• Which version of windows is better. Which Windows is better for games - Detailed comparison of systems

    “This is one of the most popular and quite complex questions, and in this article I will try to answer it.

    The following operating systems are currently in use: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

    If you look at the statistics, today the situation looks like this: Windows 7 is the most popular so far, followed by Windows XP, then Windows 8 and end of Windows Vista.

    You can immediately thin out this list.

    Secondly, Windows Vista can be immediately excluded from the operating systems under consideration. This is an unsuccessful operating system that became a stepping stone for Windows 7, but is not of interest in itself.

    So, to select " best windows“, it is necessary to establish some criteria by which the assessment will be made. From my point of view, two such criteria can be distinguished:

    1. Computer configuration (we can say the “modernity” of the computer)
    2. Purpose of the computer

    Do not forget that the Windows operating system is just a program that has certain system requirements. That is, for the program to work, the computer must have a certain power (performance).

    Each Windows has its own system requirements, but since we have narrowed the list of operating systems under consideration to Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8, we can divide all computers into two groups according to the first criterion:

    1. Computers for Windows XP
    2. Computers for Windows 7 and Windows 8

    This division is possible because the system requirements for a computer by the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems are absolutely the same, and if the Windows 7 operating system was installed on your computer, then the G8 will work on it without any problems.

    If your computer meets the requirements for Windows 7 and Windows 8, and you are faced with the task of choosing the best operating system for installation, I definitely recommend installing the “eight” and now I will try to justify my position.

    If you read my note “,” then remember that I was opposed to installing this operating system, because I considered it crude, which, from my point of view, was true at that time. In October 2013 it was released, which can be considered a qualitative step in Windows development 8. Many user wishes were taken into account and Windows 8 acquired a decent appearance and functionality.

    I myself am very conservative when it comes to shifts. software for something new, but I know from my own experience that the discomfort from new “inconvenient” functions quickly passes and after a week you can’t imagine working on a computer without them.

    Moreover, external Windows view 8 can be quite easily converted to the usual one, that is, the way it was in Windows XP and Windows 7.

    And in conclusion, I want to say about the undeservedly forgotten second criterion of this hit parade - “The Purpose of a Computer.”

    This criterion is very arbitrary and I highlighted it only to once again emphasize the absurdity of the situation that I encounter all the time. In the vast majority of cases, we use a computer at home, that is, the purpose of the computer is for home use, and the fact that users tend to install on their Windows computer in the edition no lower than Professional, as if this will sharply increase the level of their knowledge and skills. Well, when I see Windows 7 Ultimate on the computer of a person who cannot even configure the router properly, then it’s no laughing matter, but I want to cry.

    Of course, I understand that all these “Professional” and “Ultimate” Windows are pirated, since I can hardly imagine that someone would pay 10,000 rubles for an operating system if next to it is the “Home” edition for half that amount, but please explain to me WHY ARE YOU INSTALLING THEM? I would be very grateful for your answer in the comments, since I still haven’t been able to get a clear answer from any user...

    I have already touched on this topic in the note “” and there I spoke in sufficient detail about the differences between the editions of Windows.

    So, let's summarize.

    Unambiguously answer the question “ Which Windows is better? “It’s difficult without analyzing the state of your computer. It is better to choose between Windows 7 and Windows 8, since Windows XP will lose developer support in the near future and using this operating system will become unsafe.

    I recommend choosing Windows 8.1 - this is an analogue of the Windows 7 Home Premium version. It contains everything you need to work on your home computer, and does not include ABSOLUTELY useless home computer functions available in the Corporate or Professional editions.

    Don't miss the opportunity to do a good deed:

    These groups are already for a long time They are fighting almost equally to monopolize the market, and this struggle is expected for a long time - it is difficult to single out a favorite in it. Let's try to figure out which product is of the highest quality.


    On at the moment there are three current versions The OS of this corporation is 7, 8, 10. Windows XP has already gone out of fashion - now it is installed mainly on old computers. The newest version is Windows 10, but not the most popular version from the company. Windows 7 is firmly in the ranking of the most used systems: 52% personal computers in the world are served by it.

    Windows operating systems are optimized and work stable on most computers, with XP and 7 being the most preferred on older versions. Windows product– not the most secure, so if you use Windows OS, you need to take care of installing licensed security software.

    Many users compare operating systems based on their interface. Windows is not inferior to its competitors - a large selection of themes for data visualization, window animation and translucency create a pleasant contrast. Newer versions of Windows have retained elements of the earliest systems from of this manufacturer, which attracts the user.

    One of key advantages– the ability to install programs to perform a wide variety of tasks. This concerns office programs and gaming applications, as well as other applied areas.


    Here, manufacturers decided to release many versions that have a special purpose. Ubuntu is the most widely recognized Linux product. It has become popular with Linux because it is the most optimal for home use.

    The Linux product is unique in that you can change everything in the system settings in such a way that the system will be completely rebuilt taking into account the PC parameters. This fact provides the most high performance, and in this component Linux is the undoubted leader among OS manufacturers. Linux also has the advantage of high reliability and security, since distribution kits provide many mechanisms for restricting access to user information.

    Regarding appearance, it can be configured in any way. Linux has many variations for choosing an interface - from simple and strict to complex and colorful, with a large number effects. One of the most important details for Linux is that in order to manage it effectively, the user must learn to work on the command line.

    Many professional programming applications are written on the Linux kernel. But when it comes to choosing applications to run applied problems– everything here is not as rich as its competitors.


    MacOS desktop

    The “OS” itself appeared along with the appearance of the first products from Apple, and accordingly, it is used on these devices. Currently, the latest version of MacOS is version 10.

    MacOS are oriented to a specific hardware standard, so their performance is the highest among all available OSs. It is worth noting that the high performance of MacOS systems is a distinctive feature - all products from this manufacturer are characterized by very stable and productive work. MacOS systems are very reliable, the total number of virus programs for this platform is not very large, and there is no need to worry about installing additional security software.

    Most users are confident that MacOS is the most convenient and attractive operating system, judging by user interface. The manufacturer pays a lot of attention to this component, and it is not surprising that they are superior to their competitors in this component. Used by developers huge set technologies that are aimed at harmonizing and improving the appearance of control elements. Interestingly, the company regularly requires third-party software developers to use a design style that is as similar as possible to the standard Mac application style, so that users work in new program just like in a friend before.


    FreeDOS desktop

    There are few users left who remember these operating system developers. It must be remembered that they became innovators in the field of OS development, inventing the entire operation of the operating system. Yes, competitors have moved on, improving all the developments of DOS, but the developers of the first OS have now begun to come up with innovations for previous developments. Since the beginning of the 2000s, DOS has released a couple of OS emulators for PCs, but they were not recognized by users due to low performance and the lack of most of the necessary characteristics for modern OSs.

    However, DOS remains necessary for many users. DOS software is the best option for those users who want to use old computers with new applications. To do this, the developers launched FreeDOS and DJGPP, which included several programs that are popular today - file manager, text editor, web browser, mail client etc. In other words, DOS products are still suitable for running on older PCs.

    Safety and reliability

    In general, competition for the title best group The operating systems are Windows, Linux and MacOS - DOS has already stopped competing with more modern developments. In terms of reliability and safety, the most optimal are Linux and Apple products. The most the best distribution in this component Linux has Ubuntu. Experts believe that systems c Linux kernel preferably used as a custodian especially important information, since the protection against unauthorized access to the information stored in the system is very strong. By the way, users themselves need to be very careful when assigning passwords and long paths to their the necessary files– otherwise you may lose them.

    Unlike Linux distributions and MacOS, Windows are clearly inferior in reliability and security. The Windows product still remains with the title of the most unreliable operating system. Third-party security software is released regularly, but system protection is at the lowest level, and if you value the security of your information, you should not choose Windows as the OS for your PC. As for MacOS, security here is also at the highest level.

    The most gaming system

    As mentioned above, in terms of the number of programs in different directions, Windows leads, and in game component this developer is the undoubted leader. Quite a lot of gaming applications are also produced for Linux, since these “operating systems” are also quite popular in the world, for example, everyone’s favorite Steam can be found here. But in the end, in the total volume of gaming applications, Windows will outperform both Linux and MacOS combined. The system itself has enough good characteristics for smooth and error-free operation of gaming applications on any computer, but, however, this rarely happens.

    If you look at Windows distributions, then for now users are very cautious in calling Windows 7 the most preferable for games, despite the fact that three new versions of the system have already been released! Of course, the “seven” is a proven system, and therefore it is given greater preference by users. But this won’t last long - within a year and a half the whole world will be talking about the fact that the eighth and tenth versions of Windows are much better than the seventh in terms of gaming.

    The simplest OS

    If we take into account all the operating systems available in the world and choose the simplest one, the absolute champion here will be DOS systems. But if we talk specifically about the three giants of OS release at the present time, then Windows will again be ahead of everyone in simplicity. Simplicity can be different - banality of development, ease of use, etc. We are more interested in which systems are more convenient for users to work with. And most of them believe that Windows is the simplest operating system, starting from its very first versions.

    Indeed, Windows is the most simple system in use, but very difficult to develop. MacOS ranks second in ease of use, as noted by experts. Linux is the most complex systems, but once you get used to it, you will never go back to, for example, the Windows family.

    For weak PCs

    Of course, here you should give preference to DOS! However, DOS is quite difficult to find now, therefore, Linux distributions with a lightweight desktop environment (LXDE, OpenBox, MATE, Xfce) are most suitable for weak PCs.

    The most optimal distribution for use on weak PCs from the Microsoft family will be Windows XP. In fact, this OS is quite good because it has good performance and an attractive interface. It is quite simple and quite suitable so that even on a weak PC you can play your favorite classic games.

    The downside is that XP is no longer supported by the manufacturer, and installing this system, you risk picking up many viruses and Trojans.

    This means that if you actively use the Internet, without additional security software, your PC will not be able to work for a long time. So, think carefully about choosing an operating system before installing it on your weak PC.

    Availability of software installation

    Once again, Windows is the undisputed leader here! After all, the products from this developer were the very first to appear on the market, and therefore they are sold instantly. Nowadays, only the lazy do not develop programs and applications for Windows, which means that the software will always be available for these operating systems. But it is important to remember: due to the low degree of security of the Windows OS, you must be extremely careful when installing software on your computer. Of course, you need to use licensed software, and if you don’t have one, then know: you are taking a risk by installing unwanted programs to your PC, with a low level of protection.

    Which system to choose in the end?

    IN lately System developers have done a great job improving OS versions. Of course, MacOS will have a minimal market share and popularity, since it is a relatively new product. In terms of characteristics, it is not inferior to Windows and Linux. If this product continues to be in great demand, then MacOS may soon become a sales leader.

    Linux great system for office PCs and for computers used for programming and administration. They have high performance, are extremely safe and reliable to use, but they are too narrow-profile, so these “OSes” are not widely used.

    Windows is the clear winner in almost all respects among its competitors, and the popularity of the product is understandable. For modern computers Windows will be the optimal OS; everyone chooses the version themselves. It depends on the user which OS to install - if the computer is needed for work, it is better to install Linux, if for games - Windows. It is necessary to determine all the parameters that you want to get more from the OS - and in this case you will be able to make the right and informed choice!

    According to Roskomstat, Windows has 84% ​​popularity among Russian personal computer users. Linux is ahead of MacOS by 3% - 9% versus 6%. The situation will change if there are serious reasons for attractiveness among users, and system developers are leading continuous work in this area.

    In ancient times, when processors were only 32-bit, the question “Which Windows to choose” did not cause any problems. All versions of Windows were 32 bit. It was enough to choose Windows in accordance with your financial capabilities or professional needs: “Home”, “Professional” or “Corporate”. But with the advent of 64 bit processors the situation has changed a lot, since by 32 bit versions 64-bit ones were also added, as well as the pricing policy “Initial”, stripped down and “Maximum” with the maximum number of bells and whistles, and a bunch more... . The use of 64-bit processors made it possible to install more than 4 GB of memory on computers, which immediately affected the capabilities of the operating system. Windows systems and on the volume of new programs.

    I would like to note right away that Windows is not only and not so much an operating system, but GUI to the operating system and a package of utilities to expand it functionality. So for simple home use, when choosing any Windows build, there is no big difference functionally. Therefore, you can use almost any version. And yet, there are features of some assemblies that you simply need to know so as not to purchase something that you do not need at all.

    Example of the "Start" version of Windows 7

    The "starter" version exists only in 32-bit form and only supports up to 2 GB of RAM. So if you have 3 or more GB of memory, the “Initial” version simply will not suit you, no matter how many bits and cores your processor has. Well, that’s her limitation.

    As you noticed, we suddenly talked not only about the bit capacity of the processor and operating system, but also about the amount of memory. Ordinary users, as you should understand, are not interested in the capacity of processors and operating systems at all. Often they know absolutely nothing about it and don’t want to know. Well, the computer works and it works, but it doesn’t matter what or how. But it was no coincidence that I drew the numbers 32/64 in the first picture. (see above)

    Personal impressions are often discussed on the Internet about which version of Windows works better. One says: “I still have XP running, I’m happy and have no intention of upgrading.” Someone praises the seven. Someone eight, especially 8.1. There are those who shout: “Windows 10 has been working for me for six months now and I’m not complaining.” In many cases, they are all right, but they do not take into account the fact that this is all happening completely different computers. It's hard to criticize if installed version Windows matches the hardware and works well. But this does not always happen. Various equipment elements are manufactured by the most by different manufacturers. And it does not always fit well with other elements made by other manufacturers. We cannot influence some things. And some we are able to control and change, and I would say we should.

    There is a time for everything

    Windows 32 bit did not see 4 GB and they decided to install Windows 10 64 bit, but they came across one of the latest versions, newer than 1511. It just doesn’t want to be installed on old computer. And everything seems to be there:

    • 1 GHz processor;
    • memory 4 GB;
    • disk space 20-32 GB;

    and ten 64-bit is still not installed. In the processors section, Microsoft explained that new versions of Windows will not support older processors. And what newer windows, the fewer older processors it will support. There is also a correspondence table. Which indicates which Windows will work with which processors. For example, my processor supports only 15 out of 76 instructions. Of course, it cannot implement all the capabilities of a completely new operating system.

    In general, as I said before, the new operating system is better suited for new equipment. Look carefully at the correspondence table. And according to Microsoft's decision: if you want a new OS, buy it new computer. And what is this if not a corporate conspiracy?

    Microsoft Company improves And optimizes each its own product. Each new version The Windows operating system has a number of benefits or shortcomings before the previous product, but each time a new OS different its shell and the presence of new options.

    It is impossible to say which version of the operating system is better: each software different decent performance and versatility. Most people like old Windows builds with a comfortable and established design, but they lack software Microsoft support, unlike new ones that are improving every day based on user feedback.

    Comparison of Windows 7 and 10: what is the difference

    Despite the peak of popularity of Windows 10, many users remain loyal to Seven. Windows 7 has:

    • habitual design and convenient location of all options,
    • recovery center and stable performance,
    • light software filling that does not load the processor.

    Most users prefer the seventh OS, but if the “seven” is significantly ahead of the eight in functionality and performance, then Windows 10 is serious competitor, winning in many respects. Besides fast performance and ease of management, the “ten”, unlike Windows 7, has:

    • light system backup and recovery center,
    • constant upgrade and shell optimization,
    • work with the latest drivers and application support,
    • support DirectX 12 and Microsoft Edge.

    Despite the wide popularity of Windows 7, the OS is outdated an option that is gradually losing its former multifunctionality and quality of work. If the user appreciates convenience location of the functionality of the "seven" and old design, then Windows 7 will be a great choice. This OS will do for people of the third age or the old school - for those for whom ease of use is more important productivity.

    Windows 7 or 8: version features

    These operating systems are very similar in appearance, but Windows 7 has more potential and the best performance, as well as a comfortable and familiar design. According to statistics, users do not have a choice between versions 7 and 8; many return to “seven” after Windows testing 8.

    Windows 8 did not become a breakthrough in the computer industry like 7 or 10. This operating system has inconvenient desktop, start menu, and item layout. The G8 was initially aimed at working mobile devices And you shouldn’t expect any special performance in games or general performance from this OS. The OS is designed to work on touch gadgets, as well as increased energy efficiency, and on stationary PCs it may not be as comfortable as its counterparts in the seventh or tenth version.

    Which is better – Windows 8 or 10

    Windows 10 is multifunctional: it will be convenient to use the OS both on a desktop PC and on mobile platforms Oh. By choosing the tenth version, you get wide-profile and a stable operating system with a wide range of features and additional configurations. Windows 10 is the most in demand an operating system that gets better every day. "Ten" allows:

    • use new browser Microsoft Edge,
    • work with several virtual tables,
    • use option analysis disk space,
    • use notification center,
    • launch games for Xbox One.

    Microsoft Company invests more resources to support and optimize version 10, which is the most popular and popular version after the gradually dying “seven”. The eighth version is designed to work mobile platforms on Windows based and has a number shortcomings in the interface: it is difficult to get used to the OS and master the basic functions, which is significant distinguishes"eight" from 10 and 7 versions.

    So what to choose

    In order to receive best performance and the ability to use all available configurations, recommended fulfill clean install operating system. Windows installation by updating significantly impairs performance computer and may cause some drivers or applications to malfunction.

    It is believed that each subsequent version of Windows is better than the previous one: in new versions is improving and the software is rotated and the performance of the operating system is improved. However, ordinary users for whom a slight increase in power will not give much benefits, choose an OS based on their own comfort in using the software. Choosing an operating system is a matter of habit and largely depends on the nature of the user.

    There are different versions Windows and its various builds.

    You can download both a licensed operating system and its hacked analogue.

    The difference between them is significant, since pirates do not always competently bypass OS security measures.

    So it turns out that computers glitch out of the blue, the registry gets lost, and many other problems arise.

    32 or 64 bit operating system

    When choosing an OS, processor parameters are important.

    Therefore, you must first find out what bit rate your processor operates at. There are 32 and 64 bit operating systems.

    Now this is a cost of the past, since all manufacturers are already producing processors that support two types of bits.

    But if you come across an old device, you should be aware of it.

    A 32-bit processor only works with 32-bit operating systems, while a 64-bit processor works with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

    You can find information about bit depth on the manufacturer’s website.

    For a weak device, it doesn’t matter what bit depth the operating system is.

    Whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit, the difference is only in the quantity RAM, which the OS sees.

    The first one sees no more than 3 GB of RAM; more is not available to it.

    In this case, it is useless to supplement the free slots with extra memory sticks.

    Let's say you installed 8 GB of RAM on your computer, but the system will see no more than 3 GB. The remaining volume will not be used.

    If your PC supports 64-bit systems and has 6 GB of RAM installed, for example, then you can safely install a 64-bit OS.

    What is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit?

    It's simple: 64-bit processes information faster.

    That is, a 32-bit system processes one stream of calculations at a certain point in time, while a 64-bit system processes two streams of information at the same point in time.

    Windows XP

    Windows XP is one of the most popular operating systems. They still use it, although it is quite outdated.

    It is installed because it is light on hardware, convenient for users, and many people are accustomed to it.

    Like every OS, it has its own minimum requirements:

    • 1.5 GB ROM (hard disk space)
    • 64 MB RAM (random access memory)
    • Pentium with clock frequency 300 MHz
    • Built-in video card

    Like any other operating system, it can be installed from a flash drive or disk. It doesn't make any difference.

    Although the minimum requirements for this operating system are low, it is no longer relevant.

    The developers in 2014 already stopped supporting this version and making updates to it.

    There is no point in supporting something that no longer works on modern computers.

    After all, speed is now a priority, which Windows XP was deprived of.

    And the design leaves much to be desired, because we are all accustomed to the effect of transparency of interface panels.

    Windows 7 is the most popular operating system nowadays.

    Despite the fact that manufacturers continue to produce latest versions The OS, Windows 7, is firmly holding its position and is not going to give up.

    If you compare it with XP, then the seven has more expanded functionality, and its design has also been radically redesigned (which is just what the famous visual effect Aero).

    And these are just the visual changes that the average user can notice.

    But its system requirements are negligible by modern standards:

    • 1 GB RAM
    • 1 GHz processor frequency
    • 16 GB ROM
    • Video chip supporting DirectX9

    Windows 7 came out in 2009.

    She is still popular.

    It contains best qualities all previous versions:

    • high performance,
    • low requirements,
    • stable job
    • support large quantity applications,
    • works well on laptops.

    The energy saving function on mobile devices has become available.

    Visually, it is very different from XP, but this did not stop users from quickly mastering it and getting used to its interface.

    And if you have problems with addiction, you can remove the “Aero” effect and return to the distant times of XP.

    Seven is better than XP, superior to it in all respects. And its requirements have become slightly higher than those of the old version.

    Windows 8, 8.1

    A lot of controversy arises between users regarding this operating system.

    Some complain about its poor performance, incompatibility of programs and endless glitches, others talk about its little difference from the seven.

    At the beginning of release new Windows 8 users have mixed opinions, often negative, since beta versions do not work well. But then the manufacturers correct the mistakes, and everyone is happy with everything.

    But not in this case. The eight definitely have more haters than supporters.

    And if it were strikingly similar to the seven, then it would be possible to go with an updated angular interface.

    But a serious stumbling block was the incompatibility of the software with the eight, which worked perfectly on its predecessor.

    This significant flaw was corrected, but the opinion of the eight was fundamentally spoiled.

    To install it or not to install it is up to you. You can do this as an experiment.

    But if you don't have time to have fun, go for a reliable seven.

    Minimum RequirementsWindows 8:

    • 1 GB RAM
    • 16 GB ROM
    • 1 GHz processor supporting NX, SSE2, PAE
    • Video card with DirectX9.

    Version 8.1 was also released, but from the point of view of users there are no differences from the usual eight.

    Windows 10

    We smoothly moved to latest version Windows operating system.

    As always, at first there were numerous disputes about it.

    There were suggestions that the release of the top ten was a useless attempt to surpass the legendary Windows 7. But time passes, progress moves.

    Disk drives are gradually being replaced by solid-state drives. HDDs are becoming a thing of the past.

    SSDs are gradually appearing in portable and stationary devices.

    And with new drives, new operating algorithms are also needed, since solid-state drives have a sharply limited number of overwrites and the system’s constant access to the disk will quickly wear it out.

    And ten are able to adapt to new disk operating conditions.

    Now the risk of SSD wear has decreased dramatically, and performance has increased since throughput solid state hard drive significantly higher than that of HDD.

    But if you do not have an SSD, the top ten can still show off its advantages when working with an old drive.

    In some cases it may work faster than previous versions. This applies to PC games and professional programs.

    The top ten is not without its shortcomings. From previous versions it still has incompatibility with older programs.

    Although Microsoft has created an incompatibility fixer, it doesn't help much.

    All that remains is to install an emulator of the old OS or even install a second operating system on the computer.

    In addition, the top ten has not yet been sufficiently time-tested.

    Many errors in its operation have not yet been corrected, which is why most users are still distrustful of it.

    But one way or another, modern interface And fast work are its main advantages.

    Minimum Windows requirements 10

    • 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit OS, 2 GB for 64-bit OS
    • 16 GB ROM for 32x and 20 GB ROM for 64x
    • Processor frequency of at least 1 GHz
    • Video card supporting DirectX9.

    Comparative characteristics of operating systems

    OS version RAM ROM CPU Video card
    Windows XP 64 MB 1.5 GB 300 MHz integrated
    1 GB 16 GB 1 GHz DirectX 9
    Windows 8 1 GB 16 GB 1 GHz DirectX 9
    Windows 10 2 GB 20 GB not less than 1 GHz DirectX 9

    Which Windows should I choose? Which Windows is better?

    We draw conclusions about what you prefer and which Windows suits your computer.