• Quick typing of commands on the keyboard. All keyboard functions. You need to know this

    Some tips on using the keyboard were given in the article. Let's look at the meaning of some keys on the keyboard. In the upper right corner of the keyboard with the 101st key there are three indicator lights (in other words, light bulbs):

    • Caps Lock– capital letters mode,
    • Num Lock – number locking mode,
    • Scroll Lock– scroll lock mode.

    The above modes are turned on and off by pressing the keys of the same name: Caps Lock, Num Lock (Num Lk), Scroll Lock (Scr Lk).

    On laptops with fewer keys, the Caps Lock key is located in the same place as on a 101-key keyboard. The Num Lock key is usually located with F11, and the Scroll Lock key is usually located with F12. To enter Num Lock or Scroll Lock mode, press the Fn key, which is located in the lower left corner, and, without releasing it, press the Num Lock or Scroll Lock key, depending on which mode is required.

    Let's take a closer look at these three modes.

    1) Key Caps Lock(translated as “fixing capital letters”) is located on the left side of the keyboard. If you do not press Caps Lock (i.e. the light is not on) and go into a text editor (for example, Word or Notepad), then when entering text, all letters (both English and Russian) will be displayed in small letters.

    If you press Caps Lock (the light, or rather, the indicator light is on), then when entering text, the letters will be displayed in capitals (capital). In this mode, when you press the Shift key, lowercase (small) letters will be displayed (the exact opposite action of what is done in normal mode when the Caps Lock light is off).

    Caps Lock mode (or capital letter mode) is convenient when entering text consisting of such letters. To enter one large letter, it is more convenient, of course, to press the Shift key and, without releasing it, press the key with the image of the corresponding letter.

    Key Tab(tab) is located above the Caps Lock key. When editing texts, Tab is usually used to move to the next tab stop, that is, after pressing Tab, the cursor moves immediately to a specified number of positions. In other programs, its functionality may change, for example, Tab can switch between query fields, etc.

    Key Esc(Escape – “to run away, escape”) is located above the Tab key and is used mainly to cancel an action.

    2) Num Lock key(translated as “fixing numbers”) is located on the right side of the keyboard. It is responsible for the operation of the small numeric keypad in two modes: if the Num Lock indicator is on (i.e., pressed the Num Lock key), then the small numeric keypad operates in the mode of entering numbers from 0 to 9 and periods.

    If the Num Lock indicator is not lit, then the small numeric keypad operates in cursor control mode (up, down, right, left arrows, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown). More about the Num Lock key

    Key Delete("delete") or Del is usually used to delete characters to the right of the cursor. Key Backspace("step back") or a long left arrow above the Enter key usually deletes the character to the left of the cursor.

    I know that some users prefer the Delete key when deleting characters, and some prefer the Backspace key. It's all a matter of habit.

    Key Insert("insert") or Ins is typically used to switch between two character input modes:

    • input with character expansion (insert mode) and
    • input with the replacement of previously typed characters, that is, new text is entered, while the “old” text is automatically erased (replacement mode).

    In MS Word 2007, insert/replace mode is disabled by default. Apparently, this was done on purpose, since accidentally pressing the Insert key resulted in more earlier versions Word to the fact that the replacement mode was turned on when old text was removed and a new one was introduced in its place.

    To enable insert/replace mode in MS Word 2007, click the Office button (round in the upper left corner). In the window that opens, click the “Word Options” button. Then select the “Advanced” tab, in the “Editing Options” section, check the box next to “Use the INS key to switch insert and replace modes.”

    As noted above, the Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, up, down, left and right arrow keys are called cursor keys. Clicking on them, as a rule, leads to moving the cursor in the desired direction or to “flipping through” what is on the screen.

    Keystroke Home And End usually moves the cursor to the beginning and end of the line, respectively.

    Keystroke PageUp(“page up”) and PageDown(“page down”) causes the contents of the screen to scroll, for example, when editing a document, page up or page down.

    3) Scroll Lock(top right on the keyboard) - widely used in the early 80s, when there was no mouse manipulator. When the “Scroll Lock” mode was enabled, the cursor keys performed the function of moving the screen (up, down, left, right).

    When the Scroll Lock mode is disabled, then the cursor keys work in the usual mode for us - changing the cursor position (up, down, left, right). Now you can see the effect of this button, for example, in Excel spreadsheets. If you start Excel and press Scroll Lock, then the cursor keys will move the table, not the individual selected cell.

    In general, the Scroll Lock key in different programs can work the way it is programmed.

    Computer literacy exercises:

    1. Enter Russian and english letters when turned on Caps indicator Lock. Repeat the same while holding down the Shift key. Pay attention to which letters are displayed: lowercase or uppercase.
    2. Now we print with the Caps Lock indicator turned off. Then we type while holding Shift. When are lowercase and when are uppercase letters entered?
    3. Let's look at the Num Lock operating mode. When does the small numeric keypad work in the mode of entering numbers 0, 1, ..., 9 and dots, and when in the cursor control mode?
    4. Copy the text of this task into a text editor on your PC, place the cursor in the middle of the text and check how characters are deleted using the Delete and Backspace keys. When are characters deleted to the left of the cursor, and when to the right of it?
    5. Try out the Insert key. If you have Word 2007, then you may need to first make the necessary settings to enable this mode. Place the cursor in the middle of the text, click Insert and enter the text. What happens in this case: inserting characters or replacing them (deleting old ones and entering new characters in their place)?
    6. You might want to check out the little-used Scroll Lock key. You won't need a mouse here. Let's go to electronic Excel tables, in the middle, enter into the cell, for example, the number 100. Press the Scroll Lock key, and you can use the arrows (up, down, left, right) to move around the table. It turns out to be a keyboard analogue of how a mouse works when moving inside an Excel window.
    7. In a text editor, look at the action of the Home, End, up, down, left, right arrow keys within two or three lines, and at the PageUp, PageDown actions within two or more screen pages.
    8. Copy a few lines into a text editor. Place the cursor at the beginning of the text and press the Tab key. If everything was done correctly, then the text should start with the “red line”.

    P.S. The article is over, but you can still read.

    In this lesson I want to tell you about the purpose of keys, when you look at them it is not immediately clear what should happen when you press them. These, of course, are not alphanumeric keys, everything is clear with them - what is drawn will be displayed when pressed. True, on some alphanumeric keys, three characters are drawn, and it is also not immediately clear how to display any of them. I will also tell you in this lesson how, using which keys and in which modes to display each of the symbols drawn on the key.

    Let's take a look at a regular keyboard.

    I highlighted in red the keys with which everything is more or less clear; these are symbolic keys (letters, numbers, signs). The only thing I will dwell on in more detail in terms of these keys is how to display all the symbols drawn on these keys, but a little lower.

    But the meaning of the keys highlighted in blue is most likely not clear to beginners. And so now I will describe the meaning of each such key separately.

    I'll start from the top left corner.

    "Esc" key. Reads like "Escape".

    This key usually CANCELS an action. For example, if you right-click on the desktop and open the screen properties window, then pressing the “Esc” key will instantly close this window. In any game, pressing the “Esc” key will most likely exit to the game menu, and if you press this key again, the game will continue. In any browser ( Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, etc.), when entering the address of a site, pressing the “Esc” key will return you to the original address value, to the address home page. And so on.

    Keys "F1-F12".

    These are function keys, i.e. when you press these keys SOME ACTION IS HAPPENING. These actions are different in different programs. Typically these keys are used as hot keys or in combination with other keys. For example, in most programs, the “F1” key is a call for help, help.
    The key combination "Alt+F4" in Windows is closing current window. In any browser, the “F5” key is a page refresh.

    "Print Screen/SysRq" key. Reads like "Print Screen".

    Using this key you can do SCREEN CAPTURE. Those. in fact, when you press this button, no visible actions occur, but in fact, the picture of the photographed screen goes into memory (clipboard), from where it can then be retrieved by pasting it into any graphic editor, such as "Paint" or "Photoshop". By the way, if you press this key together with the “Alt” key (highlighted green), i.e. “Alt+PrintScreen”, then not the entire screen will be photographed, but only the active window!

    Scroll Lock key. Read as "Scroll Lock".

    The essence of this button is that when this button is turned on (this is indicated by the corresponding indicator light), using the cursor keys (arrow keys, Page Up, Page Down) you can move the screen image, not the cursor. In general, I found the use of this button only in ExcelE, where it really works.

    Pause/Break key.

    Usually, from the moment you turn on your computer until Windows loads, you only have time to see the splash screen on the screen. booting Windows. But in fact, at the time of boot, some information about the system is displayed on the screen (the presence RAM, hard drive capacity, etc.), so that HAVE TIME TO SEE For this information, you need to press the “PAUSE” button; to continue, you can press any button. In general, this button in combination with the “Ctrl” key was actively used at one time in DOS applications for INTERRUPTS program operation. Now the function of this button is performed by the TASK MANAGER.

    Num Lock key.

    This key INCLUDES NUMERIC KEYPAD located on the right side of the keyboard. If this key is turned on (as indicated by the indicator light), then the numeric keypad will work like a calculator, i.e. When pressed, numbers will be displayed.

    If this key is turned off (the indicator is not lit), then the number keys will work in a different mode. The “1” and “7” keys will work like the “End” and “Home” keys - moving the cursor to the end and beginning of the line. The “3” and “9” keys will work as the “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys - moving the cursor one screen up and down. The keys “2”, “4”, “8”, “6” will work as arrow keys, i.e. in cursor control mode.

    In addition, if you set SPECIAL FEATURES for the mouse in the CONTROL PANEL, then when the “Num look” key is turned off, you can control the mouse cursor using the keys “4” - left, “6” - right, “8” - up, “2” - down.

    In general, I recommend that you use the numeric keyboard, especially if you often work with numbers, for example in 1C or ExcelE.

    "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys.

    These keys allow you to scroll up and down the screen. Keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off). These keys can and should be used in any text editors, any browsers, in general, anywhere where information does not fit on one screen in height.

    Home and End keys.

    Using these keys, the cursor moves to the beginning (Home key) and the end (End key) of the line. Or to the beginning and end of the list (in Explorer). Keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off).

    By the way, if you press the “Home” key together with the “Ctrl” key (highlighted in green), you will go directly to the first (topmost) page. And if you press the “End” key together with the “Ctrl” key, the transition will be carried out immediately to the last (bottom-most) page.

    "Insert" or "Ins" key.

    The "Insert" key switches between INSERT and REPLACE modes. In mode INSERTS, if you type between two words, the right word will move to the right and new text will be inserted after the left word. Like this: “left” “center” “right” - I inserted the word “center” between the words “left” and “right”. And in mode REPLACEMENTS the right word will be overwritten - replaced by the inserted word.
    Like this: “left” “center”, i.e. the word “right” will be completely erased.
    Sometimes you just want to disable this key, because... When typing text in WordE, you can accidentally click on this button and turn on the replacement mode, and at the moment of editing the already typed text you don’t notice how what you typed is overwritten. Therefore, I recommend that you sometimes pay attention to the status bar in WordE, there is an indication of the “Insert” key. In addition, in WordE you can disable this key altogether, but this is not covered in this lesson.

    This key is also used in combination with the “Ctrl” and “Shift” keys (highlighted in green).
    Key combination “Ctrl+Insert” - copying selected text. Same as “Ctrl+C”.
    Key combination “Shift + Insert” - inserts selected text. Same as “Ctrl+V”.

    "Delete" or "Del" key.

    Using the "Delete" key you can DELETE one character to the right in any text. Or delete all selected text. Or delete a file or folder. By the way, if you delete a file using the “Shift+Delete” key combination (the “Shift” keys are highlighted in green), the file will be deleted bypassing the trash can, i.e. it will no longer be possible to restore it from the recycle bin.

    The key highlighted in blue only works if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off).

    In addition, the "Del" key is used in combination with the "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys (highlighted in green). When you press the key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del”, the “Task Manager” will open.

    Cursor keys - arrows.

    Using these keys CURSOR MOVES. The cursor is a blinking vertical bar in text editors or a highlighted rectangle in any file manager.

    Keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is turned off (the indicator is off).

    The cursor keys can be used in combination with the Shift and Ctrl keys (highlighted in green). This is especially useful in text editors.

    The key combination “Shift+right/left arrow” - selects one character from the right/left.
    The key combination “Ctrl + right/left arrow” - moves the cursor one word to the right/left.

    The key combination “Shift+up/down arrow” - selects one line up/down.
    The key combination “Ctrl + up/down arrow” - moves the cursor one paragraph/line up/down.

    BackSpace or Left Arrow key. Reads like "Backspace".

    With this key you can DELETE one character to the left or the entire selected text.
    IN file managers This button is used to move up one level (one folder). In photo viewing programs - go back one photo.

    The key combination “Alt+BackSpacr” - cancels the previous action. Same as “Ctrl+Z”.

    Enter key. Read as "Enter".

    There are two Enter keys on the keyboard. If you often work with numbers on the numeric keypad, I recommend that you use the “Enter” key, which is located on the right, bottom part of the keyboard.

    The Enter key is used to CONFIRMATIONS any actions, to open files, to launch programs, to move to a new line.

    Shift keys. Read as "Shift".

    Shift key is used TO SWITCH THE REGISTER characters. Those. if the "Shift" key is pressed, then the letters will be printed in capitals. Like this: SHIFT KEY.

    Additionally, the Shift key is often used in combination with the Ctrl and Alt keys. For example, the key combinations “Ctrl+Shift” or “Alt+Shift” switch the keyboard layout.

    "Ctrl" keys. Read as "Control".
    Alt keys. Read as "Alt".

    I combined the meanings of these keys because... they really are the same. These keys are used TO EXPAND FUNCTIONALITY other keys, i.e. "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys are used IN COMBINATIONS with other keys to perform any actions.

    "Context menu" key.

    Using this key THE CONTEXT MENU IS CALLED, exactly the same as if you pressed the RIGHT mouse button. The menu will correspond to the program you are working in, i.e. active program. Or if you press this button while on the “Desktop”, a menu corresponding to the active element of the Desktop will open.

    Windows or Win key.

    When you press this key, the main Windows menu opens - the START button menu.
    In addition, this key is used in Windows in combination with other keys, making it easier and faster to launch any programs or perform any actions.

    For example, the key combination “Win+D” minimizes all windows.
    Key combination “Win+E” - launch “Explorer”. And so on. I will make a separate lesson about key combinations.

    Spacebar key.

    This key is used FOR SEPARATION between themselves symbols, words, i.e. to insert a space character - indent.

    By the way, if replace mode is enabled (using the “Insert” key), the “Space” key works like the “Delete” key, i.e. erases the character on the right.

    Sometimes the Spacebar is used to confirm some action, i.e. like the Enter key.

    Caps Lock key. Pronounced "Caps Lock".

    The "Caps Lock" key is used in the same way as "Shift" TO SWITCH THE REGISTER characters. Those. If the Caps Lock key is turned on (the corresponding indicator is lit), then the letters will be printed in capitals. Like this: CAPS LOCK KEY.

    Tab key. Reads like "Tab".

    Using this key you can create a “red line” in text editors, i.e. When you press this button, several space characters are inserted at once.

    Using this button you can bypass all contextual elements of the active window. This can be useful when the mouse suddenly stops working or is not there at all for some reason. To make it clearer, go to Explorer and press the “Tab” key. You will see how the cursor jumps from one context element to another.

    The Tab key is also used in combination with the Alt key to switch tasks in Windows.

    Now, as I promised, I’ll tell you how to display all the symbols drawn on a key.
    For example, I’ll take the “?” key located near the right “Shift” key.

    There are already four characters per key. The secret is in the “Shift” key and the keyboard layout.
    Those. to display "." (dots) the Russian keyboard layout must be enabled.
    To display “,” (comma), you need to press this key together with the “Shift” key in the Russian keyboard layout.
    To display “/” (slash), you need to switch to the English layout and press this key. To display "?" (question mark) you need to press this key together with the “Shift” key in the English layout. That's the whole secret.

    The same goes for other keys that have several symbols on them. For some special national symbols, you need to switch to the national layout accordingly.

    12. Troubleshooting keyboard problems
    19. On-screen keyboard on your computer

    What do the computer keys mean, the purpose of the keys on the keyboard

    According to their purpose, the keys
    on the keyboard are divided into six groups:

    What groups of keys is the keyboard divided into?

    cursor control;
    digital panel;

    function keys F1 - F12 on a computer keyboard

    Function keys F1 - F12
    on a computer keyboard

    Functional row of the F1 – F12 key.
    Twelve function keys are located
    in the very top row of the keyboard.

    The purpose of the f1 - f12 keys on a computer keyboard

    Function keys also have their own functions on the computer, you can see this in the “User Guide” that comes with each computer.
    But besides this - these keys are involved in or they are also called - this is when by pressing one, two or three keys, certain commands are executed for the computer.

    For example:
    by pressing the F1 key - call up help for that
    program that you currently have open.
    About “hot keys”, below.

    Alphanumeric keys on a keyboard

    Alphanumeric keys

    Refer to
    keys for entering letters, numbers, punctuation marks
    and arithmetic operations, special characters.

    The keyboard is initially in capital letters. To print capital,
    You must first press the Shift key and, while holding it, press the desired letter.

    The Shift key can be pressed both on the right and on the left, as you wish
    more convenient (although for ten-finger method typescript is
    it is important which side you press Shift on).

    If you want to print all text in capital letters, then press the key
    Caps Lock, you don’t need to hold it, all text will be in capital letters. Return
    to normal printing - click on again Caps key Lock.

    Switch from Cyrillic to Latin and back - press the Alt key and hold
    her, Shift. Or you can simply - by clicking on the button indicating the language at the bottom of the screen -
    RU, EN and select.

    Number pad keys

    Number pad keys

    The main purpose of the keys is
    duplication of alphanumeric key functions
    block in terms of entering numbers and arithmetic operators.

    Using the keys on this panel is more convenient for entering numbers and arithmetic operators than entering these characters using the keys in the alphanumeric block.

    On some computers, the number pad is located in a separate block,
    right, (top image). Sometimes, most often on laptops, the number pad is located on the keys of the alphanumeric block (lower image).
    In my opinion, it’s not very convenient, but you probably need to get used to it,
    if such a need arises.

    Keyboard modifier keys

    Modifier keys

    Keys: Shift, Ctrl, Caps Lock, Alt and AltGr (right Alt)
    belong to the number.

    They are designed to change (modify) the actions of other keys.
    Modifier keys are the most commonly used, so they have
    increased size. In addition, the Shift and Ctrl keys are duplicated
    on both sides of the alphanumeric key block.

    the purpose of each key on a computer keyboard

    The purpose of each key
    on a computer keyboard

    And now - more about the purpose of each of the keys on the keyboard
    computer. It is possible that not all of them will be useful to you, but know that
    what each of them is responsible for, probably necessary!

    Spacebar - in addition to its main function, do
    A space between words also deletes the “selected” object.

    Esc - cancels the last action (closes unnecessary windows).

    Print Screen - prints the contents of the screen -
    “photographs” the screen. Then we can paste this screenshot
    in Word or Paint. This photograph of the screen is called a “screenshot”.

    Scroll Lock - in theory, it should serve in order to
    scroll information up and down, that is, duplicate the wheel
    scrolling on a computer mouse, but not on all computers this
    the button works.

    Pause/Break - designed to pause the current
    computer process, but also - it does not work on all computers.

    Insert - Insert button to print text on top of already
    printed. If you press this key, the new text will be
    be printed by erasing the old one. To cancel this, you need to press again
    to the Insert key.

    Delete - deletion. Removes characters located on the right side
    blinking cursor. Deletes "selected" objects (lines of text,
    folders, files).

    Home — goes to the beginning of the filled line.

    End — goes to the end of the filled line.

    Page Up—turns the page forward.

    Page Down—turns the page back.

    The Home, End, Page Up, Page Down keys are mainly needed by those who type professionally and a lot. But also to move with the help of these
    keys on a website page on the Internet - you can too.

    Backspace - removes characters to the left of the flashing one
    cursor while typing text. And returns to the previous one
    page in browsers and in Explorer windows, replacing the arrow
    "back" in the upper left corner.

    Tab - Tab fixes the cursor at a specific location on the line.
    Required to work in Word programs, Excel, Access. And in normal
    typing – quickly jumps to the end of an empty line.

    Caps Lock - locks uppercase and lowercase letters. If you need all
    Type the text in capital letters - press the Caps Lock key.
    Return to normal position - press again.

    Shift - short press of this key - gives capital
    letter. In order to print a capital letter, you must first press
    Shift key and while holding it press the desired letter. Shift key
    You can click on both the right and left, whichever is more convenient for you.

    Alt - to switch to the opposite language (from English to
    Russian and vice versa) – you need to press the Alt key and without releasing it
    Shift key. Press and hold the AltGr key (right Alt)
    used to move to the second level of the keyboard.

    Ctrl - right and left. Opens additional features

    Nut Look - when the Nut Look indicator is on - works
    numeric (numeric) keypad, which is located on the keyboard
    either as a separate block, on the right, or in the center, on the keys -

    Enter – key for entering information, confirms the “yes” command.
    For example: you enter some address into the address bar of your browser,
    but there is no “find” button there, so we press the key
    Enter, thereby giving the command to the browser to find. In search engines
    lines, you can also not press “find”, but press Enter.
    And when moving to the next line when typing - also,
    press Enter.

    Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
    (left). They move only along filled lines. By using
    These arrows can be used to move not only through the text you are typing,
    but also on open pages of websites and programs. With the exception of those sites
    where is the search bar. There it is possible to move only along the most
    search bar.

    What are hotkeys or shortcut keys

    What are “hot keys”
    (or "hotkeys")

    "Hot keys" or " shortcut keys"name the method
    when by pressing one, two or three keys, certain
    commands for the computer or for open on at the moment programs.

    First, you should know that the combination “key” + “key” means
    that you first need to press the first key, and then, while holding it, the second. Keyboard
    when pressing “hot keys” - in Latin (in Cyrillic, some commands call other programs).

    Hotkeys sometimes use the Win and Menu keys, and since
    on the keyboard there are only icons on them, then the Win key is located between
    Ctrl keys and Alt on the left side (it has the Windows logo on it).
    Menu key is to the left of the right Ctrl .

    Because my site is prepared to help inexperienced user,
    then I won’t “burden” you with a lot of existing “hotkeys”,
    I’ll just suggest a few that are easier to work with and with which
    I work on my own.

    General purpose hotkeys

    "Hot Keys"
    general purpose

    Win - Open the Start menu.

    Ctrl + Shift + Esc - Call the “Task Manager”.

    Win + E - Launch the Explorer program (short press,
    because a long press opens several windows).

    Win + D - Minimize all windows.

    Win + F1 - Open Windows Help.

    Win + F - Open a file search window.

    Win + Pause - Opens the System Properties window.

    F4 - Go to the Explorer address bar.

    F1 - Call help for the currently open application.

    Backspace - Move up a level in the Explorer window.

    Ctrl + F - Run utility program search.

    Alt + Printscreen - Take a screenshot of the currently active window.

    Ctrl + A - Select everything (objects, text).

    Ctrl + Inser t – Copy to clipboard (objects, text) –
    but first “select” the object, the text.

    Ctrl + P — Prints the current document.

    Ctrl + Z - Undo the last action.

    Hotkeys for working with text

    "Hot Keys"
    in working with text

    Ctrl + A - Select all.

    Ctrl + Insert - Copy.

    Shift + Delete - Cut.

    Shift + Insert - Insert.

    Ctrl + → — Move through words in the text. Not only does it work
    in text editors.

    Ctrl + Shift + → — Select text by words.

    Ctrl + End - Move to the beginning/end of a line of text or document.

    Of course, not all of these “hot keys” are convenient to use.

    It’s more convenient for me to “copy”, “paste”, “cut” - with the right mouse button.

    Hotkeys for working with files

    "Hot Keys"
    in working with files

    Shift + F10 - Display context menu current object
    (same as right-clicking).

    Menu - Same as Shift + F10.

    Enter - Same as double click for the selected object.

    Delete — Deleting an object.

    Shift + Delete - Permanent deletion object,
    without putting it in the cart.

    What's happened virtual keyboard

    What is the "Virtual Keyboard"

    “Virtual keyboard” is a program that is installed either on a PC,
    or there are online services. With this program you can type
    letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc. - without the help of your keyboard on your
    computer using only the mouse.

    That is, you do not type the text with your fingers, but click on the letters with the mouse
    on the “virtual keyboard” and the text is printed in the same way as on your native keyboard.

    Free online virtual keyboard on Yandex

    Shortcut keys, which are also known as keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, when pressed, have a finite set of one key or a combination of two or more keys, will cause an operation or perform a task of the operating system or application, a program running on the operating system, or simply activate and run a program.

    Keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys make it easier for the user to interact with the computer, otherwise typically requiring a mouse or other pointing device to perform the operation. Windows 7 includes a lot new keyboard shortcuts, which make it easier to work with menus and other commands. As a rule, keyboard shortcuts are used to activate a command and are listed along with the command in the programs menu (to indicate what can be activated by pressing the Alt + key combination). Some of them are not on the list, they are hidden.

    Below is full Windows list 7 hotkeys or hotkey accelerator available at the operating system level, as well as for several built-in application programs V Windows 7.

    Easy access to shortcuts from the keyboard

    • Shift right for eight seconds: Turn on the Keys filter and turn it off
    • Left Alt + Left Shift + PrtScn (or PrtScn): Turn High Contrast on or off
    • Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock: Keys Turn mouse on or off
    • Shift five times: Enable Sticky Keys or disable
    • Num Lock five seconds: Enable Switch keys or disable
    • Windows OS Logo key + U: Open Ease of Access Center

    General keyboard shortcut

    • F1: Help display
    • Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert): Copy the selected file,
    • Ctrl + X: Cut selected element
    • Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert): Paste the selected element
    • Ctrl + Z: Undo action
    • Ctrl + Y: Repeat action
    • Delete (or Ctrl + D): Delete the selected item and move it to the Trash
    • Shift + Delete: Delete the selected item without moving it to the Trash first
    • F2: Rename selected item
    • Ctrl + right arrow: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
    • Ctrl + left arrow: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
    • Ctrl + Down Arrow: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
    • Ctrl + up arrow: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
    • Ctrl + Shift key with arrow: Select a block of text
    • Shift + any arrow key: Select multiple items in a window or desktop, or select text in a document
    • Ctrl + any arrow key + SPACEBAR: Select multiple individual elements in a window or on the desktop
    • Ctrl + A: Selects all elements in a document or window
    • F3: Search for file or folder
    • Alt + Enter: Display properties for the selected element
    • Alt + F4: Close the current item or exit the active program
    • Alt + Space: Open the context menu for the active window
    • Ctrl + F4: Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple open documents simultaneously)
    • Alt + Tab: Switch between open positions
    • Ctrl + Alt + Tab: Use arrows to switch between open positions
    • Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel: Resize desktop icons
    • Windows OS Logo Key + Tab: Cycle between programs on the taskbar using Aero Flip 3-D
    • Ctrl + Windows Logo Key + Tab: Use the arrow keys to cycle between programs on the taskbar with Aero Flip 3-D
    • Alt + Esc: Switch between items in the order they were opened
    • F6: Switch between screen elements in a window or desktop
    • F4: list display address bar in Windows Explorer
    • Shift + F10: Display the context menu for the selected item
    • Ctrl + Esc: Open the Start menu
    • Alt + underlined letter: Display the corresponding menu
    • Alt + underlined letter: execute a menu command (or other underlined commands)
    • F10: Activate the menu bar in the active program
    • Right Arrow: Open the next menu on the right or open a submenu
    • Left Arrow: Open the next menu on the left or close a submenu
    • F5 (or Ctrl + R): Refresh active window
    • Alt + Up Arrow: View folder one level higher in Windows Explorer
    • Esc: Cancel current job
    • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager
    • Shift when you insert a CD: Disable CD from auto play
    • Left Alt + Shift: Switch input language when multiple input languages ​​are enabled
    • Ctrl + ShiftL: Switch keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts is enabled
    • Right or Left Ctrl + Shift: Change text reading direction in right to left reading languages

    Keyboard shortcuts dialog box

    • Ctrl + Tab: Move forward through tabs
    • Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Go back through tabs
    • Tab: Move forward by options
    • Shift + Tab: Move back through options
    • Alt + underlined letter: execute a command (or select an option) that goes to that letter
    • Input: Replaces mouse click for many commands with the selected one
    • Spacebar: Check or uncheck if the active option is checked
    • Arrow keys: Select buttons if an option group of radio buttons is active
    • F1: Help display
    • F4: Display active list items
    • Backspace: Open a folder one level higher if the folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box

    Windows Logo keys from the keyboard

    • Windows OS Logo key: Open or close the Start menu.
    • Windows Logo + Pause key: Show the System Properties dialog box.
    • Windows OS Logo key + D: Show desktop.
    • Windows OS Logo key + M: Minimize all windows.
    • Windows OS Logo Key + Shift + M: Restore minimized windows to the desktop.
    • Windows OS Logo key + E: Open the computer.
    • Windows OS Logo key + F: Search for a file or folder.
    • Ctrl + Windows Logo Key + F: Search for computers (if you are online).
    • Windows Logo Key + L: Lock the computer or switch users.
    • Windows Logo Key + R: Open the Run dialog box.
    • Windows OS Logo key + T: Cycle through programs on the taskbar.
    • Windows Logo + number key: Start the program pinned to the taskbar with the specified serial number. If a program is already running, switch to that program.
    • Shift + for Windows Logo key + number: Starts a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar with the specified serial number.
    • Ctrl + Windows Logo key + number: Switch to the last active window of the program pinned to the taskbar with the specified serial number.
    • Alt + Windows Logo key + number: Open list transitions for the program pinned to the taskbar with the specified sequence number.
    • Windows OS Logo Key + Tab: Cycle between programs on the taskbar using Aero Flip 3-D.
    • Ctrl + Windows Logo Key + Tab: Use the arrow keys to cycle between programs on the taskbar with Aero Flip 3-D.
    • Ctrl + Windows Logo Key + B: Switch to the program that displays the message in the notification area.
    • Windows OS Logo Key + Spacebar: Preview desktop.
    • Windows OS Logo key + up arrow: Maximize the window.
    • Windows OS Logo key + left arrow: Expands the window to the left side of the screen.
    • Windows Logo key + right arrow: Expands the window to the right side of the screen.
    • Windows OS Logo Key + Down Arrow: Minimize the window.
    • Windows Logo + Home key: Minimize everything except the active window.
    • Windows OS Logo Key + Shift + Up Arrow: Stretch the window at the top and bottom of the screen.
    • Windows Logo Key + Shift + Left or Right Arrow: Move a window from one monitor to another.
    • Windows Logo + P key: Select the presentation mode of views.
    • Windows OS Logo key + G: Switch between gadgets.
    • Windows OS Logo key + U: Open Ease of Access Center.
    • Windows Logo + X key: Open Windows Mobility Center.

    OS Windows shortcuts Explorer from the keyboard

    • Ctrl + N: Open in new window
    • Ctrl + W: close current window
    • Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder
    • End: Show bottom of active window
    • Home: Show top of active window
    • F11: expand or collapse the active window
    • Ctrl + period (.): Rotate image clockwise
    • Ctrl + comma (,): Rotate image counterclockwise
    • Num Lock + Asterisk (*) on the numeric keypad: Displays all subfolders in the selected folder
    • Num Lock + Plus (+) sign on the numeric keypad: Displays the contents of the selected folder
    • Num Lock + minus sign (-) on the numeric keypad: Collapse the selected folder
    • Left Arrow: Collapse the current selection (if expanded) or select a parent folder
    • Alt + Enter: Open the properties dialog for the selected element
    • Alt + P: Show Preview Pane
    • Alt + left arrow: View previous folder
    • Backspace: View the previous folder
    • Right arrow: Show current selection (if collapsed) or select first subfolder
    • Alt + right arrow: View next folder
    • Alt + Up Arrow: View parent folder
    • Ctrl + Shift + E: Show all folders above the selected folder
    • Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel: resize and appearance files and folders icons
    • Alt + D: Select address bar
    • Ctrl + E: Select search box
    • Ctrl + F: Select search box

    Taskbar shortcuts from the keyboard

    • Shift + Click on the button on the taskbar: Open programs or quickly open another instance of the program
    • Ctrl + Shift + click on the button on the taskbar: Open programs as administrator
    • Shift + Right-click on the taskbar: Show menu window for program
    • Shift + Right-click on taskbar grouped buttons: Show menu window for group
    • Ctrl + click on taskbar grouped buttons: Switch between windows group

    Magnifier shortcuts from the keyboard

    • Windows Logo key + plus or minus sign: Zoom in or out
    • Ctrl + Alt + Space: Preview your desktop in full screen mode
    • Ctrl + Alt + F: Switch to full screen mode
    • Ctrl + Alt + L: Switch to lens mode
    • Ctrl + Alt + D: Switch to docked mode
    • Ctrl + Alt + I: Invert colors
    • Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys: Pan in arrow direction
    • Ctrl + Alt + R: Change lens size
    • Windows Logo + Esc key: Exit loop

    Removed Desktop Connection shortcuts from keyboard

    • Alt + Page Up: Move between programs from left to right.
    • Alt + Page Down: Move between programs from right to left.
    • Alt + Insert: Cycle between programs in the order they started in.
    • Alt + Home: Show the Start menu.
    • Ctrl + Alt + Break: Switch between window and full screen.
    • Ctrl + Alt + End: Show dialog Windows window Security.
    • Alt + Delete: Display the system menu.
    • Ctrl + Alt + minus (-) on the numeric keypad: Place a copy of the active window, in the client, on the terminal server's clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing Alt + PrtScn on the local computer).
    • Ctrl + Alt + Plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad: Place a copy of the entire client window area on the terminal server's clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing PrtScn on the local computer).
    • Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow: “Tab” from remote desktop control to control in the main program (for example, a button or text field). Useful when remote control desktop embedded in another (host) program.
    • Ctrl + Alt + left arrow: "Tab" from remote desktop control to control in the main program (for example, a button or text field). Useful when remote desktop control is embedded in another (host) program.

    Pictures of keyboard shortcuts

    • Ctrl + N: Create a new picture
    • Ctrl + O: Open existing image
    • Ctrl + S: Save changes to image
    • F12: Save image as new file
    • Ctrl + P: Print photo
    • Alt + F4: Close a painting and its Paint window
    • Ctrl + Z: Undo changes
    • Ctrl + Y: Redo changes
    • Ctrl + A: Select the whole picture
    • Ctrl+X: Cut selection
    • Right Arrow: Move the selection or active correct shape one pixel
    • Left Arrow: Moves the selection or active shape to the left one pixel
    • Down Arrow: Moves the selection or active shape down one pixel
    • Up Arrow: Move the selection or active one up one pixel
    • Esc: Deselect
    • Delete: Delete selection
    • Ctrl + B: Bold selected text
    • Ctrl + +: Increase the width of a brush, line, shape, or sketch by one pixel
    • Ctrl + -: Reduce the width of a brush, line, shape, or sketch by one pixel
    • Ctrl + E: Open Properties dialog box
    • Ctrl+W: Open Resize and Tilt dialog box
    • Ctrl + Page Up: Enlarge
    • Ctrl + Page Down: Zoom Out
    • F11: View image in full screen mode
    • Ctrl + R: Show or hide ruler
    • Ctrl + G: Show or hide grid
    • F10 or Alt: Show keytips
    • F1: Open Paint program Reference

    WordPad keyboard shortcuts

    • Ctrl + N: Create a new document
    • Ctrl + O: open existing document
    • Ctrl + S: Save changes to document
    • F12: Save document as new file
    • Ctrl + P: Print document
    • Alt + F4: Close WordPad
    • Ctrl + Z: Undo changes
    • Ctrl + Y: Redo changes
    • Ctrl + A: Select Entire Document
    • Ctrl+X: Cut selection
    • Ctrl + C: Copy selection to clipboard
    • Ctrl + V: Paste selection from clipboard
    • Ctrl + B: Make selected text bold
    • Ctrl + I: Italicized text
    • Ctrl + U: Underline selected text
    • Ctrl + =: Make selected text index
    • Ctrl + Shift + =: Make selected text index
    • Ctrl + L: Align text left
    • Ctrl + E Center text alignment
    • Ctrl + R:: Align text right
    • Ctrl + J: Align text
    • Ctrl + 1: Set single line spacing
    • Ctrl + 2: Set double line spacing
    • Ctrl + 5: Set line spacing to 1.5
    • Ctrl + Shift +>: Increase font size
    • Ctrl + Shift +<: Уменьшить размер шрифта
    • Ctrl + Shift +: Character changes for all capitals
    • Ctrl + Shift + L: Change marker style
    • Ctrl + D: Insert a Microsoft Paint drawing
    • Ctrl + F: Search for text in a document
    • F3: Find the next occurrence of text in the Find dialog box
    • Ctrl + H: Replace text in a document
    • Ctrl + left arrow: Move the cursor one word to the left
    • Ctrl + right arrow: Move the cursor one word to the right
    • Ctrl + up arrow: Move the cursor to the line above
    • Ctrl + Down Arrow: Move the cursor to the line below
    • Ctrl + Home: Go to the beginning of the document
    • Ctrl + End: Move to the end of the document
    • Ctrl + Page Up: Move up one page
    • Ctrl + Page Down: Move one page down
    • Ctrl + Delete: Delete next word
    • F10: Show keytips
    • Shift + F10: Show current context menu
    • F1: Open WordPad Help

    Calculator from keyboard

    • Alt + 1: switch to standard mode
    • Alt + 2: Switch to scientific mode
    • Alt + 3: switch to programmer mode
    • Alt + 4: Switch to Statistics mode
    • Ctrl + E: Open date calculations
    • Ctrl + H: Turn calculation history on or off
    • Ctrl + U: Open transform block
    • Alt + C: Calculate or solve calculation date and worksheets
    • F1: Open Calculator Help
    • Ctrl+Q: Press the M- button
    • Ctrl + P: Press the M + button
    • Ctrl+M: Click the MS button
    • Ctrl+R: Press the MR button
    • Ctrl+L: Press the MC button
    • %: Press the % button
    • F9: Press +/- button
    • /: Press the / button
    • *: Press the * button
    • +: Click the + button
    • -: Press button
    • R: Press 1/× button
    • @: Click the square root button
    • 0-9: Using number buttons (0-9)
    • =: Click the = button
    • .: Press. (Dot) button
    • Backspace: Press the back button
    • Esc: Press C button
    • Del: Press CE button
    • Ctrl + Shift + D: Clear calculation history
    • F2: Editing calculation history
    • Up Arrow: Go to Calculation History
    • Down arrow: Move down in calculation history
    • Esc: Cancel editing of calculation history
    • Enter: history Recalculate calculation after editing
    • F3: Select academic degrees in scientific mode
    • F4: Select radian in scientific mode
    • F5: Select Grads in Science Mode
    • Me: Press the Inv button in science mode
    • D: Press Mod button in scientific mode
    • Ctrl + S: Press the salary button in scientific mode
    • Ctrl + O: Press the cb button in scientific mode
    • Ctrl+T: Press the tangent button in scientific mode
    • (: Press (button in scientific mode
    • ): Press) buttons in scientific mode
    • N: Press LN button in scientific mode
    • ;: Press the Int button in scientific mode
    • S: Press the sin button in scientific mode
    • A: Press the owl button in science mode
    • T: Press the tanning button in scientific mode
    • M: Press DMS button in scientific mode
    • P: Press pi button in scientific mode
    • V: Press FE button in scientific mode
    • X: Press the experience button in science mode
    • Q: Press x^2 buttons in scientific mode
    • Y: Press the button in scientific mode
    • #: Press x^3 buttons in scientific mode
    • L: Press the Journal button in scientific mode
    • !: Press! Scientific mode button
    • Ctrl + Y: Press the √ button in scientific mode
    • Ctrl + B: Press 3 √ x button in scientific mode
    • Ctrl + G: Press the 10x button in Scientific mode
    • F5: Select Hex in Programmer Mode
    • F6: Select December in programmer mode
    • F7: Select October in programmer mode
    • F8: Select Ben in Programmer Mode
    • F12: Select QWORD in programmer mode
    • F2: Select Dword in programmer mode
    • F3: Select a word in programmer mode
    • F4: Select byte in programmer mode
    • K: Press the RoR button in programmer mode
    • J: Press ROL buttons in programmer mode
    • <: Пресс Lsh кнопки в режиме программиста
    • >: Press Rsh button in programmer mode
    • %: Press Mod buttons in programmer mode
    • (: Press (button in programmer mode
    • ): Press) buttons in programmer mode
    • |: Press the or button in programmer mode
    • ^: Press Xor button in programmer mode
    • ~: Press the button Not in programmer mode
    • I: Press and buttons in programmer mode
    • AF: Press AF buttons in programmer mode
    • SPACEBAR: toggle bit value in programmer mode
    • : Press Middle button in statistics mode
    • Ctrl +: Click Average Area button in statistics mode
    • S: Press the Sum button in statistics mode
    • Ctrl + S: Press Sum pl button in statistics mode
    • T: Press SD button in statistics mode
    • Ctrl+T: Press Inv SD button in statistics mode
    • D: Click the CAD button in the statistics mode area

    Windows OS shortcuts Journal from the keyboard

    • Ctrl + N: Start new note
    • Ctrl + O: open recently used attention
    • Ctrl + S: Save changes to note
    • Ctrl + Shift + V: Point the note to a specific folder
    • Ctrl + P: print attention
    • Alt + F4: Close note and log window
    • Ctrl + Z: Undo changes
    • Ctrl + Y: Redo changes
    • Ctrl + A: Select all elements on the page
    • Ctrl+X: Cut selection
    • Ctrl + C: Copy selection to clipboard
    • Ctrl + V: Paste selection from clipboard
    • Esc: Deselect
    • Delete: Delete selection
    • Ctrl + F: Start basic find
    • Ctrl + G: Go to page
    • F5: update find results
    • F5: Update list of notes
    • F6: Switch between note list and note list
    • Ctrl + Shift + C: Show context menu for column headers in the notes list
    • F11: View recording in full screen mode
    • F1: Open Journal Help

    Help Windows keyboard shortcuts

    • Alt + C: Display Contents
    • Alt + N: Display the Connection Settings menu
    • F10: open menu
    • Alt + left arrow: Go back to previously viewed topic
    • Alt + Right Arrow: Move forward to the next (previously viewed) topic
    • Alt + A: Open this customer support page
    • Alt + Home: Show help and support at home
    • Home: Go to the beginning of the topic
    • End: Move to end of topic
    • Ctrl + F: search in the current section
    • Ctrl+P: Print theme
    • F3: Hover over the search box

    In this lesson, you will find the main Windows 7 hotkeys; after reading, you will use your computer much more efficiently than you used it before.

    Hotkeys is a method of interaction between the keyboard and the computer. This method consists of executing commands (operations) on a computer using keys or key combinations to which commands (operations) are programmed.

    It’s very difficult to get used to something new, so you shouldn’t start memorizing all the keys. To begin with, take 10-20 pieces to use, and then use others, so to speak, expanding your knowledge. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that each program can use its own hot keys, which were programmed by the developers of this program.

    If you use Windows 7 hotkeys daily, at least 10 of them, you will notice how much more efficient your work will become. See the list of hotkeys in Windows 7 below.

    List of hotkeys

    Hotkeys for working with text and files

    I advise you to use the hotkeys that are in this section; be sure to learn and use them always.

    Ctrl + C– Copy selected elements.

    Ctrl+A- Select everything. If you are in a text document, then when you press these keys you will select all the text, and if you are in a folder where there are other objects, then you can select all files and folders.

    Ctrl + X- Cut. The command cuts selected items (files, folders or text).

    Ctrl + V- Insert. Paste copied or cut items.

    Ctrl + Z- Cancel. Cancel actions, for example, if you accidentally deleted text in MS Word, then use these keys to return the original text back (cancel input and actions).

    ALT+ ENTER or ALT + Double-click the left mouse button– View properties of the selected element(s) (applicable for files).

    CTRL+F4- Close the current window in the program.

    Deleting files and text

    Delete- Delete the selected element(s). If you use this key in text, then placing the mouse cursor in the middle of the word and clicking on the “Delete” button, deletion will occur from left to right.

    Shift+Delete- Delete item(s) bypassing the trash. For files and folders.

    Backspace - Deleting text. If you are working in a text editor, then this key can be used to delete text; place the cursor, say, in the middle of a sentence, by clicking on the “Backspace” button, deleting will occur from right to left.


    — Open the Start menu or CTRL + ESC, the button is usually located between the buttons CTRL And ALT.

    +F1- Reference.

    +B- Move the cursor to the tray.

    +M- Minimize all windows.

    +D- Show desktop (collapse all windows, and when pressed again, maximize windows).

    + E— Open My Computer.

    +F- Open the search window.

    +G– Show gadgets on top of windows.

    + L– Lock the computer. If you move away from the computer, be sure to use these keys to quickly lock the computer. Very useful if you have children or ill-wishers who can read your personal information.

    +P– Projector control. If a projector is connected, these keys will quickly switch between the projector and the computer.

    + R– Open the “Run” window.

    + T– One by one, we move the focus sequentially on the icons that are located in the taskbar.

    +U– Open the Ease of Access Center window.

    +X– Call “Mobility Center” (laptops and netbooks).

    + Tab– Call “Flip 3D”. When clicked, you can use the mouse to select the window.

    + Space– Desktop view (Aero Peak). All windows will become transparent.

    + Arrow– Control the location of the active window. Pressing the up arrow - maximize, down - minimize, left - snap to left edge, right - snap to right edge.

    +Pause— Open the “System Properties” window.

    + Home— Minimize all windows except the active window; pressing again will open the minimized windows. + 5, the player will open.

    Alt + Tab– Switch between windows and applications.

    Shift + Ctrl + N– Create a new folder.

    SHIFT+ F10– Displays options for the selected element.

    Shift + Arrow – Selection . The arrows used are left, right, down and up. Applicable for text and files.

    CTRL- Selection of elements. By holding CTRL you can selectively select elements. For example, while in a folder, left-click on the folders that you want to copy or cut, after selecting, release CTRL and get the folders you selected for further work with them.

    Ctrl + Shift + Esc– Open task manager.

    CTRL+TAB– Go forward through bookmarks.

    Alt + F4– Close the window or exit the application.

    ALT + Space- Display the system menu for the current window.

    F2- Rename. Select the object and press the F2 button .

    F5- Refresh window. It is often used in the browser if the page is frozen or information needs to be updated. Applies also if you are in a folder or program.

    F10 - Activate menu.

    Esc- Cancel the operation. When you open, for example, the properties of a folder by pressing the ESC button, the “Properties” window will close.

    ENTER– Open the selected element.

    TAB- Go forward through options.

    P.S. Dessert for today, video about Windows 7 hotkeys.