• Features of virtual communication. Virtual communication with a girl

    A new term is virtual communication, the peculiarity of which is that people can contact their interlocutors from anywhere in the world. The development of the Internet and its availability in every home has allowed people to solve many problems, which is a plus. However, the downside is that people get so involved in their virtual communication that they forget about real contacts.

    Virtual communication often carried out in writing, when people exchange messages on social networks or on dating sites. Also, virtual communication can be understood as conversations over a microphone or Skype. This method contact allows a person anywhere and at any time to contact the right interlocutor. However, virtual communication often replaces real communication. A person gets used to all the advantages of communicating through a monitor screen, which replaces his natural need for real contact.

    The online magazine site does not make a problem out of the fact that people use computer technology. However, consideration this issue should not be left without the participation of the reader, who must decide for himself how useful this technological opportunity is for him.

    What is virtual communication?

    The concept of virtual communication should be considered. What is it? It is a method of communication that is carried out through a computer by providing telecommunication links to users. Virtual communication takes place far from the interlocutor. People do not see each other in the real world, but are represented in the form of images, symbols, signs and other tools.

    Virtual communication is the exchange of messages sent by people over the Internet. Popular this type communication is on social networks, forums, dating sites, partnerships, etc. It is quite difficult to define virtual communication as leaving a comment or review on some resource. However, already the appearance of a dialogue between two or more users becomes.

    Virtual communication is the ability of a person to express his thoughts in writing. Also, the communication environment determines the culture of dialogue. They create their own slang, which is presented in the form of abbreviations that are understandable to users, or emoticons that convey a particular emotion.

    The availability of the Internet has allowed many people to solve their problems, especially those related to the inability to make acquaintance or contact a person who is located thousands of kilometers from the country. Now from different countries people can connect and maintain contacts, which is very convenient.

    At the same time, various kinds of addictions arise, for example, addiction to social networks or virtual communication. A person can become so accustomed to communicating with others through emoticons and some messages that they lose the skill of real communication.

    Convenient communication, when a person does not need to put himself in order, take care of the culture of his language, or bother traveling to the meeting place, leads to the fact that a person chooses virtual contacts instead of real ones. This leads to degradation, because in addition to the loss of social skills, a person also changes in his speech culture.

    Features of virtual communication

    Computer technology firmly entered into the life of every person. Now, not only at work, but also at home, a person can surf the Internet. Virtual communication differs significantly in its features from real communication. Here are the following:

    • The ability to contact a person located anywhere in the world. In real communication, it is impossible to communicate with an interlocutor from another country. The Internet has eliminated this boundary.
    • A familiar environment for interlocutors. A person does not leave home, does not find himself in an uncomfortable environment. He chooses the place where he is comfortable and uses those methods of transmitting information that are familiar to him.
    • Written communication of information. Typically, virtual communication consists of exchanging written messages. This is done through letters, chats, messages, etc. in this case a person is able to improve his skills.
    • Exchange of any information. As they say, everything is permissible on the Internet, especially if the participants in the conversation cannot see each other and do not even know what their interlocutors look like. Here you can say everything, as well as receive any information about another person.
    • Improving writing skills. This aspect becomes important if the interlocutors are studying foreign languages. When communicating virtually, a person actively hones his writing skills. Here we are not always talking about improving the rules of grammar, spelling, etc. A person simply develops his individual style written communication. Moreover, a person learns to quickly press the keys to write a message.

    Problems of virtual communication

    Despite the positive opportunities that the Internet provides, virtual communication has many problems that distort normal life its users.

    1. Large flow of information. Real communication is depreciated, which requires more effort and time than a person’s ability to go online and quickly get everything necessary information enough large quantities.
    2. "Virtual" speech. On the Internet, people use a slightly different structure of speech than in the real world. Some words have their own abbreviations. Emotions are expressed through emoticons. The main point of the entire message stands out in bold or dotted line. A person loses the skills of live communication.
    3. Communicating with several people at once, which devalues ​​real meetings when communication takes place face-to-face. A person shows himself incompletely. His personality is expressed situationally. We can say that a person loses his self-identification, begins to imagine himself as someone or play certain roles.
    4. Lack of a real idea of ​​a person. In the real world, people gain information about others not only through their words, but also through intonation, voice, construction of phrases, emphasis, etc. Moreover, facial expressions, gestures, body posture, even a person’s appearance take part here. Information is collected comprehensively on all sensory channels, which allows you to create a more complete image of your interlocutor. When communicating virtually, the channels are very limited, which forces people to invent images of those with whom they communicate. In fact, a person does not know with whom he is communicating, even if he has spent many months corresponding.

    The result of people creating images of those with whom they communicate, rather than actually getting to know them, is disappointment and the destruction of expectations. How longer interlocutors communicate virtually, the more their images do not coincide with real personalities. That’s why you can spend a month getting to know a person through messages and then in one meeting make a 100% decision not to communicate or see him anymore.

    Advantages of virtual communication

    People are increasingly resorting to virtual communication.

    It is impossible to note here the advantages that make these contacts attractive:

    • You can be anyone. As long as the interlocutor does not see the person, he can behave as he wants. You can imagine yourself as a successful person, or you can simply try yourself in a new role. Everything will be accepted.
    • You can say whatever you want. This is where your manners and communication styles often become unimportant. Everything is accepted. Moreover, such communication can last as long as you need it.
    • Helps shy, modest, lonely people, as well as people with physical disabilities. Often people who do not have the opportunity to communicate live get used to virtual communication. They cannot communicate calmly in society. They experience various fears and complexes. People fence themselves off from them due to the presence of various physical disabilities in appearance. A person can realize his potential through a monitor when no one sees him, hears him, cannot laugh at him, humiliate him, etc.
    • You can find like-minded people. There are many communities online where people unite based on interests.
    • You can interrupt communication at any time, especially if you don’t like the interlocutor. Moreover, there is no need to make excuses or apologize to your interlocutor. You can simply disappear, disappear without explanation.

    Disadvantages of virtual communication

    Virtual communication has many disadvantages, despite the opportunities it offers. They are:

    1. Degradation of communication skills. A person gets used to thinking and communicating in a stereotyped, short way. This does not agree with real communication.
    2. Changing interests. There is a lot of interesting things on the Internet. Soon it becomes the only way to relax and engage yourself in something.
    3. Destruction of relationships in real life. How more people get used to sitting at a computer, the more they lose real contacts with friends, relatives, spouses. People stop communicating with each other live, which destroys their unions.
    4. Emotional and mental degradation. Many feelings and emotions cannot be experienced during virtual communication. A person becomes boring due to the paucity of his emotional life, which affects the change in character.
    5. Inventing images. People are not able to get to know each other well through correspondence. They often create images to which they attribute non-existent qualities and traits. If suddenly such people meet in real life, they may note that their images and real people are completely different concepts.
    6. Getting used to lies and irresponsibility. On the Internet you can be anyone, anonymously write various nasty things, say the best and most embellished things about yourself. No one will be punished for this. The interlocutors don’t even know real situation business

    The most important disadvantage is the emergence of addiction, when a person becomes so accustomed to virtual communication that he can no longer refuse it.

    Virtual communication with a girl

    Dating is popular in virtual communication. The guy is wondering how to communicate with a girl to make her like him.

    Here are some tips that will come in handy:

    • Be playful, humorous and optimistic. You can embellish your image a little, making it more successful than it actually is.
    • Do not bombard the girl with messages so that she does not think that she has already conquered you.
    • Show interest. The girl should feel that you are interested in communicating with her.
    • Visit her page.
    • Initiate communication on any topic.
    • Keep in touch.
    • Say goodbye to her quickly but civilly so that she feels your respect for her.

    Bottom line

    No virtual communication modern man will no longer live. There will be nothing wrong here if it is reasonable and purposeful, and not an attempt to kill time and decorate your leisure time. The result of virtual communication can be either establishing contacts and solving life problems, or developing an addiction that will be impossible to get rid of. It all depends on the person and his conscious approach to business.

    For a long time now there has been no question of “yes” or “no” to virtual dating and virtual communication. All this is as old as time. Even if everyone unanimously says “No!”, registrations on social networking and dating sites will definitely not decrease.

    Therefore, today we will deal with the subtleties virtual communication to make it pleasant, painless and as effective as possible.

    Today we will deal with communication with the opposite sex, because it is precisely this that, as a rule, evokes in us some special feelings, emotions, experiences, and disorders, let’s be honest...

    So, if for some reason you are brought to:
    social networking sites;

    free dating sites;

    paid dating sites (whether only men pay or both parties pay does not matter in this case);

    games (games, ladies? What other games? Stop it! How to get rid of computer addiction),

    ...and there you also happened to meet a certain person whom you like, and he seems to like you too, then you should come to us

    To begin with - general tips, and then consider situations with and without geographic distance between you and your dream object

    Almost five years of experience in the dating industry clearly makes it clear that virtual communication is far from a surrogate for “normal” communication"and has a very definite right to be in modern society. Of course, for serious acquaintances it cannot be compared, and it will never be able to replace real communication, but it is quite possible to be a quality forerunner for it. Virtual communication can be a very strong basis for subsequent real communication and possibly relationships. Therefore, you shouldn’t underestimate it at all; it’s just important not to go too far and know some of the nuances of “computer conversation”.

    In addition, all feelings and emotions in virtual communication, no matter how strange it may sound, are perceived more acutely. Little things are given more importance. Due to the inability to physically see a person, the consciousness searches for other sources of information, often finds them, but often exaggerates them or unjustifiably does not notice/does not evaluate them.

    In general, some kind of “special” communication with someone online implies that you are a free girl and can afford it. Otherwise, you definitely have some problems in your relationship.

    General tips for virtual communication

    Remember: there is no friendship between a man and a woman.

    Even if it happens to you. Sooner or later you will begin to open your heart to him, this is a natural process - na-ro-yes! And you yourself know that when a relationship becomes so close, warm feelings appear, which then... In a word, it is difficult to restrain yourself within the framework of friendship. And this, as a rule, is followed by a desire for the relationship to move forward, for him to appreciate, etc. etc. In a word, everything is like in life, only sharper!

    If you understand that there can be nothing more between you and “that guy” (due to real reasons incompatibility, and not just “he is here, and I am there”), but you still like to communicate, then, of course, you will not stop communicating, but you need to do hard work with yourself

    First, admit why NOT.
    Secondly, accept it. And this means that if someone appears with him, you will not drink buckets of valerian, but just be sad for a couple of days, and then you will still be sincerely happy for him, this is normal. Accepting means replaying this situation in your head, experiencing it.

    Thirdly, if you decide to be “friends”, then “be friends”, avoid slanting in a conversation on “slippery topics”, avoid “flirty” little things, even if it brightens the conversation, avoid personal topics, do not provoke (for example, by sending him a photo of you with wonderful abs). In a word - keep your distance. If you decide to be friends, it won’t ruin your relationship, but if it does, it means you didn’t do a very good job and allowed yourself something extra.

    Don't expect anything

    Everything that needs to happen will definitely happen. If you have any expectations from communication with someone, then the person will definitely feel it, and this bothers many. The good thing about virtual communication is that you can just communicate.

    It may sound stupid, but if you need to “stay” together for at least some time, it will happen.

    Don’t rush to give out phone numbers and agree to meet with everyone

    If there is nothing to do today or tomorrow evening, then why not, actually? But if you periodically hang out on such sites
    , be prepared that often people who do not want to bother
    If you ask yourself at least a couple of phrases for preliminary acquaintance, they will immediately ask for a phone number “just to chat” or immediately write “let’s meet.”

    It’s up to you to decide, of course, but statistics convincingly show that in the overwhelming majority of these meetings and these telephone conversations don't end with anything. You can try, each time thinking that maybe this is His Majesty Chance? What if it’s HIM! But when there are so many of THEM that in a month you won’t remember the names with whom you just had coffee, then other thoughts will probably come to you...

    And if every time you meet someone or talk on the phone, you expect something (that this meeting “will definitely be the last”, or “I will do everything so that I like him” or... well, you know , what thoughts usually come to you. Not too smart, I must say), then you will be visited by disappointments one after another. And this will not have a very pleasant effect on your mood.

    By the way, why the distribution telephone numbers and quick meetings lead nowhere, it's very easy to explain. But this is not the topic of the article, so just take my word for it.

    If you seriously want to find a man for a relationship, then spend a little time establishing contact in virtual communication

    So, when you meet, you will no longer need to waste time on the awkward establishment of this very contact in order to overcome the embarrassment and embarrassment that is always there (!). And this is where even the most promising meetings very often break down. It’s only in the movies that they show how awkward they felt, he spilled coffee on her, she sneezed deliciously in his face, they laughed, got married and lived happily until the end of their days.

    It is much more effective and easier to meet when you know for sure that at least this person will have something to talk about and you will find a common language.

    Many adult girls reasonably note in this context that “I don’t have so much time to take a “pig in a poke” every time.” Maybe it was funny when I was a teenager, but now it’s just pointless.”
    Read the profiles!

    And preferably do it between the lines. Nowhere can a person’s character be seen so colorfully as there! This has been tested millions of times! In the virtual world, the best profile is, perhaps, the one from which nothing can be said, in a word, unremarkable, statistically average.

    Awaken the psychologist within you Pay attention to what a man writes about himself, who he is looking for, what things he says about himself.

    If he writes “I want her to love me for who I am, and not for what I have,” then 90% that he simply has nothing but himself. If you want to love him for something else, there’s nothing more. It’s not a matter of self-interest, it’s just unpleasant when a man hasn’t been able to create anything in his life and is still trying to somehow justify it. By highlighting this as the main thing in the woman he is looking for, he clearly shows that he often met with women who demanded or wanted something from him, except for himself. Most likely justified. Do you need him like this?

    Or - all the columns - car, telephone, occupation - are filled with cool words and brands, it is clear that the man wants everyone to know about it and immediately draw the appropriate conclusion about him. Do you write in your profile about your breast size and the number of cubes on your abs?

    Look at the volume of what a man writes about himself, about her, look at his literacy, look at which columns he fills in and which ones he doesn’t, what photographs he has (not in terms of quality, of course, but who he is with, what he does, etc.). In a word, a man’s profile is his clothes.

    Of course, there are exceptions. There are. But extremely rarely. This is just a one in a million situation, and it is usually filmed in the films already mentioned today...
    Don't replace with virtual communication and real life dating

    Even if you have a person with whom you really like to communicate, do not refuse to go to a club with your friends or to the skating rink, or anywhere at all. Don’t adjust your life to this communication, don’t run home to quickly go to the website and check your connections. communication.
    Don't pay attention to the templates people use on websites

    You don't think that "Hello, beautiful!" Was it written specifically to you? Or the answers to some standard questions were also written for the first time.

    Yes, not everyone does this, but there are people who use some valid patterns, and there are people who don't like it. However, you should not condemn this or have any negative attitude,
    it's convenient.

    To find someone st?
    for communication in the virtual world, you need to sift through a bunch of people, but if everyone writes something different, then you can simply live on such sites. Of course, not everyone uses templates, but take it easy if you notice it. You will simply value more personalized communication more.
    Agree to meetings

    Try it. Not everything, of course, we have already talked about this earlier. But, as a rule, after “meeting everyone”, another model of behavior “meeting no one” and the search for the ideal person comes to replace it.
    Don't wait for that proverbial "spark"!

    Yes, this is important, yes, this is very nice! But this does not mean at all that without it the person automatically becomes completely uninteresting to you. An adult and mature person will be able to communicate and enjoy communication and when it doesn't spark. This can form the basis for strong, serious relationships, built not on a spark and initial interest, but on kinship of souls, outlook on life and aspirations.
    Rules communication with someone who is far away

    The above were general tips suitable for 95% of cases communication to His Majesty Virtual. However, universal injustice sometimes gives you a person to communicate with whom you have no opportunity to meet, but you really like communicating with him, and after some time you begin to think that “if only we were close, then everything would definitely work out.” " Special rules apply here.
    Don't expect anything. Have fun with communication.

    Give the man the opportunity to do at least something real. Virtual communication does not just mean letters on a screen. Believe me: there are a lot of opportunities to show your real (!) attention to you: from taking a special photo just for you to delivering flowers. If a man wants, he will find an opportunity.

    Don't plan to visit him. Action is a man's prerogative.
    Don’t look for options for changing jobs, adjusting business trips, etc. And all in order to meet him and, perhaps, be with him.

    Don’t “set fire to the relationship” - don’t write to him passionately and emotionally about your feelings, keep communication on a calm and even wave. Without a meeting, all this is practically nothing. The more you “set fire” to the relationship, the more you will be disappointed by every little thing in him when you meet / you will be blinded and accept wrong decision on emotions.

    Don't make it out of yours communication relationships. And don't act like you're his girlfriend and he's your boyfriend. Leave it to the teenagers.

    Don’t think that all these tips were written from your own experience. communication with some person. Five years of experience in the field of dating (originally taking place on the site) is the best proof that all these tips together and each individually were suffered by girls just like you and me. So many profiles were looked at, so many people were in contact, so many stories passed before my eyes... All this is true.

    We girls are emotional creatures and tend to behave inappropriately if we suddenly like someone very much. Treat virtual dating as just additional opportunity arrange your personal life.

    Treat it like a game, even with some irony. Practice shows that this attitude wins in 100% of cases.

    Live your life or continue to live your life, do not adjust it to someone who has not proven that he is worthy of you, or simply to the Internet. The faster and more fully you understand the meaning of this phrase, the faster virtual dating will only bring you joy.

    Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the life of a contemporary without the Internet. Today world wide web is the most popular and convenient source of information. The global network firmly connects people across all continents and countries. At the same time, many people prefer virtual communication. Rapid development computer technology has radically changed the habits of man, not only intelligent, but also automated.

    For most contemporaries, it is much more convenient to send a free instant message, take advantage voice communication or make a video call on Skype, rather than travel several kilometers to resolve an issue in person. Some people even replace natural live interaction with contacts on social networks, preferring to communicate in virtual space. They are so captivated by virtual communication that they forget all the benefits and charm of real interaction in society.

    Virtual communication: features of communication over the Internet
    Why is communication in virtual space so seductive? Online contacts greatly simplify the interaction process. To implement them, a person needs to put in significantly less psychological and mental effort. Online communication has a number of features compared to the process of verbal communication between people.

    Aspect 1. Writing instead of speaking
    Communication in the virtual space in most cases takes place in written form. We write emails, post comments on forums, share ideas in chat, send messages on social networks.
    An undoubted advantage of correspondence on the Internet is the ability to correct the compiled text. In virtual correspondence, the word is not a sparrow that cannot be caught after departure. A simple hand movement - pressing delete, using the hints received from the virtual editor allows you to correct errors and eliminate mistakes. This feature of virtual communication allows a person to feel much more comfortable and educated.

    We don’t have to, as in a conversation, delve into our vocabulary and carefully select appropriate phrases. At the same time, if you want to especially show off your intelligence in front of your interlocutor, wander around the Internet and copy a couple of brilliant quotes. Accordingly, by communicating in virtual space, we can appear before the audience as smarter and more enlightened people. We don’t need to strain our brains unnecessarily, so less effort and energy is spent on the process of virtual communication.

    Aspect 2. No boundaries in communication
    An undoubted advantage of the Internet is the complete absence of spatial boundaries. Our interaction online is not limited to the boundaries of our personal home, hometown and countries. We are able to make acquaintances, establish contacts and communicate with people located absolutely anywhere in the world.
    This is an invaluable advantage for people whose relatives or friends are located in another corner of the Earth. This is very convenient for those who need to find new business partners or regularly contact business travelers.
    Virtual communication is remarkable because most correspondence services are completely free. Therefore, unlike mobile communications communication in the virtual space does not create an additional financial burden for a person. Therefore, you can forget that your interlocutor is located in another corner of the planet at a distance of thousands of kilometers.

    Virtual communication: the benefits of online contacts
    Communication in virtual space offers a person a number of significant advantages. Let us describe some aspects in more detail.

    Plus 1. A chance to find like-minded people
    Browsing the Internet helps you make new acquaintances and significantly expand your social circle. The World Wide Web gathers people into various interest groups, in which the user can obtain useful and necessary information. Communication online helps not only to unlock your potential, but also to discover unknown facets of your personality. A huge advantage of the virtual space is the ease of establishing new contacts and making friends with similar interests, which is much more difficult to do in real life.

    Plus 2. Comfort
    Interaction over the Internet takes place in a comfortable environment for the user. And native land promotes psychological calm and lack of nervous tension. A huge advantage of “meetings” in the virtual space is the fact that a person does not have to strain himself when choosing the appropriate decoration for the upcoming meeting. A person can lounge in a comfortable chair, dressed in warm pajamas, and conduct a successful dialogue with a respectable business partner.

    Plus 3. Communication without complexes
    Virtual communication is a great chance for a modest and shy person who is actually afraid of speaking in public. Communication using computer technology allows you to cast aside fears and doubts, appearing before the audience in a completely different image. IN global network no one demands to show your true face or show your passport. Therefore, each subject can play the role that he has chosen for himself.

    Plus 4. No time restrictions
    The World Wide Web opens up enormous prospects for those who have a non-standard life schedule and are forced to stay awake at night. There are no time restrictions on the global network. You can browse websites and chat on the forum at any time of the day. There is no bad weather on the Internet that prevents you from going to a meeting. Communication in virtual space – ideal option for those who suffer from insomnia and want to make good use of their forced wakefulness.

    Plus 5. The ability to put an end to the dialogue at any time
    When communicating face-to-face, it is not always possible to interrupt the conversation if the topic of the conversation is unpleasant or the interlocutor gets on your nerves. The Internet has a clear advantage: the user can put an end to the dialogue at any time and brush off the annoying interlocutor. When interacting with the network, a careless subordinate can always ignore the orders of his boss. A flighty guy may not respond to messages from a girl who is in love with him, or place her messages in the spam folder. That is, the Internet gives a person the opportunity to take full control of the communication process, to start and end a dialogue at his own discretion.

    Virtual communication: disadvantages of online contacts
    Most users are so carried away by communicating in the virtual space that they simply do not notice the dangers of browsing on the Internet. Let's look at the obvious disadvantages of virtual communication.

    Minus 1. Formation of inadequate self-esteem
    An overly enthusiastic user forms an opinion about himself based on the compliments he receives—“likes.” If such virtual rewards turn out to be less than expected, a person may experience a real nervous breakdown. Without seeing the required number of “likes” under a photo or note, a person may fall into black melancholy, believing that she is a worthless and unnecessary creature.
    There is also a natural opposite. Social network stars, popular bloggers, and top-rated YouTubers consider themselves almost the navel of the universe. Such people who have acquired authority on the global network, but have not backed it up in real life, develop extremely inflated self-esteem, which is fraught with serious problems in everyday life.

    Minus 2. Loss of communication skills
    If a person constantly sits on forum sites or actively corresponds on social networks, he gradually loses the skills of face-to-face communication with people. She forgets what secrets verbal communication has, loses the ability to convey the meaning of what is said with intonation, and to reinforce the topic being presented with gestures and facial expressions.
    As a result, when making contacts in the real world, such a person feels “out of place.” Conversations with even the closest people make him feel uncomfortable. It is easier for such a person to send a VKontakte message to a relative sitting next to her than to say her thoughts out loud. For the avid computer user It is very difficult to understand the desires and needs of others, because due to the habit of communicating virtually, he does not feel the psychological characteristics of other people.

    Minus 3. Waste of time
    It happens that Internet users are so immersed in virtual space that they simply don’t notice how quickly time flies. Indeed, the World Wide Web is an insatiable time eater that steals time for rest, education, sports and self-care.
    There are certain types who sit in front of a computer monitor for days on end and simply do not know what time it is. Often, browsing on popular websites and chatting on social networks leads to the fact that the addicted person forgets to eat on time and stops taking care of her appearance.

    Minus 4. Harm to health
    Traveling on the Internet is very captivating and significantly exciting. nervous system person. Excessive gatherings in the virtual space initiate a variety of neurotic disorders. The person becomes irritable, restless, and aggressive. It is very difficult for an avid user to fall asleep after working on the computer for many hours.
    Monitor glare and frequent changes bright pictures negatively affects the organs of vision. As a result, a person's intraocular pressure increases and vision deteriorates over time.

    Minus 5. Existing in a fictional world instead of living in reality
    Some users are so keen on traveling around virtual world that they feel out of place in the real world. Indeed, existence in a fictional world is much more comfortable and convenient for a person. On the Internet, serious problems rarely arise and obstacles that are difficult to overcome are encountered.
    Over time, a passionate user begins to freak out from the realities of everyday life, trying to quickly find himself in his protected and safe Internet world. This leads to the person becoming a voluntary social outcast and unable to fully interact in society.

    Minus 6. Loss of ability to compromise
    What is so attractive about virtual communication, why are contacts with other users so valuable? The thing is that online interaction does not imply the presence of any mutual obligations. A person acts as he wants and is comfortable, regardless of the point of view of others.
    Users are guided by the rule: if I don’t like the author’s point of view, I won’t rack my brains and read the article on another site. I can’t build a conversation in some community, I’ll just leave this group and move to a more pleasant company. That is, a person loses the ability to take into account the opinions of others, to make concessions, he does not strive for compromise. As a result, he becomes an authoritarian dictator in reality, from whom those around him run away like the plague.

    Minus 7. Victim of scams
    On the Internet we communicate not with specific person, but with his image. And clever scammers can create the image that is necessary to gain trust. We expect that we are corresponding with an adequate and responsive person, but when checked, he turns out to be a swindler and a swindler.
    Having installed trust relationship With a naive user, it is not difficult for an experienced swindler to find out the information he requires. In this case, not only the direct victim of the scam may suffer, but also his relatives or friends.

    Minus 8. Failure of hopes
    Another obvious disadvantage of virtual communication, which often affects lonely people. The person believes that he is corresponding with a handsome, young and wealthy man. And, accordingly, he makes some plans for a joint future. But in fact, what appears before her is a disgusting old freak who does not have a penny of money, but passionately wants to satisfy his lust. After such discoveries, many young people fall into prolonged depression, and often lose the meaning of life altogether.

    Minus 9. Development of addiction
    While an enthusiastic user of VKontakte or Facebook wanders through the pages of his friends, he does not notice how his life flies by. Statistics say that a mature person spends an average of half an hour on social networks, while children and teenagers correspond for more than 3 hours.
    This risks the person developing pathological dependence over time - an abnormal condition similar to drug addiction. To feel comfortable, a dependent person must go to social network. It is worth noting that with computer addiction, a person may experience withdrawal symptoms, which are as painful as alcohol withdrawal.

    Instead of an afterword
    Thus, communication in virtual space is an unchanging component of modern life. Computer technologies open up a lot of perspectives for people, make it easier to find information and help brighten up their leisure time. However, excessive enthusiasm for virtual communication leads to a change in personality and a terrible mismatch of the psyche.

    Recently I thought that my closest friends, the people with whom I can share my secrets, are my virtual friends. Is this good or bad? Can you trust your secrets to a person you have never seen in person? In today's topic I want to answer these questions.

    Virtual relationships are different. This could be chatting, it could be short and meaningless letters, or a conversation on social networks, like: “Hello,” “How are you?” “Are you okay?” In this case, your answer is not so important. But there are also deeper, more trusting relationships, when you share things with a person that you would not tell your husband, sister, or even mother.

    Dating at a dance

    A couple of years ago I took ballroom dancing and attended a dance studio. To be honest, my dancing abilities left much to be desired. But I didn’t set myself the goal of winning any dance competitions. For me it was just a hobby, as well as a way to expand my circle of friends.

    And then at one of the classes I met Edik. It is a common situation in a dance studio when there are not enough gentlemen. And so the same guys danced first with some partners, then with others. I sat on a bench, waiting for my turn, I so wanted to dance a waltz. And then Edik sat down next to me.

    Our rapprochement

    It seems that our conversation began with him complaining that his heart hurt. I, as a sympathetic girl, could not remain indifferent, I began to wonder if maybe he had some problems. That’s how we got to know each other better, before that we didn’t communicate except “Hello” - “Hello”.

    Very soon it turned out that Edik and I had one common interest - psychology. I am always ready to talk about this topic, especially if the person knows more than I do. Edik, who is not a psychologist by profession, pleasantly surprised me with his knowledge. I was glad to communicate with him. But here's the problem: he often missed dances. And there wasn’t enough time for conversations during the dance class.

    Virtual friendship is a good way out

    I was sad that my friendship with Edward would end just before it began. And then Edik proposed an unexpected solution: “Linda, let’s communicate by letters. Electronic! How do you like my idea?

    I wasn't happy at first. The fact is that few girls like correspondence, and guys even more so. I preferred live communication, but there was no choice. However, very soon I realized that Edik’s proposal was simply wonderful.

    I broke up with my boyfriend, and Edik was able to console me with his letters. Moreover, these were not just words: “Everything will be fine with you,” but a psychological analysis of my problematic relationships. I was glad that I had such a home psychologist.

    Is virtual friendship dangerous?

    Nowadays, stories periodically appear on the Internet about various swindlers who gain your trust and find out various information about you, and then use you for their own selfish purposes. My opinion: It can be dangerous to be with people you have never met.

    If real person If you just don’t have time to see each other often, then virtual communication will help maintain friendship. It also makes it possible to talk about personal, even intimate, things. It is unlikely that Edik would have told me in a live conversation about his breakup with his girlfriend and the feelings that he experienced at that moment.

    Although, I don’t argue, sometimes I feel offended that I’m more virtual friend. I want to visit Edik and see his dog not only in the photo.

    Virtual communication– this is a type of communication that is computer-mediated in nature and is implemented using telecommunication systems. Virtual communication implies communication without the presence of a living person as an interlocutor, but presented on his behalf in the form of certain signs and symbols, numbers and even images. In the information society, virtual communication serves as the basis for the formation of human language and thinking, operating with significant information flows and the individual’s preferred habitat in which his main activities take place.

    Features of virtual communication

    The Internet has firmly entered people's lives, being not only a source of information, but also a means of communication. Computer communication has a number of features in comparison with real communication. These features include the following:

    — expanding the possibilities and boundaries of communication, since interlocutors can be found in all countries of the world;

    - both partners in the communication process are in their usual living space, using various methods of transmitting information;

    — virtual communication is mainly carried out in written form (chat, e-mail), which makes it possible to improve skills in writing;

    — in addition to improving language knowledge, communication participants receive information about the partner’s personality about his views on the world around him,

    — virtual communication is carried out in the form of oral messages or emails;

    — messaging allows you to improve the ability to understand written text, which is accompanied, if necessary, by explanations from a native speaker of the language being studied. Regular exchange by email with virtual communication, it allows you to improve your writing skills, enriches your vocabulary, expands your sociocultural competence and horizons, and improves your Internet skills.

    Problems of virtual communication

    Most manipulations of information in the information society occur through interactive forms of interaction and influence, since this significantly speeds up the processes of obtaining and processing it. Thus, live communication is devalued, turning into virtual, profitable and accessible, allowing you to simultaneously process multiple information flows in the shortest possible time.

    Virtual communication includes new sign systems, forming new language information society. New system signs appears on the network and also manages information flows. Through virtual language, Internet users express themselves and transmit important information.

    Virtual communication is a special world in which an individual can be either himself or someone else, while not being afraid to express his feelings, emotions, doing incredible things and not being afraid to regret it. The anonymity inherent in Internet communication gives a sense of security and protects against disappointment, allows you to experiment with your image, while real life can be perceived as a source of resentment, pain, disappointment and be filled with fears.

    The problem of virtual communication is that the child, during the period of personality formation, spends all his free time at the computer. Many adults do not find time to take care of their own children, so initially the computer is a real salvation for them, since the child stays at home and is always engaged. Meanwhile virtual addiction from communication is akin to alcohol or drug addiction, which cannot be ignored.

    Signs appear in the following manifestations:

    - an obsessive constant need to look through incoming messages, even if no one should write;

    - spending a long time in front of a computer monitor;

    - a constant strong desire to discuss your every step with friends, posting new photos;

    — for an Internet-addicted young man, it is important how many people visited his page and how they commented on his updates;

    — communication with friends occurs only through a social network;

    - a feeling of terrible disappointment if there is no way to get to a social network page.

    What does this mean? Adolescents' passion for virtual communication can lead to the fact that they stop noticing people, relatives, as well as their problems, becoming irresponsible. Over time, the real world will cease to exist completely for them.

    Virtual communication with a girl

    Despite the wide variety of “channels” for communication on the Internet, there are a number of certain rules for virtual communication that must be taken into account when communicating with girls. To create male attractiveness, psychologists recommend being different from everyone else: girls welcome it when guys joke and argue in a playful manner. If you want to communicate with a girl, you should show your interest, but do not bombard her with emoticons and messages from the first days, from which the girl will conclude that she easily conquered the man.

    Virtual communication with a girl includes the ability to challenge her in the form of jokes so that she draws a conclusion about the guy’s courage and confidence.

    Clear signs that a girl is interested in a guy are:

    — initiation of communication under any pretext;

    — the girl leaves comments and likes;

    — visits the page frequently;

    — actively supports the conversation, asks questions, and joins in the conversation. The height of male charisma is considered to be emotional, interesting conversation with an unexpected farewell, so the girl will understand that they communicated with her for the sake of positive emotions, and not for the sake of a date.

    Hello, Alla. You need to calm down and understand that the man is interested in you and you are attractive to him. This is fine. He honestly voiced his desire. But this does not mean that he cannot be a true friend for you. Life is long and maybe he will also show himself as a friend towards you.
    He did not deceive you or offend you; you imagined his ideal image, which he must now correspond to. But he is ordinary and wants intimacy with the one he loves, “he started writing to me again and declaring his love.”
    “I shared all my experiences with him. He appeared online and disappeared, citing work and difficulties, and with each absence I felt emptiness and confusion” - You have become emotionally dependent on communicating with this man, we recommend sharing your experiences with your husband or making virtual friends on women’s forums.