• Subscription agreement Tricolor TV - sample form. Tricolor TV subscription agreement: what ordinary users of the operator’s services need to know about the document

    The most important part of receiving any services is concluding a user agreement, without which it is impossible to count on quality service. The satellite company Tricolor, which provides television services to customers on the basis of a contract, was no exception. Therefore, when the user urgently needs help or important information, you may need an agreement number. But not all subscribers know how to find out the Tricolor TV number if it was lost or the agreement was signed by registering on the official website. In such situations, you should take a few minutes and clarify everything existing methods obtaining this combination so as not to encounter difficulties later.

    To watch satellite television, you must purchase the appropriate equipment and enter into a service agreement. Moreover, the second is directly related to the first and depends on the place of purchase of equipment chosen by the subscriber:

    • By purchasing a dish and receiver at official sales points, the user receives necessary documents simultaneously with the equipment;
    • When contacting independent distributors, the client is required to register on the provider’s official website.

    In the second case, registration will mean agreement with the terms of use and legal formalization of the agreement. Additionally, it should be noted that a sample document can be found on the website by simply going to the appropriate section.

    It is important to clarify that the terms of the signed agreement must be sent to the provider’s address. If this is not done, the agreement may be terminated.

    How to find out the subscriber agreement number for Tricolor TV

    The simplest and convenient way to find out the exact number of the concluded contract - simply look at the documents the subscriber has. In situations where the agreement was concluded during registration or when the necessary papers are lost, you just need to go to personal account on the official portal of the provider.

    All information and combinations that users need are in the section with personal information or a subsection with a description of the connected options.

    Separately, it should be clarified that the subscription agreement can be printed or re-requested at the satellite company’s office if it has been damaged or lost. But you must apply for a copy of the document at the same department where the equipment was previously purchased.

    How to find out the Tricolor TV contract number by last name

    When going to a sales office seems inconvenient, and there is no Internet access for various reasons, you can only use the last option to obtain the required combination of numbers. To clarify the number of the Tricolor TV subscription agreement, you will need to call contact center by phone 88005000123. Additionally, it is possible to call on Skype.

    The caller should prepare a passport in advance so that the support operator can identify the caller. In some cases you may need a smart card, but this is unlikely.

    After making sure that the caller is a client of the company, the specialist will tell him the exact combination and all the necessary information for the full use of television services.

    How to terminate the contract with Tricolor TV and get your money back

    The only way to terminate an agreement with an operator in 2019 is to write and send a corresponding application to the company’s address. In the same application you will need to indicate the need for a refund using the details specified by the subscriber.

    It is important to know that you will be able to get back only the amount that was not spent by the client. In this case, the application itself must be written 15 days before the planned shutdown of television.

    To find out the exact and correct order to refuse the services provided, you can call the contact number. Operators are obliged to advise the caller and explain to him the correct course of action.

    Tricolor TV – return of equipment

    Having understood the peculiarities of concluding, using and terminating a contract, you should pay attention to the return of purchased equipment. IN this issue the law is not on the side of users, therefore, it will not be possible to refuse the equipment and return the money. The exception will be cases of problems that occur during the warranty period. But they must be caused by reasons beyond the control of the buyers, since otherwise the warranty will end early.

    From a legal point of view, the National Satellite Company acts as the party that provides services, and the TV viewers and users themselves satellite internet– as persons who undertake to pay them regularly. Subscription agreement Tricolor TV is the result of their agreement on this matter. This article contains information on how to correctly fill out this legal document, where to subsequently send it, and where, if necessary, you can find out its number.

    What is the document?

    In essence, the subscription (or user) agreement with the National Satellite Company is a “Service Agreement”. This document is a text on three incomplete pages, which spells out the rights and obligations of both parties. It can be downloaded from the link: https://m.tricolor.tv/upload/iblock/474/47440edba2fc2db9444c327c73054fdb.pdf.

    But familiarity with the agreement is not enough for it to come into force. Quality service must be personal - claims Tricolor TV and obliges to fill out each subscription agreement only with the indication of exact data about the recipient of the services.

    For this reason, a special form must be attached to the “Service Agreement”. Detailed information about the potential subscriber and receiving equipment, which will be registered to it. You need to tell literally everything about yourself - last name, first name and patronymic, passport number and series, residential addresses and receiver installations, telephone numbers and others.

    Why is this bureaucracy necessary?

    The official website of the National Satellite Company states: registration in the database of the largest operator satellite television is considered completed if the subscriber has received a service agreement number. At this point, the paperwork with registration could be considered completed, if not for one “but”. The document contains a clause according to which it is necessary to send the second copy of the subscription agreement to the legal address of Tricolor TV within two months from the date of activation of the receiving equipment.

    The conclusion can be made simple: satellite operator wants to be sure that television viewers and Internet users will pay in advance for services provided and wants to receive written evidence of this. Otherwise, NSC may stop broadcasting television or access to the World Wide Web without any warning.

    Important: by returning the original contract to the company’s head office, the subscriber thereby confirms that the data he provided during registration is correct. It is worth considering that the operator allocates a period of 60 days for sending, and Russian Post may deliver the letter late.

    Where and when are the documents filled out?

    Where the future recipient of services will take and fill out the necessary paperwork depends on where he purchases the equipment. In any case, this happens during registration of the subscriber and receiver in the database of the largest satellite operator.

    When purchasing from official sales centers or company dealers

    Both registration and the process of signing all necessary documents in this case, it occurs in dealer offices, sales centers or at home, during equipment installation. Previously, employees must provide the “Agreement” itself for review, and, if necessary, a sample of the correct completion of the Tricolor TV subscription agreement.

    You must enter the data into three copies of the document at once. One buyer keeps the second and third copies for himself. official dealer or at the sales center.

    When purchasing a set of equipment in electrical hypermarkets

    If the receiver and antenna for reception satellite signal purchased in a chain store, the operator offers to register and fill out a card with personal data yourself. To do this you need:

    • go to home page official website and under advertising banners find the “Registration” section;
    • in the window that opens, find a link to instructions for filling out a data card;
    • following her instructions, enter information in the fields of the registration form;
    • check the “consent to processing” box and click on “register”.

    Important: if everything is done correctly, the subscriber will see the number of his subscription agreement in the Tricolor TV system on the computer monitor. After this, its registration in the database will be considered complete.

    However, it is too early to relax. Next, you need to download the completed form (click on its number), print two copies and sign. One of them must be kept for yourself, the second must be sent by regular or by registered mail to the address of NJSC National Satellite Company. 60 days are allotted for this.

    Advice: everyone who cannot go to the official website of Tricolor TV (to download and duplicate the subscription agreement) has the opportunity to use the form included in the purchased equipment. This form is self-copying, so you only need to fill it out once - legibly, in printed Russian letters (except for information about email address). Afterwards you need to divide it and proceed as described above.

    Why might you need a user agreement number?

    As a rule, they use their Tricolor TV subscription contract number as an alternative to the receiver ID number:

    • during calls to;
    • as login to login personal page on the official website of the operator (service "");
    • in order to make payment for operator services.

    If the contract is lost, it is possible to find out its number only if the identifier of the receiving equipment (ID) and the full name of the person for whom the registration was carried out are known. This can be done either in your personal account (priority method) or by contacting technical support (by phone, chat, using Skype or WhatsApp messenger).

    Connecting satellite television is impossible without concluding an agreement with Tricolor TV, since it is the agreement signed by the subscriber that secures his right to receive telecommunications services. But to do this, you need to learn how to properly formalize your own relationship with the provider. In addition, it is important to understand in advance what a correctly completed document looks like in order to avoid ridiculous errors and inaccuracies.

    They also deserve special attention possible consequences typos or lack of documents signed by both parties. The operator directly says that it cannot provide its own services and guarantee quality service without correctly executed documents. At the same time, he requires that all the necessary papers be in his head office, which is extremely difficult to call convenient. In short, even the most insignificant nuances require detailed study.

    Conclusion of an agreement with Tricolor TV

    There are several ways to conclude a Tricolor TV subscription agreement:

    • contact an authorized dealer;
    • buy equipment from an official dealer (in this case, he will do everything himself at the time of purchasing the dish, receiver and smart card);
    • send a letter to legal address telecommunications company.

    It is important to emphasize that it will not be possible to fill out the required form via the Internet, since the provider does not recognize virtual agreements. At the same time, registration on the official website, during which you need to provide information from your passport and contact details, remains mandatory, and sending a printed paper agreement is the last part of the connection.

    It is important to emphasize that users are required to provide papers with a personal signature within 60 days from the date of initial activation of the television.

    Download the contract form

    The easiest way to print an agreement with Tricolor TV is to download the required form from our website using a special link. After that, all that remains is to fill out all the items in it (being careful and not making mistakes) and send it to the address 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170 NJSC National Satellite Company.

    If you cannot print the agreement, you should carefully review the papers included with the equipment. Often among them there is a self-copying sample that can be filled out and sent to the address indicated above.

    How to fill out a Tricolor TV subscription agreement - sample

    The most important part of the Tricolor TV subscription agreement is its header, which contains basic information about its content. Subscribers will have to write down:

    • surname, first name and patronymic (in full, abbreviations and initials are not acceptable);
    • exact registration address (matching the information in the passport);
    • exact address of equipment installation;
    • contact phone number (home and mobile);
    • email;
    • passport series and number;
    • the office that issued the passport and the date it was received.

    In the main part of the form, you will need to re-enter your last name, write down the ID number or subscription agreement and check the appropriate action (registration or suspension of service).

    The final touch will be indicating the date and signing.

    How to find out your subscription contract number

    There are several ways to find out the exact agreement number:

    • by looking at the form filled out by the dealer (if the equipment was purchased from official distributors);
    • visit the official website and log into your personal account;
    • find out the Tricolor TV contract number by last name by visiting the nearest office of the company or dealer from whom the equipment was purchased.

    In the most difficult situations, you can try to contact company representatives by calling the contact center at 88005000123. They will explain what to do and tell you how to recover the loss. But it’s worth preparing for the fact that they will need the subscriber’s passport data in order to identify his identity and avoid confidential data falling into the hands of strangers.

    How to terminate the contract with Tricolor TV and get your money back

    The easiest way to terminate the contract is to simply stop paying for the services. But, if such an approach turns out to be inconvenient, you should send a statement to the provider to terminate the subscription agreement. The cap for it should be taken from the sample described above, and the main part is indicated in free form. Here you should indicate the exact date of termination and ask to recalculate and return the money, indicating the exact details for receiving it.

    It is worth adding that if your personal data changes, you should send the provider a new Tricolor TV contract form.

    Tricolor TV sells its equipment not only through its own showrooms, but also through a wide dealer network. In addition, anyone can purchase an antenna and receiver of this operator from your hands and use its services. But in order to be considered a subscriber of the company, it is not enough to have a dish and a set-top box. You also need to fill out the Tricolor TV subscription agreement and submit it to the company. How to do this if you can’t visit the office? Our article will talk about this.

    Subscriber registration procedure

    Any equipment for satellite TV, regardless of where it was purchased, must be registered with the operator. This can be done in two ways:

    • through the organization’s website;
    • by calling customer service.

    But the end of registration is considered the moment when the user receives a Tricolor TV subscription contract number. This document is included in the delivery package that the buyer receives from the dealer or operator. In such a situation, one copy is immediately sent to the TV service provider, and the second remains with the client. If the receiver and antenna were purchased using other methods, the TV user will have to worry about filling out the paperwork on their own.

    Where can I get the required form?

    The direct responsibility of each client is to fill out a Tricolor TV subscription agreement. The form can be downloaded from the official website:

    • after completing the online registration of the set-top box;
    • in your personal account.

    By printing the required form in the amount of two pieces, you must enter your data into the Tricolor TV subscription agreement. A sample form is available at official forum. But you can do without it, there is nothing complicated there.

    How and to whom to deliver the form?

    After entering the data into the form, the owner of the dish antenna keeps one copy for himself. The second one should be sent to the satellite TV service provider by letter. Tricolor TV Post: St. Petersburg, post office box 170, index – 197022, recipient – ​​NJSC National Satellite Company. This address is listed on their website, in the visitor assistance section. We recommend that you check this information before sending, as it may change over time.

    Important! Based on the Service Agreement, the owner of the equipment is obliged to send a second copy no later than 60 days after the online registration of the receiver he purchased.

    How to send a subscription agreement to Tricolor TV is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But we recommend the following methods:

    • courier delivery;
    • registered letter;
    • shipment with acknowledgment of delivery.

    In this case, the television user will be protected - he will have evidence that he has fulfilled his obligations to the television broadcasting provider. Even if the shipment is lost due to fault postal service, you can always confirm its sending with a receipt.

    Possible difficulties

    Before filling out the Tricolor subscription agreement, we recommend that you carefully study the filling rules. If there are any inaccuracies, blots or errors, the document may be considered invalid. And this means automatic shutdown television.

    And one more thing to remember: the only resource for registering the Tricolor TV set-top box is the official website. The subscription agreement form should also be downloaded only there. You can find many resources on the Internet that offer to register a television receiver and a contract by entering the personal data of their owner. But these services are illegal. How they use the information they receive is anyone's guess. But it's not worth the risk anyway.

    The most important condition for receiving any services is the conclusion of an appropriate agreement, which will indicate all the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as important conditions and provisions governing the relationship between the parties. There is a similar agreement when connecting satellite television, but not all subscribers know this. But this document can be extremely important, so users should find out the Tricolor TV contract number in advance. Moreover, it is advisable to download it if it was concluded through the official website, or write down the number so that it always remains at hand.

    Features of concluding an agreement with Tricolor TV

    There are 3 different ways conclusion of a subscription agreement for Tricolor TV:

    • through the official website;
    • from official dealers;
    • by calling the contact center at 88005000123.

    It is important to emphasize that it is preferable to use the services of dealers, since in such a situation they will do almost everything on their own, and subscribers will only have to provide information about themselves.

    It is more difficult to register independently through the official website. The main difficulty that clients who choose this approach will face is the need to send one copy of the contract to the provider's head office. This is due to the fact that the satellite company is required to have a document with the user's personal signature. At the same time, if it does not have a form signed by the client, the company reserves the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally.

    Tricolor TV agreement - form: sample

    Registration on the official website is used when purchasing equipment for the provision of television services in chain stores and supermarkets. In this case, a sample form is not required, since the user will only need to fill out the registration form. It will have to indicate:

    • ID (12 or 14 digits located on the smart card or sticker on the receiver);
    • receiver model (indicated on the front panel of the device);
    • serial number of the set-top box (23 digits located on the sticker on the receiver);
    • individual code (on a smart card or scratch card);
    • last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth;
    • passport details;
    • address of equipment installation and user residence;
    • home and mobile phone;
    • email address;
    • confirmation code that will be sent to the previously specified mobile phone after sending the corresponding request.

    Additionally, you will need to check the box confirming your agreement with the rules (it is advisable to read them) and click the “register” button. After that, all you have to do is download the Tricolor TV contract form by clicking on its number.

    Conditions for changing the contract for the provision of Tricolor TV services

    If any registration data changes, users are required to make appropriate amendments to the registration form filled out. To make changes to the subscription agreement, you will need to go to the help section and open the page dedicated to registration. In it, you should switch to the tab that offers changing information and click the corresponding button.

    The next step is to fill out the form, which you will then need to print. The next step will be to scan the printed application and several pages of the passport (allowing you to identify the client by last name and registration). Scanned copies must be attached to the previously completed application, after which all that remains is to send it. Additionally, the provider requires sending the original application and a copy of the above-mentioned passport pages to the company's legal address.

    How to terminate the contract with Tricolor TV and get your money back

    The simplest way to terminate an agreement with Tricolor TV is to stop using the company’s services. Additionally, you can write a statement asking to terminate the agreement.

    You can return the money remaining in your personal account through your personal account or by calling the contact center and informing the consultants about your desire. You will not be able to get a refund for previously purchased equipment.