• Check the temperature of the processor and card online. Ways to check CPU temperature

    Many PC users are tormented by the question: what should the processor temperature be? Sometimes it reaches large values ​​and people worry about whether everything will burn down?! I am very glad that you came to see me. In this article we will try to figure out what temperatures are normal for a processor and in what ways it can be measured.

    The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the PC and is responsible for processing a large amount of information. And the more information it processes, the more it heats up and its temperature increases accordingly. I want to say that there is a very widespread opinion on the Internet that when buying a processor for a computer, it is better to refuse the BOX option with a standard cooler included, and buy separately and not spare money on it. Unfortunately, at one time I skimped on such an option and on my processor you can safely fry eggs. You should be more prudent and don’t repeat my mistakes.

    What should the processor temperature be?

    So, what should the processor temperature of our PC be? If we generalize processor manufacturers, we can say that the critical operating temperature of a processor is 100 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, then destructive processes begin in the processor, and sooner or later it fails. On average operating temperature CPU operation is in the range of 60...80 degrees, and about 40 degrees Celsius when idle.

    Some sources say that for different manufacturers normal temperature processor may differ:

    • Intel- when the processor is loaded, its temperature ranges from 60 to 70 degrees Celsius. If the processor is not loaded, its temperature should be about 35 degrees Celsius
    • AMD- under load, the processors of this manufacturer are in the range from 60 to 80 degrees Celsius. When idle, its temperature should be around 45 degrees Celsius

    Motherboard developers have provided various options for operating a PC and have crammed special sensors to monitor various parameters, including our favorite processor temperature. Most likely, even if you went into the BIOS, you hardly noticed that you can regulate the processor’s power yourself and set it to turn off when it overheats. Some processor models have automatic protection against overheating, but it is still better not to let this happen and carry out regular cleaning system unit or laptops from dust.

    Cooling systems

    In general, there are three main types of cooling systems:

    1. Passive
    2. Active
    3. Liquid

    Passive cooling system- This is a regular heatsink on top of the processor. As you understand, the effect of such a system is not great. Therefore, we immediately move on to the second.

    Active cooling system- this is a well-known cooler (radiator + fan). This type is the most common option for cooling the processor. Even on budget computers, the processor is usually cooled by a cooler.

    Liquid cooling system- the most expensive and most effective. It is a special pump that drives liquid through tubes connected to the processor. The liquid circulates and takes heat away from the processor. You yourself understand that for fluid circulation it is necessary extra food. Typically this type of cooling is used in expensive (gaming) computers.

    How to find out the processor temperature?

    Two ways come to mind:

    • Go into the BIOS and look in the special section
    • Using specialized utilities

    First option. We go into the BIOS by pressing F2 or Del when loading (different manufacturers have different keys). And find the tab System Health. There will be testimony various sensors including processor temperature.

    Second option. Installing the program AIDA64 or CPU-Z or HWMonitor. And there are many similar options. All these utilities show detailed information about the computer and also information from sensors. And of course the processor temperature.

    How to reduce CPU temperature

    If you are concerned about the question of how to reduce the temperature of the processor, then you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the cooling system, or simply put, the cooler. They often and thickly become overgrown with dust, and this directly affects the quality of processor cooling.

    Personally, from time to time I simply take my home vacuum cleaner, put it on low power and remove all this dust. Usually I don't even disassemble the cooler. However, for more high-quality cleaning It's worth disassembling the cooler, or at least disconnecting it from the processor.

    In the vast majority of cases, this simple procedure helps to reduce the operating temperature of the processor and avoid problems with overheating.

    In general, we looked at the temperature - made sure that it was within the acceptable range and calmed down. Otherwise, open the cover of the system unit, disconnect the cooler, place a frying pan on the processor, throw in two eggs, salt to taste and fry the eggs. Don't let the heat go to waste: maniac:. Well, if you don’t have enough heat, you can build one for yourself and warm yourself from it.

    Laptop overheating: causes and methods of cooling

    And laptops are also susceptible to overheating, in my opinion less so, but the problem still exists. If after 20 minutes of use your laptop gets so hot that you can iron clothes with it, then it’s time to think about cooling the device. Its overheating can cause many problems: slowdown, increased fan wear and even melting motherboard(by the way, new laptops automatically turn off when they reach a critical temperature).

    There are many reasons for overheating, but the main ones are:

    1. Pollution. Dust, lint, and other small objects clog your vents over time. The hot air simply has nowhere to escape, and it remains inside. By the way, this problem often occurs among those who like to place their laptop on their laps or bed.
    2. Thermal paste is dry or missing. It fills the microscopic gaps between the processor and the heatsink. If there is no paste (or it has dried out), then heat transfer is disrupted and the processor simply does not have time to cool down.

      Using Applications. If you play new games or launch graphic editors on an old device, then get ready for the fact that in 40 minutes you will be able to fry eggs on your laptop. And don't say I didn't warn you!

    Laptop Cooling Methods

    Before we talk about cooling methods, you need to make sure whether the laptop really needs them. To do this, measure the temperature of the processor and video card using the program. For example, the well-known Aida64 application is suitable. After starting the program, go to the “Computer” tab, then find the “Sensors” item. All the information is contained here (by the way, the program is paid). The processor temperature under load should be on average 85-90 degrees (you can find out the exact numbers on the manufacturer’s official website). The critical temperature of the video card is 100-105 degrees.

    There is also a simpler (and free) program called Speecy. To find out the processor temperature, go to the " CPU” and find the “Average temperature” option. Information about the video card is indicated in the “ Graphics devices" If you find that the temperature is above critical, then proceed to the following steps:

    1. Cleaning .

    Attention! If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

    To clean, you need to disassemble the laptop and get to the motherboard. The difficulty is that laptops from different manufacturers are understood differently. For example, in some laptops, to get to the cooling system, you only need to remove back cover, and in others - completely disassemble the device.

    Once the screws are removed and the motherboard is removed, it's time to start cleaning. To begin, clean the cooler and its blades from dust using a simple brush. Then wipe the vent hole, which is located on the bottom cover. The radiator grille (which is located on the left side of the laptop) needs to be blown out. For this, a simple hair dryer with a narrow nozzle (use cold air) or a special compressor that blows air under high pressure is suitable. If you are not going to change the thermal paste, you can assemble the laptop.

    2. Replacing thermal paste .

    First you need to completely remove the remaining old paste. You can use toilet paper for this. Then wipe the surfaces to be treated with a cloth soaked in alcohol and wipe dry. You can start applying.

    Attention! Thermal paste is applied in a very thin layer to close the microscopic gaps between the heatsink and the processor (video card). A thick layer of paste will give reverse effect, and the heat will take longer to escape.

    There are several ways to apply the paste:

    1. Apply one drop and then press the radiator on top. The paste will spread on its own (don't forget to remove any excess around the edges of the processor).
    2. Spread the paste with your finger plastic card or other flat object. After applying the paste, the laptop can be assembled.

    There are several other cooling methods:

      Cooling pad. There is some effectiveness in its use, but it is small. The temperature drops by only 3-7 degrees, and the stand takes up one USB port.

      Usage various applications . Some programs (for example, SpeedFan) can increase the fan speed. The temperature drops slightly, but the coolers wear out faster.

    By the way, I advise you to buy goods on Aliexpress with cashback (read discount 8,5% ). So almost everyone buys on Ali, and if you still buy directly (that is, without a discount), then correct yourself and save your honestly earned money. I am doing this through the official Aliexpress partner(and at the same time asos, banggood, gearbest and ozon) - EPN.BZ.

    To avoid frequent overheating in the future, follow these rules:

    1. At least once a year complete cleaning and replace thermal paste.
    2. Do not place the laptop on soft surfaces (furniture, carpet) or on your lap to avoid blocking the ventilation openings.

      If the laptop is on a table, then place a small stand under it for better air circulation.

      Do not leave your laptop on the floor, as all the dust collects in the lower part of the room (20-25 cm from the floor).

    These simple tips will help your folding friend not to burn out ahead of time.

    What should the processor temperature be?

    I hope that you figured out what the processor temperature should be with the help of this article. Therefore, let me take my leave for today. Good luck! Come again.

    The only available “factory” method find out the processor temperature- this is to view it through Bios, this is the method I will show at the beginning of the article.

    A little theory for correct understanding. Increased heat generation is the main “enemy” of any computer. Therefore, each owner needs to take care of proper cooling of the PC “filling,” including the processor, since each element has its own operating temperature range.

    Overheating leads to decreased performance and freezing software, unplanned reboots and equipment failure.

    The heart of a computer is the central processing unit (CPU). It is he who is responsible for performing all operations and falls on him. The failure of the processor will make it impossible to further use the PC or laptop (of course, until it is replaced with the same one).

    Therefore, it is worth following the changes CPU temperature. How to find out the processor temperature? There are several ways to do this.

    I will immediately write what needs to be done, so the text below may seem “strict”. BIOS - basic computer nude that includes all the necessary information. Including indicators from sensors. To activate the menu you must:

    1. Restart your computer.
    2. When the boot screen appears, press the appropriate key (Del, F2 or F10 - depending on the operating system and firmware).
    3. Find the item in the menu Hardware Monitor(PC Health, H/W Monitor or Status - again depending on the OS and BIOS type).

    The permissible temperature depends on the CPU model. Average – acceptable maximum –> 75 degrees Celsius. For precise definition temperature range, study the documentation for your CPU (I recommend looking at all the parameters on the manufacturer’s official website).

    Advantage third party software is definition CPU temperature at any point in time. There are many programs that allow you to monitor processes occurring both with computer hardware and installed software. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

    HWMonitor - I found this program to be the most convenient. This program Works for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP.

    Download the program from my website and run it, you will find out the processor temperature within 20 seconds, here is the link: HWMonitor.zip

    Or “Google” the name of the program and download, run and the results are right in front of you. One of the most convenient utilities that allows you to find out the temperature of not only the processor, but also the video card, hard drive, motherboard, etc. You can also track the rotation speed of the coolers and the amount of voltage supplied to the PC elements.

    All necessary information in one place, which is very convenient. The program is updated regularly. HWMonitor is compatible with all modern devices.

    Core Temp.

    The program is interesting because, along with the temperature, it displays all the characteristics of the central processor. The downside is that the utility specializes only in the CPU; it is not responsible for everything else, although in this article we are looking at ways to determine the processor temperature...


    One of the most simple programs, which does not make it any less useful. Its primary purpose is to monitor fan speed. But there is a tab where you can track the temperatures of all vital important devices PC.

    Please note that all the utilities presented are freely available. Installing the software will not cause difficulties for an inexperienced user.

    If it is discovered that the CPU temperature readings are higher than normal, in principle, there is no need to immediately run for repairs. There are several ways to fix the situation yourself, naturally. skills required on assembling and disassembling “gadgets” + understandable and good instructions from YouTube...

    1. Cleaning your computer. It is necessary to remove the housing wall and visually examine the condition fans. Dusty coolers run slower, not cooling components sufficiently. The solution is to vacuum your computer or laptop without damaging the elements.
    2. Replacing thermal paste. This substance promotes heat exchange between the processor and the adjacent part of the cooler radiator. Over time, the thermal paste dries out, causing its conductive functions to be impaired. Replacement instructions can be easily found on the Internet.
    3. Fan replacement. If the above methods did not help, and the CPU continues to heat up, then replacing the cooler can solve the problem.
    4. Installation additional fan. Every motherboard has auxiliary connectors for connecting additional equipment. Installing an auxiliary cooler will help reduce the temperature.
    5. If the presented methods did not help, then you can safely think about replacing the processor itself, here I would already recommend contact service.

    The high temperature of PC components is what is encountered precisely when it breaks down. To avoid breakdowns, it is necessary to monitor the condition of your computer’s hardware, starting with the processor. I hope on our topic: how to find out the processor temperature You have no questions left.

    Video for this computer lesson:

    To learn how to reduce the size (weight) of an image with a jpeg extension, see the video below:

    Monitoring the operation of the main computer systems is classified as mandatory measures. The most important and loaded part of the system is the central processor - the speed of the operating system depends on the stability of its operating characteristics. High load on the CPU leads to excessive heating or failure. To avoid damage, you should know exactly which temperature regime will be optimal.

    Any chipset is made on the basis of silicon - a good semiconductor, but highly dependent on temperature. Critical temperature for a crystal the threshold is 150 degrees. Exceeding this threshold leads to irreversible changes in its structure and loss of performance.

    The reason for this may be the following factors:

    1. High CPU load when multiple resource-intensive applications are running.
    2. Dust in the processor heatsink, which seriously impairs heat transfer.
    3. High temperature inside the system unit due to a malfunction or contamination of the cooling system.
    4. Incorrect installation of the processor or an air gap between the cooled surfaces (occurs due to cracking of the thermal paste).

    The power of a standard working cooler is sufficient in 90% of cases. Normal temperature indicators for the CPU will be as follows:

    1. 45-50 0 C – operating temperature background computer or laptop. CPU usage is 1-2%.
    2. 65-70 0 C – normal operating temperature Intel processors. For AMD chips, the upper limit reaches 80 0 C. This is due to the design and architecture features of the processors.
    3. Above 70-80 degrees is considered critical, in which the processor itself operates at the limit of its capabilities. A further increase will lead to a reboot of the system if an emergency shutdown is triggered, or to its failure.

    Note! Stable - this is a reason to think about the health of the cooling system or replacing it with a more efficient one.

    CPU cooling systems

    Currently, three types of cooling systems are used.

    1. Passive. It is a massive aluminum heatsink mounted on top of the processor. Removes all heat due to the large surface area and good thermal conductivity of the metal. Does not require electricity, very reliable and cheap. Works well with low and medium power chips.
    2. Active. This is a well-known radiator with an air cooler. Thanks to the fan, it effectively removes large number heat. There is only one drawback - it attracts dust well, which reduces the cooling efficiency.
    3. Liquid. The most expensive and advanced system. Used in extreme gaming work computers. Heat is removed from the processor using liquid and dissipated in radiators outside the case. A special pump is used to pump the coolant.

    Ways to find out the temperature

    For control, one check per month is enough. All motherboards are equipped with built-in temperature sensors. You can view the data through the BIOS or any specialized program.

    To enter the BIOS, press the F2 or Del button depending on the board model, select the System Health or CPU Storage tab. In the window that opens you can see all the information about physical processes inside the computer. IN modern systems There is a protective reset function when overheating or reaching user installed temperature.

    The second method is to install utilities such as CPU-Z, CPU Thermometer and other similar ones. A special feature of these programs is the possibility of detailed control over all important parameters CPU, video card and hard drive. So for the main processor you can get the temperature of each core and its load as a percentage, the temperature of the processor case, fan speed and voltage. Some programs, for example, HWmonitor, keep statistics of parameters during operation.

    What to do if the temperature is slightly above the normal range? Most often this happens due to contamination of the cooler. It is easy to clean it at home.

    To do this, turn off the power to the computer and open the case. We will see a thick layer of dust on all coolers, which must be carefully removed. It is more convenient to do this with a vacuum cleaner and a brush with soft bristles. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low suction and carefully remove all the dirt.

    It will be much more effective to clean with incomplete disassembly of the system unit and replacement of all processors. Its service life is several years, and over time it loses its heat-conducting properties, which leads to overheating of the CPU. All these measures will help extend the life of your computer for a long time.

    Video - What processor temperature is considered normal for a computer

    Video - What should the computer temperature be?

    Central Processing Unit (CPU) Temperature - important indicator, on which the service life of a laptop or computer depends. If it rises above normal, the device automatically turns off. You can start the PC during an emergency shutdown only after cooling.

    Constantly high temperature may lead to processor wear or failure of other components. To prevent this from happening, it is important to ensure that it does not exceed the norm. This can be done using standard Windows OS tools (32 Bit and 64 bit version) or using third-party software.

    You can find out the CPU temperature through the BIOS (UEFI). This is a special software package that displays important information about the system and computer hardware. Here you can configure some parameters and devices.

    You can get into the BIOS while the PC is booting. To do this, press F2, F8 or Del on the keyboard.

    Please note that for different models laptops and motherboards (for desktop computers) they may differ. Typically, information about the desired key is written at the bottom of the screen.

    As soon as you get into the BIOS (UEFI), be aware that temperature data will be displayed in one of the following sections (depending on the type and version of the BIOS):

    • main screen (Main);
    • status (Status, PC Health);
    • system, monitoring (Power, Hardware Monitor, HW Info).

    There is no need to open other subsections. The information will be written opposite the CPU Temperature line. Here the system shows the temperature of other components. If you cannot find it, then simply scroll through all the BIOS sections in turn. Please note that on some models the temperature is simply not indicated.

    This method has a clear drawback. CPU Temp will only be displayed in a “quiet” (no programs) state. Therefore, the usefulness of such information is highly questionable.

    Via Windows PowerShell

    There is a useful one on the “ten” system utilityWindows PowerShell. It has functionality similar to the command line, but a more “friendly” shell. We do the following:

    1. Launch the Run program. To do this, press the key combination Win and R on your keyboard. In the window that appears, type “powershell.exe” and press “OK” or Enter.

    1. Please note that administrator rights are required to operate. If you are not sure that they are enabled, then it is better to run the utility in another way. To do this, open Start and start typing the name. Then right-click on the found application and context menu select "Run as Administrator".

    1. In the window that opens, enter the command as shown in the screenshot, then press Enter on the keyboard. The processor temperature will be indicated opposite the CurrentTemperature line.
    wmic/namespace:\\root\wmi PATH MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature get CurrentTemperature

    As the name suggests (CurrentTemperature), the data will be displayed at exactly this moment. This is convenient if you want to measure the temperature while a program is running.

    To convert the resulting value from the CurrentTemperature parameter to degrees Celsius, divide it by 10 and subtract another 273.15 from the result. In our example, 3452 means 72.05° (it is calculated as follows: 3452÷10-273.15).

    Attention! Before loading the processor for testing, measure the temperature at rest and only then start running test programs.

    Command line

    If PowerShell does not start or you cannot enter the command, then you can find out the temperature in OS Windows 10 using command line. To do this:

    1. Open Start and start searching for “Command Prompt”. From the very top list select and run the right application on behalf of the administrator. To do this, right-click on the inscription and select the appropriate menu from the drop-down list.

    1. In the launched application, enter the command in the same way as indicated in the screenshot. After that, press Enter on your keyboard. The processor temperature will be displayed immediately on the next line.

    The method is convenient in that the system will only give necessary information, without extraneous parameters. But if you are interested in other PC indicators, then it is better to use the PowerShell method.

    Third party programs

    Built-in Windows tools allow you to find out only basic information regarding the processor temperature. This is not always enough. If you want to check other components, it is better to use special software.

    Programs for determining temperature:

    A popular utility for monitoring the temperature of the processor and video card. The minimum and maximum temperatures are displayed, as well as the load (in percentage). There is a special All CPU Meter gadget (works together with Core Temp) that will show data in real time.

    A small utility for monitoring basic computer data. Not officially Russified and available only in English. No installation required.


    An ideal measurement application if you want to test CPU, GPU and compare the results using a graph. The data is taken from the CPUID HWMonitor module built into the application (can be installed independently). If the PC has other software for taking readings (Speccy, SpeedFan, etc.), then OCCT can use that too.

    Paid software for tracking basic information about the system (applications, hardware). Available on the official website of the developer free version, but only for 30 days. Different additional functionality, so it will be useful for advanced users. Free analogues- Everest, CPU-Z.

    Professional software that provides the user full information about computer hardware. Capable of generating reports, therefore used for diagnostics. Available for free download from the developer's official website.

    If you do not know what the normal temperature of the processor is, we recommend using Core Temp or other software that records the minimum and maximum values. With their help it will be easier to calculate the average. Please note that information may vary for different types and processor models.

    What should be the temperature at rest (without load):

    • Intel - around 35°;
    • AMD - about 45°.

    Under load, it can increase by 1.5-2 times. For Intel it should not exceed 70°, for AMD - 80°. Small deviations from the norm are allowed, but the CPU should not remain in this state for too long. Normal operating temperature is around 48-60° for most processors.


    If you just want to check the CPU temperature, you can do this via regular means Windows (BIOS or command line). But keep in mind that this will not be enough to conduct tests and take a series of readings.

    To continuously monitor even the slightest changes in temperature, it is best to use third party software. Most of the programs are available for free download and have a wide range of features.


    We also have a video that shows how to check the CPU temperature on a PC.

    Hi all! Tell how to find out the processor temperature free but good program? I read on your website that the hottest components of a computer or laptop are the processor and video card, and you definitely need to keep an eye on them! In addition, I have a sad experience: on an old computer, the processor burned out exactly a week after the warranty expired (on purpose!). Mine old computer In three years of use, I never opened it; I only thought about it when it smelled burnt. We opened it for the first time in the service, when it no longer turned on at all, it turned out that the processor burned out due to overheating (it was not visible at all due to the dust cap).

    I bought a new computer a year ago and since then, once every three months I open the lid of the system unit and blow it out with a spray can. compressed air. I also have a laptop, it’s already two years old and I’d also like to know the status of the processor cooling system, but how can you look into it?

    I called the service, they said that you don’t need to disassemble anything yourself, but just look at it periodically CPU temperature using a special program. By the way, what should be the normal temperature of the processor? Maybe it’s time for me to go to a service center and have the cooling system cleaned? I have a good laptop, I would like to work on it for several more years.

    In short, admin, I won’t bore you with my chatter, I need a program for monitoring the temperature of the components of the system unit and laptop, I’ll immediately note that I don’t want to install the AIDA64 utility, since it’s paid and only works for free for a month. Please recommend another program and explain how to use it. Elena!

    How to find out the processor temperature

    Friends, of course you need to know the temperature of your processor and video card at rest and under load!

    In this article we will learn:

    How to find out the processor temperature using various programs.

    How to find out the processor temperature under load- we will run it on our computer modern game and drive it for an hour, then in special program Let's find out how high the processor temperature rose during the game.

    Why I decided to write an article on this topic is because very often they bring me computers and laptops to work in such a condition that it seems they were filled with dust on purpose; once I even had to deal with a real cobweb and a living spider.

    Forgive me if someone feels uneasy after viewing these screenshots.

    Unfortunately, it is often impossible to do anything, since the processor or video card has already failed and all I can do is clean the computer from dust and replace the computer part that has failed due to overheating, often this part is the processor.

    As you can see (according to a letter from our reader), it is not at all difficult to be responsible and disciplined and once every three months unscrew the two screws of the side cover of the system unit and clean your computer of dust.

    Of course, we perform all actions on the computer turned off.

    There are also many free programs able to help you find out the processor temperature and video card, motherboard and hard drive and sound the alarm in time, these programs can even shut down the computer emergencyly when the processor or video card reaches the threshold temperature value, but basically this is not necessary, since in all modern computers In the BIOS, in the Advanced->CPU Configuration tab, there is a CPU TM Function option that controls the processor’s overheating protection.

    Without a doubt, the processor and video card are at particular risk, since they heat up the most when the computer is running. And if you bought new computer, then of course you need to periodically monitor the temperature of the main components of your electronic friend - a computer or laptop - from the very beginning.

    Temperature limits specified by manufacturers:

    For the processor, the maximum possible operating temperature is 65-70 degrees.

    For a video card, the maximum possible operating temperature is 80-120 degrees.

    For hard drive 60 degrees.

    Note: the critical temperature threshold for components on a laptop is slightly higher than on a regular computer.

    When to worry

    If at rest, that is, when the computer is not loaded with resource-intensive applications such as a modern computer game, the temperature of your processor is 65-70 degrees, then the processor cooling radiator and its blades are clogged with dust, or maybe even worse, the thermal paste has dried out on the processor (sometimes rarely). I bet if you load your computer with a modern toy, it will show you blue screen with an error or just reboot.

    That's it, there is reason to think, remove the side cover of the system unit and examine the cooling radiator of your processor, if it is clogged with dust, you need a can of compressed air, go out to the landing and blow out the dust. By the way, dust on the radiator and processor cooler blades may become coked, then you need to carefully remove it with a cotton swab and only then blow out the radiator and cooler with compressed air.

    In rare cases, this will not help, it means the thermal paste has dried out on the processor, if you have never removed the processor heatsink or dealt with thermal paste, then contact service. If the computer is under warranty, then this is all the more necessary.

    How to find out the processor temperature using the Speccy utility

    The first program we tested was Speccy. This software developer is already familiar to us from the and programs. If I were you, I would use this utility, it is very simple and understandable, there is nothing superfluous in it, now see for yourself.

    Let's go to the official website of the program.


    And the program installer download started automatically. Let's launch the installer.

    You can choose the language Russian. Very easy installation programs.

    The initial program window opens from which you can find out the temperature of the processor, motherboard, video card and hard drive.

    Click on the Central Processing Unit button and all the information about our processor will open!


    In the notification area, check the Minimize to tray box. Show values ​​in tray. Values ​​Output: Central Processing Unit. CPU sensor 0 -Average temperature. Launching Speccy in the tray when the PC boots. OK

    Now our program will run along with operating system and we will always know the processor temperature! A program icon indicating the processor temperature will always be shown in the lower right corner of the desktop in the control panel.

    When you hover over an icon Speccy program, a small window will be displayed with information about the temperature of the motherboard, video card and hard drive.

    How to find out the processor temperature under load using the HWMonitor utility

    A very good program, it is used by almost all guys who consider themselves the best computer experts.

    Official website http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html

    Click Download Now!

    And the program is downloaded to our computer.

    Very easy installation.

    Using HWMonitor you can find out the temperature of the processor and other computer components, as well as fan speed, voltage, but why is the program especially valuable?

    At the top of the window you can see three temperature indicators of the computer components, including the processor.

    Value - current temperature.

    Min - minimum temperature.

    Max - maximum temperature for the entire duration of the program.

    The current processor temperature is 34 degrees - a very good indicator.

    And now the temperature of our processor is under load, we launch the HWMonitor utility and also launch the modern computer game for 40 minutes. After finishing our experiment, the HWMonitor utility showed that the maximum processor temperature during the game was 56 degrees, an excellent indicator. By the way, pay attention to the video card, its maximum temperature during the game was 91 degrees, this is also very good.

    How to find out the processor temperature using the utility SpeedFan

    Official website http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php

    Click SpeedFan 4.49, download and run the installation of the program

    In the main window on the right side you can see the temperature of the components of our computer, on the left side the rotation speed of the coolers, click on the button Configure

    The program settings will open. I suggest immediately switching to the Russian interface, go to the tab Options and select Russian language

    First tab Temperatures. Select the GPU item with the right mouse and see the parameters that open at the bottom of the window. For example, Alarm 50 - when the processor reaches this temperature, the program will display a notification. This parameter can be adjusted.

    Paragraph Display in tray responsible for displaying information about processor temperature on the control panel

    How to find out the processor temperature using the AIDA64 utility

    Official website of the program http://www.aida64.com / click on the Download button,

    Download the program in the installer or archive and run

    Expanding the thread Computer and click on Sensors, we see a lot of information about our computer, including the processor temperature.

    Well, something like this. If something is wrong, please forgive and understand!