• A logical question arises: how to enlarge the font on a computer? Enlarging font on laptop screen

    It is believed that work on personal computer negatively affects human vision. Computer monitors, despite their high resolution, have a small image format, which forces the user to strain his eyes when working with text arrays. People who are used to working on laptops whose monitors are small are in a worse position. To avoid negative consequences, you need to be able to increase the font size on your computer screen.

    Screen font size

    Changing the text format in different applications

    Millions of Russians spend hours communicating in social networks, of which there are plenty on the Internet. These are Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and others. In Odnoklassniki, zooming in is very easy. Universal method To make a font larger or smaller on a computer is to use hot keys. If you press the “Ctrl” key and, without releasing it, rotate the mouse wheel, then depending on the direction of rotation, the scale will change up or down. The same effect is achieved if you press the “+” or “-” keys along with the “Ctrl” key.

    In this way, you can not only change the font size (font size), but also expand the screen in Odnoklassniki, since the screen scale completely changes. If there is a need to return the original parameters, you can press the “Ctrl” and “0” keys simultaneously.

    There are two ways to enlarge the font on your laptop screen:

    1. Use the key combination “Ctrl” and “+, -”
    2. Use a combination of "Ctrl" and scroll bars on the touchpad

    You can also zoom in on a contact without difficulty. First of all, you can change the font in VK using the above recommendations. But there is a way to use larger characters by changing settings home page. To do this, click the “My Settings” button, scroll the text to the bottom and check the corresponding line.

    click the “My settings” button, scroll the text to the bottom and check the corresponding line

    This option allows you to change the font in VK, while the page scale does not change.

    Changing character sizes in browsers

    To change the font on your computer, you can use the capabilities available in your browser.

    Replacement in Google Chrome

    To enlarge the font in the browser, you need to enter the settings by clicking the three horizontal lines in the corner of the top of the screen. In the menu that opens there is a line “Scale” with the value “%” and the icons “+” and “-”. Use these icons to change the text format. If you want to completely change the size and configuration of letters, you need to follow the following path:

    • Open main menu
    • Login to “Settings”
    • Open the line “Show additional settings»

    • In the “Page Type” line, perform the required actions

    Replacement in Mozilla Firefox

    This browser has three horizontal bars at the top of the screen that open the main menu. In the window that opens, behind the gear icon, what you need is hidden. The following windows “Settings” - “Content” - “Advanced” open sequentially. Here you select the letter style and size.

    The following windows “Settings” - “Content” - “Advanced” open sequentially. Here you select the letter style and size.

    Replacement in Opera

    Here you can change the entire scale or just the size of the letters. To do this, you need to open the settings, open the “Advanced” list and the “Fonts” line. After this, you can set the desired size and style of characters.

    Replacement in Internet Explorer

    To change the size of letters in Internet Explorer you need to enter the window that opens with an icon with a gear symbol. The menu has a “Scale” line, which scales the entire screen area. If you only need to change text characters, then press the following buttons:

    • Settings
    • Browser properties
    • Fonts

    In the window that opens, the required actions are performed.


    Changes to some settings in the operating system

    To enlarge the font by Windows computer 7 you can take advantage of the opportunities that the system provides. The following buttons are pressed sequentially:

    • "Start"
    • "Control Panel"

    At the top right there is a view inscription, with which you can select the size of the displayed icons. Then, scroll through the table to find the “Screen” heading and open it. On the page you can choose one of three suggested scales – small, medium or large.

    If you need to add your own font size, you can set this value by opening the “Other font size” line. The changes take effect after a reboot.

    The same principle of replacing symbol parameters is used in Windows browser 8 and 8.1. You can enlarge the font on your monitor and change some settings. For this purpose, select free space on the desktop, right-click to enter the context menu and open the “Screen resolution” line. It suggests replacing a number of parameters.

    Now you know how to enlarge the font on your computer and laptop screen.

    Good morning everyone!

    In general, it is ideal that you can safely work with the monitor at a distance of at least 50 cm. If you are not comfortable working, some elements are not visible, you have to squint, then you need to adjust the monitor so that everything is visible. And one of the first things to do in this matter is to increase the font until it is easy to read. So, that's what we'll do in this article...

    Hotkeys to increase font size in many applications

    Many users do not even know that there are several hotkeys that allow you to increase the text size in a variety of applications: notepads, office programs(for example, Word), browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera), etc.

    Increasing text size- you need to press the button Ctrl and then press the button + (plus). You can press “+” several times until the text becomes accessible for comfortable reading.

    Reducing text size- hold down the button Ctrl, and then press the button - (minus) until the text becomes smaller.

    In addition, you can hold down the button Ctrl and twist mouse wheel . It’s even a little faster, and you can easily and simply adjust the text size. An example of this method is presented below.

    Rice. 1. Change the font size in Google Chrome

    It is important to note one detail: although the font will be larger, if you open another document or new tab in the browser, how it will become the same again as it was before. Those. text size changes occur only in a specific open document, and not in all Windows applications. To eliminate this “detail”, you need to configure the appropriate Windows image, and more on that later...

    Setting font size in Windows

    The settings below were made on Windows 10 (in Windows 7, 8 - almost all actions are similar, I think you shouldn’t have any problems).

    First you need to go to panel Windows management and open the section " Design and personalization"(screenshot below).

    Rice. 3. Screen (Windows 10 personalization)

    Then pay attention to the 3 numbers presented in the screenshot below (by the way, in Windows 7 this settings screen will be slightly different, but the settings are all the same. In my opinion, it’s even clearer there).

    Fig.4. Options for changing the font

    1 (see Fig. 4): if you open the link " use these screen options“then you will see a variety of screen settings, among which there is a slider, when you move it, the size of text, applications and other elements will change in real time. This way you can easily select best option. In general, I recommend trying it.

    2 (see Fig. 4): tooltips, window titles, menus, icons, panel names - for all this you can set the font size, and even make it bold. On some monitors you can't do without this! By the way, the screenshots below show how it will look (was - 9 font, now - 15 font).

    3 (see Fig. 4): Customizable zoom level is a rather ambiguous setting. On some monitors it results in a font that is not very easy to read, but on others it allows you to look at the picture in a new way. Therefore, I recommend using it last.

    Once you open the link, simply choose a percentage of how much you want to zoom in on everything displayed on the screen. Keep in mind that if you are not very large monitor, then some elements (for example, icons on the desktop) will move from their usual places, in addition, you will have to scroll the page with the mouse more to xnj.s see it in full.

    Fig.5. Zoom level

    By the way, some of the settings listed above take effect only after restarting the computer!

    Change screen resolution to make icons, text, and other elements larger

    Quite a lot depends on the screen resolution: for example, the clarity and size of the display of elements, text, etc.; the size of the space (the same desktop, the higher the resolution, the more icons will fit :)).; sweep frequency (this is more related to old CRT monitors: the higher the resolution, the lower the frequency - and it is highly not recommended to use anything below 85 Hz. Therefore, we had to adjust the picture...).

    How to change screen resolution?

    The easiest way is to go to the settings of your video driver (there, as a rule, you can not only change the resolution, but also change other important parameters: brightness, contrast, clarity, etc.). Typically, video driver settings can be found in the Control Panel (if you switch the display to small icons, see screenshot below).

    You can also click right mouse button anywhere on the desktop: and in the appeared context menu, there is often a link to the video driver settings.

    In the control panel of your video driver (usually in the section related to the display), you can change the resolution. Give some advice on choosing in this case quite difficult, in each case you need to select it individually.

    My remark. Even though you can change the text size this way, I recommend using it as a last resort. It’s just that quite often when you change the resolution, clarity is lost, which is not good. I would recommend increasing the text font first (without changing the resolution) and looking at the results. This usually results in better results.

    Setting the font display

    The clarity of a font is even more important than its size!

    I think that many will agree with me: sometimes even large font It looks blurry and is not easy to make out. That is why the image on the screen must be clear (without blur)!

    As for the clarity of the font, in Windows 10, for example, its display can be adjusted. Moreover, the display is adjusted individually for each monitor in the way that suits you best. Let's take a closer look.

    First we open: Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display and open the link at the bottom left " Setting ClearType Text«.

    Next, a wizard should launch that will guide you through 5 steps, in which you will simply select the most convenient option font for reading. In this way the most best option display the font exactly to your needs.

    Should ClearType be disabled?

    ClearType is special technology from Microsoft, which allows you to make text as clear on the screen as if it were printed on a sheet of paper. Therefore, I do not recommend turning it off without testing how your text will look with and without it. Below is an example of how it looks for me: with ClearType, the text is an order of magnitude better and the readability is an order of magnitude higher.

    Using Magnifier

    In some cases it can be very convenient to use magnifier. For example, we came across a section with the text small print- brought it closer with a magnifying glass, and then restored everything to normal again. Despite the fact that the developers made this setting for people who have poor vision, sometimes it helps and is quite ordinary people(It's worth at least trying to see how it works).

    First you need to go to: Control Panel\Ease of Access\Ease of Access Center .

    When you need to enlarge something, just click on it and change the scale (button ).


    That's all for me. I would be grateful for any additions on the topic. Good luck!

    Beginner users, when they purchase a laptop, do not know how to change the font on it. Of course, there is no clear answer to such a question, and it is impossible to immediately figure out in which system the font needs to be changed. There is a method for changing the font when it should be changed in the “OS” itself on the laptop. If you need to change the font in the browser, then this is a completely different operation.

    The Office application also has its own method.

    So, it turns out there are three main methods that exist when changing the font on a laptop.

    First method

    IN this method We are considering changing the font on a laptop in the system " Windows ». In this case, first of all you should open the “start”, then open the “control panel”. All operations with the operating system are carried out through this control panel. You can also search by device. Just enter the function you are interested in in the special search field, and the computer will open this function. It will even be much easier this way.

    Then choose the desired function and just click on this link, a special window should open in which you can change the font of the laptop operating system. After changes made, you will need to click on the “apply” link and finally all this is saved by clicking on “ok”. The font will be changed immediately after closing this window.

    Changing the Windows7 font

    Second method

    The second method changes the font in the browser. In this case, scaling is carried out. You can do it either with the keyboard or with the mouse. They can be combined. The combination method will be much easier than separately.

    You need to press the “CTRL” key on the keyboard and then scroll on the mouse. You can twist it in both directions. In one direction it will decrease the scale, in the other, on the contrary, it will increase it. But you can also do this purely with the keyboard, without the help of a mouse. Also press the “CTRL” key, and along with it the key with a plus sign, if you need to zoom in, with a minus sign, if you need to zoom out.

    Third method

    This method is the simplest. Change font in the office system It will take no more than 20 seconds on a laptop.

    You need to select the text, then at the top of the screen (on the left) open the “home” tab, followed by the “font” tab and there set the font size of interest.

    How to increase text on a website page? It often happens that on the pages of some sites the text is displayed very small. How to enlarge text on a page for comfortable reading? IN operating system Windows, in order to increase the text size, you need to do the following:

    You need to left-click on open page site, then press the “Ctrl” key on the keyboard and slowly scroll the mouse wheel in one direction or the other without releasing the keyboard key. The text size will increase or decrease.

    Choose the font size that suits you best and keep it that way. The computer will change the text size only on this page of the site and remember it. The next time you open this site page, you will no longer need to change the font size on this site page.

    You can also increase the text size on a website page using a browser. Next, let's look at how this can be done in the most popular browsers.

    How to increase text size in Mozilla Firefox

    In the browser Mozilla Firefox You will need to click on the “Firefox” => “Settings” button. Then check the box next to the “Menu Bar” item. After the “Menu Bar” appears in the main browser window (as in previous versions Mozilla browser Firefox), “View” => “Scale”.

    If you need to change the size of only the text, then you need to check the box<«Только текст», в дальнейшем изменяться будет только размер текста. Если вы не отметите этот пункт, то изменяться в размере будет все содержимое страницы сайта.

    By clicking on the "Zoom Out" option (or by pressing the "Ctrl" and "-" keyboard keys), the content or text will be reduced in size. When you click on the “Reset” item (or when you press the “Ctrl” and “0” keyboard keys), the size of the text or content will return to its previous size.

    In order to go to the original view of the browser, go to the “View” menu => “Toolbars”, there uncheck the box next to the “Menu Bar” item.

    Zooming in in Internet Explorer

    In the Internet Explorer browser, click on the “Tools (Alt+X)” => “Zoom” button. Next, you can change the scale as a percentage, or in another way - by clicking on the “Zoom in” item (by pressing the “Ctrl” and “+” keyboard buttons), or “Zoom out” (by pressing the “Ctrl” and “-” keyboard buttons "). When you click on the “Special…” item, you can select the page size at your discretion.

    In the Internet Explorer 8 browser, you need to click on the “View” => “Scale” menu, then the page resizing control is exactly the same as in the Internet Explorer 9 browser.

    Enlarging text in Google Chrome

    IN Google browser Chrome, you need to click on the “Settings and Google management Chrome" (Wrench), select "Scale" in the context menu. By clicking on “+” or “–”, we will change the scale of the site page.

    If you click on the following icon, you will be taken to full-screen browser mode. To get out of full screen mode to operate the browser, press the “F11” button on your keyboard.

    Increase text size in Opera

    IN Opera browser you should click on the “Opera” button => “Page” => “Zoom”. Here you can adjust the page zoom percentage by adding or subtracting percentages.

    Changing the scale in Safari

    IN Safari browser Click on the button “Display menu for current page” => “Change scale”. In the context menu, the scale is adjusted by clicking on the corresponding item - “Zoom in” (“Ctrl” + “+”) or<«Уменьшить масштаб» («Ctrl» + «-»).

    After reading this article, you will now know how to enlarge text on a website page on your computer.

    The question “how to enlarge the font on a laptop” arises quite often among novice users. There is no clear answer to this. It all depends on the application you are working in. One method can be used in the operating system itself. The browser uses a completely different combination. But for the office package it is necessary to use the third method. All this will be discussed within the framework of this material.


    First, let's figure out how to increase the font on a laptop in the operating system itself. To do this, you need to go to “Start”, then we need “Control Panel”. The easiest way to find the section we are interested in is using the squeak field, which is usually located in the upper right corner. Type in “Change colors” and press “Enter”. In the list that opens, select the item that begins with the entered words. After this, a window with font settings in the operating system will open. Then you can configure all this at your discretion. For example, you need to change the title. We click on it with the right mouse button. The type of font used and its size will appear at the bottom of the window. Open the first one and select the desired text formatting type from the drop-down list. In the second, enter its size. After that, click on the “Apply” button for the changes to take effect. Close the window with “Ok”. You can change menu, message, or text settings in the same way. To do this, instead of the window title, just right-click on the element of interest to us. The rest of the procedure is similar.


    All browsers today allow you to scale Internet pages. Moreover, for these purposes you can use either the keyboard alone or its combination with a mouse. It is both of these methods that will be described now. The second one is easier, so let's start with it. You should have a browser on your screen with an open Internet resource, the scale of which needs to be changed. Press "Ctrl" on the keyboard. Then you need to use mouse scrolling. First we twist it in one direction. If the scale does not change in the direction we need, then we need to change the direction. But manipulators are not always equipped with a scroll wheel. In this case, you can solve the question of how to enlarge the font on a laptop using one keyboard. To do this, hold down the same “Ctrl” and with it “+” (to increase) or “-” (to decrease).


    In the Microsoft Office office suite, you can scale an image in the same way as in a browser. But the question of how to change the font on a laptop is solved differently in this case. First, a piece of text is selected that needs to be enlarged or reduced (or everything is done before it is entered). Then you need to go to the “Home” tab. On it we find the “Font” section. All necessary parameters are set here. Moreover, if you enter the height of the characters, they will immediately change. This is the answer to how to increase the text font.


    This article describes how to increase the font size on a laptop using the example of the Windows operating system, any browser and office suite. As can be seen from everything previously stated, there is nothing complicated about this, and everyone can cope with this task, regardless of their level of training.