• Creating a multi-level list. Creating Lists in Word

    If in Microsoft document Word You need to present information in the form of a list, then you can not number it manually - 1, 2, 3..., but do this using the function built into the text editor.

    In this article we will look at how to automatically number a list in Word, create a bulleted or multi-level list.

    The necessary buttons with which everything is done are located on the “Home” tab. There are three of them: one with markers, the second with numbers, and the third with various markers at different levels. Accordingly, the first button is needed to create a bulleted list, the second - a numbered one, and the last one - for a multi-level one.

    Automatic list numbering

    First, let's look at how to number the text in each new line. This is used most often. In this case, each new item will begin with a number.

    Click where you want the list to begin in the document. Then click “Numbering” in the “Paragraph” group. It will start from one. Using the markers on the ruler, you can change the indentation from the left margin.

    To start a new paragraph, at the end of the previous line, press Enter.

    If you need to insert regular text after some point, then after this, the question probably arises: how to continue numbering. To do this, place the cursor in the line where the continuation will be and select “Numbering”.

    The page will appear new list. Near the unit, click on the arrow next to the lightning bolt and click in the drop-down menu "Continue numbering".

    After this, instead of one, the next number in sequence will be entered.

    If you need something other than 1,2,3, then click on any item and click on the arrow next to the “Numbering” button. Next, select one of the proposed options. If more than one type is not suitable, click "Define new number format".

    In the window that opens, select what you want to use: numbers or letters. By clicking the "Font" button, you can select additional options for the selected number format. To save the changes, click "OK".

    Select them and click on the “Numbering” button.

    Sources numbered in this way are needed if you want to make a link to literature in Word. You can read more about this in the article by following the link.

    After this, all literature will be automatically numbered. Using the markers on the top ruler, set the desired indent from the left margin.

    Documents can contain lists, both regular and automatically numbered. To understand that it is automatic, click next to any of the items or select it with the mouse. If after this more than one item is highlighted, and all other numbers become light gray, it means it is automatic.

    If, on the contrary, you have numbered items in your document and they are not needed, then you can easily remove them. To do this, select the entire list and click on the “Numbering” button. Now all numbers will be deleted.

    Making a bulleted list

    In order for the list in the text to begin not with a number or letter, but, for example, with a black circle, square or check mark, let's look at how to mark it.

    If it is already printed, then select it; if it is not yet, then place the cursor in the place where you will add. Next, on the “Home” tab, click on the arrow next to the “Markers” button. In the menu that opens, select suitable option marker and click on it. If nothing matches, click "Define new marker".

    A window will open "Defining a new marker". In the “Marker Sign” field, click on one of the “Symbol”, “Picture” or “Font” buttons. Next you will need to select a suitable image. I chose a symbol. In the “Sample” field you can see how the marker will look in the text. Click "OK" to save the changes.

    This is the marker I got.

    Creating a multi-level list

    If your list consists of a main item, subitems, and explanations of the subitems themselves, then you need to make several levels for it so that the data that depends on the previous item is marked with a different marker and is located a level lower.

    It's not difficult to make them. Let's take for example a list with sections and sub-items. Select it and on the “Home” tab, click the arrow next to the button "Multi-level list". In the library you can choose one of the numbering options. If nothing works, click on "Define a new multi-level list".

    In the window that opens, click “More” at the bottom left to expand all the parameters. Select the desired level at the top left and change the parameters for it in the main window. For example, “Number format” can be selected “1.” or "1)". Change the type of numbering “1, 2, 3...” or “A, B, C...”. Can "Associate level with style", in this case, a ready-made design style will be applied to the text at the selected level (useful if you plan to create content in Word), or start numbering not with “1” or “A”, but with any other letter/number. When you have selected everything, click OK.

    This is how it happened for me, I linked the points to the “Heading 1” style, so the text changed color, size and font.

    As you can see, now my sections and sub-items are on the same level. This is not correct, so let's look at how to work with a multi-level list. Place the cursor in the line whose level you want to change. On the Home tab, select "Increase indent".

    The sub-items are now at the correct level. For example, I also added the line "Third level". To move it to right place, place the cursor in it and click the button twice "Increase indent".

    A multi-level list is a list that contains items indented at different levels. IN Microsoft program Word has a built-in collection of lists from which the user can choose the appropriate style. Also, in Word you can create new styles of multi-level lists yourself.

    Lesson: How to Organize a List Alphabetically in Word

    Selecting a style for a list with a built-in collection

    1. Click in the place in the document where you want the multi-level list to begin.

    2. Click on the button “Multi-level list” located in the group "Paragraph"(tab “Home”).

    3. Choose the style you like multi-level list from those presented in the collection.

    4. Enter list items. To change the hierarchy levels of items presented in the list, click "TAB"(deeper level) or “SHIFT+TAB”(return to previous level.

    Lesson: Hot keys in Word

    Creating a new style

    It is possible that among the multi-level lists presented in the collection Microsoft Word, you won't find one that suits you. It is for such cases that this program provides the ability to create and define new styles of multi-level lists.

    The new multi-level list style can be applied to each subsequent list in the document. Besides, new style created by the user is automatically added to the collection of styles available in the program.

    1. Click on the button “Multi-level list” located in the group "Paragraph"(tab “Home”).

    2. Select .

    3. Starting from level 1, enter the desired number format, set the font, and the arrangement of elements.

    Lesson: Formatting in Word

    4. Repeat similar steps for the next levels of the multi-level list, defining its hierarchy and type of elements.

    Note: When defining a new multi-level list style, you can use both bullets and numbers in the same list. For example, in the section “Numbering for this level” you can scroll through the list of multi-level list styles, selecting the appropriate marker style, which will be applied to a specific hierarchy level.

    5. Click "OK" to accept the change and close the dialog box.

    Note: The multi-level list style that was created by the user will be automatically set as the default style.

    To move elements of a multi-level list to another level, use our instructions:

    1. Select the list item you want to move.

    2. Click on the arrow located next to the button “Markers” or “Numbering”(group "Paragraph").

    3. Select an option from the drop-down menu “Change list level”.

    4. Click on the hierarchy level to which you want to move the selected element of the multi-level list.

    Defining New Styles

    On at this stage It is necessary to explain what the difference between the points is “Define a new list style” And “Define a new multi-level list”. The first command is appropriate to use in situations where it is necessary to change the style created by the user. A new style created using this command will reset all occurrences of it in the document.

    Parameter “Define a new multi-level list” It is extremely convenient to use in cases where you need to create and save a new list style, which will not be changed in the future or will be used only in one document.

    Manually numbering list items

    In some documents containing numbered lists, it is necessary to be able to manual change numbering. In this case, it is necessary that MS Word correctly changes the numbers of the following list elements. One example of this type of document is legal documentation.

    To manually change the numbering, you must use the “Set initial value” parameter - this will allow the program to correctly change the numbering of the following list elements.

    1. Right-click on the number in the list that you want to change.

    2. Select an option “Set initial value” and then perform the required action:

    • Activate the option “Start a new list”, change the value of the element in the field “Initial value”.
    • Activate the option “Continue previous list”, and then check the box “Change initial value”. In the field “Initial value” Set the required values ​​for the selected list item associated with the level of the given number.

    3. The list numbering order will be changed according to the values ​​you specified.

    That's all, now you know how to create multi-level lists in Word. The instructions described in this article apply to all versions of the program, be it Word 2007, 2010 or its newer versions.

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    If in a Microsoft Word document you need to present information in the form of a list, then you can not number it manually - 1, 2, 3..., but do this using the function built into the text editor.

    In this article we will look at how to automatically number a list in Word, create a bulleted or multi-level list.

    The necessary buttons with which everything is done are located on the “Home” tab. There are three of them: one with markers, the second with numbers, and the third with various markers at different levels. Accordingly, the first button is needed to create a bulleted list, the second - a numbered one, and the last one - for a multi-level one.

    Automatic list numbering

    First, let's look at how to number the text on each new line. This is used most often. In this case, each new item will begin with a number.

    Click where you want the list to begin in the document. Then click “Numbering” in the “Paragraph” group. It will start from one. Using the markers on the ruler, you can change the indentation from the left margin.

    To start a new paragraph, press Enter at the end of the previous line.

    If you need to insert regular text after some point, then after this, the question probably arises: how to continue numbering. To do this, place the cursor in the line where the continuation will be and select “Numbering”.

    A new list will appear on the page. Near the unit, click on the arrow next to the lightning bolt and in the drop-down menu click “Continue numbering.”

    After this, instead of one, the next number in sequence will be entered.

    If you need something other than 1,2,3, then click on any item and click on the arrow next to the “Numbering” button. Next, select one of the proposed options. If more than one type is not suitable, click “Define new number format”.

    In the window that opens, select what you want to use: numbers or letters. By clicking the Font button, you can select additional options for the selected number format. To save the changes, click "OK".

    Select them and click on the “Numbering” button.

    Sources numbered in this way are needed if you want to make a link to literature in Word. You can read more about this in the article by following the link.

    After this, all literature will be automatically numbered. Using the markers on the top ruler, set the desired indent from the left margin.

    Documents can contain lists, both regular and automatically numbered. To understand that it is automatic, click next to any of the items or select it with the mouse. If after this more than one item is highlighted, and all other numbers become light gray, it means it is automatic.

    If, on the contrary, you have numbered items in your document and they are not needed, then you can easily remove them. To do this, select the entire list and click on the “Numbering” button. Now all numbers will be deleted.

    Making a bulleted list

    In order for the list in the text to begin not with a number or letter, but, for example, with a black circle, square or check mark, let's look at how to mark it.

    If it is already printed, then select it; if it is not yet, then place the cursor in the place where you will add. Next, on the “Home” tab, click on the arrow next to the “Markers” button. In the menu that opens, select the appropriate marker option and click on it. If nothing matches, click Define New Token.

    The Define New Marker window opens. In the “Marker Sign” field, click on one of the “Symbol”, “Picture” or “Font” buttons. Next you will need to select a suitable image. I chose a symbol. In the “Sample” field you can see how the marker will look in the text. Click "OK" to save your changes.

    This is the marker I got.

    Creating a multi-level list

    If your list consists of a main item, subitems, and explanations of the subitems themselves, then you need to make several levels for it so that the data that depends on the previous item is marked with a different marker and is located a level lower.

    It's not difficult to make them. Let's take for example a list with sections and sub-items. Select it and on the “Home” tab, click the arrow next to the “Multilevel List” button. In the library you can choose one of the numbering options. If nothing works, click on “Define a new multi-level list”.

    In the window that opens, click “More” at the bottom left to expand all the options. Select the desired level at the top left and change the parameters for it in the main window. For example, “Number format” can be selected “1.” or "1)". Change the type of numbering “1, 2, 3...” or “A, B, C...”. You can “Link a level to a style”, in this case a ready-made design style will be applied to the text at the selected level (useful if you plan to create content in Word), or start numbering not from “1” or “A”, but any other letters/numbers. When you have selected everything, click “OK”.

    This is how it happened for me, I linked the points to the “Heading 1” style, so the text changed color, size and font.

    As you can see, now my sections and sub-items are on the same level. This is not correct, so let's look at how to work with a multi-level list. Place the cursor in the line whose level you want to change. On the Home tab, select Increase Indent.

    The sub-items are now at the correct level. For example, I also added the line “Third level”. To move it to the desired place, place the cursor in it and double-click the “Increase indent” button.

    In order to lower the level, place the cursor on the desired line and press the “Decrease indent” button the required number of times.

    Now you know how to make a numbered list in Word. Moreover, for each new item you can use numbers, letters, markers, pictures or special characters.

    Every student will write an essay or coursework at least once during his studies. Of course, there is still a thesis awaiting you at the end. According to GOST, it must have a table of contents. In this article we will look at how to create content in Word, since not all students know about this editor feature.

    Why do you need content?

    Some people make a regular table in which they manually put all the headings and subheadings. In addition, it is very difficult to number such content, since with the slightest editing everything will move down, and this object will be static. Everything will have to be redone and look for changes. It is very long and difficult. Moreover, some people unknowingly begin to add ellipsis manually.

    Much easier and more convenient to choose automatic mode. In this case, compiling a table of contents will take a few seconds, since in order to create such an element, just a few clicks are enough. Let's take a closer look at this process. First of all, let's open a document in which there are many different chapters and for easy navigation you need to set up an interactive list of content.


    Before you can customize the content, you need to insert numbering. To do this you need to do the following.

    1. Go to the Insert tab. Click on the "Header and Footer" icon. In the menu that appears, select “Page Number”. For documents of this kind, it is better to select “Bottom of Page”.
    1. Then you will need to select the desired alignment. It is advisable to set the simple number clearly in the center (not to the left or to the side), otherwise the document will lose its beautiful appearance.
    1. In order to save the changes, you need to click on the “Close Header and Footer Window” button.
    1. This will result in a neat number appearing at the bottom of each sheet.

    Content Creation

    In order to correctly assemble the table of contents, it is advisable to go to the beginning or end of the document, since such an element should not be in the middle of the file. This is done as follows.

    1. First you need to place the cursor in front of the first letter among all your text information.
    1. Then you need to type the Ctrl+Enter key combination on your keyboard. As a result, you will be able to add a blank sheet.
    1. Let's go to the beginning of the document. Then go to the “Links” tab. Click on the “Table of Contents” icon. In the menu that appears, select the item “Auto-assembled table of contents 1” (you can also select the second option - it will still be correct).
    1. Most likely, you will get this result. The fact is that in order to compose competent content, you need to format the section titles (in our case, the names of poems) with heading styles.

    If this is not done, the Microsoft Word editor will try to enter table of contents items automatically at its discretion. IN in this case he chose what was framed bold text, but could have included something else in the list.

    Setting up headers

    In order to create correct and beautiful content, you must perform the following steps.

    1. Click on any verse title (you need to make sure that this text is active and can be edited).
    2. Notice that it has the normal text design selected.
    1. In order to fix this, you need to click on the “Heading 1” style icon (after placing the cursor in the right place).
    1. After this, you need to return to the table of contents again. Right-click on this element. In the appeared context menu select "Update Field".
    1. You will then be asked what exactly needs to be edited. Select "Update Entirely". To save the settings, click on the “OK” button.
    1. Now everything will be nice and neat. But only where we corrected the title.
    1. In order for the remaining points to be the same, everything else will have to be formatted in exactly the same way. That is, all other titles must be assigned the “Heading 1” style. Then repeat the steps above to update the content. After that you will see the following.

    Agree that it will not be possible to make such an even and neat list manually. Each point is in its place and nothing has moved. It is much more pleasant to work in such a document.

    Multi-level table of contents

    In the case described above, all first-level headers were used. Let's consider an example in which there will be subheadings. To do this, you need to insert all the missing elements into the text.

    1. Add a second-level heading to your Word document. To do this, just click on the appropriate style on the toolbar.
    1. Then, to display a new item in the content, we will right-click on this object again. In the context menu, select the “Update field” item.
    1. Next, click on the “OK” button.
    1. Immediately after this, new subheadings will appear in the content.

    Similar actions must be done after each change in the structure of the document.

    Please note that the content should not overlap front page. Everything should be in its place.

    How to write headings correctly

    In the process of working with content, as a rule, some of the text rises up, while others go further. As a result, “naked” headings (titles) may appear at the bottom of the sheet. It doesn't look nice. It is necessary that at least one line remains after them.

    Apart from this, it is also wrong to put the first verse on the contents page. To correct this problem not difficult. To do this, let's take a few simple steps.

    1. We remove everything from the first page except the content. Then we make sure that there are no headings at the end of the page in the entire document. After this, right-click again. In the menu that appears, select “Update Field”.
    1. But this time we select the “Update page numbers only” option. To save, click on the “OK” button.
    1. As a result of this, only the numbers will change, but not the content itself.

    On the other hand, you could select the “Update Entire” option. In the case of our example, nothing will change. But if you made any changes manually, all this would disappear.

    For example, some people like to center the word “Table of Contents” or write something extra of their own. Other users, on the contrary, may remove some items from the content.

    Position Setting

    The Word editor can insert content into the right place without your help. To do this you need to do the following.

    1. Go to the "Links" tab.
    2. Open the "Table of Contents" menu.
    3. Right-click on some table of contents (it doesn’t matter where exactly you will collect it).
    4. Then choose any of the proposed options.

    Table of Contents Properties

    U of this element, like almost everything else in Word, has its own parameters. In order to change them, you need to follow a few simple steps.

    1. We repeat everything described above.
    2. Only this time we select the “Change properties” item.
    1. As a result, the following window will appear.
    1. Here you can change:
      • collection;
      • category (you can create your own template);
    • description;
    • parameters.

    After editing you need to click on the “OK” button, otherwise changes made will not be saved.

    How to use the content

    This element is intended not only for beauty or convenience in printed form. When working with a document for quick transition to the desired chapter, just click on any item, after holding down Ctrl button. That is, you must understand that behind each line there is a hyperlink.

    The editor himself tells us about this.

    Manual table of contents

    If the automatic mode does not suit you, then you can do everything yourself. This is done as follows.

    1. Go to the "Links" tab. Open the “Table of Contents” menu item. Select the Manual Table of Contents type.
    1. As a result of this you will see the following.

    This method is not entirely convenient. But in this case at least dotted line is entered automatically. This is better than adding dots by hand.

    Custom table of contents

    But there is a third option - semi-automatic mode. This content is collected as follows.

    1. Go to the “Links” tab again.
    2. This time, in the “Table of Contents” menu, select the appropriate item.
    1. As a result, the following window will open.
    1. Here you can:
      • enable or disable hyperlinks;
    • enable or disable display of page numbers;
    • enable or disable display of pages on the right edge of the sheet;
    • select the filler type;
    • adjust heading levels;
    • indicate the design format;


    For more detailed settings you need to click on the “Options” button.

    As a result, the following window will open.

    There are quite a few points to edit here. In order to see them all, you need to scroll the slider to the very bottom.

    If you don’t like the changes made or you mess something up, you can always click on the “Reset” button.


    To edit the appearance of menu items, click on the “Edit” button.

    As a result, a window will appear in which you can make changes to any desired table of contents. To do this you need:

    1. Select the desired item.
    2. View description.
    3. If you are not satisfied with it, click on the “Change” button.
    1. Immediately after this, the “Change Style” window will appear. Here you can configure basic settings.
    1. For more fine tuning you need to click on the “Format” menu.
    1. Immediately after this you will see the following items.
    1. The most necessary ones include:
      • font;
    • paragraph;
    • tabulation;
    • border;
    • frame;
    • numbering;
    • text effects.
    1. To save changes at each stage, you must click on the “OK” button.

    How to remove content

    If you no longer need it or your experiments ended in failure, just take the following steps.

    1. Open the "Links" tab.
    2. Click on the "Table of Contents" menu.
    3. Select "Delete Table of Contents".
    1. Thanks to this, it will immediately disappear.

    There is also a second way. To do this, you first need to select everything.

    Then click on the Delete or Backspace button. But if the table of contents is large, then it is much more convenient to use the first method.


    This article discussed the painstaking work with content. Thanks to this, you can create exactly what you want, and not use ready-made templates Microsoft editor Word.

    If you're having trouble, your text may be missing headings. How to fix this problem was described earlier.

    Video instructions

    For those who still have any questions, below is a video with detailed comments on the instructions described above.

    Here we will consider creating multi-level lists in Word, numbered and bulleted lists, formatting lists in Word. Let's see how work with lists in Word– move one list level to another, add or subtract items or levels to the list.
    Lists in Word can be made in two ways:
    a) First write a list, then formalize it;
    b) Immediately set up Word and then write a list. It will be processed immediately.
    Types of lists in Word.
    The list can be formatted with markers - different checkmarks, dots. This type of list is called "Bulleted".
    “Numbered list” - when there are numbers and letters next to the list items.
    “Multi-level list” - when a list structure is created, several levels, sections, etc., indented.
    Let's look at all types of lists and how to work with them. On the “Home” tab in the “Paragraph” section there are three buttons. Create a bulleted list inWord.
    Place the cursor in that place Word pages, where the beginning of the list will be. On the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section, click on the “Create a bulleted list” button. In Word 2007 - the "Bullets" button.
    The button in the top image is circled in red.
    We chose a marker - a check mark. This check mark appeared in the place where the cursor stood. That's it, Word is set up, all that remains is to write a list.
    A new list item will be written when we press the “Enter” key.
    In this list, we pressed the “Enter” key after the point after the word with the words: “watermelon”, “etc.”, “pear”. In this list you can see that until we press the “Enter” key, the line in the list will move lower.
    You can customize your marker appearance by clicking the Define New Marker button in the Marker Library dialog box. Here you can select another symbol as a marker, a picture or a font. For example, we chose the “Star” marker. The list turned out like this.
    To cancel a marker, for example, after finishing writing a list, click the “No” button in the “Marker Library” dialog box. The cursor should be on the line from which you want to remove the marker.
    Or, place the cursor after the marker before the word where the marker needs to be removed (for example, before the word “Pear”) or on a new line, and press the “Backspace” key on the keyboard or press the “Create bulleted marker” button.
    If necessary make out of Word list simple text, remove all list markers at once, then select the list and click the “Create bulleted list” button.
    Or click on the arrow next to the “Create a bulleted list” button and select the “No” function button from the dialog box. All markers will be deleted, and the list will appear as plain text.
    When we turn off the list marker, there will be a large indent from the edge of the line. To remove this indentation, click on the “Reduce indentation” button (the button is highlighted in purple in the image).
    How to create a numbered list in Word.
    We proceed as in the first option, only click the “Create a numbered list” function button. In Word 2007, the “Numbering” button. Here you can select numbers or letters for the list.
    Creating multi-level lists inWord.
    A multi-level list differs from a simple list by different indentations of list items.
    First way.
    First, let's look at how to create a multi-level list right away while typing.
    Place the cursor in the place on the Word page where we will write the list. On the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section, click on the “Create a multi-level list” button. In Word 2007, the button is called “Multilevel List”. In the window that appears, click on the type of list that we need. We chose this option.
    Now let's write a list.
    In the first line we write the name of the list section - the first level. We wrote the word "Fruit". It turned out like this.
    Now, in the list, we need to list these fruits in the second level of the list.
    Press the “Enter” key. The number “2)” appears. We don't need her. To write a second level of list, we will increase the indentation (create structure) by pressing the Tab key or the Increase Indent button. It is located on the “Home” tab next to the list creation buttons.
    About the “Tab” button and the tabulation function, how to change the tab stop, read the article “Tabulation in Word”.
    The cursor moved to the right, a larger indent and the letter “a)” appeared. This is the second level of the list.
    Now we write the word “apple”. Press "Enter". The cursor will move to the next line of the second level of the list with the letter “b)”. We write the word "Pear". It turned out like this.
    To go to the first level of the list, press the key combination “Shift” + “Tab” or the “Decrease indent” button on the “Home” tab. This is how we create a list by changing the indentation of the list levels.
    If you need to make three levels of the list, then after the second level, for the third level we indent again. So, you can make many levels in the list.
    If you need to move from the third level to the first, then reduce the indentation twice until we get to the first level.
    Second way.

    We have this text, a general list.
    We need to make a two-level list. The first level is to put the name of the section (Fruits, vegetables). In the second level, list fruits (apple, pear) and vegetables (carrots, beets). The principle is this. We configure each level separately by setting indents and pressing the list function button.
    We select the words that will be the first level. You can select all the words of the future first level of the list at once. It's done like this. Select the first word or phrase. Press and hold down the “Ctrl” key and select all other words.We highlighted the words “Fruits”, “Vegetables”.
    Click on the “Multi-level list” button, click on the button for the desired type of list. It will turn out like this.
    The first level of the list appears. Now we select the words of the second level. Press the “Tab” key. An indentation has appeared.
    Click the “Multilevel List” button. This will result in the second level of the list.
    This way you can make many levels, selecting them all at once or each one separately.
    You can configure list levels not only with the “Multi-level list” button, but also with other list buttons (bullet or numbered list).
    Formatting lists in Word.
    To edit the list, just place the cursor in the desired place in the list and using list buttons and indents you can change, delete, or add list items.
    To move part of the list to another level, add an indent (to make the next list level) or decrease the indent (to move it to a higher level). But first, we place the cursor in front of the word of the item that we want to move. If you need to move several items, then first select them, then move them.
    Can create your own list style Word, click on the create lists button and select the appropriate function “Define a new bullet” in bulleted lists, “Define a new number format” in numbered lists, “Define a new list style” or “Define a new multi-level list” for multi-level lists. There you can adjust the indentation amount, etc.
    In Word, you can number not only lists, but also rows and columns in a table. See the article "

    Hi all. In this article we will learn how to create lists in Word using different cases life and all kinds. We will also learn how to create a multi-level list and how to work with it in Microsoft Word. Are you ready? Then let's go. How to create a list in Word

    Before we start analyzing the types of lists, let's learn about their creation. And they are created in two ways.

    We create a list of items, having previously selected the type that we need: bulleted, numbered or multi-level. And we add each new item.

    Create based on the finished text. To do this, you need to select a part of the text and click on the corresponding list type. Each new level will be indicated by a new point.

    Do you know where lists are created? “Home” tab – “Paragraph” section. There are three types of lists that you can create in Word:

    We will consider each of these types of list separately: how they differ and how they are created.

    Create a bulleted list

    So, the first type is bulleted list. What is he doing? Creates a list, at the beginning of each list item there will be a special sign (marker) and initially it is a black circle. How to change it. Click on the down arrow to see other marker styles. Select the bullet you want for the list.

    When you click on the “Define a new marker” button, you can set the level marker style from a style that is not in the standard Word library or from a picture.

    Create a numbered list

    The second type of list is bulleted. The list will be numbered automatically. This list is called up by the “Numbering” button. When you press the down button, numbering options will be available. And the “Define new number format” button will allow you to select options for the list style and number format. For example, you can set the format to “10” and the next items will be “20, 30, 40, etc.”

    How to make a multi-level list

    The third type of list is multi-level. Called by clicking on the corresponding button. The down icon will allow you to select appearance multi-level list. And if you need more settings, then click on “Define a new multi-level list”. And in it, the “More” button will allow you to customize the appearance of the multi-level list even more flexibly.

    How to work with a multi-level list

    So, having figured out how it is created, let's see how the appearance of a multi-level list changes.

    So we looked at ways to create a list in Word various types. I hope that this knowledge will take you to the next level of work. If you have any questions, write in the comments. If I helped you, share the article on social networks- It’s not difficult for you, I’m pleased.

    Everyone has to make lists in Microsoft Word. First - while studying at school or university. After all, when preparing essays, coursework, and diplomas, teachers require you to create a list of references in Word and sort it alphabetically.

    This knowledge will be useful at work in the future. For example, when writing articles for websites, blogs, and online stores, lists are required, because they improve the readability of the text. They can also be useful when preparing reports or any documents.

    First, a little theory. There are 3 types of lists in Microsoft Word:

    • marked;
    • numbered;
    • multi-level.

    Marked ones use dots by default. But instead of them, you can choose checkmarks, arrows, squares and other special symbols.

    With numbered ones, everything is clear from the name. Usually Latin numerals are used here, although Roman numerals and even English letters can be used instead.

    Finally, multi-level ones are those that consist of sub-levels. For example, there is point 1, and then there are 1a, 1b, etc. In this case, they can be either marked or numbered.

    On this short course The theory is completed, let's move on to practice.

    Creating lists in Word couldn't be easier 2003

    For example, you need to create a bulleted list in Word 2003. Write a couple of lines, highlight them and click the following icon:

    If you don't have it, then select in top menu"View - Toolbars" and check the "Format" box.

    If you want to choose another symbol instead of dots, then open the “Format-List” items in the menu.

    Go to the "Marked" tab and choose what you like best. If you don’t like anything, then select the most suitable option and click the “Change” button.

    Here you can change the indentation of the list in Word (this is important when preparing abstracts, term papers and dissertations), the icon or the picture.

    In the latter case, symbols of various colors and shapes are offered to choose from, so there will always be something to choose from.

    Now, to make an alphabetical list in Word, select “Table – Sorting” in the top menu.

    In the window that opens, check the box next to “Ascending” and click “OK.”

    Ready. This is how easy it is to make an alphabetical list in Word.

    If you want to arrange it in reverse order, then select Descending.

    To create a numbered list in Word 2003, select a new pair of lines (or the same ones) and click on this icon (how to display it is written just above):

    As a result, Latin numerals will be displayed instead of dots. If you want to put something else, go to the “Format-List” again, open the “Numbered” section and choose what you like best.

    Making a multi-level list in Word 2003 is also easy. Select a couple of lines, select the same items in the menu and go to the “Multi-level” section. Then highlight the option you like and click OK.

    Initially it will be normal. To make it multi-level, highlight the desired item and press Tab. It will “move” a little to the right and the letter or number opposite it will change. To make it clearer, look at the screenshot below.

    1. Copy the titles of books or other sources into a text editor.
    2. Create a numbered list.
    3. Sort it alphabetically.

    Word 2007 has undergone several changes compared to the previous version. However, making a list in Word 2007 is also easy

    Select any piece of text, go to the “Home” section and click on the following icon:

    If you want to remove it, click the icon again.

    Please note that there is a small arrow next to this icon. When you click on it, settings will open where you can select another symbol - a check mark, a square, etc. In this version text editor this has already been implemented much more conveniently.

    To make numbering in Word 2007, select the required lines and click on this icon:

    If you want to choose a different design, click on the small arrow (as in the previous example) and choose what you like best - for example, Latin numbers with brackets.

    A multi-level list is created in a similar way in Word 2007. In this case, you need to click on this icon and select the design you like:

    Then select the necessary items one by one and, by pressing the Tab button, configure it the way it should look.

    Finally, to make a bibliography in Word 2007 alphabetically:

    1. Copy the list of books into a Word text editor.
    2. Select them and create a numbered list.
    3. To sort it alphabetically, click on the following icon, select Ascending and click OK.

    Ready. As you can see, arranging a list alphabetically in Word is not at all difficult. Let's move on.

    Instructions for Word 2010

    Outwardly, it is completely no different from the text editor of the 2007 version. The same goes for Microsoft packages Word 2013 and 2016. They look absolutely identical. Therefore, creating lists in Word 2010, 2013 and 2016 is carried out exactly the same as in the 2007 version.

    So if you need to make a bibliography in Word 2010 and organize it alphabetically, follow the instructions described above.

    Instead of a conclusion

    As you can see, everything is as simple as shelling pears, the main thing here is to figure it out the first time. And then you will perform these operations automatically, without even thinking about what is being done and how.