• Virtual assistant for android. A selection of Android applications - voice assistants

    Every day, smartphones help us in everyday life (Internet, navigation, etc.) and almost every year this goes to a new level. For example, smartphones have learned to perform tasks using voice commands. This week's selection is dedicated to voice assistants, which will make using all the functionality of the smartphone more convenient.

    Google Now - say “Okay Google”

    Google Now comes pre-installed on many Android devices, but not all of them. In most cases, to launch Google Now you need to hold down the Home button or click on the application icon. In some cases, this can be configured; it depends on your smartphone, or rather on its firmware. It is also possible to launch using that famous phrase “Okay, Google”, after which you immediately need to voice the command to it.

    The main advantage of Google Now is communication with others Google services. It will tell you the weather forecast, your location, get directions, dial a number, help you write an SMS, create a note or reminder, set an alarm, open an application, perform a mathematical operation, or simply make a query in your search engine.

    Google Now

    Assistant Dusya– cheerful and smart

    Assistant Dusya is one of the smartest of this kind. The functionality of this assistant is really impressive. Using Dusya, you can forget about tapping on the screen, since all actions can be performed using your voice.

    After installing special scripts, the application will also be able to tell you jokes, play cities, search for the right VK music, write to WhatsApp and much more, you can also create your own scripts.

    The design of the application is standard, everything is clear and there is nothing superfluous. You can view the list of functions that Dusya can perform (they are divided into categories: calls, navigation, places, messages, etc.), and also change their settings.

    When installing the application, the developers give time to test this assistant; after the expiration date, you need to purchase the unlimited version.

    Assistant Dusya

    Assistant in Russian

    Assistant in Russian is a multifunctional assistant in your phone that will simplify the use of your smartphone. Here you can instantly go to the browser page with necessary information, open the right application, set an alarm, check the weather in your region, know everything about sports and cinema, find the nearest cinema or cafe, ask to be reminded of an important event.

    This application will come in handy even when you are bored. After all, you can play a game with an assistant. To do this, you need to offer to play cities. In addition, the assistant has a pleasant voice.

    Inside, the application is quite simple. On the left side of the application you can open the camera and immediately edit the photo you took, in the middle there is a voice recording button, on the right there is a menu and settings button.

    You can use all the features of this assistant for only 6 days, after which you have to extend the term or purchase an unlimited version.

    Assistant in Russian

    Okay, Notepad- will remind you of everything

    This application is not as functional as other voice assistants, but nevertheless does an excellent job. It's great for creating reminders and notes by voice. With the “Okay, notepad” application, it’s enough to say what needs to be done and when in the form that is familiar to us. For example: “Remind me to buy a cake tomorrow evening” or “The series will start on October 18 at 18:00, remind me 1 hour in advance.” The notebook will understand everything and remind you of an important matter. You can create reminders for both every day and every year, for example, birthday reminders.

    On latest versions Android, starting with Lollipop, you can change colors and themes. You can also expand the functionality of the application using additional plugins, for example, adding synchronization with Google tasks.

    Okay, Notepad

    Robin - faithful assistant every driver

    Robin will never let you get discouraged on the road, he will always show you the right way, will allow you to find this or that establishment and much more.

    With Robin's assistant you won't have to search long for a long time in the phone there is a calculator, a browser, the desired contact in phone book. You will only need to say the desired command.

    The application interface is quite simple; you communicate with the assistant in the form of messages on the desktop. On the left is a map button, in the middle is a button for recording voice and commands, on the right is a menu button where you can select help or change settings.

    Android OS: 4.0.3+
    Latest version: 2.0.2
    In Russian: yes

    Assistant Dusya for Android– the first and only free Russian-language assistant with voice control for Android devices. It is able to learn and adapt to each user individually. Considering many factors, unique character and habits, your assistant can be multifaceted and amazing. Use your full potential to implement bold ideas, fine tuning interaction with a girl, who, by the way, can easily be changed to a guy. You can choose the assistant’s appearance, choose clothes, chat on any topic, and perform important tasks.

    Features of the full version of Dusi:
    - Set up activation and calling of the assistant by any in a convenient way: gesture, phrase, touch, combination
    - Have fun and solve daily problems, communicating with Dusya as with a living person, your personal secretary
    - Artificial intelligence able to constantly learn, adapting to each interlocutor separately
    - You can dress up your assistant as you wish: from sexy to strict, or entrust the job to a man
    - Trust important matters and simple tasks by saying the necessary phrase, and instructions will be made immediately
    - Call or quickly find necessary files, go to certain sites, take notes

    Regardless of preferences and goals, the program will become a faithful companion in any situation. When you're bored, you can chat about any topic, because Dusya, like any girl, is extremely chatty, knows a lot of stories and is always full of news. It is enough to call an assistant, ask him for anything, and your wishes will be fulfilled in an instant. Call, find something on the device or on the Internet, book a hotel, buy tickets, show the weather forecast, translate a phrase, find out the latest news, exchange rates, get directions in the navigator - everything is within her power.

    Many people don’t know how to use and how to set up the Dusya assistant. But the answers to these questions are already in the application itself. Just launch the assistant and click on the “How to use” or “Functions” tab that interests you. There you can easily customize it for yourself. Download full version Assistant Dusya applications for Android You can do it for free and without registration using the link below.

    is a popular application among users for voice control of Android devices, with unusual functions. It is pleasant to work with this program, as it fully understands the Russian language. Voice assistant Dusya for Android is one of those programs that can be used both to complete tasks and just for fun.

    Screenshots Assistant Dusya →

    The Assistant Dusya application not only carries out all your commands, but also can be taught many new functions. It is this feature of Dusya - the ability to create your own teams of any complexity - that sets it apart from the mass of similar programs for Android. Today it is the only Russian-speaking voice assistant with a similar option.

    In addition, you can use a whole library of new commands for Dusi, compiled by other users, and also publish your own commands in the library! The program was developed specifically for the Russian language, so it understands most Russian-language phrases without problems. You can download Assistant Dusya for Android for free from us, without registration and SMS.

    Voice assistant Dusya has many functions

    • Performs at your command voice calls and sends messages.
    • Looking for necessary contacts address book.
    • Creates routes and searches for the right places, interacting with the navigator.
    • Goes to the necessary sites.
    • Controls TV, home theater and elements of the Smart Home system.
    • Counts everything you need on a calculator.
    • Paired with Google calendar remembers all your planned activities.
    • Works with notes.
    • Knows everything about the weather forecast.
    • Acts as a translator.
    • At your request, changes the gadget settings.
    • Voices any notifications coming to the device from other programs or Internet services.

    Managing the assistant is easy and simple - the program has a beautiful and at the same time intuitive interface, as well as tips at the bottom of the screen. IN background The application is activated in several ways - by the sound of a voice, by a hand gesture with the phone, by using “Ok Google”, by bringing it to the ear, and by pressing a button on the headset. Download Assistant Dusya free on Android you can do it directly on our website. However, some features will only be available to you in the full version.

    Assistant is your virtual assistant. He knows the answers to all questions and carries out any commands.


    The application is designed in the style Material Design. At first launch, the user is asked to select a background color, as well as customize the appearance of his virtual assistant. This could be a woman or a man, young or an older character, with any appearance- in a suit/T-shirt, with hairstyle and so on.


    You can activate the assistant in different ways. You can click on the keyboard or speaker icon in the main menu of the application. You can use the status bar. You can use a widget. You can shake the device (the shaking strength can be adjusted separately). Can be activated by voice.


    Weather. “Should I take an umbrella today or not?” In response to this question, the Assistant will display a weather forecast and comment on the data.

    Applications. The assistant will launch any application at your command. And if it suddenly isn’t on your device, the assistant will offer to install it from PlayMarket.

    Translator. The assistant knows all the languages ​​of the world and can translate words, phrases, sentences and even entire texts. You can start the translation with the word: “Translate into English...”.

    Directory. The assistant will answer any question and even provide relevant sources on the Internet.

    Telephone. The assistant will automatically dial the number from notebook. YOU can also dictate the number yourself.

    Assistant- This smart assistant for Android that will do all your voice commands. He understands live speech, knows how to answer questions, and quickly and easily helps solve everyday problems.

    This application has won many awards and titles at prestigious world awards, broken all download records, and has become firmly established in the lives of those who have already installed it. The assistant will come in handy while driving when you can’t take your eyes off the road and look at the screen. Mobile program It will be useful simply if your hands are full. The tool can easily be classified as a must-have, because it greatly simplifies the process for the owner. Android work with other applications, allows you to control your voice while surfing the Internet and generally helps a lot in all everyday affairs. It sounds incredible at first glance, so to start testing everything useful features tool required download Assistant right today. Imagine that your device has started up intelligent robot, who from now on will help you in solving all everyday problems.

    Special qualities of the mobile program:

  • Smart organization of information collected about the owner, the Assistant remembers favorite entertainment, applications or places
  • The tool understands its user the first time, you just have to say one or another command
  • The assistant, like a living creature, is able to provide its help when you really need it
  • The application speaks exclusively in the language that its owner prefers - English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and including Russian.

    Thus, you will never miss an important meeting, thanks to a convenient reminder system, answer any message hands-free, send a post to your page in social networks, you will quickly find background information on the web. Besides Assistant for Android a very capable student, you will be able to add new commands and he will definitely remember them! Customize the application to your taste, add new elements, and then it will become even more useful and smarter!