• Master class: creating a personalized stamp in Photoshop. How to draw a round seal for documents in Photoshop

    In this lesson we will learn to draw realistic print in Photoshop program. Here is the result of this lesson:

    Now let's start creating a seal, but under no circumstances fake the original one. Punishment for counterfeiting seals and stamps is provided for in Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    When creating a seal, try to comply with generally accepted standards for seals and stamps:

    1. Seals practically do not use special fonts (handwritten, Gothic, with complex designs). It is recommended to choose one font for all print layers.
    2. An invariable attribute of any print is the frame. it must have the correct geometric shape.
    3. Align words relative to each other. Try to fill the voids inside the frame by changing the font size. All printed words must be clearly legible.

    Step 1: Create New document (Ctrl + N) size 300 x 300 pixels. Select a tool Text (T) and write two lines of text, each on a separate layer. Select the font size so that both lines are the same length.

    Step 2. Deform both text layers. With active instrument Text (T), click on the icon in the tool settings panel Warp text and set the following settings:

    Step 3. If, after deformation, the text goes beyond the working document, then in the palette Layers click on one of the text layers, and then, while holding down the key Shift, on the second. As a result, you will have two text layers active at once. Next, select a tool Shift To maintain proportions, drag the side handle inside the transform frame and position the text inside the working document. Click Enter.

    Step 4. Now click on the top text layer and select the tool Free Transform (Ctrl + T), then rotate the text 180 degrees and move down to create a circle shape (be sure to hold down when resizing Shift key).

    Step 5: Create . Select a tool Oval area(M) and while holding down the key Shift, create a circle-shaped selection. Set the Foreground color to black (D). Then select the command Editing > Stroke. Set the width to 5 px. and press OK. Deselect (Ctrl + D). Using a tool Free Transform (Ctrl + T) Place the outer stamp frame around the text.
    Create an inner frame in the same way (stroke width 2 px).

    Step 6. Inside the stamp on a new layer, paste required text, drawing or logo.

    Step 7: Hide the visibility of the background layer. Then in the palette Layers right-click on one of the visible layers and select the command Merge Visible. As a result, all print layers will be combined into one layer. After that, turn on the visibility of the background layer again.

    Step 8: Create New Layer (Shift + Ctrl + N) above all layers and apply Filter > Render > Clouds and then Filter > Noise > Add Noise.

    Step 9. Change the blending mode of this layer to Lightening (Screen).

    Step 10: Hold down the key Ctrl, click on the thumbnail of the layer with the seal to get a selected area.

    Step 11 Invert (Shift + Ctrl + I) selected area, then in the palette Layers Click on the noise layer to activate it and press the key Delete to noise outside the print. Deselect (Ctrl + D). Then merge the noise layer with the previous print layer (Ctrl + E). As a result, we got a print with noise on a separate layer.

    Step 12: Switch to mode Quick mask(Q). Press the key D to set the foreground color to black. Select a tool Brush (B) and a brush with a diameter of 1 px. draw something similar to what you see in the picture below. How more lines The more you draw, the stronger the effect you will get.

    Step 13: Press the key Q to exit the mode Quick mask. This will automatically highlight all the red lines. Then at the bottom of the palette Layers click on the icon Add a Layer Mask. We've already got a pretty realistic print.

    Step 14. For greater realism, let's set the color of our print. Select a team Image> Correction> Hue / Saturation (Image> Adjustment> Hue / Saturation), in the window that appears, be sure to check the box Toning (Colorize) and select the desired print color and press OK.

    Step 15. Finally, let's slightly rotate the resulting seal. Select a tool Free Transform (Ctrl + T) and turn the seal. Click Enter. That's it! The print is ready.
    The result is very realistic, so do not use the knowledge gained to forge documents. Remember that this is illegal and punishable quite harshly.

    Lesson prepared by: Vladimir Nesterov

    Probably everyone new user“Photoshop,” burrowing deeper and deeper into the functional jungle of the program, makes more and more discoveries with delight and surprise, thinking with gratitude and admiration about the creators of a unique program, the possibilities of which sometimes seem unlimited. And here, out of nowhere, an insinuating thought appears: “So you can draw money, too?!”

    Well, let’s say, not everyone will think about money, but many people are interested in Photoshop, and not to fake it, no, just curious.

    Requirements for stamps

    Since we are not going to falsify anything, there is no need for us to know that, according to the law, there are no special rules regulating the content of seals (if they do not reproduce the state emblem), their production, registration and procedure for use. In order to create a stamp in Photoshop, it is enough for us to know that only a round stamp must have legal entities, and the rest - whoever knows what.

    The most important thing is that the full organization or full name of the entrepreneur must appear in the press, as well as an indication of the Legislation not against additional information, so you can display the logo or OGRN, INN, etc.

    And one more very significant detail, which determines how to make printing in Photoshop as realistic as possible. This, of course, is a printing cliché, by means of which an impression is made in mirror image, and since it is cut out, the text in the picture should look voluminous (but this is not an acquired taste).

    Round stamp

    Let's move from words to action and draw a simple round stamp. Create new document in Photoshop, for example, 300 x 300 pixels. with a resolution of 72 pixels/inch on a white background.

    Turn on the "Text" tool, select the size (say, 18 pt.), color and font type to your taste, and write a not very long name of your company, company, "shop", office, name of the entrepreneur or something else like that kind.

    Select the text on the canvas and in the settings panel at the top, click on the button with the letter "T" on the slide. In the window that opens - "Deform text" - expand "Style" and select the "Arc" option, bending it with the "Bend" slider to 100%.

    Copy (Ctrl+J) the text layer and flip the duplicate upside down (Edit > Transform > Rotate 180 Degrees), then position the copy under the original half-circle of text.

    Add new layer, turn on the "Oval Marquee" selection tool and circle the text, then go to the "Edit" menu and select the "Stroke" command, specifying a width of approximately 6-8 px. and placing it "Centered". Deselect (Ctrl+D).

    Repeat the previous step to create an inner ring just below the lettering, as is typical for round stamp designs, but make the stroke a little thinner, about 5 px.

    Note: you can move the text in a circle without deforming the direct inscription, as was done with ours. You can draw a circle with the Ellipse tool, selecting the "Outline" mode in the settings panel at the top, then go to the "Text" tool and move the cursor to the outline line. As soon as it transforms, you need to click the mouse, after which the cursor will flash in a familiar way, inviting you to enter text. You can delete a path by pressing Ctrl+H so you don't have to mess around with the Paths tab. In addition, to create a circle, you can use rings from a standard set of arbitrary shapes, for example, “Thin Round Frame”. Just remember to rasterize this layer before adding the porous texture.

    In the inner ring in the center of the seal, you can (on a new layer) add a logo or trademark, a company abbreviation, or anything else you want, and it can be text, an image, or both.

    We figured out how to draw a seal in Photoshop, but that's only half the battle. Now the cliche design needs to be given a porous (or fine-grained) texture, just like stamp impressions typically look like. This is achieved in different ways, but all of them, in principle, come down to adding noise.

    Create a new layer on top of all the others, go to Filter > Render and select Clouds, then open the Filter menu again and select Noise > Add Noise. Here you need to set the “Effect” to 18-20% (in our case), specify the “Gaussian” distribution and select “Monochrome”. We change the current blending mode for the “noisy” layer to “Screen”, and the print design is ready for fake activity.

    Now you can select all the layers except the background, and for the sake of plausibility, casually bevel the print by calling the transformation (Ctrl+T) and slightly rotating the drawing.

    Rectangular stamp

    It’s even easier to make a print in Photoshop if its shape is rectangular. Let's say that our stamp is made of rubber.

    Create a new document with dimensions 250 x 150 px. (enough for a medium stamp) and select red as the main color (looks impressive), and make the background black.

    Activate the "Text" tool in bold size of at least 50 pt. make an inscription. For simplicity, let it be one word.

    Go to "Layers" > "Rasterize" > "Text" or right-click on the layer and select a similar command.

    Turn on the Rectangular Marquee tool and stretch the frame to enclose the text, then go to the Edit menu and choose Stroke, setting the width to about 10 px. and placing it “Center” or “Inside”. Then deselect (Ctrl+D).

    You can add a Drop Shadow layer style to the stamp frame with text inside, using appropriate options to create a 3D effect.

    Now let's add a texture to the picture that imitates a stamp made of porous rubber. To do this, go to Filter > Strokes and select Spatter. In Photoshop CS6, this “splatter” tool is located in the “Filter Gallery” in the same “Strokes” folder.

    In the filter dialog box, set Spray Radius to 17 and Smoothness to 5.

    Next, open the “Select” menu and select “Colorrange”. Here, in the “Select” list at the top, select “Sampled Colors”, set “Fuzziness” to the maximum (200) and select “Selection” at the bottom. Now take the eyedropper and pick out the black on your stamp. By clicking OK, you will see that all the black spots are now selected, so they can be removed, thus creating a stamp effect. Without removing the selection, click the Delete button until complete removal black spots.

    Note: the mottled texture of a rubber stamp print can also be created using large grunge brushes (there are plenty of them on the Internet), choosing a suitable print pattern and a color darker than the cliche. Click on the print pattern and the rubber material texture is ready.


    To create a stamp, you don’t need to know how to make a stamp in Photoshop. with my own hands, because kind and “lazy” people have already done this for us. We are, of course, talking about Actions, as they are called, although in the program these macro commands are called “Operations”. There are both paid and free versions.

    After downloading the file, take it with you (or copy it) and go along the route: drive C: > Program Files > Adobe Photoshop CS > Presets. Here you will find the folder Photoshop Actions(Operations) and put your file there.

    Now launch Photoshop, select “Actions” from the “Window” menu, then click on the triangle in the top right and select “Load Actions.” A window will open in front of you where you need to select your file and click the “Upload” button. Make sure that your collection has been replenished with a new action and use it to your health.


    As you know, Photoshop brushes can paint not only with classic strokes, but also with a wide variety of designs. However, the most important advantage of this artistic tool of the program is that it allows us to create our own prints. Having mastered this not very complicated science, you can easily cope with such “jewelry” work as printing in Photoshop, because you don’t have to draw anything, but simply use drawings or photographs of stamps as prints in the procedure for creating a brush.

    It’s even easier and faster to solve your printing problem by downloading ready-made brushes (for free!), although it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to use them in scams.

    Downloaded brushes are usually placed in the Brushes folder, which can be reached via the following route: C: > Program Files > Adobe > Adobe Photoshop CS > Presets. Then the files will immediately go into the editor, but you can also create your own folder in any place convenient for you and send the files there.

    In this case, open “Photoshop”, go to “Editing” > “Presets” > “Manage Presets”, in the window that opens, indicate the location where the file is located and click “Upload”, after which new brush will appear in the set. We hope you now understand how to make a seal in Photoshop.

    Every self-respecting organization, entrepreneur or official must have its own seal, which carries some information and a graphic component (coat of arms, logo, etc.).

    In this lesson we will look at the basic techniques for creating quality stamps in Photoshop.

    For example, let's create a print of our favorite website.

    Create a new document with a white background and equal sides.

    Then we stretch the guides to the middle of the canvas.

    The next step is to create the circular lettering for our stamp. Read how to write text in a circle.

    Draw a round frame (read the article). Place the cursor at the intersection of the guides and hold down SHIFT and when we have already started to pull, we also press ALT. This will allow the figure to stretch relative to the center in all directions.

    Have you read the article? The information contained in it allows you to create circular inscriptions. But there is one caveat. The radii of the outer and inner contours do not match, and this is not good for printing.

    We have dealt with the upper inscription, but we will have to tinker with the lower one.

    Go to the layer with the shape and call free transformation keyboard shortcut CTRL+T. Then, using the same technique as when creating a figure ( SHIFT+ALT), stretch the figure as in the screenshot.

    We write the second inscription.

    We delete the auxiliary figure and continue.

    Create a new empty layer at the very top of the palette and select the tool "Oval area".

    Place the cursor at the intersection of the guides and again draw a circle from the center ( SHIFT+ALT).

    We choose the thickness of the stroke by eye, the color is not important. Location: outside.

    Deselect using a keyboard shortcut CTRL+D.

    Create another ring on a new layer. We make the thickness of the stroke a little smaller, the location is inside.

    Now let’s place the graphic component – ​​the logo – in the center of the print.

    I found this image online:

    If desired, you can fill the empty space between the inscriptions with some symbols.

    Remove visibility from the layer with the background (white) and, being on the topmost layer, create a fingerprint of all layers using a keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E.

    Turn on background visibility and continue.

    Click on the second layer from the top in the palette, hold down CTRL and select all layers except the top and bottom and delete them - we no longer need them.

    Double-click on the layer with the stamp and in the layer styles that open, select the item "Color Overlay".
    We select the color according to our understanding.

    The print is ready, but you can make it a little more realistic.

    Create a new empty layer and apply a filter to it "Clouds", after pressing the key D to reset the default colors. The filter is located in the menu "Filter - Rendering".

    Then apply a filter to the same layer "Noise". Search in menu “Filter – Noise – Add Noise”. We choose the value at our discretion. Something like this:

    Now change the blending mode for this layer to "Screen".

    Let's add some more defects.

    Let's go to the print layer and add a layer mask to it.

    Select a black brush with a size of 2-3 pixels.

    Using this brush, we randomly swipe across the mask of the layer with the seal, creating scratches.


    Question: if I need to use this seal in the future, what should I do? Should I draw it again? No. To do this, Photoshop has a brush creation function.

    Let's make a real seal.

    First of all, you need to get rid of clouds and noise outside the print outlines. To do this, press CTRL and click on the thumbnail of the layer with the stamp, creating a selection.

    Then go to the clouds layer and invert the selection ( CTRL+SHIFT+I) and press DEL.

    Deselect ( CTRL+D) and continue.

    Go to the layer with the stamp and double-click on it, calling up the styles. In the "Color Overlay" section, change the color to black.

    Let's go to the menu "Editing - Define Brush". In the window that opens, give the brush a name and click "OK".

    The new brush will appear at the very bottom of the set.

    The seal is created and ready for use.

    Create a stamp in Photoshop

    I think that the master class on creating your own stamp will be useful to many.

    Sometimes, for a change, you want to use something new rather than your “working” stamp. It occurred to me to try to make a round seal. The kind that most often appears on various important documents. I tried to describe all the steps so that even the person who opened it could understand Adobe program Photoshop for the first or second time.

    To get started, create a new document 600*600 (or 300*300) pixels. with a white background.

    Select the T (text) icon on the toolbar

    If you do not see the text, it means you have selected white. You can change the palette by clicking on this icon:

    We write a small text about what we want to see on our seal. For me it's "Made with Love".

    In the layers palette, select the layer with the text, then top panel Click on the button with the letter “T” and an arc under it. Set the following values.

    If you need to adjust the inscription to size, then select Edit-Transform-Scaling and do not forget to click on the “chain” icon so that you do not have incorrect deformation.

    Copy the layer by pressing Ctrl+J and rotate the copy 180 degrees: Edit-Transform-Rotate 180. Move the copy so that it is located under the original.

    We repeat the action. This time we make the circle smaller and the stroke 3px.

    I also added handprints to my stamp. If you also want to make a stamp with handles, then select the tool " arbitrary figure", then on the panel at the top, click on the arrow next to the "free shape" tool and then select the desired element from all the presented shapes. In in this case right and left hand. To prevent them from merging, I reduced the opacity. If you wish, you can choose a different color altogether and then we will have them in a different color.

    Press the Shift+Ctrl+N keys to get a new layer and write the desired text on this layer. If the text is not written, but an existing inscription is selected, then we rasterize the layers (to do this, right-click on the layer with the inscription and select “Rasterize layer”) and only then write the text.

    Rasterize the layer again. Now select all layers except the very last one (“background”) and connect them together by pressing Ctrl+E.

    For greater realism, add noise: Filter - Noise - Add Noise

    As a result, we get this print:

    If desired, it can be

    Rotate at the angle we need using Edit - Transform - Rotate,

    You can print and use in your work,

    Or you can make a brush from the resulting stamp to put an “imprint” of the stamp on your photographs.

    To do this, we return in history to the steps before adding noise (if you use a stamp on a photo of your work, the noise will not look very good), then remove the background.

    Hi all!
    In this tutorial I will teach you how to draw a seal for documents in Photoshop. What is this for? Firstly, if you real life If you need a seal, then you can independently develop the design of your own seal for documents. Secondly, if you release your own e-books, then you can mark them with your own sign - a seal that you make yourself (fun? trifle? but nice!).

    As you can see, there is no third point, because I am not involved in making stamps for forging documents, which I do not recommend to you!

    So let's get started.

    1. Create a new document in Photoshop. To do this, click "FILE" => "CREATE" or press the keyboard keys (Ctrl+N). Set the dimensions to 170 x 176 px.

    2. Select the Pencil tool or press the (B) key and set the brush to 2 px

    Set the color to #4170d6

    3. Now, create a new layer and select the tool, set the mode to outlines.

    Hold down the Shift key and draw a circle

    4. Select the Path Selection tool or press (A) . Point the arrow at the outline of the circle and left-click on the circle.
    Will open additional features, in which select “Stroke the outline...”

    Select and click "OK"

    You will have a blue outline.
    Click on the bird at the top left side and the outline of the auxiliary line will disappear

    5. You need to make three of these circles. Right-click on the layer with the blue circle, and in the menu that appears, click “Create a duplicate layer...”. I named the layer “Circle-1”, do not pay attention to this, you will call it “Layer-1”

    As a result, you will have three layers with the same circle

    6. Select the last layer and click on (Ctrl+T) or "Editing" =>. Hold down the Shift key and drag a corner to make the circle smaller or larger evenly.

    Do the same trick with the second layer. If the circles are off center, you can realign them by clicking the Move Tool or (V) and cursor right/left/top/down to center them.

    This is what it should look like for you:

    7. Now you need to make the text on the round seal.
    To do this, turn off all layers by clicking on the “eye” next to the layer, and selecting the “Ellipse Shape” tool, set the mode to outlines. Hold down the Shift key and draw a circle like this:

    Select the Type Tool and set the Size to 18pt, Font to Calibri, Color to #4170d6. Point at the circle line and click

    Now you can write text along the contour of the circle. Write any word, for example “Photoshop lessons”

    Now, turn on all layers by clicking on the "eye" next to each layer. Select the layer with the text “Photoshop Lessons”. Click on the buttons (Ctrl + T) or “Editing” => “Free transformation of the contour” and, holding down the "Shift" button, drag a corner to evenly reduce or increase the text along the contour.