• What to choose: MTS or MegaFon. Beeline or MTS - which is better? Tariffs, network and reviews

    Comparing operators is a very difficult matter, since there are quite a few key factors in this process. However, subscribers are often puzzled by finding a solution to this problem. In this review we will look at Beeline or MegaFon - which is better and which of these operators to give your preference. Choice suitable option is really complicated, but we will try to find the most optimal solution.

    Select by coverage area

    Let's see which connection is better - MegaFon or Beeline. To begin with, you should clarify whether there is a signal from these operators in those points where you visit most often. For example, at work, at the dacha, at your favorite vacation spot. There are places where only one operator is caught or the most needed one is missing - there are all sorts of situations.

    There are two ways to check the availability of coverage area:

    • By calling help desk Beeline or MegaFon;
    • Visit the official websites to view the broadcast area;
    • Conduct a practical experiment (will give the most accurate results).

    In urban areas, determining who is better is problematic, since all operators strive to provide the most complete coverage. But outside the city, flaws emerge - in some places only Beeline is received, and in others only MegaFon is received. You can arm yourself with a phone with both SIM cards and do a comparative analysis.

    Choice by tariffs

    MegaFon or Beeline - which is better, where are the better tariffs, what should you give preference to? There are many questions, and even more answers. Both operators are ready to offer their subscribers a lot tariff plans, differing in different contents.

    Here's what you need to look for when choosing a tariff:

    • The amount of the subscription fee;
    • The cost of calls to subscribers of other operators;
    • For intercity costs;
    • For the number of included services;
    • For the cost of services outside the included packages.

    Typically, operators offer the most favorable rates only for on-net calls - many tariffs provide excellent on-network unlimited limits. But in the question of which is better, other packages should be evaluated.

    For example, at Beeline we can find tariffs for pensioners or tariffs with per-second billing that many subscribers need. And MegaFon pleases its customers with the availability of a whole group of tariff plans for visitors and travelers.

    Selection by Internet services

    Let's see which Internet is better - MegaFon or Beeline. What is important here is not so much the cost of modems, but the cost of services. For example, MegaFon has the following great deals:

    • 36 GB for 890 rub./month;
    • 30 GB during the day and unlimited at night for 1,290 rubles/month;
    • 20 GB of traffic, additional traffic for music, social networks and instant messengers, unlimited SMS and 5000 minutes within Russia for 3000 rubles/month.

    The latest offering is aimed at accessing the Internet from a smartphone while simultaneously using calls and text messages.

    Great offers from Beeline for smartphones:

    • “All 5” tariff, including 15 GB of regular traffic, unlimited social networks, 5000 minutes and 500 SMS for 83.3 rubles/day;
    • “Everything for 1800 postpaid” tariff with 30 GB of traffic, 3000 SMS and 3300 minutes for 1800 rubles/month;
    • “Absolutely EVERYTHING” tariff with a 60 GB package and premium roaming tariffs for 6,000 rubles/month.

    For modems, the most profitable tariff is “Internet for a computer” - 25 GB for 1200 rubles / month. Starting from the second month of use, the amount of traffic doubles.

    You can argue for a long time which modem is better - MegaFon or Beeline. But here it all comes down to the availability of a coverage area at the point you need and the content of the traffic packets. The best modem is one that provides maximum speed and stable connection. We also recommend taking a look at the coverage areas of MegaFon and Beeline to compare coverage areas in 3G and 4G format.

    Selection by contacts

    If you have doubts about your choice and you don’t know what is best to choose, we recommend that you look in your phone book. Here you should estimate the number of MegaFon and Beeline subscribers. Based on this, It’s better to choose the operator whose subscribers are in your phone book more. If everyone around you uses Beeline services, feel free to purchase a SIM card from a black and yellow operator. Otherwise, it is better to choose a MegaFon SIM card.

    Switch between operators with your own number

    If you couldn’t decide which is better, MegaFon or Beeline, you can purchase any SIM card - subsequently you will have the opportunity to migrate from Beeline to MegaFon and back without losing your number. The transition process is quite lengthy, but it allows you to get rid of changing the number and the subsequent difficulties (you will not need to notify your interlocutors about the change of number).

    The question of which is better, Beeline or MegaFon, may be removed from the agenda if you buy a phone with support for two SIM cards. In this case, you can quickly test the capabilities of operators and choose the option you like best.

    Mobile communications - important component life modern man. Therefore, people carefully choose the operator who will provide mobile services. The choice in Russia is great. And many do not know what to choose. MTS, Beeline or Megafon - which is better? Which operator is preferable to use? What should you pay attention to in this or that case? After all, each client has his own requirements for mobile communications. The answer to the question posed will depend on them.

    Difficulty of choice

    Which MTS, Megafon or Beeline? In fact this topic interests many. And understanding it is very problematic. After all, every company has its own pros and cons.

    The main problem that causes disagreements is the requirements for mobile operator. Everyone is different. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages are assessed differently by everyone. For some, mobile communications are important, others want to pay less, some focus on the Internet. Accordingly, it is difficult to make a choice. MTS, Beeline or Megafon - which is better for certain cases? In what situations and which operator is in great demand and popularity?

    Main evaluation criteria

    The first thing you should pay attention to is the tariffs. These are the main components of the services provided. Some have more favorable tariffs - such an operator is preferred to a greater extent.

    Which connection is better: MTS, Megafon or Beeline? In order to accurately answer the question posed, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all existing service offerings of a particular telecom operator. And based on the data received, it can be determined.

    The fundamental characteristics of the packages are:

    • Internet traffic;
    • free call minutes;
    • availability of additional services;
    • subscription fee.

    You can choose not package rates. Then it will be easier to decide which connection is better: Megafon, or Beeline, or MTS. After all, only the cost of calls is assessed there. Attention is also paid to the quality of communication. But after all the previously listed components.


    Package tariffs are now in demand for every company. They mean that the price includes Internet, mobile communications and even some additional services. For example, MTS has a “Smart” package. Depending on its type you can get:

    • Smart mini - 200 minutes of conversation with MTS subscribers in Russia and with other operators in home region per month, the same free SMS messages, 2 GB Internet;
    • Smart - 4 GB of Internet traffic, 400 minutes of calls, the same number of free messages;
    • "Smart Unlimited" - unlimited internet within Russia, 200 minutes of calls throughout the country, the same number of free messages;
    • Smart + - 6 GB Internet traffic, 900 minutes of free calls and SMS messages.

    The main advantage of these offers is that within your home region you can call MTS numbers for free. Moreover, as indicated by the operator, the call time is not limited. Many people indicate that such packages are suitable active people, most of whose friends use the services of MTS.

    There is also a profitable one. It allows you to talk to MTS subscribers for free inside home network for 20 minutes a day when you top up your account with 100 rubles (in some regions this amount varies). So which connection is better: MTS, Megafon or Beeline?

    Beeline tariffs

    By analogy, you should consider the most advantageous offers from other operators. For example, Beeline. This is another one large company, which offers its services to the public. What suggestions does she have?

    In almost every region throughout Russia there are “Everything!” lines. These are package offers. They allow you to use the Internet, mobile communications, and some additional services. MTS, Beeline or Megafon - which is better?

    "Beeline" with packages "Everything!" offers the following conditions:

    • “All for 300” - 10 GB of Internet, 400 minutes of calls within Russia, 100 SMS;
    • "All for 500" - with prepayment of 18 GB of traffic 800 free minutes, 300 messages, with postpaid - unlimited internet, but 600 minutes of conversation and the same number of messages;
    • “Everything for 800” - prepayment allows you to use 1,200 minutes of conversation, 500 messages and 22 GB of Internet, postpayment - 1,500 minutes for dialogues, the same number of messages and unlimited access to the Internet;
    • “All for 1,200” - 2,000 minutes, 1,000 SMS and 25 GB of traffic (prepaid) or 3,500 messages and free call minutes, but with unlimited Internet (postpaid).

    You can also subscribe to a tariff plan that is not included in the package services. It's called "Zero Doubt". Allows you to communicate with Beeline for free in your home region, calls to all other numbers cost only 1 ruble.

    Megafon offers

    But that's not all. MTS, Beeline or Megafon - which is better to choose for certain purposes? First of all, as already mentioned, you need to pay attention to the offers of each company. And depending on the requests, make a choice.

    What MTS and Beeline offer is already clear. What tariffs are Megafon famous for? What package offers can be found at of this operator connections? This:

    • XS - 150 free minutes of calls within Russia, the same amount of SMS, 2 GB of traffic;
    • S - 300 minutes and messages, 5 GB of Internet;
    • M - promises 650 SMS, 650 free talk time (in minutes), 7 GB of Internet traffic;
    • L - 10 GB of Internet and 1,300 minutes of calls and SMS messages;
    • VIP - 3,000 SMS, 3,000 free minutes for calls throughout Russia, 15 GB of Internet.

    It is these tariffs that are in greatest demand. "Megaphone"? The main popular tariffs of each operator are known. But what is the best choice?

    Communication quality

    If you discard personal preferences and leave the “naked calculation”, you should pay attention to the quality of the services provided. And at their cost. These two indicators can seriously influence the final decision.

    In Russia, many subscribers indicate that the greatest stability of work is observed with MTS. This operator is famous not only but also for their cost. In most regions it is this company is budget. During bad weather conditions, MTS switches off later than everyone else. And even when the network is heavily loaded, it works stably.

    Beeline is in second place. It also works quite stably, but network failures and problems occur more often. If there is a heavy load on the network, you can use the operator’s services, but at a very low speed.

    In last place is Megafon. Although this operator is considered large, it is still not stable. Of all the proposed companies, it works the worst. Even with small loads on the network, failures and problems appear. The signal is not "caught" in the best possible way, especially when it comes to villages or places remote from large cities.

    Cost of services

    Which connection is better: Megafon or Beeline? Or maybe MTS? The cost of services plays a huge role. In this regard, MTS wins. The thing is that this operator offers almost the lowest prices. And they make customers happy.

    Megafon is in second place. If cost plays important role, but the quality of services is not, you can choose this option. In last place in terms of prices is Beeline. This operator in Russia is called the most expensive. But its connection quality is not the worst. We can say that it is justified by the established prices.

    For the Internet

    Which Internet is better: MTS, Beeline, Megafon? works for all operators in the same way as other communication services. But home is different. Here is the most best quality at Beeline. The modems work well, quickly, the network does not disappear.

    Megafon is in third place. Many people use mobile Internet from this operator, but not so much at home. And all this is due to the fact that the signal is not received in the best way. If you are wondering which Internet is better: Megafon or Beeline, it is recommended to choose the second option.

    For communication

    And to receive mobile services Which operator is better to use? If many people in your environment are served by one company or another, this is the one you should pay attention to. In general, everyone decides this issue for themselves.

    MTS, Beeline or Megafon - which is better? In first place in terms of cost of services and quality of communication is MTS, then Beeline, then Megafon. Although the difference between the first 2 companies is not too big. All operators have disadvantages. But reviews indicate that MTS pleases with its prices. Prices are often the deciding factor.

    Which Internet to choose: from MTS or Megafon? Which operator's services are more profitable?

    Every person wants to choose the optimal operator for themselves cellular communication. Experts examine the quality of communication different operators, A ordinary people based on their observations. So, which telecom operator is better than MTS or MegaFon?

    • Users noted that MTS has better beep, and Megafon good welcome calls and messages.
    • If we talk about the monetary side, then everything depends on the chosen tariff scale. But user evidence suggests that Megafon’s services are cheaper.
    • To determine best operator, it is necessary to clearly understand what exactly the user needs: communication within the network, calls to users of other operators, Internet or roaming. It is also worth remembering the region in which mobile communication services are received.
    • Many people are interested in the cost of mobile Internet, because through this network they communicate, work or carry out other activities.

    A comparison of mobile Internet speeds was recently carried out by research corporation Ookla.

    Expert opinion:

    Specialists from this company recorded Internet speed indicators using special program. Moreover, the check was carried out in LTE networks, 2G and 3G.

    Important: The best performance was recorded by MTS in almost all regions of our country. Megafon distinguished itself with good numbers only in the Volga region.

    Experts note that in Moscow the Internet speed from MTS is much higher than in remote regions. For example, the difference between the Moscow region and Vladivostok was 1165 kilobits per second in favor of the capital. Of course, this is not an argument to change the operator, but it should be taken into account.

    Users' opinions:

    The observations of people who use the Internet from Megafon are that this operator provides better services. Mobile Internet speed from Megafon is 5.5 Mbit per second, and for MTS subscribers 5.2 Mbit per second.

    Whose tariff is better?

    It all depends on how much time you spend on the Internet. If you just need to check your email or scroll through news feed, then you can choose the regular tariff. The difference between paying for services from MTS and Megafon will be insignificant.

    If you need to spend more time online downloading files, watching videos or doing certain work, then it will do unlimited tariff. According to many users, you can choose a more profitable unlimited tariff from the MTS operator.

    MTS or Megafon - which Internet to choose?

    Tariff comparison:

    MTS offers its subscribers the following tariff schedule:

    • Smart mini2 GB internet. In addition, users have access to unlimited calls and 250 SMS. Payment - 300 rubles per month
    • Smart3 GB internet, 500 SMS and unlimited calls. Payment - 450 rubles per month
    • Smart Unlimitedunlimited internet, calls and 200 SMS. Payment - 12.9 rubles per day
    • Smart+ gives the user 10 GB internet, unlimited calls and 1100 SMS. Payment - 900 rubles per month

    Internet tariffs from Megafon:

    • MegaUnlimited— the volume of traffic is not limited. Payment from 0 rubles per day(depending on the tariff)
    • Internet XS— 75 MB per day. Payment 5 rubles per day
    • Internet S— 6 GB per month. Payment 250 rubles per month

    Important: MegaUnlimit is the most favorable tariff today. The user can choose the Megafon-Online tariff and pay 250 rubles only when connecting or transferring. Further use of the service costs 0 rubles per day.

    Conclusion: If we consider these two operators in terms of mobile Internet connection, we can say with confidence that MTS offers more tariffs. But Megafon has favorable tariffs with an unlimited amount of traffic, for example, MegaUnlimited.

    However, it is also convenient that MTS offers unlimited calls and a certain number of SMS, which are included in the package along with the Internet.

    Important: When choosing an operator, take into account one more nuance - the quality of signal reception in the city of your stay. After all, sometimes it doesn’t matter how much a service costs, the main thing is that the service is of high quality.

    Every mobile provider is making its services more accessible and convenient for users. All new tariff schedules are offered that are attractive to subscribers. Make a choice in favor specific operator difficult, which is why many people use the services of MTS and Megafon at the same time.

    Video: Choosing the best mobile operator

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    Quick answer:
    Among the main advantages over Beeline's competitors, three main ones can be noted:

    There are still disadvantages of Beeline:

    The issue of choosing one or another telecom operator is increasingly worrying subscribers. Every year, cell phone companies come up with new ways to lure potential customers - using favorable tariffs, promotions, discount systems and other techniques. However, in essence, the main criteria by which one can judge an operator are the following:

    • quality of mobile communications;
    • Internet connection quality.

    It is to use these basic services that people buy SIM cards, and first of all, the company must ensure they are at the proper level. No amount of conditions, even the most favorable ones, will save an organization if the quality of the services provided leaves much to be desired.

    Comparison of call quality

    IN present moment a real war broke out between supporters of two major mobile operators- Beeline and Megafon. Both companies have been on the market for a long time and have an impressive customer base. They are extremely popular in our country, which is why some rivalry for leadership has arisen.

    To evaluate the performance of these companies, you need to take into account many factors - and this is quite difficult to do.

    Advice: it is better to make an assessment based on the quality of mobile communications and the Internet.

    So which operator is better? It's time to finally figure it out this issue.

    Cellular quality comparison

    Megafon can rightfully be considered one of the main operators in the country. The organization began its activities back in 1993, and has been successfully promoting its services for 23 years. According to the company, today the client base numbers more than 70 million people - quite an impressive figure, because this is almost half of the country's population.

    So how does this company compare favorably with Beeline? Among the main advantages over competitors, three main ones can be noted:

    1. Maximum coverage of the territory where services are provided. The company's coverage area allows you to use mobile communications even in the most remote places from civilization - it is for this reason that the organization has gained its popularity.
    2. High speed internet. This advantage consists of the previous one, because where there is a stable connection, there network connection will be great.
    3. Commitment to Implementation modern technologies. Progress does not stand still, and in order to keep up with the times, Megafon is constantly looking for new technological solutions to improve the quality of customer service. New services become available (for example, popular mobile video calling), and equipment is updated.

    However, the Megafon company has the following disadvantages, which are an unpleasant stain on the good image of the brand:

    • desire for bundling and complex tariff plans. Unfortunately, in recent years, the company's policy has assumed a more flexible approach to the pricing of its services. Attempts are being made to make payment more convenient for the subscriber, package offers are being introduced, but in reality, most clients still face the problem of choosing a tariff;
    • Inconvenient support service. Often, due to an insufficiently developed service system, it becomes impossible to reach the operator. As a result, many customer questions remain unresolved, which becomes the basis for negative reviews about the company.

    Benefits of Beeline

    Now it’s time to talk about another famous telecom operator - Beeline. It was formed simultaneously with the previous one and is no less popular. According to unconfirmed information from sources on the Internet, the number of subscribers of the company exceeds 60 million.

    What are the pros and cons of Beeline? After a thorough analysis of the organization’s activities and incoming feedback from subscribers, we can speak with confidence about the following advantages:

    • a large number of tariff plans. The company's client base has a wide selection of payment options for services of different themes. Each of the tariffs is extremely simple and easy to understand, and the prices are at a level favorable to the client;
    • customer focus in work. There are often special promotional offers and discounts;
    • high-quality support service. Quick response, problem solving in the shortest possible time and minimal waiting time take the company to a completely new level of service.

    There are still disadvantages of Beeline:

    • less wide coverage area compared to Megafon. Outside the city limits, the signal strength begins to decline at a catastrophic rate. Picnic lovers will find it extremely inconvenient to use the services of this operator;
    • systematic disruption of network stability. Judging by reviews on the Internet, many customers complain about temporary unexplained interruptions in mobile communications, noise during conversations and similar inconveniences;
    • expensive calls from abroad. Beeline roaming can rightfully be considered the most expensive on the cellular market.

    Now that all the main nuances of the operators’ work regarding calls have been identified, we can talk about another important component - the quality of the Internet.

    Beeline clients

    Comparison of work with the network

    Both companies are providers. They have several ways to gain access to the global network:

    • mobile Internet;
    • USB modem;
    • home Internet.

    But since we are now talking specifically about comparing the services provided from SIM cards, only the first two options will be considered.

    There is no need to describe quality details at length mobile Internet– we can immediately say that this service from Beeline is somewhat better.

    Important: this company provides more stable access. And even though Megafon has a wider coverage area, the quality of Internet service here is noticeably lower.

    In this review we will figure out which is better - Beeline or MTS and give detailed description to each operator. Let's consider prices, communication quality, proposed tariffs and the speed of the Internet provided.

    We will also provide several reviews that will help you decide which company to choose. The information will be useful to all users who are looking for a quality communication service provider and want to use their mobile phone with benefit and convenience.

    Price and volumes

    The numbers always speak for themselves. We compared the two cheapest tariffs from MTS and Beeline using the same criteria and chose the one that will satisfy the needs of the most economical subscriber.

    Beeline MTS
    Rate "EVERYTHING 1" "Smart"
    Cost per month 400 rub. 400 rub.
    Internet 5 GB 4 GB
    Number of minutes 200 200
    Number of SMS 300 200
    Distinctive feature you can exchange minutes and messages for gigabytes when issuing a card MTS Smart Money 100% discount on this tariff

    As can be seen from the data in the table, for the single cost of the services provided, the Beeline “ALL 1” tariff wins both in terms of the volume of Internet traffic and the number of messages that are included in the package. Besides, additional option exchanging extra minutes and SMS for a GB of Internet will seem interesting to active users of the World Wide Web.

    To MTS subscribers who will issue free card Smart Money, the operator promises a 100% discount on this service. For users looking for the most budget-friendly plan, this is the most best option- no extra expenses.

    If we compare the services of operators by quality characteristics, then Beeline has an advantage, since the subscriber will pay the same amount for a larger volume.

    Tariffs and services

    The second company also offers high-quality Internet, however, it has some disadvantages:

    • Increased number of operational problems;
    • Possibility of disconnecting in the metro;
    • Weak signal when outside the range of base stations.

    Both companies offer a large selection of Internet tariffs, additional ones and increasing its speed. However, it is not difficult to understand who is leading on this issue.

    We provide several reviews of which is better - Beeline or MTS, from existing clients of the VimpelCom operator. This information will help you make the right decision about the need to connect communication services. Take a further look and make the right decision.