• Where is siri located on the iPhone? Siri function on iPhone, iPad and iPod: why it is needed, how to use it and problem solving

    Siri is a special assistant that helps you work with your phone. The program is capable of performing various operations. This primarily concerns typing and searching. necessary information. We'll talk about how to use the program on an iPhone next.

    Using the program

    To run this program you need to go to “Settings”, select the “General” section and then click “Siri”. Here you need to check the connection of the function. To use the application online, you must make sure that data transfer is turned on.

    You can access the program in several ways:

    • The standard “Home” button - you need to hold it until the program asks the phone owner a question about how it can help you. After this, you need to ask a question or task.
    • “Hey Siri” - Connect your phone to charge and then say “Hey Siri” and then ask a request. On models starting from the 6-series, a charging connection is not required.
    • Communicating through the headset with the remote control - you need to hold the button in the center or call. When the phone beeps, ask a request.
    • In a car that supports the Without Looking or CarPlay function, press and hold on the steering wheel voice call and ask a request. On the screen, you can press the "Home" button or sound wave.

    The program can be used for dictation for a maximum of half a minute.

    To change the program voice, you need to go to “Settings”, find “General”, click “Siri” and go to the “Male/Female” section. voice". If you need to change the language, then in the same section you need to click “Language” and select from the list that appears suitable option.

    If an app isn't working, the first thing you need to do is make sure it's enabled. IN certain cases the program will apologize and report that there are problems with the network connection, and may also ask you to repeat the request. After this you will need to check the connection. In certain cases, the application may resume working after a reboot. You can also try disabling Siri and launching it again. Try the program with a headset; if it only works with headphones, then most likely there are problems with the microphones of the gadget.

    IN lately Smartphones have begun to increasingly enter our lives, becoming the main attribute. WITH portable devices modern generation spends all his time working, playing or studying. Thanks to the telephone, customers are constantly in touch not only mobile network, but also social. We are talking about VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook and so on. I would like to note that smartphones are integral assistants. They allow you to properly distribute your day, set goals, and achieve them. Also, thanks to phones, you can control your own behavior. Of course, not without the help of applications.

    One of the well-known tools for “communicating” with a smartphone is Siri. This article will talk about how the assistant works, is activated, and so on, and we will also talk in detail about what Siri is.

    Siri technology

    To begin with, it must be said that the technology on which Siri works was created by a huge group of developers. If you trust sources on the Internet, then 40 years ago scientists were working on creating artificial intelligence. As a result, something has appeared that is capable of analyzing and responding to all the information given by a person. Siri is a question and answer system. This is a development that is completely built on all such achievements of scientists. Thanks to the fact that Apple company decided to use such technologies as a complement to products in time, the era of artificial intelligence began. Thanks to the enormous efforts and work of scientists, people can now use Siri. Read more about what it is and how it works.

    Siri on iPhone

    From the iPhone 4S up to the sixth generation inclusive, Siri was introduced as separate application. If desired, the program could be deleted or, conversely, downloaded to your device. The main condition is that the smartphone runs on the iOS operating system. The utility was launched by simply clicking on the icon. Now Siri has become basic program. Even if the user does not yet know that there is a special store with official applications for iPhones, immediately after purchase he can start using this artificial intelligence. What is Siri and how does it work?

    Siri has received the principle of speech requests, from which it selects commands for itself and carries them out. Thanks to the company's work, the utility is able to recognize large language pack. On at the moment Siri has 20 variations. On the territory Russian Federation the program is available in Russian. There is also a voice processing function.

    Siri features

    A person who has not yet worked with Siri, of course, thinks not only about what Siri is, but also what functions the application performs. Why is it needed, how can it help when “communicating” with the gadget. The answer is as banal and simple as possible. The utility must correctly and correctly recognize all user commands. The response is quite fast, errors are excluded. This is the main function of the utility. If we talk about more specific tasks, then, in fact, Siri is capable of executing any command that is subject to the smartphone itself. You can ask the utility to call or send a message, for example, and wait a bit until the request is completed. You can also perform application voice processing.

    Features of the program

    Of course, there are no technologies that would ideally understand a person’s voice and everything he says. Siri is an attempt to create a means of communication between the smartphone and the consumer. However, it also has its drawbacks. That is why you should know exactly all the features of the program and how to use it. Siri cannot be installed on Android, but there are analogues.

    All requests must be as clear as possible. For example, the following commands will be executed: “Call dad”, “Open mail” and so on. All requests must be formed accurately and not in any form. This is only allowed for the English language, since this package is recognized best. We should not forget about the manner of pronunciation and clarity. All phrases must be said as correctly and clearly as possible. It is these factors that determine the extent to which the request will be understood. It should also be taken into account that if the command is given in a noisy place, then most likely Siri will not understand it.

    Available languages

    Enough current question- what languages ​​are available in the program. There are many of them: Russian, English, Swedish, German, many Asian and so on. What does this give? If a language pack is installed in Siri, then you can communicate and make requests in it. In any case, the program will understand the commands. However, there is one peculiarity. Not all of the languages ​​listed are available in the operating system, which means that Siri will not function in them. If iOS versions are higher than 8.3, then a similar problem may not arise, since this modification software half of the languages ​​described above were added.

    How to work with Siri?

    Another pressing question that interests many. How to work with Siri? There are two ways to enable the program. If it is preinstalled and comes immediately upon purchase, then you don’t need to do anything special. The program will launch when you long press the "Home" button. If you don’t want to use the assistant or don’t like that the key is responsible for turning it on, then you can disable the option in the settings.

    The second option is that Siri is not installed on the phone. Then you will have to install the utility yourself. To do this, go to the official Apple store and download the desired program. After installation, you can access Siri directly from your desktop. It will work like normal application. The program does not require activation or registration. This development is as clear and simple as possible. The interface is simple and understandable, anyone can use such an assistant. Let us remind you that Siri does not exist on Android.

    How to use?

    Using Siri is even easier than downloading it yourself. You should go to the application. There the user will notice a sound recording line. A similar panel is also available in the voice recorder. In addition, the launch of the program is equipped with a sound accompaniment, after which the phrase “Hello, can I help you with something?” is said in a pleasant voice. The owner of the device says what he needs.

    An example of such a request would be the phrase: “Siri, show me the free parking lots nearby.” Once the speech is recorded, another signal will sound. After it, Siri will display the results of the command on the screen.

    “Siri can’t hear my voice, what should I do?”

    Sometimes it happens that Siri does not recognize the voice or does not hear it at all. If you don't want to take your phone to service center and pay money, then you can try to find out the reason yourself and figure out its solution.

    You should immediately check the functionality of the operating system. Very often, after flashing or updating, Siri does not want to listen to the owner’s requests. This is usually cured with a hard reboot, but, unfortunately, not in 100% of cases. If it doesn’t help, then you should go to the settings and try to play around there: turn on/off the assistant, allow access to the microphone, and so on.

    Another common problem is a broken microphone. To check this, you can connect a headset. If the assistant responds through it, then the problem is probably in the phone. If you don’t have headphones, you can go to any program where you can perform voice input. Again, if it does not work in other utilities, then the problem is in the microphone. In this case, you should take your phone to a service center. They will help you solve the problem. If the smartphone is still under warranty, they will do it for free.

    Now anyone can answer the question “What is Siri?” The program is clear and convenient.

    When you first set up new iPhone or iPad, you will be prompted to make settings for the function “ Hey Siri!" If you agree to this, the function will be activated immediately. Otherwise, the function can always be configured later.

    It is worth noting this function the guys from spied on their competitors ( "Okay Google").In this article I will tell you what Apple devices support this function and how to configure it.

    With the help of the Siri voice assistant, almost any user of iPhone (4s and above), iPad (from iPad3 and above, as well as all devices iPad lines mini), iPod touch 5g and Apple Watch can use his voice to make a call, set an alarm, write a message, or even dictate a text. On earlier versions iOS for this you had to hold down the “Home” button, but now for this you just need to say the phrase “ Hey Siri!"(the feature was added in iOS 9 and also works on later firmware versions). But even here there are some nuances.

    You can call Siri using your voice only if your device is connected to a power source. But this does not apply to top gadgets such as iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE and iPad Pro(9.7 inches, by the way this is the only apple tablet, who can do this), who almost always respond to the command “ Hey Siri!» and fulfill your request. Why did I say "almost always"? The problem is that if you keep the device in your pocket or it is lying with the display down, then the protection against false calls is triggered.

    How to activate the " Hey Siri!» on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad?

    1.Go to the menu “ Settings» → « Basic» → « Siri»

    2.Enable the function " Hey Siri! ", moving the desired toggle switch to the green position.

    3.We will be asked to click the “set up” button and repeat a series of simple expressions after the assistant to better remember the owner’s voice, so that in the future other people will not be able to activate Siri on your device.

    After the settings have been made, calling Siri will not be difficult.

    I would like to draw the attention of owners of top-end devices that allow you to call Siri without connecting to a charger - time battery life at the same time it will be reduced.

    The role of smartphones in the lives of each of us is becoming much more noticeable. We spend most of our time with portable mobile devices, and therefore we can say that we are constantly connected both on the mobile network and on various social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

    But what’s remarkable is that smartphones have become our assistants who organize our work day, help set and achieve goals, and control our behavior (to some extent). One of the tools that makes a user's life easier is Siri. We will tell you in this article how to enable this “assistant” on your phone, what it is and how it works.

    Siri technology

    So, let's start with the fact that the technology on which the Siri system operates is, in fact, the experience of many years of development by a huge group of scientists. According to official information, about 40 years ago developers worked to create a prototype of artificial intelligence that could collect, analyze and respond to information coming from the environment. Siri, based on these technologies, has essentially absorbed these developments. And Apple, which introduced the platform to the market as an addition to its product, became one of the pioneers of the era of artificial intelligence in smartphones. And, in fact, thanks to the work of many scientists, today the user can work with Siri. What this is - we will tell you in more detail below.

    Siri on iPhone

    On an Apple smartphone - iPhone (from the 4S model to the latest - Siri is presented as simple application. It can be installed from the program catalog for devices working with operating system iOS, and launch with a simple click of a button.

    In addition to the ability to additionally download Siri, iPhone has this program as one of the basic ones. Thus, even if the user does not know about the existence of the Appstore, he can use this “assistant” after purchasing the phone.

    Although Siri works on the principle of detecting speech requests, this does not limit users from most countries in terms of language integration. This is achieved by the development company due to the fact that the program has up to 20 versions that work with different languages. Of course, there is also Siri in Russian, which is available in the Russian Federation.

    Siri features

    A user who has not yet encountered this application has a logical question: what exactly is included in Siri’s functions? Actually, how can this program help the phone owner, and why is it needed?

    The answer is simple: the application acts as a personal assistant. Its “responsibilities” (to use this word correctly in relation to the application) include recognizing user commands, processing them and, of course, reacting appropriately. This is how the main function of the application can be characterized.

    As for the specific tasks that Siri works with, these are, in fact, the same tasks that your smartphone performs. Considering the iPhone, we can say that this application allows you to contact the phone with various requests and wait for it to complete the task.

    Features of the program

    Of course, technologies that would allow your iPhone to absolutely accurately “understand” you solely by your voice do not yet exist. Siri is just an attempt to create such a universal and working solution, but it’s not perfect either. Therefore, you need to know on the iPhone 5 (as, indeed, on any other model). In particular, you need to try to make the most correct requests (for example, “Call mom,” “Open a card,” and so on). You should not make calls to your smartphone in any form (especially if we are not talking about English, which Siri recognizes best).

    Another feature, of course, is the clarity of speech and, in particular, the words you speak to Siri. What kind of phrases these will be and how clearly you will pronounce them is up to you. But remember that the degree to which the program recognizes your voice depends on this. For example, if you give a command in a noisy environment, the “assistant” will most likely “not understand” you.

    Available languages

    You may ask, what languages ​​are available in Siri? We answer: these are English, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Italian, French, Spanish, Cantonese, Danish, Chinese, Korean, German, Thai, Turkish and Japanese. Availability of language in this list means that people can make a request to the program on it, and it will “understand” what the user wants.

    One thing to note is that each of these languages ​​is not available in all iOS versions. About half were added relatively recently, starting with modification 8.3.

    How to work with Siri?

    In this part of the article we will describe the procedure for what is needed to start working with Siri (how to enable the application, in fact). So, let's consider two possible options: if you have preset program(which comes immediately with the new device), then in this case there is no need to take any special actions. The program is launched, as mentioned above, by long pressing the Home button. If you do not use this function and do not want to call the “assistant” in this way, you can disable it in the settings.

    Another option is when you, for some reason, don't have Siri and would like to install it from scratch. This is easy to do: just go to the Appstore and install it like other programs. Then you can access Siri from the desktop, launching it in normal mode.

    The program does not require any activation or additional registration. This is the beauty of this development - with all the breadth of its capabilities, Apple presented it in the most simplified form. The interface ended up being simple and clear.

    How to use?

    And using Siri (what it is and how it works, in general, I think we figured it out) is very simple. When you launch the application, you will see a new window showing a line (like in voice recorders). In addition, the launch of Siri is also accompanied by a characteristic sound (a specific “double” signal), after which the phrase “Hello, how can i help you?” is pronounced. in English (or “How can I help you?” in Russian). After that, you can say a phrase indicating the command you need: “Siri, show me the nearest restaurants,” for example.

    After your speech has been recorded, the program will give another signal, followed immediately by a response.

    Prospects and opportunities

    In fact, all information about this application is general. We know how Siri helps. That this is a product that in the future will be able to “learn” to fulfill all our requirements without exception (and then it will become truly convenient).

    I wonder if this development can somehow be applied in other areas?

    Experts say that behind such software solutions, like Siri, the future of humanity. Perhaps someday artificial intelligence will be able to solve the most complex problems for us, make incredible calculations, answer those questions for which we, humans, could not find answers.

    There is also a theory that Siri is just a useless Apple gimmick that also doesn't recognize speech at the required level.

    Be that as it may, in English (in the USA, in particular), people really use this application more actively than in all other countries. Here Siri is integrated into many other user online services released Yahoo companies, Google, Yandex, Facebook and many others. The task of each of them is to make sure that a user working with his iPhone can perform any action “hands-free”, simply by issuing commands verbally. Perhaps such developments will actually lead to something interesting on the market.

    Analogues on other platforms

    Another thing to note is that Siri technology is not original or new to the market. mobile devices. In order to understand this, it is enough to take some advanced Samsung and find the function Yes, on devices of the Korean company such applications work less accurately than on smartphones with iOS; however, it is quite possible that at one point Apple will cede its leadership position to a technologically advanced company.

    In addition, there are a number of lesser-known developments that exist in the form of small startups and are also working on voice recognition. So far, of course, there have not been any “high-profile” breakthroughs in this area, but it is also impossible to say that it is standing still. Using your voice, for example, you can already control the multimedia system in your car, which helps reduce the level of danger on the roads. A similar mechanism can be applied in a variety of other areas - and it can really help improve our lives.

    In the meantime, even the fact that your iPhone has its own “assistant” is encouraging. After all, two words are enough to call a loved one. Or maybe Siri was even able to save someone’s life?!

    The new iPhone X has brought a lot of changes in management. Fortunately, relearning is not very difficult, because after a couple of days of use, all gestures are remembered.

    How to call Siri on iPhone X (10)?

    One of the most familiar methods for everyone has always been a long squeeze Home buttons. Now this button has been removed, because the iPhone X is frameless and there is no place for buttons here.

    Let's go through all the ways to activate Siri, perhaps you didn't know some of them and will start using it.

    Just saying "Hey Siri"

    Let's say you have your phone on your desk and it's connected to the Internet. If you just say “Hey Siri” + a command (like “what’s the weather”, etc.), it will answer you.

    It doesn’t matter whether your iPhone is in an active or locked state. It’s very convenient and sometimes this feature even saved lives.

    Holding down the lock button

    This is absolutely new way and it replaced pressing the Home button. You just need to press the Lock button for three seconds and the assistant window will appear.

    Is it convenient? In principle, yes, if you don’t want to use the first method. It has a right to exist, because if your microphone does not work, then there will be trouble.

    And you can ask a question using the keyboard, if necessary.

    On headphones or a headset

    I think very few people know about this method. If you are listening to music and want to ask Siri something, then simply press and hold the center button or the call button until the assistant appears.