• How to make a start page in Yandex browser. Home page pinning scheme. Opera: change the start page

    Hello. To view pages on the Internet we use special programs- browsers. There are several of them today. But the main and popular ones are Google Chrome,Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser, Microsoft Edge. Due to the nature of our activities, the first thing we do when entering the Internet is to open a specific site on our topic. A politician - news, a financier - opens a portal with the latest data on the financial market, a lawyer - monitors the latest innovations in legislative framework, athlete - tracks sports news. Most young people immediately enter social media. In short, everyone starts their day by receiving useful information for yourself.

    Over time, everyone determines for themselves one resource that is most useful for them, which they constantly visit. Most people, when they first launch their browser, enter the address of a site that contains useful information for them.

    Today we will ask you for the most useful site as home page. That is, when you open the browser, a site with useful content will automatically load. How to do this? Now we’ll tell you for beginners.

    How to set the home page in the browser? So, let's start, as always, with the most popular today - Google Chrome.

    Setting the start page or pages in Google Chrome

    Let's take as an example the website of the Vesti program (vesti.ru) with the latest news in various areas of activity.

    Open our browser, go to the Main Menu and select Settings.

    On the new Settings tab, select the group of settings “ Open at startup»

    The default was set to "New Tab" as visual bookmarks. Read how to install them in our article “”. We need to choose the third option - Specified Pages . Select this item and click on the link Add.

    In the pop-up window in the field, enter our website address for the Vesti program. The address is immediately added and a new field for entering the address appears at the bottom. This way, you can add several of your most visited sites, which will automatically open when you launch your browser.

    If you want to add all open tabs while you are in Settings to start-up, press .

    To remove a page from the list, select it and click on the cross. After all pages have been added, click OK.

    That's it, the start pages have been added successfully. To check, close the browser and launch it again. The browser automatically opens the specified pages upon startup.

    Setting up a home page in Mozilla Firefox

    Similarly, you can set the home page to Mozilla browser Firefox.

    Let's go to Main menu and press the item "Settings".

    On the settings tab "Basic" indicate the address we need

    And although additional fields for entering pages do not appear here, you can still add several pages. How to do this? To do this, first open the necessary pages that you want to open when the browser starts, in different tabs, then go here to Settings and click " Use current pages».

    You can also add a page from your browser bookmarks to the start page. To do this, just click Use bookmark. Next, in the bookmarks window, select the desired bookmark.

    Restart the browser.

    Home pages in Opera

    Setting the home page or pages to Opera browser almost the same as in Google Chrome. Let's go to Main menu, select the item Settings

    To quickly access Settings, you can use the combination Alt keys+P.

    Everything else is familiar to us. In the “At startup” settings group, set the “Open a specific page or several pages” item, then click “Set page” and specify the address in the pop-up window desired page or pages. Exactly the same as in Google Chrome. After adding pages, click OK. Restart the Opera browser.

    Start page in Yandex Browser

    Yandex Browser is different from all of the above. It is not possible to install any other page except the main Yandex page. You can verify this by going to Settings.

    Here they only suggest opening the page quick access or open the tabs that were open when the browser was last closed. If there is nothing to restore (there will be no tabs), then the browser will open the default start page - yandex.ru

    Launching home pages in the Microsoft Edge browser

    With the release of a new Windows versions 10 appeared new browser Microsoft Edge, included in this version of the operating system. This browser also has the ability to add pages for the first time you launch the browser. To do this, open the menu “ Additionally", then the item " Options»

    In the “Open with” parameter group, set the “Specific page” parameter, indicate the page to be added in the empty input field and press plus. After clicking on the “+”, the page is added and a new input field opens. This way, you can add as many pages as you need to start the browser.

    That's all for today. We looked at how to set the home page in different browsers. Thank you for your attention. Until next time.

    Life is what happens to us while we are making plans for the future.

    Setting Yandex as your home page allows you to automatically open the popular Russian search engine as the first page when you open your browser and have an Internet connection. Many people find this convenient. That is why the request how to make Yandex is so popular home page? We have already looked at how to do this for on the pages of our website, and now we will do it for Yandex.

    Setting up the start page in Mozilla Firefox. We launch Firefox (we are using the latest version 13.0.1 at the time of writing) and address bar write yandex.ru and press Enter so that we are on the Yandex main page. You will understand why to do this later. In the upper left corner of the browser, click the orange Firefox button and select the “Settings” menu item in the left column. In the settings window that opens, go to the “Basic” tab if we are currently in another tab. In this tab, make sure that in the line “When starting Firefox:” there is “Show home page” and click the “Use current page” button, then click “OK”. Thus, we made Yandex the start page. To check this, you can close and open your browser again. Yandex should load as the main page.

    Setting up the start page in Google Chrome.
    We used Google Chrome 20.0.1132.47 as a test subject to show you how to make Yandex the start page in this browser. The interface is a bit unusual compared to other browsers. We also open the Yandex main page by entering yandex.ru in the address bar of the browser and pressing Enter. All other pages except Yandex on other tabs need to be closed. Next, click on the image of a wrench in the upper right part of the browser and select the “Settings” menu item. In the window that opens, in the left column, select the “Settings” section, if in at the moment you are not in them. In the settings we work with the “Initial group” block. Click on the “Add” link. A window opens listing home pages, which launch when the browser opens. By clicking on the “Use current pages” button, we will set Yandex as the starting page in Chrome. Click “Ok” and close and open Chrome again to check that the settings are correct.

    Setting the start page in Opera.
    For the demonstration we used browser version 12.0. We follow the same algorithm that we used to set Yandex as the start page in Firefox. In the address bar of the browser, type yandex.ru and press Enter so that the Yandex start page opens in front of us. Next, press the Opera button in the upper left corner, select “Settings” in the menu that appears and in the next pop-up submenu “ General settings" You can also call up General Settings by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl keys and F12. In the window that appears, select the “General” tab if you didn’t get to it right away. In this tab, in the “At startup” window, set the value to “Start from the home page” and set it in the “Home” window by clicking on the “Current page” button. Click “OK.” The settings are saved, Yandex is now set as the main page.

    Set the start page to Internet Explorer 9 .
    We act by analogy with Firefox browsers and Opera. Open the Yandex start page by typing yandex.ru in the address bar and pressing Enter. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the browser. In the menu that appears, select “Internet Options”. Go to the “General” tab if we didn’t get to it initially. In the “Home Page” group, click the “Current” button, then at the bottom of the window click “Apply” and “Ok”. Now, when you open Internet Explorer, we are taken to Yandex by default.

    Setting the start page in Safari.
    Safari is not that popular Windows users like the previous four browsers we reviewed, nevertheless it is among the top five popular browsers. It is especially popular among fans of Apple computers. Therefore, we decided to consider how to make Yandex the start page for it too. The latest version at the time of writing was 5.1.7. We used it in the examples. We do everything according to the scheme already familiar to us. Launch Safari and open the Yandex main page in it. Let's go to settings. To do this, on computers controlled by the operating system Windows system Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the browser and select the “Settings...” menu item. As you can see from the menu, the same can be done by pressing the key combination Ctrl (Control) and “,” (comma) on the keyboard.

    On computers controlled by the operating system Mac system OS X, click on the Safari section in the general menu bar at the top of the screen with the browser active and “Settings” in it, or call up the settings using the Cmd (command) and “,” (comma) key combination.

    Further settings are similar for Windows and Mac OS X. In the settings window, go to the “Basic” tab, where we check that “Home page” is in the “Open in new windows:” line. After that, a little lower under the “Home Page” line, click the “Current Page” button. Unlike other browsers, you don’t need to click “OK” or “Apply” here. Just close the window and thereby save the settings. Apple's approach and pursuit of simplicity and difference in action.

    Of course, there are other ways to make Yandex your start page. For example, you don’t have to initially open the Yandex main page and click the “Current page” button, but simply write it manually correct address on the appropriate line. But these are all special cases that you will definitely cope with on your own after reading this article.

    Hello people! Today I want to tell you how to make Yandex the start page automatically in browsers such as Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome. I don’t know about you, but I personally use the Google search engine, but it’s up to you which one to use.

    Some users cannot change the start page due to malicious code, and instead of Google or Yandex they use search engines such as Webalta, Pirrit Suggestor or Conduit Search. We will also talk about this, but only at the end of the article. Now let's move on to the usual methods of changing the starting one.

    How to make Yandex the start page automatically


    To change the start page in Opera you need to do the following:

    • In the upper corner of the browser, click on the Tools button
    • Then select Settings
    • Next is the first tab Basic, go there
    • In the At startup section, select the item Start from home page
    • In the Home section we write www.yandex.ru
    • Click the OK button

    Mozilla Firefox

    If you use the mozilla browser and want to make Yandex the start page automatically then read on.

    • When starting Firefox - Show home page
    • In the Home page line we write the address yandex.ru
    • Click OK and restart the browser

    Internet Explorer

    For retro browser lovers, you can also set Yandex as your home page. To do this you need to repeat after me. By the way, you can read at your leisure an article about one error called .

    • Go to the main page of Yandex
    • In the browser window we can see a little blue house, click on it
    • There we select Use as the only home page

    Google Chrome

    For Google Chrome users, you can also set the start page. Repeat after me.


    That's all friends! Now you know how to make Yandex the start page automatically in different browsers. In gratitude, please click on the social buttons, this will help me a lot. Thanks and good luck!

    Hello, dear readers of the site computer help. In today's article, we'll look at how to change the browser's start page, or in other words, the "home" page that is loaded when it starts, using the example of all famous Internet reviewers.

    Users are not always satisfied with the standard home or start page of the browser; this happens when, for example, the browser comes with the Mail.ru home page installed, but Yandex or Google is required. There is also a situation when the start page changes on its own, after installing any programs or add-ons for the browser, viruses and others are usually to blame for this, I advise you to read the article. Well, if it’s not a virus, but you need to change this page by at will, just because you don’t like it or aren’t happy with it, then in this article we’ll figure out how to change the quick access page in the browser.

    How to change the browser start page.

    Let's look at the example of all the major browsers, starting with the leader of browsers - Google Chrome (Google Chrome).

    How to change the start page in Google Chrome.

    And so, to change the home page in Google Chrome, you need to click on the settings icon in the upper right corner under the cross, then select “Settings”. In the window that opens, in the “Open at startup” item, opposite “Specified pages”, click on “Add” and enter the address of the desired site there.

    If you look a little lower, there will be an item " Appearance" and opposite "Show button Home page", you can enter the address that will open when you click on the "Home Page" button:

    You can also open the home page using the combination Alt+Home, full list Google Chrome hotkey combinations can be viewed.

    How to change the start page in the Opera browser.

    To change the home (start) page in the Opera browser, you need to click on the "Opera" icon, then "Settings" - "General settings", or use the hotkey combination Ctrl +.

    In the “General” settings window, in the “Home” item, you need to enter the address of the desired site and click “Ok”.

    How to change the start page in Mozilla Firefox.

    In Mozilla Firefox this is done like this: “Tools - Settings - General” and opposite “Home Page”, you need to enter the site address. Just above, in the line “When you start Firefox”, you can also select the option to open the page when you start Mozilla Firefox; in the drop-down menu you can choose from three options: “Show home page” (the site address specified below will open), “Show blank page" (a blank page will open Mozilla tab Firefox) and "Show windows and tabs opened last time" (tabs that were last viewed, i.e., that were not closed, will be restored). In general, if you want the desired site to load at startup, then you need to select the first option “Home page”, and write below required address and whenever you launch Mozilla Firefox, this site will load.

    How to change the home page in Internet Explorer.

    "Tools - Internet Options - General", enter the address in the "Home Page" window, then click the "Apply" and "Ok" button. In new Internet versions Explorer, for example, like in Windows 8, you just need to click on the settings icon in the upper corner, and in the drop-down menu select “Browser Options”, on the “General” tab in the Home page line, enter the desired address.

    How to change your home page in Safari.

    IN Apple browser In Safari, changing the start page is as easy as in the examples above. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu, then “General”, in the “Home page” item enter the address.


    Sometimes, users have a question: how to change the start page of Yandex.Browser? The fact is that in this way, as in the examples above, it is not possible to change the page in the browser from Yandex, there is no such option, i.e. it exists, but you can’t set another site to load; the only choice falls on either loading the yandex.ru site or the page quick launch, or restoration of the latest open tabs. But you can put another site on the quick access page in another way. To do this, you need to right-click on the Yandex Browser shortcut, select “Properties”, on the “Shortcut” tab, in the “Object” line, enter the address of the desired site, thus: browser..ru - enter the site you need.

    After this, you need to go to the Yandex Browser settings and select the download method, in the “Where to start” line, select “Open quick access page”.

    Now the Yandex Browser has a quick access page installed and when it starts, the site that you specified in the properties will load.

    This is probably where the article on changing the quick launch page in the browser ends. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments.

    Now many users prefer the Yandex service - the main page, which you can make the start page on your computer, will save you a lot of time to manual transition. You can work on setting the start page in different ways. Let's consider them further.

    In order for the Yandex home page to open on your computer - make it the start page, save automatically, several will help you simple ways.

    1. Just download Yandex browser. You can do this for free, yandex.ru will help you. In the upper left corner there will be a Make Start icon.
    2. You can open and download the application to your computer from the website yandex.ru. We launch and change the start page in all browsers that your computer has.
    3. IN certain cases It is currently not possible to make Yandex the start page automatically. At this time you should configure the browser.

    How to make Yandex the start page in Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome?

    To go to settings at the Opera, define a button "Tools" and click on it.

    Select from the drop-down list “Settings” - “General settings”. In this part of the algorithm we find a window with a tab "Basic". Your required inscription - "At startup". And opposite it is a drop-down list from which we select "Start from the home page." We find the inscription "Home" and type www.yandex.ru in the address bar. We press the treasured button "OK" and restart the browser.

    When installing the Yandex start page in Mozilla Firefox you need to find the orange button in the upper left corner. Next we go to the point "Settings". We are almost there. Finding the mark "When Firefox starts" and choose "Show home page". Opposite the inscription that we so need ( "Home page"), we put the address we already know. And restart the browser. You can use it.

    And we can’t wait to talk about Google Chrome:

    1. We look at the browser and find in the upper right corner button. Click to open a new tab.
    2. We have an option "Settings" and then our required command « Google Management Chrome".
    3. We just have to pay attention to the button "Options"- that’s exactly what we need. More precisely, we need to select the function " Basic" And "Home page".
    4. Place a check mark next to the item "Open this page". After all that has been done, according to tradition, we write our favorite address - www.yandex.ru and finish everything with a button "Close".

    Video: make Yandex your start page

    As you can see, through simple combinations, subject to a careful search for all the necessary options, installation home page Yandex is a very exciting activity. Now you can quickly find the information you need or proceed to use programs and options.