• How to remove the background in Photoshop? Replacing the background with another one, removing chrome keys. How to remove backgrounds from complex objects in Photoshop

    This lesson will be useful for those who are going to do collages or fashionable in our modern world the “art” of photomontage, and, of course, those who need to cut out some picture, for example, for their future logo. After this lesson you should have no difficulties and you will be able to complete this task in a matter of minutes, even when working with a complex multi-colored background.

    Step 1: Selection

    Depending on the complexity of your background that needs to be removed, we will select either the desired object or the hated background.

    If your background is monotonous, as in our case, then it’s much easier to highlight it, isn’t it? To do this, select the “Magic tool” and click on the background. If everything doesn’t stand out right away, then don’t be discouraged and, holding on to your SHIFT keyboard, click with the magic wand in the remaining areas of the background.

    If your background is varied, as in the photograph, or you need to pull out an object from another collage, then you will have to work hard, selecting the object itself. Various lasso and " Quick selection"("Lasso tool" etc + "Quick selection tool").

    Rice. 1. All the selection tools you might need are highlighted in red in the image.

    Step 2: Remove the background

    In other tutorials you will be asked to create a copy of the layer and delete the background new layer(which has a lock), but it’s not for nothing that we devoted the last lesson to studying tools! So we need to help will come“Background eraser tool”. We select a larger eraser and carefully remove the entire background, without fear of catching the element of the picture/photo we need. In theory, this is where it all ends, but check out the supplement.

    Rice. 2. Use the “background eraser” to remove the background

    Step 3: Addition, optional step

    It happens that at first glance it seems to you that you have erased everything. But no matter how it is: different pieces of the background are hiding and waiting to interfere with you. To avoid this, we recommend that you create a background layer with a fill that would be in contrast to the background you are deleting, this way you will see all the pieces that you could not erase the first time and get rid of them once and for all.

    Rice. 3. Create a “fill layer”

    Fig 4. After creating the fill layer, we will see the areas that were not erased with the eraser and can easily delete them

    P.S. In “Add-ons” you can already use any eraser, just first select the layer you need, since the fill layer, after its creation, will be selected by default. After you have erased everything you need, feel free to delete the fill layer.

    When working with images, you often have to remove background in Photoshop at the picture. Knowing how to do this is one of the main basic skills in Photoshop. There are several ways to do this. In this lesson we will get acquainted with one of the simplest and quick ways performing this type of operation. You'll probably ask how to remove background in photoshop fast and easy? So let's get started.

    Before starting the lesson, first let's get acquainted with the tool with which we will remove the background from the image. This tool is called the Magic Eraser. The principle of operation of this tool is as follows: “Magic Eraser” deletes pixels that are similar in color at the point of the mouse click, and it also automatically converts the background layer to a normal one. This tool is great for instantly removing large areas of solid color.

    To use the Magic Eraser tool competently and skillfully, let’s get acquainted with its parameters:


    1) Tolerance.This parameter sets the sensitivity of the tool and determines the range of similar colors (in percentage). The higher the tolerance, the wider the range of colors that will be erased.
    2) Smoothing.Softens the edges of the erased area.
    3) Adjacent pixels.If you want to erase pixels touching each other, leave this option checked. If you want to erase pixels of similar color no matter where they are in the image, clear this checkbox.
    4) Sample from all layers.Select the (Use all layers) check box to have the Magic Eraser tool erase areas of the active layer, taking into account the color of the pixels on all visible layers. If this option is disabled, the tool analyzes only the colors of the active layer, and only the pixels of the active layer will be erased.
    5) Opacity.Sets the transparency of the eraser. If you want to control how effective Magic Eraser is, you can enter a percentage value in this field. For example, entering 50 will cause it to erase 50 percent of the image's opacity, entering 100 will remove the entire image.

    You can see my settings for this tool in the screenshot above, highlighted in red.

    So, let's move from words to action. To remove the white background from the alarm clock, take the “Magic Eraser” tool and left-click 2 times on the white background. Once outside the alarm clock, the second time at the top inside the alarm clock. For example, I highlighted in red the places where I clicked the magic eraser.


    P.S. That's all for today. I hope you learned something new and this lesson will be useful to you. Did you like the article? Then tell us about it social networks by clicking on their buttons below.

    03/31/16 12.4K

    Removing the background of an image allows you to highlight finer details, place them on a new background, and draw attention to the certain elements pictures. We'll tell you how remove background in photoshop.

    Method 1 of 2:

    Removing the background quickly

    Step 1

    Use the " Quick selection» ( Quick Selection) to quickly highlight the elements you want to keep in the image. The tool looks like a brush with a small dotted ball at the end. This should be the fourth tool from the top in the toolbar.

    Tool " Quick selection" automatically finds borders you click near, adding them to the selection:

    Step 2

    Click near the borders of the elements you want to keep. Click and move around the image and the details you want to keep that are not the background will be highlighted. Continue until everything you want to keep is included in the selection.

    If you make a mistake, hold down Alt and click on the area you don't want to select to deselect it.

    You can use the "[" and "]" keys to make the selection tool larger or smaller.

    To remove white background in Photoshop, highlight it, and then click " Delete" He will disappear!

    Step 3

    Go to the “Refine Edge” menu ( Refine Edge) to adjust the selection area. This is the menu located in the “Selection” section; "Refine edge" ( Selection ; Refine Edge), allows you to see how the image will look without the background. From now on you have several possible options. First, select "On White" from the "View" box at the top of the "Refine Edge" menu.

    • Radius ( Radius): allows you to compress the boundaries. A value of 1-2 pixels will generally eliminate background bits imperceptibly;
    • Smooth ( Smooth): removes sharp edges so you get a more rounded selection;
    • Feathering ( Feather): blurs the boundaries, allowing you to avoid unevenness or complex, non-ideal selections, such as hair;
    • Contrast ( Contrast): Before removing the background in Photoshop, makes the borders sharper. The opposite of the Smooth operation;
    • Move edge ( Shift Edge): increases or decreases the selection based on a percentage of the original:

    Step 4

    Right-click on the selection to remove it from the background. Click "OK" in the " Specify the border", then right-click on any selected area. Select " Output: to a new layer" to separate the image from the background.

    Make sure the selection is open when you right-click. If not, press the V key to bring up the normal cursor, and then right-click:

    Step 5

    Delete the background layer to separate your image. Now you can in Photoshop background delete. You can do this in sections, slowly removing the background and creating new layers using copying, or simply delete the entire layer. In any case, you will receive an image without a background.

    Method 2 of 2:

    Using Other Tools

    Step 1

    Create a duplicate of your image. Let's say you have a picture of an elephant in the desert. Your goal is to remove the background in Photoshop CS6 so that you can add new background behind the elephant, but the quick selection tools may affect parts of the elephant itself. Luckily, you have several other tools at your disposal to handle tricky areas.

    Step 2

    Use the Lasso tool ( Lasso) to capture small areas that need to be processed manually. The Lasso tool follows the mouse, making a selection once you have completely closed the selection path. Although this tool is difficult to use for large images, it is great way get an accurate selection.

    Enlarge the image, then use Ctrl/Cmd-click to add small sections or Alt/Opt-click to remove sections:

    Step 3

    Use " Color range» ( Color Range) to remove most of the solid-colored areas from the background. This tool selects large areas of similar color, such as grass, sky or wall. But if the image you want to save has a color close to the background, this method will not work.

    To use it, you need to do the following:

    • click on “Selection” in the top menu;
    • select " Color range»;
    • use the eyedropper to select which color you want to highlight. Also you can define specific colors by selecting them from the menu " Select: by samples».

    Step 4

    Use the Pen tool ( Pen) to make neat, precise selections around objects. The Pen tool is the simplest and powerful tool discharge. However, it takes time to master it. Just click around the image to add dots and the program will connect them. Click and hold the Pen tool in the toolbar and select Freehand Pen for curved lines from the drop-down list. Once you're done, right-click on the line and select " Select area».

    Photoshop lesson: how to quickly remove, remove or cut out the background

    Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop allows you to perform almost any operation with the image. Many photographers regularly change the background in this program. And sometimes it is completely removed. Then the background becomes transparent, which becomes especially important when placing an image in a magazine, when you need to achieve the correct wrapping. Transparent background may be needed in some other situations. Now you will learn how to quickly cut out the background and make it transparent.

    How to remove or cut out the background in Photoshop?

    Our lesson will be based on a photograph of an iron. The fact is that this item is easy to highlight; even a novice user can cope with this task. After learning the basics, you'll quickly understand how to cut out the background in Photoshop and in a photo of a person. It will just take a little more time.

    In our example, the background is completely white. But in fact it doesn’t matter at all, it can be painted in any color. It could even be some kind of flowering meadow; cutting out the background will not become any more difficult. It is only necessary that the object be clear, with an easily identifiable outline. If the camera was out of focus at the time of shooting, then only problems with selection may arise.

    The solution to the problem of how to remove the background in Photoshop begins with selection. But the first thing you need to do is unlock the current layer. Now it has the name “Background”. Go to the Layers panel and make double click by this name. A dialog box will pop up asking you to name the layer differently. Take advantage of this opportunity and click OK.

    Now we need to select our iron. To do this, you can use one of two tools. The first one is Magnetic Lasso. Good option, but it is more suitable for those objects that are difficult to separate from the background. This tool is also indispensable for highlighting a person. In our case, it is better to use the Quick Selection tool. Select it and then adjust the brush size. Now you need to click on the object until it is completely selected. If you accidentally entered an area with a background, click on it after holding down Shift key. Gradually the item you selected will be highlighted.

    But this is not yet a perfect selection. If you now, without hesitation, invert the selection and cut out the background, then the result will clearly not suit you. Along with the background, some pieces from the contour of the object of interest will disappear. Therefore, the selection must be made as accurately as possible. But manually refining it would take too much time. Fortunately, Adobe program Photoshop can independently adjust the selection to your needs. To do this, you just need to launch a special tool using the “Refine Edge” button. It is thanks to this function that you can quickly remove the background in Photoshop, spending a minimum of time on selection.

    How to remove background in Photoshop cs5?

    Pressing the button will suddenly turn the white background black. Don't be alarmed, it's just easier to keep track of changes. The dotted selection line will disappear; now it does not interfere with viewing the outline of the object. And after pressing the button, a dialog box will pop up. In it, you immediately need to check the box next to the “Smart radius” item. Below is a slider with which you can adjust the size of this radius. Set the value so that the outline of the object is without bald spots. You can also adjust the smoothing and feathering of edges in this dialog box. This way you can achieve the perfect result.

    When you are satisfied with the result, click the “OK” button. After this, you will return to the previous picture, when running through your object dotted line. Now we could copy it, move it, perform other actions... But we need to remove the background in Photoshop cs5 (or a later version). To do this, you need to invert the selection. This is done very simply. Go to "Select>Invert".

    How to quickly remove or remove a background in Photoshop?

    ABOUT further actions you could guess it yourself. The background is now selected. To delete it, you just need to press the Delete key. The background will immediately become transparent. If you want to save exactly this option, then you need to choose a format that supports the alpha channel. When saving the image in JPEG format, the transparent area will turn white again. The ideal format for saving such an image is PNG.

    We figured out how to remove the background in Photoshop. The simplicity of this action depends on the complexity of the outline of the main object. The easier it is to select, the faster you will remove the background.

    How to cut an object from a background in Photoshop?

    But sometimes complete removal no background required. Sometimes you need to cut out some object from the Photoshop background, and this program Recently he can do this too. For example, you can remove some debris from the image. With some skill, you can even get rid of telegraph poles and wires. Let's take as an example a photograph where the tracks from earlier flying planes look objectionable.

    To delete unnecessary object you need to select it first. However, it is not necessary to highlight it as precisely as possible. On the contrary, precision is not needed here. Just use the Lasso tool and select the object along with a piece of the space surrounding it. But you need to remember that the object must be small. Otherwise, the program will not be able to understand what exactly to fill the empty area with.

    Once selected, press the Delete key. In the dialog box that pops up, pay attention to the “Use” item. From the list provided, select “Content-aware.” After this, click on the “OK” button. Then all you have to do is follow the path “Select>Deselect” or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D.

    This concludes our lesson. Today you learned how to quickly cut out the background, as well as remove only part of it. Now it won’t be difficult for you to improve your existing photos by getting rid of all sorts of junk.

    When working with images, you have to separate flies from cutlets, i.e. background from the picture.

    There are many places where you can download great clipart, most of which come with a white background. Of course, we need to get rid of it. I remembered four ways to do this. They will be discussed in this article.

    Method 1

    Remove the white background from the image using the tool.

    This is one of the simplest and fastest ways to perform this type of operation. With the eraser selected in the toolbar, click it on the white background. As a result, all white pixels will be removed and you will see a checkerboard background, which indicates the presence of transparency instead of a background.

    But it may happen that in addition to the white background, pixels close to the white shade may be removed from the image itself.

    As you can see in the image above, part of the sword and some elements on the knight's armor have been removed. There are two reasons for this unpleasant effect. Let's turn to the tool options panel.

    1. Adjacent pixels. see if this setting is checked. Its absence means that all pixels of a similar color will be deleted (which is why the above parts of the image disappeared). Check the box and Photoshop will delete only those pixels that touch each other.

    2.Tolerance Often the background consists of a whole set of shades, for example, the same white. The higher the tolerance value, the more of these shades the program will remove. Most often, this refers to the border around the image (a small border of pixels remaining from the background). Increase the tolerance and the border will become smaller and smaller.

    There's another one useful command to remove the border: Layer - Edge Treatment - Remove Border.

    Method 2 Selecting the background using .

    The most important thing is to remember to unlock the background layer. I have written about this more than once, but I will repeat it again. If there is a small lock on the layers palette near the layer thumbnail, it means it is locked. Double click on this layer Forms it into a new one, which can be edited.

    Now, having selected Magic wand, click on the background. He will stand out as Marching Ants. All that remains is to press the Backspace key. The chess background will reappear.

    As with the magic eraser, pay attention to the tolerance and adjacent pixel parameters. They work the same way.

    Method 3

    Briefly it looks like this:

    1. We have an image. We want to remove all the white so that only the transparent background remains.

    2. Create a duplicate of the blue channel. Press Ctrl+L. The Levels window appears. We begin to move the sliders so that everything gray becomes as close to black as possible. In other words, we need to achieve such a result that what we want to remove becomes white and the rest black.

    3. Now click on the thumbnail of the duplicate channel we created with the Ctrl key. A selection has appeared. Most likely, the selection will have to be inverted - press Shift+Ctrl+I. Now you can either press Backspace to delete the excess, or create a duplicate layer by pressing Ctrl+J to move the selection to a new layer. In my example, I added a texture, this is how it turned out:

    Method 4

    If in the previous methods a transparent part remained after removal, now we will learn how to change it to a different background. This method is associated with the feature blending modes Burn and Multiply.

    So, in the picture below, on the left we have the same knight, and on the right the texture.

    In the layers palette, place the texture at the top and select the overlay Darken or Multiply. The knight became visible. But there's a catch. Some image elements that were also white became texture colors.

    We'll fix it now. Add a layer mask to the top layer (with the texture). Taking the Brush tool, we begin to erase the texture from visible places. Carefully, slowly, the result turned out like this:

    Uncomplicated, high quality, beautiful. Great way.

    So far these are the only methods I remember. If you know anything else, write about them in the comments.

    If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!