• How to set up rdp on windows 10 home. Remote control of a computer on a local network

    Good afternoon, dear readers and visitors of my blog. In this article I tell you how to connect to a remote desktop in windows 10, what you need to do for this and how to set up rdp on windows 10. So, let's go...

    What's new in remote desktop protocol version 10

    In my article, I talked about what’s new in the rdp protocol version 7.1. Let's now see what's new in updated version protocol that appeared with the release of Windows 10:

    How to connect to a remote desktop in windows 10 - setup

    Before you try to connect, you need to enable remote worker Windows table 10. You can do this by following these simple steps:

    You can skip the first and second points by clicking "Win + Pause (Break)" - the "System" window will open.

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    That's it, setting up the Windows 10 remote desktop is complete. Now all users who have administrator rights on this computer will be able to connect to the Windows 10 remote desktop. Let's look at how to connect to the Windows 10 remote desktop from Windows 7, just in case.

    Starting a Windows 10 Remote Desktop Connection

    So, let’s assume that you have Windows 10 running remotely somewhere. You enabled Windows 10 remote worker on this according to the instructions above, and now you don’t know how from your Windows desktop 7 connect to remote desktop windows 10. Here are simple instructions:

    That's all. Now you have learned how to connect to a windows remote desktop and you will not have a question about how to connect a windows 10 remote desktop. The connection process on all OSes Windows is the same. By analogy, you can connect with Windows XP, Windows 8, etc. For the curious, you can read about

    Probably, many users, if not encountered in practice, have at least heard of such a concept as “remote desktop”. True, most inexperienced users have a rather vague idea of ​​what it is and do not know the terminal. Let's try to fill this gap.

    What is this?

    Let's start with the definition itself. On Windows systems, this feature is called Remote Desktop Protocol. Roughly speaking, this is a special protocol that allows you to connect to a remote desktop in Windows 10 (this equally applies to G8). In addition, it is worth considering that once the connection is established, access to the home terminal can be achieved not only through a remote PC, but also from a tablet or smartphone.

    By using this function you can access almost all parameters. However, in the “eight” and “ten”, the use of the built-in module has some restrictions regarding the inability to connect, for example, logical partitions or USB drives, as well as editing the information located on them. However, this is mostly due to the so-called Modern application.

    Windows 10: Remote Desktop Connection. What to use?

    In principle, for all Windows systems today you can find a huge number of specialized utilities of varying degrees of complexity and the presence of specific functions.

    But why install additional programs if Windows 10 can connect to a remote desktop through its own built-in RDP client. Moreover, its setup in most cases turns out to be much simpler than if it were done using third-party software packages.

    But even here it is worth noting that a fully functional “native” client is available only in professional version(Pro). If something like Home is installed, the user will be faced with the above restrictions in operation. By the way, today most computers or laptops sold with pre-installed system, unfortunately, has a Home version. However Windows setup 10 allows you to upgrade online to the professional version. There is nothing particularly complicated about this.

    (Windows 10) via built-in RDP client

    So, what should you do first to ensure a remote connection to your terminal?

    First, go to the “System” section. The easiest way in this case is to use the combination Win + Pause or “Computer Properties” when calling the menu with a right click. Here on the left there is a special section for remote access settings.

    We enter the section and mark all the fields related to granting permissions for remote connections, and use the user selection button. Don't forget to disable automatic transition to (power section).

    In the new window, click on the add user icon, and in the corresponding field enter your “account” if there is no such entry in the access list, or add a new user and enter the appropriate data.

    To confirm the changes made, use the “OK” button, after which the IP address will be scanned. Once the process is completed, you will be able to connect to the remote desktop without any problems in Windows 10.

    Please note: in order not to scan computer addresses, you can use the ipconfig/all command in the Run menu, and then enter required address, if you plan to make a remote connection to several terminals.


    After completing all the above steps, a window will appear at the very bottom of the screen indicating the received IP address. Now you need to log in.

    Typically, this is either a Microsoft account with an address email and password, or computer name and password if logging in at the local level. Just below there is a line for storing the input parameters, opposite which you should check the box.

    After this, the system will issue a warning that it was unable to verify the remote terminal. There's nothing wrong with that. We ignore this message, check the “Don’t ask again” box and click the “Connect anyway” button. Now “Remote Desktop” will appear on the screen, and the current IP will be indicated at the top.

    Changing remote computer settings

    With the connection, I think the situation has become somewhat clearer. Let's turn to the possibility of changing the parameters of the remote terminal.

    In principle, there are not so many possibilities in the “top ten”, however, you can easily customize the remote PC for yourself: for example, use sound circuits, change screen parameters, etc. This is done from the menu located at the top, where you select the parameters section, and then the connection settings (parameters), but on the right.

    There are several sliders here that allow you to enable or disable the use of the printer, microphone, clipboard, etc. Along the way, you can consider another question regarding working with Windows 10: “Where is the remote desktop?” The settings window on the left will show all last connections in the form of thumbnails of recently visited desktops, indicating the IP addresses of the computers to which they belong.

    Using multiple accounts

    However, you can view desktops when you change your account. As for logging in under a different “account”, everything is simple here too.

    First, you go to the initial window of the application, then you select to change the account, after which you simply need to delete it in the corresponding settings window. You can now use the new connection by selecting a different account. Next, as usual, enter the required login information (username and password) and log in to the system.

    Again, everything can be customized again required parameters doing more convenient work in Windows 10: Russian language (meaning adding a language), sound options, enabling the means of using the same smart cards and much more. Here, each user himself chooses exactly what he needs.

    Of course, the options that Windows 10 customization offers are not as many as we would like, however, sometimes they can come in handy. If you need to use any specific parameters and settings, it is better to install professional utilities.


    As you can see, in Windows 10, connecting to a remote desktop is quite simple, and for this you do not need to have special skills and knowledge of the computer system.

    In principle, the easiest way for most entry-level and intermediate-level users is to use the built-in RDP client, however, as practice shows, for complete control over the management of remote terminals, such a tool looks, to put it mildly, somewhat primitive. However, this is a separate topic, especially since such software packages for an unprepared user can turn out to be very complex in terms of fine adjustments, and without special knowledge it will not be so easy to complete them.

    Windows 10 Remote Desktop is used to connect to another computer from a distance. In this tutorial, you will use the Remote Desktop application to successfully connect. This new program for Remote Desktop was introduced by Microsoft along with the latest operating system. The application can be downloaded from using Windows Store. It is designed to make it easier for the user to access another computer via local network or via the Internet.

    The reasons why a user might want to use Remote Desktop vary. Most often, this function is used by more advanced users or programmers to teach less experienced people various computer tricks. This feature may also be needed if you are away from home, but you urgently need to access your PC to launch a torrent, scan your computer for viruses, and perform certain actions that a phone or other mobile device cannot handle. .

    When you need to connect to a remote desktop in Windows 10, you should take into account the fact that Remote program Desktop won't solve every problem. To successfully connect to others Windows devices you must first prepare the device you are trying to connect to and configure the desired router port. To set up your PC and connection, you need to follow certain steps, enable remote connections, and use Remote Desktop to start a session.

    How to allow third party connections on your computer?

    Using the Remote Desktop application is quite simple, but its configuration will depend on the protocol with which the user is trying to connect to another running PC (LAN or Internet). In the case when you need to establish a connection within private network, you should check that the computer you want to contact allows you to connect to itself remotely. Software environment Windows 10 Home does not support communication with remote PCs.

    This feature is available in Pro versions and other office options.

    If you want to connect to Windows 10 Remote Desktop, you need to do the following:

    • launch Control Panel;
    • select System & Security;
    • click on Allow Remote Access;
    • in the Remote Desktop section, select Allow Remote Connections to This Computer;
    • click OK;
    • use the Apply button;
    • Click OK to complete the task.

    Once the user completes these steps, the computer will allow remote desktop connections, and Windows 10 will even add the necessary rules to the firewall to ensure connections work properly. It should not be forgotten that correct setting connections via LAN protocol and via the Internet will be noticeably different.

    What is needed to connect via the Internet?

    In the case when the user plans to connect to his PC via the Internet, then in addition systemic changes You will need permission to connect to local router. The user will need to find out his external IP address to connect to the computer via the World Wide Web.

    You can find your IP information by entering ipconfig in the command line.

    Most computers within a private network are assigned dynamic addresses, and they change frequently. If the user is going to regularly launch a remote Desktop, then it is recommended to set a static address on the PC. Thanks to this, you do not have to reconfigure the port direction parameters every time the device receives a new address.

    To connect via the Internet, you need to follow these steps:

    1. Open Control Panel.
    2. Click Network and Internet.
    3. Select Network and Sharing Center.
    4. On the left page, click the Change Adapter Settings link.
    5. Right click on network adapter and select Properties.
    6. Click on Internet Protocol Version 4.
    7. Select Properties.
    8. On the General tab, select Use the Following IP address.
    9. Enter a Local Address that is located outside the DHCP scope to prevent address conflicts. The necessary data can be found in the DHCP settings on the router.
    10. Enter the subnet mask for home networks.
    11. Enter information for the default gateway. IN in this case this means the IP of the router.
    12. In the Use the Following Server Addresses menu, you must remember to indicate your server address. If you cannot create a connection to the Internet, you can try using public addresses.
    13. Click OK.
    14. Use the Close button to complete the setup.

    How to find your external IP?

    In the case when a user wants to connect remotely to his PC over the Internet, he must indicate his public IP to communicate with the device. The easiest method to find your public IP is to use any internet browser to go to home Google page or Bing, where you need to enter in search bar"My IP" The user's external address will be the first search result.

    Please note that many Internet service providers offer clients dynamic addresses that may change periodically.

    Many services offer clients the DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) function, which will help track IP changes. Alternatively, you can contact your ISP to obtain a static address for an additional fee.

    How to forward a port on a local router?

    It is important to note that most routers have their own unique interface.

    We recommend that you consult your user manual to learn how you can change your port forwarding settings. For permission third party connections To another computer on a private network using the Internet, you need to redirect the router port. You need to follow these steps:

    1. Launch command line.
    2. Enter the ipconfig combination and press Enter.
    3. Remember or rewrite IPv4. This address is the identifier of the PC within the network. You should also remember Default Gateway (this is the address of your router).
    4. Launch any Internet browser.
    5. Enter the router address and press Enter.
    6. Log in to the router settings using your username and password.
    7. Review the available options and find the Port Forwarding option.
    8. Check that the Port Forwarding option is active.
    9. In the port forwarding list, enter the service name. This name can be arbitrary.
    10. Specify the port range. It should match the value 3389.
    11. Enter local address IPv4 for your computer (for example,
    12. Specify a local port that will not differ from the range (3389).
    13. Select TCP protocol.
    14. Add a new rule for the router.
    15. Save the configuration.

    How to connect to a remote computer?

    Once you've set up your computer and network, allowing remote connections is fairly easy. To do this you need to follow these steps:

    1. On the device that you will use to control another computer, open the Remote Desktop application. If you do not have such a program, you can download it via Windows Store.
    2. Click the Add (+) button on the right top corner.
    3. Select the Desktop option.
    4. Enter the IP address or name of the PC you are trying to connect to. If the connection is established within a private network, then you need to enter the local IP of the target computer. If you are trying to connect to a PC via the Internet, you must enter the public address of the target computer.
    5. Click Add Account.
    6. Enter information to log into the remote computer. If you are using a Microsoft account, you will need to enter the information required to log into your account. If you are using a local account on the remote computer, you must enter the appropriate username and password to log in.
    7. Click the Save button.
    8. Use this button again to add the Remote Desktop Connection to your list.
    9. On the list available connections Select the computer you want to connect to to begin remote desktop integration.
    10. If a certificate warning from a trusted computer appears on the screen, select the Don’t Ask About This Certificate Again option.
    11. We connect by pressing the Connect button.

    If everything was done correctly, you will now be able to remotely connect to your computer via a local network or the Internet. The user can click the gear button in the upper right corner to access additional settings, which include account and session parameters. Among them you can find options for starting a new connection in full screen mode, changing display size and keyboard options.

    If you need to change settings for a specific connection, you can right-click on the computer in the list and select Edit. The Edit a Desktop section allows you to update the IP address and user account. If you click More, you will be able to configure additional options, which include the display name for the connection, gateway information, the ability to play audio from remote computer. In addition, you will be able to connect to the administration section.

    In most cases, once you have completed the necessary settings, you can launch a remote desktop connection without any problems. If this fails, it's worth trying to troubleshoot and resolve the connection issue.

    Remote connection automatically configures Windows firewall, but you can try to allow the Remote Desktop application manually.

    This setting is configured at Control Panel, System and Security, Windows Firewall, Allowed Apps. If you have a third-party firewall or antivirus, you should try disabling these programs and try to establish the connection again.

    Sometimes the lack of communication with other PCs may be the result of activity malware, which block network connections. When a connection problem cannot be solved on your own, it is recommended to seek help from specialists.

    You should not use such radical measures as making changes to the registry if you are not a professional in this field.

    In addition to using Remote Assistance, you can connect to your desktop remotely Windows user 10 using shadow RDP connection(). Most administrators have used this functionality in one way or another to connect to user sessions on terminal RDS servers with Windows Server 2012 R2 / Server 2016. However, not everyone knows that a shadow connection can be used to remotely view and interact with the user’s desktop on desktop Windows 10. Let’s look at how it works.

    As you remember, if you try to remotely connect to a Windows 10 computer via RDP, the session of the user working locally will be disconnected (even if you enable the ability to use ). However, you can connect directly to a user's console session without locking their session.

    Let's say you need to connect with Windows server Server 2012 R2 to the desktop of a user working locally on a Windows 10 workstation.

    To shadow connect to a user session, you need to use a standard RDP utility mstsc.exe. The command format is:

    Mstsc.exe /shadow: /v:<Имя или IP адрес компьютера>

    You can also use one of the options:

    • /prompt– request the name and password of the user under which the connection is being made (if not specified, the connection is made under the current user).
    • /control– mode of interaction with the user session. If the parameter is not specified, you will connect in viewing (monitoring) mode of the user session, i.e. you will not be able to control its mouse or enter data from the keyboard;
    • /noConsentPrompt– do not ask the user for confirmation to connect to the session.

    The shadow connection mode (whether it is necessary to request user confirmation, and possibly control in a session or only monitoring) is configured using group policy or editing the registry.

    The policy is in the section Computer Configuration ->Administrative Templates –> Windows components–> Remote Desktop Services –> Remote Desktop Session Host –> Connections(Policies -> Administrative Templates -> Windows components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Session Host -> Connections) and is called “ Set remote control rules for Remote Desktop Services user sessions» (Set rules for remote control of Remote Desktop Services user sessions).

    Instead of enabling the policy, you can set the dword value of the key with the name Shadow in the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services. Valid values:

    • 0 – prohibit remote control;
    • 1 — full control with the user’s permission;
    • 2 — full control without user permission;
    • 3 — session monitoring with the user’s permission;
    • 4 - monitoring a session without the user's permission.

    Default given key is not specified and the shadow connection is carried out in full control mode with the user's permission.

    To connect to a computer remotely via a shadow connection, the connecting account must have administrator rights on the computer, and Remote Desktop (RDP) must be enabled in the system properties.

    Let's remotely request a list of sessions on workstation Windows 10 with the command:

    qwinsta /server:

    As you can see, on this computer There is one user console session with ID = 1.

    So, let's try to remotely connect to a user's session via a shadow connection. Run the command:

    Mstsc /shadow:1 /v:

    A prompt will appear on the Windows 10 user's screen:

    Username is requesting to view your session remotely. You accept this request.

    If the user allows the connection, you will connect to their console session and see their desktop. You will see all the user's actions, but will not be able to interact with their session.

    Advice. To end the shadow session, press alt+* on your computer or ctrl+* on the RDS server.

    If you check the network connections using TCPView, you can see that the communication is via RemoteRPC (and not via RDP on TCP port 3389). Those. random is used for connection TCP port from high range RPC. On the side of the connecting computer, the connection is established by mstsc.exe; on the client side, the connection is processed by rdpsa.exe or rdpsaproxy.exe (depending on the Windows 10 build). Therefore, RemoteRPC must be enabled on the client:

    HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server

    Remote Desktop Shadowing functionality works in Windows 10 / 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 / 2016. For shadow connection to work on clients running Windows 7 SP1 (Windows Server 2008 R2), you need RDP client version 8.1 - so you will have to install update KB2830477 (requires KB2574819 and KB2857650 installed).

    Thus, Remote Desktop Shadowing can be used as an analogue of Remote Assistance or TeamViewer for a local or corporate network.

    Hello! We continue to disassemble the Windows 10 operating system! Today you will learn how to set up remote access on a Windows 10 computer. You can allow or disable remote control of the computer. You can limit the time of use remote assistant. To set up remote access, open the Start menu at the bottom left of the screen. In the window that opens, in the list of all applications, at the bottom of the list, open the “Windows System” tab. In the list that opens, click on the “Control Panel” tab.

    Next, the “System Properties” window will open. Here you can allow or block the connection of Remote Assistance to your computer. Click on the Advanced button to view additional options.

    Allow or deny remote control of your computer.

    You can set a time limit for how long an invitation can remain open.

    You can set invitation generation only for computers running Windows Vista or later.

    After changing the parameters, click on the - OK button.

    How to launch remote assistant Instructions Read Here!!!

    Still have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!

    Setting up remote access Windows 10 updated: February 11, 2017 by Ilya Zhuravlev


    How to remotely access your desktop in Windows 10 using the Quick Help app

    Microsoft is improving the Windows 10 operating system, not only fixing various problems, but also adding new features. With the Anniversary update operating system(version above 1607) a new application has been added - “Quick Help”. It makes it easy and quick to give a remote user access to your computer if they are also using Windows 10 required version.

    Why do you need the Quick Help utility on Windows 10?

    The Quick Help program is a built-in analogue of many other applications that offer approximately similar functionality, namely, providing access to a computer for another user over the Internet. The most famous program with similar functions is TeamViewer. However, it is not pre-installed in the operating system and requires configuration, while Quick Help requires only easy connection to the Internet.

    The Quick Help utility may be useful to a computer user:

    • When contacting operating system support. Microsoft employees, if the user is poorly versed in Windows 10, will be able to remotely connect to his computer and take the necessary actions to fix the error, diagnose or configure the PC;
    • To transfer control of the computer to another user. For example, if an employee is at home but needs work materials, another person can turn on his computer and activate remote access mode through the Quick Help application, which allows him not only to view files, but also to transfer them in both directions.

    You can think of dozens of situations where you need to get remote access to your computer, and the Quick Help application allows you to do this in a few clicks.

    How to remotely access your computer using Quick Help

    Since this utility is built into the Windows 10 operating system, you don’t need to download anything to start working with it. Simply launch it by clicking “Start” - “Accessories” - “Windows” - “Quick Help” or by typing “Quick Assist” into the search (for a non-localized version of the system).

    When the program is launched, you will need to do the following:

    How to use Quick Help on Windows 10

    When the remote user allows access to their computer, the other user's "work area" will open. In the middle of the Quick Help utility window, the image that is currently displayed on the remote computer will be displayed. A number of tools and service information will appear at the top, including:

    In addition to the indicated and obvious functions, it is also worth noting the ability to transfer files. A user who has gained remote access can copy a file on his computer, then switch to the remote PC screen and paste the previously copied file into the desired directory.

    It is important to note that at any time, a user who is providing remote access to their computer can close the Quick Help application to turn off the broadcast.


    Quick Help feature for remotely accessing your computer in Windows 10

    Windows 10 allows you to remotely control other computers running the same version of the operating system. This feature is built into the system and is easier to use than in previous versions of Windows. No installation required additional programs, we can control someone else's computer or ask someone to remotely restore our operating system over the Internet.

    Built-in remote control feature in Windows 10

    Remote control of other computers is useful in many situations. For example, if you have problems with the operating system and you cannot solve them yourself, you can turn to an acquaintance or friend, who also does not have to come to your home. It is enough to give him remote access to your desktop so that he can connect and manage it via the Internet.

    Typically used for such purposes TeamViewer program, which allows you to control a remote PC. But for users who have Windows 10 with the Anniversary Update installed, it will be much easier to gain remote access without installing additional programs. Remote Desktop is built into the OS, and Windows 10 makes it much easier to use than it once was in the form of Quick Help.

    Setting up remote access in Windows 10

    But before we begin, let's pay attention to the following. This feature requires both users to have the Anniversary Update installed.

    Connecting in Windows 10 works a little differently than with programs like TeamViewer. TeamViewer operates on the principle that the user who provides access to his computer must register and receive an ID and password for it. He then sends the received data to a friend whom he wants to give remote access to.

    In Windows 10, everything is reversed - a user who wants to connect to a remote computer takes the first step by registering as an assistance provider. In this way, you receive a unique 6-digit code that is valid for 10 minutes. Then the one who needs remote support enters the code on himself, thereby initiating a connection between two computers. Let's look at the connection process step by step.

    Step 1 - Actions for a user who wants to control a remote computer

    A user who needs access to a remote PC needs to go to the Start menu - Accessories and select the "Quick Help" option. After enabling this function, you need to select the “Give assistance” option and log in using your account Microsoft entry. Once logged in, a 6-digit code will be displayed.

    The code is valid for 10 minutes and acts as a user ID required to connect to another computer. The code must be sent to someone who wants to provide remote access to their device.

    Step 2 - Actions of the user who provides access to his PC

    A user who wants to provide access to his computer needs to obtain and copy a 6-digit code. Then go to the Start menu - Accessories and select the "Quick Help" option. After enabling this option, you need to select “Get Help”.

    A window will appear where you will need to enter the user ID to whom we want to provide remote access. After entering the 6-digit code, the connection process will begin. When a message appears asking if we want to allow other users to connect to our computer, select Allow.

    Providing help in Windows 10

    If 10 minutes have not passed and the code is still valid, then the connection between the computers will be established and the user from the first step will see on his screen the desktop of the person from the second step. Now you can control the mouse and keyboard and perform any operations on the remote PC.

    As noted above, this function is primarily intended for receiving/giving quick help. If your friend has problems, for example with viruses, Windows operation or something doesn’t work out for him, instead of explaining it to him in Skype or another messenger, you should simply ask him for remote access and perform the appropriate actions for him.

    The easiest way to connect to a remote computer

    If you or someone you know has a different Windows version or having problems with installation Anniversary updates Update, you will have to consider other connection options.

    There are many applications and programs for remote desktop management. Some require fine tuning and are not very clear to novice users. However, there is one program that is very simple and amazingly effective.

    We will talk about AnyDesk, which is very popular and stands out among similar programs. First of all, it is very easy to use, and the connection between computers is similar to a Skype call. The program does not require any settings (just dial the unique number of the user whose computer you want to connect to). In addition, the program is portable, which means that it can be run on any PC without installation, for example, from a flash drive.

    After launching AnyDesk, the main window will open, divided into two parts - one concerns your computer, the second serves to seize control of another PC.

    In the "Data" section workplace» is your AnyDesk address. It allows other users to connect to your computer. That is, in order for someone to gain remote access to your PC, give them this address. This address may also be required if you need to connect to your home computer, for example, from work.

    The “Other Workplace” section is intended for establishing a connection with a remote PC. To establish a connection, simply enter the address (identifier) ​​of the remote computer and click on the “Connect” button. A window will appear on the remote PC with information that someone is trying to establish a connection with it. The user must allow the connection by clicking on the “Accept” button.

    The remote desktop will appear in the AnyDesk window. Now you can run programs on it, view files and perform any operations.

    Connecting to a home computer

    To remotely access your home PC, you need to enable the uncontrolled access feature. This function allows you to make a connection without confirmation of the call by the receiving party.

    On home computer Go to the program settings and then to the “Security” tab. In the “Access while away” section, check the “Allow uncontrolled access” option and enter a strong password in the field.

    Now, when you try to connect to your home PC desktop from your workstation, you will be prompted to enter a password. After entering it you will receive full access over your home PC.


    How to enable remote access to administrative shares in Windows 10

    I encountered the problem that I cannot remotely connect to the default administrative shares (the ones with the dollar) on a computer with Windows 10 under a user belonging to the group local administrators. Moreover, under the built-in local administrator account (it is disabled by default), such access works.

    A little more detail about what the problem looks like. I'm trying to access the built-in administrative resources from a remote computer Windows computer 10 member of a workgroup (with the firewall disabled) in this way:

    • \\win10_pc\C$
    • \\win10_pc\D$
    • \\win10_pc\IPC$
    • \\win10_pc\Admin$

    In the authorization window I enter the name and password of an account that is in the local group Windows administrators 10, to which an access error appears (Access is denied). However, access to shared network folders and printers on Windows 10 works fine. Access to administrative resources under the built-in administrator account also works. If this computer is included in the domain Active Directory, then under domain accounts with administrator rights, access to admin shares is also not blocked.

    The point is another aspect of the security policy that appeared in UAC - the so-called Remote UAC (User Account Control for remote connections), which filters access tokens local records and Microsoft accounts, blocking remote administrative access to such accounts. When accessing under a domain account, this restriction is not imposed.

    You can disable Remote UAC by creating system registry LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy parameter

    Advice. This operation slightly reduces the security level of the system.

    After downloading, try to remotely open the C$ administrative directory on your Windows 10 computer. Log in under account member of the local administrators group. An Explorer window should open with the contents of the C:\ drive.

    So, we figured out how to use the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy parameter to allow remote access to hidden admin resources for all local administrators of a Windows computer. These instructions also apply to Windows 8.x, 7 and Vista.


    How to set up Windows 10 Remote Desktop

    Not every user knows how to properly connect a remote desktop and start working with it. Setting up this useful tool Makes working at the computer much easier. It is possible not to be at the location of the machine, but to control all important functions at a distance. This is especially true in large organizations and complex structures. home network.

    Therefore, we will consider the issue more carefully in the article below. Of course, you can also use special programs, which implement remote desktop, but you still need to know about standard Windows tools 10. After all, it’s extra software- This extra load on axis resources, and the use of native utilities has already been optimized. Setting up the desktop is not very difficult and is very similar to organizing the desktop in Windows 8. This is natural, because the 10th generation draws many positive aspects from previous versions.


    To implement this functionality, it is important to carry out preliminary preparation. It is important to configure the computers for successful communication. The connection within the desktop is carried out using the RDP protocol over one local network. At home, it’s a single router for all devices. It is also possible to implement a single table via a global network. To connect directly, you only need to find out the computer address (its IP). It is known that in a home environment such an address is constantly subject to change, so it’s worth making it static first:

    • You should go to the control panel.
    • Open Network and Sharing Center and shared access.
    • Right-click on the local network connection and select Details from the context menu.
    • Here we look at the IP address data.
    • We exit the window and open Properties.

    See also: Setting up tiles in Windows 10

    • A list of components that support the selected connection will appear. Select Internet Protocol version 4.
    • Click on the Properties button.
    • Click OK, then OK again.

    That's it, a static address has been assigned to the computer. If this is not done, then every time the IP is reset, the connection will be broken.

    You can try to do this through a router. Almost all models allow you to assign a specific address to the equipment. Naturally, this topic is only for those people who are able to cope with such equipment. You can search for articles in global network, which will answer the question of how IP fixation is implemented in a particular router.


    The remote desktop itself in the operating room Windows system 10 does not start, it still needs to be allowed to connect via the RDP protocol:

    • Go to the control panel and click on System.
    • On the left there will be a list in which you need to select Setting up remote access.

    The Settings window will open, in which you should click Allow remote connections to this computer and Allow remote assistance connections to this computer. It is better to specifically register those users who will connect to the machine. It is also possible to specifically create a user for whom desktop settings will be relevant.


    Now you don't need to install additional software to use the remote desktop. Just go to Windows search 10 or any other operating system to find the control - remote desktop. After this, the connection utility starts.