• Effective ways to optimize Android devices. Video on Android devices: useful tips, possible problems and their solutions

    Android- This popular system for tablets and phones different models and manufacturers. Android has received approval and distribution in just a few years all over the world, and is taking huge steps forward without standing still. Every day there are more and more powerful models tablets and phones, with parameters that were difficult to even imagine 7 years ago. Following the development of hardware, Android OS developers constantly have to develop and modify their operating system for various devices. This may be why we may encounter problems with system slowdowns and freezes on phones and weak tablets. Let's try to figure it out Why is your Android slow? and how to deal with the problem.

    Pros of the Android operating system:

    • minimum requirements to the hardware of the device;
    • easy to use and learn by users;
    • many free applications and games;
    • Huge possibilities for personalizing and customizing the gadget interface;

    This list can be continued for a long time, but we are interested in bigger problem with braking and operation of the device. Once you have purchased the aircraft, it will fly fabulously and you will be happy for the first months of operation. But after 40-50 games and applications are installed on your device - a tablet, for example, if not more, you will feel the slow operation of the gadget. What is this connected with? Why did my Android tablet start to slow down? What to do and how to solve the problem.

    We remove applications that slow down the device.

    The first thing you need to do is go through all installed games and programs, and find those that you have not even launched, or have already completed the game completely. All these applications just need to be removed from your device! They take up precious free space this time, and secondly, some applications may hang in the RAM of your device, thereby taking up extra megabytes of your RAM and loading the CPU processor. You can read more about the “ ” message in this review.

    Disabling processes in the background.

    The first thing you did was remove those programs that you no longer need. The most necessary and useful utilities, now let's optimize their work in background. In simple terms we need to disable processes in the system that are slowing down our Android tablet, and which we do not use in our work. You can do this by going to your OS settings:

    Settings - Applications - Running

    This is how you can see how much memory is consumed by certain applications installed on your tablet or phone. We look through the list and disable it necessary programs. Attention: We strongly recommend not experienced users turn off Google services, because this could lead to completely freezing or slowing down your device.

    Widgets and launchers slow down Android no less.

    A widget is a small program that displays information about the weather, time, settings, etc. on the main screen of your tablet or phone. All this looks beautiful, but if you clutter the entire screen with these gadgets, you will also experience freezing of the Android system. In addition, the battery of your device will be additionally discharged, so we also recommend disable everything unnecessary widgets and launchers. Yes, these are the kinds of sacrifices one has to make in order to achieve better performance your Android.

    As you can see from the screenshot, it consumed as much as 28 megabytes of memory, which is quite a lot for such an application. So if your Android has not yet started to slow down and freeze terribly, avoid all unnecessary widgets.

    Android slows down while working

    Another reason why your phone or tablet is slowing down may be weak hardware. What does it mean? This means that your tablet or phone is outdated, and the program or game that starts glitchy and slow cannot work with this configuration. It makes sense to look at the minimum requirements of the application, and if they are high, it’s time to purchase a more modern phone or tablet. We hope that the problem has been at least somehow solved for you, and we wish you less slowdowns!

    A phone that has just been taken out of the box will work quickly and cope with complex tasks, but over time there will be no trace of its former speed.

    The interface becomes glitchy and programs take a very long time to launch. It often happens that even the simplest applications begin to slow down. So let's figure out how to deal with this problem!

    Applications and games

    Please note that each mobile phone goes on sale with the most current one at that time operating system, which most closely matches the current characteristics of the smartphone.

    Yes, some manufacturers actually do regular updates for their gadgets, but not all of them, and support usually lasts no more than two years for budget models.

    Even if you received updates, it is not a fact that the phone will work as fast as when you bought it.

    This issue affects games and applications. Developers release updates optimized for new devices. At the same time, on older models the game may also become unstable.

    There are two options to solve this problem:

    • you just need to make a choice between application speed and functionality. If your smartphone is not a flagship or very powerful, we strongly advise you not to update many applications. The functionality will not be the same as after the update, but the speed will remain the same;
    • Also good option will install modernized, lightweight firmware. Although this is a little, it will increase the speed of operation of both the system in general and individual software.

    Video: Troubleshooting all problems

    Background applications

    The presence of many applications running in the background is the most common reason why Android starts to slow down. If you hide many applications in the background, then on the stable Android work devices can not be counted on, since the system will spend a lot of resources maintaining the functionality of these applications.

    The solution to the problem is very simple. You just need to delete applications running in the background, or at least disable them in the phone settings.

    Another interesting thing is that starting with Android 4.1, the system is able to independently distribute resources to applications, as well as close programs running in the background.

    By the way, you can set your own limit on background processes, but only on the condition that Android version your phone 4.1 and higher. How to do this? It's simple.

    Follow these steps:

    I would also like to note the fact that there are no viruses for the Android operating system, therefore there is no need for an antivirus. He'll just eat RAM in the background, without bringing any benefit.


    Smartphone manufacturers do not recommend crowding your smartphone desktop with various kinds of widgets, since each of them requires resources to operate. If you use everything on your phone, its performance will slow down significantly, especially if you play demanding games.

    When deleting most of the widgets, desktops are freed up; if possible, it is better to delete them.

    Cluttered system

    By the way, perhaps Android is slow due to the fact that file system very clogged unnecessary files. This is inevitable, and what longer system will not be cleaned, the more dirty the system is, the more glitchy the phone becomes.

    What files are clogging the system? There are many of them, namely:

    Most of all, cache files clutter up memory. They are stored both on the memory card and in internal memory phone. They are needed in order to save traffic and load pages that require Internet access faster.

    The files seem to be useful, but they still need to be cleaned. How to do this? There are several options. The best way is to download special application With Google Play.

    Here are the best:

    Lack of free space

    If the phone slows down very much, then the reason may be a flaw free space. The phone's built-in storage is designed in such a way that if it is filled to capacity, the phone can start to become very glitchy.

    If the internal memory of the device is full, then you need to clear it, at least 30% should be free.

    • transfer all data to a memory card;
    • transfer applications to a memory card;
    • Use the above apps to clean up trash.

    Lack of support for TRIM technology

    TRIM technology first appeared in Andrid4.3. It allows the smartphone to operate smoothly and stably even several years after purchase. It’s a shame, of course, that it wasn’t introduced earlier.

    The main reason for the slowdown over time is that almost all phones have SSD drives installed, so each cell has a very limited recording resource.

    Even if you delete files, the memory controller will think until the last minute that they are there. The more times the files are rewritten, the more cells are occupied, the more the controller has to work, the slower it starts to work.

    TRIM technology helps by resetting the controller data every 24 hours and forgetting what has already been deleted. The memory controller will be informed that certain data is no longer needed because it has been deleted.

    It is also worth noting the fact that TRIM function will work exclusively on good, high-quality controllers, respectively the most budget models and cheap copies will not support it. This should definitely be taken into account.

    If your operating system version is lower than 4.3, we recommend trying the LagFix application. There's a lot about him positive feedback on the Internet.

    Android slows down after update

    If you decide to update your smartphone, and after the update it starts to slow down, we recommend resetting your phone to factory settings. Most likely this action will help solve the problem. If not, then you will have to reflash your smartphone.

    The matter is complicated, it is better to trust the professionals, since one wrong move, and your favorite smartphone will turn into a useless brick, unless you can sell it for parts.

    As for resetting the settings, everything is simple, you need to do the following:

    If you have important data on your phone, don’t forget to either reset it to another drive or make backup copy for recovery.

    The Android operating system is an incredibly popular platform that has long been recognized and approved throughout the world.

    Smartphones and tablets are being modernized, becoming exponentially more powerful and productive, the design is being improved and new features and capabilities are being added. There are really a lot of advantages:

    • a huge number of both budget and high-end devices running on this system;
    • ease of learning and use;
    • many useful programs and games;
    • a sea of ​​settings and possibilities for personalization.

    This list could go on for a long time, but we won’t. I want to talk about this minus Android, like its “lag” and “braking”. Of course, having bought new tablet or smartphone, you can’t get enough of its speed and smoothness. But after a while, users have a question: “Why is Android slow?” Well, let's try to answer.

    Article updated May 2018.

    Background processes

    The downloaded games and programs are boring and you practically don’t use them, but for some reason it’s a pity to delete them. “What if they come in handy”, “it’s halfway done”: such thoughts occur to many of us. Okay, don't delete them. But exclude unnecessary applications is necessary, because they also “eat” RAM and load the CPU.

    Cluttered system

    Just like ours personal computers, on Android memory also clogged with temporary files, cache, cookies and even previous data remote applications. Of course, this negatively affects the performance of smartphones and tablets, so regular cleaning is recommended. More details this procedure described

    RAM is full

    We are talking about both operational and physical memory, in other words, a storage device. You need to understand that on outdated or budget smartphones The memory capacity is usually low, so it quickly becomes full. If the lack of a flash drive is not so critical, then the small amount of free RAM – one of the main reasons why the phone slows down. The device RAM is periodically released by following.

    Storage, apps and games

    If you bought a tablet or smartphone, what's the first thing you do? You'll probably download a dozen cool games and some software. Banning this is not a noble thing, but convincing people to comply with the measure is necessary. There is no need to “clutter” your device. It has been noticed that the smartphone slows down precisely when the internal memory becomes clogged.

    Memory card

    Often the reason slow work smartphone is damaged or outdated map memory. The gadget starts to slow down when reading information from a flash drive – this can be watching videos or photos, launching games and applications. Diagnostics is extremely simple - remove the memory card and check how the device works. If changes for the better are noticeable, replace the drive with a new one.

    Widgets and launchers

    The widget is a convenient and beautiful element that can display the battery level, weather, and settings. This is all great, but the power budget device cannot be overestimated. If Android started slow down, look at your desktop: are there many widgets on it? If yes, then you will have to say goodbye to some, since they also like to consume resources. The same goes for various launchers. You'll have to choose between appearance and speed.

    Below in the screen you can see that Yahoo Weather and HD Widgets “eat” 22.5 MB of RAM for two. This, of course, is not the most huge figure, but still.

    Reset settings

    - a last resort. If none of the tips we suggested helped solve the problem of Android bugs, all that remains is to reset the settings. It is important to understand that all data from the device will be deleted, and it will start up as for the first time after unpacking.

    Bottom line

    We talked about the most common reasons why Android slows down. If you have studied and corrected them, you can proceed to the complex and tablet.

    Of course, there are many factors that are not clear to every ordinary user. If you have questions or problems with the device, write and ask, we will be happy to help.

    Just a few years ago, in the electronics market, the only normal tablets that met the needs of the buyer were Apple and Samsung.

    In those days buy weak Chinese android meant condemning yourself to endless torment, because they rarely contained high-quality hardware and could freeze for a long time when performing even the simplest operations.

    Now we can fully count on the fact that even budget choice will be completely justified, because activities such as surfing the Internet, viewing mail, instant messengers and social networks, listening to music or watching a movie do not require a lot of RAM, and even the simplest smartphone has 1-2 gigabytes of this. So if the tablet is slow, perhaps its performance can be increased. A reasonable question arises: what to do if your Android tablet slows down?

    First of all, you need to determine why your gadget is slowing down. The problem may be:

    • Unoptimized use of resources. This is something we can control: cluttered memory, background processes, automatic updates - all this takes away your productivity. If you change technical specifications You can’t have your own device (well, unless you replace it with a newer one), then everyone can optimize its operation; optimization methods will be described below.
    • Too demanding application. It's simple, you downloaded software that requires a lot of RAM or is demanding on the processor. Nowadays, colorful games are created for very powerful devices, so if the technical characteristics are not high, you won’t be able to play the game. On the other hand, performance can be improved by optimizing for other factors.
    • Crooked software. Anyone can program, but few can program well. If in source code Software often encounters errors, this affects its performance. But only the developer can fix problems, so if the tablet is buggy in only one program, there may be an error in the code. Below is an easy way to check this.
    • Other reasons, such as a weak internet connection. If the application requires a network connection, then it will not be possible to use it outside the city unless you find a place with a good connection.

    How to understand that the problem is in the device

    If the tablet becomes dull after installation specific application, or it only malfunctions in one program, the problem is probably outside of your android.

    You can check this in the following way:

    • In the settings, find the “Developer mode” item
    • in the “Monitoring” sub-item, activate the “Show CPU load” function.

    Now, if the Android is stupid and freezes, but the CPU load is low, the problem is in the software itself. In this case, if you need this particular application, you can contact the software developer with your problem and wait for updates. If you don't have time to do this, just replace it with something like this.

    If you find out that the processor is working at full capacity and therefore the software lags, the reason is in the hardware. But even in this case, its work can be optimized and removed extra load with CPU.

    What can you do to improve productivity?

    You can discuss as much as you like the reasons why Android is slow, but you can roll up your sleeves, get to work and relieve the processor a little. Perhaps the problem with your device is unoptimized resource consumption?

    Background applications

    How many programs have you installed in the last week/month? How many were removed? Each of them, even when turned off, consumes resources and slows down the Android. First of all, this applies to live wallpapers and widgets on the desktop. Do you often look at the weather when you remove the unit from your Lenovo? If widgets and wallpapers are of secondary importance, it is better to remove them in the name of productivity.

    To manage background applications, you can install the Disable Service program - in it you can stop the operation of software that you do not need. Alternative application— Autostarts.

    Quick System Information is another software that allows you to look beyond the limits of your RAM. User-friendly interface, a good alternative to Disable Service.

    Device memory is trashed

    You can lose yourself taking hundreds and thousands of selfies/photos. If you rarely look at your photos/videos/downloads folders, the performance issue may be due to insufficient free space. Scroll file manager, in particular, folders with videos and downloads: perhaps you will find a couple of episodes of “Game of Thrones” that you watched a couple of months ago.

    Upload photos and videos to social media, send large files to cloud storage. Remove unnecessary things from the gadget's memory. CCleaner can help you cope with this burden - this is a program whose very purpose is to help when Android slows down.

    Automatic software updates

    Auto-update is convenient, but if the application starts updating at the wrong time, it's annoying. Personally, I update software on all my devices exclusively manually. To turn off automatic updates:

    1. go to Play Market
    2. "Settings" (menu on the left)
    3. leave a tick on the “Notifications” item (we will know when you can update)
    4. "Auto-update" - "Never"

    In addition, updates are not always beneficial. In pursuit of users with new phone models, developers sometimes forget about regular users who are left with the question of what to do if their favorite file manager or music player. As already written above, all that remains is to leave a review and wait for the bug-fix (or install an older, more stable version BY).

    System update

    A separate word is worth updating the operating system itself. In general, the standard advice would be: try to stay as close as possible to the last available version OS. But, as already stated in the aspect automatic updates, new is not always better. They forget about old tablets when they need to release a version for modern phones, and your device may not work well with new firmware. In this case, it is sometimes better to set more old version firmware that worked fine.

    Now you know what you need to do to increase the productivity of your device. If you still have any questions or know a way to improve performance that is not described in the article, write in the comments.


    I hope our tips helped you. Try the universal algorithm described above. See you on the pages of the site!

    Video instructions

    Among the tasks for a tablet or smartphone in the operating room Android system one of the main ones is watching videos. But sometimes there are interruptions (“freezing”) of video viewing, slowing down of the picture or a complete stop, chirping sounds or its complete absence. What to do in this case and how to solve the problem yourself. What formats does an Android device support in principle and why sometimes the video does not play.

    What video formats exist for Android devices?

    Typically, most manufacturers equip Android devices with functional players that support most well-known video formats. So there is no need to install additional applications to watch videos. But if there is no built-in video player or the user is not satisfied with it, then Google Play or AppStore can help. You only need to select a player that supports the desired format.

    Watching videos on your smartphone

    Top leaders of video players for smartphones and tablets (table)

    Player name Supported Formats Advantages Notes
    MX Player 3gp, avi, divx, f4v,
    flv, mkv, mp4, mpeg,
    mov, vob, wmv, webm, xvid and others.
    • fine-tuning hardware decoding
    • stability
    • opportunity individual settings video
    • gesture support
    • instant jump along the timeline
    Supports hardware acceleration,
    built-in decoder,
    multi-core processing,
    gesture support and
    protection from careless actions on the part of children.
    BSPlayer avi, divx, flv, mkv,
    mov, mpg, mts, mp4,
    m4v, rmvb, wmv, 3gp, mp3 and ac3
    • hardware and software decoding
    • intuitive file manager
    • network playback
    • support for popular video formats and subtitles
    files via Wi-Fi or from sources
    with granted access:
    USB, SMB/CIFS, PC, NAS server.
    Video Player Lite avi, divx, rmvb, flv, mp4,
    mkv, 3g2, 3gp, 3gp2,
    3gpp, iso, mov, mpeg4,
    mpv2, mts, mtv, ogx,
    rm, ts, tts, vob,
    wm, wmv and others
    Simple and intuitive interface
    without control buttons.
    Demanding on hardware.
    You cannot create a playlist in the player.
    HD Video Player avi, m4v, mp4, wmv,
    flv, mpeg, mpg, mov,
    rm, vob, asf, mkv, f4v,
    ts, tp, m3u, m3u8.
    • HD video playback
    • auto detection of video files
    The player does not have any settings options.

    The list of players is much larger; those provided in the list are the most popular by the number of downloads.

    Causes of video playback problems on Android devices

    One of the common problems when watching videos on smartphones or tablets is that the video file does not play. It can be caused by various reasons. Problems arise when viewing saved videos and when viewing online.

    Problems playing videos

    Obstacles to viewing saved videos

    1. An attempt was made to play a format that is not supported by the player.
    2. Lack of codecs necessary for playback.
    3. Insufficient RAM or low power processor.
    4. Run multiple applications simultaneously.
    5. Smartphone or tablet memory full.
    6. System settings failure.

    Problem Solving

    Unsupported format

    If your smartphone or tablet does not play a video file saved in the internal memory because the player does not support the required format, then you can use the following algorithm to solve the problem:

    • download and install MX Player, it is universal player, which plays all common video formats;
    • launch video player;
    • in the settings menu, open the “Decoder” folder;
    • check the boxes “Use as default” and “For local files”;
    • play saved video from your Android device.

    The player does not support the video format

    Problem with the availability of the necessary codecs

    In most cases, performing this procedure helps eliminate the playback problem. If this operation does not help, you should install additional codecs. To do this, you need to read the video player settings decoder page. It may indicate a recommendation on which version of codecs (for example, ARMv7 NEON) should be installed. After which you should find it on Google Play or AppStore, download, install them and reboot the device.

    Solving the problem of unsupported files or codecs (video instructions)

    Device hardware

    For modern devices with Android OS such problems should not arise, because they have built-in GPUs and RAM more than 512 MB. But if the tablet or smartphone is “budget” or old, watching videos can be difficult. In this case, you can normally watch videos only with a low resolution of 240p or 360p and no higher. Or change the device to a newer one.

    Parallel launch of applications

    Sometimes the tablet allows you to watch videos even in FullHD quality, but the video does not play. The reason may be that several applications are open at the same time and the RAM cannot cope with the tasks. To fix the problem, just clear the device memory, view and disable applications that are at the moment can be disabled. For example, games.

    Insufficient memory

    To fix the problem, just monitor the amount of space on your hard drive. In any case, it should not be rebooted. From time to time you need to clear the memory cache. For video storage large sizes It’s better to use flash drives or the cloud.

    Reasons preventing you from watching videos online

    If online videos cannot be played, the reason for this may be:

    1. Absence Flash Player.
    2. The site on which the video is viewed uses technologies and utilities that are not supported by the Android device.

    Problems watching videos online

    If it freezes, online video viewing slows down

    There may be several reasons for the inability to watch videos online. One of the most common is the lack Flash plugin. The solution to this problem is simple: either install another browser that has Flash support Player, or separately install or update Flash for your device. But before you try to solve the complication, you need to understand some points:

    1. For version Android 4.0, the Flash plugin is not supported and cannot be purchased in the store.
    2. Downloading from third party sources, you need to remember about the possibility of infecting your device with viruses.
    3. Before installing Flash Player, you need to delete it first previous version plugin.
    4. After updating or installing the Flash plugin, you need to check whether JavaScript support is enabled in the browser.

    Playing saved video with slowdown or freezing


    If the video plays, but slows down or freezes for a long time, then the reason for this may be:

    • low RAM power;
    • lack of a graphics processor accelerator;
    • simultaneous operation of several programs;
    • unsuccessful firmware gadget.


    The first thing you need to do is look at the video capabilities of your Android device. If the system is old or weak, then, naturally, it will not be able to reproduce high-resolution videos, and, as a result, the video will slow down. But if a smartphone or tablet has normal potential for playing video files, you need to look for next reason. First you need to turn off all programs and restart the device. If after this the gadget does not play the video correctly, you should try to free up space in the memory, remove unnecessary applications or programs that take up a lot of space.

    Often the reason for braking is unsuccessful firmware of a smartphone or tablet. If such a process has taken place, re-flashing the device can solve the problem.

    A solution could also be to include hardware acceleration for the player.

    Video freezing when watching online

    Modern users are increasingly less likely to watch videos downloaded to their gadgets. Much more often, video files are played online. It’s easier, it doesn’t take up space in the device’s memory, and thanks to Internet services you can quickly find and watch almost any video or movie. It often happens that such viewing is disturbed by the slowdown of the video image.

    Online browsing freezes


    1. Low Internet connection speed.
    2. Browser problems.
    3. Flash does not work correctly.
    4. Insufficient RAM.

    Determining the cause

    It is not easy to immediately identify why braking occurs. But by eliminating one cause after another, the status quo can be corrected. To do this, you need to check all the above points in order.

    How to speed up video playback

    Checking your Internet connection

    The first thing to do when video online is slow is to check the speed of your Internet connection. To do this, there are many sites where you can check the data transfer speed quickly and without installing additional applications. After verification, the data download speed should exceed 1 Mb/s. If the indicator is lower, the reason has been found, the video is slow due to the low speed of the Internet connection. Otherwise, you need to check further.

    Problem browser

    After checking the data transfer speed, it is advisable to analyze the operation of the browser. First, close the extra ones open tabs, occupying RAM. If the problem is not resolved, try updating the browser you are using; it may be outdated and does not support new standards.

    Flash player

    The problem may be related to Flash Player. To solve this you need to install a new one. It is important to remember that it is recommended to use only the official website, so as not to “fish out” viruses for your gadget from the network.

    Android + Flash Player = good video viewing


    The reason for the slowdown may be a small amount of RAM. In this case, there is no way to correct the braking. Watch only low resolution videos.

    No sound is playing

    If the gadget does not produce sound when watching a video, but the picture is played, then the reason may be:

    • user inattention;
    • unsupported video file format;
    • lack of the required codec.


    First, check whether the sound is turned on at all and whether the headphones are connected correctly. Then check whether the sound is played in other applications: games or music. If the sound does not play only when watching a video, then the reason may be high resolution video. Changing the resolution to a lower one or another video format can solve the problem.

    The reason may be the lack of a codec. As a rule, in the event of such a lack, players themselves display a message about which codec is missing and offer to download it again.

    If even after adding additional codecs the sound does not appear, you need to change the codecs from “hardware” to “software” in the player settings. With this replacement, the player must be forced to use its own codecs instead of the built-in ones.

    Video instructions for solving a sound problem

    Flip video 90⁰ or 180⁰

    Quite often you see a video shot on a smartphone or tablet upside down or rotated 90 degrees. This makes it difficult to view. To avoid such an annoying oversight, there are many programs for turning video into normal position. For devices with the Android operating system, for example, mVideoCut, Video Toolbox, Google Photos, Free Video Flip and Rotate and many others. All of them are easy to use with intuitive controls. Let's look at the process of flipping a video using Video Toolbox as an example.

    Flip video to normal position

    Video flip algorithm in Video Toolbox

    1. Download Video program Toolbox from Google Play Market.
    2. Launch the application and select the file you want to flip.
    3. Use the “Rotate” button to rotate the video 90⁰. To rotate 180⁰, press again.
    4. Save video file to in the required format. The application itself will offer format options.
    5. Enjoy the video in a normal position.

    Often the reason for the inability to rotate a video to its normal position may be disabling the “Auto-rotate screen” option. It’s easy to turn it on: “Settings”, “ Accessibility", check the box "Auto-rotate screen". Or take advantage of more in a simple way. Find the “Energy Saving” widget and select to turn on auto-rotate screen.

    Auto-rotate the screen via the Energy Saving widget

    Google Photos app

    The only difference between this program and similar ones is the Russian-language menu, which, you see, simplifies the work. To flip a video file you need to do the following steps:

    • download the application;
    • press the start button;
    • select the “autoload and synchronization” checkbox in the window that opens or refuse this option; by default, the saved file will be automatically uploaded to the cloud if there is an Internet connection;
    • select the format to save in the menu converted file, default - high quality;
    • enter the menu by clicking three parallel lines and find the desired video file by clicking on the “on device” button;
    • After loading the video, click on the pencil and click on the “rotate” button until the file is the way you want;
    • click the “save” button.

    That's how simple and in just a few seconds you can restore the normal position of the video.

    Rotate video online

    You can flip a video without downloading any utilities. There are services that will cope with the task, but often they ask you to pay for their services. They will only make files weighing 3MB for free, which is not suitable in most cases. But there is a solution and, as always, it is simple. Youtube will help you cope with rotating a video by 90⁰ or 180⁰.

    Step by step instructions

    1. Log in to your account on the service.
    2. Upload the video you want to flip.
    3. If the video is not intended for prying eyes, check the “private” box.
    4. Go to the editor (video camera icon).
    5. Move your cursor over the video you need.
    6. Control buttons will appear on it; select the button with the rotation arrow (second in the list). You can turn it clockwise and vice versa.
    7. Rotate the video in the desired direction.
    8. After rotating the video, you can save it in your account or download it in MP4 format.

    Some applications simply do not support display rotation. In some devices, only the mode is possible landscape orientation, in others - exclusively bookish.

    Video compression utilities

    The network offers many options for video conversion or compression applications.

    Audio & Video Media Converter

    A good converter that allows you to compress video without losing quality. The application allows you to convert most video formats. Advantages include background processing of multimedia files, video editing and the ability to trim videos.

    Video Converter Android (VideoCon)

    The converter can also convert almost any video format, with the ability to trim. After installation, the utility itself finds all media files on the device, which simplifies the work. The application also allows you to extract the audio track from any video and save it separately.

    Any Video Converter Ultimate

    A good application among free ones, with all the necessary options. Simple interface and convenient controls.

    Digital Media Converter

    A good program, but not all functions are free. If you have the opportunity to purchase, you will not regret it.

    Online converters


    A free online converter that allows you to quickly reduce the size of videos of almost any format. To do this, you just need to upload the file, specify the format to save and click the “convert” button. If the file is uploaded to the cloud, you only need to insert a link to it in the field.

    Programs for video acceleration on Android

    Program - professional editor video, which can be used to speed up video on an Android device. The application is easy to use and gives good result editing, there is a multi-tasking timeline that allows you to quickly and clearly edit the desired video. Among the disadvantages of the utility is that the application is paid.

    Screenshot of the KineMaster program

    Hyper Timelapse

    The application is free, allows you to record or edit videos from at different speeds. The minimized control menu makes it convenient and understandable even inexperienced user. Disadvantage: the quality of the resulting video is not ideal.

    Lapse It

    This utility has good functionality and all the necessary elements for video editing: stopping motion, speeding up and slowing down and others. There is free and paid option programs.

    Magisto Video Editor & Maker


    In addition to speeding up, the application allows you to add captions and the ability to select additional effects, such as a theme and other design elements. The program is free.