• Which UPS to choose for your computer. When a UPS is not needed. The need to use a UPS for a computer

    Sometimes this happened while you were typing up an important report or were about to move on to the next level in a game; An abrupt shutdown of the computer resulted in data loss, and I had to start all over again. Once you turned a blind eye to it, twice, three times, but with the next failure it may happen that one incorrect data recording session will destroy the entire file system. Agree, it’s a shame to lose in a matter of seconds the collection of your favorite music or films that you’ve been collecting for several years. To prevent this from happening, there are 10 simple tips to help you choose the right source to protect your equipment.

    Tip 1. Decide what equipment you want to protect and how important continuous operation is to you.

    Today it is difficult to imagine a computer without peripheral equipment (scanners, printers, etc.), right down to a telephone and home theater. Almost all of this technology is subject to negative influence voltage surges, both from the power grid and through data lines. The easiest way to protect your home electronics from destructive electromagnetic interference and power surges - surge protector. But it is suitable for equipment whose shutdown due to a power failure does not lead to data loss, for example, a printer or fax. Devices that are more sensitive to power quality, e.g. personal computer or external hard drive, it is better to protect with sources uninterruptible power supply(UPS). The rechargeable battery built into them continues to supply power and allows you to save valuable information in the event of a power failure.

    Of course, a surge protector can also be used for a PC, but here everyone decides for himself how important it is for him to continue working for some time during a power outage. If it is not critical for you that if there is a network failure you will not finish playing the game and will not be able to print a document on a printer, then it is advisable to buy a simple surge protector. If it is important for you to be able to finish a presentation at any time or complete downloading the desired file from the Internet, then without a UPS with the function backup power can't get by.

    If the computer is equipped with an uninterruptible power supply, the user can continue to work or enjoy interesting game, not paying attention to power surges or power outages. The time that the computer can work in offline mode, enough for the correct shutdown of the operating system and application programs.

    A UPS is also a benefit. Calculate, in case of burnout, the cost of a new one. electronic device can be measured in tens of thousands of rubles, or you can play it safe and buy a UPS, the cost of which is often several times lower.

    Tip 2: Find out what are the most common electrical problems in your home.

    The range of UPS products produced is very wide both in characteristics and price. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to find out what kind of problems there are in the power supply, what kind of failure can be expected, and in accordance with this, choose the appropriate type of UPS with a simple, complex or super-sophisticated degree of protection. Therefore, before you go to the store, try to determine by external signs how often your voltage jumps, whether the lights are blinking, how often a complete unplanned power outage occurs. Also pay attention to how much power your computer requires. If you have a powerful gaming station or premium equipment at home, then you will need appropriate protection.

    There are three main technologies (topologies) by which UPS are manufactured; they differ in the following parameters: what output voltage is generated by the uninterruptible power supply, how stabilized it is, and how it changes when switching to a battery. Another important factor is the time it takes for the UPS to switch to battery mode. In order for the computer to operate without interruption, the switch must occur quickly, usually in no more than 10 milliseconds. Depending on this, UPSs are divided into backup, line-interactive and online (or double conversion).

    Backup UPS(or off-line UPS) is the simplest type, which, in the event of a power failure in the external network, switches to the battery within 10 milliseconds. If you just need to protect your computer, then a backup source will be sufficient. But such a UPS does not have a stabilizer, and if you have home network voltage jumps, the UPS will switch to battery power more often, which will have a detrimental effect on the battery life of the uninterruptible power supply.

    When the voltage is unstable i.e. often “jumps” in the range of 175-190 V, you can prepare in advance for the fact that in a year and a half you will have to buy new batteries. The best option in this case would be to use line-interactive UPS with automatic voltage regulator. Such a source, before switching to the battery (approximately 2-4 milliseconds), will try to adjust the shape of the output voltage in the event of a decrease or increase in the signal in the external network. The autotransformer at the output of the UPS stabilizes the reduced mains voltage to an acceptable level by switching to the step-up winding, and when increased voltage- to the step-down winding. UPSs of this class are more expensive, but the degree of equipment protection is much higher.

    The tightest stabilized voltage (about ±1%) and zero switching time to battery provide online UPS. Such a source constantly converts incoming energy into voltage DC and regenerates it in real time, providing power computer equipment. Online uninterruptible power supplies are most often used in server rooms to protect very sensitive equipment; There is no urgent need for purchasing such an expensive UPS for a home.

    Tip 3. Buy a UPS whose power is 20-30% greater than the capacity of your system.

    When choosing a particular UPS, you should focus on the technical characteristics of the equipment being protected, the main one of which is power. Connecting a computer whose power exceeds the rated power of the UPS itself will lead to an overload of the uninterruptible power supply, its shutdown and, as a result, the shutdown of the computer itself. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the power of the equipment connected to the UPS, and choose a UPS whose rated power is greater than the maximum load power. It is desirable that the power of the UPS is 20-30% higher than the power of the equipment being protected. So, if the power of your equipment is 750 VA, then the UPS power must be at least 1000 VA (1 kVA).

    For example, a UPS with a power of 350-500 VA is suitable for powering a standard computer with an LCD monitor; a UPS with a power of 700-1500 VA may already be sufficient for a home gaming computer with monitor, including separate peripheral devices. A load like laser printer, requires a UPS with a power of 1500 VA, although protection with a surge protector is quite sufficient for it.

    If you still cannot determine which UPS you need, then use special programs that can be found on the websites of UPS developers. There you simply indicate the model of your computer, its “stuffing”, and the system will give you the power that the PC consumes in this configuration. Such an accurate calculation will avoid overestimation of power. After all, on the power supplies they write maximum power, the actual consumption of which depends on the components that are in the PC.

    Tip 4: Determine how much battery life you need.

    One of the main characteristics of a UPS is time battery life, during which it maintains power to the computer. The backup time in each individual case depends on the power of the UPS and the equipment being protected. The average battery life is 5-7 minutes, which is usually enough to save everything open documents and shut down correctly. But if you need automatic closure complex systems required longer time, you can easily select the appropriate UPS depending on the system parameters. For example, the APC Back-UPS ES 700 supports a standard desktop (for example, 200 W power consumption) for 15 minutes.

    Also, the UPS backup time is increased by installing additional batteries where the UPS has connectors for connecting external standard batteries. However, there is a misconception that what more powerful than UPS, the longer it will work. A large UPS will only work longer if the load on it is less than the maximum. It is more correct to look at the graphs or tables of battery life provided by the UPS manufacturer, depending on the power of the protected equipment.

    The main purpose of an uninterruptible power supply is to protect your computer and data, which is why file saving programs come with almost all UPSs. Such software displays electrical parameters and status UPS operation, and during a prolonged network outage it automatically saves all data in open applications. This convenient function allows you not to lose information, even if you were not near the computer during a power outage. When the power supply is restored and you return to your workplace, you won’t even notice that anything has happened.

    Tip 6: Buy UPSs that have enough outlets for peripheral devices and connectors to protect the telephone line.

    Users typically use a UPS to protect not only their PCs, but also their peripherals. If you plan to connect various devices (LCD TV, printer, etc.) to the UPS, make sure that the uninterruptible power supply has special sockets with surge protection. If you have modems and fax machines, it is good that the UPS provides protection for the telephone line. Imagine that due to a thunderstorm, excess voltage is generated in the wire connecting the computer to the external network. If the line is protected by a UPS, then you don’t have to worry that the resulting interference will reach the modem and disable it. Some UPS models also have protection connectors network equipment connected to the local network.

    Tip 7. Before purchasing a UPS, decide where it will be located in the apartment.

    When purchasing a UPS, you need to take into account such a parameter as noise, and think in advance about the placement of the source. A battery-powered UPS generates about 40-45 decibels at a distance of 1 m from the UPS, which can be irritating. Therefore, it is not recommended to place a working source in the bedroom. If necessary, to reduce noise, place the UPS behind a partition rather than next to the bed, ensuring that the UPS is cooled effectively.

    Tip 8. Buy a UPS with clear display and controls.

    Every user is pleased when information about the operation of the system comes to him in an understandable and convenient form. All UPSs inform the user by means of audible signals, for example, when switching to battery mode. In addition, UPSs have LED indicators, which signal various conditions, including emergency ones, for example, if it is necessary to replace the battery.

    Now innovative UPSs with an LCD display have appeared on the market, which displays up to 20 different parameters of the UPS operation and the state of the power grid, such as battery life, network voltage, power consumption, etc. Now, to get this information, you don’t need run a special program on the computer - the data is clearly presented on the display.

    With this article our site continues the whole cycle useful materials, the purpose of which will be to facilitate the choice of any product from thousands of options offered on the market. Agree, choosing a specific model of a device always takes a lot of time, which can be spent usefully. In today's material we will talk about choosing a UPS.


    Electricity is the main thing where work begins modern man. Without electricity, your personal computer simply won’t turn on, you won’t be able to recharge the gadget you need for work, or just have fun playing games. computer games. Even in modern cities and homes, the power grid can malfunction - in hot weather, a power plant can fail, sometimes the voltage can change sharply, and so on. How to protect your PC in such cases? The answer is simple - use UPS, uninterruptible power supply.

    There are two main reasons for damage to electrical equipment - sudden power failure And power surges. It is UPS that will help avoid these problems. In the event of a power outage, thanks to the built-in battery, they can provide the PC with electricity for a period of time from several minutes to several hours. During this time, you will either be able to calmly finish your work, or save all important documents and turn off the device in normal mode (and some UPSs can do this without user intervention). UPSs also protect against power surges by “leveling” the current that flows into the device’s power supply.

    Different UPSs are very different from each other. Some may be intended for use with not very powerful office computers, others - with productive servers that need to ensure continuous operation around the clock despite thunderstorms and network failures. As a result, you can spend either $100 or $10,000 on the purchase of an uninterruptible power supply, and that is why you need to know the intricacies of their choice.

    How powerful a UPS will you need? This can be calculated quite simply. To start, take a look at the maximum wattage of your PC's power supply - for example, 400W. It probably doesn’t use these 400 W all the time - it’s unlikely that the power consumption of such a PC exceeds 250-300 W, but the margin in calculations won’t hurt and will increase the time that the UPS will give to complete the job. The minimum Volt-Amp number of the UPS (see output power in the next section) is calculated by formula 1.6 * (power supply power), that is, in the case of a 400 W power supply it will be 640 VA.

    Calculating the exact battery life is much more difficult - it all depends on many factors, and it is better to contact official management or the UPS description from the manufacturer. If you want to do everything yourself and not trust the manufacturer, then you will need to know four characteristics of the device: output power, the number of batteries, their voltage and capacity in Ampere-hours (most likely, you will have to work hard to find all this). Formula will be like this:

    (voltage * battery capacity * efficiency) / power output = X

    To get the final number of minutes, X must be multiplied by 60. That is, a UPS with parameters of 700 W / 12 V / 9 Ah / 90% efficiency can provide energy to our 400 W computer for approximately 8.3 minutes.

    Important UPS Features

    All UPS are divided into three types: interactive, backup and double conversion UPS.

    Backup UPS- the simplest type of “uninterruptible power supply”. They automatically switch mechanically to use the internal battery in the event of a power failure. This switching takes from 20 to 100 ms - most consumer electronics and computers will continue to operate as normal in this case.

    Interactive UPS They are similar to backup ones, but they use a special transformer, which allows you to “equalize” the voltage in the network much better. If you often notice that the light bulbs at home are not very bright, this means that such a UPS will not hurt you.

    Double conversion UPS- the most expensive and most complex to construct. Instead of switching to backup batteries in the event of a failure, they constantly filter current from the fixed network, ensuring that there is not a single millisecond of voltage loss. Such UPSs are several times more expensive than interactive ones, all other characteristics being equal, and are intended for use with servers and sensitive devices - most likely, you will not need one.

    Total output power, VA

    Characterizes the maximum load power that can be connected to the device. Recommended values: 350-700 VA for office PCs, 700-1000 VA for workstations and gaming PCs, 1000+ VA for servers.

    Active output power, W

    Characterizes the maximum power of devices connected to the UPS. It is best to use a UPS whose active output power is approximately 20% higher than the power of, for example, the computer power supply and monitor combined.

    Operating time at fully loaded

    As mentioned above, the exact battery life in each specific case is quite difficult to determine. Most often, manufacturers indicate this parameter when the UPS is fully loaded. In conventional models, this parameter does not exceed 5-15 minutes, and UPSs for servers can operate autonomously for up to several hours.

    Number of power output connectors

    Typically, UPSs include both outlets that are protected against mains power failure and outlets that are only protected against surges. When purchasing, take into account the number of both - most likely, you will need at least two sockets of the first type (in case desktop computer- for PC and monitor).

    Interfaces USB, RS-232, Ethernet, connection to OS

    Almost any UPS must not only be connected to the network, but also “communicate” with operating system computer to give her commands and receive the necessary information. When purchasing a UPS, be sure to make sure that it is compatible with the OS of your PC, and connecting it is not difficult - via USB, COM port or Ethernet.

    Cold start

    This UPS operating mode allows you to turn on the computer when there is no voltage in the stationary network and there is a charge in the device’s batteries. It may come in handy in rather unexpected cases.

    Protection of local network and telephone line

    It would be a good idea to protect your wired local network and telephone wire from voltage surges, if you use them. UPSs that support this usually don't differ too much in price from others.

    Availability of display

    The small LCD screen makes it easy to see information about your network settings and the battery life you have left. This is an optional feature, but the additional comfort it provides cannot be denied - without a screen, you will only have to listen to the beeping of the device and look at its LEDs, which is far from intuitive.

    Possibility of replacing batteries

    The batteries in a UPS usually last for 3-5 years, and after this period they will need to be replaced. In almost all cases, it is recommended to buy a UPS with this feature - the only exceptions are cheap models, replacing the batteries in which will cost about the same as buying a new uninterruptible power supply.

    Top 5 best UPS for regular PCs

    An excellent and inexpensive UPS with an informative screen and a total power of 1350 VA. It has 8 outlets (4 with battery connection and 4 with surge protection) and is designed for home use. Thanks to its relatively compact design, it fits under a regular table. It will automatically turn off devices connected to it in the event of a loss of network power and is able to protect the telephone line and wired local network.

    Dear and powerful model for home use. 8 sockets for the most different devices with connection to a battery, convenient LCD display, powerful software, many additional functions.

    Powerful and reliable interactive UPS for home and office. 10 sockets, 5 of which are connected to batteries, an informative LCD screen, the ability to replace batteries and much more.

    The simplest backup type model: very short time battery life, minimum set functions, 8 sockets, 4 of which are connected to the battery and low cost.

    Similar to APC Smart-UPS C 1500VA LCD model. Features higher active power, better protection from power surges and a slot for additional interfaces. The battery life is slightly shorter.


    We hope that this article helped you understand the difficult task of choosing an uninterruptible power supply. Next time we'll talk about the best computer speakers!

    An uninterruptible power supply for a computer is needed for the correct completion of programs and for the user to save important data in the event of a power outage. The UPS is not designed to power a computer for a long time. The operating time is on average 15 minutes, which is enough to close and save everything. For longer work you need powerful batteries, which makes the device very bulky and expensive.

    Depending on the principle of operation, UPSs are divided into three types:

    Backup UPS;
    - line-interactive UPS;
    - Double conversion UPS.

    When purchasing such a device, you should remember that the power of the UPS is indicated in volt-amperes - VA, and the power of the connected devices in watts - W. To convert one value to another, you need to multiply the amount of VA by a factor of 0.7 and you get watts. For example, the power of a UPS of 1000 VA multiplied by 0.7 - you get 700 W. Therefore, taking into account the required power reserve, a load of up to 500 W can be connected to such a UPS.

    When choosing a UPS, you should also pay attention to the battery life at full load, the presence of protection against short circuit on the network and the connected device, the ability to replace batteries, the presence of a display and what information is displayed on it.

    Backup UPS

    In the event of a power outage or severe voltage drop, the backup UPS switches to batteries. The switching time is less than 10 milliseconds, which is quite enough for the smooth operation of the computer. Due to the possibility of switching the UPS to battery power during power surges, it is advisable to turn on a network stabilizer before it, this will significantly extend the life of the batteries.

    Backup power supplies are the most common type of UPS because... relatively cheap, have high efficiency And low level noise. The battery life ranges from 5 to 10-15 minutes and depends on the power of the connected device. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a device with a 20–30% power reserve.

    Line-interactive UPS

    Uninterruptible power supplies of this type include a voltage stabilizer, so they have an advantage over the previous ones, but they also cost significantly more.

    Such devices switch to battery power only when there is a complete power outage, so the batteries last much longer. They are also more economical, have longer battery life - up to 20 minutes, and higher protection for connected devices. Disadvantages: high price and noise from the stabilizer cooling fan.

    Double conversion UPS

    These are the most complex and expensive devices. The operating principle is to convert alternating current to direct current and then back to alternating current. The output is an ideal sine wave and a voltage of exactly 220 volts. The batteries are permanently connected, so these UPSs have zero switching time.

    Designed to power expensive equipment, server stations and computer networks that do not allow even short-term interruption of work. Disadvantages - very high cost, low efficiency, high heat generation, increased noise.

    Take care of the safety of your computer's data, extending its service life, and protecting it from burnout - we advise you to pay attention to special uninterruptible power supplies.

    An uninterruptible power supply is automatic device, stably supplying electrical equipment connected to it with electricity.

    Figure 1. Appearance UPS APC RS-500

    How to choose the right UPS for your computer? To choose a model that exactly suits your needs, you should know the characteristics of uninterruptible power supplies.

    What you should know about UPS:

    • UPS output power can be measured in volt-amperes (VA) or watts (W);
    • UPS transition time to battery power is measured in milliseconds (ms);
    • the width of the mains (input) voltage range at which the UPS is able to stabilize the power supply (without switching to the battery), measured in volts (V);
    • The battery life of the UPS is determined by the capacity of the installed batteries and the power of the equipment connected to the UPS, and is measured in minutes (min);
    • Battery life is measured in years, usually from 5 years.

    UPS power

    When choosing a UPS for a computer, first of all, you should decide what equipment will be connected to it. After which it is necessary to calculate its total power consumption, using for this purpose the characteristics from technical data sheets of devices, operating manuals, or by resorting to a table of typical power consumption. For example, a typical monitor consumes 45W, a system unit about 300W, and a modem 17W. Total about 362W.

    Figure 2. Selecting UPS power depending on the connected equipment

    Important! Manufacturers usually indicate UPS power in volt-amperes. To convert the power of the UPS into watts, the amount of VA should be multiplied by 0.6. For example, a 700VA UPS can provide uninterrupted power to equipment with a consumption of about 420 W (700*0.6=420).

    Figure 3. Comparison table power consumption in volt-amperes and watts

    Voltage stabilization

    UPSs protect equipment from the dangers associated with interruptions or complete blackouts. In addition, uninterruptible power supplies have built-in protection that protects the user from all kinds of manifestations of poor quality power supply: from small electrical noise to significant voltage surges.

    Figure 4. Scheme of a backup UPS (Back-UPS)

    When the voltage in the power grid is unstable, when the latter often deviates from the norm, it makes sense to purchase a UPS with a built-in stabilizer. Such a source is called a line-interactive UPS. Using such a source, despite the reduced voltage in the network, for example, at 170V, all equipment connected to the UPS will still receive the required voltage of 220V.

    Figure 5. Diagram of a line-interactive UPS (Smart-UPS)

    Autonomous operation

    UPS for home computers, as a rule, can provide maximum load 5-30 minutes of battery life. This is enough to save data and safely shut down your PC.

    Figure 6. Calculation of UPS battery life depending on the load (in minutes)

    In addition, if the power of the uninterruptible power supply is large enough, you can connect it to table lamp, and while the power is off, while away the evening reading a fascinating book. By the way, additional batteries can be connected to some UPS models, increasing the battery life of the UPS.

    Sockets in the UPS

    Sockets in office and household UPSs are either “computer” (IEC 320 type) or “regular” (Schuko CEE 7 type): see the figure below. If necessary, you can buy an adapter or surge protector for “computer” sockets with regular sockets - this will solve the problem of incompatibility. Also, some UPSs have separate sockets to protect external devices from power surges.

    Figure 7. Rear panel UPS APC Back-UPS Pro 550


    The service life of the battery directly depends on the frequency of transitions to battery power. On average, a high-quality battery will last from 2 to 5 years. You can only use batteries that are recommended by the manufacturer for a specific UPS model. Otherwise, replacing the battery can cause many problems: from the inability to charge the battery to failure of the UPS. To extend the life of the UPS, the battery must be disconnected when transporting it.

    Cold start

    This function allows you to turn on the equipment even in the complete absence of electricity. Of course, not for a very long time.


    To sudden shutdown If the computer is unable to shut down correctly without user assistance, you should install the special software supplied with the UPS. Utility will constantly record the voltage in the network and control the operation of the UPS.

    Technical support

    When purchasing a UPS, you should make sure that your locality has service center, which provides warranty and post-warranty service for this brand.

    Based on materials from the online store RadioChast.ru.

    Having become the owner of an expensive computer, it is worth thinking about ways to increase its service life. The most careful attitude will not allow those who live in an area with an unstable power supply to achieve the desired result. Significant power surges can cause the most reliable equipment to fail. To prevent this from happening, it is worth purchasing a UPS for your computer that can provide sufficient protection for the system. We invite you to get acquainted with existing types devices and their features so that you can make an informed choice of device for your home or office.

    This device is relevant when there is a power outage or a failure occurs on the power line. The battery included in the UPS allows you to:

    • Close programs on the computer and turn off the computer;
    • Protect system components from possible damage caused by voltage surges.

    Advice! In order for the computer to last as long as possible, it is worth connecting not only the system unit, but also the monitor to the uninterruptible power supply. In this case, turning off the computer will be much easier.

    Main types of UPS for computers

    Uninterruptible power supplies for computers offered by manufacturers can be of three types:

    • Reserve (Back-UPS);
    • Line-interactive (Smart-UPS);
    • Double conversion UPS (On-Line).

    Each type has its own distinctive features, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with at the stage of choosing a suitable UPS.

    Backup (Back-UPS)

    A device with a simple design. Has low power. The switching delay time is 10 ms. Used to switch to battery power in the event of a power outage and vice versa when system operation is restored.

    The best option for home PCs operating in regions with a stable power supply. They are not included, and therefore, in case of any voltage fluctuations, the built-in battery is switched on, which significantly reduces its service life.

    Line-interactive (Smart-UPS)

    Included in devices of this type includes a step voltage stabilizer. In the event of a sudden change in voltage, the output voltage is equalized to 220 V. In this case, the internal battery remains unused. To prevent overheating under heavy load on the UPS, line-interactive (Smart-UPS) models are equipped with an active cooling system.

    Attention! The presence of a step voltage stabilizer helps to increase the service life of the equipment, while simultaneously increasing the price of a UPS for a computer.

    Double conversion UPS (On-Line)

    The most expensive type. Suitable for professional use. It is distinguished by its reliable design. The work is based on the principle of double conversion of incoming electricity: initially into constant, and then into AC. As a result, efficiency can reach 95%.

    Considering that manufacturers have abandoned the use of a device designed to activate the internal battery during a power surge, switching is carried out without delay. As a result, such models allow you to provide uninterrupted power to your computer, which is especially important for those who work at home via the Internet.

    Main technical parameters of the UPS

    When trying to figure out how to choose an uninterruptible power supply, it is worth getting acquainted with the main technical characteristics of the devices. In this case, it will not be difficult to purchase a model that fully meets certain requirements.


    The main parameter, based on which, you can determine what equipment can be connected to the UPS. If the total power value of the elements computer network, exceeds the power of the source, it will fail.

    Existing devices can be divided into the following types based on power:

    • WITH high power exceeding 5000 VA. Suitable option for a server or group of computers;
    • With average power (1000÷5000 VA). The optimal solution for a local network or a small server;
    • With low power (less than 1000 VA). When you decide to buy an uninterruptible power supply for your home, you should pay attention to one of these models.

    UPS battery life

    When choosing an uninterruptible power supply for your home in case of a power outage, you should remember that manufacturers offer models that can provide operation for 2–15 minutes. For home computer optimal choice There will be a device that can remain operational for a maximum of 10 minutes. This time is enough to save the data and turn off the system.

    For office computers UPS selected taking into account the technical characteristics of computers used in corporate network. Most devices are not afraid of power surges lasting 100 ms. Many are able to switch in 6÷11 ms.

    Attention! The preferred option is a device with faster switching times.

    Number of connectors

    Manufacturers offer devices with varying amounts connectors. U budget models only 1÷2 slots. They can be used to connect system unit and monitor. Suitable option for home use.

    When choosing a model for the office or having several computers at home, you should pay attention to more expensive devices that not only have more, but also additional connectors, for example, RJ-45 or USB.


    Those who often leave home and leave the computer on should purchase models with special software that controls its operation. In the event of an emergency, the device will close automatically open source software, and then turns off the computer.


    During operation, the UPS emits characteristic sound signals, allowing the user to determine that a power outage has occurred. Indicators play a similar role.

    Some UPS models are additionally equipped with a display. With its help, you can not only obtain up-to-date information about the status of the device, but also configure the equipment to specific mode work.

    Major manufacturers of uninterruptible power supplies for computers

    The wide range of devices on the market makes us pay attention to the trademark under which it was manufactured. specific model. Each manufacturer guarantees that its UPS has optimal functionality and is able to last a long time. When choosing an uninterruptible power supply for your computer, you should pay attention to the products of the following manufacturers:

    • Ippon;
    • Powercom;
    • General Electric,
    • LogicPower;
    • Sven;
    • INELT;
    • P-Com.

    According to real consumers, such devices are reliable and stable. This explains the popularity of the listed trademarks. Devices are often assembled in China, due to cheaper labor and availability of energy resources. You should not think that they will be inferior to UPS assembled in the country that owns the title documents for a particular brand.

    How to choose a UPS for computers - basic rules and recommendations from experts

    Before choosing a UPS for your computer, you should pay attention to several parameters at the same time. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve stable operation of the device over a long period of time.

    How to choose a UPS for a computer based on power?

    In order to select a UPS for a computer based on power, you should use the following formula:

    P = Total equipment power / 0.6 * 1.4

    Where 0,6 – coefficient that allows you to convert the load from W to VA;

    1,4 – power reserve factor.

    In order for a UPS for a PC to work correctly, its power must be on average 25–35% of the power of the devices that will be connected to it. It is worth providing some reserve so that if you upgrade your computer you do not have to purchase a more powerful device. The power rating of a specific UPS can be found on the back of the power supply.

    Selection by connection type

    Manufacturers offer UPS with two types of connection: modular and standard. The first type is preferable, since in this case the wires of the system unit remain unused. They can be connected at any time in case of an emergency situation.

    Selection by input voltage range

    For those who do not know how to choose an uninterruptible power supply for a computer, you should pay attention to the permissible supply voltage. It is advisable to give preference to a model in which the voltage can vary over a fairly wide range. Such a device can be used everywhere.

    Selection by connection period

    When choosing a suitable uninterruptible power supply for your home, you should find out in advance how long it will take for the device to connect to the battery. Attention should be paid to models in which this indicator is a maximum of 15 ms. If it takes longer to switch, the computer may crash.

    UPS for a computer - rating of the best models of 2017-2018

    If it is difficult to make a choice in favor of a specific model, it is worth studying the UPS rating for your computer. It is formed taking into account the functionality of the devices various types. As a result, you can always choose a suitable option not only for a private home, but also for an industrial enterprise.

    APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS 1500VA LCD 230V

    A modern interactive model with wide functionality. The best option for a powerful gaming station. Thanks to its thoughtful design, the device can be combined with all power factor correction schemes. The battery charge level is affected by temperature, which can significantly extend the life of the device.

    Availability software allows you to shut down computer equipment if the network performance does not meet the established requirements. UPS allows you to predict the amount of energy consumed and battery life. A switched group of sockets is provided.

    Powercom RAPTOR RPT-2000AP

    Affordable UPS for home. Has a large reserve of power. Using complex software, you can configure the model to work under certain conditions. AVR has one boost stage. Some users report noticeable noise created by the running fan.

    P-Com Pro 3S

    Double conversion device. It is equipped with three, and therefore the number of connected devices is limited. The output power can reach 2.7 kW. The efficiency of the device reaches 86%. Thanks to a high-quality LCD display that displays the data necessary for the user, the user can promptly monitor the status of the device, including its operating time and battery level.

    Provides protection against external interference, overload, short circuit and high-frequency pulses. If necessary, batteries can be replaced. The presence of a cold start function allows for smooth startup of the device. Considering the overall dimensions of the UPS (190 by 328 by 424 mm) and its weight (28 kg), in order to accommodate an uninterruptible power supply device for a private home, additional space will have to be provided. The model is more expensive, but can become good choice for those who need reliable protection computer equipment.

    Powercom WOW-850 U

    A backup type device characterized by a simple design. Looks like a surge protector large size. If there are four outlets, it allows only three to connect to the built-in batteries. For the convenience of users, it is equipped with color and sound alarms.

    Thanks to its special design, the UPS can be used to protect a PC from power surges. It is possible to replace the battery. The battery for the UPS must have the same characteristics as the batteries originally installed by the manufacturer. Due to its small overall dimensions, it does not impose increased requirements on placement. Allows you to keep your computer running for 14 minutes, provided that the battery is fully charged.

    Attention! You should not use the model to connect high-power equipment.

    Ippon Smart Power Pro 1000

    Interactive model with a power of 0.6 kW. Sine wave with multi-stage approximation. It is equipped with four connectors, each of which can be used to connect computer components. When the battery is fully charged, the device can remain operational for 5 minutes. It takes less than 3 ms to trigger the model.

    Thanks to its special design, this interactive model allows you to completely protect your computer from unstable network performance. For fully charged The battery only needs 4 hours. Despite the lack of an LCD display, the model is easy to use due to the presence of sound and light alarms. When the charge level is low, the user is notified by an appropriate signal. The presence of software imposes certain requirements on computer software. When purchasing, you should make sure that the device will be compatible with the system.

    Where to buy UPS for computers, prices, catalogs

    Photo Model Peculiarities Average price, rub.

    EATON Ellipse ECO EL650
    • Redundant model with sine wave-like output.
    • Cold start is provided.
    • It is possible to configure the operating mode.
    • At half load it can work for 9 minutes.
    8 500

    Ippon Back Basic 650
    • Does not make noise during operation.
    • The maximum output power reaches 650 VA.
    • Approximated model.
    • It takes 360 minutes to fully charge.
    • Switching occurs within 6 ms.
    3 000

    Powercom Imperial IMP-825AP
    • Line-interactive model with an output power of 825 VA / 495 W.
    • It takes 4ms to switch.
    • The output signal has a stepwise approximation of a sinusoid.
    5 500

    Powercom VANGUARD VGS-2000XL
    • Double conversion device.
    • Capable of delivering 2000VA/1800W output power.
    • When fully loaded, it guarantees continued operation for 5 minutes and when half loaded – for 15 minutes.
    40 500

    CyberPower CP1500EAVRLCD
    • Linear interactive model equipped with an information display.
    • Equipped with six Euro sockets.
    • There are RJ45 ports for local network, RJ11 for telephone communication and a USB port.