• The computer does not boot beyond the Windows XP splash screen. Windows xp won't start

    In this article we will look at all the popular reasons why Windows 7 or xp does not load on a laptop or computer and a black screen with inscriptions appears. Those. possible software problems and ways to eliminate them. This will be a continuation of the first part of our review, in which we looked at possible options, why the computer won’t boot, and hardware problems (with hardware). So, if you haven’t found the answer to your question here, be sure to read the first part - maybe it’s there.

    If your PC shows absolutely no signs of life and does not react in any way to pressing the power button, then we recommend that you read the article why your computer won’t start. It discusses the main causes and ways to eliminate this breakdown. But don’t forget that if you don’t want to deal with the problem yourself, you can always contact our service and order computer repair at home.

    We tried to this review was as complete as possible, and collected all the most popular reasons why Windows 7 or xp does not start on a computer or laptop. Each case has been encountered many times in our practice. But it is also possible that you will not find a solution to your problem. In this case, write in the comments and we will try to help you.

    On a black screen there is an inscription: NTLDR is missing and Windows does not boot

    This is one of the most common reasons why Windows xp or 7 does not start. The message "NTLDR is missing" is translated as "NTLDR is missing." NTLDR is the boot file of the operating system, which requires three files (NTLDR, boot.ini and ntdetect.com) on the active partition to run. hard drive, from which the download is configured. If at least one of the files is missing or there is no access to it, then Windows 7 or xp will not boot and will give an error.

    Possible reasons and what to do:

    • The NTLDR, ntdetect.com, and boot.ini files have been moved or completely removed from the disk containing the operating system. In this case you need to copy missing files computer with a working OS.
    • Severe virus infection - a deep scan of your PC for viruses is necessary. It may also be necessary to restore damaged system files.
    • In the root directory system disk Too many files have accumulated.

    Unfortunately, due to the nature file system NTFS, which is used on most modern computers, easy removal extra files from the root directory system partition It’s unlikely to help fix the problem - Windows won’t start anyway. Additional copying may be required boot files from a work PC.

    • If several operating systems are installed on the hard drive at once, then a conflict may have occurred between them.

    You can fix this problem by booting the computer using the operating system recovery disk and manually editing the boot.ini file, which is responsible for the OS boot order.

    Windows XP won't boot due to registry problems

    As a rule, this problem is specific to this version of the operating system. In the newer ones (seven, eight, ten) we did not encounter such a problem.

    Before booting begins, one of the following messages appears on a black screen:

    • Windows cannot start because the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM file is corrupted or missing;
    • Windows cannot start because the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SOFTWARE file is corrupted or missing.

    These messages mean that your operating system registry is faulty. There may be several reasons why this could happen and now Windows XP does not start:

    • Your PC has been affected viral infection.
    • You incorrectly shut down your computer by forcibly turning it off using a button or unplugging the cord from the outlet.
    • Yours is failing (or has already failed) hard drive.

    There are several ways in which you can restore functionality to your operating system. If everything goes well, this can be done even without reinstalling the entire system. But all these methods require deep knowledge of PC software.

    A beginner, having made even a small mistake or inaccuracy, risks losing the opportunity for subsequent successful recovery. In addition, you may need to restore personal information located on your hard drive. Therefore, we recommend contacting specialists for this problem.

    The following message appears on the black screen: BOOTMGR is missing

    "BOOTMGR is missing" is translated as "BOOTMGR is missing." If Windows 7 or XP does not boot and appears this message, this means that the boot sector is missing or damaged.

    This could happen due to incorrect installation programs, due to a failure in the operating system, careless user actions, or problems with hard drive. Before attempting to resolve the error, you must diagnosis of hard disk for availability bad sectors.

    In order to eliminate this problem need boot disk from which Windows was installed. You need to boot your computer from the disk and select “Startup Repair” in “System Recovery Options.”

    In this case, the boot sector will be restored to automatic mode. If after this Windows 7 still won’t start, and you don’t know what to do, then it’s better to contact the service. Because recovery of the boot sector in manual mode a very difficult operation. Careless actions can lead to the loss of all information stored on the computer.

    Why Windows won't boot and freezes during boot

    Many have encountered a problem when, when starting the operating system, a logo with a creeping line appears and the computer freezes. There is no point in waiting an hour, two or a day - Windows will not start.

    Here are the main reasons why this can happen:

    • The operating system has been severely infected with a virus - in this case it can help full check system disk for viruses. You can do this by booting your computer from rescue disk recovery or by connecting the hard drive to another computer.
    • The operating system has crashed

    You can try booting into safe mode and perform a system restore, or try to perform a “Load Last Known Known Configuration”. Very often this helps solve the problem. To do this, immediately after turning on the PC, start pressing the “F8” key. A menu should appear where you can select this option downloads.

    • Computer hard drive failure.

    Due to improper use or simply over time, bad sectors may appear on the hard drive. The information that was written to them becomes inaccessible and, as a result, Windows 7 or XP may stop loading and freeze during the boot process. You can restore and replace bad sectors, but it would be best to replace the hard drive itself. You can read it.

    Also, if such a malfunction occurs, you can try “Load last known known configuration”. If this still does not bring results, then in the same menu try the “Safe Mode” item (on English it could be " Safe mode"). When it turns on, try to rollback to the previous state. To do this, in “Start”, find and run “System Restore”.

    " blue screen death"

    Another popular problem is when Windows 7 does not load beyond the logo, but a “blue screen of death” appears. In this case, you will also need to bring up the boot menu using the "F8" key.

    There should be an item in the menu called “Troubleshoot your computer.” Click it and the “Recovery Options” window should appear on your screen.

    Let us briefly examine the points that are contained in it.

    • Startup recovery - automatic analysis problems that prevent Windows 7 from starting, and an attempt to fix them. It doesn't always help, but it's definitely worth a try.
    • System Restore - from here you can also “roll back” the system, just like from safe mode.
    • Restoring a system image - if you have a saved system image on your hard drive, you can restore using it.
    • Diagnostics Windows memory- examination system memory for mistakes.
    • The command line is for “advanced users”. Using it you can delete, copy or move files manually.

    So, first of all, try using the “Startup Repair” item, if that doesn’t help, then “System Restore”.

    In this article, we looked at the main reasons caused by a software malfunction of the computer, due to which Windows very often does not boot. We hope that we were able to answer all the questions and clearly explain what to do in this case.

    If you still haven’t been able to figure out on your own the reason why Windows 7 or XP won’t start on your computer or laptop, and you don’t know what to do next, then you can always contact us for help - the center computer help website. Our service technicians will quickly and accurately determine the cause of the breakdown and eliminate all faults. In addition, they will give valuable advice on how to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

    Also write your questions in the comments. And you will definitely get an answer to them.

    Booting Windows consists of many steps performed sequentially. If one of the startup operations is performed incorrectly, the system will not boot. One of the most common problems of this kind is bootloader corruption. Windows entries XP.

    What is a boot record?

    In the main boot entry, better known as MBR, stores a piece of code, a special signature and partition tables necessary for the system to start correctly. When turned on computer BIOS after the initial test is completed, it loads a fragment of the MBR code into RAM, transferring control of the further launch of Windows to it (the code).

    If you see a message on the screen like “ntldr is missing”, “no boot device” or just a black background without further progress, then to fix the error you need to perform a Windows XP boot loader repair.

    Reasons for failure:

    • Incorrect installation of several operating systems, which causes the boot code to be overwritten.
    • Uninstalling Linux OS or boot manager.
    • Virus infection (usually ransomware that blocks launch Win dows).
    • Hardware damage to the disk.
    • Power outages (emergency shutdown).

    Sometimes it is possible to return the system to functionality by simply rewriting the MBR, sometimes you have to restore the boot sector. The most difficult case is manual copying bootloader files to the boot sector of the hard drive.

    MBR recovery

    The first thing to do if the system does not start is to restore the MBR using the recovery console:

    The boot record has been restored - try rebooting and turning on Windows XP again.

    Boot sector recovery

    If a message like “NTLDR is missing” appears on the screen, then the problem is caused by a damaged boot record. The symptoms of this failure are similar to MBR error, so it's better to run two recovery commands:

    If rewriting the boot sector and MBR did not help, then try fixing the errors in the Boot.INI file:

    When the command is executed, the program will scan all disk partitions, trying to find copy of Windows. The user will be prompted to record information about loading this system into the configuration file, as a result of which Windows will start correctly.

    Copying download files

    If creating a new MBR and boot sector does not help resolve the startup error, you will have to manually move the NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM and boot.ini files to the root of the disk.

    1. Boot from the disk, open the recovery console.
    2. Write the MBR and boot sector as shown above.
    3. Run the "map" command to list all mapped drives. Find the drive letter of your Windows distribution.
    4. Enter the drive letter of the distribution and press Enter to start working with it.
    5. Type "cd i386" to open the folder of the same name on Windows distribution XP.
    6. Type "copy NTLDR C:\" to copy the NTLDR file.
    7. Enter "copy NTDETECT.COM C:\" to copy the NTDETECT.COM file.

    Next in line will be the BOOT.INI file.

    Me, the engineer service center, we often hear complaints from customers that the computer will not start or boot. This is how various problems are described - from problems with turning on to problems with loading the operating system. But to be more precise, “does not start” should be understood as not turning on, not initializing or not working, while “does not boot” should mean problems with loading the system.

    Let's look at examples of specific symptoms why the computer won't start.

    No response when pressing the power button


    • There is no power supply, the electrical cord is damaged or the power supply is faulty.
    • The Power button is damaged.
    • There is no electrical contact in the power connectors.
    • The power management chip has failed.
    • Damaged indoor unit power supply (on laptops).
    • The chipset has failed.
    • BIOS is damaged.

    What to do?

    • Make sure there is voltage in the electrical network. Check that the power supply is turned on and that the cable is securely connected to it. If possible, test the computer with a different power supply.
    • To test the button, disconnect the wires from the Power Switch contacts (ON, PWR_ON, PC_ON) on motherboard and close the contacts with a screwdriver. If the PC turns on normally, the button is to blame.
    • Reset BIOS settings by removing the battery for the CMOS chip and shorting the socket terminals. Or using the Clear CMOS jumper (button) (other names: CLRTC, CRTC, CL_CMOS, CCMOS).

    The computer turns on (fans are running), but there is nothing on the screen


    • The processor is faulty or there is a problem with its power supply.
    • The north bridge has failed.
    • The RAM modules, slots or power supply are faulty ( RAM).
    • The BIOS firmware has crashed.

    What to do?

    • Make sure there is no damage to the processor and that its cooling system is connected correctly.
    • Check if the additional four-pin connector is connected near the CPU power regulator.
    • Check the operation of the RAM sticks in different slots, try replacing them with known good ones.
    • Reset BIOS settings.

    The computer turns off or restarts during startup


    • Overheating of the processor or main components of the motherboard.
    • Failure ( short circuit) one of the computer devices.
    • Voltage levels on the motherboard are outside the acceptable limits.
    • BIOS problems.

    What to do?

    • Clean the cooling system of contaminants. Renew the thermal paste on the processor.
    • Disconnect all devices that are not necessary to start the computer: peripherals, expansion cards (sound, network, etc.), optical drive, everything connected to USB (except the keyboard), RAM (except for one stick), hard drives, except for the system one. If the PC starts, one of the disabled devices is to blame.
    • Reset BIOS settings.

    The operating system does not load


    • The system hard drive has failed, is not connected correctly, or is not receiving power.
    • Chipset (south bridge) problems.
    • BIOS problems.
    • Damage to the MBR or operating system boot files.

    What to do?

    • Make sure the hard drive is properly connected, functional, and receiving power. Check if it is detected in the BIOS and is visible when booting from other media.
    • Reset BIOS settings.

    If nothing helps, or if a problem with turning on occurs on the laptop, contact the service.

    Let's talk about problems associated with the Windows XP operating system in more detail.

    Why might Windows XP not start correctly?

    There are many reasons why Win XP won't load. These are damage or missing boot files, changes in the registry, incorrect settings boot.ini configuration file, MBR (master boot record) corruption, and sometimes a combination of these factors. Such problems most often arise due to the following:

    • viral activity, especially associated with blocking the MBR and worker Windows desktop, as well as due to unsuccessful attempts to treat such viruses;
    • errors when creating a configuration with loading multiple operating systems;
    • hard drive surface defects;
    • power outages, which can cause damage to Win files during reading and writing.

    To better understand the causes of failures Win downloads XP, let's briefly look at how this process works.

    How to boot a computer running Windows XP

    We will not consider the system stages of turning on the PC - the motherboard receiving the Power Good signal, initializing devices and starting to execute the BIOS code, since the problems at this stage are hardware related. We will consider the start of Windows to be the execution of the MBR boot code, to which it sends BIOS management. So.

    • The MBR finds the active partition in the table and transfers control to the boot code from its first sector (Boot Sector).
    • Once executed, the boot sector code transfers control to the NTLDR file - Windows boot loader XP.
    • NTLDR puts the processor into 32-bit operating mode and checks to see if the hibernation image (hiberfil.sys file) is stored on the hard disk. If such an image exists, it loads it; if not, it reads information from Boot.INI, the boot configuration file.
    • If multiple copies of Win are installed on a computer, a menu is displayed from which the user can choose which system to boot.

    • After selecting the system, the ntdetect.com file is launched, which determines the hardware configuration of the current boot.
    • Next, the ntoskrnl.exe files are downloaded ( Windows kernel XP) and Hal.dll (Hardware Abstraction Layer) - an intermediary between PC hardware and the Win kernel.
    • The last task of NTLDR is to launch the drivers marked in the registry as bootable and transfer control to the kernel code. At the same time, the equipment is initialized, the interrupt controller and the I/O system are turned on.
    • The Windows XP kernel runs the session manager - Smss.exe, which creates the user environment, the graphics subsystem - Win32k.sys, the client-server execution subsystem Csrss.exe, the Win logon program - Winlogon.exe, the authentication service - Lsass.exe and Services.exe is the service control manager.
    • Next comes the launch of the welcome screen – LogonUI.exe and the Windows user login program – Userinit.exe.
    • Next, Explorer (Win shell) – Explorer.exe – is launched, the desktop appears on the screen and the system goes into standby mode for user commands.

    How to restore Windows XP boot

    Win boot failure can occur at any of the listed stages. Knowing what follows what, it is easier to understand the reasons that prevent the system from starting.

    Recovering the Master Boot Record (MBR)

    If the MBR is damaged, the startup of Windows XP is interrupted at the very beginning, almost immediately after turning on the computer. This manifests itself in the following message being displayed on the screen:

    • Missing Operating System - operating system not found;
    • Invalid Partition Table - invalid (defective) partition table;
    • Error Loading Operating System - error loading the operating system.

    Or nothing is displayed.

    If the MBR becomes damaged, both the boot code and the partition table can be affected. To restore the MBR code, you need to start the computer from the installation Windows disk XP and log into the recovery console. To do this:

    • place in drive installation disk and start downloading, when you see the message “Welcome to the installer”, press the R (restore) key;

    • to work in the console, specify serial number Win XP, where you need to log in. If you have one system, press 1;
    • enter the administrator password;
    • enter the command fixmbr and press Enter - the boot code will be overwritten;
    • To exit the console, enter the command exit.

    The partition table cannot be fixed using Win's own tools. To do this you have to use third party programs. One of these is the utility TestDisk copes with this task perfectly.

    Repairing the boot sector and NTLDR bootloader

    Boot sector code corruption has the same symptoms as MBR corruption, and error messages may include the following:

    • NTLDR is missing - NTLDR loader not found;
    • A disk read error occurred- a disk reading error occurred;
    • NTLDR is compressed - the NTLDR loader is compressed (not unzipped).

    To solve this problem, you will again need the Recovery Console, where you will need to run the command fixboot.

    The same messages may appear even if they are not in the root Windows directory XP bootloader NTLDR. A copy of this file, transferred from another computer under Windows control XP or from the installation disk.

    Setting the boot configuration (Boot.INI)

    If configuration file loading Boot.INI contains errors, starting Win XP will also be impossible, since NTLDR will not know what to load and with what parameters. The system notifies you of this problem with the following messages:

    • Check boot path and disk hardware - check the disk and path to the boot partition;
    • Could not read from selected boot disk - could not read data from the selected boot disk;
    • Windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem - Windows startup failed due to a disk configuration error.

    The recovery console will again help you get out of the situation. Run the command: bootcfg /rebuild- she restores standard entries boot.INI. During her work, everything sections of hard disk are checked for presence installed copies Win. If systems are detected, entries about them are added to the configuration file, and the user can confirm or reject the addition of the system to the boot list. This way it is possible to restore the launch of several copies of Windows at once.

    Registry recovery

    Another reason why Windows XP does not boot is damage to the registry, especially the System sections, which contain information about starting drivers, and the Software sections, which contain boot control settings.

    To “roll back” these two partitions to the state at the time of system installation, launch the recovery console and run the commands:

    rename c:windowssystem32configsystem system.old

    rename c:windowssystem32configsoftware software.old

    copy c:windowsrepairsystem c:windowssystem32configsystem

    copy c:windowsrepairsoftware c:windowssystem32configsoftware

    You can restore other partitions using the same method. Win registry: Default, Security and Sum.

    Recovering boot files

    You already know why the files responsible for starting Windows XP become inoperable. In such cases, Win loads almost to the end, but at a certain moment it goes into a reboot or ends with a BSoD. So, error 0xC000021a (fatal system error) indicates that Winlogon.exe or Csrss.exe is missing or damaged. Problems with other files may not be accompanied by messages, but only appear as a black screen during the boot process.

    If you know which files are missing, you can transfer them from another similar system or from a distribution disk - from the i386 folder. To do this, the computer also boots from the recovery console, where commands are executed to copy and unpack files from the storage. Yes, team expand d:i386userinit.ex_ c:windowssystem32 unzip and copy to folder system32 file userinit.exe, where d: is the installation disk.

    If you don’t know what files are causing Windows to fail to boot, installing the system in recovery mode will help. System files will be overwritten, but programs, settings and user data will remain unchanged.

    • Start your computer from the installation disc. When the “Welcome to the program...” window appears, continue the installation by pressing Enter.

    • During further work the program will scan the disks and if it finds a copy of Windows XP on them, it will offer to restore it. To do this, select it in the list and press “R”.

    • After the reboot, there will be several more stages where user participation will be required. This includes entering the serial number.

    • At the end of the operation, the files will be overwritten and if the reason why Windows did not boot was in them, the system will restore its operation.

    Of course, the first thing you need to do is determine the problem, since a computer can break down in two cases:

    1. Hardware failure, i.e. when a part fails.

    2. Software fault, i.e. if there are errors in the software.

    Option 1: The computer does not respond.

    If nothing happens when you press the Power button, no indicators light up, and the fans don’t spin, the first thing to do is check that the computer is connected correctly. Inspect the power cords, check if the switch on the rear panel is turned on system unit.

    If everything is in order, then most probable cause– failure of the power supply. At home and in the absence of experience working with electrical appliances, it is extremely difficult to eliminate this malfunction. However, if you have PC assembly skills, you can borrow a friend's power supply and test your computer. In other cases, it is better to contact a computer service center.

    Option 2: The computer responds, but does not boot.

    If, when you press the Power button, the network indicator (green light) is on, the fans are spinning, but nothing appears on the monitor - most likely there is a hardware malfunction (if, of course, the monitor is connected correctly). What can you try to do?

    Perhaps your computer is clogged with dust and there is simply no contact somewhere. In this case:

    1. Open the computer lid and remove the RAM and video card.

    2. Carefully remove dust from the system unit and from the removed slots.

    3. Wipe the contacts of the RAM and video card well.

    4. Insert everything back and check the functionality of the PC.

    If the actions taken do not produce results, you will have to look for the faulty part. It's easier to do if you know BIOS version installed on your PC.

    If you do not know the version of your BIOS, then simply change the components one by one (borrowed from a friend). If this is not possible, the only way out is the same computer service center.

    Option 3: The computer turns on, but Windows XP does not load.

    If the computer turns on, the image appears, but WindowsXP does not load and a message appears like:


    This message indicates that the storage device with the operating system was not found.

    Check for correctness connecting hard disk, if everything is correct, the operating system has failed.

    This problem can be solved quickly and painlessly by reinstalling (in some cases restoring) the operating system.

    This option is also possible:

    IN in this case, most likely, there is a problem with system files, either they are damaged or completely lost.

    The following measures can be taken:

    1. “Loading the last known good configuration (with working parameters).” To download the last known good Windows configuration After turning on the PC, press the F8 key. In the window that appears, select this download item.

    2. “Safe Mode”. To do this, when booting the computer, press the F8 key (as in the previous paragraph), select “Safe Mode”, if the system boots, go to the following path: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore. And following the wizard's prompts, try to restore an earlier working system.


    Post navigation

    Situations often arise when the Windows XP operating system suddenly stops loading. There can be many reasons for this, and each specific problem requires an individual solution. However, if the user knows why the computer may malfunction, then he can easily solve the problem on his own. All possible reasons failures can be divided into two groups:

    It is also worth paying attention to at what stage the OS does not load, that is, what manages to appear on the screen, and after what particular event you detect a failure. In this case, we will consider a situation where Windows XP no longer starts after the splash screen appears.

    What can you do

    The very first method you need to resort to is loading the system's last known known configuration. After all, the cause of the malfunction may simply be that you, for example, installed an incorrect program or driver on your computer, due to which the OS does not load normally. Accordingly for normal operation system, you need to return it to the moment when these tools were not installed. IN system registry there is a special section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet, where information about the last problem-free boot is recorded. It is with the help of this Windows partition will determine the last known known configuration and boot based on it.

    Another option is to run Windows XP in Safe Mode.

    With this method, only the minimum required set is loaded software For Windows operation, none of support programs won't load.

    If you were unable to boot your system as usual, but it booted into safe mode without any problems, this already suggests that you most likely recently installed some software on your computer that is causing your system to not work. starts.

    After starting your computer in safe mode, you should Windows recovery XP. To do this, you need to run the recovery utility, which is located in the All Programs/Accessories/Utilities/System Restore directory. It takes so-called snapshots of important system files, and saves the resulting information in the form of restore points at which the system boots normally (more precisely, it booted before the problem occurred). Points can be created manually; periodically they are created automatically (for example, after installing a new software). You need to choose desired point, and then start the recovery process. Upon completion, the computer will restart.

    If all else fails

    If previous attempts have failed and your system still won't boot, your last resort may be to restore your system using the installer. In order to do this, you will need a Windows XP installation disc. Insert it into the drive, enter the BIOS and set it to boot from it. . If a window appears on the screen asking you to press any key to continue working, then do just that. The Windows XP operating system installation window will appear. You will need the first item, by selecting which you will begin Windows installation XP on computer. First of all, the screen will display license agreement, which must be accepted, otherwise you will not be able to install the OS.

    On next stage The message “Search” will appear at the bottom of the screen previous versions Microsoft Windows..." Thus, the program determines what it needs to do next - install the system on the computer or launch a recovery mechanism for an already installed OS. There's one enough here important nuance- for the recovery procedure to be successful, you will need a disk with exactly the same copy of Windows that you had previously installed. This is due to the fact that each operating system has its own serial number, which during the installation process is also checked against the previously installed copy.

    Let's say the scan completed successfully and no compatibility issues were found. In this case, a message appears on the screen asking you to either restore your existing copy of Windows or install it on your hard drive. new copy, and do not carry out the recovery procedure. Since we are interested in system recovery, we need to select the first item and then press the R key. If suddenly the installation wizard offers you only to install a new copy of Windows on your computer, do not agree - this will remove your OS from the computer and you will have to install it again.

    If you did everything correctly, the program will begin the recovery procedure. From the outside it will look like installing a new OS on your computer, but in fact it is just a recovery damaged system. After all, the process does not affect computer user accounts, programs installed on the computer, or system registry data.

    That's it, your computer now boots into normal mode. It is advisable to make sure that the correct device boot priorities have been set in the BIOS (because after recovery through the distribution kit they have to be changed). The priority should be to start from the hard drive. If everything is correct, then Windows XP starts and works without failures.

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