• State portal of educational services. Anna Pletneva's blog: It seemed to me that I wouldn’t be able to give birth to even my first child, but now I’m already expecting my fourth

    Registration on the City Services Portal - PGU.MOS.RU

    To receive government services and city services in electronic form Moscow City Services Portal PGU.MOS.RU is used

    To access the services, you must register on the Portal. At the Public Services Center you can register yourself and receive services online. You can contact the hall administrator for advice.

    To receive legally significant services you need full registration on the Portal. To do this, you need to contact any universal specialist at the Public Services Center. Login and password for access can be obtained within a few minutes.

    How to register on PGU.MOS.RU yourself?

    Self-registration requires a computer or tablet computer with Internet access. You need to go online and type in address bar in Latin letters pgu.mos.ru

    Registration on the Portal is carried out through a special electronic form. Access to it opens after pressing the button "Register", located on home page Portal.

    What information is needed for registration?

    To register on the Portal, you must fill in several required fields. Required fields are marked with asterisks:

    1. Full name
    The user must enter the last name, first name and patronymic (if any).

    2. Address email
    Entered email address will be used by the Portal for:
    - recovery forgotten password;
    - communication with the Portal technical support service;
    - notifications about services provided and the launch of new services;
    - confirmation of the completion of various operations performed through the Portal.

    The email address will not be shared with third parties or used to send spam.
    The user is recommended to indicate his own email address, and not someone else’s or corporate one,
    since if you lose access to it, the password recovery service will not be available.

    3. Login (nickname)
    This field is optional. It can consist of letters and numbers, and its length should not exceed 100 characters.

    Default “Login (nickname)”- this is the email address. If the user specifies a login that is different from an email address, then this login will need to be specified when logging in to the portal.
    ATTENTION! In case you forget your login, you can log in to the Portal using SNILS - the insurance number of an individual personal account by entering it in the “Login (pseudonym)” field during authorization or after registering in the Unified personal account (see section “Unified personal account to access the Moscow City Services Portal - PGU.MOS.RU")

    4. Password
    The password must be entered twice to confirm it. The password length must not be less than 7 characters. When creating a password, you can use latin letters and numbers.

    You can choose Security Question from the suggested options, or come up with and enter a question yourself. After this, the answer to the security question is entered, which the user may need when contacting the Portal technical support service.

    6. Number mobile phone
    Entered at the user's request. Contact number phone may be useful for communicating with the user in case of problems with access to the Portal. The number is also used to log in mobile applications Portal.
    Phone number - confidential information, it will not be used for commercial mailings or for making available to third parties.

    To confirm the entered mobile phone number, an SMS message containing a confirmation code will be sent to it.

    ATTENTION! If the user's phone is blocked from receiving messages from short numbers, it will be impossible to confirm the number. Instructions for allowing such access for numbers of Moscow operators MTS, MegaFon and Beeline can be found next to the number entry field (the “Details” button).

    Before registering, you should read the agreement for the processing of personal data by clicking on the word.

    After reading, you should check the box next to:

    Next you need to click on the button "Register".
    After that, to the specified email address or mobile number phone will come registration confirmation code that must be entered in the line "Confirmation code". Or follow the link "Registration Confirmation". You are now a user of the Moscow city services portal PGU.MOS.RU

    Be sure to remember (or write down) the email address/login (alias) and password that you specified during registration.
    You will need this data to log into the Portal.

    Before you start using it, it is recommended to enter your SNILS number and fill out the Unified Personal Account, which will allow you to receive electronic government services in full (see section “Single personal account for access to the Moscow City Services Portal - PGU.MOS.RU”).

    To enter SNILS, you must enter the user profile (button “Profile”):

    The SNILS number is entered via "Edit" personal data or “Install” SNILS:

    What should I do if the confirmation code does not arrive by email?

    The user should receive a registration confirmation code on the Portal to his email address within 2 hours. If you haven't received the code, you can use the following recommendations:
    1. Check in your email mailbox Spam folder (unwanted emails);
    2. Use the “Resend code” function;
    3. Start registration again by entering a different email address.

    What should I do if the verification code does not arrive on my phone?

    If the user has indicated a mobile phone number, the registration confirmation code on the Portal should arrive as an SMS message within 30 minutes. If the code did not arrive in a timely manner, you can use the service "Resend code" or skip this step by clicking "Continue registration". The mobile phone number can be entered later - in the Unified Personal Account of the Portal user.

    Hello, my dear readers!

    If you constantly follow my blog, you know that most often I write about my tours, creativity, and the world of show business.

    But many are also interested in mine personal life. Letters often arrive in which women ask for advice. Everyone is especially interested in how I was able to give birth to four children, while not breaking away from my creative career and not falling out of my frantic pace of life and work.

    After all, many modern women have the same problem: despite constant attempts, they cannot get pregnant and even give birth to their first child.

    If you think that in the world of show business everything is different, everyone is healthy and happy, then you are very mistaken. I had a lot of problems. I just found a way to deal with them. And you can do it too.

    Now I’ll tell you about everything in order.

    With my first pregnancy I had big problems. My beloved man and I regularly tried, but for a whole year nothing worked. Can you imagine my condition? Tears into the pillow, unwillingness to do anything, severe depression and nervous breakdowns - all this happened.

    I suspected what the problem was. From the very moment of puberty I had hormonal imbalances and irregular periods. One day I caught a cold and suffered a severe urinary infection.

    Yes, everything is so banal. Like many women. “Star” is just a beautiful word, but we have the same problems. I had to undergo a long course of treatment, I traveled abroad. Naturally, all this affected my creative career.

    Eventually the pregnancy occurred. There were also certain difficulties with the second and third children, and each time I had to spend a lot of time and effort, visiting a lot of doctors.

    The fourth time was the longest time I couldn't get pregnant. A lot of time passed, and it seemed to me that nothing would work out. Plus, this was exactly the period when it was necessary to record new albums, work actively, and constant stress.

    It seemed to me that that was it, I wouldn’t have any more children. But I really wanted to.

    And I began to look for ways. I didn't give up.

    I grabbed every opportunity. After all, I no longer risked anything and lost nothing. It’s hard to say how many different products I’ve tried during this time.

    And then, one day, once again browsing the Internet in search of a solution, I came across a site that sold an herbal remedy for female infertility. Why did this particular collection catch my attention? I read that it contains 42 medicinal plants, and all this is collected and produced in a special pharmacy, which is located at the monastery. I began to understand further and learned that the medicinal herbs that are part of the collection are the most powerful plants that are used in traditional medicine to restore women's health. The collection was created according to an ancient recipe, modified by modern scientists.

    When I found out these details, I immediately decided to place an order. The seller immediately won over with his transparency: there was no need to make any prepayments on the website. I simply placed an order, and a few days later the courier came to see me - I took the product, looked at it, checked it, and only then paid.

    But this is not the most important thing.

    I’m writing this post to talk not about good sellers, but about the results I got. A month and a half passed, I drank this decoction of Matryona and regularly took a pregnancy test. Imagine my joy when I saw the “two stripes”!

    And, you know, maybe I set myself up this way, but I got more strength and energy from somewhere. You can see for yourself: despite the pregnancy, I have new albums and videos, and there are still a lot of things in my plans. By the way, I also found out that Matryona’s decoction, which I ordered, is very popular because it really helps women very well. And that's why there are a lot of fakes. I feel that now many women will want to purchase this wonderful collection, so I am publishing a link to.

    Whoever tries it, write about your results in the comments on this page.

    I love and kiss everyone, your Anna Pletneva.


    Mosuslugi pgu.mos.ru - government services

    The purpose of creating a portal for Moscow city services is to provide free access to both physical and legal entities to information about services provided by various government agencies and city organizations. Therefore, to find out how to use a particular service, as well as to pay for it, use the city services portal. Also here you can contact directly various authorities, registry offices, and the Federal Archive, because the portal provides access to databases and archives of various departments. The portal website can be found at pgu.mos.ru. Navigation is very simple: on the main page of the site you will be provided with all categories of services and information about them, and in the “Popular” section you will see those services that are most often chosen by users. Many of the services presented are electronic, which means that you can manage them remotely using the Internet. Also on the website you can follow the main news of the portal.

    How to use pgu.mos.ru

    Type pgu.mos.ru in the address bar of your browser. So, you have visited the site for the first time. To begin, you need to register. Otherwise, you will only be able to view the information, but you will not be able to use the selected service.


    The registration procedure is simple. In the upper right corner of the screen, click “Login.” A page will open to log into your personal account, but you will need to select “Register”. Here you do not need to enter your passport data, just fill out the form provided and indicate your last and first name, email address, phone number, think about your login and password and select a security question. With it you can restore your account if you forget your password. After this, please indicate that you have read and agree to the user agreement and click “Register”. You are now a registered user of the portal.

    Logging in and using the site

    The next time you log into the site, on its main page, click the “Login” button. A login form will open in front of you. Use the login and password you received during registration. Next, click “Login.”

    On the left side of the page you see the main sections. Among them: education, personal transport, housing, health and much more. By choosing one of the sections, you will become familiar with the categories that are included in this section. Also, each category corresponds to a specific set of services that you can use.

    Using this site feature, you can get all the information on the services you have chosen, and use many of them remotely. For example, let’s select the “Personal Transport” section; on the right we see the categories of services included in this section: parking, traffic police fines, licenses, insurance, and more. Select the section “Traffic Police Fines”, available services: search and payment of fines, obtain information about the evacuation of the vehicle. Moreover, the portal provides instructions on how to obtain a particular service, as well as additional information. For example, in the category “Traffic Police Fines” you can find out information about special tow stations and much more.

    For people with disabilities developed special version site. To use it, select "Version for the visually impaired" at the bottom of the page.

    Advantages of the State Services portal

    This portal is becoming more and more popular. And no wonder, it’s enough to visit this site once to understand: you can collect information and pay for the necessary service without leaving your home, you no longer need to stand in lines, wander through the corridors, trying to find out what documents need to be filled out or collected. Imagine, issuing various certificates, making an appointment with a doctor, purchasing a parking pass for a year and much, much more is now possible remotely. Everything can be found on one website and you can be sure that the information is up-to-date and accurate. This is what attracts most users.

    If you have questions about the operation of the portal, the “Questions and Answers” ​​section is available on the website. If you have read the main questions in this section, but have not found the answer to your question, you can call customer support. The phone number is provided on the website, and the service operates 24 hours a day.

    Also in the section " Feedback" (located at the bottom of the page) you can write in technical support, find out the phone number help desk for the provision of services, as well as organizations in various fields of activity, moreover, you can submit an application to the electronic reception of the Moscow city government.

    Saving time, accuracy and completeness of the information received are the main priorities in the work of the city services portal.