• Exchange of a tablet, how to exchange a tablet in a store for a new one. How to exchange a purchased tablet

    How to return a tablet if it turns out to be faulty or you just don’t like it? Buying a tablet, although not a very large expense, still no one wants to lose money. It is unlikely that there will be many people who, having rejected one tablet, will simply go to the store for a second one. But so that attempts to return the money spent do not turn out to be fruitless and exhausting, you can use our advice.

    Morning, coffee, tablet – the perfect picture. What a pity that sometimes it is overshadowed by the fact that the tablet does not fit or is broken

    The procedure for a buyer who wants to return the tablet to the seller depends on the reasons for the return. It's one thing if the tablet is faulty, and quite another if it doesn't suit you according to its technical characteristics. However, in any case, one should assume that the tablet belongs to the category of technically complex products. Evidence of this is the list of goods approved.

    How to return a faulty tablet?

    There are two options: if the buyer requested the return of the tablet within 15 days after purchasing it, or he did it after this period.

    If you almost immediately discover a malfunction in the tablet he purchased, there are several options. By contacting the seller within 15 days after making a purchase of a technically complex product, according to, you can insist on:

    • termination of the purchase and sale agreement with the subsequent return of all money paid;
    • exchanging the tablet for a similar one (or a similar model), but with recalculation if there is a price difference between the models.

    If the malfunction was discovered after 15 days have passed from the date of purchase, a refund or replacement of the model is also possible, but additional conditions apply:

    • the deficiency in the tablet must be significant (which cannot be eliminated, or it can be done, but is disproportionately expensive);
    • the deficiency was not eliminated within the allotted time;
    • The tablet breaks down again and again, even after repair, so you cannot use it for more than 30 days during each year of warranty (the rest of the time it is under repair).

    The tablet must be repaired within 45 days. Has more time passed? You can get your money back!

    But can all the shortcomings be grounds for returning the tablet? Of course not. The law deals with manufacturing defects, i.e. those breakdowns the occurrence of which depends on the quality of the manufacturer’s work, transportation and storage until the moment of sale to the final buyer. But if the buyer dropped the tablet, recharged it with a device not intended for this model, or installed an unlicensed software, then it is considered that the defect arose due to violation of the operating rules, and responsibility for it lies entirely with the buyer.

    Sometimes, in order to prove that a defect is of a production nature, it is necessary to conduct an examination. According to the law, the organization of the examination is undertaken by the seller. And if it is established that the breakdown was not the fault of the manufacturer or seller, then the cost of the examination will be deducted from the buyer.

    And here you need to pay special attention: after all, it is doubly beneficial for the seller to declare the defect non-productive. Firstly, then the buyer will lose his right to return the goods, and secondly, he will also have to pay for the examination, which, by the way, could have been carried out by a staff member and would not have required additional expenses.

    If you are sure that it was not your own actions that led to incorrect operation tablet, you should appeal the result of such an examination, and send the tablet to an independent expert who will help identify real reasons. The main thing is that his opinion is accepted by the court. And for this he must have the right to conduct such an examination. Compose correctly statement of claim This article will help you in court.

    So, if shortcomings are found when working with the tablet within warranty period, you can not only count on him free repair in the service, but also to return money for defective goods.

    Returning a working tablet

    Is it possible to return the tablet if I just don’t like it? Here the situation is more complicated. Precisely due to the fact that this is a technically complex product, it cannot simply be returned within two weeks after purchase, justifying this by inconvenience of use, or by the phrase: “Well, you don’t like it, that’s all.” Of course, you can try to negotiate with the seller. And it’s easier to do this when the purchased product has retained its presentation. And this concept also applies to packaging. There are chances, and if you offer the store an exchange for a more expensive option with an additional payment. However, the seller will still have the final say. For more information about what is meant by trade dress, read the article .

    If for some reason you are not satisfied with the purchased tablet, then you should not mention the inconsistency of the color of the tablet with the color of your eyes or the inconvenience of watching movies while lying down in justifying your reasons. In this case, emphasis should be placed on the fact that the seller did not report specific technical specifications tablet – and it was they who prompted me to purchase this model. From your complaints it should be clear that you voiced the requirements for the device, and the seller recommended this particular tablet.

    Does the tablet not match your eyes or the color of your scarf? This is definitely not a reason to return...

    If a store values ​​its reputation and wants customers to continue making purchases from it, then it may be willing to accommodate: either return the money or offer a replacement. But we must remember that this is his right, but not his obligation.

    Would you like to learn more about the return of “complex” equipment? Please note the article on returning a defective item. cell phone . The situation with returning a working tablet will be similar, except for one thing: the fact that the tablet is a technically complex product is beyond doubt.

    IN modern conditions It is impossible to do without technology. In all the variety of technical assortment, one of the main places is occupied by the tablet. It can fit in a coat pocket or bag. And the availability large quantity functional features makes him indispensable.

    Sometimes a buyer purchases a tablet, and after a while decides to return it back to the store. How to do this correctly to get your money back? It is possible to immediately receive the money spent if the device is technically faulty. But is it possible to get the money back if you just don’t like the equipment?

    The legislation regulates this issue vaguely, leaving the last word to the seller. Refunds are usually granted subject to a number of factors being met. But sometimes the seller refuses to give money for a quality product, finding no reason for this. And no one can force him to perform an operation to return the funds.

    When can I return the tablet back to the store?

    There are some specifics about returning a tablet to a store. Since the device is technically complex and large, the stated reasons must be important.

    You cannot return the gadget due to:

    • Incompatibility of color with eye color;
    • Inconvenient viewing of the film library while lying down.

    The main reason may be the discrepancy between the availability of the tablet’s capabilities and the stated requirements, that is, the buyer voiced what he would like to receive. And the seller in the store gave advice on purchasing exactly this.

    Is it possible to return the tablet to the store if I don’t like it?

    Many buyers ask if I can return the tablet if I don’t like it. According to the law, you can return the gadget, even if it of proper quality. You may not like the color, size, or model itself. The main thing is to return the goods on time.

    And it’s written about whether you can return your phone to the store if you don’t like it.

    When can I return my tablet back to the store?

    If the packaging is intact, the presentation is intact, there are no signs of use and there is a receipt, then the possibility of returning the device within 14 days after sale is regulated. But if the gadget is purchased via the Internet, then the return time is reduced to 7 days.

    If the seller does not notify him of his rights, the client has the right to return the device within a month.

    How to return a faulty tablet back to the store under warranty?

    If there is a manufacturing defect, the device can be returned within 2 weeks from the date of delivery.

    The buyer can choose a way to protect his rights, consisting of:

    • Termination of contractual relations for purchase and sale with return cash, spent on the purchase of goods;
    • Exchange for a working variation or a similar model, taking into account the recalculation of the difference into the cost of the product.

    Is it possible to get a refund for a tablet under warranty?

    If new gadget purchased, and then discovered a manufacturing defect, then a return is possible within a two-week period from the date of purchase (excluding the day of purchase itself).

    Based on this, the buyer can be confident in:

    1. Refund of the full amount of money spent on the purchased tablet device, subject to the return of low-quality equipment.

    2. The possibility of an operation to exchange equipment for a gadget of a different marked variation with other cost categories, subject to the return of the technical device.

    3. Exchange of defective equipment for a gadget of a similar brand and price, subject to availability good quality. It is guaranteed that you can receive money after this period, if available. serious shortcomings, consisting of:

    • rapid battery discharge;
    • broadcasts blurry images, video;
    • constant freezing;
    • loss of sounds;
    • failure to follow commands;
    • programs close on their own.

    If any problems are identified, the buyer can:

    1. After making sure that the warranty period has not expired and taking a coupon, return the device back and make demands for its repair at the seller’s expense.

    2. If the warranty is valid, return the gadget to the store for a full refund.

    3. If during the warranty period the device was repaired several times due to breakdown. And the total period of use of a working device is not equal to 30 days.

    4. If the gadget was submitted for repair (under warranty), but it was not repaired within 45 days. The presence of defects and breakdowns due to the fault of the manufacturer may include:

    • poor quality of the manufacturing process;
    • violation of the rules for the delivery of the finished product from the manufacturing plant to the store;
    • improper storage of products prior to sale to the consumer.

    But if, as a result of expert research, it is proven that the malfunction occurred due to the carelessness of the buyer himself.

    • the tablet is not suitable in size, color, style and other similar properties - you want to return the money for a tablet of proper quality;
    • the device is of poor quality - you want to return it to the store and get back the money spent on it.

    Let's look at how to get your money back for a tablet under warranty within 14 days.

    Is it possible to return the tablet back to the store?

    The return of the tablet and its exchange for a similar product is regulated by federal law“On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, which establishes the basic principles, terms and procedure for such actions.

    Important! Technically complex and large-sized goods have certain features when returning.

    Return the tablet within 14 days

    The return of technically complex products of proper quality is possible only if there is no guarantee for it, as well as when the goods are returned to the seller for personal reasons.

    As a general rule, such goods of inadequate quality can only be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase. If this period has already expired, you can return the tablet when:

    • a significant flaw has been discovered in it;
    • the seller violated the terms for eliminating his malfunction;
    • It cannot be used during each year of the warranty period beyond 30 days due to repeated defects.

    How to return a tablet of good quality to the store

    When a transaction is terminated on personal initiative or for internal reasons, it is most often problematic to return the tablet. A tablet computer is classified as a household computer radio-electronic technology, which, in turn, belongs to the characteristic of a “technically complex product”. There is a list of goods that cannot be returned if they are of high quality. Is it possible to return the tablet to the store for any reason other than identifying significant faults? Some legal nuances will help resolve a difficult issue.

    You are required to explain the essence of the problem in detail and in a polite manner and inform about your desire to return the goods to the seller. The reason for the return is explained by the fact that the product is not required functions, and the sales assistant did not indicate these characteristics of the tablet during the sale. Under no circumstances should you say that you have “changed your mind.”

    Important! Unreliable advice from a store representative is one legal reason for terminating a contract. The seller is obliged to provide detailed information about the product and its main characteristics.

    So, for example, a tablet may have insufficient speed, low RAM. The necessary modules for connecting to the Internet may be missing. In such a case, the seller provided incomplete information when concluding the transaction, and this is considered a legal basis for terminating the contract with all the ensuing consequences.

    Returning a tablet of poor quality

    If a defect is detected in the product, the consumer may, at his personal discretion, contact the store to:

    • replace it with a similar product;
    • exchange for a device of the same model or another - possibly with an additional payment;
    • reduce cost;
    • eliminate the defect free of charge as soon as possible or reimburse the costs of repairs carried out independently or by a third party;
    • terminate the contract and return the money.

    Claims are made by:

    • to the seller;
    • service center (authorized organization);
    • to the importer.

    The period for returning goods in such cases is:

    • warranty period or expiration date, if defects were identified during this period;
    • another period within reasonable limits, but not more than 2 years, if the above-mentioned period was not established by either the seller, the manufacturer, or the law.

    General rules for returning a tablet

    • Passport - required document in any dispute.
    • Saving the receipt. But the absence of this proof of the transaction is not considered a basis for refusing to replace the product.
    • When terminating the contract and returning the money paid for the tablet, it is required to maintain the integrity of the packaging, complete set and proper presentation of this device.
    • If you receive a verbal refusal to terminate the transaction and return the money for the tablet, you need to contact the store manager with a complaint in writing. In it, indicate the details of the buyer and seller, state the essence of the issue, arguments and put your signature. The document is written in 2 copies. You can submit it in person; the second copy must be stamped with acceptance, signed and dated. You can also send a claim by registered mail by mail.

    When controversial issues reach the examination stage, it is better to seek help from an experienced lawyer.

    ATTENTION! Due to latest changes due to legislation, the information in the article may be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

    For many, a tablet is becoming a convenient device that combines a computer and a phone. However, purchasing such a product always involves certain risks. The equipment is delicate, complex, demanding to maintain and operate. And you may not like the product itself when you buy it. It looks okay in the store, especially while the consultant next to you is praising it, but at home it’s not the same, the color doesn’t fit or the size doesn’t allow you to put it in your pocket. What should I do in this case? Is it possible to return a purchase if I don’t like it?

    Is it possible to return the tablet to the store if I don’t like it within 14 days?

    Provides two weeks to return the product if it does not fit in size, components, color or shape. Based on this instruction, many conclude that any product can be returned. However, the same indicates a list of products that cannot be returned according to these criteria.

    This list includes technically complex products. It includes both household appliances, and organizational. Computers, laptops, touch phones, digital and laser devices- they all fall under this category. That is, you cannot buy a tablet and return it on the basis that you don’t like it. Even in the first 14 days after purchase.

    Separately, however, it should be said about purchasing goods through an online store. This implies that the client cannot personally see and try the purchased product in action, and is based only on remote study. Therefore, it prescribes that in this case the consumer has seven days to return the goods. Even if it is of high quality and the client simply did not like it. However, in this case you will have to pay all the costs associated with the delivery of the products.

    If you don’t like the tablet, can you change it?

    In practice, it is impossible to change a tablet based on the fact that you don’t like it. Technically complex goods cannot be exchanged and cannot be returned if they are of high quality. However, situations may arise when the store will accommodate the client halfway.

    For example, a tablet was bought as a gift for someone and continues to remain in the package. But even before the donation, it becomes clear that such a device is already available or is not required. Or the chosen color is simply unpleasant, but you want the gift to be appropriate.

    In this case, you should contact the store. If it is obvious that no one has used the tablet, or even opened the packaging, the seller may accommodate it. However, it remains at the discretion of the store whether it wants to exchange the product, return the money, or not accept it at all.

    How to return a tablet under warranty if it is defective?

    If the purchased tablet is faulty, then returning it is much easier. This can be done under one of the following conditions:

    • if a manufacturing defect is discovered in the first two weeks from the date of purchase, the consumer has the right to demand a replacement of the device, a refund or a reduction in price in proportion to the defect;
    • after this period, but within two years, the product can be returned if a significant defect is discovered that is difficult to eliminate or it appears after one or more repairs;
    • if the tablet was handed over to warranty repair, and his maximum term prescribed by law has expired;
    • if breakdowns occur systematically and every warranty year The device has been under repair for at least a month.

    These cases provide the opportunity to return even complex equipment. However, reasonable limits are stipulated; if a defect is discovered, then you should not wait, but should immediately contact the store or service center.

    The choice of where to go is up to the consumer. That is, if he contacts a store, the store cannot redirect the client to the service center. To do this, it is better to submit a written claim, two copies, with a note for consideration. Such documentation, if necessary, can become a serious argument for resolving a dispute in court.

    The tablet broke under warranty - how to get the money back

    You can get your money back for a broken tablet under warranty if the cause of the malfunction lies in a manufacturing defect. That is, if the consumer is sure that this is so, he can safely contact the store and demand a return. If it is determined that the damage occurred as a result of improper use or improper handling, the return will be refused.

    If the tablet breaks down a second time under warranty, and the reason for the new breakdown is the same, then this is a reason to report a significant defect in the product. But even if the fault is new, this situation most likely indicates a low-quality product. However, while there are no specified legal grounds for a refund, the store will only offer warranty repairs.

    In a situation where the tablet breaks down after 14 days from the date of sale, the procedure for returning money or exchanging for a working gadget is complicated by a number of conditions: in this case Cases of breakdowns and deficiencies due to the fault of the manufacturer are considered. They consist of the following points: poor-quality manufacturing process; violation of the rules for the delivery of finished products from the manufacturer to the distribution network; improper storage of goods prior to sale to the consumer. Passed tablet computer for repairs.

    After returning the device from repair and inspection, significant dents and abrasions were found on the body. The act upon acceptance for repair contains no phrases about the presence of scratches and abrasions (an act with the seal of the repair organization).

    The tablet refused to be accepted. The girl said - you're right, they didn't inspect it when accepting it for repairs (such significant abrasions are hard not to notice, as well as to get in use - it was in a case for 3 months).

    How to return your tablet to the store

    Important! Technically complex and large-sized goods have certain features when returning.

    The return of technically complex products of proper quality is possible only if there is no guarantee for it, as well as when the goods are returned to the seller for personal reasons. As a general rule, such goods of inadequate quality can only be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase.

    Is it possible to exchange a working tablet for another one?

    demand replacement with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price; demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price; demand immediate free elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of costs for their correction by the consumer or a third party; refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods.

    Is it possible to return the tablet back to the store if I don’t like it?

    And the seller in the store gave advice on purchasing exactly this. Is it possible to return the tablet to the store if I don’t like it?

    Many buyers ask if I can return the tablet if I don’t like it. According to the law, you can return a gadget, even if it is of proper quality. You may not like the color, size, or model itself.

    The main thing is to return the goods on time.

    If the packaging has been preserved, the presentation has not been damaged, there are no traces of use and there is a receipt, then the law on the protection of buyer rights regulates the possibility of returning the device within 14 days after sale.

    2. A completely different procedure is approved by law for the situation when you bought a tablet through an online store. The deadlines for returns are set.

    4 of the specified norm. The tablet return period is 7 days, and this information must be communicated to you in writing!

    If the seller did not provide you with this information, contrary to the law, then you can return the tablet within 3 months.

    Is it possible to exchange a working phone for another?

    Resetting to factory settings and deleting everything from the phone takes 30 seconds.

    Resetting to factory settings and deleting everything from the phone takes 30 seconds. I understand this, but as you can see, we didn’t bother to spend 30 seconds, I don’t know how it ended, I’ll ask my consultant friend from this store when I’ll be there, maybe he knows.

    Yes, and it’s interesting too. Walker_N The other day I saw a situation in one of the CSN stores in my city: a man was buying himself a smart Samsung, I don’t know exactly which one, that’s not the point.

    Is it possible and how can I return a laptop within 14 days if I don’t like it?

    The return or exchange of non-food products is regulated by two main legal acts: According to the list of goods specified in the government decree, computer technology belongs to the category of goods, the exchange and return of which are not carried out within two weeks, unless defects are detected in them. Portable and desktop computers(including a laptop) are classified as technically complex products and are not covered by the law, according to which you can exchange or return an unsuitable product without significant reasons.