• How to disable random subscriptions to Beeline. How to unsubscribe from Beeline

    In promotional videos on TV, in online advertising, review articles and God knows where and how, subscribers are encouraged to connect all kinds of paid subscriptions Beeline. “We advise, we recommend, here’s the Weather, here’s the Latitude!”, “Hurry up to use the Video World service!”, “Connect the Music channel!” - these and similar advertising slogans vying with each other entice customers to sign up for the delivery of additional thematic content to their number, and offer to expand the functionality of the tariff package.

    And everything is certainly good. But instructions for disabling these very subscriptions are not as often found online as their advertisements. This article aims to fill this “information gap.” Using it, you can independently delete absolutely all subscriptions (up to one!) via your phone.

    If you haven’t yet wondered how to disable subscriptions on Beeline, we still recommend doing so. It is possible that your room has services that are completely unnecessary for you. But they cost money! That is, they reduce the SIM card account monthly without any obvious benefit.

    Checking for subscriptions?

    To get detailed information about active subscriptions, log in to your personal account on the official website.

    Attention! If you have not previously used the Beeline web portal, please register.

    Then go to the “Profile” section, to the “Subscriptions” tab (it is located under the list of services used). You can also view the list of connected channels in the “Services” section by clicking on the “Connected services” subsection.

    How to disconnect?

    You can disable paid subscriptions on Beeline in the following ways:

    1. Shutdown in personal profile"My Beeline."

    2. Send a USSD request *110*09#. (After sending, the service will send you all active services, as well as commands to disable them.)

    3. If you know the short subscription number, you must send an SMS message with the text “STOP” to it.

    4. Find in the catalog http://www.beeonline.ru/subscribes/ the number to deactivate the current subscription, and then use it (see the “Deactivation” column).

    Advice! Use on page search bar, as well as a “Next 10” link to go to another catalog page.

    Good luck setting up your Beeline package!

    Each of mobile operators provides its subscribers with a specific set of additional services. To begin with, it’s worth clarifying what information and entertainment services are? These are mailings that invite users to use certain services. Various groups, Russian lessons, music and more. However, often even the users themselves are not aware of their subscriptions, which makes life especially difficult if there are paid options. Therefore, you need to find out how to check Beeline subscriptions and cancel them if they are costly.

    How to check subscriptions on Beeline?

    First, you need to find out whether you are subscribed to any paid services at all.

    Subscription management

    You can view the list of active options yourself using one of the following methods:

    • Make a request via phone;
    • Disable them in your personal account;
    • Via voice menu;
    • With the help special application for phone.

    It is also worth noting that you can always call 0611 to clarify information about what options are connected. Other methods are worth considering in more detail.

    How to check subscriptions on Beeline from your phone by entering a request?

    Entering a simple USSD request is one of the most simple ways clarify all necessary information about what active services are currently linked to your number.

    In addition, an undeniable advantage This option is not only simple, but also the fact that when displaying information about subscriptions, the user also receives information about how to unsubscribe from Beeline subscriptions.

    To do this, you need to dial *110*09#. After this, after a few minutes, you will receive a message containing information with a list of services connected to the number.

    It is most convenient to find out such information through SMS, since you receive the information quickly and do not have to perform unnecessary actions that take a certain amount of time. The only downside is that this way you won’t be able to disconnect from all subscriptions at the same time.

    How can the Internet help?

    If it is more convenient for you to manage subscriptions via the Internet, you can use one of the following methods:

    • Log in to the subscriber’s personal account. Of course this is not separate service. You will have to go to the official website first of this operator and go through the authorization procedure. To do this, you will need to indicate your phone number in special form, after which a temporary password will be sent to it. Next, you enter it into the field that appears. By logging into your personal account, you can easily find a tab that lists all connected services;

    In one of our articles we already wrote,.

    • Login via phone app. It can be downloaded from any app store, depending on operating system, which is installed on your phone. The procedure for logging into your personal account will not be too different, nor will the information you ultimately receive.

    Receiving information via voice menu

    However, if the list of subscriptions is not checked by other means, then this is very good option.

    To do this, you need to dial your number customer service, after which you will have to follow the instructions of the system. Its instructions may differ depending on the region of residence of the user.

    Other ways

    The most detailed information about all connected services and the latest transactions that were performed from your number can be obtained using “Account Details”.

    This is an especially good option if you regularly see funds disappearing from your account, but do not know what they are being spent on. Indeed, in this case, there is a possibility that the problem is not that you are using a paid subscription.

    It is worth understanding that such a service is not free. Depending on the period for which you need to obtain information, its cost will depend.

    How to disable subscriptions on Beeline?

    Now you know what content sources you subscribe to, but you realize that you don’t really need them. Or, if the paid service turned out to be too expensive and constantly strives to be removed from Beeline additional funds. In this case, you will have to refuse these services.

    There are many ways:

    • Send a request to number 0684006. After sending, the operator’s team processes it and sends you a notification. This method allows you to cancel all your subscriptions;
    • Also, to achieve the same result, You can use the services of a specialist by calling 0611 and select section 0, which will connect you to the operator. It will disable all unnecessary services;
    • But in the case when you need to cancel only one mailing, it will work well this method. you just send a message with the STOP or STOP command, to the number that sends you unnecessary mailings;
    • To do this, you can simply send a USSD request to *110*__#. In place of the spaces, you must specify a specific command, the number of which is contained in the service catalog on the Beeline website;
    • Shutdown paid services without an operator, also available through your personal account. In it you can simply cancel any of the subscriptions that bother you;
    • Mobile applications also allow you to block unnecessary services. It's best to download official application"My Beeline";
    • The most difficult way to establish a ban on mailings is contacting the operator's office. You must have your passport with you.

    Beeline services

    Some of Beeline's services allow subscribers to check certain subscriptions, find out their exact cost and disconnect options.

    For this there is free service checking short numbers, which allows you to find out full list all content providers and their terms of service.

    Checking the list installed services and unsubscribing from them is a simple and accessible task for modern users. Beeline provides you with many ways to clarify all the information about your number and carry out various operations with subscriptions.

    More and more additional services are appearing for subscribers these days. cellular communications. So sometimes even an advanced user cannot figure out what he connected and why.

    On the Internet, you are constantly asked to confirm your cell phone number, some request it for registration, some to protect against scammers, some to protect against spam. But many hide under these beautiful words for selfish purposes.

    It is very strange that people who follow the lead of scammers do not notice this. After all, they don’t give their passport to everyone? To, supposedly, verify the authenticity of the document. Likewise, it is better to be careful with your personal cell number and reveal it only to those people who will not be involved in fraud.

    It’s probably better for us to figure out how to identify illegal write-offs, as well as how to disconnect from such services that appeared through our veins or by accident.

    Specifically, we will talk about mobile subscriptions for Beeline subscribers. Mobile subscriptions There are different types:

    Service ones are those sent by the Beeline company itself to inform about changes, any services, or other changes in the company, and maybe about news in the world. Usually all of them are free, and many are conditionally free, for example, when connecting, it is said that the connection is free, and the subscriber learns that the service has a monthly payment only when a sum of money is debited from his account, sometimes imperceptible, and sometimes much larger.

    It is possible, and sometimes necessary, to disable such subscriptions because they can turn into a natural disaster, it’s just that sometimes system failures occur and your phone is bursting with messages received that come in an endless stream throughout the day and night. In this case, I simply recommend breaking into the communication salon and persistently asking the specialists to turn off everything that interferes with sleep.

    Subscriptions that appeared unnoticed - they could only appear with your assistance, suppose you communicate in social networks and you were asked to enter your phone number, you entered it, and then you are required to enter a code that comes to your phone, the SMS says that enter the code for confirmation, you enter it, access is granted, or a certain amount is debited from you for which you are ready to payment for any service, and then an avalanche approaches you from some service that provides news about hockey matches, although you are not even interested in it.

    Or you need to download the archive from the desired program, and you are either immediately asked for a cell phone, supposedly to limit spam from bots (in fact, you will immediately be charged an amount for accessing the files, and then a subscription fee will be charged weekly) or when you open the archive itself, you will either launch the file program will ask for a phone number, after which you will again receive an SMS of happiness, in which you will again sign up for subscription fee or even lose the entire amount on your phone.

    Of course, it’s worse when you have a service that allows you to enter a negative balance, and even up to -10,000 rubles, which is where scammers have room to roam.

    Such subscriptions must be tracked after each entry by you. cell number, I understand that there are situations when it doesn’t matter that they’ll write off money; you just need a file or program, but after you have time, immediately ask whether you will have additional expenses in the near future.

    Invisible subscriptions are subscriptions that you did not connect at all; they were either connected to you when you accidentally or deliberately gave your phone for some activity, be it repairs, maintenance, or they gave you help figuring out how to install, for example, a dial tone. After which, after certain time You are charged a subscription fee of 1 ruble, or maybe 300 per month. Of course, it will be more difficult to track 1 ruble, but I think you won’t miss 300.

    In this case, I recommend that you never lose sight of the actions of the person to whom you gave your phone number; after all, dial 4 digits and answer OK. you can send SMS so quickly that you won’t even notice, and many services connect without confirmation at all.

    Now that we have become familiar with the types of subscriptions, let's find out how to disable them because there are plenty of ways:

    The main way to disable subscriptions is to call the operator on the short number 0611, after which the technician can disable all subscriptions that charge you, or only those that you choose. Be prepared to provide your passport information to the operator to identify you over the phone.

    The second way is to show up at the office of the Beeline operator and disable all the scammers’ subscriptions there. Although why do scammers get what you wanted, but the fact that you have to pay for it is like this all over the world.

    The third way is to set USSD request on cell phone We'll look at the possible commands below:

    ® Turn off the melody - 067410 (call).

    ® Stay informed – *110*400#(call).

    ® Stay informed + Beeline – *110*1062#(call).

    ® Anti Caller ID Beeline – *110*070# (call).

    ® Favorite number – *139*880# (call).

    ® “Package of three services” can be disabled by calling *110*180# (call), if your tariff includes a subscription fee for this service. But if it is not charged, then there is no point in turning it off.

    ® “Internet from an unconfigured phone” is a clever service that is connected to almost all subscribers, and it costs a lot of money. But you will not find it in the lists when you request *1101*09# (call), then you can disable this service only by contacting technical support by number 0622.

    ® To disable “SMS traffic”, where unlimited SMS messages are sent for 15 rubles per day, you need to dial *1101/2010# (call).

    ® The “Favorite Number” service is disabled by command *139*880#(call).

    ® To get rid of your lottery subscription, you need to dial 3003 and send a blank SMS message or dial 1010. To send an SMS message, your balance must be positive.

    ® To disable the “Hello” service (melody instead of beeps), call 067409770 (call). Or using the “Menu”, dial *111#(call). Next, sequentially dial “My Bilan” - “Services” - “Hello” - “Disable”.

    ® In order to disable the “Beep” service, you need to dial 0770 and, upon hearing the answer, follow the instructions. But if this service has not been activated, then when you dial the specified number, it can be activated on the contrary. Therefore, it is better to call technical support by dialing 0622 and switch to the operator (*30).

    ® To disable the “Chameleon” service (these are intrusive messages that systematically appear on the screen of your mobile phone and are connected automatically when you buy a new SIM card), you need to dial service number*110*20#(call) or call 0684700000.

    ® The “Follow” service can be disabled in two ways: dial USSD request *111# Call or *566# Call. And in the main menu, select the “Disable” service.

    ® If you are not a fan of collective telephone communications, then you do not need the “Chat” service, which can be deleted by calling *1101410#(call).

    ® To delete “There is a contact”, dial *11014020#(call).

    The fourth method is, of course, your personal account which is located on official page Beeline company. It’s quite easy to get into it; all you need to do is enter your login and password, which can be obtained by dialing *110*9#; the login is your phone number without +7 or 8.

    In your personal account, you can order details and in it you can determine those short numbers that charge you a subscription fee. After which you need to send the word STOP to each short number. Example number: 4689 0998 3556 and so on.

    You can protect yourself from such subscriptions by dialing 0858 and using the service “ Black and white lists"which blocks the receipt of any SMS from short number. You will only need to select 1 of the four proposed options, and my recommendations will be to disable all mailings from short numbers.

    Don't worry about SMS from banks personal accounts or simply service SMS from banks will arrive as before. But the rest of the spam garbage will pass by and will not gain access to your hard-earned money.

    That's all, see you soon, I hope you found this article useful.