• TV with built-in satellite receiver (DVB-S2 standard). Setting up the NTV-Plus antenna yourself

    Today we will talk about how to independently install and configure the NTV plus + dish and satellite equipment with your own hands at home. We will also consider detailed instructions for installation and configuration of the kit satellite television NTV+ plus with visuals step by step diagrams and photos

    The satellite dish is configured using certain coordinates, which you can find in the instructions.


    To assemble correctly satellite dish You must have instructions, which are usually found in the box with the equipment, as well as a key for 10 and 13. The process of installing and assembling satellite television is described in detail using illustrated tips.

    After installing the antenna and its parts, first of all, you need to secure the equipment bracket, which is most often located on the south side of the building. Before you begin attaching the bracket, evaluate the direction of the antenna and make sure it is mounted correctly. It is recommended to install the device so that there are no obstacles in its direction. You can also install the antenna on a special stand, which can be purchased at hardware stores in any city.

    Before you connect coaxial cable with the receiver, you need to make sure that after attaching the bracket all the bolts are well tightened and only then proceed with the connection. All the connectors you need are included with the satellite dish.


    In order to set up a satellite dish yourself, you first need to connect the receiver to the TV. After which it is necessary to carry out automatic search channels. If you see two scales changing on their own, then you did everything right. After a while the channels will tune in on their own.

    In order for the antenna to be in the correct angle, you need to install it on a vertical plane. It is recommended to place the antenna perpendicularly with a slight upward deviation. Finding directions on a satellite is a little more difficult. It is best to use a compass. The direction can also be compared with the satellite dish of your neighbors, if possible.

    After determining the location of the satellite, we recommend slightly changing the antenna location to improve the signal level.


    To start using satellite television from NTV PLUS, you must register as a subscriber and antenna user. You can register on the company’s official website or at the main office.

    Without registration, watching television will not be available, since you need to turn on the receiver, which is blocked. The dispatcher will provide the code after you pay the tariff and register. After this, a picture with the company logo will appear on your TV screen. Having done all the steps correctly, after a while you will be able to enjoy high-quality television.

    Converter is receiver, which is attached to the focus of the signal reflected from the satellite dish and converts this signal into electrical, after which it transmits it to the receiver.

    A receiver is a device that converts the signal coming from the converter into a “understandable” signal for the TV. The receiver connects to the TV using HDMI interface, SCART, "tulip", etc. depends on the model of the receiver and the connectors on the TV.

    The general diagram is presented below.

    Installation of NTV+ dish

    So, let's move from theory to practice. Below I will describe how I installed and configured NTV+

    You too during installation satellite dish you can look around, since most people use either Tricolor or NTV+, accordingly you will understand in which direction you need to turn the antenna. If there are no dishes nearby, turn the dish to the south (since the satellite “hangs” on the equator), it should be taken into account that there should not be any trees or buildings on the path between the satellite and the direction of the dish, since they will not allow the signal to reach the dish.

    Next, you need to run a coaxial cable from the receiver (where the TV will be) to the satellite dish converter. If the cable exceeds 10 meters, you can buy a high-quality 75 Ohm coaxial cable of the required length.

    After this, using HDMI cable, SCART or "tulip" connect the receiver to the TV. Then turn on the receiver, select AV mode (corresponding interface) on the TV. You will see the receiver menu, select the satellite in the settings (let me remind you, for NTV+ and Tricolor it will be the same satellite), for the European zone it will be EUTELSAT W4/ W7 or EUTELSAT 36A/ 36B (they have been renamed).

    the following rules must be followed: unobstructed view in a southerly direction, because The satellite is located approximately in the south. The location must be chosen in such a way that there are no serious obstacles to the signal in the direction towards the satellite: high-rise buildings, trees, etc. Through tree foliage, branches, window glass, etc. the signal does not pass through. It is not necessary that the windows of your apartment or private house face strictly south; it is important that it is visible in one of the windows (for some satellites, southwest or southeast). If the south direction is not visible from the windows, the antenna is mounted on the roof.

    The Dishpointer service will help you decide on the location for installing the satellite dish.

    1. Find the building where you plan to install the satellite dish on the map.
    2. Using the mouse, drag the mark to the intended installation location.
    3. Using the [+]/[-] buttons, set the required scale.
    4. On the map, the green line will show the direction of the NTV plus antenna.
    5. Geographical data of your location (latitude and longitude), parameters for setting up a satellite dish (elevation angle, azimuth, polarization), you can find under the map.

    Assemble the satellite dish (instructions included). Fix the satellite converter on the bracket.

    Drill holes for the support (bracket) using a hammer drill.

    Pay great attention to securely fastening the satellite dish bracket and tuning the dish to the satellite.

    If the wall is load-bearing, made of brick or concrete, the satellite dish bracket is installed using anchors. If the wall is not very strong and cannot withstand the vibration of a satellite dish during strong gusts of wind, then the bracket is secured with studs.

    Cut the cable.

    The next step is to connect the coaxial cable to the satellite converter and NTV Plus satellite receiver.

    Please pay special attention - when connecting the coaxial cable of the satellite receiver, the receiver must be de-energized (unplugged from the power supply). Otherwise, the satellite receiver may be damaged.

    You can set up a satellite dish using a receiver or a device for setting up satellite dishes - a satellite finder.

    Setting up an NTV plus satellite dish using a satellite receiver.

    Option 1, with the HUMAX VAHD-3100S receiver - connect the receiver to the TV - connect the coaxial cable from the satellite dish to the LNB IN input of the satellite receiver, insert the NTV Plus smart card into the receiver, turn on the receiver.

    Attention, when connecting the cable to the receiver, the receiver must be turned off from the power supply!!! Otherwise, the receiver may be damaged.

    Before starting the search, you must go to the receiver’s menu item “Signal Information”.

    To do this, press on the remote control: "Menu" --- select "Settings" - "System - "Signal information (pin code 0000). Next, we proceed to setting up the satellite dish.

    One person sits directly next to the receiver, the other adjusts the satellite dish; communication can be maintained using walkie-talkies or mobile phones

    Satellite antenna without sudden movements, adjustable around the axis (azimuth) and vertically (angle).

    You need to achieve the strongest signal by rotating the antenna in small steps. It is necessary to adjust the antenna 3-5 mm at a time, fixing it in each position for 1-2 seconds, so that the satellite receiver can process the signal from the satellite.

    If you see satellite signal on the receiver scale, tighten the nuts of the holder responsible for rotating the satellite dish around its axis. After this, adjust the antenna until highest value“Signal quality”, on the receiver scale. Then tighten all fasteners on the antenna.

    Searching for a satellite signal and setting up the NTV Plus antenna using satellite finder.

    Sitefinder – simplifies setting up a satellite dish and searching for a signal from the NTV Plus satellite. Setting up a satellite dish with a household satellite finder. These devices have an audible alarm, two light diodes, a dial signal indicator, and sensitivity adjustment.


    Connect the sitefinder with a coaxial cable, between satellite converter and the receiver, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the converter. Satfinder connectors are indicated by markings (on back side). The cable (going to the converter) is connected to the “LNB” connector, and the cable going to the NTV plus satellite receiver is connected to the “REC” connector.

    All actions with a coaxial cable must be performed with the receiver turned off from the power supply.


    Open the satellite receiver menu item "Signal information".
    On the remote control, press: "Menu" --- select "Settings" - "System - "Signal information (pin code 0000). Next we proceed to setting up the satellite dish.


    Approximately point the NTV Plus satellite dish in the desired direction. Set the level arrow in the middle, using the sensitivity control on the satellite finder, slowly rotate the satellite dish in azimuth to the left/right and in elevation up/down. Achieve the highest signal level on the dial scale. Please note that when tightening the satellite antenna mounts, the angles are lost, so the antenna adjustment continues until the last turn of the adjustment nuts.


    After this, make sure you are tuned to the right companion, to do this, enable automatic channel search on the receiver. If the satellite receiver saw the TV channels you required, it means you followed all the instructions correctly and were able to set up the satellite dish on your own. If the signal from the satellite is not found or you have found the wrong satellite, continue adjusting the antenna until the satellite finder shows you the signal from the desired satellite.


    After completing the setup, turn off the receiver and disconnect the device from the satellite dish.

    If the antenna is configured correctly, you will see an image free channels, such as: NTV plus info channel, etc.

    Next, you need to go through the procedure of activating the NTV Plus card and registering the NTV Plus agreement.

    Fill out the NTV Plus agreement according to the columns on the agreement form.

    We remind you that the first form of the NTV plus agreement (handwritten original) must be sent to the NTV plus television company by postal letter, within a month, at the address: 117545, Moscow, Vorshavskoe highway, 125, building 1, sec. 10. OJSC NTV Plus.

    Installation of NTV+ antenna

    1. Assemble the antenna according to the instruction manual.
    2. Attach the antenna bracket to the wall. Fastening elements (anchor bolts, studs, nuts, screws, etc.) are selected depending on the wind load and the material of the wall on which the antenna is mounted.

    3. Install the converter in the holder with the connector facing down so that precipitation does not get inside the converter.
    4. Connect the cable to the converter using the F-connector*.
    5. Attach the cable to the converter holder arc with plastic ties or insulating tape.
    6. Seal the entire length of the F-connector with heat shrink tubing or 2 layers of insulating tape, and apply a layer of silicone sealant evenly to the insulating tape.

    7. Install the antenna on the bracket. Tighten the adjusting nuts so that you can move the antenna in the vertical and horizontal planes with some effort.
    8. Secure the cable to the antenna bracket with plastic ties or electrical tape. Leave a 1m cable reserve near the antenna, also securing it to the bracket.

    *Installation procedure for standard satellite television F-connectors

    1. Remove the top insulation of the cable by 15 mm without damaging the shielding braid.
    2. Place the braided shielding along the cable.
    3. Carefully position the foil along the braided shielding.
    4. Remove a layer of internal insulation by 10mm.
    5. Screw the connector until it stops.
    6. “Bite off” the central conductor so that it does not protrude beyond the connector by more than 2 mm.

    3. Setting up the NTV+ antenna

    1. Approximately set the azimuth and elevation angle of the antenna, focusing on the data for the city closest to you given in the table. The azimuth can be set using a compass. It is more difficult to accurately determine the elevation angle, since the angle of inclination of an offset antenna depends on its design, and the NTV-Plus project uses antennas from several manufacturers. For example, the exact vertical position of the antenna of the Ulyanovsk Supral plant corresponds to an elevation angle of 26.5°.

    Therefore, in Moscow this antenna can be installed vertically, in Volgograd it can be tilted a little back, and in St. Petersburg it can be tilted a little forward. For antennas from other manufacturers, this situation may be different.

    2. In accordance with the operating instructions for the digital terminal, connect the cable coming from the converter to it. Carry out the cutting of the F-connector according to the method given above.

    3. Connect the digital terminal to the TV according to the terminal's operating instructions and turn it on.

    4. The digital terminal is pre-programmed for NTV-Plus channels. Select an “open” channel from the list of terminal channels (for example, Info channel).

    5. Slowly moving the antenna mirror in vertical and/or horizontal planes around the intended satellite location, make sure that a television picture appears on your TV screen.

    6. Activate the “Received signal level” item in the menu of your terminal. Achieve maximum value level of the received signal by smoothly moving the antenna mirror in the vertical and/or horizontal planes. Please remember that signal strength depends on weather conditions. In conditions of dense clouds, heavy rain or snowfall, the signal level may decrease until the image disappears. Snow stuck to the antenna also significantly worsens reception conditions.

    7. Tighten the adjusting nuts while monitoring the received signal level.
    8. Insert the NTV-Plus card into the digital terminal according to the operating instructions.

    The CAM module must be installed in a switched off TV to avoid damage to the equipment. Before connecting the TV to the network, make sure that the CAM module is completely inserted into the corresponding connector (PCMCIA port) of the TV.

    The access card was correctly installed in the CAM module itself - the metal contacts of the access card chip were directed towards the front side of the TV module.

    ATTENTION! After turning on the TV, information about the initialization of the CAM module will appear on the screen.

    For the correct orientation of the Card in the module, pay attention to the image of the chip on the sticker of the TV module.

    Setting up the CAM module:

    We reset the settings on the TV to factory settings. Menu - support - self-diagnosis - reset - ok.

    After the TV reboots, go to the menu - channel - antenna - select the value “satellite”.

    Then in the same section: satellite - system - enter the password - 0000 - in the menu that appears, click “select satellite”.

    Uncheck all satellites that are installed by default (if this cannot be done, you need to remove the CAM module from the slot and reset the settings again), scroll through the list of satellites and select the “USER SAT” satellite.

    Create your satellite (check the box next to it) and save it. Next, the “LNB power supply” option should be ON. Then we go to the LNB settings, do as in the picture below, except:

    section “transponder” - we don’t fill anything in there, so we’ll enter it manually.

    Next, we exit this submenu, go to the “manual setup” section, see our new satellite and click “scan”.

    The “transponders” section will be empty, select “create”.

    Next, we enter the frequencies we need (list below), indicate the appropriate transmission speed and select the type of polarization (L or R). Click “save”.

    The channel package for this transponder will be scanned and saved into the TV memory.

    Then everything is repeated for each subsequent transponder. There, in the “manual setup” menu, click “scan” in the “transponder” section, create the next one with your data, and so on. All previous loaded and scanned transponders with settings and channels are saved.

    List of NTV-Plus transponders:

    Everyone chooses the method of receiving channels in digital quality, this is what I proceeded from when choosing:.

    Terrestrial digital television did not suit me, due to large quantity channels.

    Cable television - everything is more complicated here, the operator that provides television via coaxial cable without using coding (no set-top boxes are needed) does not serve my home, and the operators that provide television through the set-top box did not suit me either, since I had to pay subscription fee for connecting one TV 300 rubles or more, in my opinion expensive. Based on this, I chose satellite television. The disadvantage of this method is that to use it you must initially have an amount of about 10 thousand rubles. for the purchase of equipment. But you can always save money, for example, I had an old NTV+ receiver, and at a promotion I exchanged it with an additional payment for new receiver NTV+ - I’ll immediately clarify that this was a temporary event, I was just lucky to meet the deadline for it. But promotions change and there is always the opportunity to buy a satellite kit cheaper. So, choose between satellite operators I didn’t have to, because I got an NTV+ set with a contract and a card for cheap. All that was left to do was set the plate and enjoy digital channels, even channels in HD quality.

    A little theory about satellite television.

    For those who are not at all aware of the installation of satellite equipment, I will explain that the dish must look strictly at the satellite broadcasting signal. Here it’s worth telling a little more about satellite television technology.

    The television signal is broadcast from a geostationary satellite hovering above the Earth. If you go a little deeper, the satellite rotates in the plane of the earth's equator at an altitude of approximately 35,000 km above the earth's surface. The period of revolution in this orbit is one day. That is, a satellite moving along geostationary orbit, does not change its position relative to the Earth’s surface (constantly “hangs” above the same point of the equator).

    Using a satellite dish, we focus the signal from the satellite to the point where the converter is located.

    A converter is a receiving device that is mounted at the focus of a signal reflected from a satellite dish and converts this signal into an electrical signal, after which it transmits it to the receiver.

    A receiver is a device that converts the signal coming from the converter into a “understandable” signal for the TV. The receiver connects to the TV using an HDMI, SCART, “tulip”, etc. interface. depends on the model of the receiver and the connectors on the TV.

    The general diagram is presented below.

    Installation of NTV+ dish

    So, let's move from theory to practice. Below I will describe how I installed and configured NTV+ (for those who set up Tricolor, the connection diagram will be similar).

    I climbed onto the roof of my house and saw the following picture - two satellite dishes hanging, there was a place left just for mine.

    If you pay attention, one dish is used for Tricolor (judging by the inscription on the plate, although this may not be the case), this is good, since Tricolor and NTV+ broadcast from the same satellite, which means they are directed to the same point in the sky, adjust the direction accordingly antennas will be easier, since the sample will be nearby. When installing a satellite dish, you can also look around, since most people use either Tricolor or NTV+, accordingly you will understand in which direction you need to turn the antenna. If there are no dishes nearby, turn the dish to the south (since the satellite “hangs” on the equator), it should be taken into account that there should not be any trees or buildings on the path between the satellite and the direction of the dish, since they will not allow the signal to reach the dish.

    The first step is to fasten the antenna bracket using anchor bolts (usually they come with the antenna). To do this, attach the bracket to the wall, mark the places where you need to drill holes, and use a drill to make holes with a depth and a radius the size of an anchor bolt. Then insert the bolts there.

    Then attach the bracket to the wall and screw it.

    As a result of all actions, check that the bracket is firmly secured and does not wobble.

    After this, assemble the plate and attach it to the bracket.

    Next, you need to run a coaxial cable from the receiver (where the TV will be) to the satellite dish converter. If the cable exceeds 10 meters, you can buy a high-quality 75 Ohm coaxial cable of the required length.

    After that, use an HDMI, SCART or tulip cable to connect the receiver to the TV. Then turn on the receiver, select AV mode (corresponding interface) on the TV. You will see the receiver menu, select the satellite in the settings (let me remind you, for NTV+ and Tricolor it will be the same satellite), for the European zone it will be EUTELSAT W4/ W7 or EUTELSAT 36A/ 36B (they have been renamed).

    The next step is to set the dish strictly to the satellite. What not to use additional devices helping to set up channels, which cost a lot of money (and there’s no need if you want to set up one satellite dish for yourself), you will need an assistant who will monitor the signal level, while you turn the dish. You can use a cell phone for communication.

    You should turn the plate millimeter by millimeter in order to catch good signal. The antenna rotates not only horizontally, but also vertically, do not forget about this.

    In the end, I set up an NTV+ dish (I decided prematurely).

    I managed to achieve a signal of more than 70 percent; it was cloudy, so perhaps the result was no better. Coming down after setting up the antenna, I quickly tuned in the channels using auto search and was quite pleased. BUT, when I turned on the HD channel, an information sign “No signal” appeared in front of me.

    How so?! All channels work normally, but all HDs write “No signal”.

    Call to service technical support did not bring any results. I decided to spin the plate some more to achieve at least some signal level (as you can see in the picture below, the signal level of HD channels is 0%). To do this, in the menu I selected List TP - 11823/27500/V (it is responsible for some of the HD channels).

    I climbed onto the roof and again began to slowly turn the antenna; my assistant remained near the TV and told me the signal level. After literally 10-15 minutes I managed to set up the HD channels; they showed a signal level of about 73%. Having gone down, I could already see the channels in HD quality, the other channels were also excellent.

    The bottom line of this whole story is, do not believe people who say that only specialists with special equipment can install and configure satellite television. Almost anyone can do this!!!

    Setting up NTV PLUS begins with installation and installation of equipment. If they are carried out independently, it is important to follow the following rules:

    1. NTV satellites + Eutelsat 36B/36С, Eutelsat 36A are located above the equator, so the dish should be directed to the south. The exact direction can be determined using a compass. The satellite's direction angle is approximately 17 - 38 degrees. It depends on the manufacturer of the dish; satellite television operator NTV has several of them.
    2. In order for the satellite dish to receive an excellent signal, during installation it is important to take into account the overview of the territory; interference in the form of vegetation and tall buildings is not allowed. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in problems with signal transmission.
    3. The bracket is attached firmly and reliably, otherwise over time the dish will get knocked down, the direction of the direction will change, all this will affect the quality of the signal.
    4. It is not recommended to skimp on cable; it must be resistant to different weather conditions.

    The next stage is setting up the NTV satellite dish.

    1. Connect the converter cable to the receiver, and connect the receiver itself to the TV. To avoid malfunctions or equipment breakdown, you must follow all recommendations specified in the manufacturer's instructions.
    2. Slowly and carefully rotate the satellite dish mirror in the horizontal/vertical plane towards the location of the satellite. Goal: to get the image to appear on the TV.
    3. After the picture appears, you need to activate the “RECEIVED SIGNAL LEVEL” command on the receiver. For a good television picture, the scale should be as high as possible.

    Online registration of access card and CL module

    To register this equipment, authorization is required on the operator’s official website.

    If the data is filled in correctly, email You will receive a letter confirming your profile activation. After which the subscriber will have access to the “Registration of Agreement” operation on the website. After concluding the agreement, the card will be activated automatically within 24 hours.

    How to configure the receiver to broadcast NTV channels

    Without this device, watching satellite television is impossible. The NTV PLUS television company offers various models of TV set-top boxes, so the equipment settings may vary.

    Models of NTV + receivers for watching television from the Eutelsat 36B/36C satellite offered by the provider in 2017:

    • Digital interactive TV set-top box VA1020;
    • NTV-PLUS 1 HD VA;
    • HUMAX VAHD93100S;
    • Humax VA-4SD;
    • Humax VHDR 3000S;
    • Sagemcom 87-1HD;
    • Sagemcom DSI74 HD;
    • Opentech OHS1740V.

    The VA1020 is the most modern development, went on sale in the fall of 2016. New subscribers of the company have the opportunity to purchase at a discount. The promotion is valid until the end of January 2017.

    Setting up channels

    There are two options for setting up channels: automatic way and manual setting. In the first method, you need to select the “SEARCH FOR CHANNELS” item in the setup menu; if the equipment is configured correctly, all channels will soon appear.

    Manual search is a more complex process:

    1. Resetting the specified settings - go to the menu, select the section “SETUP” → “DEFAULT INSTALLATION” → “CHANNELS” → “ANTENNA” → “SATELLITE SETUP”.
    2. When prompted for a TV set-top box password, enter a number consisting of four zeros. If the password has been changed, you must enter the changed version.
    3. In the tab that appears, uncheck the boxes next to the satellites allowed by default and leave EutelsatW4 36E. If this procedure blocked, you need to remove the access card from the tuner.
    4. Then it is important to configure the transponder.
    5. Settings: 12130 R and Lnb levels (low = 0; high = 10750).
    6. The final stage. After entering all the data in the “MANUAL SETUP” section, select the previously recommended transponder and set the “NETWORK SEARCH” command. The operation can take quite a long time; upon completion, all available channels will appear. The quantity depends on the package selected by the user.

    Instructions for setting up Samsung and LG TV models with CAM – Module

    1. Step-by-step setup of NTV PLUS for Samsung:
    2. Go to the menu and select “BROADCAST”
    3. From the proposed antenna types, choose EutelsatW4 36E. Save data.
    4. Go to the “LNB SETTINGS” tab and select any transponder. Set DiSEqC mode to off. Lower LNB = 9750. Upper LNB = 10750. 22 KHz tone is off.
    5. Make two clicks on the “Return” button on the control panel.
    6. Go to manual channel search.
    7. Select the EutelsatW4 36E satellite again, then find the number 11900(V/R) 27500 in the list of transponders, press the OK button.
    8. Set the “NETWORK SEARCH” command.
    9. Then, in the “BROADCASTING” section, select “CHANGE CHANNELS”. Select the channel to which you want to give a number using the “CHANGE NUMBER” tab.
    10. Select the “SORT” item and organize channels into categories: radio, music, TV.
    11. The setup and installation of channels is complete.

    For LG, the setup is similar, but the transponder value changes according to the photo.

    Many users prefer to install satellite equipment themselves. What you might encounter in such cases, what subtleties accompany the installation process, how to set up NTV Plus channels - you can find out below.

    The first thing you need to do to install NTV Plus is to install and mount everything necessary equipment. If the user does not use the services of the company’s specialists, but decides to make do on our own, then it is important to follow several basic rules:

    • The direction of the plate is south. The reason is that the company's main satellites, Eutelsat 36A and Eutelsat 36B/36C, are located above the equatorial zone of the planet. To make the process easier, you can use an ordinary compass. The satellite direction angle is in the range of 17-38 degrees, depending on the equipment manufacturer, since the provider uses the services of several;
    • another very important parameter– a clean area in front of the plate. Make sure that there is no interference in the direct line in front of it, such as trees, high-rise buildings, etc., as they can greatly degrade the quality of the received signal;
    • Attaching the bracket should be given no less attention, and installed as securely as possible, since otherwise over the years it will become loose, the plate will get knocked down, and the image quality will greatly decrease;
    • You should not save when buying a cable - its resistance to various weather conditions is extremely important.


    And now, the installation is complete, everything is fine, and you can start next stage– setting up the NTV antenna.

    1. The converter cable is connected to the receiver, and the receiver itself is connected to the TV. It is important to follow all instructions from the manufacturer, this will help avoid breakdowns.
    2. Slowly and carefully rotate the antenna dish vertically and horizontally towards the satellite location until the picture and sound appear excellent quality. To make the process go faster and more comfortably, it is better to do everything together - one rotates the antenna, the other coordinates by phone.
    3. And now, the screen pleases with a high-quality picture, the next step is to activate the “received signal level” command on the receiver. Try to make the scale as full as possible.

    With due patience, setting up an NTV satellite will not cause problems.


    Next you need to register installed equipment, CL module and access card on the official website ntvplus.ru. After filling in all the necessary data, if everything is done correctly, specified mail You will receive a letter with a key to activate your profile, after which you will have access to registering an agreement in your account.

    Upon completion of registration, the card is automatically activated within 24 hours.


    The receiver is one of the essential components, without it it will be impossible to watch satellite TV. The company's product range includes many various models set-top boxes, so the setup process may vary in a number of nuances. Some of the most popular receivers are presented in the figure below:

    Debugging channels

    To tune NTV channels, you can use two available options - manual and automatic tuning.

    Auto-tuning is simpler - select the “search for channels” command in the menu, and the set-top box will find and install everything on its own.

    Setting up NTV manually is not so simple, but with due care everything will go well:

    1. In the receiver settings section, enter the default settings. There you need to enter the “channels” menu, then “antenna” and “satellite settings”.
    2. If the set-top box asks for a password, try entering four zeros, this is the standard password.
    3. A tab will appear in which we leave only the EutelsatW4 36E satellite, and uncheck the rest. If the tuner does not allow you to carry out the procedure, you need to remove the access card.
    4. The next item is transponder settings. Install top level Lnb is like 10750, and the bottom one is zero. Settings - 12130 R.
    5. The last step is to select the above transponder in the manual configuration section and click “network search”. The process is quite lengthy, so no need to worry. Upon completion, depending on the selection tariff plan the required number of channels will appear.

    Setting up LG and Samsung TVs with a CAM module

    TVs from LG and Samsung have a CAM module installed, so the setup process is a little different. Let's look at it using the example of a Samsung TV:

    1. In the menu, select the “broadcast” section.
    2. From the drop-down list of antennas, select EutelsatW4 36E and save.
    3. Go to the “LNB settings” tab, select any transponder there. Turn off DiSEqC mode and 22 KHz tone. We set the upper LNB to 10750, the lower one to 9750.
    4. On the remote control, press the “Return” button twice and go to the manual search mode for TV channels.
    5. Once again, select the EutelsatW4 36E satellite, then look for 11900(V/R) 27500 in the list of transponders, select and save.
    6. Select the “network search” command, go to the “broadcast” item and select “change channels”. Using the “change number” tab, select the channel for which you want to set a number.
    7. Next, we go to “sorting” and distribute the found channels depending on the categories - TV, music, radio.
    8. Installation and setup is complete, enjoy your viewing.

    For LG TVs, the process is almost identical, you only need to change the transponder value, as in the photo below:

    Bottom line

    Setting up transponders and NTV frequencies with due care is not a problem. If difficulties and problems arise, it is better to use the services of the company’s specialists, this will help save both time and nerves.

    It’s great if your TV works well and on long evenings you have something to do by watching your favorite TV shows. But it happens that television works intermittently. In order not to feel discomfort, you can buy an NTV dish, and use the receiver to set up a satellite dish, and ultimately enjoy your favorite programs at any time of the day or night.

    Installation and configuration of the NTV antenna is available to every user who can try to do it themselves. But still, it is better to trust professionals to enter some parameters if you are not sure that you can carry out all the procedures on your own. IN making the right choice A satellite television provider cannot be an issue; NTV is one of the leaders in the Russian market, which is why NTV dishes are so wildly popular.

    How to install a satellite dish

    First of all, you need to make sure that all the necessary components and equipment are available, because anyone who has installed a satellite dish knows that sometimes the equipment is incomplete, or a person simply does not understand why this or that thing is needed. So, let's look at what you need for installation:

      You can’t do without a satellite receiver or built-in set-top box;

      udCoaxial cables with connectors;

      A plate with a diameter of at least 60 cm;

      Access card and converter;

      Instructions and agreement.

    In addition, there is a setting on the company's official website where the user must register his equipment, otherwise it will not work.

    In order for the satellite to receive the signal, a place where there is no interference is chosen for installation. There should be no tall trees, buildings or other obstacles that would prevent the equipment from operating as intended.

    The most suitable place for setting up a satellite dish to be successful is the roof. If it is not possible to install a satellite, you can use an external wall, but again, make sure that nothing interferes with the signal.

    It is very important to protect the device from bad weather conditions, which are not uncommon in Russia. When the location is chosen, among the equipment you need to select a bracket that will fix the antenna. We connect the cable and stretch it to the TV. Places where you need to attach the cable to Sony TVs and Samsung are different, and if the receiver is not built-in, then the wire will have to be connected to it.

    Self-tuning NTV Plus

    After the antenna is installed and that's it required cables connected, you can proceed to the most important step - finding out the settings for the satellite. For example, be sure to find out what frequency the signal is. If after entering the information the channel does not show, it means that something was done wrong. Need to search alternative way how to set up channels on an LG TV, or on any other device, in particular on Samsung or Sony models.

    On at the moment, you can use two ways to configure channels:

    1. Automatic.

    The second requires virtually no effort on the part of the user, as it can be done by pressing a few keys on the remote control. In particular, you need to enter the menu, and then select the “Search for channels” sub-item. If the parameters on the receiver were correctly set, including the frequency, then the setup will end successfully.

    In addition, you can buy a Plus package where the settings have already been made, and the user only needs to connect it. But the receiver must connect to sharing in order to connect even more interesting channels.

    Manually setting up a satellite dish

    As for manual search, it is much more complex, and it is not recommended to conduct it without experience. However, here's how it works:

      First you need to reset all existing settings, if they have been installed. It looks like this: menu, “SETUP” → “DEFAULT INSTALLATION” → “CHANNELS” → “ANTENNA” → “SATELLITE SETUP”;

      Next, use the receiver to set up a satellite dish, and when the program asks you to enter a password, you must enter a number consisting of four zeros;

      A tab will open in front of the user, where there will be many satellites. Some have check marks next to them. These are allowed by default. You need to remove the marks opposite the satellite, otherwise their broadcast frequency will also be taken into account. But be sure to leave EutelsatW4 36E. Sometimes such a procedure may be blocked for the user. To open access, you can remove the access card;

      Check the transponder, or rather its parameters. Typically, the following indicators are used: 12130 R and Lnb levels (lower = 0; upper = 10750);

      After the transponder is configured, it’s time to move on to the final stage, namely entering all the parameters into a special line. Find out what the broadcast frequency is and enter it in the “MANUAL SETUP” section. Select the previously specified transponder to begin searching the network.

    Be prepared that the search will take a long time, but the tuned antenna will show any channel you want.

    How to set up an NTV Plus Vostok antenna on different TVs

    Depending on what kind of TV you have, the settings are slightly different. It's very easy to understand. In particular, Samsung and LV TV models are configured as follows:

      Make sure that the devices have a CAM module;

      Go to the menu and select “BROADCAST”;

      Go to selected antennas, check the box next to EutelsatW4 36E;

      Save the specified settings.

      Find in the “LNB SETTINGS” tab and select the transponder. Which one doesn't play a big role.

      Make sure DiSEqC mode is turned off. Specify the following settings: Lower LNB = 9750. Upper LNB = 10750. Be sure to turn off the 22 KHz Tone.

      On the remote control, press the “Return” button twice and go to manual channel search.

      Select the satellite EutelsatW4 36E, transponder with the number 11900(V/R) 27500 and set the search.

    If you set it up professionally, you can sort the channels into categories to make them easier to use. As for setting up satellite television on an LG TV, it follows the same scheme, only other parameters are taken into account. They can be found in the instructions.