• Program for changing the language. Automatic keyboard language switching

    Of course, touch typing is not very good, but what can you do if you are used to this style of typing and somehow don’t really want to relearn it, although it wouldn’t hurt.

    When I type text, every 2-3 words I glance at the monitor. Sometimes I see that I forgot to switch the keyboard layout. As a result, you have to erase all the words typed in the wrong layout and type the same text again.

    If you forget to switch the keyboard layout, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the program “ Punto Switcher" in this post.

    Switch keyboard layout automatically.

    Program " Punto Switcher"Easy to use. Immediately after installation, the program will monitor the typing of words from the keyboard and if something goes wrong, immediately switch the language layout.

    But there are times when working on a PC with the program turned on is simply not possible.
    Inconveniences arise, for example, when the user plays games for years. The program does not understand the code whether it is worth switch language or not, then it sounds appropriate beep, and keypresses just don't work.

    So that such problems do not arise when playing games or working with another program, it is possible to add the program you need to an exception.

    Open the program double click icon in the system tray, the settings window will open. In it, select the item “ Exclusion programs"Next, click the " Add…" and select the application you need, then click the " button ok»

    Now the program is not will switch language in the application of your choice!

    One more unimportant detail that is worth paying attention to. These are hotkeys. There are situations when a program switches the keyboard language at moments when this is not necessary.

    This happens very often when typing “ Captcha» on the website.

    For example, the situation is like this— The characters from the captcha are typed normally, but on the last character it will take and I'll switch the language. This is very inconvenient (!!!)

    In this case, it’s worth setting up hot keys, or rather just one key! And this " Cancel layout conversion»

    As you have already noticed, I have “F12”. You can put another key as you wish.

    What does this give?
    When the user types a word and happens switching language layout, then you just need to press “F12” and the word will be converted to another layout. Very often you have to use it when typing captcha from a website.

    There is one more inconvenient moment . Still the same captcha! There are times when the captcha was typed successfully, but the layout did not switch, everything is fine. But! At the moment you press the " Enter"is happening switch layout. As a result, the WEB form is sent with an incorrectly typed “Capcha” and you will have to enter the “Capcha” again, and if you register on the site, then you will have to enter other fields again, for example the field “ Password"You'll have to dial again!

    There is only one way out of the situation! Do not press the " Enter" and "Send" etc. to successfully send the WEB form.

    This is perhaps the biggest disadvantage this application, but what can you do? Just be patient or don’t use the program at all!

    In principle, there is nothing more to say. The program also has other settings that I never touch, since everything else suits me by default.
    You can familiarize yourself with them and correct them in the way that suits you!

    It often happens that you write a long message in Skype or type some text in Word, and then you discover nonsense from English letters. And all this happens due to the fact that the layout was not changed in time or the switch keys were simply stuck. With this program, all these problems will be a thing of the past. Moreover, it works in any editor, on websites, in social media. networks or in a messenger running on your computer. You can turn off automatic switching so you can change the layout at will using a preset keyboard shortcut.

    Among others interesting features There is auto-correction for phrases. This is also useful for difficult words, which are not in the program database. By adding them to a special list, the words will be replaced automatically with the option that the user specified. There is also a separate tab for exception programs, where the prescribed rules will not apply. We should also highlight the “Diary” function, which allows you to save absolutely any text information on the computer. To do this, you need to check the appropriate settings tab and enter the password you created.

    In 2008, Yandex acquired Punto Switcher. Therefore, the utility contains many functions related to the Yandex search engine. For example, the “Find in Yandex” function works as follows: by highlighting a word on any site and holding down the Win+S key combination, the user will proceed to search for it in Yandex. For other search functions, you need to assign your own hotkeys.

    Punto Switcher has been successfully working for the benefit of users for 13 years. During this time, it received popular recognition, becoming one of the best programs for working with selected text, switching keyboard layouts and letter case.

    Key Features and Functions

    • automatic replacement incorrectly typed text;
    • the ability to translate text from one layout to another using a keyboard shortcut;
    • takes up about 6-7 MB of RAM;
    • flexible configuration of all program functions using hot keys;
    • it is possible to clear formatting in the contents of the clipboard (Ctrl+Win+V);
    • the ability to save text typed on a computer in the Diary;
    • work with Yandex services.

    The main purpose of the program Punto Switcher is an automatic change of keyboard layout from English to Russian (and vice versa) when typing is not performed in the language that is required. This process is constantly monitored using a built-in dictionary, which contains enough large number most frequently used phrases. Thus, when typing text on the keyboard, you no longer have to worry about having to rewrite it again; the Punto Switcher program converts everything automatically. However, if for some reason this does not happen, you can use the built-in transliterator, which will make the typed text readable in a split second.
    Punto Switcher works using the principle that combinations of some letters are impossible for Russian and English languages. In Russian, for example, a word cannot begin with the letter “b”. The program monitors which letters are typed on the keyboard and, if the program sees an invalid combination, for example, More, after pressing the spacebar, Enter or Tab, the layout automatically switches. A dictionary of several million words is used to identify impossible combinations. Please keep in mind that the program works correctly with Russian and English keyboard layouts; the switching rules are based on the rules of the Russian and English languages.

    Punto Switcher program features:

    • creating and editing your own custom dictionary;
    • correction RANDOM pressing CapsLock;
    • Cancel switching and correcting the typed text by pressing Break. For example, you want to turn the “we” you just typed into “vs” - click Break;
    • switching prevention and correction. For example, you type the password in Latin letters and don't want the layout to switch. Press the right arrow (→ key) and the layout will not switch, but the typed text will be corrected;
    • sound signal for typos;
    • correction of the first two capital letters, for example in the case: RUSSIA - Russia;
    • setting the way to switch layouts;
    • autocorrect. Now you can create shortcuts that will unfold. For example, you write “SNP”, and these three letters turn into the phrase: “With best wishes" Also, you can put the name of your company in autoreplace, for example, SKK - “Samara Cable Company”.

    IN Punto program Switcher includes diary - Punto Diary. The diary is designed to help you save and organize meaningful text that is usually scattered throughout conferences, letters, and chats. Punto Dairy has the ability to search through all the text that a person typed during the week, month, year. A journalist can make an article out of this, a writer can make a book, or you can, flipping through your diary, remember what you did last spring. Punto Diary can be useful for quoting a forgotten chat conversation, recovering text after a program crash, etc.

    Do you forget to change the language when typing on your computer? Having expressed your thoughts into structured written speech at the peak of mental activity, do you suddenly notice that the editor window displays abracadabra of symbols in another language? This problem is often encountered by those who work with typing on different languages. Users are not always able to develop the habit of double-checking the current input language before starting to write.

    To solve this problem, there is a special type of program for Windows - keyboard layout switches. This kind of software, in addition to this function, can usually offer a lot additional features to optimize work with text. Let's look at four such programs below. Three of them can automatically change the input language, and one will do this only at our request. We will only consider offers from free software.

    Product Yandex- this is perhaps the most famous solution for automatic change Russian and English layouts. When it detects data input in one language, while another language is installed, it instantly corrects the typed text and changes the layout to the desired one. In case of unwanted operation, there is a hot key for reverse conversion and language change.

    Being a brainchild Yandex Among additional features, it offers a search for selected words in Wikipedia and search engine services.

    From the program functionality:

    Transliteration, changing case, writing numbers in words;
    Setting custom rules for automatically switching layouts;
    Automatic replacement of words using pre-prepared templates;
    Diary - saving to a special software environment typed text in all Windows applications or only in certain ones;
    Clipboard monitoring;
    Sending text to Twitter;
    Assignment of exception programs.

    It can also check spelling, but only if the spell check module is installed in the system Microsoft Office.

    More ascetic than the previous one, the program also serves to automatically switch layouts and auto-convert the typed text. She has less potential than , but a larger list of language support. Supported 24 language. From her functionality:

    Correcting typos, double capital letters, wrong case;

    Conversion of previously printed text;

    Automatic switching layout to desired language when entering certain characters from the previously specified templates.

    Another tool for automatically switching layouts and auto-editing text as you type it is . This is a multifunctional product, but not all features are available for free. On startup We will see a form for translating text. Details about free features We find out the program in its settings.

    Those that are not available in the free edition are marked "only in Pro version". What is available to us for free? These are, in particular:

    Translation using web services Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translator;
    Spell check;
    Cancel unwanted triggering;
    Convert the case of letters and selected text;

    Automatic layout switching according to specified templates;
    Auto-correction of two capital letters;

    Adding exception programs for which EveryLang will work only in part of the functions or will not work at all.

    After activation paid version Pro we will have access to such functions as: auto-correction of words, monitoring the clipboard, keeping a diary, converting dates and numbers into their uppercase values. We can also use the function SmartClick, which allows you to copy text and perform program operations using mouse keys.

    U There is a portable version.

    The latest program for replacing text with the desired layout is . Very simple, with a primitive interface, with a minimum of functions. Unlike previous participants in the review, it will not be able to transform the text as it is written, but it will do an excellent job of correcting already typed words and phrases at our request. To do this you will need to select required block text and press hotkey transformations. Among other possibilities :

    Reverse spelling of words;
    Letter case conversion;
    Search for words and phrases on Google;
    Translation with participation Google web service Translate.

    One of the program's functions is worth highlighting - sending the typed text to mobile devices by using QR code. We can type some document, message, to-do list, etc. on the computer, and the program will generate for this information QR code. Which, accordingly, can be read by our smartphone or tablet.

    Xfcnj kb e Dfc ,sdftn nfrjt d yfgbcfybb cjj,otybq& Does this often happen to you when writing messages? This is especially true when you type blindly. When, without looking at the monitor, you lean over the keyboard and type while looking only at it, then look at the screen to see what happened and... On the screen, instead of Russian interconnected words, what abracadabra of English letters. Someone curses, someone gets angry, someone silently accepts it. But in any case, this is followed by deleting the typed text, switching the keyboard layout and typing the text again. It is for such cases that smart guys wrote different keyboard switches.

    I wanted to write about one, the most popular, but then I looked on the Internet at competitors and reviews and decided to make a brief review of all keyboard layout switches.
    Although the word “Everyone” is too strong, I found a total of four programs of this class that are worth paying attention to. There were more, but the sites were closed and there was no way to download.
    So, less words - more action!

    1) punto switcher - the most popular and accessible and free and generally the most

    But this is just for starters...
    Advantages of punto switcher:
    - Free
    - There is Russian language
    - Automatically switches keyboard language

    Disadvantages of punto switcher:
    - The ubiquitous Yandex (namely, it bought this program about 3 years ago) as usual puts in its toolbars and home pages during installation. You can, of course, disagree with all these annoying installation proposals, but the fact remains a fact. If you constantly click Next Next Next, then in the end you will install the program and, in addition, a bunch of all sorts of Yandex “goodies”. Personally, this is not necessary for me and therefore I consider it a disadvantage. Yandex is already popular, so why push yourself everywhere?...
    - Some particularly manic individuals claim that Yandex uses it to track your clicks and collect them somewhere... It may seem nonsense to some, but if even Google does the same thing with its vaunted browser, then... think for yourself.
    - Due to the fact that it is especially popular in the user environment, all sorts of bad people calling themselves “hackers” hack it in every possible way and gain access to what you type on the keyboard. This is especially true for passwords. (after that I deleted it).
    - Her interception sometimes forces her to be killed in the process. It is integrated in such a way that if you have it running and you want to play, then it will only interfere with you. My example - I sometimes play CS 1.6, when I log in I forget that I have this program running and as a result it thinks that when I “walk” in the game, it’s as if I’m typing text and it tries in every possible way to “switch” it, which in the end forces me to either just stand or slow down while running or something else.
    - After removal in a standard way it still “hangs” in the system and tracks your clicks. Sometimes the only solution is to reinstall the system.

    2) Arum Switcher alternative to the previous switch. It differs (like any program) in its interface and a number of its bells and whistles.

    Benefits of Arum Switcher:
    - Free
    - There is Russian language
    - There are many settings for you
    You can read more about the program and also download it.

    Disadvantages of Arum Switcher:
    - Switches only when pressing key combinations

    3) Orfo Switcher now it's called Virtual Assistant . Some bad assholes bought it and made it paid.
    Advantages of Orfo Switcher:
    - Honestly, now I don’t even know
    You can read more details at