• Beeline tariff "All inclusive. Without borders." Beeline international roaming: profitable communication abroad

    This service is valid outside the state in which you registered your SIM card. Availability of international roaming in your tariff plan means that you can freely continue to communicate with friends and family while traveling around the planet, keeping them informed of any changes in your travel plans.

    How to activate roaming on Beeline abroad

    This service is available to all Beeline subscribers who are registered in the territory Russian Federation. To find out how to activate international roaming on Beeline, you should visit the official website mobile operator. Currently, two types of services are used for the company's clients: prepaid and postpaid. According to the descriptions, you must either deposit the amount you plan to spend into your account in advance, or pay for calls upon return and bill the operator. Almost all incoming calls while roaming are free.

    Before you enable roaming on Beeline abroad, make sure you have a minimum amount on your SIM card balance. This amount is 600 rubles. When the balance amount decreases to below 300 rubles. all roaming services will be automatically disabled. With a postpaid payment system, 600 rubles are deposited. as a guarantee deposit. The contribution remains on the user’s account subject to payment of three bills from the moment the service is activated. Beeline international roaming is also activated upon a personal visit of a client with a passport to service center companies.

    Beeline tariffs abroad

    Various tariffs Beeline roaming abroad is used depending on your location - CIS countries, Egypt, Turkey, Thailand and other popular tourist routes. There are three main zones, each of which is subject to a specific call rate. The cost of a minute of calls and Internet use varies in each of the zones where Beeline international roaming is available. Special daily packages are not activated if you do not use the corresponding service on that day.

    Internet from Beeline abroad

    Internet use is carried out within the framework of roaming if you are in one of the countries that cooperate with domestic mobile operators. Every day, a Beeline subscriber is provided with a package for 200 rubles, including 40 megabytes of Internet traffic. Any megabyte in excess of the package is paid separately, the cost is 5 rubles. The list of countries with preferential Internet when roaming can be clarified before your trip from company representatives.

    Outside the CIS and the fifteen most popular tourist spots on the planet, the cost of the package rises to 300 rubles. for the same volume. Extra megabytes beyond those included in the package are paid for 60 rubles. per megabyte. Careful use of the Internet guarantees the use of less than 30 megabytes of traffic per day. In African countries and some Asian countries, the cost of 1 megabyte of traffic is always 768 rubles.

    Beeline international calls

    When calling within Europe, the CIS, Asian countries and America, free incoming calls are available. Outgoing messages are counted within packages that are updated every day. In the CIS: 100 rub. for 10 minutes of the package, 10 rubles. for every extra minute on the same day. In Europe and popular countries of the world: 200 rub. for 20 minutes of the package, subsequent minutes for 10 rubles. The cost of incoming calls is 25 rubles, and outgoing calls are 100 rubles. in a minute.

    SMS from Beeline when roaming abroad

    International roaming offers the opportunity to send SMS from popular tourist areas of the planet at a price of 10 rubles. for the message. Given special offer enabled by default for all Beeline clients using this service. For Latin American countries, Australia and some parts of Asia, the cost of SMS will be 19 rubles. One message from Africa will cost 29 rubles - there are no operators cooperating with Beeline in this territory. Free incoming SMS is valid for all cases.

    In which countries does Beeline roaming work?

    The list of partners officially cooperating with the Beeline network on international roaming issues includes the following European countries: Austria, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Gibraltar, Greenland, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Isle of Man, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic , Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia.

    Similar tariffs apply in tourist countries outside Europe: USA, Kuwait, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Israel, India, Cambodia, Canada, Qatar, Malaysia, UAE, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan. You can find out the list of countries that are not covered by the most preferential terms of Beeline tariffs on the company’s official website.

    How to find out the cost of calls and top up your roaming account

    It is recommended to top up your mobile account balance before traveling abroad. You will not always be able to check the exact balance on the spot: the debit from your SIM card may not be displayed for several hours or days. If you exceed the limit for a roaming package, you will receive special message with a warning. The account is replenished in the standard way for Beeline clients - through bank card either with the help trust payment. The amount of such payment ranges from 30 to 500 rubles.

    Video: Beeline international communications

    Beeline roaming abroad- Very convenient feature for those who travel outside the country. After connecting to it, Beeline subscribers while traveling can talk to their loved ones and friends who remain in Russia at favorable rates from their phone number, that is, without changing the SIM card. Moreover, when the subscriber leaves the territory of Russia, the service is activated automatically.

    Tariffs for international roaming Beeline

    Mobile operator Beeline offers different options roaming abroad, so everyone has the opportunity to choose the most favorable tariff for them. So, what opportunities does Beeline roaming provide us with?

    Planet zero

    25 rubles are charged for connection, and further subscription services are free.

    • subscription fee – 60 rubles/day;
    • incoming calls – 20 minutes a day free of charge (further 10 rubles/min);
    • outgoing calls – 20 rub/min;
    • SMS message – 7 rubles.

    Connect: *110*331#

    Disable: *110*330#

    My planet

    You need to pay 25 rubles for connection, subscription service is free.

    • incoming calls 15 rub/min;
    • outgoing calls 25 rub/min;
    • SMS message – 9 rubles.

    Connect: *110*0071#

    Disable: *110*0070#

    Roaming lightly

    On at the moment this service is not available for connection, but continues to operate for those subscribers who connected to it earlier.

    International communications

    A useful service for those who often make calls abroad from their home country.

    Connect: *110*131# or call back the number 067409131

    Disable: *110*130#

    How to make profitable calls abroad

    Connecting roaming " International communications" is most relevant for those who constantly call foreign regions from the city of their residence. And it will allow you to do this on more favorable terms. You do not need to pay anything for connection and further subscription services. In this case, post-payment is provided.

    To connect, you need to call the number 067409131 or type the command *110*131#

    To disable, type the command *110*130#

    For calls in countries where roaming services are not available, it is important that the balance exceeds 600 rubles, therefore, while in such countries, it is recommended to constantly monitor the balance of your account. If there is less money in the account than 300 rubles, the services of the mobile operator will not be available. Fortunately, there are only a few such countries, and the rest offer online roaming services.

    Internet in Beeline roaming abroad

    Beeline company cares about the convenience of its subscribers, therefore it offers favorable conditions:

    • package 40 MB - 200 rub;
    • 5 RUR/MB – after the traffic expires.

    Details can be found by calling 8 800 700-0611 or by calling short number 0611.

    Beeline roaming in Turkey and Egypt

    The most frequently visited foreign holiday destinations for our compatriots are Turkish and Egyptian resorts. Therefore, when going on vacation to Turkey or Egypt, you should get acquainted with the tariffs for roaming services in these countries.

    • Incoming calls – 69 RUR/min;
    • Calls to Russia – 69 rubles/min;
    • Local calls (within Egypt) – 69 RUR/min;
    • Calls to other countries – 129 rubles/min;
    • SMS message – 19 rub.

    Beeline allows its subscribers to always stay in touch – both throughout Russia and abroad. They receive comprehensive support and a wide range of services. Currently, Beeline international roaming is available in more than 200 countries around the world. With SIM card Russian operator You can travel all over the planet without restrictions.

    The cost of communication services depends on partnership agreements with mobile operators in a specific country. Information should be clarified on the official website or in the Subscriber Service.

    Going beyond" home region", subscribers still stay in touch as it happens automatic switching modes. If you have a positive balance on your personal account, you can receive and make calls. This allows you to control expenses in real time.

    • check for debts and unpaid bills - *110*04#;
    • top up your personal account (depending on the features of the tariff plan);
    • Find out on the official website or in the Subscriber Service information about the services provided in a particular country.

    Roaming services are activated using the command *110*131# (call). However, it is better to check the status in your “Personal Account” or directly with the operator through the support service.

    There are two forms of payment:

    • prepaid (requires at least 600 rubles in the account);
    • postpaid (providing a credit limit).

    In Crimea, roaming is activated automatically and is provided on preferential terms. It is better to check with the operator for details of service.

    All Beeline subscribers receive international roaming, tariffs and various additional services are provided in full. There are currently two main options available:

    • "My Planet";
    • "Planet Zero"

    Depending on the intensity of communication and the requirements of subscribers, you can choose the most suitable option. commit profitable calls around the world using the "My Planet" option.

    Prices for various communication services without subscription fee:

    • incoming calls 15 rub/min;
    • outgoing calls 25 rub/min;
    • SMS – 9 rub.

    Connection will cost 25 rubles. To do this, you need to send the command *110*0071# (call).

    If you prefer active communication with your loved ones or you often have to make calls on business trips, then it is better to activate the “Planet Zero” option.

    Prices for various types services:

    • subscription fee – 60 rubles/day;
    • incoming calls – 20 minutes a day free of charge (further 10 rubles/min);
    • outgoing calls – 20 rub/min;
    • SMS – 7 rub.

    Send the command *110*331# (call). Connection cost – 25 rubles.

    Did you know?

    During cruises on the high seas, satellite communications are available. To do this, you need a device that supports the appropriate mode and connected option. However, the cost of services differs greatly from regular tariffs.

    Internet in roaming from Beeline abroad

    In the Beeline network, roaming abroad, tariffs and various services correspond to high level. Data transfer speed depends on quality cellular network in a specific location, as well as on the capabilities of a smartphone or tablet. Subscribers are provided with Internet access on favorable terms:

    • package 40 MB - 200 rub;
    • 5 RUR/MB – after the traffic expires.

    This offer is valid in Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, UAE, China, Serbia, as well as in some other countries. All details can be found on the official website or from operators Subscriber service by phone 8 800 700-0611 or short number 0611.

    Traveling abroad is not surprising these days. Many people often vacation in other countries, go to visit loved ones or go on business trips. When traveling, even on trains, many people use mobile devices and do not change SIM cards. This way they always remain available to their loved ones. All these opportunities, of course, are given to them by roaming, which is provided by the operators themselves.

    Profitable Beeline roaming abroad is connected as standard in auto mode after SIM activation. Take advantage of connections abroad and communicate with people you care about calmly. To do this, you first need to find out what offers your operator has in this regard. To learn how to make calls abroad as cheap as possible, read this article.

    Beeline roaming tariffs

    Beeline makes it possible to make calls in roaming for favorable price. Call the operators at 0611 (also see others) and find out the specific cost of calls in roaming, and also get acquainted with everything in this regard. Next, we’ll talk about how to activate roaming on Beeline abroad.

    Connecting international roaming to Beeline

    If you are planning to go abroad soon, then prepare for this in advance and take care of connecting roaming to Beeline abroad. The operator takes care of the needs and desires of its customers. Therefore, there is a large choice here. Thus, being abroad, you can use roaming with peace of mind.

    Are you planning to vacation abroad soon? Do you have Türkiye, Egypt, Thailand, Tunisia or others in mind? Prepare in advance to make calls when you are in one of these countries and sign up for Beeline roaming tariffs abroad on favorable terms.

    Roaming service "Planet Zero"

    This service will give you the opportunity to receive incoming calls for free, but only from the second to the 11th minute of the call. This applies to any incoming calls, regardless of the caller's number. You can find out more about this option on the corresponding page of the official Beeline website. The service is activated using a request *110*331# . To turn off, dial *110*330# .

    Roaming service “My Planet”

    “My Planet” is a service that allows you to make calls on favorable terms when you are abroad. You can also find details about prices and other characteristics and conditions on the website in the appropriate section. To connect to the service, dial Beeline on your phone *110*0071# . If you want to disable the service when returning home, dial *110*0071# .

    "Roaming lightly"

    This service is now impossible to activate, but it operates on the numbers of those who activated it at one time. But don’t be upset anyway, because the services described above are quite suitable for communication when staying abroad, and Beeline will never leave you without lucrative offers, and you can always get profitable roaming Beeline abroad. 2017 is already giving you the most optimal offers.

    "International Communications"

    As for the ability to make calls abroad while in your own country, for such cases the following applies: useful service, allowing you to do this profitably. If you need to frequently call someone outside the country, then activate the “International Communications” service. This service is just for you! It will significantly reduce the cost of calls to other countries. The service is activated by command *110*131# , and turning off - *110*130# .

    If you still have questions on the topic “Beeline Roaming Abroad,” then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

    There was already an article about this profitable service for travelers, like Beeline “My Planet”, today we will talk about something else, but no less advantageous offer which is called "Planet Zero". It is also suitable for anyone who loves to discover new paths and the most beautiful, although not the most popular, places on our planet. This is a great option to save on mobile conversations. It is worth noting that for popular tourist routes this service will no longer be so profitable, but when going to distant, unexplored countries, connect this service will be the most optimal solution.

    Planet Zero is a service from Beeline that makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of outgoing and incoming calls. At the same time, there is no standard subscription fee as such. However, you must pay a fee to use this option and such fee will be debited from your account on the day you redeem the offer. This means that if you have never made any calls or written or received any SMS messages in a day, then there will be no debits either. Naturally, the Planet Zero Beeline service will be available only after connecting it to your phone, and it will cost 25 rubles. And when returning home, you can disable the option.

    Connecting and disconnecting the “Planet Zero” service Beeline

    In order to have access to the capabilities of this attractive option, you need to dial the number *110*331# . In addition, the connection can be made on the Beeline website. In particular, this can be done in personal account or through the support service, where you can call from the Beeline number, while still in your country, to the number 0611 . While roaming, to connect you need to dial toll free number +74959748888 .

    You can stop using offers by dialing *110*330# or by calling 0674030. Thus, to disconnect or connect Planet Zero from Beeline you will need a minimum of time and effort.

    It is worth emphasizing that at the moment it is not possible to connect to the service, as it is outdated.

    Tariffs for the “Planet Zero” service Beeline

    Planet Zero Beeline offers tariffing for calls and SMS in two directions (zones), namely:

    • by popular countries;
    • and other directions.

    It is important to say that this offer will be most beneficial for those who are roaming and more often receive calls from friends and family than make them. Thus, Beeline’s planet zero option offers the following pricing:

    • in fact, the cost of the option is 60 rubles;
    • from 0 to 20 minutes incoming calls are free;
    • from 21 minutes the cost of a call is 10 rubles per minute"
    • An outgoing call costs 20 rubles per minute.”
    • the price for SMS is 7 rubles.

    The beauty of this offer is that for just 60 rubles you can get as many as 20 minutes of completely free calls. In the event that you were a subscriber communicating at standard roaming rates, then he would pay as much as 69 rubles for just one minute of conversation on incoming call. Outgoing calls are also significantly reduced in price to any direction. Which helps to significantly save your money in your account.

    Thus, popular destinations include countries such as Ukraine, Greece, Egypt, Great Britain, Armenia, Germany, Azerbaijan, Polza, Turkey, the United States, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Spain, China, Italy, etc. The entire list of these countries can be found read on the Beeline website. This information can also be obtained from the operator.

    It is also important that if the subscriber is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the Planet Zero Beeline service does not write off any money, and there are also no restrictions. It turns on automatically when you go abroad, and turns off when you arrive. Thus, it will be activated and disabled until you disable it yourself.

    In other directions, the pricing for the Planet Zero Beeline service is as follows:

    • the write-off per day of using the service is 100 rubles;
    • from 0 to 20 minutes incoming calls are free;
    • from 21 minutes incoming call estimated at 15 rubles per minute;
    • The cost of all outgoing calls is 45 rubles per minute."
    • SMS are priced at 9 rubles per message.

    These countries include Taiwan, Israel, Kanala, Singapore, Afghanistan, New Zealand, Korea, Brazil, UAE, South Africa, Iran, Chile and other countries. The entire list of countries is on the official website or you can find it out by calling the number help desk Beeline company and contacting the operator.

    Thus, it turns out that in these directions tariffing is already less profitable. But, nevertheless, such prices still help to save a lot on telephone conversations, while abroad, when compared with standard roaming prices. All calls made while roaming are charged per minute, starting from the first second of the call.

    If you still have any questions about this option from Beeline, you can contact the subscriber service office or call 0611 . In addition, it is worth emphasizing that this option is not available for some tariffs and for USB modems. The entire list of those that do not support the service can be seen on the company’s website.

    At the moment, this option is already outdated and instead you can connect another service called “The most profitable roaming”.