• Download the program for opening VK frigate. Installing FriGate for Yandex Browser

    IN lately in different countries, be it Russia, Kazakhstan or Ukraine, more and more often they began to block access to various sites and resources. Today we will tell you how to correct such misunderstandings and bypass the blocking using friGate extensions CDN for Yandex.Browser.

    Download for free this plugin in Russian it is possible a little lower. The instructions given on this page will be shown using Yandex Browser as an example, however, the same can be done in other browsers.

    What is friGate CDN

    This is an add-on for Yandex Browser, which is capable of replacing the main IP, connecting to the network through its own proxy servers. As a result, access to blocked resources will be restored. After all, our provider does not know where we are connecting, exchanging requests with friGate CDN, which, in turn, redirects them to the same Yandex or VKontakte.

    Attention: do not try to download and install the extension from third-party sites, or by using a search in Yandex or Google. This approach will expose your computer to a high probability of becoming infected with malicious code. Use only our link, or better yet, download the plugin from the official Yandex store.


    Let's proceed directly to installing the extension. This is done very simply, follow our step by step instructions:

    1. Go to the official website and select the plugin version. The build for Yandex Browser will be available automatically.
    1. The system will redirect us to the official store. Since Yandex.Browser supports the installation and use of plugins from Google Chrome, we see Google Web Store. To begin installation, click the button marked with an arrow.
    1. In the new window, confirm the installation by clicking the button indicated in the screenshot.

    This completes the installation of friGate CDN for Yandex Browser and we move on to instructions for working with the extension.

    How to work with friGate

    Initially, you need to make some settings and add addresses that should be accessed via VPN. This is done so that we exclude working with proxies on non-blocked resources, for example, YouTube or Facebook.

    So, we take the following steps:

    1. Click the Yandex Browser main menu button (marked with the number “1”) and select “Add-ons” from the drop-down list.
    1. We find our plugin and expand its settings by clicking on the button indicated in the screenshot.
    1. Go to the plugin settings by clicking the button highlighted in the frame.
    1. In order to add a rule, write its name in the field indicated by one, and click the Yandex.Browser button labeled “Add list”.
    1. As a result, the VKontakte rule appeared in the settings. To add prohibited domains to friGate, you should name them exactly by name.
    1. We indicate the domain we want to access. Since in our case this is vk.com, we write “*” (asterisk), which means including all subdomains on the left, then put a dot and type “vk.com”. At the end, close the rule again with an asterisk. Select the operating mode (marked with the number “2”) and save the changes by clicking on the “Add site” button.

    Our rule has been created and it appears in the settings.

    We go to the prohibited resource and see that access to it is unblocked. This is also evidenced by the sign that appears in the upper right corner of the browser from Yandex.

    This is what we needed to do. If you need another site, for example, some kind of torrent, add it to the friGate rule.

    Advantages and disadvantages



    The only disadvantages include difficulty in setting up. However, if you do not understand how this is done from what was written above, you can watch the training video in which we showed everything in detail.

    Video instructions

    In order to understand the issue of installing friGate in Yandex Browser even better, we recommend watching a video prepared specifically for this.


    This is where our article ends, we hope the issue of installing friGate in Yandex Browser is fully disclosed for you and all sites that were previously blocked will be accessible, as a result, you will again have access to communication and the necessary content.

    Note that there are many analogues, however, friGate still remains the best.

    friGate for Yandex.Browser

    5 (100%) 1 Votes

    Today I will talk about a wonderful plugin for Google Chrome And Mozilla Firefox, which will allow you without problems access sites blocked by your ISP.
    Many of you have probably heard that Roskomnadzor has the right to block any Internet sites that in any way violate the laws of our country. More precisely, Roskomnadzor obliges Internet providers to block these sites. And providers naturally comply with this requirement.

    And then one day, when you go to a website, you may see the inscription: “Blocked by decision of federal executive authorities,” or “The resource at the specified IP address is blocked by decision of government authorities,” or something similar.

    In fact, getting around this ban is not at all difficult. One of the simplest and convenient ways is installing the friGate plugin in browsers Mozilla Firefox And Google Chrome.

    I note that this extension easily opens sites that are included in the list compiled by the developers. Therefore, it will not open absolutely all existing sites. But there is no problem with this: in the settings you can add the desired site to your own list, and it will be immediately unblocked.

    So, I'll tell you more how to use the friGate plugin.

    Let's start with my favorite browser, Mozilla Firefox:

    You need to launch your browser and install the extension on it, available at this link.

    After installation, an icon will appear on the toolbar:

    Now we go to a site blocked by the provider. In my case, this is the bookmaker's website liga-stavok.com:If the site is not unblocked automatically, then do the following:

    Click left click on the friGate icon in the browser. Place the mouse cursor over the first item “site NOT from the list” - then click “ add site to list”:
    After this, again left-click on the friGate icon - move the cursor to the first line and select the item “ on proxy permanently for the site”:
    After that, refresh the page - the site should open.

    Now about how to work with the friGate plugin if you use Google Chrome:

    Launch your browser and install the extension available at this link.

    Once it is installed, an icon will appear on the toolbar:
    Now we go to a site blocked by the provider. In my case, this is still the same bookmaker’s website liga-stavok.com.

    If the site is not unblocked automatically, then you need to add it to the list manually:

    Click on the friGate icon right mouse button and select “ Options”:A page with settings for accessing sites will open. At first let's create our own list:

    First of all, we give the list a name: I simply wrote “ Websites” (if the name of your list will consist of several words, then do not separate them with spaces - it is better to use an underscore). Next, press the button “ Add list”:

    Here's what happened:

    We go to our list by simply clicking on it. Adding the site name, access to which is blocked by the provider. As suggested here, it is better to immediately add a domain with subdomains, for example: *.liga-stavok.com instead of www.liga-stavok.com.

    After writing the name of the site, make sure that the item “ proxy is always enabled”, and press the “ button Add a site”:
    Website added:

    After that, refresh the page - the blocked site should open.

    Please note that you can add as many sites as you like to your list. At any time, you can remove a site from the list or simply disable the friGate plugin for it.

    That's all for today. I described it in a separate article - I recommend you read it.

    The friGate extension is designed to gain access to blocked sites. The friGate extension can be used to bypass site blocking, because without using special means and resources, it will be impossible to open a blocked web page on the Internet.

    IN at the moment, the number of blocked sites on the Internet is rapidly increasing. Therefore, users have to look for workarounds to overcome the prohibitions. What can you do if this is reality? There are many ways to circumvent the ban on visiting websites on the Internet. You can read about many methods on my website in the “Anonymity” section.

    One of the popular ways to bypass website blocking on your computer is to use a browser add-on, in this case, extension (plugin) friGate. According to Frigate developers, when surfing the Internet using the extension, the speed of access to sites does not decrease, thanks to special operating algorithms.

    The friGate extension differs from other extensions in the way it works: when the extension is enabled, all traffic does not go through a proxy server, like other extensions, but as usual. Only traffic to blocked sites that are on a special list passes through a proxy. You can independently add sites to your user list so that Frigate immediately opens these sites.

    Main characteristics of the friGate extension:

    • unblocking sites
    • traffic encryption
    • speeding up access to websites
    • change IP address

    Thanks to its operating algorithm, the friGate extension itself determines the accessibility of the site. Therefore, if the site has not been blocked (the extension has a special list of blocked sites on the Internet), access to the site is carried out without using a proxy.

    friGate, to bypass site blocking, works only with sites included in a special list. Other blocked sites that are not on the list will not open. In order to access such sites, these sites will need to be added to the list of supported sites.

    The friGate extension can be installed in your browser from the official website. The extension is available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera browsers.

    frigate website

    The extension is also available for installation in the Chrome and Firefox stores. friGate can be installed on their computer by users of browsers based on Google Chrome (Yandex.Browser, Amigo, Chromium, etc.) and Mozilla Firefox ( Pale Moon, Cyberfox, Waterfox, etc.).

    To install friGate for Opera browser, install the extension directly from the developer’s website into the Opera browser, or install the extension from the Chrome store using this method. After downloading, agree to install the friGate CDN extension in the Opera browser.

    The friGate extension for Yandex Browser can be installed in the browser directly from the Chrome Internet Store.

    After installing the extension in the browser, you will see the extension icon, with which you can find out the operating status of this extension.

    In this image, you can see the statuses of the Frigate extension in different situations.

    Thus, based on the image of the extension icon, you can understand the state of work with sites on the Internet.

    When you go to a site that is blocked and has been included in the list, a window will appear under the extension icon with a message stating that this site is on the friGate list. Here is the flag of the country on behalf of which, using a proxy, you enter this blocked site. After clicking on the flag, you can change the country through which you enter the site.

    friGate settings

    Extension settings differ depending on Firefox browsers and Chrome. More convenient and advanced settings are available in the version of the extension for the Google Chrome browser. You can enter the friGate CDN extension settings by right-clicking on the extension icon, in context menu You will need to select “Options”.

    In the settings you can configure the following extension options:

    • Setting up a list of sites
    • Proxy settings
    • Anonymity
    • Alert Settings
    • Additional settings
    • Advertising settings

    In the site list settings, you will see that a global friGate list has already been created, which includes a number of sites. You can create your own custom list, or multiple lists if you prefer.

    To add a new list, enter the name of the list in the appropriate field, and then click on the “Add List” button. Next, click on the created list to add sites that are blocked to this list.

    In the appropriate field, enter a domain name of this type: “site.com” (without quotes). For those sites that have subdomains, it would be better to enter a domain name like this: “*.site.com”. Next, you will need to select a mode for the extension to work: “proxy always enabled”, or “analytical algorithm”.

    If you use an analytical algorithm, then in addition you will need to enter the URL address of the site page for verification. If you know for sure that a given site is blocked (for example, many torrent trackers are blocked “forever”), then it makes sense to immediately select the “proxy always on” mode.

    In this image you can see that I have added two sites to the list. I specifically selected sites that are accessible by IP address only to users from the USA and several other countries.

    By default, “Proxy Settings” uses friGate’s own free proxy servers. You can add your own proxy to the settings. To do this, enter the IP address of the proxy, followed by a colon, the port number, something like this: “”.

    You can enable anonymity in the Frigate extension. Anonymity is recommended to be used only in cases of extreme necessity. In this case, you will need to specify in the network card settings public DNS Google servers: (main) and (alternate).

    IN " Additional settings» You can enable Google PageSpeed ​​optimization to speed up access to sites. This mode only works when traffic passes through a proxy.

    Along with the Frigate extension, “Yandex.Market Advisor” is installed (developers also need to live on something). You can disable this feature in the Advertising Settings section.

    After completing the settings, you can visit the necessary resources on the Internet, bypass site blocking when help friGate CDN.

    If you suddenly find that the site you need has become unavailable due to blocking, you can add this site to the friGate list in order to bypass the blocking of this site using the extension.

    Numerous Android device users especially often encounter the problem of blocked sites. Torrent resources are especially prohibited.

    Is Frigate available for Android devices?

    There are many programs to bypass the blocking. It’s more convenient to download Frigate for Android from Play Market. This is the official app store. There are both paid and free plugins here.

    To download Frigate for Android, you need to type the name of the plugin in search bar store However, it is worth first paying attention to Mozilla browser Firefox. After installing the browser, find the Frigate extension in the list of applications.

    To do this, open installed browser. In the top right corner, find an icon with three vertical dots. Click on it and find the “Tools” line. In this menu there are several settings, select “Add-ons”, and then an overview of all Firefox add-ons.

    How to set up mobile Firefox?

    You can change your job mobile version browser, enabling ad blocking, screenshots, news search, social media, games. The user also has access to plugins that affect the change appearance applications. However, without going into details, let’s move on to finding the extension we need.

    It will be available from the search bar, you just need to type the name of the application in it. The found application is turned on by simply moving the button from the off position to the on position.

    Firefox add-ons are divided into convenient sections. For example, to view all extensions you need to go to the corresponding menu line. The categories are divided into favorites, highly rated, and popular.

    The Freegate extension improves and speeds up your favorite sites. FriGate in automatic mode determines the speed of access to the resource. If there are connection problems, then a proxy is turned on for a specific resource, speeding up access. The proxy encrypts incoming traffic.

    The advantage for users of Android devices is that the application independently checks the availability of sites. Interruptions in the operation of the extension are excluded, since the load balance is affected by the use of dedicated proxies.

    Other ways to bypass the blocking

    If you don’t want to change the usual version of your browser, then Google Translate can handle blocking sites quite well. The translator easily copes with this problem, since requests from him are usually processed on third-party servers. To access a blocked page, simply enter the initial letters of the address in the translator field. The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of authorization on the found resource.

    Applications that use a proxy or VPN are a popular way to bypass blocked sites. In this case, the IP of the Russian provider must be replaced with the IP of any other country for the functionality to work. You can connect to a VPN using appropriate programs. Setting up the connection is usually intuitive. The plugin icon in the browser allows you to select the country.

    Using the IP of this country, go to the site of interest, it will appear as an unblocked resource.

    As additional method You can note the inclusion of traffic saving mode in Google browser chrome. Mobile browsers such as Orbot or Puffin handle blocking in economy mode. Sometimes, for one-time work on blocked sites, using frigate chrome for android is suitable.

    The friGate extension was created to gain access to sites that have been blocked by your ISP or system administrator. Of course, many resources were blocked completely legally, but it happens that even the most harmless pages do not open. Some people can’t access social networks, while others suddenly lost access to their favorite site. Therefore users use different ways bypass prohibitions: use Tor Browser, built-in VPN in Opera or anonymizers. But all these methods are very inferior to the friGate extension in their convenience. Always open special programs much more problematic than simply installing a special browser extension.

    One of the best add-ons will be friGate. His work is very different from other analogues. There is no need to constantly enable and disable proxies - you just need to fill out a special list of resources that you cannot access. When the user visits them, the add-on will automatically enable the proxy. This is very convenient, because regular sites will open without going through the work of the add-on. In addition, there are many other advantages:

    • The extension is easy to manage and can be disabled at any second.
    • It's completely free.
    • Good speed. The developers claim that due to the specific work, the speed is not lost.
    • A convenient system implemented using a list of sites.
    • If you have your own proxies, you can easily connect them.

    How to install friGate on Google Chrome

    Installing the extension does not require any special skills. Just write “friGate” in the search bar and as shown in the screenshot below. This whole procedure does not take more than five minutes.

    After this, a small window will appear on the screen in which you need to confirm the action.

    That's it, the add-on is now successfully installed and working. Wait a few seconds, and if everything is done correctly, it will open special page. It will say: “You have installed the friGate extension.”

    That's it, the add-on is now successfully installed and working. If you can’t install the extension, try .

    Setting up the friGate extension

    Frigate, due to the nature of its work, itself checks access to the web page. If it is not blocked, then the proxy will not be used. The plugin works with resources only from its list, in which you need to add all blocked sites. By default, there will already be a fairly large list of resources (at the time of writing - 231). These are popular portals blocked by providers: various torrent trackers, bookmakers, online cinemas. By opening the first blocked portal from a huge list - 2ip, you can make sure that everything works perfectly.

    If a resource has been blocked but is included in the list, then under the icon there will be a window with a message that this site is from the list. A special window will not appear on all pages in a row - only on resources from the list. Clicking on the country flag will change the proxy to another one. This, however, is not always convenient, because to change the country you often need to click more than once. Even if there was a flag of the USA or another country in the window, sometimes the location for some reason showed Krasnoyarsk or St. Petersburg. To monitor the work of the plugin, pay attention to its icon - it often changes, depending on which web the user visits the page.

    friGate settings

    Settings options are slightly different in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. In the latter they are more expanded. To access them, just right-click on the plugin icon in the panel and click on “Options”. All settings are divided into several points.

    Setting up a list of sites

    As stated earlier, one list is already created by default. It cannot be deleted or renamed; you can only disable the proxy for any portal. In addition, you cannot add anything to it. If you need to access a page that is not in the first list, then you need to create your own. To do this, just fill in the “Name” field and click on “Add List”. It can be deleted, edited and filled out.

    By clicking on the created folder, a window for adding user portals will open. Be careful, if the site has many subdomains that need access, then you need to specify “*.example.com”. This means that in addition to example.com, for example, games.example.com will open. Nearby are the operating modes: analytical and proxy always on. The second mode means that the site will always run with a proxy. Analytical, on the contrary, will check access to the resource. For example, if a provider mistakenly blocks a site, then he can later restore access to it again. Then the add-on will not work on it. If you are sure that access to the site will definitely not return, then it is better not to touch anything.

    Other settings

    FriGate uses free proxies from its database. But the user has the opportunity to use his own: just enter the IP address and port number (separated from the IP by a colon).

    If Frigate cannot cope with the usual configuration, then it is recommended to enable anonymity mode.

    For some domain zones the plugin will be automatically enabled. These are .onion, .coin, .emc, .lib, .bazar. Any of these domains can be disabled.

    Since Frigate is completely free, developers are forced to make money from advertising. To disable it, you need to click on the “Do not show ads” checkbox.

    In addition, you can remove the special window that appears on all sites from the list. But then it will be impossible to disable the plugin on individual pages.