audio chip from Realtek, then you need to have a special driver for sound to work. To activate it, type “Realtek” in the Start search. When you find in the results Realtek Manager HD - launch it. If this program is not in the search, then this driver is missing on the computer or the version is too old. This article will tell you how to install and configure the Realtek driver.

    Installing the Realtek driver

    Follow this step by step instructions, if the computer does not have a driver or it is outdated.

    1. Download the latest version required driver from the Realtek website or from our website using the following link: .
    2. Start the installation by running the downloaded file in “.exe” format.
    3. To continue the installation, click “Next”.

      Attention: if during installation there is a warning that Windows does not know about the driver publisher, then simply click on “Install” to continue the installer.

    4. After installing the driver, restart your computer for all changes to take effect.
      Signal about correct installation software there will be a Realtek HD Audio Manager sign on the taskbar. To go to the Realtek manager, simply double-click on the sign.

    Realtek High Definition Audio Features and Settings

    The Realtek audio codec supports 8-channel audio, Jack-Sensing, and many other features. In addition, it works successfully with Universal Audio Jack, making it easy to troubleshoot cable connection errors.

    Realtek Audio Manager supports motherboards, which work with the audio processor from Realtek.

    Note: All menus are listed below for reference and their names may differ greatly from what will be on your computer. In the environment indicated above Windows versions, Realtek HD Manager will automatically find devices connected to the ports. And depending on them, tabs with settings will already be shown. Also, the program interface may differ depending on the driver version or the model of the sound card installed on your computer.

    For example:

    Speakers Menu

    First, a slider will open in front of you to adjust the volume of all devices. The panel located on the right will contain parameters related to the operation of audio output devices.

    Digital output

    To configure the input digital audio do the following:

    1. In the " Additional settings Devices”, you can configure the input jack separation parameters.
    2. After that, four more submenus will become available to you.

    To set up speaker systems:

    1. Select the "Speakers" menu.
    2. To install analog port output as the default device, click on “Set Default Device”.
    3. Select the "Speaker Configuration" menu located under "Speakers". The configuration options will be there. There you can also configure surround sound and specify the speaker configuration.

    4. In the Sound Effect menu, you can set up karaoke, select the environment around you, and also choose one of several modes for the equalizer.

    5. To adjust the speakers, you need to go to the “Room correction” menu. There you can adjust the distance and angles based on your location. This is very useful feature useful when you are not directly in front of the speakers, but stand in an asymmetrical position from them. But its operation is possible only in modes 5.1 and 7.1.
    6. The “Standard Format” menu is responsible for the mixer parameters. More specifically, for the sampling frequency and bit depth with which the OS will process outgoing sounds.

    Microphone settings

    You can configure your microphone in the last menu, which is called “Microphone”. At the top there will be sliders for adjusting the microphone volume and balance. Adjust them until you reach the desired volume.

    This section is divided into two tabs: Microphone Effect and Standard Format.

    In the “Microphone Effect” tab, you can change the conference mode parameters, as well as enable echo and noise suppression mode.

    Information menu

    By clicking on the information icon, which looks like the letter “i,” you can find out the program version, audio controller, DirectX, codec and select the program language.

    Thank you for your attention! Write your clarifications on setting Realtek High Definition Audio. 🙂

    A very simple and elegant application for recording sound on iPhone and iPad, which also allows you to broadcast the signal from your device to a remote control, stereo system, camera, etc. through the headphone jack. The application menu has only six buttons: turn the microphone on/off, record, record list, playback, mute (in case of connecting with another device) and equalizer. Audio recorded in AIFF format can be sent to e-mail, SoundCloud or shared via Wi-Fi.


    A free program for recording sound on iPhone and iPad, with a wide range of settings. The application supports three formats - MP4 (AAC), MP3 (MPEG) and WAV (PCM). Sample Rate - from 8 to 48 kHz (for WAV up to 96 kHz); Bit Rate - from 32 to 320 kbps; Bite Depth - from 8 to 32 Bits. The application also has a built-in VU meter that shows the current audio volume, which is adjusted using a special slider located below. The finished file can be sent by e-mail, saved on various cloud services, posted on social networks, and also carried out various manipulations with it - convert, crop, rename, etc.


    Based on reviews, this recording tool for Android devices is known for producing better quality tracks than many others. The application has advanced functionality: it works in three various formats(MP3, OGG, WAV), allows you to set the sampling frequency to 8 kHz, 11 kHz, 22 kHz, 44 kHz or 48 kHz, edit audio files and do others useful settings. RecForge Pro records not only audio from the microphone, but also calls and games. For widget lovers, there are four options to choose from.


    The official iOS application from the famous Australian company Røde Microphones, which allows you to record sound on the built-in microphone of a smartphone/tablet or on an external stereo microphone RØDE iXY. The program creates audio files with a resolution of 24-bit, 48 kHz (up to 96 kHz when using an external microphone), allows you to edit them using a nice built-in editor and output them in AIFF, WAVE, CAF, MP3, AAC, Apple Lossless, FLAC, etc. formats. On iPad, you can also view waveforms, edit, and manage tracks on one screen.


    Unlike Røde, the Japanese company ZOOM Corporation has made its product free. The main screen contains all the most necessary information - duration, type and format (WAV 44.1/48 kHz or AAC 64/128/160 kbps) recording, volume level, playback and rewind buttons. The “Effect” section has a built-in equalizer, reverb settings and the ability to perform basic mastering. In addition, you can listen to and trim audio recordings in a separate window. Many other additional functions and settings are available only if you have a proprietary external microphone ZOOM IQ5/6/7.


    Pack of useful tools, which allow using mobile microphone measure noise level, harmonic frequency and others important parameters. The application includes an audio calculator, phase meter, wave generator, built-in voice recorder that records audio in WAV format with a sampling frequency of 8 kHz - 48 kHz, and a bunch of others software modules, necessary for every specialist working with sound.


    A unique application for Android devices, which contains educational materials and articles on sound engineering, sound design and arrangement, lessons from famous producers, reviews of VST plugins and instruments, DAWs, information about schools, exhibitions and stores audio equipment. The application also works in offline mode, so texts can be read anywhere, regardless of Internet access.


    A well-known program among connoisseurs, it turns your iPad into a universal studio with which you can mix sound and create various musical compositions. The menu has a huge number of buttons and subsections, and in order not to get confused in them there is a built-in help system. To create compositions, you can play a melody or rhythm yourself using a virtual keyboard, use your own music collection, or take built-in samples. Each track has many fine adjustments, and the finished file is output in any of four formats (M4A, WAV, FLAC or MIDI). The only drawback is the high price.


    A laconic, fast and accessible application for creating music. Sunvox allows you to synthesize sounds using built-in generators and filters or use ready-made samples, creating the most incredible connections between different modules and effects. Supports recording and real-time signal processing from the device's microphone, as well as multi-track export to WAV. Sunvox is available on iOS, Android and other operating systems.

    10. AudioShare – audio document manager​

    In order not to get lost in all the audio recordings that you made using the above programs, you will need the AudioShare manager. It will help you organize all your audio and midi files: edit, convert, normalize sound levels, export, import, archive, or record new ones using the built-in voice recorder. The application also works with iTunes library, Soundcloud account, GarageBand, Auria and other useful programs.

    Audio editor is a simple and convenient service that makes working with music tracks as easy as possible. Technology is developing faster every day, and today any novice user will be able to work with audio recordings without turning to professionals for help. Each person at home can give the soundtrack an original effect, cut out the chorus of a song, or mix several melodies and record their own remake of the track.

    The user will also be able to change the format of the audio recording. You can not only use installed programs on your PC, but also work with music online via special services on the Internet. For maximum convenience Let's look at several utilities and services.

    Downloadable editors

    All changes to the audio track can be made using specific program. By downloading it, you can get an advanced melody editing tool, which even includes such simple functions as trimming a music track or changing its format.


    A standard and affordable utility for processing audio tracks, consisting of a large set functionality. Audacity appeared back in 2000. More than 15 years have passed since its release, and during this time the project is regularly supplemented and developed. The last update of this software was released in March 2015. The program can work with many audio formats and codecs: AIFF, WAV, MP2, MP3, Ogg, AU and others. Any format can be transcoded very quickly. For ease of use, the Audacity utility has a huge number of different audio tracks for combining, special effects and filters that allow you to make any composition more vibrant and original.


    Wavosaur is free music editor, which is considered the most functional and easy to use. One of the advantages of this program is that you can work in it via the Internet without downloading it to your computer. What makes Wavosaur unique is the ability to present each audio track in 3D. The service opens many audio formats: WAV, AIFF (AIF), MP3, Ogg, etc. An unlimited number of melodies are processed in real time. The program works on all operating systems except Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. If the user has OS data installed, he will have to find alternative program for working with music tracks.

    Audio Editor Gold

    Compared to those listed above, the Audio Editor Gold utility is not free. The demo version is available for 30 days, after which a reminder to register the program constantly appears. The interface is very convenient and simple, therefore, despite the paid basis, this service is also very popular among music lovers. You can edit a track on the displayed wavelength of the audio recording, which can be scaled to more clearly highlight sections of the audio track. Transcoding any audio file using Audio Editor Gold will happen very quickly, so the process of creating creative compositions will not take much of your time and will not turn into a routine.

    Online audio editors

    The Internet is developing, and today users of the World Wide Web have the opportunity to use many programs in online mode. Each Internet client can very easily edit any audio track without installing programs on their PC.


    TwistedWave is one of the utilities that you do not need to install on your computer. The program has the functions of trimming, transcoding and using the desired filter to change the audio track online.
    TwistedWave contains fade effects for the entire melody or its separate area, about 40 VTS effects. In addition, the program's feature set includes a convenient option for saving the edited melody in the network cloud. The following formats are supported: WAV, FLAC, MP3, WMA, Ogg, MP2, AIFC, AIFF, Apple CAF, etc. Even the bitrate can be set manually (from 8 kB/s to 320 kB/s). All of the above allows us to judge TwistedWave software as a multifunctional audio converter.

    Free processing is only possible for mono mode. You will have to pay extra for processing a recording in two or more channels.

    Online MP3 Cutter

    One of the simplest and easiest-to-use utilities for editing audio tracks. Online MP3 Cutter allows you to create effective melodies, spending a minimum of time and effort on the processing process.
    For example, to cut a chorus from a song, you just need to select the desired melody, open it, indicate the desired section and save the finished audio segment to your computer. At the same stage, the track is re-encoded into the desired format. Online MP3 Cutter works with five audio formats: WAC, AAC, AMR, Apple CAF and MP3. You can use any of the functions of this software absolutely free, be it reformatting audio compositions, trimming or applying various musical effects. The ease of working with the service and a pleasant interface make the Online MP3 Cutter program one of the most popular among most users.

    Make Your Own Ringtone

    Make Your Own Ringtone is one of the most convenient online programs, the functionality of which is aimed at creating original ringtones. Unlike Online service MP3 Cutter, Make Your Own Ringtone uses about 16 different overlay effects on your recording.
    Track encoding formats: MPC, OGG, MP3, M4R, AAC and MP4. You can save the created melody to your computer, mobile device, or send the finished track to the specified email to any user. Make Your Own Ringtone can be used as an online program. All declared formats are very easily and quickly converted and saved into the required formats. You can trim the audio track, or you can simply save it again in the desired format.