• Samsung mobile network is not available. Why does the phone say the mobile network is unavailable and what to do?

    operating system Android pleases with a high level of reliability and stable work. Despite this, in some cases various troubles occur. Sometimes operational network stops recognizing the mobile network, despite the fact that the smartphone still works fully. Before contacting a workshop, it is advisable to try to independently understand the causes of the problem and successfully correct it.

    Potential problems

    Before contacting a service center, it is advisable to check for potential problems.

    1. At the very beginning, it is advisable to check the SIM card on another mobile phone, because perhaps the reason is hidden there.
    2. You should insert another SIM card into the smartphone, which is 100% functional.
    3. If the first two options did not help, you should remove all downloaded games and programs. They may contain viruses and can block the functionality of the smartphone.
    4. Another option to fix the problem is. This will require you to delete your personal data. In many situations, returning the phone to its original condition allows you to successfully solve the problem.

    Only if all of the above tips do not lead to the desired result, you should contact your provider cellular communications, and then to the service center. It is important to be prepared for the fact that the problem is usually SIM card, so it may need to be replaced, despite the fact that this option is often not as convenient as we would like.

    If, however, the reason may be a virus or other dangerous software, which should be promptly removed.

    How to proceed?

    If the mobile network is not available on Android, you can try a few effective ways solutions to an existing problem. You need to understand that the mobile operator does not always guarantee high level networks are in 3G mode, so sometimes it’s enough to switch to 2G. Manual switching to 2G often allows you to solve the problem that has arisen.

    1. Nokia. First you need to go to settings, and then go through the following path: phone - network - GSM.
    2. In Sony, the path will be as follows: parameters - communication - cellular networks– GSM/3G – GSM only.
    3. Have specific settings Samsung phones: settings – network settings – band selection – GSM 900/1800.

    In 99% of cases, the problem can be successfully solved on your own, so the services service center are not required in every case.

    Cellular communications involve the use of certain frequency ranges. No other communication systems work here, which ensures high-quality data transfer between mobile phones And base stations. But for some reason, the network may be unavailable, as reported by the phone when trying to call a number. Let's see what to do when an error occurs " Mobile network unavailable" on MegaFon. In most cases, the problem can be solved quite easily.


    Cellular communications are a very complex thing. Millions of phones, modems, tablets and other devices operate on the MegaFon network. The network itself consists of many base stations, switches, control centers and other equipment. That is, the communication system is quite complex, although stable. But no one is immune from errors - failures can occur both on the side of MegaFon and on the side of the subscribers themselves.

    If your phone reports that the mobile network is unavailable, you just need to restart it. Reboot - universal method bring something to life digital device . It may hang completely or partially, losing all or part of its functionality. Therefore, many devices (from routers to computers) have a reset button. In smartphones, this operation is performed using the function of the same name or a banal off/on cycle.

    Let's see what happens during a reboot:

    • Cleared RAM devices;
    • The operating system is loaded from scratch;
    • Various modules and services are restarted;
    • The phone is re-registered in the cellular network.

    If you use MegaFon, and the message “Mobile network is unavailable” suddenly appears on your phone screen, feel free to send the device to reboot.

    Network failure

    If an attempt to call a person fails due to MegaFon’s “Network not found” error, you need to look at the network indicator (these are vertical or horizontal bars indicating the quality of reception).

    If this is empty, it indicates:

    • Lack of network coverage at a specific point;
    • For lack of network functionality;
    • There is a failure in communication with the base station on the phone side.

    In the first case, everything is clear - if the mobile network is not available, you just need to find an area where it is. Similar situations often arise outside the city, where there are many times fewer base stations than in the city.

    In the second case, the appearance of the message “Mobile network unavailable” on MegaFon may be due to some technical work on the operator side. The situation is extremely rare, since camera equipment is highly resistant. It is very easy to find out which side the breakdown is on - just try to call from another phone. If it shows an error, you need to wait until MegaFon makes its mobile network available.

    If the error appears literally every time you try to dial, wait 10-15 minutes, restart your phone and try calling again.

    In the third case, the error occurs on the side of the mobile phone (or any other mobile device). Try sending the device to reboot and try calling again. If the symptoms are repeated on other SIM cards, then the problem is definitely in the phone. It needs to be taken to a repair shop (or returned under warranty), where it will be taken care of by experienced specialists.

    The most common reason for the “Mobile network unavailable” error to appear on MegaFon is a broken SIM card. Check it in another phone - if nothing works, get a duplicate with the same number from the nearest service office.

    Roaming error

    The “Network not found” error on MegaFon can occur while roaming, especially internationally. Sometimes foreign operators do not register the SIM card with automatic mode . The reasons may be different, but there is only one solution - you should try manually selecting the network in the handset settings. The problem is solved in a similar way in intranet roaming(but most of the time everything works fine here).

    Chinese phones

    Another reason for the “Mobile network unavailable” error to appear on MegaFon is the use of smartphones and phones with “curves” Chinese firmware. As practice shows, errors when using uncertified equipment are indeed possible. And it’s very difficult to get rid of them - unless you reflash the device in some service (provided there is an alternative or more new firmware). There is only one piece of advice here - buy only certified handsets, tablets and modems.

    It is clear that an absolutely overwhelming number of people acquire mobile phones in order to be able to contact others. That is, first of all, make calls. All other functions of such devices are secondary. Therefore, if the phone says “mobile network unavailable,” then it is one of the most unpleasant problems that can only happen.

    In this situation, it is very important for the owner of a mobile phone to understand why this happens and what to do to correct the problem.

    There are two types of problems that lead to such a failure:

    • General, that is, which can lead to failure with absolutely all mobile phones;
    • Work related only specific operator, on which the phone works.

    Let's start by considering the first option

    Common root causes that should be rechecked first

    If the mobile network is unavailable, this does not mean that the device is in a faulty state. Possible causes of this condition are:

    Sometimes the root cause is difficult to identify. If this is the case, then it is advisable to reset your mobile phone to its original state. Naturally, having previously saved somewhere all the important and necessary information for a person - contacts, photographs, videos, and so on. Most often, returning to the original parameters is done from the menu phone settings. But sometimes this will require a restart in a special mode by pressing a certain combination of buttons.

    As already written above, there is also a second option. It is associated with the work of a specific operator mobile communications. Let's look at the most popular of them.

    Failure with MTS

    • Make sure that it is not the operator's fault. Usually, if any breakdown occurs, you can find out about it in the media, on the pages of official social networks, and so on;
    • The company cites bad weather conditions as one of the possible root causes of the failure. If this is the case, then you will have to be patient and wait for them to improve;
    • There is also such a specific option as network overload. It occurs when too many people want to use it at the same time. Most often, this situation occurs, for example, in the first minutes after the New Year, when people start calling their relatives and friends to congratulate them. Indirect sign This condition may occur when the phone shows an excellent connection level, but it is impossible to make a call.

    All other possible root causes of the failure completely repeat, according to MTS, the list that was discussed above as a general one.

    You can report an unpleasant situation using one of the special numbers:

    • For MTS subscribers – 0890;
    • For people connected to other operators - 8800 250 0890;
    • When roaming – +7495 766 0166.

    Perhaps an MTS representative will give the necessary recommendations for correction.

    Beeline crash

    Beeline has also prepared instructions on how to act in a situation where the phone says “mobile network unavailable”:

    • Restart the device. Most often this gives the desired solution;
    • Make sure correct installation and that the SIM card used is in working condition;
    • Find out if there is a breakdown on the part of the operator;
    • Go to settings, where select “Search for network”. Carry out the search automatically and then manually.”

    • From Beeline phone – 0611;
    • Using other operators – 8800 700 80 00;
    • In roaming – +7495 797 27 27.

    You can also use the tools that the user receives in his personal account on official resource this organization.

    Failure with Tele2

    • Make sure correct use Sim cards and no activation of Flight mode;
    • Restart the equipment;
    • Check status cash account so that it is enough to make calls;
    • Make sure that the phone itself is working, using an alternative and guaranteed working SIM card for testing;
    • Return to the operator's coverage area;
    • Bring the device into a warm room if a person is trying to use it at fairly low temperatures.

    If this does not help, contact customer support representatives:

    • From Tele2-phone – 611.
    • From city or other mobile operators – 8495 97 97 611.
    • From your personal account by registering on the official website.

    Do all these instructions help? You can find out about this by real reviews people.

    The problems described in the title have become increasingly common in recent years. Previously, I only occasionally noticed negative reviews about the work of operators on Twitter, then I began to sometimes encounter problems with network reception at home, then complaints from friends began (I have to help as someone who writes about smartphones!), and finally situations began to arise when I just can’t get through to my mom, and my dad complains that none of his friends and workmates can simply catch him online. At the same time, absolutely everyone different smartphones: from someone Samsung Galaxy Note 4, some have Meizu MX4 Pro, for me it’s a string different devices, from HTC One M8, M9 and A9 to my current favorite LG G4. All operators are also different: MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, different places in which this happens (home, work, university, just somewhere on the road) and other conditions that are not repeated at all. That is, from such a sample it is impossible to draw any exact conclusion why specific people the network does not pick up, the smartphone shows zero “sticks” or a maximum of bars, but still no one can get through to them. How to live with this further and what to do? I'll tell you now!

    In short, there is a problem, and everyone notices it more people, but simply changing the smartphone or operator, as a rule, cannot be solved. There are many reasons, I believe, but the simplest is this: the number of devices is growing at an incredible pace, the number of subscribers and owners complex smartphones- Also. At the same time, operators do not have time to cover new spaces and improve the current infrastructure at the same speed as the market is growing, and manufacturers of smartphones and platforms are more concerned with the development of frequencies, ephemeral 5G and other things than with debugging current technologies, these are the realities. All this leads to what I wrote above - you have, for example, MegaFon and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and the device shows all the divisions, but you cannot be reached by phone. Why? Because cellular communications and mobile technologies- a complicated thing.

    I already wrote a short note about old good phone numbers, in which, in fact, my solution to this issue is revealed.

    Here I just want to remind you once again about this decision, because the problem is becoming more and more urgent, especially in large cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. So, if from time to time you are faced with “the network does not catch”, “I can’t reach you, how is that?!” and other problems, it is not necessary to immediately go and change the operator, this will hardly help, because for some MTS and MegaFon work terribly, for others - MegaFon and Beeline, and for others - nothing at all except TELE 2. Just go to any nearest Euroset, Svyaznoy or another store, buy a simple one push-button telephone costing up to 1,500, maximum up to 2,000 rubles (better for 990) and the simplest SIM card of any operator other than yours, preferably without subscription fee, and delete all subscriptions and additional services in it (often this must be done through a call to the operator’s call center). Then you put the SIM card in new phone, and for your main number, through your personal account or calling the support service, you set up forwarding to a new SIM card under certain conditions: the number is busy, the number is unavailable or no one answers, say, 20 seconds.

    Of course, if you more or less understand the topic of operators and how it all works, then this method will make you smile and seem somewhat similar to shamanic dances or making wishes on a falling star, I would have thought so myself, to be honest. The trick is that this method works in my case, for example, it has been tested for several years. A couple of years ago, my main number (MegaFon SIM card) began to have poor reception, people couldn’t get through to me, and important calls were lost. At first, I called the support service, left requests for places with poor network reception, changed smartphones and did many other things that didn’t help at all, and then I just bought a handset for 900 rubles, put a SIM card of another operator in it (in my case, MTS ), configured redirection according to specified conditions, and the problem went away. Some of my calls now come to the second device, because the SIM card is mostly still inaccessible, but this has not bothered me for a long time.

    Or another option - a smartphone with support for two SIM cards. But that's a completely different story.

    How often instead of the expected voice on the phone the right person an indifferent voice is heard: “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable.” And if you are sure that the battery is charged, and you know for sure that this person did not intend to turn off the phone, then what could be the reason for the lack of connection, why sometimes you cannot get through?

      This is what it looks like when the connection fails:

      Relevant sound signals and a voice following them, broadcasting that “the subscriber is temporarily unavailable”;

      Short beep and call reset;

      No beeps, signals or messages - silence and call reset.

      If we exclude the malfunction of the telephone set or SIM card, there remains one reason for the lack of connection - disruptions in cellular communications. First you need to understand the mechanism of its operation.

      Essence mobile system is based on dividing the area into several sectors (“cells”), which make it possible to use radio frequencies repeatedly. Moreover, cells that are not “in contact” with each other can use the same frequency. The quality of cellular communication depends on the frequency at which your phone operates.

      When you make a call by pressing a button on your device, a radio signal emanates from it, overcoming a thorny path from several instances (operator base station, controller, switch, etc.) until the connection begins and the signal goes back.

      Over the years, modern systems have improved the cellular communication process and now guarantee reliability and high speed connections. However, problems still happen. You yourself can probably give examples when the connection is lost - in the elevator, in the basement, in the subway. The reason here lies in the massive obstacles between your device and the base station. Often the signal cannot overcome the thickness of the earth or even thick walls; communication may be disrupted in close quarters.

      The reasons for the disruption of the network may be a simple overload of the station. For example, at the time of the New Year, everyone starts calling each other with congratulations and holiday messages, as a result, stations or switches cannot cope with the huge volume of signals, as a result of which the possibility of connecting with the desired subscriber becomes unlikely.

      Communication may be disrupted due to changes in weather conditions - loss of large quantity precipitation, thunderstorm, hurricane.

      Mechanical damage to the optical cable and failure of computers at the station cannot be ruled out.

      Before calling the cellular company to which your phone is connected, check your device, perhaps rebooting it will give the desired result. But even if nothing has changed, try not to be nervous and calmly explain to the operator what the problem is. The main task of any cellular company– to provide communication services that satisfy the client, and if any problems occur, they, as a rule, do not depend on the human factor, and are eliminated quite quickly.

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    Cellular communication involves the use of certain frequency ranges. No other communication systems work here, which ensures high-quality data transfer between base stations and mobile phones. But due to certain reasons, the network may be unavailable, which the phone informs you about when you try to call a number.

    Let's see what to do if the "Mobile network is unavailable" error occurs on MegaFon. As a rule, the problem is solved quite easily.


    Cellular communication is a very complex thing. The same MegaFon network employs millions of phones, modems, other devices and tablets. The network itself consists of many base stations, switches, other equipment and control centers.

    In other words, the set of connections is quite complex, although stable. But no one is immune from inaccuracies - failures can be observed both on the side of MegaFon and on the side of the subscribers themselves. If the phone informs you that the mobile network is unavailable, it is necessary.

    Reboot - universal method bring any digital device into emotion. It can hang entirely or partially, losing all or part of its functionality. Based on this, many devices (from routers to computers) have a reboot button.

    In smartphones, this operation is performed using the function of the same name or an obvious off/on cycle. Let's see what happens throughout the reboot:

    • The device's RAM is cleared;
    • The OS boots from scratch;
    • Various services and modules are restarted;
    • The phone is re-registered in the cellular network.

    If you use MegaFon, and the message “Mobile network is unavailable” suddenly appears on your phone’s screen, feel free to send the device to reboot.

    Network failure

    If an attempt to call someone or a person fails due to the MegaFon inaccuracy “Network not found,” you need to look at the network indicator (these are vertical or horizontal bars that indicate the quality of reception). If it's empty, it says:

    • about the lack of network coverage at a specific point;
    • For lack of network functionality;
    • There is a failure in communication with the base station on the phone side.

    With the first case, everything is clear - if the mobile network is not available, you need an area where it is available. Similar situations quite often appear outside the city, where there are many times fewer base stations than within the city.

    In the second case, the appearance of the message “Mobile network unavailable” on MegaFon may be due to some technical work on the operator’s side. The situation is very rare, since the camera equipment is highly resistant. It is very easy to find out which side the breakdown is on - just try to call from another phone.

    If it shows inaccuracy, you must wait until MegaFon makes its own mobile network cheap.

    If an inaccuracy appears with almost every call attempt, wait 10-15 minutes, restart the phone and try to call again.

    In the third case, the inaccuracy appears on the side of the cell phone (or any other mobile device). Try sending the device to reboot and try to call again. If the symptoms are repeated on the second SIM cards, then the problem is specifically with the phone.

    It must be taken to a repair shop (or returned under warranty), where it will be taken care of by skilled experts.

    The most common reason for the appearance of the “Mobile network unavailable” error on MegaFon is a SIM card failure. Make sure it is reliable in another phone - if nothing works, get a duplicate with the same number from the nearest service office.

    Inaccuracy in roaming

    MegaFon's "Network not detected" inaccuracy may appear during roaming, especially international roaming. From time to time, foreign operators do not register a SIM card automatically. Circumstances may be different, but the answer is the same - try manual network selection in the handset settings.

    The problem is solved in a similar way in local roaming (but much more often everything works fine here).

    Chinese phones

    Another circumstance where the “Mobile network is unavailable” inaccuracy appears on MegaFon is the use of phones and smartphones with “crooked” Chinese firmware. Experience shows that inaccuracies when using uncertified equipment are indeed possible. And getting rid of them is very difficult - unless you reflash the device in some service (subject to the availability of different or newer firmware).

    There is only one piece of advice here - take only certified handsets, modems and tablets.

    Video “Mobile network is not available on Megafon - why”

    “Not registered on the network”, the answer. "NOT REGISTERED ON NETWORK", n9005 galaxy

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