• Why doesn't USB work on the motherboard? Why USB ports on a laptop do not work and how to fix it

    USB technology is one of the most important of the huge number of technologies that have had a great impact in the computer world. USB (stands for Universal Serial Bus) is a serial interface designed for data transfer for medium and low-speed computer peripheral devices.

    This technology has made it possible to work with scanners, printers, and also external devices (USB flash drives, hard drives external) truly light and comfortable. All actions related to USB installation devices come down to the “Plug and Play” principle. These devices have become truly mobile thanks to USB technology. Today, laptops, desktop PCs, as well as various gaming devices, cameras, smartphones, navigators, TVs and other devices are equipped with USB ports.

    USB 2.0 ports data transfer occurs at speeds up to 480 Mbps, in the USB 3.0 version maximum speed transmission rises to 5 Gbit/s. The USB symbol is a kind of trident that is drawn on both USB devices and computer connectors.

    This technology has already been sufficiently studied and has undergone many improvements, and therefore USB ports rarely cause any problems when used correctly, and troubleshooting them causes little hassle. In this article we will look at the basic principles for troubleshooting any problems that may arise with USB ports.

    • if the USB ports are on motherboard have mechanical damage, they should be disconnected from the motherboard (connectors on the front of the case) or sealed with tape so that they are not used. Such ports should be replaced with new ones in a workshop at the first opportunity.
    • Do not connect devices if there is visible mechanical damage to the USB connectors, and do not connect devices if there is external damage to the case or there is a burning smell.
    • Do not overload USB ports. The current in them is limited: for USB 2.0 - 500 mA, for 3.0 - 900 mA. Do not increase the number of USB ports using different USB multipliers. New motherboards have up to 10 ports, which is quite enough. It is safer to purchase an additional PCIe or PCI USB controller than to work via a USB “tee”.
    • Before connecting USB, in order to remove static voltage, it is recommended to touch the grounded body of the system unit. Static discharges are often main reason failure of USB devices.

    If the USB ports stop working on a laptop, then it becomes very difficult to work on it - you cannot connect a scanner, a printer, or a flash drive. Unlike desktop computers, installation additional controller USB is a very expensive pleasure.

    When error messages like this appear " USB device not recognized", in most cases, the problem may be with the USB port. This problem can be solved quite easily, because it arises at the software level.

    Any hardware device interacts with the operating system through the driver. Most device problems are resolved using drivers. This also applies to non-functioning USB ports. Below we will look at several ways to help troubleshoot USB ports at the software level.

    Restart your computer

    If the ports suddenly stop working, and the computer does not detect the USB device, then the easiest way to fix the sudden problem is to restart the computer. Restart your computer. If there were no problems loading the drivers, then this problem will be eliminated after a reboot.

    Update hardware configuration in Device Manager

    If in at the moment restarting the computer is not advisable (for example, some important operation is being performed), then without restarting the entire computer, you can “reload” the driver using Device Manager. To launch it, you need to right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and select “Manage”. Or go to the “Start” menu and find the “Run” program there, launch it, and then enter the command devmgmt.msc in the field.

    A window will open in front of you, where you need to left-click once on the list of devices, then click the “Action” tab in the main menu and point to the “Update hardware configuration” button. A section should appear in the list of devices: USB controllers" If it appears, it means your problem has been solved and the USB ports should work.

    Disabling the USB controller

    Another way to get the USB ports to work is to unplug and then reinstall the USB controller. To do this, launch Device Manager. We find it in the list of equipment USB partition controllers. In this section, right-click on each of your devices, then delete them all. Once all controllers have been removed, restart your computer. The controllers will be reinstalled and the USB ports will become available again.

    Updating USB controller drivers

    The cause of USB ports not working may be damage to the USB controller drivers. The solution is to find the correct drivers and reinstall them. To download the appropriate drivers, you need to find out the manufacturer of the specific USB device port. By installing the correct driver, the problem should be resolved immediately.

    Disabling other USB devices

    It happens that USB ports do not work because they are overloaded when there are too many USB devices connected. USB hubs sometimes do not provide sufficient power to the devices connected to it. Some connected device can use the full power of the USB controllers. If the equipment is connected to a USB hub, then reconnect the device to USB port directly.

    You can leave your device connected to the USB hub, but you must first turn off other devices in the hub. Buy a USB hub that has its own power supply, which will provide sufficient power to all devices connected to it.

    If none of the above methods helped you, then most likely the USB ports are physically damaged. Or the USB controller is damaged, south bridge on the motherboard in particular. IN in this case, it is best to repair or replace service center USB port controller.

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    Hello, dear readers! Every time you start the computer, all devices installed in the computer are initialized, data about drivers and various utilities is read. But sometimes there comes a time when a device connected to a personal computer is not detected by the operating system.

    It is at this point that we have an anxious moment and wonder why doesn't workUSBport? What exactly is the matter and what needs to be done to make the port work? In the end, as they say, there is a way out. But first, let's figure out how everything works and what the essence of this material is.

    So, many of us use the USB port constantly when working on a computer, as if it is impossible to do without it, although in fact it is so. In computers, as you know, USB ports are present not only on the front panel, but they can also be seen on the front panel of the case system unit, for example in a card reader.

    So, at present, the USB port is the heart of the system, so to speak, the exchange of information that can be transferred at any time to the PC system available at that time. I am already silent about the fact that using ports it is possible to enter data into a computer (mouse, keyboard). The location of ports on a personal PC is always different, it is worth adding that in advanced systems, gaming platforms, additional USB-ports.

    As always, as it usually happens, one fine day a moment comes when the USB port does not work, that is, the USB port simply hangs, glitches, is not detected by the system, or rather, it does not work correctly. In today’s article, I suggest you consider the reasons, as well as solutions, for a non-working USB port.

    We wonder why the USB port does not work?

    Firstly, if when you connect a flash drive to a computer or some other equipment, the port does not work quite correctly or the device connected to the computer is not detected by the system at all, then in this case you should make sure that the controller on the PC motherboard is turned on .

    Quite often, users forget to turn on the USB controller. It seems like a simple, but still common problem when the user starts the PC, but the device is not detected. It’s possible to fix everything here; to do this, you need to go into the BIOS and enable the appropriate parameter. By the way, if you don’t know what a BIOS is, then I recommend that you definitely read the article

    So, go to the BIOS and find the item “Integrated Peripherals - this applies to Award BIOS", or in Ami BIOS- Advanced.

    Next, press “Enter” and go to “Onboard Devices Configuration” and make sure that the “USB Function” and “USB 2.0 Controller” items are in the “Enabled” position. If everything is so, then everything is included. Otherwise, the parameter can be turned OFF, position “Disabled”. If the option is disabled, you should enable it. Next, save the changes, then reboot the PC system and check the functionality of the USB port. Be sure to check whether the USB ports on the front panel of the system unit are connected to the motherboard itself using the so-called connector.

    If the port still doesn’t work, then we move on.

    Secondly, or maybe the problem is that the port is not working and is completely hidden in the USB extension cable? For example, there are situations when the computer does not recognize a peripheral device (printer), for the simple reason that it USB cable just damaged. The reason for cable damage can be very varied, for example, you accidentally placed a chair on the cable or some heavy object and simply pinched it. Therefore, do not be lazy to check the cable itself.

    Thirdly, it is quite rare to encounter such a problem when the USB port does not have enough power. I'll give you concrete example. Imagine that you have connected a flash drive and a printer to the front of the system unit case in the USB connector. As a result, the operating system, when sending data for printing, informs us that the document could not be printed. In general, your computer simply does not see the printer. And if you restart the computer, the printer is detected by the system, and you can easily print a document. However, after a while, the computer again loses connection to the printer and the printer does not print. Do you know why?

    This seemingly trivial problem at first glance is due to the fact that there is a lack of power for the USB port. As a result, the USB port refuses to function properly. Basically, such an incident associated with a lack of power occurs when connecting several devices to the front panel of USB ports.

    Of course, not always, but such situations still occur. These USB ports are connected to the motherboard using a cable. In addition to transmitting data, this cable also powers the USB hubs themselves. It is possible that the power supplied simultaneously to two devices connected to the USB hub may not be sufficient. In this case, I can recommend that you connect the printer to the built-in USB port, which is located on the PC motherboard.

    You can also change CMOS battery on the board. It happens that the problem completely disappears after replacing the battery on the motherboard. What kind of battery is this and where it is located, you can find out in this article:

    In general, if you have don't workUSB port, which is located on the front panel of the system unit case, then try replacing the USB hub itself. Who knows, maybe it is the one that is faulty.

    You can also try plugging the cable into another USB connector on the motherboard.

    Fourth, if the USB port controller, which is responsible for identifying and starting the device itself, has failed, then things are, of course, bad. There is, of course, the opportunity to take and resolder the controller itself on the motherboard, but this takes time, you need to have the controller itself, and, of course, the soldering station. From a time-cost point of view, it is not entirely advisable. Another option is to entrust it to specialists, although there are also some pitfalls, price, quality of work, as well as the competence of the specialist who specifically works on this problem.

    Fifthly, peripheral and mobile devices may not be recognized on your computer due to the lack of drivers and special software. We cannot exclude the fact that if you use your operating system already enough for a long time and the system was not updated at all, and indeed Windows assembly is not the original version, then in this case it happens that the drivers are considered outdated and therefore the system constantly freezes.

    Sometimes Windows disables the USB hub altogether to save power. To prevent the USB device from being disconnected, you will need to do the following.

    Open “Device Manager” by right-clicking on the “Computer” shortcut and selecting “Properties”.

    After the Device Manager window has opened, double-click with the left mouse button on “USB Controllers” and expand the branch.

    Now all you have to do is go to the root USB hub and in the “Power Management” section uncheck the box, as shown in the figure below.

    Sixth, sometimes reinstalling the operating system helps fix the problem when don't workUSBport. Although, of course, first try to roll back the system to its previous state. Here is an article that will tell you how to do this:

    Seventh, perhaps there is some faulty equipment in your system, which is precisely the obstacle to normal operation USB port.

    This problem very relevant in our time. After all, quite often users directly encounter this. So, there is a solution. USB ports on your computer may freeze, contacts may short out, and many more. additional problems may occur when working at a computer.

    We find a way out of our situation, check all devices for connection and disconnection. You will need to disconnect all devices and connect one at a time, for example, connect the keyboard first and see if it works, then connect the next device, let it be a mouse and so on. Connect additional USB devices, if they don’t work, then the problem is solved or you need to look in peripheral devices, maybe there is a short circuit there, but you never know.

    Eighth, they completely forgot to enable the serial bus controller in the device manager. There are times when you don't pay attention to USB operation devices, turned on the computer, downloaded music, listen and enjoy new works of art. True, everything comes unexpectedly, suddenly you need a USB device, and then there is silence, it doesn’t work. The thought immediately comes to mind, maybe the controller is not turned on, let me take it and check, it is so.

    Every PC has a device manager that shows which devices are connected, whether all drivers are installed and updates made.

    In general, I think that you probably already know that if any driver is missing, the system automatically marks it in yellow exclamation point, this means a malfunction, as a result, with two clicks of the mouse you open additional window, information about the fault code and the possibility of restoring it is displayed here.

    Ninth, if all of the above methods did not give a positive result, then I recommend that you install a USB PC controller on the motherboard.

    If your computer has a low-power power supply, for example 300 W, then it is likely that the cause of all the troubles is hidden in it, install a more powerful power supply, say 500 W, and check if the USB ports are working.

    Concluding today's article, I would like to say that it is not always possible to easily find the culprit of all problems, sometimes it is not enough to simply reinstall Windows to find out what really happened.

    If there are no drivers for serial bus controllers and the controllers themselves are marked with an exclamation mark, in this case you should either install drivers for the controller, or you can remove all controllers and restart the computer. After the computer boots, the system will try to install them again, and perhaps all USB ports will work properly again.

    So, to summarize today’s article, we can only note that if the USB port on the computer does not work, then the cause of all the troubles may lie in both hardware and software. In general, I have said everything I wanted to tell you about today.

    How do you like today’s article and what can you add to everything said above? In the next issue you will find out =>

    There are different types malfunctions related to the operation of the front USB ports on personal computer. Sometimes a problem occurs when all the front ports do not function. In other cases, when only one does not work or works poorly. We will try to talk about each of the situations when USB ports do not work.

    Simultaneous failure of all front ports

    First, it is necessary to clarify that the front ports differ from the rear ones in that they are connected to the “motherboard” through a special cable, while the latter are part of the motherboard.

    First probable cause The solution to which USB ports on the front panel of the computer often do not work is to disable the USB port controller. It is located on the motherboard. You can enable it using BIOS menu. You can get here by restarting your computer and pressing one of the keys. This is usually the F2 or Delete key.

    In the BIOS you will need to go to the Integrated Peripherals section. There is a USB Configuration menu here. You need to find out what position the USBController is in. If it says Disabled next to it, it means the controller is not working. Switch to the Enabled position. Save the changes and restart the computer.

    You can check all USB ports by going to Device Manager. It contains the section “Serial Bus Controllers” USB connectors" Some of the items may be marked yellow exclamation mark. Why? This indicates a malfunction or bad work one of the ports. Detailed information is in context menu, called by right-clicking on the device name. It is worth deleting all controllers in the “Manager” and then restarting the computer. Windows OS is capable of restoring all controllers at boot time on its own.

    The Windows operating system sometimes disables one or all front ports specifically to save power. We can manage our own nutrition, so our task is to at this stage– prohibit the system from doing this. We will again need the “Device Manager” and the “Universal USB Bus Controller”. Next, click on the line “USB Root Hub” with the left button. Here we go to the “Power Management” menu. Uncheck the “Allow shutdown to save energy” checkbox. We do this procedure with each USB.

    There is another reason why they do not work, it lies in failures or malfunction Windows systems. Most often this happens if operating system Constant updates are disabled. It is highly desirable to restore lost system files or reinstall Windows completely. Problems with the front ports arise due to incorrect OS assembly. Therefore, it is important to use only proven Windows builds.

    What to do if only one front USB input does not work

    One of possible reasons The reason why this happens is that the cable connecting the front ports to the motherboard. Then the problem with the operation of one of the ports is solved by replacing this cable yourself or with the help of specialists.

    The malfunction may occur if we connect several devices to the front USB ports, for example, at once external drive and a phone or something else. There may not be enough electricity for one of them. This situation leads to both port shutdown and intermittent operation. This happens because the front port interface may not have an additional power source, that is, an adapter. Sometimes we don't notice that the front USB ports are faulty. Problems arise only when the main adapter is not sufficient for our immediate needs. And they can be solved by purchasing a USB hub with an additional power source. After replacement, we are able to connect any peripheral devices.

    Before starting any of the operations listed in the article to correct deficiencies, you need to check the contacts connecting the cable to the motherboard. A lot of problems with front USB ports can be solved this way.

    Immediately after installation of the operating room Windows systems 7 Some users notice that the USB ports on their computer do not work. Let's figure out what actions need to be taken to be able to connect devices to a PC using the above protocol.

    Let us immediately note that this article will talk about a specific problem after installing, reinstalling or updating Windows 7, that is, about a situation where before installing the operating system everything worked fine, but after performing the specified procedures, it stopped functioning. We won't stop at others possible malfunctions related to the fact that the computer does not see USB devices. A separate lesson is devoted to this problem on the site.

    The problem we are studying has two main causes:

    Method 1: USB Oblivion

    This solution is suitable just in case you upgraded to Windows 7 from an earlier operating system. In this case, entries in the system registry about previous connections of USB devices may be saved, which will be incorrect in the updated OS, which will lead to problems with further connection attempts. In this case, all records of previous connections must be deleted. The easiest way to do this is with USB utilities Oblivion, which is precisely intended for this purpose.

    Method 2: Microsoft USB Troubleshooter

    Microsoft has its own USB troubleshooter. Unlike the previous utility, it can help not only after installing the operating system, but also in many other cases.

    Method 3: DriverPack Solution

    After Windows installations 7 It is possible that your computer will not be able to receive or transmit data via USB protocol due to the lack of necessary drivers. This situation is especially common if you have installed USB connectors 3.0. The fact is that Windows 7 was developed even before this standard began to be implemented en masse. For this reason, the basic version of the said OS does not contain the necessary drivers immediately after installation. In this case, they need to be installed.

    The easiest way to solve this problem is if you have a disk with the necessary drivers. In this case, you just need to insert it into the drive and extract the contents to your computer using the prompts that appear. The functionality of the USB ports will be restored. But what to do if you don’t have it at hand? required disk? We will consider the actions that need to be taken in this situation below.

    The easiest way to solve the problem is with the help of tools designed to find and install the missing drivers on your computer. One of best apps V this class is .

    1. Launch the program. When activated, it will simultaneously scan the system for connected devices and detect missing drivers.
    2. Click on the button "Set up your computer automatically".
    3. After this, the program itself will create a restore point in case an error is made during the setup process or you simply want to roll back to the old settings in the future.
    4. After this, the procedure for installing drivers and configuring some PC parameters will be performed.
    5. After the procedure is completed, a message will appear indicating that all necessary settings have been completed and missing drivers installed.
    6. Now you need to restart your PC. Click "Start". Next, click on the triangular icon located on the right side of the button "Shut up". Click.
    7. After restarting, you can check whether the USB ports are working or not.

    Method 4: Manually installing drivers

    The necessary drivers can also be installed without installing additional software to search for them. But this will require a little more tinkering.

    1. Click "Start". Sign in "Control Panel".
    2. Go to "System and Security".
    3. In the list of tools "System" click on the item "Device Manager".
    4. The interface will be displayed "Device Manager". A list will be presented in the shell that opens various types devices that are currently connected to your desktop computer or laptop. Click on the group name "USB Controllers".
    5. A list of elements will open. You need to find one of the following names in the list:
      • Generic USB Hub;
      • USB root hub;
      • USB Root Controller.

      These are the types of ports. The list will most likely have one of these names, but it may appear multiple times depending on the number of USB outputs on your computer. Despite this, it is enough to perform the procedure described below with one of the identical elements, since drivers will be installed on the computer for all ports of the same type. If there are several different names of elements from the above list, then for each of them you will have to perform manipulations separately.

      So, right click ( RMB) by element name and select from the list "Properties".

    6. A window will open in which you need to click on the name of the tab "Intelligence".
    7. After that in the field "Properties" select an option from the drop-down list "Equipment ID". In the area "Meaning" The device ID will be displayed, that is, in our case, the USB port.
    8. This data must be saved. They can be written down or copied. To do the second option, just click RMB by area content "Meaning" and select from the menu "Copy".

      Attention! The main thing is that after this, do not copy any more data until the search operation is completely completed. necessary drivers. Otherwise you will simply replace the information in "Clipboard" about driver IDs with new data. If you still need to copy something else during the procedure, then first paste the data from the equipment properties window into "Notebook" or any other text editor. This way, if necessary, you can quickly copy them again.

    9. Now you can proceed directly to searching for the necessary drivers. Open your browser and go to one of the popular ones - DevID or DevID DriverPack. You need to enter the data that you copied in advance into the search field of the site and click on the button that starts the search.
    10. After this, the search results will open. Select the option that matches your operating system (in our Windows case 7) and its bit size (32 or 64 bits), and then click on it.

      If you use the DevID DriverPack service, you will need to specify the OS name and bit depth there before you start the search.

    11. After you have gone to the driver page, download it, unpack it from the archive if necessary, and run it on your computer, following the prompts that will be displayed on the monitor. After restarting the PC, the problematic USB ports should work. If this does not happen, then look for the origins of the problem in incorrect registry entries, as described above.
    12. There is another option for downloading the necessary drivers - do it from the official website of the manufacturer of USB controllers that are installed on your PC. But in this case, you must definitely find out the address of this Internet resource, as well as the exact name of the controller model.

    There are two main reasons why USB ports may not work after installing Windows 7, although before that they functioned normally. Firstly, these are incorrect entries in the system registry left over from the old OS, and secondly, the lack of necessary drivers. Each of these problems can be solved in several ways, which we described in detail in this article. So, after reading the material, users can independently choose the most convenient and acceptable course of action for them.

    A number of laptop users may encounter a situation where USB ports on laptop not working, and devices connected through them are not recognized Windows system. This problem occurs quite often and can have many causes, making it difficult for the user to work with the USB devices he needs on his computer. In this article I will tell you why USB ports on a laptop do not work, what are the reasons for this phenomenon and how to fix it.

    Causes of the problem when USB ports on a laptop do not work

    So, why did the USB ports on the laptop stop working? The reasons for this dysfunction may be the following:

    How to fix non-working USB ports

    In order to fix non-working USB ports on a laptop, you need to do the following:

    • Restart your laptop. It is recommended to turn it off completely, remove battery for a few minutes, then return it back and boot the operating system again;
    • Inspect the USB connectors of your laptop, if necessary, clean them from dust using a regular wooden toothpick;
    • Try connecting your device to another USB connector; perhaps the first connector is no longer functioning;
    • If you are connecting your USB device via a cable, try changing the latter, this may help the problem when the USB ports on the laptop do not work;
    • Make sure that the connected USB device works; to do this, connect it to another computer;
    • Go to BIOS and make sure that the USB functions are enabled;

    • Manually recognize USB devices using the system. Click on the Start button, type devmgmt.msc in the search bar and press enter. Device Manager will appear in front of you, click on the name of the list of devices at the top (usually the name of your computer), click on the “Action” tab, and select “Update hardware configuration” there. If the system finds USB controllers during this procedure, then your problem can be solved;

    • Remove and then reinstall the USB controllers. Go back to Device Manager as described above, find “USB Controllers” there, and double-click on this entry. A list of USB controllers will open in front of you, right-click on the first one and select “Delete”.

    • Similarly, delete all controllers in the list. Then restart your PC, these controllers will be automatically installed by the system again, this can help fix the problem when the USB ports on the PC do not work;
    • Reinstall the drivers for the USB. Usually, the laptop comes with a disk with drivers, including a USB driver; you just need to install it on the computer and the problem will be solved. If your USB connection is highlighted with a question mark or has the status “ unidentified device", then you need to find out the ID of your device, and use this ID to search for drivers on the network;
    • If you have several connected USB devices, then try turning them off and leaving only what is needed at this moment;
    • Download and run a special utility from Microsoft, it can help fix problems with USB if the USB ports on the laptop are not functioning;
    • Perform a system rollback to a previous working restore point. Click Start, type rstrui in the search bar and press enter. Find a restore point at which the system worked correctly and perform a rollback;

    • If everything doesn't work for you USB ports, and the above methods did not help, then perhaps your south bridge has burned out. Its replacement (or warming up) is carried out at a service center using special equipment; contact them for advice and assistance.

    Video solution to a situation where the USB port does not see the device

    In this material, I examined a situation in which the USB ports on a laptop do not work, listed a list of reasons for this dysfunction and provided a number of tips for solving it. If you don’t know what exactly caused these problems with USB ports, then consistently follow the entire set of tips I listed, this will help to effectively solve the problem with malfunctioning USB ports on your PC.