• Autocad file recovery. How to recover a damaged drawing in AutoCAD

    The issue of restoring drawings after a system failure, program crash, etc. is very relevant. possible reasons. In this article, we will pay special attention to checking AutoCAD files for errors, and also consider the AutoCAD Drawing Recovery Manager. Without knowing how to restore an AutoCAD file, you can spend a lot of time creating the drawing again.

    How do you fix errors in AutoCAD?

    The AutoCAD developers foresaw the possibility of software failures and took this into account. Therefore, when such a situation arises, they try to preserve the latest changes made, and the file itself is marked as damaged. When the program is launched after a problem, a procedure automatically starts to check files for errors. They are also restored automatically. In this case, the saved change database is restored.

    It happens that the AutoCAD file opens without problems, but some of the information is missing, or the drawing is completely empty, although you are sure that no objects were deleted from it. Then you need to manually check the drawing. To do this, go to “File” → “Utilities” and select the “Check” command (see figure).

    Upon request command line“Fix all detected errors?” We answer “Yes.” Next everything is done in automatic mode. After completing this procedure, you must save the drawing.

    AutoCAD drawing recovery manager.

    In AutoCAD, file recovery can be performed in more than powerful tool, the so-called "Drawing Recovery Manager". When you start the program after a crash, it opens by default. However, it can be called forcibly through “Utilities” (see figure above). Thanks to the Manager, the maximum possible number of changes that have been made to the drawing since last save and before the “departure” of the program.

    As can be seen from Fig. Below, the Manager contains the archive files that were saved before the failure, as well as all the details, in particular, the names of the files, where they were stored and the time they were last saved. Let's take a closer look at what files we have to work with.

    AutoCAD Drawing Recovery Manager lists files in the order they were last saved, i.e. The autosave file (.*sv$) in first place is more interesting because he has latest changes, which were entered in the drawing (see date of saving in the figure).

    In the Manager, a file with a *.dwg extension contains the changes made to it at the time you manually saved the AutoCAD file. This information can be viewed in “Details”.

    As for the *.bak file, this is a backup copy that appears when you save the drawing, i.e. when the action "Menu" is performed - "Save" or Ctrl+S. The important thing is that with each save this file is overwritten, but at the same time the document stores the version of the project at the time previous save. As a rule, it is useful if you have damaged a file, for example, deleted something or made unwanted changes, and then saved the file, and the ability to “roll back” latest actions No.

    Many designers complete their projects in AutoCAD. Me included. I periodically get a fatal error. This happens not only at work, but also at home computer. After a fatal error appears, there is no need to panic. In most cases, the document is saved in temporary files. Read on to learn how to recover a file after a fatal error.

    So, what should you do if a fatal error window appears?

    After a window with a fatal error pops up, you need to agree with it and click OK. It’s hard to say why they appear, probably because of the weather))) At one time they often appeared for me, it happened several times a day. IN lately very rarely.

    As you work, AutoCAD saves the file you are working on at regular intervals. This file is stored at the following address:

    c:\Users\(yourNameuser)\AppData\Local\Temp\(Windows 7)

    from:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Local Settings\Temp\(Windows XP)

    You can set the time interval after which Autocad should save a backup copy of the file in the settings as shown in the picture. I set it to 5min. The extension of the backup file (sv$) is also indicated here.

    After a fatal error, go to the folder Temp and find our file. I recommend sorting by date.

    Our file will look something like this.

    Electrical equipment A v.1.03_1_1_0491.sv$

    Then change the file extension sv$ on dwg. We get this file:

    Electrical equipment A v.1.03_1_1_0491. dwg

    We open it in AutoCADe and are glad that everything is preserved)))

    As you can see, everything is very simple.

    Mikhailov Andrey

    Every AutoCAD user has at least once encountered *.BAK backup files, *.SV$ autosave files, or *.AC$ temporary files. And if almost everyone has heard about BAK files, then one can only guess about the purpose of the others.

    On the other hand, every user has repeatedly encountered AutoCAD crashes, loss of data, a lot of nerves and time.

    But there is a strong connection between these two things! I suggest you understand the purpose of the designated files and learn how to use them for good purposes - data recovery after non-standard and emergency situations.

    BAK files - backup files

    A backup copy of the file is usually created every time you manually save DWG file(the Save button on the ribbon, the _QSAVE command, etc.) and is its an exact copy at the time of saving. By default, the file is saved in the same location as the DWG file and has the same name, but with extension BAK. Backup files always one version older than the saved drawings. AutoCAD allows you to save only one backup file - newly created backups will always replace the old ones under the same name.

    To have AutoCAD create backups, set the ISAVEBACK variable to 1, or check the box. Create backups in the tab Open\Save windows Options

    BAK files will be automatically saved to it. To set default parameters (when bak files are saved in the same folder as the source file), enter the MOVEBAK value equal to "."

    It is important that the MOVEBAK command is only available in Autodesk products that include AutoCAD Express Tools. The MOVEBAK command does not support paths with spaces.

    SV$ files - files automatic saving

    Autosave files are backup files that are automatically created by the autosave feature at specified intervals. Automatic saving is enabled by default, the number of minutes between automatic saving can be set using the SAVETIME variable or in the Options window (see figure above).

    If AutoCAD crashes, you can always restore the data. To do this, find the SV$ file and change its extension to DWG, and then open this file in AutoCAD. The file recovered in this way will contain all the data contained in the original file at the time of the last autosave. When AutoCAD closes normally, the SV$ files are deleted automatically.

    You can determine the location of the AutoSave files by going to the Files tab of the Options dialog box and selecting a folder for the AutoSave files.

    Important: Disabling AutoSave will prevent AutoCAD from creating SV$ files as you run. In the event of a disaster, there will be no intermediate files used to restore data, and all work may be lost forever.

    AC$ files - temporary files

    By default, temporary files have the extension AC$. These files contain information that is used different teams AutoCAD such as cancellation and do not contain any drawing data that can be restored. Files of this type only exist during the current AutoCAD session, but may remain if AutoCAD suddenly crashes.

    I hope the purpose of the files is now clear. I propose to consider the functionality that AutoCAD itself gives us for working with these files.

    Drawing Recovery Manager

    Drawing recovery manager - the DRAWING RECOVERY command or _DRAWINGRECOVERY - a tool that helps with the task of finding and restoring drawings that were open at the time of the program failure. When AutoCAD starts after a crash, Drawing Recovery Manager determines which drawings were active when the crash occurred and displays those drawings with their associated files backup and automatic saving.

    Using the Drawing Recovery Manager, you can open backup and autosave files directly in the current AutoCAD session without having to manually locate the files on disk and rename them. You just need to double-click on the desired file.

    Running the Drawing Recovery Manager only makes sense after a program crash has occurred, only then will it display information about the drawing files that were active during the crashed session. If you start the dispatcher during normal program operation, it will display only empty fields

    After you have restored the drawing file in one way or another, it is imperative to check it for errors using the CHECK utility (_AUDIT), which is located in the Utilities menu. The team scans the drawing for glitches and errors and, if necessary, restores its integrity.

    Errors and crashes, which, accordingly, can lead to damage to the drawing/s, complete or partial loss of unsaved data, especially if autosave is disabled.

    In this case, the developers have provided and integrated special utilities, which restore and check the damaged project for possible errors, whether it is damaged, and if not completely, then at least partially help to recover data from a damaged file.

    If errors occur directly during the program’s operation, it automatically saves the changes made and marks the “dwg” project as damaged.

    After AutoCAD is restored to working order, a check is automatically launched and corrections are made to ensure correct operation.

    But if the check has not been started, you can do it manually, for this:

    AutoCAD Drawing Recovery Manager

    This is a more powerful tool for recovering damaged files than the utility discussed above, and in most cases it helps to recover even an unsaved project.

    It starts by default after the faulty operation is restored, but you can also call the “Dispatcher” in manual mode.

    1. The manager stores files that were saved before the failure occurred. There you can also see the date/time and location of the last save.
    2. The last saved object has the permission “.sv$”, it is of the greatest interest, since it contains all the latest changes.
    3. With the extension “.dwg” - this is the last manual save.
    4. Along with “.sv$”, it is worth paying attention to “.bak” - this is a backup copy that is activated when executing “Menu” - “Save” or “ctrl+s”. Files in the “.bak” format, i.e. backups, are automatically overwritten.
    5. To restore, left-click on one of the suitable options, wait for the drawing to load and open and save it manually, with a new name and a specific location.

    To see where AutoSave files are stored, open “Options”, “Files” tab and find the “AutoSave Folder” section, where the required directory address will be indicated.

    Restoring a drawing in AutoCAD using the “Restore” utility

    This functionality is located in the same “Utilities” section.

    1. Once called, you will be asked to select the object to import, find it in the directory of folders, for example, in the “My Pictures” folder and click “Open”.
    2. After completion of the work, the “AutoCAD Text Window” will appear, containing information about the restoration being carried out and the errors detected during this process.

    Project with dwg extension does not open

    If an error like “The drawing is not valid” appears, you should first determine whether the problem was actually created in the AutoCAD program.

    To check, open the object in any text editor, for example, “Notepad” and look for and pay attention to the first four characters, they should be like “AC10...”, if this is not the case, then third-party software was used, so recovery attempts will be in vain.

    If the characters match, try the following:

    1. A possible reason for the error lies in the presence of “clones” of the source file with the same name, but with the resolution “.dwl1” or “.dwl2”.
    2. Depending on version operating system, open show hidden files and folders and go to the directory where your projects are saved.
    3. Then you need to find all the “.dwl” elements with the same names and simply delete them.

    How else can you restore a drawing in AutoCAD: additional methods

    You can apply the actions described below in any order:

    Useful Commands and Variables

    • “SAVETIME” – setting the interval for the “Automatic saving” function;
    • “REPORTERROR” – sends an error report when AutoCAD crashes;
    • “RECOVERYMODE” – records information after a failure;
    • “ISAVEBAK” – increases the speed of sequential saves;
    • “DRSTATE” – closes/opens the dispatcher window.

    In this video we show important points opening, restoring and autosaving files in AutoCAD.

    The lesson will answer the following questions:

    – How to open an AutoCAD file in early version;

    – How to open bak file in AutoCAD;

    – Where is the drawing recovery manager located;

    – How to restore an unsaved drawing in AutoCAD;

    – What is an autosave file and where to find it;

    – How to set up autosave in AutoCAD;

    – What are the main command panels?

    Video version of the lesson:

    Text version of the lesson:

    Hello dear friend! Today we will talk about such important things as Autosave in AutoCAD, about how to open older versions in AutoCAD and we will touch on other equally important topics. For example, how to restore changes in AutoCAD after an unexpected program closure.

    Point 1. How open a drawing in AutoCAD created in a more recent version?

    There are situations when, at work, you may be sent a drawing that was created in a more recent version of the program, for example, you are working in the 2014 version, but the drawing was made in 2018! And it won’t open in your program. The question is, what to do?

    I suggest not calling Harry Potter in this situation, but following our advice. Write a message to your colleague asking him to re-save the submitted drawing to a later version of AutoCAD. If a colleague made a project in the 2018 version of AutoCAD, then ask him to RE-SAVE the project to a version equal to yours or even lower.

    (By the way, you yourself may find yourself in the opposite situation, so find out what version of the program your colleague has)

    I’ll also add that there are situations when the person who sent you the file cannot be saved. In this situation, it is useful to have a program from AutoDESK on hand. TrueView. We'll tell you how to use it in another lesson.

    Point 2. Let's talk about autosave in AutoCAD and bak file format.

    Imagine this situation: after six hours of working on one project, your electricity goes out. And it's good if you have a source uninterruptible power supply, and if not? My worst dream that came true. This is when the thesis project and the changes in it were not saved due to the fact that the electricity in the hostel was turned off. Then I could burn a chair with my indignation... Don’t do that, friends, let’s set up autosave in AutoCAD right to avoid situations like this.

    Let's start with the fact that when saving, the program makes backup copies and stores everything in BAK (backup file) format. And if you have lost your data, you can rename this file to the standard AutoCAD extension - DWG, after which there is a chance that the file can be opened.

    Take a file with the extension bak...

    Change the extension to dwg and click “yes”.

    Voila, the file has changed and can be opened. But alas, this not always works due to incorrect Autosave settings in AutoCAD.

    From my point of view, now is the time right configure autosave in AutoCAD. To do this, right-click on empty space and select “parameters”.

    In the new window, you need to go to the “open/save” tab, we are interested in the section in this window called “precautions when saving”.

    Here we set the “interval.min” box to 5 minutes. If you don’t have a checkmark next to the word “Auto-save”, click and put a checkmark! When we do this AutoCAD will automatically save changes at five minute intervals separate file. We are not afraid of power outages! (But it’s better to buy an uninterruptible power supply).

    And be sure to check the box next to “Create backup copies.”

    After the changes, be sure to click “apply” and then “ok”. This way we save all the settings in the program.

    Point 3. We've set up autosave, now let's talk about How to restore a drawing in AutoCAD.

    In short, the algorithm for restoring a drawing is as follows:

    1. The program was opened after an emergency termination;
    2. Open the file recovery manager;
    3. Found a file with the extension sv$;
    4. Opened this file;
    5. We saved it in dwg format.

    For more details...

    After the settings, all changes will be automatically saved to a special temporary file with the extension sv$ at intervals of five minutes. It is with its help that, in the event of a program (or electricity) shutdown, everything can be restored.

    Now attention, logic autosaving and restoring drawings in AutoCAD.

    This must be understood immediately and, if necessary, further reduce the storage interval. So, the point is that now the drawing will save itself every five minutes. Every five minutes, the program will remember all changes and save them to the temporary file that I mentioned above. Therefore, if you urgently complete and restore a drawing, you will receive the data that the program managed to save during this time period. Here's a rough verbal example (sorry for the tediousness, it's really important).

    We drew some arbitrary lines, let's say three pieces. And they all got in and Autosave interval in AutoCAD. That is, in five minutes we created lines and autosaving occurred, and then, not in the sixth minute, we drew two more lines, and in the seventh minute the program turned off (the electricity was turned off, again). So, when restoring the drawing, you will only have the same three lines that were preserved in five minutes. But the lines will not be restored in the sixth minute, because... The required time period for autosaving has not passed. Now, if another five minutes had passed, then yes.

    I hope I made it clear, if not, write about it in the comments under this article.

    Let's figure out how to restore the file, shall we? Well, our computer turned off, we didn’t have time to press the floppy disk, but Autosave in AutoCAD set up, what next?

    Important! This dispatcher could have opened itself. Most likely this will happen after the program has decided to play blind man's buff with you.

    We are interested in the name of the file in which we need to open that same temporary file with the extension sv$. Because This file will contain the latest data!

    Once you have found this file, double-click on it, and then resave in AutoCAD into a normal, native and familiar DWG extension. (see screenshots below)

    File recovery process...

    Double-click on the file with the extension SV$...

    Then, resave the file in DWG format. And Voila, we have recovered the data. But in our case, one line was not restored, because as I wrote above, there was no second autosave by interval.

    Let's sum it up, friends. Autosave in AutoCAD (AutoCAD) a very necessary and useful thing. You can’t count on the Russian “maybe”. Be sure to set up autosave and then, in case of unforeseen situations, you can always restore drawing in AutoCAD.