• Program for reading djvu online. How to open djvu? Three simple free ways

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. You've probably come across scanned images on the Internet. books in Djvu format(their files have the same extension).

    Usually, it is not fiction that is distributed online in this way, but books containing drawings, graphs, formulas and other things that are quite difficult to translate into digital format using text recognition programs.

    At first I thought this one was strange djvu format() is a regular set raster images(photos) resulting from scanning the book. But in this case the file size would be very large, and we do not observe this.

    What is a file with such a mysterious extension and how can you open it to start reading the information contained in “déjà vu”, and what programs are best to use. I will try to answer all these questions in this article.

    What is a Djvu file?

    It turns out that djvu was developed about fifteen years ago and is a very successful mixture of test and graphic formats. In principle, when digitizing books, two scenarios are possible:

    1. Perform text recognition on a scanned page and save it using compression algorithms, which allows you to get a very small weight of the final file. The downside is that you lose images, backgrounds, notes in the margins, dog-ears, and other things that may be important in some cases. But it will be possible to conduct a full search using recognized texts.
    2. You can save scanned texts as pictures, for which these or tiff are suitable. However, the weight of even one scanned page will be prohibitively high if we want to maintain quality. Well, it will be impossible to search through texts.

    Djvu combines the advantages of the methods described above, while having virtually no disadvantages. Format Deja vu can be classified as text-graphic, which in itself already sounds unusual, but it promises a lot of dividends. Judge for yourself:

    1. The original scanned image is compressed in Djvu ten times more tightly than it would be using JPEG, and its quality remains virtually unchanged. At the same time, jpeg will definitely blur the text, graphics, and everything that is possible, and our hero will leave everything in its original form.
    2. An A4 sheet, scanned and converted to déjà vu, will weigh around 50 kilobytes (read about that) if the source had color graphics (or background), and around 10 kilobytes if it was black and white. Lepota, and this is taking into account the fact that the scanning was carried out in high resolution 300 DPI. The same file saved in tiff format (without loss of quality) would weigh several hundred times more.
    3. The Djvu file contains a text layer through which you can conduct a full search, and if you wish, you can leave only it (removing the color mask and background information), which will further reduce the size.

    All this is achieved thanks to a rather original approach. I could be wrong, but in my opinion it is as follows:

    1. Separate the text of the page and its background. The algorithm monitors many factors and correct settings may even rip out the text component from the cover of a magazine, where words can also be used as a background.
    2. The text is saved in a one-bit version (black and white) and is compressed quite tightly.
    3. The background is saved separately and compressed a little less efficiently.
    4. Information about the color of the text and illustrations used in the book is also compressed, but using a different algorithm.
    5. As I already mentioned, the Djvu format provides a separate text field, thanks to which you can search through scanned books.

    But we are interested in the issues of creation and principles of data formation in déjà vu files insofar as, and it will be much more interesting to find out how they can be open and read Djvu.

    Naturally, for this purpose special reading programs (readers) are used, which can be used both for the computer and for mobile devices based on Android or iOS (ipad, iPhone). It’s convenient, after all, on the way home or to work to increase your level of education by reading a smart book on your mobile phone.

    How to open Djvu - reading programs on a computer

    There are several programs that are designed to work only with deja vu files, and there is a series universal solutions, which allow you to read books in almost any form. There are also Djvu editors that allow you to edit or even create your own masterpieces.

    Among Deja Vu readers intended for computers, it is worth highlighting the following readers:

      It fully supports the Russian language and even managed to be captured by the “great and terrible” Yandex, forcing you almost by force and default search in all your browsers:

      In general, they make it possible to abandon all this wealth (including), but not everyone pays attention to this when installing the program. Of course, with the same one it all looks even more intrusive, but the leading Runet search engine has also already filled all the free programs with its add-ons to the point of “don’t play around.”

      As I already mentioned, Djvu can have a text layer embedded, so when reading books containing it, you can search by words and phrases.

      On the left, WinDjView has a navigator with page thumbnails, and at the top there is a toolbar where you can open new file, change the scale and type of page display (endless strip or imitation of a book spread), and also rotate them, if necessary, at an angle multiple of 90 degrees.

      What’s noteworthy is that this deja vu reader opens new books in new tabs, which allows you to work with several materials at once in one program window. It is also possible to make bookmarks and leave comments (from context menu right mouse button). Can be used magnifier from the toolbar and full screen mode viewing (in this case, pages can be scrolled with a simple mouse click).

      If you select from the menu WinDjView programs“File” - “Settings”, then on the second tab you can set the inversion of colors (for example, in order to read white text on a black background), as well as adjust the brightness, contrast or gamma for better perception of a document in Djvu format.

      At the beginning of the article, I mentioned that in déjà vu, the scanned document is broken down into a black and white text component, a background, and foreground color information. So, in WinDjView all this can be clearly seen by selecting “view” - “mode” from the menu.

      Last current version dates back to 2005 (version and its compatibility with modern OS is not guaranteed, although on mine Windows Vista it still works, although not as quickly as its modern counterpart described just above. It does not require installation and works directly from the folder where you unpacked the archive with the program.

      During installation, you need to check the box that you will not use this reader for commercial purposes, so as not to pay for the program.

      Well, STDU Viewer will also ask you which file extensions you would like to associate it with, except for deja vu.

      In principle, there is nothing so global in this reader that would not be in WinDjView, but... Firstly, it’s captivating a huge number of formats, which can be opened and read using this program.

      Secondly, a very convenient and thoughtful interface.

      Almost all of the reader’s functionality is displayed in the form of toolbars located around the entire perimeter of the program window. The place where page thumbnails are usually displayed book to read, has as many as six tabs located at the bottom.

      Not all of them apply to Djvu, but still. The same bookmarks, which can be designed in the form of a tree, can easily replace the missing navigation in your reference book or reference book.

      The brightness and contrast settings are also displayed as an icon in the lower right corner, where there are also buttons for switching the document display mode.

      Thirdly, there are some nice functional delights that will help during daily work with STDU Viewer:

      Well, fourthly, there is a huge number of settings that can be made in STDU Viewer so that this reader is fully suited to your habits and needs.

      For example, you can configure (File - Program Settings) even appearance tabs, which, of course, is a trifle, but quite pleasant:

    Djvu readers for Android and iOS (iPad and iPhone)

    For some reason, I mostly manage to read books on the road, but there are always a lot of other, more important and interesting things to do. In this regard, I was faced with the task of downloading some suitable deja vu reader for my beloved iPad, received as a gift from Profit Partner, but also in combination with everything - for an Android phone.

    At the same time, I try to try everything free options programs and applications, before coming to the conclusion that I have no other option but to part with my hard-earned money. Actually, the main candidates for the place of Djvu are e-readers for iOS on the Internet. DjVU Book Reader.

    Everything seems to be fine, both reviews and screenshots, but they are asking for it, albeit a small, but still a sum of money (169 rubles). I thought that the light had not converged like a wedge on this software and I was in Apple Store entered into search bar the word Djvu and asked to filter only free applications.

    After testing for opening various files in the format of deja vu and evaluation of usability and functionality, among free programs for iPad a clear leader has emerged - KyBook.

    The software is unique, in my opinion, because while it is free, it fully supports EPUB, FB2, PDF, DJVU, CBR, CBZ and audiobooks in MP3, M4A, M4B formats.

    When reading, the pages turn beautifully (the animation can be customized), there are a lot of settings and functionality, such as creating bookmarks, leaving notes, searching through the contents of a book, etc. things that are available from top panel tools.

    The KyBook reader has unexpectedly many settings:

    Including there is a separate group of settings for this reader for PDF and DJVU formats:

    In the library of this reader, you can sort books, create shelves for them, move files between them, rename them, and do everything that is usually required from such programs.

    In addition, it is possible to use your existing applications for working with cloud storage systems such as , or Google Drive.

    True, by providing access to your files in Dropbox and other clouds, KyBook warns you that it can even change them, which I personally don’t really like.

    That's why I Djvu files are thrown into the Dropbox folder on the computer (via Wi-Fi), after which I open the application of the same name on the iPad and add them to my favorites, so that they are not later pulled over the mobile Internet, which is not always fast and also limited.

    It seems to me that it will be safer this way.

    Now it’s time to move on to the question of how to open Djvu on Android. The Internet told me that optimal options are two free apps, which I still use to this day, because I didn’t have any particular complaints about their work, but just in case I left both of them in case one of them won’t be able to open some twisted deja vu file.

    So, I present to you deja vu readers for Android:

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

    You can watch more videos by going to

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    Program DjVu Reader is an easy-to-use, low-machine browsing tool graphic files DjVu format.

    DjVu format (from the French déjà vu - “already seen”) - storage format graphic images with losses. It was developed in the late 1990s by AT&T specialists. This format was originally created for storing scanned copies of books, magazines, and newspapers. The format is also effectively used for storing documents for which design details are important.

    The DjVu Reader program is built using an open source library source code DjVuLibre. The program does not require installation, it is launched from the archive unpacking directory.

    DjVu Reader allows you to simultaneously work with several DjVu documents. Please note that the tabs with document names are located not at the top, as is now common in most programs, but at the bottom, which seems somewhat unusual, but is no less convenient.

    Functionality of the DjVu Reader program

    The program menu consists of only two items: “File” and “Help”. In the “File” menu, operations are available to open a file, exit the program, and clear the list previously open documents. In the “Help” menu, a short information about the program is available, from which it is clear that the program was developed by our compatriot Dmitry Garkaev.

    There are two groups of image manipulation operations available on the toolbar: view mode and page mode. In viewing mode, you can choose to show the background, foreground, mask, or the entire color image separately. In Page mode, you can choose how pages are grouped when displaying a file.

    The zoom bar and page navigation bar are also located on the Quick Access Toolbar.

    Each of the panels discussed can be closed and then reopened from the Toolbar menu located on the right side of the viewing area.

    To the left of the viewing panel there is another service panel, which can operate in one of four modes:

    • information;
    • setting;
    • preview;
    • content.
    In the setup mode, the user can adjust the brightness and contrast values, in the preview mode, select a specific page to view by its thumbnail image, and in the content view mode, navigate through the document by sections of its content.

    So, the considered program for viewing files in the DjVu format is a lightweight and extremely simple utility for reading documents, while having all the necessary functionality.

    DjVu Reader easy program for a pleasant reading.

    Hello. DjVu(translated from the language of love, i.e. from French - “already seen”) is an image compression technology designed specifically for storing scanned documents, such as magazines, books, manuscripts, instructions... The main advantage of this format is that what document is in DjVu It turns out to be three times smaller in size compared to PDF. For example, a magazine in PDF “weighs” 90 MB, but in DjVu it is only 30 MB - feel the difference, as they say.

    And this is without loss of quality, by the way. And also, if you view documents in this format directly from the Internet, it is loaded gradually as you read it - there is no need to wait full load, increases speed and convenience.

    But the thing is that this wonderful document storage format is not so widespread and many users do not know about it at all, they do not know how to open and read a document in DjVu format. Some even mistake a downloaded file in this format for a virus and delete it immediately. 😯 But all you need is DjVu reader format. It is this, or rather such programs, that we will talk about today.

    Such special programs many, moreover, some PDF readers support this format, but we’ll talk about these monsters some other time, and today we’ll get acquainted with two light and fast DjVu format viewers - WinDjView And DjVuReader. The first is more sophisticated, and the second is small, portable, but English and with less functionality, nevertheless it is also cool and has the right to recommend it.

    DjVu reader

    Installation and description of WinDjView

    Here attention is paid to the machinations of enemies. Put an end to it and uncheck the boxes - “why do we need a blacksmith, we don’t need a blacksmith!”

    And we meet the main window of the program WinDjView

    Now we need, in fact, the file itself in DjVu format. For example, I downloaded a wonderful magazine from my troubled childhood - Murzilka. There was a magazine, they don’t make stuff like that anymore, they’re good. Let's move on...

    If you also have a file of such an incomprehensible type, let’s make an association of this format with the program so that the appearance becomes like this...

    ...and it opened immediately in our program by default, with one click. RIGHT click on the file and...

    Now everything is fine - we got...

    I hope you know how to maximize program windows to full screen, if not, then here’s a great one for you tutorial on the basics of working on a computer.

    I advise you to immediately turn on the “width” view - it is more convenient for viewing documents.

    In the left sidebar you can quickly find the page you need...

    All unnecessary elements and panels that you don’t need can be disabled or enabled in the “view” menu item...

    Well, a few program settings are hidden in...

    That's all WinDjView.


    It's even easier here. There is no need to install anything - just open the folder and click on...

    You can place the program shortcut on your desktop for convenience, but don’t move the folder with the program anywhere after that.

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    DjVu Reader is the most popular program, designed for reading djvu format files. The application will be useful for students and teachers who read electronic manuals. Many users do not know, but books and magazines saved in djvu format take up significantly less disk space than PDF files.

    Deja vu Reader in contrast third party programs is a portable application so there is no need to install it. The speed of opening files is 2 times higher than when working with PDF. At the same time, the reader practically does not consume system resources.

    Minimum Requirements

    • CPU – Pentium III;
    • RAM – 256 MB;
    • Platform – Windows (from XP to 10);
    • Bit size – 32 (64) bits.

    DjVu Reader for Windows 10 consumes the same amount of resources as other OSes. Resource consumption can only be increased if the book being opened has large size.

    Reader capabilities

    • Opening several documents at the same time;
    • Performing a text search;
    • Copy selected text;
    • Page scaling;
    • Full screen mode;
    • Ability to export individual pages to images;
    • Rotate the page 90 degrees;
    • Changing brightness and contrast levels;
    • Changing the playback mode.


    Portable DjVu Reader has a number of advantages that all users using the program should be aware of. The main advantage is that the application can handle a large amount of information. In this case, any book or magazine opens within a few seconds.

    The DjVu Reader application for Windows 7 or 8 has built-in tools, thanks to which the readability of any document increases several times. Users can enable full screen mode, or zoom in, and change the contrast. Flexible settings will reduce eye pressure.

    Unlike many competitors, the program allows you to open multiple files at the same time. In this case, they will be separated into tabs. This way, you won't have to constantly open and close books to find and organize information.

    Reader in Russian allows users to search and also copy a section of text of interest. Also, the program can export the selected page to a file with a JPG or BMP extension.

    Another advantage of the program is that DjVu Reader can be downloaded for free. At the same time, the website has a Russian version of the product. This will make it easier for the user to manage the program. It should be noted that navigation can be done either with the mouse or with hotkeys.


    Deja Vu Reader has not only pros, but also cons. Typically, if programs are installed on a computer, they automatically detect files to open. As for DjVu Reader, users will have to manually add books and magazines to the program.

    How to download the reader

    To download DjVu Reader, the user needs to visit the developer's website. The program is located on the website "http://djvreader.org/". After downloading official page, it is recommended to change the language to “rus”. To do this, just click on the country flag.

    When the page language is changed, the user needs to click on the hyperlink with the “Download” anchor, which is located on the navigation bar.

    After opening new page, the user just has to click on the link “download DjVu Reader”.

    Good day!

    I'm pretty sure they're amateurs e-books We've already encountered this format dozens of times - DjVu (even its spelling is somewhat unusual?).

    It has a unique feature: the degree of compression of the scanned document in it (and indeed any pictures) is superior to all competitors (surprisingly, it is higher than that of). Thanks to this, even the largest book can be placed in a compact file and transferred over the network.

    However, due to the specificity of the format, it is not possible to open it in every program (and even after opening it, it is not so convenient to read and use the document in many readers). In this article I will recommend several irreplaceable programs that open 99.99% of DjVu files, display them correctly, and allow you to work with them comfortably.

    Note:The article provides programs for Windows. If you need an e-reader for Android, I recommend choosing something universal, for example, these products:

    For reading (readers)

    WinDjView is one of the fastest and most compact programs for viewing this format. It is very convenient that it implements continuous scrolling of pages; on the left there is a panel for quickly moving through the document (contents).

    I will also note the presence of an advanced printing function (allows you to customize the printout in a way that cannot be done in similar software). The program is based on the freely distributed DjVuLibre library.


    • the ability to open multiple documents at once (using tabs, like a browser);
    • the presence of a full-screen version (makes the document easier to read);
    • ability to create bookmarks;
    • ability to adjust contrast, brightness, color scheme etc. for a comfortable pastime;
    • export page to image format (GIF, JPG and JPEG);
    • support for Russian and all popular Windows versions 7, 8, 10.

    A very convenient and compact program for viewing all popular e-book formats: PDF, DjVu, ePub, MOBI, XPS, CHM, CBZ and CBR. Together with a minimalist style interface, low system requirements and ease of use - make it one of the favorite products of millions of users around the world!

    Besides, Sumatra PDF completely free, consumes less memory than many analogues (for example, Adobe Reader), does not require installation (can be carried with you on a flash drive), supports hot keys, display settings, etc.

    Of the minuses: there may be some problems when opening old ones DjVu file ov (apparently, after all, you won’t be able to do without a standard DjVu reader yet...).

    Despite the fact that this program has not been updated for a long time, it copes with its task perfectly! Its main advantages:

    • support for almost any DjVu files;
    • the presence of a side menu with contents, thumbnails, etc. - allows you to quickly navigate through the document;
    • adjusting image brightness and contrast;
    • low PC requirements: especially noticeable when opening large files on weak machines;
    • Convenient navigation using the keyboard (you don’t have to use the mouse at all!)
    • small size, no need for installation;
    • Russian support, Windows support XP, 7, 8, 10.

    Of the minuses (purely in my opinion): there is no smooth scrolling of pages (I’m very used to this).

    To create DjVu (encoding/decoding)

    DjVu Small

    Website: http://www.djvu-soft.narod.ru/scan/djvu_small.htm

    This is one of the most simple programs For DjVu creation-files (from ordinary pictures that everyone is used to working with: TIF, JPG, BMP, GIF and PNG). The program is very convenient, universal, works on almost all Windows 98/NT/XP/7/8/10 operating systems.

    I note that the program can compress one or more images in DjVu (this is called coding ), and unclench (i.e. decode - get/extract pictures from DjVu).

    The program does not require installation. Supports Russian interface.

    To compress images in DjVu you need (see screenshot above):

    1. open folder or files;
    2. select the folder where the received file will be saved;
    3. choose quality (here it’s quite difficult to give a specific recommendation, because you need to choose based on original quality. To begin with, I recommend choosing the “Default” option; if the quality/size of the file is not satisfactory, change it to an excellent option);
    4. Click the "Start" button.

    DjVu DocExpress

    Website: http://www.djvu-soft.narod.ru/soft/

    Very powerful program for creating and editing DjVu documents. For example, a program can turn all pages 90-80 degrees at once, create links to pages inside a file or to individual pages on the Internet.

    As for creating a DjVu file in it, everything is simple:


    Website: http://www.trustfm.net/software/utilities/PdfToDjvuGUI.php

    One of the simplest solutions is PdfToDjvuGUI. The point is that you can create DjVu not from pictures (as in previous versions), but from PDF file. In some cases this is much more convenient and faster.

    After starting the program, just select the file (the "Add PDF" button), and then click on the "Generate DjVu" button (if necessary, set the compression settings).

    Then automatic file conversion will start (just wait until the “black” window is closed). The DjVu file will be created in the same directory in which the PDF added for conversion was located.

    Online conversion services

    Now there are quite a lot of services on the network that offer to upload a file to them and quickly convert it to DjVu. Of course, they can hardly be used for scanned documents (after all, they often contain personal and corporate information). But as an example, here are a couple of options:

    • - the service allows you to quickly convert PDF to DjVu (the file should not exceed 100 MB);
    • - another service (its arsenal has quite a lot of conversion directions). Using the link given above, you will find the opposite option: DjVu to PDF.

    That's all, good luck!