• Application form from the Ministry of Education for employment. Sample and rules for filling out a job application form

    For what purposes is a questionnaire needed if there is a resume? Aren't they the same thing? Such questions often arise from job seekers. When applying for a job, it is important to navigate the types of documents and be able to fill them out efficiently, because the desired position is at stake.

    Why is the questionnaire needed?

    This document consists of various categories of questions that provide a complete picture of the candidate under consideration.

    The length of the questionnaire usually varies from 3 to 6 pages. It is filled out by hand most often in the personnel selection department, the so-called recruiting. As a rule, they study the contents of this document there, but in some companies the managers themselves take on this work.

    With the help of the questionnaire, primary selection of candidates. This document allows you to go deeper than a resume to reveal many issues, to assess how promising the applicant is, whether he is suitable for this company or not.

    What should the applicant write in the application form?

    Each company has its own specifics of work. A list of questions that suits one company will not always suit another. Therefore, there are no completely identical forms. The company uses a list of questions that will best help you choose suitable employee.

    It would seem that there is nothing difficult about filling out the questionnaire. But you may encounter some difficulties. For example, a request to describe your professional qualities will make even the most experienced worker think.

    You need to fill out all the points in the form and take your time with answers, try reveal them as truthfully as possible, at the same time concisely and without unnecessary water.

    It is important to write legibly, correctly and without blots. Therefore, you need to think more than once before giving an answer. Many applicants do not even suspect that their professional qualities can be assessed right now.

    If questions arise when filling out the form, it is better to clarify the details with the specialist who asked you to fill out this document. Naturally, you shouldn’t bother them with frequent questions, because there is a risk of leaving the impression that you are an insecure and dependent person.

    It is better to think through all the answer options and come to the interview prepared in advance, so as not to get confused and not waste a lot of time thinking about it - the time spent and the quality of filling out the questionnaire speaks volumes about the candidate.

    You can try to imagine yourself in the employer’s place and make your own list of questions that would make up your application form. This will help you be even more confident in your abilities.

    It is necessary to clearly remember all the information about the education you received, to be well versed in the dates and names of the companies in which you worked.

    As a rule, the structure of the questionnaire consists of several semantic blocks. This facilitates the filling out process, as well as further study of the document by the employer.

    Let's talk about some of the nuances of filling out and consider the most common sections.

    How to write a questionnaire correctly?

    General questions

    Everything is simple here. Using this section they collect general information about the applicant for a vacancy.

    The points are standard, most often they indicate:

    • Marital status
    • Having children
    • Date of birth
    • Residence/registration address
    • Living conditions
    • Having a criminal record, etc.


    Thanks to this section you can estimate the amount of your knowledge th, understand how theoretically promising you are.

    Here it is important to indicate not only educational institutions, but also all kinds of courses, trainings, if necessary - even thesis topics.

    Take everything with you necessary documents or copies thereof, in order to clarify the necessary data in case of doubt.

    Employment goals

    You should Be prepared to clearly articulate your employment goals. Employers need information about what tasks you are capable of and how ready you are to develop your professional qualities. Proper disclosure of your goals will give the recruiter an idea of ​​you as a promising employee.

    The goals of employment for different vacancies differ significantly. Typically, this column indicates not only the name of the position for which you are applying, but also your personal goal.

    Let's consider the following filling options:

    • chief marketer;
    • work as a chief marketer;
    • analyze and plan activities as a chief marketer.

    The last point is the most successful.

    The following options are best avoided:

    • get a highly paid position;
    • get a job with a good salary to pay off the loan;
    • find a part-time job, etc.

    Experience and skills

    Based on the information in this section, you can find out information about professional activity questioned and his skills, determine how often and for what reason the candidate quit.

    An experienced HR specialist will be able to understand whether the applicant is developing his professional skills and how important career growth is to him.

    At this point, they are often asked to fill out past jobs and indicate the reason for leaving.

    Try to be as frank as possible and at the same time very correct!

    The application form usually indicates following reasons layoffs:

    • due to certain circumstances;
    • low wages;
    • bad team;
    • lack of common views with the management of the company, etc.

    Such options will seem blurry, it is better to indicate more precise reasons:

    • there is no opportunity for career growth in the company due to the nature of the work;
    • there is no opportunity to develop your professional skills and master new types of activities;
    • massive staff reductions, etc.

    Quite often, applicants they change not just the place of work, but the very specifics. In this case, you can specify the following options:

    • I want to change the direction of my activity, the company in which I worked is not engaged in production, but I would like to try to realize myself in this direction;
    • I want to expand the range of my responsibilities, become a broader specialist, etc.

    In terms of skills, you may be asked to complete the following items:

    • indicate your level of computer skills;
    • Do you have a driver's license and a personal car? What is your driving experience?;
    • What programs do you know how to work with? Assess your level of proficiency in them, etc.

    Naturally, different specialists prefer a certain set of skills. For example, a company that cooperates with foreign clients needs an employee who is fluent in foreign languages.

    If you haven’t decided what exactly to write about your skills, maybe you have the following:

    • business communication skills;
    • ability to make quick decisions;
    • the ability to analyze problems and effectively find ways to solve them;
    • flexibility;
    • ability to organize work;
    • use your time rationally;
    • competent speech and clear diction;
    • easy to learn;
    • ability to perceive a large amount of information;
    • communication skills and tact;
    • energy and initiative;
    • ability to resolve conflicts.

    Personal qualities

    A person cannot always adequately assess his personal qualities. This block of questions often confuses, but with its help you can assess the employee’s potential even more deeply, understand how well this employee suits the company.

    As a rule, such a set of qualities as punctuality, resistance to stress, responsibility is universal and should appeal to any employer.

    All the qualities you listed must correspond to reality; sincerity will undoubtedly be appreciated.

    Personality Questions quite a tricky group. You may be asked to talk about each of them in detail - be prepared to talk about a situation when you exhibited them. It is advisable to highlight the most important ones that will best describe you as a person. You need to answer truthfully, without exaggerating.

    Important do not confuse personal qualities and skills. The first ones tell about you as a person, while the second ones are acquired in the process of training or work.

    Among your advantages, you can highlight the following, if you have them:

    • honesty and courtesy;
    • hard work and determination;
    • ingenuity;
    • sociability;
    • composure;
    • conscientiousness;
    • energy;
    • diligence;
    • reliability;
    • initiative and attentiveness;
    • non-conflict and decency;
    • punctuality;
    • self-criticism, desire for self-improvement;
    • responsibility and reliability;
    • creativity and creativity;
    • performance and activity;
    • neatness and others, etc.

    In addition to your positive aspects at this point they may be asked to indicate weak ones. Don't write that you don't have them, because weaknesses and everyone has shortcomings. If you say that you only have merits, you may be thought of as a secretive person. It is important for the manager to understand how self-critical and objective and open you are.

    Your shortcomings can even become advantages, it all depends on the specific profession.

    For example, a programmer can indicate the following weaknesses:

    • secrecy;
    • pedantry;
    • restlessness;
    • straightforwardness;
    • modesty;
    • lack of communication;
    • excessive responsibility, etc.

    Indication of such shortcomings is most likely will not affect your employment decision in any way for the position of programmer, but this option is not suitable for professions related to communication with a large number people.

    You can also specify neutral weak qualities, which are suitable for any profession, for example:

    • constant analysis of one’s mistakes, self-criticism;
    • increased trust in people;
    • lack of experience, etc.

    Legal aspects

    There are no legally approved application forms. But when composing questions, employers should focus on Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of privacy”.

    If you were not hired because of your religion, race, or wealth, you can go to court.

    Firms that use fairly detailed questionnaires ask candidates to leave their written permission in advance. Thus, applicants confirm the voluntary provision of their data.

    Questionnaires must not give false information, because in this case the employer has the right to terminate the contract(Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 81)

    In conclusion, I would like to advise you to approach the issue of filling out the questionnaire as responsibly as possible. An incorrectly completed document will not be able to fully reveal your positive aspects and skills, significantly reducing your chances of getting a desired position.

    The features of the application form for a job are discussed in this video.

    A questionnaire is one of the documents through which important information for the employer is collected about applicants for a particular position. In the future, based on the information provided by the applicant in the application form, the organization will select employees.

    Any normatively fixed There is currently no application form. It is impossible to develop a completely informative questionnaire. In every specific case, it is different for each enterprise, depending on the information that the employer would like to receive from the employee. The most socially significant issues, such as place of residence, citizenship, right to work, criminal records, biographical and professional data should be reflected in it (the main thing is not to overdo it with the length of the questionnaire). As a rule, an employee fills out a questionnaire at the interview stage when applying for a job.

    Currently, most applicants come to an interview with detailed and various additions to them, so filling out questionnaires is not common everywhere. Often the information contained in the resume is quite enough for the employer. But not always.

    First of all, a correctly completed questionnaire allows the employer to evaluate the applicant in terms of compliance with personal specifications, that is, to understand what qualities a person has to successfully perform the work assigned to him.

    Filling out an application form when applying for a job

    Questioning applicants largely depends on internal company rules and is most often common in large organizations. As a rule, applicants are not informed about the upcoming survey, so when going for an interview, in addition to your resume, it is advisable to take with you copies or originals of other documents that in one way or another can contribute to successful employment.

    Typically, employers require that the questionnaire be filled out by hand, so the respondent must approach this process with full responsibility and try to avoid mistakes and corrections. To do this, it is best to familiarize yourself with all the questions presented in the questionnaire before starting to fill out, and sketch out a preliminary plan of answers in your mind.

    It is highly undesirable to leave blank items in the application form. So, for example, if the requested information has nothing to do with the applicant, you can indicate “not available” as the answer. This will make it clear to people who will read the application that the applicant did not (knowingly OR not) skip any question.

    Legal aspects of drawing up questionnaires

    For the first time since the adoption of the Constitution Russian Federation in 1993, our state remembered its obligation, declared in the Basic Law, to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms, including information about the private life of its citizens.

    Thus, at the stage of drawing up (developing) the application form, one should not forget about Article 86 of the Labor Code, which prohibits the employer from collecting (receiving) and processing the employee’s personal data affecting his political, religious and other beliefs, and data on private life only from written consent of the employee himself.

    IN exceptional cases, expressly provided federal law, the employer has the right to collect the specified data if it is directly related to employment issues (for example, with access to information containing state secrets).

    Employers do not have the right, when hiring (and not only) to collect and process personal data of an employee related to his membership in public associations or his trade union activities, except in cases provided for by federal law.”

    It is not harmful to recall that at any stage of work with personnel, the organization is obliged to maintain confidentiality, and simply standards of decency.

    In case of non-compliance with the information confidentiality regime, the minimally guilty employee will receive a reprimand, or more, may be dismissed under paragraph B of Article 81 of the Labor Code or even charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of privacy”, the maximum punishment for which is arrest for a period of four to six months, which you will agree is also unpleasant.

    The questionnaire refers to the first stage of acquaintance between the head of an institution and a potential employee. The second stage of acquaintance includes an interview. The answers displayed in the questionnaire will show an intelligent manager how to complete the interview and whether it is worth doing.

    The heads of most institutions, when selecting an employee, often ask applicants for a vacancy to draw up a questionnaire before the interview. This form, drawn up when joining an institution, identifies in potential employees the qualities required to determine the direction of its activities. Having received the questionnaire, the manager will immediately be able to understand whether the candidate is suitable or not for the open vacancy and whether it is worth talking with him in the future.

    As a rule, the employer does not inform you about the questionnaire in advance, therefore, in addition to your resume, it does not hurt to bring all the documents to the interview that can help you answer the questions on the form.

    Firstly, you cannot refuse to fill it out! Some job applicants believe that it is not necessary to write a questionnaire because they have a resume. However, an application must be written and a resume must be attached to it. This will be an additional advantage for those applying for a job. If the questionnaire is not needed, the applicant will be warned about this. This document
    must be filled out in legible handwriting, without making mistakes, because this document will create the first impression of the employee. If your handwriting is illegible, no one will read the application form; it will simply be thrown away, which is unlikely to help you find a job.

    Tips for filling it out correctly:

    The document is written manually. Before filling it out, you need to carefully read the questions to which you will have to answer. The form must be filled out without any blots or errors. Sometimes the questions asked at the beginning and at the end of the document are similar. This is done specifically to avoid distortion of information provided by a potential employee.

    You need to answer all the questions asked.. You cannot leave blank fields. It is better to answer “no” or “not available” to questions that are not related to a potential employee, otherwise management may think that the candidate ignored the question, which may result in an opinion about the applicant’s “lack of performance” and “conflict.”

    If you intend to work in a management staff, you need to check with your manager about the possibility of referring to a resume in some columns so as not to duplicate the displayed answers. In such cases, you can make a postscript “ see resume“.


    The document usually consists of the following points:

    • Full name - full name.
    • Day, month and year of birth.
    • Registration address and actual place of residence (passport details).
    • Family composition, presence of children.
    • Citizenship.
    • Education.
    • The vacancy for which the future employee is applying.
    • Speciality.
    • Length of service and last place of work.
    • Desired salary amount.
    • Availability of skills and abilities (language proficiency, computer knowledge, do you have a driver’s license, etc.).
    • Assessing merits.

    Having written down the application form, the applicant must prepare for a conversation with the manager, since the application form is only half of the guarantee of employment at the enterprise.

    Any manager wants to hire a self-confident employee who knows how to work and interact with team members. The job applicant wants a positive outcome from the conversation and successful answers to questions.

    The main rule for a positive interview when applying for a company is the applicant’s self-confidence. To one more important point refers to – correct answers to questions when talking with a manager.

    Let's first consider how to behave when talking with a manager:

    • Questions must be answered clearly.
    • Try to answer the question within 2 minutes, no more.
    • You cannot answer in a low voice.
    • If the applicant is not sure of the interpretation of any term, it is better to remain silent.
    • It is not advisable to use abstruse words when answering.
    • No need to ask again often.
    • It is not advisable to utter unflattering phrases when communicating.
    • You only need to look at your partner.
    • You cannot answer questions too briefly.
    • It is not advisable to interrupt your interlocutor.
    • When answering questions, it is advisable to express your personal opinion and remember to smile, which always has a positive impact.

    Positive answers during a conversation with a manager, which are carried out confidently and kindly, are a guarantee of success.

    How do you not need to answer?

    • First, you should never answer “yes” or “no.” The interlocutor may get the impression that the applicant is illiterate and does not know how to form his own thoughts.
    • Secondly, when asked about previous work, you need to answer the truth, as this can be verified. You can only embellish when talking about your merits and keep silent about your shortcomings. However, everything should be in moderation.
    • You cannot answer with doubt in your voice, as the manager may doubt the knowledge of the interlocutor and ask additional questions.
    • Questions must be answered truthfully, not bullshit. You must always remember that the best answers are confident and truthful answers.

    To successfully complete a conversation, you need to prepare for it ahead of time.

    What can you tell us about yourself?

    This is the most frequently asked question. Therefore, you need to prepare your answer in advance. There is no need to express a biography from the date of birth here. It is necessary to emphasize your merits, speak clearly and in a business-like manner, without listing circumstances that do not relate to the work. It is imperative to talk about education and work experience, about responsibilities at the previous enterprise, emphasizing those facts that will provide the applicant with the desired vacancy.

    Where did you work before?

    On this question There is no need to respond in a negative style. You can't talk about conflict situations among the team and with management. In this case, the manager will think that the applicant for the vacancy is a conflict-ridden person who does not know how to get along with employees. There is no need to refer to a low salary, because there will be an opinion that the applicant is pursuing only material interests. It is better to cite the reason for leaving your previous job as the desire to increase your potential, or the inconvenient location of your home in relation to the company, inappropriate work schedule, etc. At the same time, the candidate must note that he was sorry to leave his previous job, since he worked there for a long time, however, there were no career prospects.

    What are your positive and negative qualities?

    Celebrating positive qualities, it is advisable to indicate those that will be needed for the vacancy for which the applicant is applying. For example, “...By character I am sociable, responsible, decent, neat and friendly...».

    An example of filling out a job application form

    The application form for employment in an institution refers to a form that provides the manager with the opportunity to assess the applicant’s qualifications for the position. In addition to the questionnaire, to more fully assess the qualities of the applicant, an interview is performed.

    The purpose of the questionnaire is not only to determine the qualities of the applicant, but also to collect information about him, which in the future will be needed to open a personal file on him. Each institution can independently develop questions that a potential employee must answer.

    What are the main sections included in a job application form?

    General information about the potential employee.

    The following information is displayed here:

    • Distance of the applicant's housing from the institution. With a large distance from work, the applicant’s chances of obtaining a device are reduced.
    • Contact phone number for quick clarification of any questions that may arise.
    • Family composition, which can be used to determine the candidate’s level of responsibility and need for stable income.

    This section displays the candidate’s education: main, additional and technical. Based on this information, the qualifications of the candidate can be determined. The more types of training, advanced training and other training courses the applicant passes, the greater his chances of getting a job.

    Thanks to this section, the special skills and abilities of a potential employee are assessed. This determines the level of qualifications of the applicant and the ability to perform the job duties assigned to him.

    This part of the questionnaire analyzes the future employee’s work experience and his motivation, expressed in interest in salary growth, career development, etc.

    Additional information about the future employee

    This displays additional information about the applicant, what he plans to do at the institution and what, in his opinion, the company has advantages.

    • (*.doc)
    • (*.doc)

    Filling example

    IN lately More and more materials are appearing on interview techniques. But, for some reason, information about additional techniques that allow conducting interviews (and, accordingly, assessing the professional and personal qualities of the applicant) with the greatest efficiency is not very often found.

    Sooner or later, a personnel officer has to draw up questionnaires to resolve various personnel issues, and first of all, for personnel selection.

    What these documents are, how to properly develop and execute them, read this article

    When starting to develop a questionnaire, it is necessary to identify the goal, that is, to determine what assistance its use in work should provide - whether you want to formally comply with the requirements of personnel records management or whether you need an additional tool for the most complete assessment of the qualities of the applicant. Without doubting your interest in competent and high-quality personnel selection, we will proceed from the second assumption and try to think through what information we need and with the help of what questions we can get it.

    To do this, let’s find out what additional features open up to interested employees when using a well-designed questionnaire?

    1. For the HR inspector ease of use is important; completeness of information collected in one source; eliminating duplication of information in various documents. If any question arises, there is no need to “raise” all the documents in your personal file. If desired, the questionnaire can be developed in such a way that it contains all the information that may be needed when registering a new employee. In this case, it serves as a kind of reference material, providing an opportunity not to “get buried in papers” once again.

    2. For the manager and HR manager the questionnaire is a source of additional information about the applicant, and therefore, the basis for a more adequate assessment of him. As you know, when working to close individual positions, large number interviews. The view seems to be “blurred” and, often, it is very difficult to remember why one applicant is better than another. This is where the questionnaire comes to the rescue.

    3. For the applicant The questionnaire offered for filling out is a kind of “first acquaintance” with the enterprise. After analyzing its content, an attentive candidate can draw some conclusions about the corporate culture, requirements and features of the company.

    Currently, most applicants come to interviews with detailed resumes and all sorts of additions to them. In this case, it depends only on internal company rules whether you invite the person to fill out the questionnaire.

    Often, a formal application form does not add any information and is not a very good copy of a resume. It is in this case that a form with several “applications” is convenient. If the applicant comes with a carefully written resume, then filling out the questionnaire can be omitted, offering only applications that collect “narrowly professional” information.

    Thus, the HR manager is left with the following set of documents:

    1. Summary.

    2. Application form for resume ( special form, which carries additional information and varies depending on the position or profession).

    3. Personnel application form (a form that applicants fill out when applying for a job). I suggest filling out the same form for those people who come for an interview without a resume.

    IN ideal the questionnaire should contain questions that allow you to evaluate the applicant in terms of compliance with the personal specification (that is, describe what qualities a person must have to successfully perform the work assigned to him). Naturally, it makes no sense to create a questionnaire for each position. In the literature on personnel records and personnel management, it is often recommended to create, for example, three forms of questionnaire: for workers and junior service personnel; for specialists and technical performers; for managers. Having developed a fairly large number of different types of questionnaires, I came to the conclusion that it is much more convenient to use one common form for all categories of workers, but with several “applications”, which were already mentioned above. It is the latter that can vary depending on the position or profession, and therefore provide necessary information about the professionalism of the applicant.

    Having decided on the goals and having understood the technical solution for designing the questionnaire, let’s turn to its content - the questions.

    I. General information

    It can be obtained by asking questions about the legal (name, place of residence, etc.) and social status potential employee, his living conditions, ways of contacting him (telephone number, pager, address, e-mail, etc.).

    Here it is necessary to very clearly distinguish between “convenient” and “inconvenient” issues, and also not to forget about the boundaries of permitted interference in personal life. For example, in a questionnaire one is enough large company the applicant was asked to answer: “Who owns the apartment in which you live?”, “How many rooms are in your apartment?” In my opinion, this is not very correct, and these questions definitely make applicants wary.

    You can get general information about your potential employee by asking him the following questions:

    • Last name, first name, patronymic.
    • If you changed your last name, first name or patronymic, then indicate them, as well as when, where and for what reason they changed.
    • Date of birth.
    • Place of birth.
    • Permanent registration address.
    • Residence address.
    • Living conditions (separate (communal) apartment; alone/shared (with relatives), etc.).
    • Contact information: tel. (home, contact), e-mail.
    • Citizenship (if changed, indicate when and for what reason).
    • Marital status.
    • Children (number, age).
    • Your close relatives (wife, husband, father, mother, brothers, sisters).
    • Last name, first name, year and place of birth of relatives, home address, place of work, position.
    • Have you been abroad, where, when and for what purpose?
    • Do you or your wife (husband) have relatives permanently residing abroad (indicate information about them)?
    • Attitude to military duty and military rank (military service should be recorded indicating the position).
    • Having a criminal record. Have you and your close relatives been involved in criminal liability? If “Yes,” then when and under what article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation?

    II. Information about job prospects in the company

    Correctly selected questions will allow you to initially voice the goals, motives, and professional aspirations of the candidate. By comparing the information in this and the previous section, it is possible to predict the employee’s job prospects in the company and determine the adequacy of the applicant’s assessment of himself, his desires and ambitions. The following questions will help you:

    • What position are you applying for?
    • Motives and incentives that prompted you to take part in the competition for a vacant position at our enterprise.
    • In what areas of work would you like to realize your capabilities at our enterprise?
    • How long did it take you to get to our office?
    • How much time are you willing to spend on the road to work?
    • Are you currently working?
    • How much time do you need to start working in a new place?
    • What work schedule suits you? Do you have the opportunity to work evenings and weekends?
    • What is your attitude towards possible business trips?
    • Can you work under pressure?
    • Why should we hire you?
    • If you have already received other job offers, what did you not like about them? (if you are working now, what you are not happy with at the moment?)
    • How do you imagine your position in our company in a year?
    • What is the average monthly income you are applying for?
    • Your financial expectations for the probationary period and for permanent work.
    • Anyone who works well and conscientiously receives, in addition to their salary, additional remuneration, an increased salary, a new position, etc. What would you personally prefer?
    • Rank the characteristics below based on your preferences (1 - most important, 10 - least important):

    Good team

    Company prestige

    Decent salary

    Flexible work schedule

    Possibility of self-realization

    Growth prospects

    Proximity to home

    Operation stability

    Solving complex problems

    Learning new skills

    • What parameters are important for you when choosing a place of work?
    • What goals do you set for yourself:
    • – in professional activities;
    • – in other areas.
    • Military duty. The situation with conscription into the army.

    By the way, last question very appropriate in this section. If the applicant in front of you is a fourth-year student at a higher educational institution and the end of the deferment is just around the corner, then the prospect of joint activities is quite easy to predict.

    III. Education information

    “Education” is one of the standard sections of the application form. A thorough analysis of its content allows you to learn many interesting nuances about the candidate. You can find out on what basis the applicant chose educational institutions and how he managed to pay for expensive education. Sometimes it is useful to analyze data on the ratio of time actually worked and time spent on training. We often encounter applicants who have spent the bulk of their lives in seminars - courses, trainings or other “long-term” training. More often than not, the initially laid down “knowledge base” remains theoretical ballast, and its “carriers” are not always able to work fruitfully for the benefit of the company.

    You can find out about the candidate’s level of education and how he achieved it by asking the following questions:

    • Education. When and what educational institutions did you graduate from, diploma numbers?
    • Form of training. Diploma specialty. Diploma qualification.
    • What topic of the thesis was defended (only the title of the diploma, without revealing its main aspects)?
    • Academic degree, academic title, when awarded, details of documents confirming the assignment of an academic degree, title.
    • Additional education (courses, seminars, trainings, etc.). Indicate the date, name of the educational institution, direction or topic.
    • What foreign languages ​​and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation do you speak and to what extent (do you read and can communicate, are you fluent, etc.)?

    IV. Work experience information

    It is on the basis of the data in this section that conclusions are drawn about the applicant: how often does he change jobs; for what reason leaves the company; whether it radically changes the scope of effort; how responsibilities change at each subsequent job; how easy it is to provide information about past jobs, telephone numbers and names of former managers.

    For a personnel officer, even with minimal experience, observing the process of filling out the items in this section, many of the psychological characteristics of the applicant become clear. In addition, even with the initial analysis of the questionnaire, conclusions can be drawn about the career development of a given applicant. As you know, only 10% of managers can be successful and effective at the same time. The bulk is divided into two categories - a person either climbs the career ladder, moving from one position to another (vertical career option), or builds up his professional potential, studying his chosen profession more and more deeply (horizontal career option). Having assessed this nuance, you can easily compare it with what your company can offer the applicant.

    To do this, ask the applicant to describe in reverse chronological order his work activity in the following areas:

    • Work period.
    • Company name.
    • Field of activity of the company.
    • Position or profession.
    • Work schedule.
    • Responsibilities performed.
    • Main achievements during the period of work in the company.
    • Level (size) of wages.
    • Reason for dismissal.
    • Company location.
    • Full name leader.
    • Contact phone number.
    • Number of employees in the company.

    V. Information about professional skills

    Questions about professional skills are another very revealing group. How broadly a person describes his professional skills will tell you how scattered he is in his aspirations.

    But you can look at the answers another way. Multifaceted professional experience is often found among people who worked in small companies, where the range of responsibilities was quite vague. A former employee of a large structure with a rigid hierarchy, on the contrary, will have excellent knowledge and skills of a narrow focus.

    Analysis of the answers to the questions in this section should also provide you with information that allows you to separate theorists who are happy to describe their abstract knowledge from practitioners. To do this, we ask about:

    • Degree of computer proficiency (for example: “Indicate the type of program ( operating systems, text editors, spreadsheets, databases, specialized programs), its name and the degree of your mastery of it (“ advanced user”, “main functions”, “familiar with the principles of operation”, “studying”).
    • Skills in working with office equipment (for example: “Indicate the degree of your knowledge of office equipment (“experienced user”, “basic functions”, “familiar with the principles of operation”) for the following types: computer, fax, copier, scanner, fax modem, etc.) .
    • Availability driver's license, category, driving experience.
    • Having a personal car.

    In addition, answers to the following questions will tell you about the applicant’s professional skills:

    • What are you most proud of in life?
    • What are the greatest professional successes you have achieved in life?
    • What skills, abilities and knowledge do you think will be most useful to our company?
    • Describe what you can do better than others.
    • Describe your management experience.
    • What exactly were your organizational skills?
    • Diagram of mutual subordination (draw a functional diagram for the last two places of work).
    • Please indicate your most strengths like a professional.
    • List three situations in which you lacked professional skills.

    A place for the results of professional testing can be allocated directly in this section, or at the end of the form.

    There is enough advice in personnel and other specialized literature on how to prepare recommendations, and applicants study it no less carefully than personnel officers. From a “professional applicant” who has studied more than one manual on employment and personnel selection, most likely, one should expect a folder with prepared letters of recommendation, certified by the most impressive coats of arms and signatures. But it doesn’t matter if the applicant is not “recommended” properly - you can always call the company where he previously worked (by the way, in my experience there has never been a single case where the company’s management refused to provide a recommendation). To do this, you need to find out who you can contact and who, in the candidate’s opinion, can objectively answer your questions. The fact that a person indicates his potential recommenders (he still does not know what you will ask and what they will answer) can be regarded as the ability to “peacefully” part with his former colleagues and maintain business relations even after dismissal.

    To do this, read the answers to the following questions:

    • Which of your former colleagues and managers can give you a verbal recommendation or letter of recommendation?
    • Address, telephone number of the organization and official.
    • Which of our company employees can give you a recommendation?

    VII. Health information

    This section of the questionnaire is one of the most “ambiguous”. Of course, an employer would like to know how healthy a person will start working for him. If you answer all these questions truthfully, there is a fairly high chance of never getting a job. But receiving distorted information is fraught with consequences for the employer. Thoughtlessly hiring an employee without determining the degree of his disability often results in troubles from the labor inspectorate. If a controversial situation arises, the state inspector may not limit himself to just a warning. Therefore, the questions in the application form must be formulated correctly enough so as not to violate the law, and there must be clear confirmation that the applicant was asked whether he needs to create special working conditions.

    You can find out “safely” about your health status by asking the respondent the following questions:

    • Give your own assessment of your health.
    • How many working days did you miss due to temporary disability during the last calendar year?
    • Do you have close relatives with chronic diseases that require care with periodic separation from work?
    • Are there any disabled, elderly or chronically ill dependent people in your family?
    • If there is a need for long-term care for children, do you have close relatives who can replace you in this situation?
    • Would you like special working conditions to be created for you due to your health condition and justify why?
    • Bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking, etc.).

    You can rest assured that they will willingly provide you with truthful information about nicotine addiction. For information about more sophisticated " bad habits", most likely, you will have to cheat a little. So, for example, to find out the attitude towards alcoholic drinks, you can offer all positive answers and observe the reaction of the person being surveyed to the absence of the answer “I don’t drink”. A personnel officer with twenty years of experience, selecting builders for her company, affectionately, “motherly,” asked: “What about vodka? Are you playing around? According to her assurances, true lovers of the “green serpent” made honest eyes and swore: “What are you talking about? I don't use it at all. If only on major holidays!”

    VIII. Information about hobbies and interests

    In the questionnaires of most companies, one or two lines are allocated to receive it. “Your hobby” - this is roughly what this question sounds like. Imagine yourself in the place of the applicant. Most likely, the answer will be “sports, reading” and these words will not say anything about the spiritual, non-professional world of a person. Please clarify your question. Set a few additional conditions, and the respondent will either open up, talking about his favorite activity, or you will immediately understand that he has nothing to report. In one of the companies where I had to attend an interview several years ago, I was surprised by the HR manager’s question: “Tell me something about your life. About anything, as long as it doesn’t concern work.” Modern business requires not only the ability to work - the ability to rest well is also highly valued. Spend a little time finding out what the applicant's passions are and it will be easier for him to accept your company's corporate culture or not to accept it at all.

    To do this, we include the following questions in the questionnaire:

    • How do you relax most often?
    • Check what interests you most:



    • Share your impressions of the last performance you saw, movie, book you read, etc.

    IX. Self-Esteem Information

    Some companies include psychological tests in their questionnaires. Without going into the details of such testing, let us note that a couple of questions about character will provide additional information for consideration. But you shouldn’t overuse this - there aren’t too many “easy-to-use” test methods, and often, after attending several interviews, applicants are already excellent at fending off stereotyped “psychological blows.”

    Answers to the following questions can give a general idea of ​​a person’s self-esteem:

    • When you are asked “What kind of person are you?”, what are the first words that come to mind (write 3 - 4 definitions of what kind of person you are)?
    • Indicate 5 of yours positive qualities.
    • Indicate which 3 negative qualities you have.
    • What qualities of your character would you like to get rid of?

    For the results of psychological testing, you can provide a place right in this section, or at the end of the questionnaire.

    X. "Marketing Information"

    Answers to the following questions can provide such information:

    • Where did you get information about the open vacancy?
    • Do you think there are people among your friends who might be interested in working in our company? Please indicate your name contact phone number, the intended field of activity.

    These questions fall into the “tricky” category. Firstly, the answers to them help to adjust the budget for searching and attracting personnel, and secondly, if they are carefully worked out, they may well lay the foundation for the emergence of new strong applicants in the company.

    XI. Information about interviewing and hiring

    This section is filled out by the employee who “interviewed” the applicant. If the interview consists of several stages, it is very convenient to mark their completion in the following table:

    It will serve as a small reminder to you and a hint to the head of the company about the applicant’s success during the interview rounds.

    Of course, such a huge amount of information as a database of questionnaires and resumes of potential candidates requires fairly careful handling. Hundreds of sheets indicating names, addresses, phone numbers, income levels and convenient times to call - can play a role good service for people who are not too scrupulous in matters of “interpersonal relationships”. The person being surveyed may well feel a certain amount of insecurity and a desire to refuse to fill out certain items of the questionnaire. What the refusal to fill out individual columns signals (about “low controllability,” conflict, etc.) is up to you and professional psychologists to judge.

    Such care in verbal expression is also necessary when compiling a questionnaire. Despite the fact that, in addition to personnel practice, questionnaire surveys are widely used in sociology, psychology and other sciences, we should not forget that the results obtained on its basis, describing the behavior, opinions and attitudes of the respondents, require confirmation by other methods - only then the conclusions based on the results obtained information can be considered reliable and reliable.

    Line width is also a factor affecting readability—50-55 characters is considered ideal.

    The font size is determined based on the fields of the document form (in accordance with GOST R 6.30-97 “Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation” they must be at least 20 mm - left, 10 mm - right, 15 mm - top and 20 mm - lower). As a rule, the font size is 11 or 12 point.

    The title should precede the direct questions. It is typed either in uppercase (QUESTIONNAIRE) or lowercase (QUOTE). In the left top corner According to established practice, the first page indicates the place where the photograph will be pasted (usually 4 x 6 cm in size).

    To answer questions, you need to provide lines and other graphic indicators of where marks should be placed (for example, squares to indicate the selected answer).

    After the questions in the questionnaire, there should be a place to write:

    – dates of filling out the questionnaire;

    Job seekers are often perplexed: why do they need to fill out a job application form if the employer has already been provided with a resume for review? And sometimes you may come across the opinion that a written questionnaire for employment is useless, because it can be replaced by an interview. No, it can't. Neither a resume nor an interview are a complete replacement for a job application questionnaire.

    Every employer knows that in a resume the candidate tries to present himself in better light and may not indicate information that is unfavorable for him (for example, temporary places of work, the presence of small children). Moreover, the main purpose of a resume is to receive an invitation to an interview.

    The questionnaire is the first stage of direct acquaintance between the employer and the future employee. The interview is its second stage.

    Below are examples of an applicant's application form when applying for a job and a sample of filling out an application form when applying for a job. From these it will become clear that an employer, using a survey, can obtain:

    • general information determining the legality and advisability of further interaction with a candidate for a vacant position;
    • an adequate initial assessment of his professional qualities, necessary for making a decision on admission.

    For the applicant, this document is no less important, since it may contain questions the answer to which is not contained in the resume. And, in addition, the potential employee himself learns a lot about future employment.

    In this regard, a sample application form for a job candidate is a more objective document. The application form for an applicant when applying for a job contains a list of mandatory items that allow you to evaluate the candidate, his professional level and personal qualities more deeply. Looking through the information specified in the questionnaire, employers pay attention even to such seemingly trifles as:

    • the applicant's literacy level;
    • accuracy of filling;
    • the amount of time spent filling out the form;
    • completeness of the data provided;
    • attentiveness, etc.

    You won’t be able to evade answering an awkward question by not answering it in the questionnaire—the employer will ask it anyway. So it's better to be honest.

    The emotionality and mood with which the candidate comes to the interview are also assessed.

    Thus, a sample application form for employment reveals the socio-psychological characteristics of the applicant, which simplifies selection.

    For whom is the form required?

    According to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 667-r dated May 26, 2005, the questionnaire must be filled out by citizens wishing to take part in competitions for filling places:

    • state civil service;
    • municipal service.

    In all other cases, the questionnaire is not included in the number of documents required for employment ( Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    But many businesses develop their own sample job interview questionnaire and use it to evaluate the candidate.

    All information about the applicant that is indicated in it is confidential information and are not subject to publicity ( Art. 86 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If confidentiality is violated, the employer may be subject to criminal liability.

    What questions does a sample job application form contain?

    The job application form contains from 10 to 30 points, the answers to which the employer wants to receive from the candidate. The questionnaire can also be completed electronically.

    The job application form, a sample of which we have posted below, may contain the following items:

    • Full name applicant for a vacancy;
    • date and place of birth;
    • citizenship;
    • address of actual residence and place of permanent registration;
    • telephone, address email;
    • passport details;
    • education (including additional and courses);
    • availability of a medical book;
    • information about work activity for a certain period of time: (place and period of work, position, responsibilities, salary);
    • professional skills and abilities;
    • marital status and information about close relatives;
    • hobby;
    • character strengths and weaknesses;
    • wishes for working conditions and salary;
    • having a driver's license;
    • level of foreign languages ​​and PC proficiency;
    • presence of chronic diseases;
    • recommendations from former employers.

    The employer must understand: in order for the questionnaire to be as informative as possible, the questions contained in it must be clear and concise. They must also imply a precise answer.

    Enterprises that require filling out a detailed questionnaire for employment (for example, banking structures) must take care in advance to document the voluntary nature of providing personal data, which requires obtaining the written consent of the candidate, in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4.

    How to correctly compose a questionnaire

    We offer several practical advice by compilation. It is very convenient when questions are grouped by topic. This will make the work of both the interviewer and the interviewee easier.

    We propose dividing the questionnaire into two parts: general questions- in one part, highly specialized - in the second. This division makes it easier to use a single form of the questionnaire for a large enterprise, since its first part will be the same for candidates for vacancies in any workshop or department of the enterprise.

    General questions

    In the first part, the standard points usually come first:

    • date of birth;
    • residential address;
    • contact information;
    • marital status;
    • children;
    • attitude towards military duty;
    • having a criminal record.


    • educational institutions in which he studied (with years, assigned qualifications and diploma numbers, which can be checked if necessary);
    • advanced training courses completed, seminars, master classes and conferences attended;
    • degree of proficiency in foreign languages.

    If the last point is important directly for the position held, we recommend checking your actual language proficiency during the interview, since the candidate’s self-assessment of his language skills often does not correspond to the real state of affairs.

    Employment goals

    You can then ask questions to understand the applicant's goals for future employment. We suggest including questions that will reveal the applicant's motives and goals. Examples of such questions:

    • what position he would like to hold now;
    • whether he wants to make a career;
    • Is there a desire and/or ability to work overtime and on weekends;
    • How does the candidate feel about business trips?

    A great way to understand an applicant's personality is through preference lists. Suggest, for example, ranking by importance a list of benefits that a candidate would like to have in this workplace:

    • good team;
    • decent salary;
    • growth prospects;
    • advanced training or obtaining qualifications;
    • proximity to home;
    • flexible schedule.

    By ranking such a list, a potential employee will reveal his preferences and thereby reveal himself. It makes sense to offer to add your option to the ranked list.

    Candidate's health

    Whether it is necessary to ask questions about the health of a potential employee is up to each employer to decide for himself. This is a rather slippery question. In fact, such questions may amount to an invasion of privacy.

    However, quite important information that will affect the employer’s obligations towards the employee (providing benefits, etc.) is disability and chronic diseases that require regular hospital treatment.

    We suggest the following rather tactful formulations:

    “Do you need special working conditions due to your health condition?”

    “Do you need extra days off to care for a relative?”

    But we must remember that a refusal to provide a workplace to a person with health limitations (if these restrictions do not affect his ability to perform the assigned work) may be grounds for going to court.

    Personal qualities

    And finally, an even more painful point in the first part of the questionnaire is personal qualities. These questions not only raise negative reaction questioned, but also extremely ineffective, since a person rarely can and wants to adequately assess his strengths and weaknesses, especially when applying for a job. We can suggest using list ranking again, however, this method is also quite ineffective. It is better to use the oral interview method.

    Experience and skills

    Having finished with the first, general, part, we move on to the second, highly specialized one, which we recommend starting with obtaining information about work experience. The structure of this section should serve two purposes:

    1. Provide the employer with the necessary information about the candidate’s work skills. To do this, professions, who he worked for, positions held, and a list of duties performed must be indicated.
    2. Get an idea of ​​the candidate's communication skills and mental stability. To do this, they ask about the reasons for changing jobs and ask the candidate to name one or two former employees who can give characteristics and recommendations.

    To obtain relevant information about work skills, a highly specialized questionnaire is required. When filling a driver vacancy, they are interested in the category and time of obtaining a license, and driving experience. If a programmer is surveyed, they ask questions about proficiency in certain programming languages, specific software products created by this applicant. This section should be compiled by the immediate supervisor of the future employee, because he is the one who knows exactly what skills the future employee will need in the new place. This is a very important point in the questionnaire. No matter how communicative and stable a candidate is, if he does not have the necessary work skills, he is unlikely to cope with the proposed functionality.

    What a job applicant should not write in a job application

    Despite the fact that at the moment there are no forms approved by law for the questionnaire, the law does not allow the employer to include in it whatever they want.

    How long should the questionnaire be?

    Sufficient, but not excessive. We also recommend asking questions tactfully so as not to scare off potential employees and minimize the number of personal questions. It makes sense to ask only what is directly related to the future position and assumes the possibility of a reliable answer.

    Let us recall that the law obliges a candidate for a vacant position to be honest in providing personal data, giving the employer the right to terminate the employment contract if forged documents are used ().

    How to make sure that the form is filled out correctly

    First of all, you need to check that all the questions asked are answered. The next step is the verification of the provided data with the data of the passport, diploma and other documents. The third stage may be to verify the authenticity of the provided data and documents.

    Sample of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job

    In this section we have posted a sample application form for an applicant when applying for a job.

    What happens to the questionnaire after filling it out? Information about all candidates is entered into the enterprise database (subject to the consent of the person to process personal data). When a new vacancy appears, a candidate who did not pass the selection may be remembered and invited back for an interview. It is quite possible that the second attempt will be successful. If employment has taken place, the questionnaire is filed along with other documents in the employee’s personal file.

    The one who processes the admission documents has access to personal data, and therefore must be warned about maintaining confidentiality (RF Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data”, Article 6, paragraph 3). According to the law, the head of the enterprise is responsible to the state for the actions of the operator.