• How to change the App Store language to Russian on iPhone and iPad? How to change the country in the App Store in a minute, and what the consequences may be

    Please note that this article talks about how to change your account country in App Store(iTunes) with the transfer of all your purchases. If you just need to download a game or program from another country's App Store, then you just need to create an Apple ID of another country.

    If your App Store just became English, then you need to follow the link from any mobile browser to any free iOS application, available only in the Russian App Store. For example, as suggested in the comments below, Vogue Russia magazine. And now about how to thoroughly change the country of your account in the App Store.

    How to change your account country in the App Store (iTunes)

    Any mobile device, endowed operating system, will remain unclaimed if it does not have an application store. Would you buy your iPhone if it could only make calls? I think not. The AppStore contains hundreds of thousands of applications, any of which you can easily install on your device. But there are exceptions related to regional differences in store versions, and because of this, many users, including me, registered their first account in the American AppStore.

    But Apple does not stand still, the company is developing and at the same time improving its influence in other countries. Translation of the AppStore into rubles and low prices for music in the iTunes Store are the main arguments that cancel the need for an American account and push us to move to the Russian segment.

    But how can you painlessly switch from an American account to a Russian one, keeping all your applications? This is exactly what this article will discuss.


  • If you just need to switch the country, and not change the account ownership, then the answer to your question is at the very end of the article.

  • Before you start emigrating from an American to a Russian AppStore account, it’s worth touching on three important aspects:
    1. All money available in the account Necessarily must be spent, you should end up with an account with absolutely zero credit. And this is usually a problem because you might have, say, twenty-five cents left in your account, and therefore you can't spend it, since the cheapest app in the AppStore costs $0.99. I will write how to get out of this situation later, but for now let’s move on to the second point.
    2. All services that imply a temporary period, be it iTunes Match or additional space in iCloud, will have to be either deleted or cancelled. Unfortunately, you will not be able to continue using these services in the Russian segment of the AppStore; you will have to reactivate them separately. However, do not be upset, Apple technical support can voluntarily reimburse you for part of the money spent.
    3. You will need to immediately connect a valid bank card to your updated account. In the case of Russia, this will not be a problem, since any card from most domestic banks, a QIWI wallet, or a ruble gift card will do iTunes card Gift Card. This is very logical, because why change the AppStore region if you are not a paying AppStore user.

    Let's go

    First, let's consider the case when you have an American AppStore account, want to switch to the Russian segment, and have a problem with the balance in your account.

    Help and click on Support Contact Support and then iTunes Store.

    Account Management This topic is not listedI need to remove my store credit» and confirm your request.

    I need to remove my store credit. Thank you!».

    As a result, you will receive a letter stating that your account has been reset. Look at iTunes and check your balance, if there is no money left in your account, then you can proceed to next stage- change the account country.

    Now we will consider the case if temporary services such as iTunes Match.

    The presence of this subscription slightly complicates the procedure for switching to the Russian segment of the AppStore. First, you should download your entire media library from iTunes Match, this is provided that you do not have backup cloud media library on any local media. The following steps are similar to those done when resetting your account.

    We launch it on our computer iTunes and open the main country of the iTunes Store. At the very bottom, we find the column Help and click on Support. Next you will be redirected to the browser page iTunes Support, where you will need to select the item at the very bottom Contact Support and then iTunes Store.

    Next, you need to select the item on the left Account Management and click on the circle with the inscription This topic is not listed. In the text area that appears, write “ ", so that along with deactivation of the service, your account balance will also be reset. Confirm.

    You will see a form in which you need to enter your first and last name, please note that the entered data must completely match those in your account. Next, provide an email address where you can be contacted, and postal address to which your American account was registered directly. In the drop-down menu, select United States, and below, in the text area, write the following " I need to disable iTunes Match subscription", to disable the service, or " I need to remove my store credit and disable iTunes Match and all other subscriptions", so that along with deactivation of the service, your account balance will also be reset.

    After all these procedures, you will be given a unique number to contact the service Apple support, and a notification about your placement in the queue will be sent to your email address. You will have to wait approximately 12 to 24 hours if you apply on a regular day, and up to three days if you submit your application on pre-holiday days.

    After some time, you will receive the mail will come a letter in which you will be required to confirm the disabling of the iTunes Match service, you need to send a message to the address from which you received the notification " I’m sure I need to cancel my subscription and recieve a partial refund. Everything I need from iTunes Match is already downloaded”, in which you acknowledge the suspension of service and also request a refund.

    Receiving the next letter notifying you of the suspension iTunes services Match, as well as refunds, can range from three hours to... three weeks. Such a long time interval is due to the fact that technical support does not have the right to write a check for a certain amount, so your request must go through a whole filter of various bureaucratic procedures. In turn, you just have to wait for the treasured letter.

    Changing the App Store country

    All that remains is to cross the finish line - change country AppStore account. Let me remind you that in order to change the “residence” of your account, you need to disable temporary services, such as iTunes Match, and also reset your account. All this is described in detail above. Bye America, hello Russia!

    On iTunes. Launch iTunes on your computer and open the main country of the iTunes Store. At the very bottom, find the Manage column and click on Account. We confirm your password, and in the Account Information window that opens, look for the Country/Region line. Click on the Change Country or Region button and then, in the Select a country of region drop-down menu, select Russia. We confirm and agree with license agreement Apple. Then all you have to do is choose a payment method and that’s it, you’ve successfully changed your American account to a Russian one.

    In the App Store on iOS. We go along the following path: Settings -iTunes Store, App Store - Apple ID - view Apple ID - country/region. Select the desired country.


    If you haven’t found an answer to your question or something didn’t work out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through ours. It's fast, simple, convenient and doesn't require registration. You will find answers to your and other questions in the section.

    Famous store Apple called the App Store - a place where everyone will find something interesting for themselves. It houses several hundred thousand different games and planners. And the best thing is why people love it so much Apple technology, all these programs can be downloaded without viruses. Simple account settings - and you're in the magical App Store. But sometimes there is a need to change some account settings (for example, language, country or region). It's not that difficult to do.

    One option: change your place of residence. Logical. But there is another equally important reason. Not everyone Apple user knows that the company offers different products for countries. That is, the programs that are available for, for example, Spaniards will not always be available to the Japanese. Simply put, the desire to change the country, region (and, as a result, language) is often necessary in order to download some application that is not available in your location.

    It is important to know that changing the country in the App Store (iTunes) without changing the Apple ID is impossible, that is, changing the country occurs in the Apple ID.

    A few more important points:

  • When changing the region settings, the billing address specified previously will also change;
  • you have to choose new way payments (they are not the same in different regions, for example, in Germany, users can only pay for purchases using German cards);
  • programs purchased earlier (when a different country was specified) will no longer appear in the “Purchases” section;
  • in iCloud, in the “Media Library” section, files downloaded in the previous region will disappear.
  • Change country

    The process of changing settings to different devices will be different. Although this is not particularly convenient, it is very logical, given the different operating systems.

    On iPhone, iPod touch and iPad devices

  • The very first thing to do is open the Settings menu.

    First you need to click on the gear wheel to open the menu iPhone settings, iPod touch and iPad

    Then you need to carefully look at the “Settings” menu

  • After that, select the “iTunes Store and App Store” column.

    Select the column “ iTunes Settings Store and App Store"

  • Next, you need to select an Apple ID or log in with it if you have not previously used your identification login on the device.

    View your Apple ID or sign in to your account

  • A window opens, in which you click “View Apple ID.”
  • Click the "Country/Region" button.

    Select the country and region in Apple settings id

  • Next, you need to click on “Change country or region.”
  • Select the options you want and click Next.
  • Read the terms of the privacy policy and accept them by clicking the “I Accept” column.
  • Set up a payment method by choosing the most convenient one for you.
  • Enter the address for providing invoices.
  • On a Mac or Windows computer

  • Open iTunes.

    First, open iTunes

  • Next, click “ Account».
  • Then "View".
  • Next, the same course of action as in iPhone devices, iPad and iPod touch. Select the country/region, click “Change country or region”, agree to the privacy policy, select the payment method and billing address.
  • What to do if you can’t change your country/region in the App Store

    If you can't reconfigure your country and region, you may have:

  • have any iTunes Match subscription (or Apple Music, for example), which is in effect right now. In such a situation, it needs to be turned off;
  • you have an unused subscription (you can check this in the “Account” menu). In this case, you need to wait for the expiration of its validity period and only then proceed to change the region;
  • you have a film or other item with a valid expiration date. There are two options: either watch the movie, or wait until the expiration date expires;
  • there is unspent balance in the store cash. Accordingly, buy yourself something with it, and then proceed to change the region;
  • The refund is in progress and is not yet completed. You have to wait for it to pass;
  • selected region and selected credit card for shopping are not suitable for each other. In other words, you need to choose the right match between the “place of stay” and the payment method (it was already mentioned above that not all regions have the same payment method);
  • if in the family group settings you were made a participant and not an organizer. You need to either leave the family group or become its administrator.
  • We will also add that by changing the country/region, you will also change App language Store (iTunes). For different versions iOS way changes will be the same. Of course, iOS 7 and iOS 10 have different menus, but the sequence of actions and the names of the items you will look for are similar.

    Video: how to change the store language in the App Store (iTunes), change the country and region

    So, we see that through simple manipulations, we can turn ourselves into the owner of programs, games and applications that are inaccessible to uninitiated people. Go ahead, let everything work out for you.

    “Has the language of iTunes/AppStore changed?”, “For some reason everything in iTunes/AppStore has become in English?”, “How to return Russian iTunes/AppStore?” – these and other similar questions are often asked by users in our VKontakte group. Below we will tell you how to return everything to its place.

    There are many reasons for changing the language in the iTunes/AppStore, but most are the work of the users themselves. Most often this happens due to the desire to download an application or other content that is not in the Russian section of the store.

    How to change the store language to Russian:

    Changing the country/region occurs in the account settings Apple records ID. There are two ways to get to the settings:

    • Opening standard application Settings -> iTunes and AppStore -> click on your Apple ID -> View Apple ID
    • Open iTunes or AppStore on home page-> scroll to the very bottom -> click on your Apple ID -> View Apple ID

    Next, enter your Apple ID password, if required. Go to the Country/Region tab and click Change Country or Region. Choose Russia (or any other country in which you live). Click Next. Read Apple's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Click Accept, indicating your agreement with this document. Next, enter the data into the required fields, which differ from similar fields in a store in another country. Don’t forget, if you have a card linked to your Apple ID, then it must have at least one ruble on it (or another minimum unit of payment in your country) to check its solvency. Click Next again. The inscription “Your Apple ID is now ready to use in the iTunes Store” tells us that we have successfully completed the country and language change.

    Articles and Lifehacks

    Changing the language is a necessary condition in the event that even such “smart” technology as an iPhone or iPad offers its owner an unfamiliar language. Often those how to change language in App Store, users who bought the device abroad are interested. Unfamiliar words and phrases cause a lot of inconvenience, but the problem is easy to solve.

    How to change the App Store language to Russian

    To do this, you can use a computer and installed there iTunes application. Go to the “Account” menu through the section with quick links and log in using your ID. We are interested in " Apple review ID", since this is where you can find information about the specified country. If you need the Russian language, naturally, “Russia” must be indicated in this column - otherwise it will not be possible to install it. If the user sees a different country, this information must be changed.

    To change the language from a smartphone or tablet under iOS control, go to the device settings and go to the store menu. Click on your ID and select “View Apple ID.” A window will open where you should select the already familiar “Country/Region” item (it is located under “Apple ID” and “Payment Information”, third from the top). They change the country by accepting the new terms of the user agreement, and also decide on the payment method. Please note that changing your country will disable subscription renewals in automatic mode. Confirm the changes made by clicking “Done”.

    So, we figured out how to change the language in the App Store. But what if the account has not yet been created? It’s better to immediately make sure that everything is done correctly. The same applies to the option without “linking” a credit card.

    How to initially create an App Store in Russian, so as not to change it, without a map

    To begin with, you should take care of stable internet connection. One more thing important condition: even before registration begins, you need to download any free application. Open the store application on the device and select “Top Free” - the section that contains the best free programs(you can find it in “Top-25”). Now we are looking for a program that is suitable for our iOS versions. Click the “Free” button, which means “Free”, and confirm the installation by clicking the “Install” button. After this, the authorization window should appear. We choose to create a new identifier and indicate Russia as the country. Otherwise, the registration process is no different from registering with a card - until the user is asked to select a payment method (“payment type” in English). Select “None”, that is, “Not one”.

    At the end, all we have to do is follow the link in the email from the support service, thereby confirming the registration. As soon as the address email will be confirmed, you can start using the store in Russian. Let us remind you: account, account, identifier and Apple ID are the same thing.

    Apple technology is stable and practical to use. However, sometimes there is a need to change the region or language on the device. For example, if you are going abroad or have been brought a smartphone activated in another country, then the first thing you should do is change the data in your account and some Apple services. This nuance is explained by the fact that the ability to make purchases in the App Store, as well as the operation of previously installed applications from the store, is directly related to the region and language settings.

    Why do you need to change your location in the App Store (iTunes)

    There are several reasons why you might want to change your current location information:

    • change of place of residence or temporary stay in another country. In this case, problems may arise when paying for new purchases, since payments are available in different countries. various ways implementation of payments. At the same time, when you change location, you can switch the App Store interface language;
    • Applications not available in your country. If you change the location, many previously blocked programs will become available.

    It is worth noting that after recent innovations, when editing information about a country, you must enter the number bank card, issued exactly in the state that you indicate. Apple did this in order to deceive the store and make any fraud with changing the currency much more difficult and almost impossible.

    When you change information in iTunes or the App Store, you automatically edit it in your main Apple ID account.

    How to change country, select another region and language in the App Store (iTunes)

    Apple developers have provided the ability to change location settings both from portable devices, and from a computer.

    How to change the Apple store language from Russian to English via a smartphone or tablet

    If you want to correct your location data when iPhone help, iPad or iPod touch, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Settings app.
    2. Go to the "iTunes Store, App Store" section.
    3. Click on your unique Apple ID.
    4. Select View Apple ID.
    5. In the “Account” section that opens, go to the “Country/Region” subsection.
    6. Read the warning and confirm the action.
    7. In the list that opens, select the desired country and click the “Finish” button. Remember that the interface language of the entire store will change to the main language of the country you have chosen (from English to Russian and vice versa).
    8. Read the iTunes Store terms and conditions and confirm your choice.
    9. Now be sure to enter your bank card number. Each card contains unique code, which stores a lot of information, including data about the country in which the card was issued. Therefore, if you enter a card from another country, the operation will not be considered completed.

      To complete the setup of the new country, you must add a payment method

    10. Receive a notification about a successful transaction and click the “Start shopping” button.
    11. After this, you can unlink the attached card by going to the “Payment Information” section and in the “Payment Method” item, checking the box next to the word “No”.

    How to set up the country and switch the language in the app store via a computer

    Now let's look at how to set the country or language via Mac OS or Windows:

    1. On your computer or laptop, open iTunes.
    2. Click on your account icon.
    3. Go to the "Account Information" section.
    4. On the right side of the screen, click the "Change Country or Region" button.
    5. In the drop-down list, select the country you need and click the “Change” button. Remember that the main interface language of the entire store will change to the main language of the state you choose.
    6. Confirm that you have read the rules.
    7. Enter the bank card number issued in the country you selected.
    8. Receive a notification about a successful operation.

    If you are unable to enter the card number issued in new country, then the only way out is to start new Apple ID and when registering, indicate the place you want to make the main one. In this case, you will not need to confirm your location data.

    Video: how to change the country in your iTunes store account

    Why problems arise when setting location settings on iPhone: what to do and how to fix them

    If, when changing a country or region, errors occur that interfere with the process, the reason may be the following:

    In addition, you may have one or more active subscriptions. To verify this, follow these steps:

    1. Launch the iTunes application.

      Interface iTunes programs understandable on an intuitive level

    2. Expand the “Account” menu and select the “View” section.

      Selecting the “View” section from the “Account” drop-down list

    3. Go to the "Store" section.