• How to disable short codes? How to disable paid subscriptions to Beeline

    With a question about how to disable all subscriptions on Beeline, customers mobile operator come across quite often. Some of these subscribers independently connected such services and newsletters, and then forgot to turn it off when there was no longer a need to use them. Others don’t even know that there are some additional services, for which funds are regularly written off. How can I exclude unnecessary options from my number and protect myself from unnecessary debits from my account once and for all? There are several options to check if something is connected on the number other than the standard ones basic services and options that the client actually uses. They will be discussed further below.

    Checking the list of services through the SIM card menu

    How to disable all subscriptions on Beeline if the subscriber does not even know which newsletters he has connected to? It is not at all necessary to have such information. In the SIM card menu, which is present on any Beeline number, you can not only see what additional options are present on the number, but also get rid of them using the system prompts.

    Receiving information via text message

    Find out how to disable paid subscriptions on Beeline, you can also type a certain type of request on your gadget, namely: *110*09#. After a few minutes, a service message will be sent to the number, in the text of which you can see not only the names additional options on the number, but also receive commands to deactivate them, if this turns out to be necessary. After entering requests to disable services, you need to make sure that the operation was processed correctly and check the status of the number again. A message with the appropriate text will be sent to the number from which the deactivation is carried out about successful deactivation.

    Deactivating unnecessary services through the service menu

    By dialing *111# on your mobile gadget, you can also view what options are connected to the Beeline number and disable all paid services and subscriptions.

    Refusal of unnecessary services “in one click”

    For active users of the web space, it will not be difficult to monitor your number for the availability of additional services via personal account. Functionality for users to view and manage their account online is available both through the application for mobile gadgets, and through the browser operating system. In your personal account, you need to go to the section with a list of options activated on the number. Buttons to disable them will also be available here. Please note that if options or subscriptions are enabled on the number third party organizations, then in this list they will not be displayed. Here there are only services, packages and newsletters from the Beeline company.

    How can I disable all subscriptions on Beeline, including third-party content providers?

    If you managed to get rid of unnecessary services, But cash continue to disappear from your balance, you should contact contact center mobile operator. Since, most likely, the number has some kind of service or subscription from a third-party content provider. The subscriber can only activate such a service independently, for example, by indicating his number on an entertainment portal or website of another nature. A call center specialist will help you see what exactly the charges are for and, if options are available, will help you disable them or tell you how to disable all subscriptions on Beeline. You can ask for help by calling 0611 (the call is free of charge provided that it is made from a Beeline number).

    Thus, you can get rid of unnecessary services on the number using any of the above methods.

    You can unsubscribe from paid subscriptions on Beeline in just a minute. Just dial 0684006 from your phone and you will receive a message that all additional services are disabled.

    Also try calling the Beeline operator at 0611 and ask to disable paid services that you do not need. However, this option is not always reliable, since after some time the operator or third-party services may reactivate subscriptions.

    You can unsubscribe from paid subscriptions on Beeline by sending a message with the word “STOP” or STOP to the number from which you are receiving unwanted information. This procedure is free and most often effective: you should receive a notification in response to the successful deactivation of paid services.

    Use special USSD commands to unsubscribe from Beeline paid mailings. You can disable the “Stay informed” newsletter using the command *110*400#. To disable the “Stay informed Plus” service, dial *110*1062#. The “Chameleon” service is disabled using the combination *110*20#. And to stop sending online notifications, dial *110*1470#. This list of paid mailings from the Beeline operator is not complete. You can view the detailed list on the operator’s official website.

    How to cancel paid subscriptions online

    Go to the Beeline operator services section on the official website. Log in to your personal account. Those who do this for the first time must first obtain a password. To do this, dial *110*9# from your phone and you will receive a message with your password. Your login will be your phone number. In your personal account, go to the subscriber services section and manually disable all services you do not need.

    Disabling paid services in the Beeline office

    Contact one of the Beeline offices or salons to provide customer service in your city, bringing your passport. Do not delete messages that come to your phone first, and just show them to the office staff. Using their authority, they will help you unsubscribe from paid subscriptions. The operation takes just a few minutes.

    Activate the service " Black and white lists", which will protect your phone from fraudulent services that deceive subscribers into signing up for their paid mailings. Just dial 0858 from your phone or contact the staff of one of the salons in your city.

    Funds began to “flow away” in an unknown direction.

    Another part of the services is provided, so to speak, on . You don’t pay for a month or two. If you like it, start counting the money.

    The move is aimed at making citizens forgetful. Most plan to turn off subscriptions at the end of the free period, but forget, enriching the operator.

    A third of subscribers do not activate paid services at all, at least that’s what they think. However, the fee meter starts, taking out about -ten per day.

    Let's figure out why and for what funds are charged, as well as how to disable paid subscriptions on Beeline.

    Mysterious sources of paid subscriptions

    The technology is relevant in , it determines the number of the user who has visited the site, and in one click connects him to the resource’s mailings.

    Afterwards, the user receives an SMS notifying him that the services have been activated. But some Beeline clients do not pay attention to them, remembering that they did not indicate their number anywhere.

    Another part of subscribers do not read notifications because they keep SIM cards in modems. This often happens in enterprises.

    Technology automatic subscription via Wap-click is considered fraudulent and is called IFrame.

    Beeline began eliminating the system vulnerability in the second half of 2015. The main stream of unexpected subscriptions fell on subscribers with short numbers.

    They are the ones who are affected by technology. Therefore, for users with short numbers, an additional sms-link was introduced, that is, confirmation of subscription, but from the subscriber’s side.

    It should be noted that the facts of unexpected subscription were recorded directly from the operator. This, for example, was proven in court by a resident of Yekaterinburg.

    The man's name is Yuri. His brother lives in Kaliningrad. Relatives often call back.

    Therefore, Yuri paid 10 rubles a day for a mobile phone for a whole year, without knowing it. I was able to understand the situation during my brother’s vacation abroad.

    There were no calls, and money disappeared from the account. I contacted the Beeline office. It turned out that unlimited was connected.

    However, Yuri has no limit at work. There is no need to start it on your phone either. The man did not activate the service.

    The operator did this without permission, which a resident of Yekaterinburg proved in court. The decision was made in 2014.

    But, as they say, this is information for reference. Now, to the main thing. Let's find out how disable all paid subscriptions and Beeline services.

    How to disable all paid services and subscriptions to Beeline

    Deciding how to disable paid subscriptions on Beeline yourself, it’s worth remembering number 0684006.

    This is free, designed specifically for refusing financially intensive services. The call will be followed by an SMS about deactivating current subscriptions.

    However, if you plan to disable only some of them, it is better to contact the Beeline support service operator.

    There are two toll free numbers: 0611 and 0622. Communication with a specialist is convenient, also when finding out whether the number has paid services at all and which ones.

    The operator will list the subscriptions and block those specified by the client. To be sure, you should ask to set a ban on incoming calls and SMS from short, paid numbers.

    Now you can sleep, stay awake, and most importantly, use cellular services calmly.

    Paid subscriptions are also disabled via SMS. To deactivate the service, just send “STOP” to the number from which it comes.

    The success of the refusal is notified by a response message. If you don't receive it, try typing STOP. Changing the alphabet should lead to success.

    Only part of Beeline's services is programmed for the Russian version. By the way, reply SMS is free, as are the company’s hot numbers.

    If subscriptions to a number are from the “unexpected” category, it is recommended to use the “Black List” service.

    It, unlike others, is free, activated by number 0856. It is enough to determine the base of phones from which unwanted information comes and block access to your own number.

    Like other operators, Beeline offers to manage your number, its tariff, and services through your personal account.

    You can find it on the company's official website. His address: https://my.beeline.ru. The slightest rearrangement of terms, deviations in the address, indicate a double resource.

    These are usually kept by scammers who obtain phone numbers and bank cards users.

    Therefore, only visiting a real Beeline personal account will lead to the convenience of using the phone.

    Otherwise, you may not unsubscribe from paid services, but give even more money in an unknown direction.

    Visiting cellular communications remains relevant, live communication with a Beeline employee. The consultant will require a passport.

    After identity verification, the employee will announce full list paid services assigned to the SIM card and will delete all or part of them, at the request of the client.

    However, if the goal is to find out whether there is additional subscriptions In general, it’s easier to use remote methods. We'll talk about them in the final chapter.

    What are Beeline's paid subscriptions?

    Start by calling 067409. An answering machine will answer, but it will detail what subscriptions the subscriber has, how long they are valid and how much they cost.

    You will receive information via SMS by dialing *111# and calling. A notification will arrive. In it we go from the item “My Beeline” to “My Data” and to “My Services”.

    A window will appear with a list of active subscriptions. Methods for getting rid of them are described below, all in the same notice.

    To be fair, we note that complaints about paid subscriptions from Beeline arise less often than complaints about other players big three, that is, "" and "".

    This may be due to the declining popularity of the striped operator and its attempts to retain customers through a positive reputation.

    Perhaps the company's experience plays a role. It appeared first and dates back to 1992.

    Mobile subscriptions on Beeline cause a lot of inconvenience for subscribers. Every time we talk about incomprehensible debits, we come up against ill-fated subscriptions that appear on our numbers literally out of nowhere. How to disable paid subscriptions on Beeline and get rid of unnecessary costs? This will be discussed in our review.

    But first, let's figure out how and where these subscriptions come from? As practice shows, The lion's share of subscriptions is connected by subscribers themselves. For example, we saw somewhere a command to request a weather forecast and decided to take advantage of this offer. As a result, we will receive not only a weather forecast, but also that same subscription - the weather forecast will arrive every day.

    Some subscriptions are even imposed on us through fraudulent means. But in this case, you just need to be careful, do not enter or distribute your phone number anywhere, and do not send USSD commands or SMS. You also need to be careful when installing suspicious games and applications. For example, we decided to open a closed opportunity in some toy and confirmed our intentions - the game will send a request and sign you up for a subscription.

    That is, the most powerful tool To prevent the appearance of subscriptions, the most common precaution is taken. Let's now look at how to disable paid subscriptions on Beeline, if they do appear, and how to disable SMS advertising, read in a separate review.

    Your personal account on Beeline is the most reliable way checking the status of your number. If our number contains any paid services and subscriptions, feel free to log in to your Personal Account - this is where you will see all the information about expenses.

    By logging into your Personal Account, we will see your phone number, name tariff plan, balance and volume of included services (if any). Below we will see a list of connected paid and free services, and even lower is the item “My infotainment services” - this is where we will see a list of connected subscriptions. If they are not needed, feel free to disable them and get rid of unnecessary expenses. For example, in order to disable the “Videomir 18+” subscription on Beeline, click the “switch” next to this subscription.

    We can also look into the subscriptions directory and familiarize ourselves with the commands for disabling subscriptions there.

    When deactivating subscriptions, please note that some subscriptions are provided third party operators . And most often, to disable them, you need to contact these operators directly. To do this, you need to look for the official website of the content provider providing the subscription. If all else fails, file a complaint at the operator’s office.

    Despite the obvious convenience of the Personal Account, it is used by a limited number of subscribers. Most people prefer to solve problems through consultants help desk Beeline. In order to check the availability of subscriptions through a consultant, you should call 0611 from your phone. Here we can also set a ban on the use of short numbers, which will help prevent the appearance of accidental subscriptions.

    This is done by connecting an additional balance from which content services are paid. As long as this balance is empty, you will not be able to “pick up” a single subscription - this is exactly how protection from random subscription for content from the Beeline operator.

    Have you come across clearly fraudulent subscriptions and can’t figure them out? File a complaint against the content provider by calling 0611 or via special form on the Beeline website - the operator will definitely deal with the unscrupulous provider.

    Try to get rid of your subscription by sending the word “STOP” or “STOP” to the number from which the content from this subscription comes.

    You can also unsubscribe from Beeline through service offices - for this you need to: The number you used was registered to you. We find the nearest office, go there with your passport, and tell the consultant about the current problem. The consultant will check for subscriptions and disable them. Here you can set a ban on their further connection.

    An undoubted advantage of contacting the office is that here we can write a claim and return money for subscriptions connected without our knowledge.

    Nowadays, advertising is present everywhere: on billboards, on TV, on the Internet, magazines and even on smartphones. Many entrepreneurs use any means to convey their services to every potential buyer. For these purposes, they send out SMS messages to any available phone number. Not all subscribers like this, and then the question of how to disable subscriptions on Beeline becomes relevant. You will learn further what needs to be done for this and how to get rid of annoying Beeline advertising messages.

    How to find out paid services on Beeline

    In order to try to disable any Beeline service, you first need to find out what paid applications you have connected to at the moment. This will allow you to get more information about the possibilities on your mobile phone, and also decide which ones are better to refuse. Therefore, read on for several ways that can easily help you verify such information.

    • Use the official website of the company: beeline.ru. In the “My Beeline” section, which is located on home page, enter your details and receive immediately detailed information about current offers, options and tariffs.
    • If you have a smartphone (IOS, Android, Windows), install additional application"My Beeline." After authorization, use this utility, look at the “Connected services” section and disable unnecessary ones.
    • To find out what paid services are connected, dial mobile combination digits: *110*09# plus call button.

    Subscription management

    Mobile subscriptions are operator services that provide full information about various news, weather and other services. However, it often happens that this offer has a number of negative aspects, for example, one of the subscriptions was automatically connected to your number, and due to its activation, money is regularly withdrawn from your account. And you don’t even have a clue about all this. This unpleasant situation can be avoided; it is only important to know how to disable subscriptions on Beeline. To do this, review the methods for deactivating some subscriptions described below.


    This service is paid and amounts to 3 rubles daily deduction from the subscriber's account. Thanks to this service become available current photos, which are collected from all over the world. Such a service cannot be classified as an essential service, and for the vast majority it is simply unnecessary. You can familiarize yourself with it and use it for free for the first 7 days, and then this application automatically becomes paid. To manage Photoworld, use the following options:

    • Dial the following number from your mobile: 0862 and call. This will enable this option.
    • To cancel your subscription, dial the following number with the call button: 0684210325 or send a text with the word “STOP” to the number: 6288.


    This service is also paid, and it connects to your phone automatically as soon as you activate a new one starter pack Beeline. “Chameleon” consists of advertising informational texts that periodically pop up on the mobile screen. Most users are very annoyed by this and are trying to find a way to disable such a subscription on Beeline. The following methods for deactivating such a service will help with this:

    • Disable this advertising mailing using the USSD command: *110*20# and the call button. In response, you will receive an SMS confirming the deactivation of the paid Chameleon service.
    • You can remove this subscription directly on your phone: go to the menu and find the “Beeline” section, here find the “Chameleon” item, open “Activation” and check the box next to “Disable”.
    • Use your personal account, which is located on the company’s official website, to unsubscribe from this paid option:
    1. Execute the USSD command using your phone: dial *110*9# and the call button. You will receive a password in response.
    2. Go to the official website beeline.ru and in the “Login” line enter your entire phone number and password below.
    3. Find the "Services" section. Here you will see a complete list of active paid and free options. Find “Chameleon” there and disable it.


    Other less-useful options include “Video World”. This is an additional paid entertainment application that gives the user access to a special website with the ability to use content. Keep in mind that by using such a service, you go online, and this can already be an expensive pleasure that will result in long bills with impressive amounts. Therefore, check out how to deactivate the Videomir subscription on Beeline:

    • Using your personal account. To do this, repeat the algorithm of actions described in the “Chameleon” subsection with detailed instructions disable the service in the same way.
    • To uncheck Video World from the list of unused but active applications, send a message with the word “STOP” to 6506.

    How to disable all subscriptions yourself

    In order to optimize the use of your funds for cellular communication, take advantage of the option to disable all paid services operator. Because, according to feedback from subscribers, Beeline often activates subscriptions without asking the client about their need; in most cases, they are set by default. However mobile operator always allows you to manage these options yourself. Therefore, you can easily disable any subscription that is useless to you using one of the methods described below. So, how to disable all subscriptions on Beeline:

    • Dial on your mobile number: 0684006 and make a call. Afterwards you will receive a message with a response that all active options have been deactivated from your package.
    • Contact technical support Beeline company by calling 0611 or 0622, then select “zero” and you will be connected to an operator. Find out if you currently have any active applications and ask for a cancellation if available.

    In your personal account

    As alternative option use your personal account on the company’s official website: beeline.ru. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. In the “Login” line, enter your entire phone number.
    2. To receive a password for your personal account, send a request *110*9#. You will receive a response message with a code on your mobile phone.
    3. At the very bottom of the page, find the “Services” line, entering which you will see a complete list of active applications.
    4. Check the “Disable” checkbox next to each enabled service.

    Via SMS to short numbers

    You will definitely be able to disable subscriptions if you send a message with the text “STOP” to everything short numbers, from which you receive unwanted information. In response to this, you will immediately receive an SMS notifying you that the service has been deactivated. However this operation can take a lot of time if you have a lot of such services. Therefore, it is worth using more optimal and quick methods giving up one thing or another paid application which were described above.

    Video on how to disable Beeline subscriptions

    To study in more detail the possibility of managing Beeline applications and methods of refusing them, use additional recommendations. You can find them in the videos attached below with ways to unsubscribe through your personal account or by removing one or another option using short numbers. Carefully watch the video information provided and repeat the recommended steps step by step to disable all unwanted applications and subscriptions.

    Unsubscribe through your personal account

    Remove subscriptions via short numbers