• Photoshop default settings. Default Operations in Photoshop

    The most important thing, perhaps, is the speed of the program. Often Photoshop “slows down” because by default it uses drive C, on which it is installed. operating system your computer. There are other nuances, but first things first.

    So let's go to the menu Editing => Settings => Basic(Edit => Preferences => General) ( Ctrl+K).

    Please note: list existing sections located under the heading “Basic”, that is, knowing in advance which section we need to make changes in, we can select it.

    A settings window will open, on the left side of which you can select the sections that we want to view. You can also navigate through them by clicking Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3 etc., respectively, moving to tab No. 2, 3... and further along the list, or by pressing the buttons Back And Forward in the right top corner windows.

    So, Basic settings (settings) of Photoshop(General Preferences).

    First point -Color palette (Color Picker). Leave the default palette Adobe, because it is “native” to Photoshop, and, therefore, is most fully adapted for it. As an alternative, we offer the color palette of your computer's operating system, as well as the palettes of other graphics programs, if any have been downloaded to your computer.

    HUD color palette (HUD Color Picker) - here you can select the view in which the heads-up-display color palette will be displayed (head-up display, that is, on transparent background). However, to enable it you need a graphics card that supports the OpenGL standard. So let's leave this point alone for now).

    Image interpolation (Image Interpolation) is an important point that determines how the image is converted when it is reduced or enlarged. It is considered optimal to maintain image quality Bicubic interpolation (Bicubic).

    Auto update open documents (Auto-Update Open Documnts) - all changes made to the document are saved immediately on the hard drive. This is relevant when several people are simultaneously working on a project and need to see everything that is happening in real time. This function will only slow down the work, so don't check the box.

    Sound signal when finished (Beep When Done) - you can go have some tea while the program applies a complex filter to the image). You will be called sound signal upon completion of the operation. Sometimes this function is very useful if the actions being taken are not noticeable: the sound will make it clear that the action has taken place. I prefer do not check the box.

    Dynamic scales (Dynamic Color Sliders) - Using this option, you can change the range of colors that are displayed on the screen in real time. Leave the checkbox.

    Export clipboard (Export Clipboard) - we are talking about the clipboard of the Photoshop program itself, from which it will be possible to export data to other editors. If you do not practice copying data from Photoshop to other applications, you can uncheck the box.

    Changing tool with key Shift (Use Shift Key for Tool Switch) - in the Tool Palette there are combined groups of tools that are assigned one alphabet key. If we uncheck the box, we will be able to switch between tools without pressing Shift, if we leave it - only when pressed. It is more convenient to uncheck.

    Resize image when placing (Resize Image during Paste/Place) - when the function is enabled, the fragment inserted into the document will change its size in accordance with it. But remember: any changes in image size lead to a decrease in quality. Leave the checkbox.

    Scaling with animation (Animated Zoom) - smoothly increase or decrease the image while holding down the left mouse button. Leave the checkbox.

    The Zoom tool resizes windows (Zoom Resizes Windows) - If documents are opened in Photoshop in separate windows, the dialog boxes are resized to fit the size of the documents. Why, I don’t know... So - don't check the box.

    Zoom with mouse wheel (Zoom with Scroll Wheel) - to zoom in and out of the document, just rotate the mouse wheel. Personally, for me it’s so inconvenient - you can accidentally turn the wheel. I find it more convenient to change the scale by holding Alt and rotating the wheel. I don't check the box.

    Centering the view where the mouse is clicked (Zoom Point Clicked to Center) - this function allows you to click the center of the zoom when the Zoom Tool is active. I don't use it either I don't check the box.

    Enable Drawing Capture (Enable Flick Panning) - if you enable this function, we will be able to capture the image with the Hand Tool and, if we “pull” it and release it, the image will continue to move as if by inertia. It's not clear why I had this setting enabled - uncheck the box.

    Change round brush hardness based on vertical HUD movement - here I am too uncheck the box, because I don’t use this palette yet.

    The remaining two checkboxes are Move or drag bitmaps as smart objects and Snap vector tools and transformations to the pixel grid- leave it included. However, not all of the above settings may be present in other versions of Photoshop, here we are talking about Photoshop CS6.

    Below all the checkboxes we see a block History of changes (History Log). It is needed to configure the recording of all changes made to the image in a separate text file or into document metadata. This feature can be useful if you are reporting to someone on the work you have done, processing an image for a competition, or providing paid services: You will have proof of the actions taken. Otherwise it's better do not enable this feature, so as not to load the program with unnecessary work, but memory- extra files.

    And the last button in this section Basic Photoshop settings - Recover all messages . We are talking about pop-up warning messages that can be disabled by checking the box “ Don't show again", as for example:

    By clicking on this button we will allow their display again.

    We have reviewed Basic Photoshop settings. Let's move on to the next settings section - Interface(Interface) ( Ctrl+K, Ctrl+2).

    And this tab begins, of course, with setting the interface color. Adobe Photoshop CS6 differs from all previous versions in this regard - by default its interface is black. Frankly, this bothers me and makes it difficult to work, so I happily changed the color to the usual, neutral gray. I would like to note that printed publications with illustrations from Photoshop with a black interface make it very difficult to study(. As you can see, there are four shades to choose from - black and three types of gray.

    The following are listed settings different modes of the Photoshop window: standard window, full screen view with menu and full screen. I mainly use standard window, so I didn’t even touch the other two settings, I only set the first one to “medium gray”.

    Automatically collapse icon panels (Auto - Collapse Iconic Panels) - a panel opened by a mouse click will immediately be collapsed if you open another panel with the mouse. I wouldn't want that, so I don't check the box.

    Auto show hidden panels (Auto - Show Hidden Panels) - based on the name, this function allows you to display hidden panels.

    Open documents in tabs (Open Document as Tab) - if this function is enabled, all documents will open in separate windows.

    Enable docking of windows of unpinned documents (Enable Floating Document Window Docking) - documents opened in separate windows can be grouped and managed as as a single group. I always use this opportunity.

    Show channels in color (Show Channels in Color) — interesting feature, shows each channel colored in the corresponding color in the Channels palette. Here's what the Channels palette looks like before and after enabling this setting:

    It looks impressive, but when working with channels it makes it difficult to adequately evaluate the image. It is often necessary to use one channel to remove noise, create complex selection, sharpening, and the color picture makes it difficult to see the saturation of the channel. This is what the channel looks like without using color.

    ... And so - with the color turned on.

    Show menu colors (Show menu colors) is a nice Photoshop setting that allows the most frequently used menu items or palette commands to be highlighted in color. I don’t select anything yet, but I don’t uncheck it either, in case it comes in handy. To select a menu item, open Editing => Menu(Edit => Menus) ( Alt+Shift+Ctrl+M) and in the window that opens, select the desired menu item from the list, click in the “Color” column and select a color from the suggested ones:

    Now, opening the menu commandSelection, we see that the “All” item is highlighted in purple.

    You can also highlight any item in the Photoshop panel menu with color. To do this in the windowKeyboard shortcuts and menusinstead of " Program menu» select » Panel menu«:

    Such excesses only slow down the work of Photoshop, and we strive for speed of the program! Don't check the box.

    Paragraph Show conversion values allows you to select the location where the result of moving or transforming a layer or fragment relative to the cursor will be shown (right, left, top, bottom, or “not show” at all, which is not recommended). The result is shown in the form of deviations along the coordinate axes, angle size, etc. in a black rectangle.

    If I'm not mistaken, this feature only appeared in CS6.

    Button Restore default workspaces (Restore Default Workspaces) will allow you to return appearance program to the original one, which was set by default.

    And a reminder that all changes (unlike the “Basic Settings” tab) will take effect after restarting the program.

    So we looked at the Photoshop settings - the very first two sections, Basic Settings and Interface. I really hope this was interesting and useful information. Let you work in Photoshop comfortably and joyfully! The next lesson in this section will talk about the most important settings Photoshop - performance and performance parameters.

    Successful work!

    Photoshop has a flexible settings system that allows each user to create their own working environment. But it often happens that during the setup process something went wrong - the program began to work slowly and unstable, the layout of the panels took on a chaotic appearance, and the necessary functions disappeared somewhere. In this case, it becomes necessary to cancel all changes and return the default settings.


  • To return Photoshop settings to initial state, you can use hotkeys. Before launching Photoshop Press the key combination Alt+Ctrl+Shift on your keyboard and, without releasing them, double-click the program shortcut. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the changes. When confirming your decision, please be aware that all custom settings will be lost.
  • But not in all Adobe versions Photoshop hotkeys work the same way. In some cases this method does not work. For example, in CS6 it only results in temporary recovery.
  • Open Photoshop. As in everyone Windows applications, V top line interface is located “Control Panel” of the program. Click the Edit menu on it, in the Russian version it is called “Editing”. Select Preferences - “Settings” from the drop-down list.
  • Open the General tab - “Basic” and hold down on the keyboard Alt key. In this case, the Cancel button will be automatically renamed to Reset. Without releasing the Alt key, click on this button, and all program settings will return to their original state. The method is universal and works in any version of the program.
  • To completely reset the settings of all tools, you must select any of them. And then right-click on the tool icon in the “Properties Panel”. Reset command All Tools - “Restore all tools” will return the parameters of all tools to their original settings.
  • If you need to restore the layout of the palettes, click on the Window button located on the Control Panel and select Workspace, Essentials (Default) from the drop-down menu. You can choose any other environment suitable for your current work.
  • Instructions

    To return Photoshop settings to their original state, you can use hotkeys. Before launching Photoshop, press the Alt+Ctrl+Shift key combination on your keyboard and, without releasing them, double-click on the program shortcut. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the changes. When confirming your decision, please be aware that all custom settings will be lost.

    But not all versions of Adobe Photoshop have the same keyboard shortcuts. In some cases this method does not work. For example, in CS6 it only results in temporary recovery.

    Open Photoshop. As with all Windows applications, the program’s “Control Panel” is located in the top line of the interface. Click the Edit menu on it, in the Russian version it is called “Editing”. Select Preferences - “Settings” from the drop-down list.

    Open the General tab - “Basic” and hold down the Alt key on your keyboard. In this case, the Cancel button will be automatically renamed to Reset. Without releasing the Alt key, click on this button, and all program settings will return to their original state. The method is universal and works in any version of the program.

    To completely reset the settings of all tools, you must select any of them. And then right-click on the tool icon in the “Properties Panel”. The Reset All Tools command will return the parameters of all tools to their original settings.

    If you need to restore the layout of the palettes, click on the Window button located on the Control Panel and select Workspace, Essentials (Default) from the drop-down menu. You can choose any other environment suitable for your current work.

    Please note

    Having selected the most suitable arrangement of palettes, you can save the work area under a convenient name. To do this, click the Window button and select Workspace, New Workspace from the drop-down menu.

    Return to standard settings operating system is not such a labor-intensive process. This is often required in cases where it is impossible to find out which changes negatively affected the operation of the system.


    Save everything you need for further work files that were used in applications. Also save the necessary account settings, for example, logins and passwords from browsers, addresses of pages you frequently visit, links to interesting resources, because the system will be rolled back to its initial settings will destroy the changes made by the user up to the current moment.

    Finish working on the documents, saving all changes first. Open the Start menu, select Programs. Go further to the standard directory, and then utilities. Select "System Restore".

    In the window that appears in front of you on the screen, select “Restore your computer to an earlier state” on the right. Click next. In a new window, you will see a calendar of previously created system restore points. Some of them were created by you, and some of them automatic mode, for example, before installing any programs that could affect the operation of the system. You can also select any other date for restoration, however, to return to the original settings, it is best to return to the very first position.

    Use the arrows to scroll through the calendar for creating restore points to the earliest date. If two checkpoints were created that day, select the one that was made at the very beginning.

    Please note

    Be careful, system rollback means complete removal all programs installed by you during the period of using the system.

    Useful advice

    Create more often control point, including when installing the operating system.


    Sometimes optimizing the workspace turns into an evil monster for the user. For example, when accidental press on a certain key hides some necessary panel or menu window from view. Adobe Photoshop is no exception, considering the number of possibilities for working with raster images that he can provide.


    Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the Window menu item. Here are the items for turning on/off program panels. Activated panels are marked with check marks. So, to turn on or off any of the panels, just left-click on it. You can also use hotkeys to turn panels on/off, for example, to remove or restore panel layers, just press F7.

    Press Tab. This hotkey allows you to hide or set the status bar at once, panel tools and all palettes. If you press Shift+Tab in this position, palettes will appear. If you press Shift+Tab when the program displays and panel tools, and the status bar, and palettes, then the palettes will disappear. Pressing Shift+Tab again will return panel with palettes.

    In addition, you can independently configure hotkeys to turn on/off certain panels. To do this, click the menu item Window > Workspace > Keyboard Shortcuts & Menus and in the window that appears, open the Keyboard Shortcuts tab. Make sure that the Application menus item is activated in the Shortcuts for drop-down menu and expand the Window item. Click on the item for which you want to set a hotkey; an input field will appear to the right of it.

    Please note that as hotkeys in in this case you can only use functional ones (F1-F12) and also combinations Ctrl and other buttons. If you specify a key that is already in use, the program will indicate this at the bottom of the window... is already in use and will be removed from (the item for which this key is already assigned is indicated below). Below the inscription there will be two buttons: Accept and go to conflict (by clicking on it, you confirm the change hotkey or keys) and Undo Changes (this button cancels a change).

    Video on the topic

    Useful advice

    You can return to the default hotkey settings at any time by clicking on the Set drop-down menu (located at the top of the window) and selecting Photoshop Defaults.

    Photoshop is the most popular program for multifaceted image processing. Its advantage is simple and user-friendly interface allowing even beginners to get started immediately. Sometimes inexperienced users accidentally change the basic ones settings, after which they cannot work normally in the program. In this case, the basic settings V Photoshop required to be returned.

    You will need

    • - a computer with the program installed;
    • - computer mouse;
    • - keyboard.


    While starting the program, hold down the Alt+Ctrl+Shift keys. This will help knock down all modified settings to the basic ones, which were thought out by the developers to provide optimal performance programs. However, this method is not effective in all cases. If this operation did not help, this means that the original combination is incompatible with the program version. This is difficult to avoid, since the program is improved every year. So, if this step did not help in solving the problem, then move on to the second point.

    Launch Photoshop and wait for it full load. Now go to settings. This can be done by calling context menu“Editing” by clicking on the “Settings” button and selecting “Basic” from the drop-down menu. A dialog box should appear in the center of the screen, allowing you to control a wide variety of Photoshop functions.

    Take your keyboard and hold down the Alt button. Now you can see minor changes in the dialog box control keys, in particular the “Cancel” button has been renamed the “Reset” button.

    Useful advice

    This algorithm designed for Russified Photoshop, so a translation is provided for everyone who uses the standard version of the program necessary words to reset settings. “Editing” – Edit, “Settings” – Preferences, “Basic” – General, “Cancel” - Cancel, “Reset” - Reset. Some people use the version on English for the simple reason that the original is always better, more convenient and more complete.

    Return to mobile phone original settings possible at any time. Only in this case it is necessary to take into account that in this case the user will lose all previously set parameters - from calls to changes in the call log and a number of other settings.

    Today we will tell you how to restore Adobe Photoshop settings in original condition, as well as how to open a file to start working with it.

    Many people change the location of program windows and various settings to suit themselves, but then a situation arises when it is necessary to return everything to its original form. This is easy to do and does not require reinstalling the program.

    So, in order.

    To restore the default program settings, that is, return them to their original form, just press and hold down three keys at the same time before launching Adobe Photoshop. Ctrl+Alt+Shift, and while continuing to hold them, launch Adobe Photoshop. If you did not release the keys and did everything correctly, then when the program starts, this window will appear

    Now I hope everything is clear, click “yes” if you want to reset the settings to default or “no” if you change your mind. Then the program will continue to launch taking into account your choice, that is, it will reset the settings to default or not.

    If it doesn’t help, there is another way, read on.

    In some versions of Adobe Photoshop , especially in later ones, the first method does not work, then we proceed as follows, launch the program and click in the menu at the top editing - settings - basic. The program settings window will open where in the tab basic just press the button Alt. When clicked, the button in the upper right corner of the settings window will change to the inscription reset and holding the button Alt click the mouse on the button reset.

    Now we’ll tell you how to open a file in Photoshop .

    I think that for most users it will not be difficult to do this. The file opens in the same way as in most programs. You must select an item in top menu file, then open and in the window that opens, find the file on your computer that you want to open. Having selected it, press the button at the bottom right open.

    In Photoshop you can open most photographs, pictures, images. This program supports all major formats. Here is a list of the most common file formats that you can easily open in Adobe Photoshop:

    PSD- the format in which it saves Adobe program Photoshop your working projects. Subsequently, they can be saved as a regular picture, for example in the format jpeg.

    JPEG- the most common and widely used format that is used by most cameras and not only.

    There is a huge toolkit that will suit both artists, designers, and photographers. This program is used not only for work, and it is available to everyone. Anyone can customize the utility for themselves, so it has many different parameters. It’s quite easy to navigate them - everything is clear and intuitive. But finding the right section is not always possible. You have to “poke” at random. Let's figure out how to choose the appropriate settings, where they are located and how to reset the settings in Photoshop CS6 if they do not suit us for some reason.

    For different tasks There are different work environments. By default the main working environment is set

    For different types Photoshop activities have their own “Workspaces”. Each of them has a special set of tools and panels. They can be changed and rebuilt. The default is “Primary work environment”. It is more or less suitable for any project. To choose a different option, go to Window - Workspace. Or click on the icon in the form of two arrows (it is located at the top right next to the “Collapse” and “Close” buttons).

    This method is suitable if you need to figure out how to set up Photoshop CS6 to work, and you don’t want to waste time checking numerous boxes in the menu. Here is a list of available environments:

    • Movement. Creation of animation and flash.
    • 3D. Use of volumetric objects and three-dimensional graphics.
    • Photos. Photo editing. There are “Adjustments”, “Histogram” tools and the like.
    • Drawing. Create your own images. The Brushes panel and palette are displayed.
    • Design. Used for website layouts and indeed for everything related to design. There are functions for working with styles, text, and view settings.
    • The main Photoshop CS6 environment has the following tools: Layers, Channels, Paths, Color.

    The Layers panel is on the right side of Photoshop's main workspace.

    You can remove a set of parameters or add your own.

    1. To save settings that are convenient for you, open the menu “Window” - “Workspace” - “New”. Give it a name and confirm the action.
    2. To get rid of an existing template, go to the same menu and click Remove. Select from the list the set of parameters that you do not need.
    3. If you have reconfigured the main environment and don't know how things were originally, you can return all the settings. Click “Window” - “Workspace” - “Reset”.
    4. You can restore all sets through the menu “Editing” - “Settings” - “Interface”. There will be a corresponding button there.


    Here's how to set up Photoshop CS6 and other versions:

    1. Open “Editing” - “Settings” - “General”. Or press Ctrl+K.
    2. You can choose a palette - Adobe or Windows.
    3. In the “Image interpolation” item, select “Bicubic, sharper”. This setting determines how the pattern will be formed when resizing.
    4. Check the “Export clipboard” box if you plan to copy drawings from Photoshop to other programs or services. If you only use Photoshop for your work, you don't need this feature.
    5. "Changing tools using Shift buttons" - enough useful setting. With it, you can switch between some options by pressing this key.
    6. Check “Scale with mouse wheel” to enlarge or reduce pictures using scroll.
    7. If you select "Change history", all your actions will be recorded. Either to a text file or as metadata.

    1. In the "Mode" field Standard window» (“Standard Screen Mode”) select the background color of the work area (this is the one on which the “sheet” with the drawing is located). And specify whether the image frame should cast a shadow.
    2. The same parameters can be set in the “Full Screen View” section.
    3. If you uncheck "Open documents in tabs", they will open in pop-up windows.
    4. You can customize the interface language and menu font size.

    In the “File Processing” tab, you need to change the folder in which the converter cache is located. This must be done if it takes up memory on the system disk.

    1. Click the button Camera Raw" It is located in the "File Compatibility" field.
    2. In the window that opens, click on “Select location”. Specify the directory for the cache. Temporary data will be stored there.

    Now go to the "Performance" section. If you have a “powerful” PC, you don’t have to do anything.

    1. In “Occupied with Photoshop”, indicate how much RAM the operating system must allocate to the utility. This maximum value, not permanent.
    2. You can optimize the application to work with a huge number of layers (the “Small and Thick” button) or with large-scale designs (“Large and Flat”).
    3. Click " Additional options" A window will open where you can turn Vsync and anti-aliasing on or off.

    View and Display Settings

    The program has additional functions. And, of course, they have their own settings.

    • Rulers. Scales that can be used to determine the size of an individual object or an entire drawing. Activated through “View” - “Rulers”. To change their parameters, go to “Editing” - “Settings” - “Units of measurement and rulers”. There you can set values ​​for the scale: millimeters, centimeters, inches, points, pixels.
    • Net. Overlaid on top of the image. Helps in creating layouts and collages. With it you can evenly place the elements of the picture. Enabled through the menu “View” - “Show” - “Grid”. The options are located in “Editing” - “Preferences” - “Guides, Grid and Slices”. There you can customize the color, cell size and line type.
    • Guides. They play approximately the same role as the grid. They even have settings in the same menu. They are added through “View” - “New Guide”.


    Enabling the new panel is very easy. Go to the Window menu and select the desired tool (for example, Compositions, Masks, Swatches). A check mark will appear next to its name. And he himself will be displayed on the screen.

    To move a panel, “hook” it with the cursor on the title and drag it. You can collapse it by clicking on the small arrow button. To remove, click on the cross on the title. If you need to attach the tool to the edge of a window, drag it to the edge.

    Within the panel itself, tabs can also be dragged. You can change their places, you can completely separate them and place them far from each other.

    Keyboard shortcuts

    To change hotkeys, open “Editing” - “Keyboard Shortcuts”. Or press the combination Shift+Alt+Ctrl+K. Choose for what type of menu you will change button combinations: programs, panels, or tools. Teams are divided into categories. Double click on one of them to see the list.

    If you want to change the combination, select the desired item, press the buttons on the keyboard and click “Accept”. The program can remember custom settings. There is an icon in the form of a floppy disk for this.

    Saving settings

    The utility has a lot of different parameters. They will be difficult to restore after reinstalling the program. Therefore, it will be useful to know how to save all the settings of Photoshop CC and other versions. This way you won't have to remember which settings you used.

    1. Find the settings files. They should be in the C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\(Program Version)\Adobe Photoshop Settings directory. To see it, you need to turn on the display hidden files. If it's not there, run a search by name.
    2. Copy the folder to removable media or upload it to cloud storage.

    Reset settings

    To reset all program settings, you need to hold down the Ctrl+Alt+Shift keys when starting it. This combination does not work in some versions of the application. There is another method:

    1. “Editing” - “Settings” - “Basic”.
    2. Hold down the Alt key. In the menu, instead of the “Cancel” button, “Reset” will appear. This way you can get it back basic settings.

    Photoshop can be used for everything related to graphics. But different projects require different parameters. The program has a huge number of settings that the user selects depending on his preferences. Some people are more comfortable with a grid and guides, some need panels with styles, and some don’t want to see anything superfluous. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to set up Photoshop of any version - CC, CS5 or CS6.