• Electronics training from scratch. Home appliance repair lessons on video

    Recently, having learned that I am a radio amateur, on the forum of our city, in the Radio thread, two people turned to me for help. Both for different reasons, and both of different ages, already adults, as it turned out when they met, one was 45 years old, the other 27. Which proves that you can start studying electronics at any age. They had one thing in common: both were somehow familiar with technology, and would like to independently master the radio business, but did not know where to start. We continued our conversation in V_Kontakte, to my answer that there is a sea of ​​information on this topic on the Internet, study it - I don’t want to, I heard about the same thing from both - that both do not know where to start. One of the first questions was: what is included in the required minimum knowledge of a radio amateur. Listing the necessary skills for them took quite a lot of time, and I decided to write a review on this topic. I think it will be useful to beginners like my friends, to everyone who cannot decide where to start their training.

    I’ll say right away that when learning, you need to evenly combine theory with practice. No matter how much you would like to quickly start soldering and assembling specific devices, you need to remember that without the necessary theoretical basis in your head, you are in best case scenario, you can accurately copy other people’s devices. Whereas if you know the theory, at least to a minimum extent, you will be able to change the scheme and adapt it to your needs. There is a phrase that I think is known to every radio amateur: “There is nothing more practical than a good theory.”

    First of all, you need to learn how to read circuit diagrams. Without the ability to read schematics, it is impossible to assemble even the simplest electronic device. Also, subsequently, it will not be superfluous to master and self-composition schematic diagrams, in special.

    Soldering parts

    You must be able to identify any radio component by appearance, and know how it is indicated on the diagram. Of course, in order to assemble and solder any circuit, you need to have a soldering iron, preferably with a power no higher than 25 watts, and be able to use it well. All semiconductor parts do not like overheating, if you are soldering, for example, a transistor onto a board, and you were unable to solder the output in 5 - 7 seconds, pause for 10 seconds, or solder another part at this time, otherwise there is a high probability of burning the radio component from overheating.

    It is also important to solder carefully, especially closely located terminals of radio components, and not to create “snot” or accidental short circuits. Always if in doubt, ring the suspicious location with a multimeter in sound testing mode.

    It is equally important to remove flux residues from the board, especially if you are soldering digital circuit, or flux containing active additives. You need to wash it off with a special liquid or 97% ethyl alcohol.

    Beginners often assemble circuits by surface mounting, directly on the terminals of the parts. I agree, if the leads are securely twisted together and then soldered, such a device will last a long time. But in this way it is no longer worth assembling devices containing more than 5 - 8 parts. In this case, you need to assemble the device on a printed circuit board. The device assembled on the board is characterized by increased reliability; the connection diagram can be easily traced along the tracks, and if necessary, all connections can be checked with a multimeter.

    The disadvantage of printed wiring is the difficulty of changing the circuit of the finished device. Therefore, before wiring and etching printed circuit board, always, first you need to assemble the device on breadboard. You can make devices on printed circuit boards in different ways, but the main thing here is to follow one thing: important rule: copper foil tracks on PCB should not have contact with other tracks, where this is not provided for in the circuit.

    Actually there is different ways make a printed circuit board, for example, by separating sections of foil - tracks, with a groove cut through a cutter in the foil made from a hacksaw blade. Or by applying a protective pattern to protect the foil underneath (future tracks) from etching using a permanent marker.

    Or using LUT technology (laser ironing technology), where the tracks are protected from bleeding by baked-on toner. In any case, no matter how we make a printed circuit board, we first need to lay it out in the tracer program. I recommend it for beginners; it is a manual tracer with great capabilities.

    Also when laying out printed circuit boards yourself, or if you have printed ready-made board, you need the ability to work with documentation for a radio component, with the so-called Datasheets ( Datasheet), pages in PDF format. There are datasheets on the Internet for almost all imported radio components, with the exception of some Chinese ones.

    For domestic radio components, you can find information in scanned reference books, specialized sites that post pages with the characteristics of radio components, and information pages various internet type stores Chip and Dip. The ability to determine the pinout of a radio component is required; the name pinout is also used, because many, even two-terminal parts, have polarity. Practical skills in using a multimeter are also required.

    A multimeter is a universal device, with the help of just one, you can carry out diagnostics, determine the pins of a part, their performance, the presence or absence of a short circuit on the board. I think it would not be amiss to remind, especially young beginner radio amateurs, about observing electrical safety measures when debugging the operation of the device.

    After assembling the device, you need to arrange it in a beautiful case so that you won’t be ashamed to show it to your friends, which means you need metalworking skills if the case is made of metal or plastic, or carpentry skills if the case is made of wood. Sooner or later, any radio amateur comes to the point that he has to do minor repairs to equipment, first his own, and then, as he gains experience, from friends. This means that it is necessary to be able to diagnose a malfunction, determine the cause of the breakdown, and its subsequent elimination.

    Often, even experienced radio amateurs, without tools, find it difficult to unsolder multi-pin parts from the board. It’s good if the parts need to be replaced, then we bite off the leads from the body itself and solder the legs one at a time. It’s worse and more difficult when this part is needed to assemble some other device, or repairs are being made, and the part may need to be soldered back later, for example, when searching short circuit on the board. In this case, you need tools for dismantling, and the ability to use them is a braid and a desoldering pump.

    I do not mention the use of a soldering gun, due to the frequent lack of access to it for beginners.


    All of the above is only part of it the required minimum, what a novice radio amateur should know when designing devices, but having these skills, you can already assemble, with a little experience, almost any device. Especially for the site - AKV.

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    Electronics as a hobby. Genre crisis?

    Many of those who have turned electronics into an entertaining pastime often ask themselves the question: “Why am I doing this?” I read magazines and books from the “Electronics is Easy” section and other literature from the “For Dummies” series. There is simply not enough patience for more complex and intelligent books.

    And then the reasoning goes approximately along this line: so, they say, I made a simple amplifier, assembled several flashing lights (lighting effects), . But it turns out that all this can be bought, if not new, then at least used, and everything will turn out to be best quality, in branded cases, even in working condition. The question is, where is the benefit, the economic effect from such activities?

    But perhaps you shouldn’t bother your head with such thoughts. After all, you can give many examples that do not bring any benefit. Such activities are called hobbies, i.e. a hobby in which one should hardly look for meaning. It's like love, because few people can answer what its meaning is. Or fishing - it’s easier to go to the store and buy fish than to stand with a fishing rod near the river and feed “feisty mosquitoes.” There are simply countless such fishermen. The same can be said about hunters: the harvested duck is small in size - much smaller than the purchased one.

    So is electronics, the fascination with which at a young age comes simply from curiosity: how does it work, and why does it work this way and not otherwise? In addition, this is not an easy science; it requires a lot of effort to study the theory, create the first working devices, and subsequently, when experience becomes available, develop your own circuits and repair industrial equipment.

    Serious toys

    Robotics can be considered one of the “incomprehensible” areas in amateur electronics. The designs of such “robots” most often represent a small cart that can avoid obstacles, move along a given route and be controlled from a control panel. True, such creativity is most typical for Western radio amateurs; in the CIS countries they are not so willing to do this.

    It would seem, what's wrong with that? The uninitiated, seeing the end result, will simply say: “So what?” And for those who are engaged in this in all seriousness, this topic is so close, important and understandable that in this area on the Internet you can find more than one or two forums, and even download books, often in English, on this topic.

    And in fact, if you look at it, the design of the “robots” deserves attention. After all, control circuits are most often built on microcontrollers, even the simplest ones, but we should start with something simple. First, the “inventor” practices writing simple and short programs (no controller will work without a program), and then moves on to complex and large ones. After all, you can learn programming only by starting to write own programs. It’s good if at this moment there is a person nearby who can explain where to start, why all this programming is needed.

    Home electronics is one way to work with your head and hands. After all, you will have to learn not only to solder well, you often have to do metalworking operations so that everything works out perfectly. top level. Solve problems that other people solve with a simple trip to the store, but I did it myself. This is another reason to enjoy electronics as a hobby.

    Quite often it happens that this particular hobby smoothly turns into a favorite profession. And, apparently, the ancient Chinese thinker Confucius was right, who said something like this: “If the chosen job is to your liking, then you will never have to work a single day in your life.” Probably, in this saying it was implied that the word work has the same root as the word slave.

    So, the man, after careful consideration, perhaps even under the influence of his good friends, made a decision in free time take up electronics, turn it into your hobby: not only bad examples, but also good ones can be contagious. This decision immediately raises a number of seemingly insoluble problems. Here are just a few of them.

    How to organize your workplace

    This problem is quite easily solved in modern private homes, where a small corner to put a table can be found anywhere: in the garage, in the basement, in the closet, in the room and maybe even in the attic. The situation is somewhat more complicated in an apartment building, but if loved ones can understand how serious and useful this hobby is, then there will always be a free corner in one of the three or even two rooms.

    If the passion for electronics does not stop and does not wither at the very beginning, but goes well, then over time an amateur electronics engineer can rent a room to do what he loves, open his own repair shop, and turn his hobby into his favorite profession. There are currently a great many such specialists.

    Most often, people start working on electronics something like this: take a ready-made circuit, purchase parts and tools, and off you go. Pick up a soldering iron, assemble the very first circuit, turn it on, hurray, it’s working!

    The first success forces us to move on to repeating other ready-made schemes. But sometimes it happens differently: assembled circuit did not work, attempts to “revive” it did not bring results, and soldering irons and parts are thrown into the far corner, sometimes forever. Therefore, the first schemes should be simple ones that start working immediately. In this regard, we can recommend classical electronic circuits. First of all, these are generators, on the basis of which you can assemble “sweeters and flashers.”

    The first scheme that works is simply inspiring. But to prevent your passion for electronics from turning into torture, you should study the theory, at least the very basics.

    Where to get theoretical knowledge

    If a person studied well enough in high school, then he memorized Ohm’s law and several other basic laws of physics. It’s not bad at all if mathematics was your favorite subject. And if you managed to master also English language, then it’s absolutely wonderful: most of the modern technical documentation just in English. It is these academic disciplines and make you wonder how all this electronics works, and eventually turn it into your hobby.

    And you shouldn’t think that without a special higher education nothing will happen at all. At one time, Radio magazine called many of its authors and readers “engineers without a diploma,” they were so well versed in circuit design various devices and assembled some good designs. In general, many magazines are still published, for example, the Ukrainian “Radioamator”, the Belarusian “Radiomir”, the Russian “Schemotekhnika” and “Repair of Electronic Equipment”.

    In the magazine “Radioconstructor 03 - 2011” there is a whole article about the use of used radio components, which is very useful for beginning radio amateurs. It also gives recommendations for checking parts and a warning that trying to “assemble” a transistor from two diodes, which beginners sometimes try to do, will not lead to a positive result, although when checked, the transistor looks exactly like two diodes. Well, almost like the classics: “The motor was very similar to the real one, but it didn’t work.”

    Electronic magazines

    As an example we can cite electronic journal"Radio pilot". It is the last three words that you just need to type in search bar, for example, Yandex, to get acquainted with its contents, and even download individual issues or even a binder for the whole year. The contents of the magazine are quite diverse and interesting.

    Magazines are, of course, good, but we should not forget about books. You can now find almost any literature on the Internet, including technical literature. Many of these books have already become museum exhibits, for example, radio amateur reference books, starting from the second half of the last century. In them you can not only trace the history of the development of amateur radio, but also find a lot of useful information that has not yet lost its relevance.

    One of best books on radio electronics should, perhaps, be considered “The Art of Circuit Design” by P. Horowitz and W. Hill. The last edition of this entertaining three-volume work was published in 1993.

    The book talks about almost everything that was used at that time and continues to be used to this day. At the same time, the authors, even the most complex circuits They explain simply what is called “on the fingers”, using a minimum number of formulas. The book contains many practical schemes with examples of their calculations. The text of the book, intended for the general reader, is quite simple and friendly, containing a certain amount of humor. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of reading this three-volume book.

    There are several books with the same title by other, more modern authors, which can also be downloaded on the Internet, or purchased in paper form in an online store. In these books you can find information on modern element base, because electronics is developing faster than all other areas of science and technology.

    When it is necessary to suppress alternating currents of a certain frequency spectrum, but at the same time effectively pass currents with frequencies above or below this spectrum, a passive LC filter on reactive elements can be useful - a low-pass filter low-pass filter (if you need to effectively pass oscillations with a frequency below a given one) or a filter treble High-pass filter (if necessary, effectively skip oscillations with a frequency higher than the specified one).The principle of constructing these filters is based on the properties of inductances and capacitances...

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    Name: How to master radio electronics from scratch.

    If you have a great desire to become friends with electronics, if you want to create your own homemade products, but don’t know where to start, use the self-instruction manual “How to master radio electronics from scratch. We learn how to assemble structures of any complexity.” This book will help modernize and expand on some of the basic designs. You will learn how to read circuit diagrams, work with a soldering iron, and create many interesting homemade products. You will learn how to use a measuring instrument, design and create printed circuit boards, and learn the secrets of many professional radio amateurs. In general, you will gain enough knowledge to further master electronics on your own. The book also contains a small reference book on radio components, which may also be of interest to professionals.
    This textbook is written in an accessible and in simple language, without unnecessary literary lyrics. To introduce young radio amateurs with electricity and various measurement quantities, used elementary method comparisons. Next to each circuit diagram- image from appearance and pinout (location of pins) of radio components. Everything is described in detail, sometimes the installation of a particular device is presented so that you can visually see what should happen.

    Dear readers!
    All of you, of course, know about one of the widest areas modern technology- electronics. Whether you are watching TV, listening to the radio or using a music center, electronics are “working” everywhere. It is she who “draws” the image on the TV screen and “brings” the announcer’s voice into the apartment, turning recordings on magnetic tape of audio cassettes and CD grooves into sound.
    Look around carefully and you will see many devices that, thanks to electronics, are reborn, for example wrist or table clock. Electronic devices they count seconds and minutes with great precision, showing the time on the screen. And take telephone set: it has an electronic memory capable of storing dozens of numbers. It is not necessary to type them - just click on the button that corresponds to specific number. An electronic “eye” in the camera monitors the illumination of the subject and automatically sets the desired shutter speed. Even residential calls are electronic. When you press the button next to front door sounds are heard in the apartment that imitate the singing of birds or the melody of a famous song, and sometimes a woman’s or male voice, which says: “Open the door!”

    From the author
    Chapter 1
    Lessons from a young designer
    Introduction to electricity and other quantities
    Introduction to radio components
    Semiconductor devices
    Zener diodes
    Other radio components
    Chapter 2
    Tools and devices
    Workplace of a radio amateur
    We use a digital device
    Measurement of constant and AC voltage
    DC current measurement
    Resistance measurement
    Diode continuity test
    Measuring and testing capacitances and inductances
    We use a pointer device
    Checking resistors
    Checking capacitors
    Checking inductors
    Checking low-frequency chokes and transformers
    Diode check
    Thyristor testing
    Checking transistors
    Secrets of proper soldering
    Chapter 3
    Basic safety rules
    The rules must be known and followed!
    Action electric current per person
    What is lightning?
    Chapter 4
    Ohm's law
    Basic principle of Ohm's law
    A little history
    Chapter 5
    My first homemade products
    LED flashes
    Electronic canary
    Busy indicator telephone line
    Chapter 6
    Introduction to microcircuits
    Microcircuits for wide applications
    Chapter 7
    Application of specialized microcircuits
    in practice
    My first power amplifier
    Volume, balance and tone control ULF
    Chapter 8
    Development and production of printed circuit boards
    Basic rules for board development
    PCB etching
    Radio amateurs advise
    Layout of radio components on the board
    Chapter 9
    Professional circuit design
    Stereo ULF with tone block
    FM stereo receiver
    Output indicator
    Chapter 10
    Electricity is man's friend
    DIY power supply
    Power supply for electromechanical watches
    Light for switch
    Lamp brightness control
    DIY phase meter
    Hidden Wiring Finder
    Chapter 11
    A selection of circuit diagrams
    ULF with an unusual tone block
    Musical doorbell
    New Year's garland
    Automatic periodic switching
    and turning off the load
    Universal charger
    Digital electronic watch
    Chapter 12
    Radio designer software
    Description of the CircuitMaker package
    Let's sum it up
    Chapter 13
    Information sheet
    Learning to choose batteries
    Abbreviation for resistor ratings
    and capacitors
    Color coding of fixed resistors
    Serial and parallel connection
    resistors and capacitors
    Foreign rectifier diodes and bridges
    Microcircuit voltage stabilizers
    Marking and characteristics of thyristors
    Transistor pinout
    Musical synthesizers of the UMS series
    English-Russian technical dictionary

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    Previous part
    Today we will make our first device - the simplest one detector receiver Oganova.
    This is one of the first schemes, and allows you to simply listen to the radio. Mayak, Radio Russia and several others. Yes, the choice is small, but firstly, this circuit is very simple, and secondly, it works without batteries, that is, it receives power from the radio station itself.

    We will do it without a printed circuit board. Here's the diagram.

    Let's figure it out.

    This is an inductor. For it we need copper wire 0.1 - 1 mm thick.

    This is a capacitor. Roughly speaking, it is similar to a battery, only instantaneous. But seriously, a capacitor is a device for storing charge and energy of an electric field. For those who don’t understand anything: imagine a box into which you pour sand (electricity). Pour, pour, the box is already full, and the sand spills out. And when you stop pouring, the box pours all its contents out (the capacitor discharges). Something like this.
    In our circuit, we will need capacitors with a capacity of 1000-2000 pF - C2 and 200-500 pF - C1. Farads are units of measurement for the capacitance of a capacitor, or how much sand that abstract box can hold.

    Diode. This semiconductor device, passing current (electron flow in one direction only). Imagine a security guard who works according to the principle “Let everyone in, don’t let anyone out!” Or exactly the opposite, depending on how we set him up. Any one will suit us, except for the LED (which, as you can understand, glows).

    This is a speaker - a talker. We can pick it out of an old Soviet phone, or buy it. We need a high resistance one - about 60 ohms.
    This is grounding. Let's connect it to the heating battery.
    And the last element - the antenna - will be made from a long piece of wire - 3 meters.

    How to make a reel? The coil consists of two parts, 25 turns each. How to make a reel? Take something round with a diameter of about 10 cm (for example, a coffee can), cover it with several layers of paper. We stick the first layer to the jar with tape, the second is loosely screwed onto the first. In this case, the coil will be easy to remove after winding. Now we carefully wind copper wire- turn to turn. We leave 5 centimeters of wire between the two parts of the coil, and also do not forget to leave about the same amount of wire at the input and output. After you have wound the coil, it should be wrapped with electrical tape or tape in two layers along the turns. And after removing it from the can, wrap it crosswise as well.
    Let's connect everything using soldering. How to solder? Easily.
    Be careful, the soldering iron tip is very hot, if you get burned, run your hand under cold water. The burn will heal soon.
    Here is the soldering diagram itself:

    Thank you for your attention!