• How to disassemble an Asus laptop battery: repair without disastrous consequences

    How to repair your laptop battery

    Modern man is becoming more and more mobile in all spheres of life. And if just recently they were in fashion desktop computers, then laptops have now firmly entered into everyday life. With their help, you can carry all your documents, contacts, programs with you on business trips or on vacation. Also, with a laptop, you always have multimedia entertainment and games at your fingertips. You can take your laptop with you on the plane and watch your favorite movies during the flight. But all this is only possible if the laptop has a working battery. When a laptop battery dies, it becomes a desktop tethered to an outlet. If the battery fails, you can buy a new one. But a situation may arise when batteries for your laptop model are no longer produced due to its obsolescence. Then you can start repairing the battery. Today we will talk about how to repair a laptop battery.

    Modern laptop models come with . The service life of batteries of this type is 400-500 charge-discharge cycles. After this, the battery loses more than half of its original capacity and offline mode works less than an hour. In terms of time, this can range from 1 to 4 years, depending on the intensity of use. You can read more about batteries using the links provided.

    A laptop battery usually contains from 4 to 8 battery cells (less often it can be 2 or 12) and a controller. The latter controls the charging and discharging processes of these battery cells. Laptop battery repair may be required in the following cases:
    • wear of battery cells. Or failure of individual cans. Precisely individual lithium batteries (cans) as part of the battery. At the same time, the controller remains in working condition, and repairs come down to replacing the cans, also called “repacking” the battery;
    • deep discharge of battery cells. In this case, the problem is that the controller is blocking the charging of the cans. Battery repair in this case can be reduced to balancing the entire assembly using a special charger or to charging each element separately;
    • failure of the controller or its individual elements. The controller is printed circuit board. If it breaks (for example, some elements burn out), repair comes down to replacing it.

    The image above shows the components of a typical battery laptop.

    Tools to fix your laptop battery

    To repair a laptop battery, you may need the following:

    • Knife, scalpel, screwdriver and other tools for opening the battery case;
    • Soldering iron, soldering acid, tin;
    • Multimeter;
    • Multifunctional charger(balance). Example, ;
    • New lithium battery cells, glue, electrical tape.

    As for replacement lithium batteries, they must have similar electrical characteristics. Ideally, these should be the same batteries, only new ones.

    DIY laptop battery repair

    Disassembling the battery case

    This stage is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Laptop battery cases are mostly joined using glue. This makes them extremely unrepairable. There are models that are assembled with latches, but this is an exception to the rule. There are even cases made of solid plastic. In order to get to the battery cells in such models, you will have to cut them and glue them together after repair.

    But most battery cases are held on with glue. To disassemble them, it is recommended to slightly heat the plastic along the seam and lightly tap it with a hammer. Next, use a scalpel, knife, or screwdriver to pry the plastic along the seam and gradually open the case. Control the force so as not to pierce the plastic and damage the lithium cells. This may cause them to ignite.

    After disassembling the case, first of all carry out visual inspection battery assembly.

    Check the controller for burnt-out elements and the batteries themselves. Normal jars should not have any smudges, swelling or damage.

    If the controller is alive and the battery cells are deeply discharged, then there will be voltage at the terminals. It will be significantly below par, but will definitely be present. If there is no voltage at all, then this indicates problems with the controller or a break in the battery assembly circuit. In case of a deep discharge, you can try to get by with “little blood”. That is, unsolder one wire from the controller and connect iMax B6 (or other similar device) in balancing mode. Before this, you will still need to find balancing points on the controller board to connect the device.

    If this does not work, then you will have to disassemble the assembly, unsolder the battery cells and work with each one separately. If they can be brought out of their stupor, then good. If not, then battery repair will involve replacing the cells.

    Replacing battery cells

    If you have to change the battery cells in the battery, first draw up an assembly diagram for your battery. That is, sketch the arrangement of the elements with the designation of positive and negative terminals. Also mark on paper the connection of the assemblies, the places where they are soldered to the controller board. Remember where the temperature sensor was soldered in the circuit, if your battery has one.

    Before repairing laptop batteries, you need to purchase new batteries that are similar in parameters to your old cells. The jar in the laptop battery represents the .

    It is difficult to give advice for all occasions. You need to look at what kind of batteries are in each specific case. Most often they put in a laptop battery lithium batteries 18650 with a voltage of 3.7 volts and a capacity of 2200 mAh (2400, 2600).

    Once new batteries have been found, you can begin replacing the elements.

    The cans in the assembly are connected using spot welding. This will be difficult to implement at home. Therefore, connecting new batteries to the battery circuit is done by simple soldering, and copper wires can be used instead of tape. Ideally, when disassembling the battery, leave pieces of tape at the ends of working batteries so that you can solder them later. When you solder wires to the banks, try to do it carefully and quickly so as not to overheat them. Once the assembly is ready, solder the controller.

    Over time, the laptop battery loses its original capacity, which affects the duration battery life devices. If your laptop operates on a full charge for about an hour or completely stops turning on without a connected power adapter, do not rush to purchase new battery, in some cases it is possible to restore the laptop battery yourself.

    Battery calibration using a special utility

    If your battery starts to drain too quickly, the first thing to do is calibrate it. Most reliable way– is to use special utility, which is called differently depending on the manufacturer. For example, for Lenovo laptops it is Energy Management, for Aser it is Aser Care Center. The idea is that you need to start a mode through the utility that will first completely discharge the battery and then fully charge it. During calibration, do not unplug the power adapter, cut off the power supply, or use the laptop. The process can take from 2 to 10 hours. In some cases, calibration helps restore the device's former autonomy.

    Restoring a laptop battery - opening the battery

    If the calibration did not give the desired results or, as described earlier, the laptop does not work on battery power until the power adapter is connected, it is time to start repairing the battery.

    Required tools:

    • breadboard knife;
    • multimeter;
    • soldering iron with a power not exceeding 40 W;
    • several 21 W car light bulbs;
    • cyanoacrylate glue.

    Since laptop batteries are made non-removable, you will have to use a breadboard knife or other sharp object to open its case. Find the seam on the battery and carefully cut it. Do this carefully to avoid damaging internal components.

    Before you start further actions, be sure to determine the type of battery you have, as this will affect the recovery process. If the laptop is new, then most likely you have a lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery, and if the laptop is older than 3-4 years, it may be a nickel metal hydride (NiMH).

    Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Reconditioning


    1. count the number of batteries inside the battery case;
    2. multiply the resulting value by 1.2 to set the nominal battery voltage;
    3. Solder car light bulbs to the extreme terminals of series-connected batteries;
    4. on the multimeter, set the measurement limit to 20 V and check the voltage on the light bulbs - if it is equal to the nominal, go to the sixth point (in the case when the battery voltage corresponds to the nominal, but the laptop does not turn on, this indicates a problem with the controller);
    5. if the voltage is less than the nominal one, set the measurement limit on the multimeter to 2000 mV, and then check the voltage on individual elements, making marks, for example with a marker, on those whose voltage is less than 1.1 V (if any are found, you will have to replace all elements);
    6. attach to each element batteries a light bulb with soldered wires and leave it for about 10 hours until it is completely discharged;
    7. then, using the laptop power supply and a light bulb connected in series to the battery cells, raise the voltage of each cell to 1.1 V, then fully charge the battery;
    8. repeat the cycle complete discharge and charge two more times;
    9. glue the case together and check the functionality of the battery by connecting it to the laptop.

    If the described method does not bring results, you will have to change all the batteries at once. Nickel-metal hydride batteries from Sanyo with a capacity of 2100 mAh are ideal. When replacing, do not use a soldering iron to connect batteries in a chain. Instead, make contact holders and solder connecting wires to them.

    Lithium Ion Battery Reconditioning

    These batteries are dangerous, so be extremely careful when repairing them. Be sure to make sure the battery is completely discharged before starting.

    Repair instructions:

    1. determine the nominal voltage of the battery by counting the number of batteries and multiplying the resulting value by 3.7;
    2. solder the bulbs to extreme exits series connected elements;
    3. check the voltage - if it corresponds to the nominal voltage, then proceed to the fifth step (note that if the laptop does not work on battery power, the controller is most likely faulty);
    4. if the voltage is less than the nominal one, you must first unsolder the controller, and then all the elements from each other and check the voltage of each individually, while all elements with a voltage significantly less than 3.7 V should be replaced with new ones;
    5. using a light bulb, discharge all batteries to 3.2 V;
    6. then glue the battery case, insert it into the laptop and carry out the full charging process.

    Another problem that arises with lithium-ion and lithium polymer batteries, if they have not been used for a long time, this is a decrease in voltage to a level below the threshold at which the protective controller is triggered. In this case, the battery does not charge, and the voltage at its contacts is zero. To solve the problem, you need to connect the laptop's power supply to the serial chain of battery cells through a 5 W light bulb and charge the battery to a voltage of 3.4 V per cell.

    The built-in battery allows the laptop to work autonomously for about 3-4 hours. The battery often serves well for no more than three to four years, but sometimes problems begin much earlier. A bad battery significantly affects the performance of the laptop. The first sign of a malfunction is an alert from the operating system with a recommendation to replace the battery. The message appears when the battery capacity is already quite reduced and it cannot work fully.

    "Composition" of the battery on a laptop

    It’s logical to start with the “composition” of the battery on this portable device.

    The battery is made up of four to eight chargeable cells placed and soldered in a case. This often leads to the false conclusion that replacing the battery on a laptop is the only way out of the situation when the device malfunctions and does not work properly; functionality can be restored in other ways.

    The battery is powered by built-in batteries larger size, than finger ones, they differ from finger ones in capacity. Thanks to such elements, it is possible to restore the battery by replacing faulty batteries with new ones.

    The main element of the battery is a microcircuit or microcontroller. This element is responsible for the operation of the battery, and also displays all the characteristics on the screen (state of charge, battery temperature, and so on).

    Possible causes of malfunctions

    Today's laptops use lithium-ion and nickel-metal hydride batteries. These types of batteries have replaced nickel-cadmium batteries due to their greater capacity and the absence of the so-called memory effect.
    Lithium-ion batteries deteriorate quite often and relatively easily - they do not tolerate extreme heat or cold, and you also need to be careful with charging. If the battery is over-discharged, it may fail. Also, do not charge it for too long - this can also affect its performance. Another reason that can easily ruin a battery is lack of use. If the battery is in the laptop case, but the computer is running on mains power, or if the laptop has simply not been used for a long time, the battery often cannot provide the same performance.

    A short circuit can even provoke an explosion. That is why a microcontroller is needed that regulates the operation of all elements and also protects against possible emergency situations.

    However, if the battery holds its charge much worse, if previously you could use the computer offline for about 2 hours, but now the battery usage time barely reaches thirty minutes, and the system displays familiar messages, something should be done.


    Laptop battery repair

    1. Calibration Repairs can be carried out by calibration, which is performed by programs from the manufacturer. The purpose of this operation is to eliminate inconsistency in the operation of the microcontroller and the battery power supply. Quite often, the battery capacity instantly drops to 30%, and this method allows you to restore functionality;
    2. Recovery. Elements that no longer function are removed and replaced, then soldered into an electrical circuit;
    3. It is necessary to reprogram the device with further calibration. In this way you can return the battery to service;
    4. Replacement. If calibration and restoration do not work, then you cannot do without replacing the battery.

    Algorithm for disassembling the battery on a laptop

    1. We completely discharge the battery, and then remove it;
    2. Open the battery cover. To do this, you need to know how to disassemble the battery on a laptop. You will need a thin knife blade and a small hammer. Lightly tap the battery case around the edges and insert the knife shallowly into the plastic cover. We do everything carefully so as not to get hurt. We carry out the operation two or three times until the body cracks, then we separate it into two parts. Take your time and remember to be careful. If you overdo it and do not calculate the force, you can damage the case and the batteries inside. Lithium batteries contain elements harmful to health. If you insert the blade too deep, you can easily damage the controller and other elements. In this case, there is no need to continue repairs; you can immediately save money for a new battery;
    3. The board on the left monitors the battery's actions, this important device with a microcontroller and memory elements that store information about the operation of the device, charge cycles, as well as other battery elements, they are on the right. There is no need to rush to disconnect these particles from general scheme. First you need to measure the voltage level on each element. On one pair the voltage, for example, can be 1.2 volts, and on the others - 3.3;
    4. We select replacement elements and prepare them for installation. Remember the main rule: all elements must have the same capacity and type; it’s great if all the particles are from the same batch. We recommend taking several elements in reserve;
    All elements must have the same resistance. They need to be installed only when discharged, approximately 3.6 V.

    Products are often sold charged. Then you should use a 5-10 Ohm resistor. We discharge the elements all together, connecting them in parallel (“+” to “+”, “-” to “-”).

    Let us immediately note why it is extremely undesirable to install charged elements. If you insert charged cells, the device will attempt to charge the cells. If the charge does not go (and it will not go, because there is nowhere else to go), then the system will perceive the elements as inoperative or continue charging, which can lead to quite serious consequences - failure of the laptop or even a fire.

    1. If the preparation is complete, you can begin installing new elements;
    We carry out the replacement in the following order: first we remove unnecessary elements (you need to start from the largest “+” to the smallest). New elements are placed in the reverse order - we install the element that is on the right, with “earth” first, then “+”, then we insert the following particles in turn. Next, you need to check the quality of the work performed and soldering.
    1. Now you also need to carefully return the case to initial state, put the covers back in place, then insert the battery into your laptop. Connect an external power source and charge.

    Attention! Do not leave the device unattended when charging for the first time. Monitor the temperature of the charging battery to prevent overheating. If you notice any problems, immediately turn off the power and remove the battery from the computer.

    After completing the charging procedure, we check the functionality of the battery. Battery life should increase significantly - by an average of an hour and a half.

    If everything went well, the performance of the device is increased - congratulations on completing the work!


    Let's note a few tips for using the battery on a laptop in order to extend its performance.

    1. If the laptop often runs on an external power source, it is better to remove the battery and store it separately in a cool place. But don’t forget to “drive” the battery. At least several times a month it is necessary to completely discharge and charge the battery. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if it refuses to work after a break in use;
    2. The display consumes a lot of power, so if you want to increase the battery life of the laptop, reduce the brightness to optimal;
    3. Wireless networks also have a big impact on battery life. It is advisable to turn off Wi-Fi when not in use. If possible, use wired channels;
    4. We recommend using operating schemes for laptops to save energy. Operating systems already include designed circuits to save power. This will also help increase battery life.

    Asus or battery for HP can be on our own. To do this, prepare a tester or multimeter, a soldering iron (no more than 40 W), car light bulbs, a breadboard knife and superglue. First, disassemble the battery by finding the seam between the two halves of the battery and using a breadboard knife, try to carefully separate them. This is not so easy to do, since the halves are firmly glued together, but it is still possible.

    Then make sure the battery is completely discharged. To do this, connect car light bulbs to it and check the voltage using a multimeter. If the lights are on and the total voltage is equal to the number of elements multiplied by 3.7 (or more), then you can proceed to repair. If it is less, then check each one in the same way. separate element batteries and replace the faulty ones.

    Next, discharge the remaining cells, as well as the new ones that you will install in the battery. To do this, use the same car light bulbs and achieve a voltage of 3.2 V on each element. This is done so that in the future the controller will charge the battery from scratch. Then there will be no problems with the battery level.

    If the battery is not used, another malfunction may occur - the battery does not, while the voltage at its contacts is 0. Such a malfunction can be eliminated quite simply. Connect your laptop's power supply to series circuit cells through a 5 W bulb and wait until the battery voltage on each cell is 3.4 V.

    After completing the recovery procedure, begin assembling the battery. Here you will need cyanoacrylate glue to glue the two halves of the battery back together. After the glue has dried, reinsert the battery and charge it.
    Follow laptop battery guidelines to extend battery life. productive work.

    Video on the topic


    • how to restore a laptop battery

    Very often, after a short period of using a laptop with a constantly connected battery, the charge stops “holding.” As a result, the laptop's operating time without recharging is significantly reduced. But this problem can be easily corrected at home and you can restore the battery yourself. Reduction will be considered using the example of a nickel-metal hydride element.


    Determine the number of cells in the battery. To do this, disassemble it with a knife, cutting it along the visible seam. Multiply the resulting number by 1.2 and you will find out the voltage in volts. Then solder a 21 W light bulb to the contacts of the elements connected in series.

    Using a multimeter, measure the voltage of the light bulb, setting it to 20 V. If the values ​​​​match, then a faulty battery controller is to blame for the inability of your laptop, and you will have to change it. If the voltage is below 20 V, then one or more faulty battery cells are to blame.

    Only if it is assumed that the controller board is working properly does it make sense to repair the laptop battery with your own hands. If the controller is not working properly or is already blocked, then to repair such a battery you will need to program the controller, and it is cheaper to do this in a specialized workshop since programming one battery will not recoup the cost of the programmer and program.
    It is clear that you first need to remove the battery from the laptop. Next, you need to divide the plastic case into two halves and carefully remove the battery of elements with the controller board. For me, this stage was the most difficult and required non-trivial decisions. I used the following methods:

    • Crunch the battery - twirl it in your hands, twisting it diagonally in one direction, then in the other. This action can help the body halves come apart.
    • Inserting plastic card(a pick or a plastic spatula) between the body halves, try to push them apart. The main thing is to find a place where you can squeeze the card into the slot, and then walk further and further around the office.
    • In the corners of the case, the card may not have enough rigidity and then you can use a flat-head screwdriver, the main thing is to act carefully when separating the halves, because if the screwdriver comes off, you can damage your hand, controller board or battery element.

    As I already wrote, disassembling a laptop battery is often non-trivial and may require experience and ingenuity. For example, before I started practicing myself, I watched several videos on YouTube with disassembly of various laptop batteries. The more carefully you can disassemble the battery, the easier it will be to put it back together later.

    The second step is simpler, but requires care: you need to determine the connection diagram of the battery elements and connection to the controller board. It's best to take a photo of the assembly and draw it electrical diagram connections, indicate the polarity of connecting the elements.
    In the case of the Toshiba battery, the circuit for combining elements is designated as 2P3S, that is, two elements in parallel and three such blocks in series.
    Next, using a voltmeter, we confirm our circuit. First you need to determine the common point, usually on the controller board it is designated as 0V or GND, relative to it we measure the remaining voltages at the connection points of the assembly to the controller board and record the readings on the diagram. At all points relative to zero, positive voltages should be obtained; if this is not the case, then most likely there was an error in choosing the common wire. And we need to find the point with the lowest potential. Next, we check the sequential voltage increase on each sequentially connected block of elements. This increase must be positive.

    Already on at this stage Based on the voltages on the elements, one can make some assumptions about the state of the elements, for example, a voltage imbalance on blocks of elements.
    In the next photo you can see two thermal sensors glued with tape to the elements.

    Attention!!! While the controller board is connected to the elements, the elements cannot be charged or discharged external sources, you can only measure voltage. With your experiments with the controller, you can block it or even disable it.
    Attention!!! The controller must be disconnected from the assembly of elements in a strictly defined manner, otherwise it will be blocked. First you need to solder the wire (or bus) that has highest voltage, that is, the positive contact of the battery cell farthest from zero. Then the wire with maximum voltage from the remaining ones and repeat until the last wire.

    Now you can put the controller and circuit away so as not to damage or lose it.
    But now you can torture the battery elements in order to better understand what happened to the battery.