• Are LED lamps worth using? Dimmer support. Color temperature and emission spectrum

    As the name suggests, the light source in the light diode lamps are miniature electronic devices- LEDs. In conventional incandescent lamps, light is emitted by a red-hot metal coil. In energy-saving lamps, light is emitted by a phosphor that is applied to the inner surface of a glass tube. In turn, the phosphor glows under the action of a gas discharge.

    Before moving on to the LED lamps themselves, let’s briefly consider the features of each type of lamp.

    Incandescent lamp The structure is very simple: a spiral of refractory metal is fixed inside a transparent glass flask, from which the air is evacuated. Passing through the spiral, the electric current heats it up to high temperature, in which the metal glows brightly.

    The advantage of such lamps is their low price. However, it is compensated by an equally low efficiency: less than 10% of the electricity consumed by the light bulb is converted into visible light. The rest is uselessly dissipated in the form of heat - the light bulb gets very hot during operation. In addition, the service life of the device is very short and amounts to approximately 1,000 hours.

    Compact fluorescent lamp, or CFL(this is the exact name energy saving lamp), with the same brightness of light, consumes approximately five times less electricity than an incandescent lamp. CFLs are more expensive and have several significant disadvantages for the consumer:

    • it takes quite a long time (several minutes) to light up after switching on;
    • the lamp with its curved glass bulb looks unaesthetic;
    • The CFL light flickers, which is hard on the eyes.

    LED lamp consists of several LEDs mounted in one housing with a power supply. You can’t do without a power supply: LEDs require power to work DC with a voltage of 6 or 12 V, in a household electrical network - alternating current with a voltage of 220 V.

    Photo by the author

    The lamp body is most often made in the form of a familiar “pear” with a screw base. Thanks to this, LED lamps can be easily installed in a regular socket.

    Depending on the LEDs used, the emission color of LED lamps may vary. This is one of their advantages.

    Incandescent lamp Energy saving LED
    Emission color Yellow Warm, daytime Yellow, warm white, cool white
    Power consumption Big Medium: 5 times less than incandescent lamps Low: 8 times less than incandescent lamps
    Service life 1 thousand hours 3–15 thousand hours 25–30 thousand hours
    Flaws High heat Fragile, takes a long time to burn Low maximum power
    Advantages Low price, work in a wide range of conditions Relatively economical and durable Very economical and durable

    Advantages of LED lamps:

    • very low energy consumption - on average eight times less than incandescent lamps of similar brightness;
    • very long service life - they work 25–30 times longer than incandescent lamps;
    • almost do not heat up;
    • radiation color - optional;
    • stable lighting brightness even with fluctuations in supply voltage.

    The main advantage of LED lamps is their efficiency. It is expected that due to low energy consumption and long service life, LED lamps will significantly reduce lighting costs.

    The price of LED lamps at the time of writing was approximately three times higher than conventional lamps. Consequently, in monetary terms they are 50–100 times more economical. Of course, these savings will be achieved provided that the lamp fully fulfills its promised service life and does not burn out prematurely.

    The disadvantages of LED lamps limit their scope of application:

    • uneven light distribution - the power supply built into the case obscures the light flux;
    • a frosted bulb looks ugly in glass and crystal lamps;
    • The brightness of the glow, as a rule, cannot be changed using a dimmer;
    • unsuitable for use at very low (in the cold) and high (in steam rooms, saunas) temperatures.

    What to consider when choosing an LED lamp

    LED lamps have many characteristics. This makes it harder to get it right. Let's figure out what exactly the different characteristics mean.

    Photo by the author

    Supply voltage

    If the voltage in your apartment or house is unstable, you need to choose lamps that can operate in a wide range of voltages. This is always indicated on the packaging. Unlike incandescent lamps, LED lamps undervoltage burn as brightly as with normal.

    Emission color

    Color is characterized by color temperature, which is measured in Kelvin: as color temperature increases, light changes from yellow to blue. In most cases, the color of the radiation is indicated on the packaging and lamp body in degrees and in the words:

    • warm (2,700 K) - approximately corresponds to the radiation of an incandescent lamp;
    • warm white (3,000 K) - considered optimal for residential premises;
    • cold white (4,000 K) - for industrial premises; close to daylight.

    There are lamps with variable color: when you switch the mode, the emission spectrum of such a lamp changes.

    It must be borne in mind that many people do not perceive the blue part of the spectrum well, so the cold light of the lamps will seem dim to them. So, if you decide to install cold spectrum lamps in your home, choose them with a power reserve.


    The packaging of LED lamps indicates their luminous flux and power of incandescent lamps similar in brightness. The actual power consumption of LED lamps is on average 6–8 times less. For example, a 12-watt LED bulb is as bright as a regular 100-watt bulb. This ratio can be used when choosing an LED lamp to replace an incandescent lamp.

    However, there may be something waiting for you here unpleasant surprise: The stated wattage may not match the actual wattage and the lamp will produce less light than expected.

    In addition, the brightness of LEDs decreases over time. It is possible that the light bulb will have to be changed long before its service life expires due to the fact that it has become too dim.

    Other Important Points

    • Dimensions. LED lamps are slightly larger in size than similar incandescent lamps. Therefore, they may simply not fit in small lampshades.
    • If your lamp is switched on with a dimmer, you need appropriate bulbs. The packaging should indicate that the lamp is adjustable.
    • The color rendering index of LED lamps is low: this means that they somewhat distort the visual perception of colors. In some cases, for example when photographing from LED light, this may be important.

    Strategy for switching to LED lamps

    The prospect shouldn't make you lose your head. Don’t rush to run to the store and buy light bulbs for all the lamps in the house at once. It is advisable to be guided by two principles.

    1. Replace only lamps with high power- 60 W or more. The savings from replacing low-power lamps will be small, and the cost of a new lamp may not be recouped.
    2. Replace lamps in lamps that have the longest burning time during the day: for example, in chandeliers in living rooms. It makes no sense to change a light bulb in some utility room, the light in which comes on occasionally and not for long.

    You should not expect that energy consumption will decrease significantly.

    The main consumers of electricity in everyday life are various types of heating devices: iron, electric kettle, washing machine and especially the electric stove. According to several people interviewed, the energy bill after switching to LED bulbs decreases by somewhere between 15-25%.

    Another tip: do not buy many lamps of the same brand at once, first take one or two to try. The fact is that lamps with the same color temperature different manufacturers can vary greatly in the light emitted. What if the spectrum of these particular lamps is unpleasant to you? It's better to try.


    LED lamps, compared to traditional incandescent lamps, are a fundamentally new solution for lighting.

    Just a few years ago they were very expensive technical novelty, but today their price is already comparable to the price of other types of lamps. As for the characteristics, LED lamps are noticeably superior to previous lighting devices. The verdict is clear: the transition to LED lamps is completely justified.

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    Considered an environmentally friendly light source. Skillfully selected lighting allows you to create a functional interior and a favorable atmosphere in your home.To understand how to choose LED lamps for your home, you need to study their features, characteristics and operating principle. At the same time, these lighting sources can work for a long time, do not cause harm to the human body and save electrical energy.

    Systems of lighting sources in the interior

    Selecting good LED lamps for your home allows you to save money cash. One of the main advantages of such lighting is that it does not have hazardous components. An important point is the energy consumption value, which is 10 times less than that of standard products.

    Such lighting devices have the following characteristics:

    • increased luminous efficiency;
    • low energy consumption;
    • long service life;
    • have a uniform glow that does not tire the eyes;
    • are safe to use;
    • resistance to voltage surges;
    • versatility of the device.

    These qualities unite all LED devices, but there are differences between products that relate to the base option, housing dimensions and equipment power.

    Design and circuits of LED lamps

    Knowledge of the device will give you an understanding of how to choose LED lamps for your home. The design consists of three main elements:

    • LED is considered a source of radiation; this element can have a different layout;
    • a mini-transformer converts voltage;
    • The radiator helps cool the heating transformer.

    In addition, the device includes a diffuser used to distribute light. This element is made of polycarbonate or translucent plastic. The capacitor is used to remove ripple in the voltage. Such a detail as The driver is used for alternating current.

    An important detail is the brass base, which is responsible for contact with the cartridge and the base of the base, which protects the case from electrical breakdowns.

    How to choose LED lamps for your home: analysis of lighting devices

    These lighting sources are more expensive than their analogues. When deciding how to choose an LED lamp for your home, you need to perform an analysis to compare with alternative devices. This will allow you to judge the effectiveness of LED devices.

    Related article:

    Such lamps can save thousands of rubles a year. In this review, we will look at their types, characteristics and prices so that you can understand which of them will best suit your needs.

    Types of socles

    LED products are produced with different variations of standard sockets. The following options exist:

    When selecting structures based on the type of base, you need to choose those that are already installed in the house.

    Power table for LED and incandescent lamps

    Using the power table of LED lamps, you can evaluate the difference between this indicator and other light sources. It is worth considering that in the case of such models, power does not always indicate the brightness of the glow.

    In the table you can see the power ratio of LED lamps and their analogues.

    Table 1. Power ratio between LED lamps and their analogues

    Light output indicators

    An important indicator is considered to be luminous flux, the unit of measurement of which is expressed in lumens. Not all manufacturers indicate this value, so many choose products based on power.

    When organizing lighting in your home, you should choose models with a power of 6-10 W. Such products will provide a luminous flux that is equal in brightness to incandescent lamps with a power of 60 W.

    Table 2. Luminous flux indicators for LED lamps and their analogues

    Fluorescent lampsIncandescent feetLED lamps
    Power, WLuminous flux, lmPower, WLuminous flux, lmPower, WLuminous flux, lm
    5 145 15 135 3 360
    11 500 60 730 6 630
    21 900 100 1380 10 920

    Features of color temperature

    Incandescent lamps at any power produce a yellowish glow, and LED products can have different shades. When choosing LED lamps for a home with a base, you need to pay attention to the color of the glow. This parameter indicated on the lamp packaging or in the technical documentation.

    Useful information! To decorate a living room, it is better to choose options with a neutral white glow.

    Angle of light sources

    Unlike conventional incandescent lamps, the angle of luminous flux of such products may vary. This must be taken into account when choosing products. If you use products with a narrowly directed flow, then a certain place on the ceiling will be illuminated. The manufacturer indicates the scattering angle on the packaging. For this purpose, special technical designations are used. For example, VNSP stands for narrow luminous flux, FL stands for low luminous flux, and VWFL stands for wide luminous flux.

    Useful information! Llamas with a narrowly directed glow are suitable for illuminating interior items.

    Lighting standards and choice of model for a student’s desk

    It is important to choose the right lighting for a student’s desk. In this case, you need to take into account the location of the lighting fixture, table, and also choose the right model.

    There are certain standards for desktop lighting. In this case, the light flux should be soft, even and non-flickering. In addition to artificial lighting, it is important to use basic light. This will help avoid fatigue and eye strain.

    When choosing a model, you need to be guided by the safety and ease of use of the device. Many devices are equipped with a special holder. The lampshade should completely cover the lamp so that light does not enter the eyes.

    Options for LED lamps for the home: prices

    The table shows prices for some popular models.

    Table 3. Average cost of LED lamps

    ImageModel, manufacturerCharacteristicsCost, rub.
    Jazzway PLED-AR111Power 12 W Light-forming element - diode.
    Produced by European standards.
    Used for lighting residential and public spaces, as well as for decorative lighting.
    Philips W5W 5500 KLlamas are different maximum security and uniform light distribution.
    Power 1 W.
    Color temperature– 5500 K.
    Supra SL-LED-A60-9W/2700/E27-NThey are an innovative and environmentally friendly light source. Allows you to save up to 90% of electricity compared to similar products.
    Power 9 W.
    2 250
    ELEKTROSTANDART 50/50It has a cool tint.
    Power – 3 W.
    Brightness – 240 lm.
    ERA LED smd BXS-7w-840-E14Power -7 W.
    White light.
    Durability: 30 thousand hours.
    Camelion LED5.5-G45/845/EPower -5.5 W.
    Ball shape.
    Color temperature -4500 K.

    Today, many companies, both Russian and foreign, are engaged in the production of LED light bulbs. In this regard, there is a high risk of buying a low-quality product, for which you will pay a decent amount of money, because... LEDs are the most expensive light source. Next, we will provide you with a rating of LED lamps for the home for 2017, so that you know which companies are best to give preference to when choosing suitable products.

    TOP 3 best brands

    The Dutch company Philips is rightfully considered the best manufacturer of lighting products in the ranking, including LED lamps. The brand pays special attention to the design of its light bulbs, as you can see by looking at the photo below.

    In addition, Philips has done a good job on the energy-saving properties of light bulbs, their service life and, no less important, environmental friendliness. The result is reliable, durable and at the same time economical light sources, which are widely used for LED lighting in houses and apartments. The only drawback of LED products is the high price compared to the cost of other leading manufacturers. But still, as reviews on the Internet show, LEDs from Philips already after a year and a half of operation “recapture” their price.

    By the way, this manufacturer is engaged in the production of so-called smart light bulbs, which are quite popular today. The Philips Hue model can be turned on and off using an application on a smartphone. In addition, the light bulb can change the brightness of the light and even work as an alarm clock. You can learn more about what they are from our article, in which we also made a rating of the best models for 2017.


    Second place in the ranking of LED lamps for the home is occupied by products of the Austrian manufacturer - Osram. This brand was tested by the expert organization Stiftung Warentest, as a result of which the products were awarded such merits as: “Longest service life”, “Greatest energy efficiency”, “Environmental protection”. Indeed, Osram LED lamps are considered one of the best in the world, so their use for homes and apartments will be cost-effective.

    As for the disadvantages, as in the previous case, a huge disadvantage of LED products is the high cost, which again is a moot point (for for a long time The work of the light bulb will quickly pay for itself)!


    Optimal price-quality ratio

    You probably noticed that in the rating of manufacturers of LED lamps for the home, all of the listed brands have one significant drawback - high cost. That is why, if you decide to make lighting inexpensive but of high quality, it is better to choose cheaper products. You can find out which LED lamps will be equally good for spotlights and chandeliers in this list:

    1. Optogan (Russia). A domestic company that produces energy-efficient light bulbs with bright LEDs. A good competitor to the Gauss brand, which still made it into the rating, but the price is lower.
    2. Camelion (China). Fans of Chinese products can use Kamelion lamps in their home, which, oddly enough, are known on the world market and are of relatively high quality.
    3. Nichia (Japan). The Japanese company has great demand for Russian market, which can be seen not only from statistics, but also from reviews on the Internet. There is nothing special about Nichia LED lamps, but at the same time, like its competitors in the price/quality category, we can highlight good assembly, high efficiency indicators and inexpensive prices.

    Well, finishing our question about what LED light bulbs better for home and apartment, I would like to talk about those companies whose products have relatively good reliability and low price, but it will not be possible to get into the rating of the best LED lamps of 2017 with such indicators. For a dacha, in order not to overpay extra money, it is recommended to choose companies such as Maxus (China) and Svetlana-Optoelectronics (Russia). We also recommend that you read comparative characteristics some companies that we have provided in the tables:

    When building a house or undergoing major renovations, we always have the question of proper lighting.

    You can “without bothering” use lighting sources that are traditionally, year after year, used throughout the entire former Soviet space, i.e. type "Ilyich's light bulb".

    Or you can take advantage of the progress of the industry and purchase modern systems. To give preference to a particular lamp, you need to remember what is your highest priority and maintain a balance between service life, energy consumption, and their appearance.

    It is necessary to mention that in the case of choosing lighting lamps, the principle “What is more expensive is economical”. High cost lighting lamp, more than pays for itself in savings on electricity bills. Currently, manufacturers provide us with a huge variety of lamps, so choosing the right one according to the criteria that you have planned for your own will not be too difficult!

    Consider the classification of lamps for home lighting

    • You cannot touch such a light bulb without gloves. Since when you touch bare hands A grease stain forms on the light bulb, and subsequently darkening and burnout, i.e. fails;
    • they are sensitive to changes in network voltage;
    • The gloss effect leads to glare on the surface, which causes rapid eye fatigue.

    The modern market represents 3 categories of halogen lamps with narrow, medium and wide angle dispersion. The concentration of illumination depends on the size of the angle. This means that the halogen lamp that we buy for reading is not at all suitable for uniformly illuminating the entire room. You can insert such a light bulb into the socket by wearing rubber gloves, or without touching the light bulb itself, but only the packaging.

    There are 2 types halogen lamps: 12 V and 220 V. For the former, an additional transformer is required. According to experts, 12 V lamps are distinguished by a light that is pleasant to the eye, close to daylight, while 220 V lamps emit a brighter and less natural light. This category of lamps can be installed in a room or corridor.

    Fluorescent lamps

    Fluorescent lamps in the interior

    Such lamps are widely used not only in residential premises, but also in offices. We know a fluorescent lamp as a cylindrical hollow tube with electrodes at the edges. Mercury vapor is pumped into such a tube under pressure. When an electrical discharge occurs, mercury vapor begins to produce ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which a phosphor applied to the inner surface of the tube creates a cold blue light.

    The percentage of conversion of electricity into light for such a lamp is 5 times greater than for an incandescent lamp.

    Due to the presence of mercury vapor inside the lamp, disposal of such lamps must be carried out with special care: under no circumstances should they be broken or thrown into a trash container. There are special items acceptance of used fluorescent lamps.

    Currently, we are offered not only tubular fluorescent lamps for equipping offices, but also lamps designed to fit standard bases. Such lamps are called “energy-saving fluorescent lamps.”

    The most common compact light bulbs resemble a twisting spiral in shape..

    In this case, the range from 2700 to 3000 Kelvin would be preferable, due to the fact that this temperature segment demonstrates the yellowish glow of the usual sunlight. The color on the packaging is usually indicated in words. Look for models that say “warm white” or “soft white.”

    Base type

    Base types

    When choosing an LED lamp by base type, you must choose the option that was before. For example, when a regular E27 threaded base is screwed into a chandelier, you need to buy an LED with exactly the same thread.

    If you decide to install a spotlight, you must choose a lamp with a GU 5.3 base. Used in night lights and sconces following types threads: E27 and E14 (Mignon).

    The shapes of LED lamps are varied: round, elongated, pear-shaped. Your choice in this case should be based on your taste and design of the lamp.

    Important for LED bulbs is the presence of a heat sink, which removes the temperature from the LED block. If the proposed model does not have a cooling system in the form of an aluminum ribbed surface, you should not buy such a light bulb.

    It happens that manufacturers of inexpensive products install a radiator in the form of a plastic outlet. Experts do not recommend buying such products, because plastic has many disadvantages and, in comparison with aluminum, it does not have such high cooling efficiency. It is worth remembering that frosted bulbs do not allow you to see the presence of a radiator.

    Work resource

    • power
    • base type
    • color rendering coefficient
    • manufacturer information
    • warranty period
    • color temperature
    • luminous flux
    • barcode.

    If, when looking at the packaging, you couldn’t find most of the parameters with your eyes, you should doubt the quality of such products.

    When giving your preference to one or another LED lamp, you should pay attention to the product itself: all fastening elements must be made without irregularities, gaps and roughness.


    The company is a manufacturer - the information is quite important to the consumer. The quality of the products we purchase depends on the manufacturer. I would like to say that both foreign and domestic companies produce highly reliable products.

    Manufacturers of LED lamps for home

    Advantages of LED lamps:

    • efficiency, after all, such a lamp has minimal electricity consumption, and the high cost pays off with small bills for light
    • duration of operation (5-10 years)
    • heat transfer at a minimum. LED bulbs practically do not heat up, which provides the necessary safety. This is very important when you need many light sources.
    • high degree of strength. The body of such light bulbs is made of plastic, which prevents the risk of breaking and injury from small fragments
    • does not contain mercury vapor
    • no problems with disposal


    • high cost, but considering the long term, they are the most profitable.
    • requires special lamps. For long work lamps, strict adherence to the permissible power of the lighting device and its power is necessary.

    LED lamps have the fewest disadvantages

    LED lamps- this is a real breakthrough in the development of lighting systems; they are increasingly popular when choosing home lighting devices.

    Be sure to pay attention to the power of such a lamp. When replacing incandescent lamps with LED lamps, you can use a simple but efficient way dividing the power by 8. This means that the “Ilyich light bulb” with a power of 60 W will be replaced by an LED with a power of 7.5 W.

    Choose the right lamp light spectrum

    Color spectrum
    • Consider the price of the lamp. Quality cannot come cheap. A low price is a sign of a low quality product, the service life of which will not be long, and the desired savings will not be achieved. It is better to buy a product from a well-known manufacturer, preferably a European one.
    • Pay attention to the LED pulsation during operation. The presence of pulsation or flickering will indicate poor quality rectifier in the lamp power supply. The light emitted by such a lamp can cause vision impairment.
    • Check the base holder and the quality of the radiator, because... These parameters are responsible for the life of the lamp.

    A very necessary purchase for your home will be an LED lamp with a built-in motion sensor and night mode.
    In the dark, the lamp automatically turns on the standby lighting, and when a person appears, it turns on full brightness.

    This option will be ideal for lighting a technical room, as well as a corridor or a bathroom.

    At the end of the article, I would like to say a few words about quartz lamp. Such a purchase will become a reliable assistant for parents during the season of the spread of infectious diseases. Its purpose is to stop the infection. This lamp can treat skin diseases, as well as joints, diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems. The choice of such lamps is huge. They are different technical characteristics and range of procedures.

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  • The first step towards arranging energy-efficient housing is the use of economical light sources. LED lamps for the home, which are available for sale in a wide range, fully meet this criterion.

    In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to understand the design features of different LED devices and understand them basic characteristics. The reputation of the manufacturer will also play an important role.

    Externally, an LED light bulb is not much different from its counterparts - structurally, it also consists of a glass bulb and a base. But the internal content of the soffit has changed dramatically. The role of the illuminator is not performed by a tungsten filament, but by a light emitting diode (LED).

    To light an LED, a low voltage is required, so the device is supplemented with a driver - an electronic circuit that converts alternating current.

    Each element performs a specific function:

    • the working pair of radiator/aluminum board is responsible for cooling and removes heat from the LEDs and power supply;
    • In addition to current stabilization, the driver protects the lamp from short circuit and minimizes light pulsation;
    • the system and the number of LEDs determines the power of the light bulb and the angle of illumination;
    • The diffuser ensures uniform beam delivery.

    The quality of component parts determines the lighting parameters, the durability of LED products and the safety of their operation for human health.

    The standard design of a diode lamp, in addition to the diffuser bulb, LED system and base, includes a driver, a radiator and an aluminum printed circuit board

    The increased interest in diodes is due to a number of significant advantages over incandescent lamps:

    • efficiency - electricity consumption is reduced by 8-10 times;
    • durability – service life increased by 20-40 times;
    • maintaining brightness during voltage surges;
    • slight heating of the bulb - there is no risk of getting burned by the LED lamp.

    In a lamp of limited power, you can install a brighter diode than an outdated analogue with an incandescent coil.

    LEDs also outperform fluorescent lamps in the following parameters: efficiency, safety and glow quality. The spectrum of LED illuminators is closer to daylight

    Diode light bulbs still have disadvantages. Main disadvantages: high price and availability of low quality products for sale. In addition, the ability to change brightness is limited - dimming is provided only in more expensive models.

    Types of household LEDs: design differences

    Lamps for the home are classified according to two main criteria: LED type and design. Based on the first feature, there are three types of diodes:

    • SMD – single LEDs;
    • COB – matrix of illuminators;
    • Filament – ​​diode filament.

    SMD. Single LEDs are suitable for board surface mounting. Their feature is directed light emission with a scattering angle of 100-130°. Priority use: spotlights and LED strips.

    Structurally, an SMD illuminator is a crystal on a heat-dissipating layer made of copper or aluminum. There are varieties with and without a diverging lens

    SMD diodes are durable, as their design ensures good heat dissipation, preventing the device elements from overheating even during continuous operation.

    COB. The abbreviation is interpreted as Chip on Bord, translated as a chip on a board. LEDs are a housing of different configurations with SMD crystals integrated into it.

    Designations in the photo: 1 – SMD 5050 module, 2 – COB matrix for 36 chips. The luminous flux of COB diodes is significantly higher than single SMDs

    Lamps with “matrix” LEDs are not suitable for narrowly focused lighting, but they are also not able to cover the entire surrounding space - their light dispersion angle is less than 180°.

    Filament. The innovative LED is designed using the COB principle, but here many mini-crystals are placed on one elongated cylindrical substrate.

    Features of Filament LED lamps: a light spectrum that is comfortable for the eyes, the presence of a transparent bulb, and the absence of a cooling radiator. Scattering angle – 360°

    Based on their design, diode lamps for household use can be divided into three groups:

    • standard models with matte or transparent bulb;
    • “corn” with SMD or COD LEDs.

    Standard. Traditional lamps produced in different forms: classic, candle, pear, elongated ball, ellipsoid, etc. The type of bulb depends on the LED used. Matte housing is typical for models with SMD or COD crystals, and transparent glass is typical for Filament lamps.

    "Corn". Initially everything lighting equipment This type was made without a flask. Open SMD diodes were placed on the cylindrical tube, which eliminated the risk of overheating. Later, single LEDs began to be replaced by more powerful COB matrices.

    Both options have the following advantages:

    • the absence of a bulb increases the brightness of the glow by 25-40%;
    • comprehensive coverage;
    • maintainability;
    • do not need a radiator, which reduces the cost.

    The main disadvantage is the danger of contact with open contacts under voltage.

    The photo shows: 1 – “corn” with large SMD diodes, 2 – COB LEDs, 3 – small light bulb with bulb

    The last option is the least successful. The glass case hides the contacts but blocks heat from escaping. Such a defect leads to rapid burnout of the lamp.

    LED light bulb selection options

    Determining a suitable LED spotlight is not as straightforward as choosing an incandescent lamp. The power of the illuminator is far from the only parameter that needs to be taken into account when purchasing.

    Luminous flux characteristics

    The traditional power indicator, measured in watts, is not so relevant when choosing an LED lamp. It is incorrect to talk about the brightness of an LED illuminator based on its energy consumption. Light bulbs made using different technologies consume different amounts of electricity with the same brightness.

    It is more correct to evaluate the equivalent power, as well as the luminous flux.

    For the convenience of consumers, many manufacturing companies indicate on the packaging what incandescent lamp power corresponds to the glow of the LED product. For example, a 12 W LED light produces approximately the same amount of light as a regular 100 W lamp

    If this information is not displayed, then you can focus on the average indicator - lighting from LEDs is 5 times higher than an incandescent lamp with equal power consumption.

    A more accurate idea of ​​the quality of light is given by the luminous flux value. The parameter characterizes the brightness of the lamp and is displayed in lumens. The choice of illumination depends on the purpose of the room.

    • kitchen, bedroom, living room – 150 lm;
    • children's room, office - 200 lm;
    • bathroom, corridor – 50 lm.

    Knowing the area of ​​the room, it is easy to calculate the required amount of luminous flux. The brightness value of the diode lamp, as well as the power, is indicated on the packaging. However, it is better to take a device with a small margin of illumination, since manufacturers often overestimate this characteristic.

    The graph clearly shows the correspondence between the luminous flux of different types of light bulbs and the power consumed. Brightness indicator – universal parameter, allowing you to compare and evaluate the quality of illumination of spotlights

    Color spectrum - glow temperature

    The emission spectrum of the LED lamp varies from warm yellowish to cold blue color. The hue is determined by the color temperature, which is in the range of 1800-6600°K.

    The choice of glow tone depends on personal preferences, the purpose of the lighting and the surrounding interior. It is worth considering that all colors of light are perceived differently by humans:

    • 2700 K – warm white – promotes relaxation, rest, suitable in a cozy environment, for example, a bedroom;
    • 3000 K – yellow-white – slightly cooler than the previous one, recommended for the living room and children’s room;
    • 3500 K – daytime white – increases performance; such lamps are suitable for cabinets and local illumination of mirrors;
    • 4000-4800 K - neutral white - perfectly complements interiors in the high-tech style, minimalism, but somewhat suppresses the feeling of comfort; spotlights are installed in public spaces and offices.

    Lighters with a glow temperature of more than 5000 K are not recommended for home use. Their purpose is to illuminate streets, industrial and warehouse facilities.

    The temperature value is indicated among other characteristics on the packaging or case light diode light bulb. Some manufacturers give brief description shade of glow, for example, “warm yellow light”

    Color rendering index value

    Lamps of the same glow temperature can convey the colors of surrounding objects differently. Unlike incandescent light bulbs, diode light bulbs have a limited spectrum, which can lead to distortion of the real picture.

    The correctness of shade perception depends on the color rendering coefficient. The index is designated as CRI or Ra.

    CRI is a relative value within 100 that indicates how well different colors are visible when illuminated by a lamp. The standard is sunlight, its CRI=100. Incandescent light bulbs also have a high color rendering index – 97-98.

    White LEDs typically have a color rendering index of 70-90. For residential lighting, it is better to choose products with CRI>80

    Light ripple factor

    When thinking about how to choose a high-quality LED lamp for your home, many people forget about this important parameter like a flicker. But it is the pulsation of light that often causes eye fatigue and a deterioration in general well-being.

    Manufacturers often do not indicate the degree of flicker of a light bulb. Significant pulsation is perceived as a stroboscopic effect - when you sharply turn your head or shift your gaze.

    The presence of flicker can be determined experimentally. Point a pencil at the glowing lamp and quickly twirl it in a semicircle. The absence of extraneous contours indicates safe lighting; if there are “several pencils,” it means the light is pulsating.

    An alternative method is viewing through a smartphone camera. If there are stripes on the screen (Fig. 1), then the light from the LED lamp is pulsating. Image without distortion (Fig. 2) - no flicker, dangerous to the eyes

    SNiP standards establish that the permissible light pulsation coefficient for a workplace is 10-20%, for a living space - 30%. Requirements are made for pulsations with a frequency within 300 Hz. The retina does not respond to flickering above 300 Hz.

    High-quality diode light sources have a flicker degree of up to 5%, incandescent lamps - 8-32%.

    Base type and operating voltage

    LED bulbs are produced under different types lamps, which allows you to choose a diode for any need. In everyday life, the most popular illuminators are those with the following bases:

    • E14, E27 – used mainly for floor lamps, chandeliers, wall sconces;
    • GU 10, G4 – intended for replacement halogen light bulb appropriate size and spot lighting.

    Most LED lights are powered by a voltage of 220 W. If you have a high-quality driver, the lamp may not be afraid of surges on the electrification line. Some manufacturers preset a wide voltage range - 110-220 W.

    A number of modifications are designed for 12 W. To connect them, a pulse converter is required that provides a stabilized voltage.

    You can determine the type of power supply by the base. Lamps E27, E14, GU10, G9 operate from AC, soffits G4, MR16, MR11, G53 – low-voltage, require DC feeding

    In the marking of a light bulb, the letter symbol indicates the type of base, and the number indicates its diameter or the distance between the contacts.

    Dependence of the scattering angle on the shape of the bulb

    Due to their design features, LEDs emit light in a small angular range. In the absence of optical elements, the diode illuminates the front hemisphere. To expand the range of action, secondary optics are used: diverging, focusing lenses and polycarbonate matte bulbs.

    The angular range of illumination depends on the shape of the lamp itself. Convex bulbs scatter light over a larger space.

    An example of the light pattern of light bulbs with different frosted bulbs: 1 – A60, glow angle – 120-180°, 2 – A67, illumination coverage – up to 300°

    The first type of lamps is mainly used in lamps where the shade is directed downwards - table lighting. The second type is similar to the effect of incandescent lamps and is used to organize the main light.

    Lighting angle diagrams: 1 – “candle” with E14 base, 2 – Filament lamps with a transparent bulb, 3 – spherical bulb, 4 – “corn”

    Of the above modifications, each has a specific spectrum of action and purpose:

    • "candle"– the light flux is emitted in different directions, the front hemisphere is poorly illuminated; light bulbs are suitable for chandeliers where the bulb is aimed at the ceiling;
    • Filament– suitable for general lighting, but not used to illuminate the workplace;
    • spherical flask– operating range – 200-270°, similar to incandescent lamps;
    • “corn” - a glow angle of 270° allows you to use the light bulb as the main lighting.

    LED luminaires with GU10 and MR16 sockets operate in the range of 15-135°. Conventionally, they can be classified into accent and general lighting.

    Light range diagrams: 1 – accent lamp, 2 – bulb with a diffuse lens, 3 – “candle with petals”, 4 – cone lens

    Bulbs with a cone lens have unusual light dispersion. Unlike models with frosted bulbs, uneven dispersion is observed here. These LEDs are suitable for lamps with shades and shades.

    Attention to the quality of the radiator

    The heat sink function in LED lamps is performed by radiators. Coolers differ in material, manufacturing and design. The following options are possible:

    • aluminum (ribbed and smooth);
    • ceramic;
    • composite;
    • plastic.

    The metal cooler has high thermal conductivity and is lightweight.

    Aluminum radiators come in two types: ribbed and smooth. The former are considered more efficient, the latter are used in small and inexpensive light bulbs

    Plastic. An inexpensive option for diode illuminators with average efficiency. The radiator is made of thermo-dissipating polymer. To increase the thermal conductivity, additional ventilation holes are made in the housing.

    Composite The radiator is made of aluminum and enclosed in a thin plastic shell. Lamps with composite radiators are in demand due to the optimal price/quality tandem.

    Ceramic cooler. It looks like plastic, but the material is heavier and smoother to the touch. F17

    The ceramic radiator does not conduct current - this allows LED modules to be placed on the cooler, which leads to more intense heat dissipation

    You should not rely on a ceramic radiator in cheap products. However, there is no point in avoiding plastic coolers - they last a long time and will definitely “work out” the money spent.

    Lamps with a corrugated aluminum or ceramic radiator can be installed where heat dissipation is critical. A striking example is lamps built into furniture or the under-ceiling space of a stretch fabric.

    Additional features of diode spotlights

    LED light bulbs are rightfully considered a smart device; some of them, in addition to performing the main task, have additional functionality.

    The most popular option is the ability to adjust the brightness of the light. This function is not provided in all LED lamps, but only in models with a built-in dimmer.

    Diode bulbs do not change the shade of lighting when the brightness decreases; the minimum degree of dimming is about 5-20%. Products that support luminous flux adjustment are marked - Dimmable

    Some modifications are equipped with RGB LEDs that emit a full range of rainbow colors. To work in offline mode LED lamps are complemented by a built-in power supply battery.

    High-tech devices are equipped with pulse drivers with microcircuits that allow you to control the lighting in the room remotely or via Wi-Fi

    Working life and warranty period

    The average operating period of diode products is 10-40 thousand hours. This means working in normal mode about 3-4 years in a residential building. In practice, the service life of light bulbs may exceed this value.

    Recent developments by European and Japanese manufacturers allow us to talk about increasing the performance of lamps up to 100 thousand hours. And even after this period, the illuminator continues to function, but with a decrease in brightness by 30-40%.

    However, there are products that fail within the first three to four months of operation. Quick breakdown is typical for cheap Chinese products.

    The quality of an LED lamp is largely determined by the manufacturing company - in this regard, savings are not justified. Reliable manufacturers provide a product warranty of up to five years

    After purchasing a light bulb, you need to take a photo of the receipt. If the lamp fails ahead of schedule, you can exchange it under warranty by presenting a photo if the receipt fades or is lost.

    Review of popular brands of LED products

    The ranking of the most popular LED products is headed by light bulbs from Philips and Osram. European manufacturers strictly control the quality of their products. Of course, this approach affects the cost, but given the durability, their price is quite justified. The operating parameters of German lamps correspond to the declared characteristics.

    A worthy and more affordable alternative is the products of Bioledex (Germany), FKK (Japan), Nichia (Japan).

    The companies have a reputation as reliable manufacturers and have been setting a high bar for the quality of diode lamps for several years now.

    Among transnational and domestic projects, the products of the following companies received a worthy assessment:

    • Newera(Russia/China) – a trademark of the SVeto-Led brand on the diode technology market for about 10 years, the main advantage is the price/quality balance;
    • Ecola(Russia/China) – has a developed retail sales network;
    • Gauss(Russia) – the company is actively implementing latest technologies, experiments with design and controls quality;
    • Optogan(Russia) – the level and safety of products are confirmed by the “Russian nanotechnological products” mark;
    • Uniel(Russia) – a variety of series of LED lamps, the main advantages of the products: no flicker, high color rendering index, reasonable price, stylish design; warranty – 2 years.

    Separately, it is necessary to mention Chinese-made diode lamps. You definitely shouldn’t buy products from nameless manufacturers. Bulbs from non-name manufacturers do not meet safety standards and declared characteristics. IN best case scenario the soffit will shine a little and stop working, at worst it will harm others.

    There are also certified Chinese LED lamps on the market. Good reviews received products from the following companies: Brawex, Selecta, Camelion and Estares

    Conclusions and useful video on the topic

    Detailed instructions on determining a high-quality diode light bulb, checking for flicker:

    Testing products of popular brands. Advantages and disadvantages of lamps produced by Philips, Canyon and Osram:

    Replacing old incandescent light bulbs with technically advanced LED lighting has many positive aspects. In order for LEDs to realize their maximum efficiency and fully recoup the money spent, you should wisely approach the issue of their choice - evaluate a number of parameters and check their performance.