• Beeline customer service phone. Beeline support phone number. Hotline. Information

    Hotline– this is an opportunity to get detailed and complete answers to existing questions. With its help, they solve any difficulties that arise, no matter how unexpected and strange they may be. Customers just need to call the Beeline hotline, free phone to contact the operator is almost always available for an answer to use quality service and forget about worries.

    Calls to the support service are free, and the operators who work there are extremely polite.

    They know how to explain the procedure to the client and are ready to help in any situation.

    List of free contact numbers to contact the operator

    Beeline offers customers a range of toll free numbers, differing in their focus. They allow you to contact a highly specialized operator who understands a particular type of company service. But there are also general numbers, by calling which you can get an answer to any question:

    • 0611 ;
    • 88007000611 .

    In the first case, callers will hear a robot asking them to choose between automatic service and communication with support specialists. A call to the second number allows you to instantly contact a person without having to automatic messages systems.

    It is important that the short number 0611 is only available to Beeline subscribers.

    Call him from another phone mobile company it won't work.

    How to contact through the official website?

    The next way to take advantage of the support of company employees is to use the official website.

    To do this, go to the portal mobile operator and log in to it.

    The robot will be the first to respond to the message. He will check the database of standard questions and, if he finds the correct answer, he will report it. Otherwise, he will involve a specialist in the conversation who can solve the problem.

    A similar option is available in mobile application. Additionally, if the client is not registered, it is possible to contact the service feedback. The link to it is at the very bottom home page site.

    Beeline home internet and television hotline numbers

    To consider a number of narrow issues, there is a separate Beeline hotline. Communication with the operator from a mobile phone is free, so do not refuse these numbers. Often here you can get better and more detailed advice than on a standard, general line.

    To reach support, subscribers should dial:

    • 88007008000 – in case of problems with home internet and problems with digital television;
    • 88007002111 – in case of difficulties in the operation of the router and wi-fi;
    • 88001234567 – to restore the operation of the mobile Internet;
    • 88007009966 – home telephone service;
    • 88007000080 – consultation on connecting and setting up a USB modem.

    Calls in international roaming

    A separate phone number for contacting support is offered to people in roaming. This is due to the special importance of the call and the need to provide quick and quality assistance clients.

    To ask for help while abroad, dial +74959748888.

    A call to the contact center will be absolutely free, and the waiting time for an answer will be minimal. Usually the operator does not make the client wait, instantly answering all questions posed.

    Abroad standard rooms, used for advice may not be available, so special phone roaming will be the only way to wait for help.

    Other ways to contact the contact center

    In situations where it is not possible to quickly reach the operator, and the waiting time for an answer turns out to be unbearably long, the most simple option to get help is to use the “You called us” service. With its help, you can request a call from support specialists who will contact the client as soon as possible.

    In some cases, you should simply write a message with the complexity that worries the subscriber and send it to 0611. You can also write a request to call back via SMS, and Beeline employees will definitely respond to it.

    Beeline hotline

    Despite the desire of the mobile company to transfer its customers to self-service, without the help of specialists contact center it's impossible to get by. There are many situations that cannot be dealt with on your own. In such cases, it is wisest not to put off solving the problem for a long time and not wait for it to disappear on its own. It is better to dial one of the support numbers and ask the cellular company employees for clarification. Then dealing with any difficulty will take a matter of minutes, and each user will be able to receive a complete and detailed answer to any question asked.

    It's no secret that during use cellular services, many subscribers have various questions from time to time. Often they can be solved by searching for information on the Internet, looking at thematic articles on our website, but there are also cases when, without outside help specialists can't figure it out. It is in such situations that it helps if companies have their own call centers, where operators can help resolve certain issues and deal with problems that have arisen. Beeline, of course, also has a telephone number for contacting an operator who can help at any time. And today we want to talk specifically about communication issues with Beeline call center specialists.

    Using a short number to contact an operator

    It will probably not be news to anyone that Beeline provides a short number, since most modern cellular operators offer contact with the operator by dialing a short phone number.

    Please note that calls to to this number telephone services are offered to subscribers completely free of charge, so you don’t have to worry about withdrawing funds from your account if you suddenly have to wait a long time for an answer from the operator.

    Control menu when calling a Beeline call center

    It's no secret that when calling call centers by short numbers, real people do not answer us, and we are forced to listen to voice prompts automatic system. To navigate through the menu, the phone keys are used, and we want to analyze the main keys for managing the Beeline call center menu. When calling, you must use the following buttons:

    • To listen to the voiced message again – key 9;
    • To return to the call center start menu, use the asterisk button (“*”);
    • Repeated listening to the information placed in the previous menu item – hash mark (“#”);
    • While waiting for communication with the operator, you can order call back, to do this you need to press “1”.

    Quick connection with Beeline operator

    Naturally, when we need to get advice from a company operator, we often need help urgently. We do not have time to listen for a long time to the information offered in automatic mode, and I want to contact a consultant as quickly as possible. Fortunately, you don’t have to listen to all the information offered; you can immediately start using the keys to navigate through the call center menu. To reach an operator as quickly as possible, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Dial the number on your phone and press the call button.
    2. Listen or ignore the offered information after connecting, and press “2”.
    3. In the next menu, press “*”.
    4. You wait for the robot’s automatic response about what needs to be done to connect with the operator and boldly press the “0” key.
    5. Waiting to be contacted by an operator.

    Please note that sometimes the wait for a call can be quite long. It often depends on the level of workload of the call center at a particular time. Sometimes the dialing time can even reach 10-20 minutes. Therefore, you can often find the answer to your question much faster on the Internet.

    You can contact the Beeline information center at 8 800 700 0611. The center is open 24 hours a day. For residents of Russia the call is free. When making a call from cell phone connected to the Beeline network, you can use the help desk number. The center is open 24 hours a day. For residents of Russia the call is free. If you were unable to contact help desk, on the Beeline website there is a feedback form for you. You can also send an email to mailbox [email protected]. Specialist mobile operator will contact you shortly.

    We will be glad to see your questions, suggestions, as well as your complaints about the quality of service and fraud - all of them will be considered by our support staff. Thank you for your assistance in improving the quality of Beeline's work.

    Features of the free Beeline hotline:

    • find out everything about your tariff, choose a new one
    • clarify the balance and amount of payment for a particular service
    • troubleshoot provider applications
    • give up unnecessary services
    • leave comments or complaints
    • solve problems with connections: telephone, internet, television, etc.
    • order an account statement

    Consultation is possible on the following issues:

    • service;
    • connection/disconnection of services;
    • service tariffs;
    • methods and rules of payment for services;
    • structure and content of accounts;
    • writing off money from personal accounts;
    • receiving payment details;

    Beeline on social networks

    Short number : 0611

    Toll-free hotline number (from any network in Russia) : 8 800 700 0611

    Hotline number for calls from abroad (the call is paid according to the tariffs of your telecom operator) : +7 495 9748888