• Setting up windows 10 to work with ssd. Optimizing SSD disk performance under Windows

    By SSD sizes disks can be divided into two unequal groups: 2.5" and 3.5". 3.5-inch ones are practically never found in stores (only hybrid solutions). You can additionally purchase a special container for installation in the case of the computer system unit, or simply place it carefully inside and secure it with 2-sided tape wherever you want: the SSD does not heat up, does not vibrate, and the working position does not matter for it. You will also need a SATA interface cable to connect the device to the motherboard. To power an SSD drive, a standard flat connector on the power supply (SATA Power Connector) is usually used. Description of power supply connectors.

    A method for transferring an operating system (OS) from an old HDD to a new one is described. The link to the article also discusses our option: transferring the OS from an IDE or SATA drive to an SSD drive using special program Paragon Drive Copy 11 Professional and its included Paragon Migrate OS to SSD 2.0 (there is a link to the program), it is necessary, since most backup utilities save a clone in accordance with the old sector logic (the next paragraph discusses the preparation of SSD disk to transfer the OS in an alternative way if you do not want to use Paragon Drive Copy 11). After transferring the system to the SSD, you will only have to change the boot sequence in the BIOS. We set the SSD as the second device, and the CD/DVD as the first. After this, the operating system should boot. If you plan to install the operating system from scratch, then you will not need to transfer the OS.

    Preparing the SSD for OS migration (alternative method)

    Acronis Disk Director - this program will help you perform any hard drive operations described below. (Attention! A small feature of this program is that you must click the “perform operation” button after changing the disk settings [marked with a finishing flag]).

    The SSD must first be initialized to create the MBR (Master Boot Record). You can do this using the above program. Next, you need to partition the SSD disk and create an active partition on it. In Windows 7, the active boot partition can be as small as 100 MB. So we'll use the section you just created. In the next step you will need to reduce original size partition up to 100 MB (and not a byte less). This will be quite difficult to do using Disk Management, so I again recommend Acronis Disk Director 11.

    IN free space hard drive, you need to create a partition C on which the operating system will be located. This partition should not be active and should not be the primary partition (because the previously created 100 MB partition already includes the operating system bootloader). After that, from the remaining disk space create drive C. It can be a simple logical partition. Also, your old HDD may have more than one partition, but several, which imposes certain restrictions due to inconsistencies in free disk space. Some information, including the factory reset section, can simply be burned to DVD.

    After all the preparatory procedures are completed, you can proceed directly to copying the operating system. Next we will work with the hard disk image (system image). There are many imaging programs available (choose ) or you can use the standard Windows 7 tools (pretty easy, but a little more time consuming). Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Backup and Restore - Create a system image (in the left column).

    Now you need to copy the system image to an external hard drive (you will probably have to assign a drive letter to the 100MB partition so that the program can identify it), and then to the SSD drive (using a bootable disk image program). Restore this way, section by section. Thus, you will have to perform recovery for the 100 MB partition and drive C.

    Attention! Most free imaging programs do not know how to reduce the size of the source partition in order to rewrite it to the allocated space on an SSD, which has a very limited data capacity, even if the amount of recorded data corresponds to the allocated space. In this case, drive C on the HDD must be reduced to the appropriate size. For this work, I again recommend Acronis Disk Director, since it is more difficult to achieve the same effect using only seven.

    The volume of data on your HDD on drive C should not exceed the capacity of the created drive C on the SSD. If the original partition contains a lot of user data, then you can simply try moving it to another hard section disk or even write them to optical drives. When the system is written to the SSD, right-click on the user folders on the disk and include them in the appropriate library. With this approach, you won't be required to copy your folders later.

    Now change the boot sequence in the BIOS (Boot section). We set the SSD as the second device, and the CD/DVD as the first, or vice versa. After this, the operating system should boot.

    Attention! Before booting the operating system from the SSD, it is recommended to set the BIOS to AHCI mode. It is better to do this before you change the boot sequence of devices, and then set the appropriate settings in Windows 7.

    Defragmenting partitions on SSDs makes no sense and, moreover, is very harmful. In the case of a laptop, go to Services, find Disk Defragmentation in the list, right-click on the entry, the Properties window will open. Just disable this service.

    In the case of a desktop computer, you can disable defragmentation only for the SSD drive, so that the HDDs running in the system do not lose performance.

    While the defragmentation service is disabled, you will not be able to resize the partition. This process requires this service to work.

    Hibernation Mode – Most of us do not use hibernation mode but prefer standby mode. However, the file still takes up precious space on your SSD, and its size depends on the amount of RAM in your computer. To get rid of this misunderstanding, enter the following at the command prompt:

    powercfg –h off

    If you need to return everything to original state, then enter:

    powercfg - h on

    Copying user folders to your hard drive

    This process is very simple. Create a partition on the HDD. Create appropriate folders on it (Documents, Music, Photos, and so on). The name can be anything, the system will rename them anyway.

    Open Explorer and right-click on, for example, the My Documents folder on the left. Go to properties and click on the Location tab. Click Move and select the folder on the HDD in which you would like to store your documents.

    Attention! You need to select a folder directly on the partition. You cannot select the root directory, otherwise there will be confusion.

    SSD – recording device digital information based on flash memory - microcircuits, which implies the absence of mechanical elements. High performance, a fairly high price and a limited number of rewrite cycles are the main differences between SSDs and magnetic platter drives. The last feature primarily excites the minds of owners of solid-state drives or those who are planning to purchase such a device to install Windows 7 or 10 x64 on it in order to improve the performance of the computer. This procedure is practically no different in both systems. Therefore, we can equally assume that the SSD setup in Windows 7 is absolutely identical to Windows 10.

    In this article, we will look at how to configure an SSD, install an operating system on it, and configure some Windows 7 or 10 parameters to extend the life of such a drive. The fact is that the “seven” or “ten” during operation repeatedly accesses the system partition not only to read some files, but also writes temporary files to the disk, a paging file, and performs indexing. These and other similar actions will use up the working resource of the SSD at a significant rate and the disk will wear out faster than expected.

    Transferring temporary files

    The “Temp” directory is a directory for storing files with intermediate calculations during the operation of Windows 7 or 10. This service folder must be moved to hard drive after the installation of Windows 7 or 10 is completed. This action will slightly slow down the computer, which will be virtually invisible to the user, but will increase the service life of the SSD.

    This is done as follows:

    • Let's go to context menu“My Computer” and call it “Properties”. Or right-click on the “Start” button and select “System” from the drop-down menu.
    • In the left frame, click on the “Advanced Settings” tab.
    • Go to the “Advanced” tab and click on the “Environment Variables...” button, as in the screenshot.
    • Next, new values ​​of environment variables are set.
    • Select the “Temp” directory and click “Change”.

    • In the “Default” line, set the full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored. It is recommended to transfer them to the disk that is first in the list of HDD partitions.
    • We do the same for the “Tmp” directory.

    From now on, the magnetic disk will store service Windows files 7 or 10 x64, saving the SSD from unnecessary wear and tear.

    Disabling sleep mode

    Sleep mode or hibernation - shuts down the computer and writes the contents of RAM to the system disk in the hiberfil.sys file. This mode allows you to perform quick start PC with Windows 7 or 10. For computers with large amounts of memory (8 GB or more), this factor of SSD wear becomes even more relevant. To avoid unnecessary overwriting of unimportant information onto a solid-state drive, it is necessary correct setting operating system. To increase the life of the drive, it is worth abandoning hibernation, especially since 7 or 10 starts up instantly anyway.

    • Disabling hibernation is done with the command “powercfg –H off” entered into the command line launched with administrator privileges.

    • It is launched using the "cmd" command in search bar Start or through the desktop context menu.

    Disabling the page file

    The page file is used by Windows 7 or 10 to write little-used data when there is low RAM until it has its turn. The speed of information exchange between HDD and RAM depends on many factors, but is significantly inferior to the operating time of RAM. The paging file not only slows down the work on a PC with a small amount of RAM, but also requires repeated writes to the solid-state drive .

    If you want to extend the operating time of an SSD on Windows 7 or 10, disable the page file (it’s better to buy a stick of RAM, it will never be superfluous). To get maximum speed from your computer, you will have to sacrifice the working resource of the drive.

    Disabling the paging file is done as follows.

    • Go to “Advanced parameters”, as in the previous method.

    • In the “Performance” tab, click on the “Options” button.

    • In the tab, as in the screenshot, click “Change”.

    • Uncheck the “Automatically select...” option.

    • Move the trigger switch to the “No paging file” position,
    • If you want to use a swap file, select HDD partition, preferably the first one, and set pagefile equal to the amount of installed RAM.

    Disable drive optimization

    Defragmentation is the process of collecting file fragments scattered across the surface of the media into one. Fragmentation occurs while writing information to disk due to the imperfection of the NTFS file system. A high degree of fragmentation negatively affects the performance of the drive due to the fact that the reading magnetic head has to make significantly more movements than if the file fragments were in neighboring clusters. But on an SSD, document fragmentation has virtually no effect on performance, so it is not recommended to defragment it and you need to turn off defragmentation on a schedule (setting up and disabling SDD defragmentation in Windows 10 occurs automatically).

    • Go to the properties of the SSD disk and go to the “Service” tab.
    • Click “Run defragmentation”.

    • Click “Set up schedule” and uncheck the box next to “Run according to schedule.”


    Indexing is the procedure of entering data about files stored on disk into a special list called an index. This data is needed to search for information on a PC with Windows 7 or 10. If your SSD does not store hundreds or thousands of personal files and the need to search for something on the disk rarely arises (for this you can use the functionality Total Commander or other applications) it is reasonable to deactivate indexing. This will slightly reduce the number of accesses to the drive in write mode. The setup is as follows.

    • Select the disk and select “Properties” from the context menu.
    • Uncheck the box next to “Allow indexing...”, as in the screenshot.

    Program cache

    Many applications, such as Internet browsers, use data caching to obtain quick access see them next time. The situation here is the same as with the swap file and temporary directories: if you want maximum speed– sacrifice the resource of the SSD, the storage is expensive – transfer the cache or install the browser itself on your hard drive .

    Alternatively, use the free amount of RAM to create a RAM disk on which the browser cache and other programs will be stored. Setting up and creating such a disk is a simple process, but it looks different for each application, which is beyond the scope of our article.

    Restore points

    We disable the creation of rollback points in Windows 7 or 10, which will also have a positive effect on the service life of the SSD.

    • To do this, go to “Properties” of the “My Computer” directory.
    • In the “System Protection” tab, select the system drive and click configure.

    • Move the switch to the “Disable system protection” position, click “Delete” and save the changes.

    Simplifying the setup process

    At SSD operation Mini Tweaker configures Windows 7 or 10 to use a solid-state drive in several steps.

    • Download, install and launch the application.
    • Checking the boxes next to unnecessary options is done using the knowledge gained above.

    • Click “Apply changes”.
    • Setting new parameters will take effect after rebooting the PC, so we restart the system.

    Setting most of the parameters in SSD Mini Tweaker is done manually, but through the program, settings windows open with one click.

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    In the previous article we looked at method 9. This is necessary to ensure that the SSD lasts as long as possible. Of course, this does not mean that such rules are not suitable for ordinary hard drives, quite the contrary, but the fact is that HDDs are very inferior in speed, and disabling some functions, such as file indexing or defragmentation, can slow down the speed of work in system. By the way, defragmentation is only applicable for HDDs, but you shouldn’t abuse it either.

    I have already spoken several times about the price range of SSDs; it is still quite large, but it is going down. True, solid-state drives are still quite expensive, unlike hard drives. For example, SSD Sandisk Ultra II, whose capacity is 120 GB, costs 3,599 rubles, and a Toshiba P300 hard drive with 500 GB costs 3,150 rubles. As you can see, the price per unit of memory varies greatly.

    An SSD for the system is enough with a capacity of up to 120 GB, so there is no need to chase large volumes, at least for now.

    Optimizing SSD for modern OS

    By modern OS, I always mean a system starting with Windows 7. At the development stage, they already had compatibility with SSDs, but most of the functions were still designed for HDD drives. Most of these functions are already familiar to you: , indexing, . Not only do they not raise SSD performance, but also reduce the service life of the drive.

    How to effectively optimize SSD?

    As is clear from everything that was written above, optimization of solid-state drives is an important component in a computer system. Not only are these drives quite expensive, but if the user simply does not follow such advice, then his drive will fail very quickly. And then they will run to the service center or to their friends to pay a lot more money to have the device repaired. Okay, let's get down to business.

    An SSD consists of a chip into which firmware is embedded that can be updated (firmware). You need to make sure that the drive has the latest update. You can check this using the CrystalDiskInfo program. Then you need to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your drive and see what firmware versions are there, if there is a newer one, then download it.

    There will be instructions on how to install the update on the manufacturer's website, so there is no need to talk about it here.

    The next point is to enable AHCI, I won’t talk about it a hundred times, about how to enable this function.

    The only thing I will say is how to enable AHCI if the system is already installed. This can be done through the registry (the method works on Windows 7). You need to go to the registry editor, to do this press the Win+R keys and enter the command regedit.

    Now let's move on to the next section: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\services\msahci

    There we find the Start parameter, double-click on it and set the value to 0. After that, restart the computer and go into the BIOS, switch the SATA controller to AHCI mode.

    Third point. It will be nice if you leave 10-20% of the unallocated area of ​​the entire disk volume from the SSD. It will be there in case the drive wears out.

    Optimizing Windows for SSD

    Before taking any action, it is recommended to create a system and registry restore point.

    Here are the steps that need to be taken in Windows to achieve the result we want. I will take some points from previous articles, but you will have to read their description by following the link.

    1. Disable file indexingdefragmentation andhibernation is possible;
    2. Disable NTFS file system logging. You need to enter “cmd” in the search and right-click on the search result, then select “Run as administrator”. In the opened command line enter fsutil usn deletejournal /D C:.

    Where C: - system disk;

    1. Shutdown. Sometimes a shutdown may not occur; you can go into the registry and go to the following section: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management. In this section we find the parameter DisablePagingExecutive and change its value to 1. Restart the computer;
    2. Disable Superfetch, ReadyBoot, Prefetch. Here ;

    Optimizing your SSD with SSD Tweaker

    Given option will do for those who do not have sufficient knowledge of working on a computer, or who like things to go faster.

    For such a case there is special utility called SSD Tweaker. There is a paid version, and there is a free one. Naturally, some functions are not available in the free version, but this does not reduce the effectiveness of the program.

    Eat similar program- SSD Mini Tweaker. It's free and looks like this:

    There is no need to install it, the interface is insanely simple, so we use it to our advantage.

    Additional Method – Enable Write Caching

    This feature not only improves the performance of the SSD, but also the HDD. You can enable it as follows. Press the Win+R keys again and enter the command to open the device manager - devmgmt.msc, in disk devices we find SSD drive and go to its properties. Go to the tab "Policy" and check the box next to the appropriate item.

    Risky move: disable system protection

    To do this you need to go to system properties and click on the item on the left "System protection".

    For each disk, you can configure system protection and select the amount of memory required. If you do not use other methods of backing up system data, then disabling protection is a risky action. If a system failure occurs in the future, you will not be able to restore anything.

    We can finish here. In two articles, we examined quite a few options for increasing system performance in SSDs, and also increasing service life solid state drive. I advise you to use these methods. And don’t forget to ask questions in the comments.

    Setting up an SSD under Windows 7


    Solid-state drives, as manufacturers claim, work noticeably faster hard drives based on mechanics. Of course, their cost is much more expensive. Although the performance of SSD drives is high, many users claim that they can be improved. All that is required is appropriate optimization and configuration of the SSD for Windows 7. The most effective methods will be discussed in this article:

    • Enabling AHCI and TRIM
    • Disabling system protection
    • Disabling the page file
    • Disabling hibernation
    • Disable caching Windows entries 7
    • Disabling Super fetch and search Windows 7
    • Power Options Settings

    Enabling AHCI and TRIM

    Before you start executing optimization, you need to make sure that the SATA controller can operate in AHCI mode and the TRIM function in Windows 7 is activated.

    During system startup, press the DELETE key and see that AHCI mode is activated in the BIOS for your SATA controller. This mode is required to support TRIMa on SSD. You can also verify this by performing the following steps in the system:

    • In the start menu "Start" select "Control Panel"
    • Select “System” and switch to classic view (small and large icons mode)
    • Go to "Device Manager"
    • Look for an item with a list of ATA / ATAPI and IDE controllers
    • If such an item is present, your system is already loaded with AHCI mode enabled

    If the operating system was installed with IDE mode, then you need to switch to AHCI mode in the BIOS, provided that the motherboard supports this functionality.

    • Check that TRIM support is activated
    • Check TRIM to ensure that mode commands are sent by the Windows 7 operating system to the SSD.
    • In the Start application launch menu, type [cmd] on your keyboard to search for the built-in command line
    • Right-click on it and select “Run as administrator”
    • On the command line you should write [ fsutil behavior query Disable Delete Notify ]

    If the Disable Delete Notify parameter is 0, the TRIM function is activated. If the value is 1, it is disabled.

    When entering a command, do not use parentheses.

    The SATA – TRIM protocol command will tell the OS which blocks of previously recorded data on the SSD will never be needed in the future due to file deletion or disk formatting.

    Disabling system protection

    The “System Protection” function should be disabled to limit the number of write operations on SSD drives, as well as to return the freed-up space back to the solid-state drive.

    Disable disk indexing

    Description of the deactivation process:

    A pop-up window may appear indicating an error in applying attributes to the files, which is normal. Selecting the “Ignore all” option, continue with your steps.

    The meaning of disabling disk indexing is as follows:

    1. Disk indexing was developed for mechanical devices to provide quick access to information. Considering that the response time of an SSD drive is approximately 0.1 ms, there is no need to enable this technology.
    2. By eliminating unnecessary read-write operations on the SSD, the effect is minimal. But keep in mind that taking steps to limit the number of write cycles on your SSD will help extend the life of your SSD.

    Disabling the page file

    • Right-click on the “My Computer” icon
    • Select the “Properties” item
    • Select the “Advanced” tab
    • In the “Performance” item, click on the “Options” button
    • Select the “Advanced” tab and click on the “Change for virtual memory” button
    • Remove the checkbox “Automatically select paging file size”
    • Agree to accept the changes, confirming to reboot the system, and the next step is to disable paging for your SSD drive.

    A paging file is a Windows functionality that is designed to help the computer's physical memory if its capacity is insufficient, allowing some information to be moved from the RAM to the hard drive to free up the available RAM. Disabling the PageFile function will free up the space reserved for swapping on your hard drive.

    Disabling hibernation

    Disabling hibernation mode will free up 2 Gb (possibly more, depending on the amount of installed RAM) of SSD disk space. This functionality will not provide significant benefits due to fast loading.

    Description of the deactivation process:

    • In the Start search menu, type [ cmd ] to search for Windows 7 utility
    • Right-click on the cmd program and run it as administrator
    • At the command line type [powercfg -h off]

    Hibernation promotes rapid recovery work in the system after inactivity. When using it, the information contained in the random access memory device is written to disk and then read when waking up.

    Disable Windows Record Caching

    Description of the deactivation process:

    • Right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties”
    • Select Device Manager
    • Select "Disk devices"
    • Right-click on the SSD, selecting "Properties"
    • On the “Policy” tab, remove the “checkbox” from the “Allow caching of records on this device” item.

    The record caching functionality in Windows 7 can access high-speed RAM and accumulate commands that then need to be executed on the SSD drive. SSD drives are faster than mechanical drives hard drives, therefore there is no speed gain when using the cache.

    Disabling Superfetch and Windows Search

    Description of the deactivation process:

    • Press Windows key + R to enter the application launch dialog.
    • Type and press the Enter button.
    • Scroll down to the “Superfetch” item, right-click on it and select “Properties”
    • From the Startup Type drop-down menu, select Disabled and click OK.
    • Scroll the “scrollbar” to the “Windows Search” item, right-click on it, selecting “Properties”
    • Click on the “Stop” button, then on “Startup Type” and select “Disabled”.

    Windows Search creates an index of some folders, files, and additional items on your devices. He is in Program folder Data Microsoft Search on the TRIMa:/ drive and takes up approximately 10% of the content of the indexed information. When searching for a file, parts of the indexes are loaded into memory. This will ensure a fairly fast search. This functionality will not have of great importance, and can also negatively affect the performance of the SSD drive.

    Disabling Clear Page File At Shutdown and Large System Cache

    Description of the deactivation process:

    • Type in the Start menu
    • Select the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM Current Control Set Control Session Manager Memory Management
    • Right-click on “Clear Page File At Shutdown” and “Large System Cache”
    • After selecting "Change", change the value from 1 to 0, and then restart the system.

    This OS functionality is designed to clear the page file. This leads to an increase in the number of read-write operations. Since the page file was previously disabled, there is no longer any reason to use cleanup since there is nothing left to clean up.

    The Large System Cache parameter indicates whether the operating system supports a standard cache size or an increased one, and is also responsible for the frequency of processing cached data. Enabling Large System Cache mode will reduce the amount of physical memory available to applications and services.

    Setting up energy options:

    • Open your “Control Panel”
    • Select "System and Security"
    • Select Power Options
    • Check the "checkbox" High performance", applying it with the OK key
    • Select "Power Plan Settings" for your "High Performance" plan
    • Click on Change advanced power settings
    • In the “Hard Drive” item, set in the drop-down menu disabling hard disk mode "Never"
    • Click OK to save the setting.


    Setting up an SSD under Windows 7 can affect system performance, both positively and negatively. Let's assume that there is no need to enable record caching when using the Intel X25M/G2, since, as is usually the case, there is no increase in performance in this case. So is it even worth performing the actions discussed in the article?

    One important factor in SSD optimization is the increase in storage capacity.

    This will give an undeniable advantage if the Windows 7 operating system is installed on the SSD. It becomes possible to install more software, games and other software. If you disable system protection, disk indexing, paging file, and hibernation mode, there will be a slight increase in performance, but the free capacity of the solid-state drive will increase significantly.

    The most discussed issue among SSD drive users is disabling, moving or saving the page file. There is no clear opinion here and there are many supporters of various options. If you plan to disable the paging file, you need to check the amount of memory used by Windows 7. Make sure the volume installed memory half more than the maximum used. In this case, the page file can be disabled without losing PC performance. Alternatively, its size can be reduced or moved altogether.

    Disabling unnecessary operations when reading and writing data to an SSD drive effectively affects the service life of the device. Considering the cost of SSDs, this is an important advantage.

    As a result, the user himself decides whether he needs to configure an SSD for Windows 7 or not. This OS from Microsoft already works very well with SSDs, but with the help of additional optimization steps, there is the possibility of a small gain in increased performance compared to working with the “default” settings.

    Until recently, all computers worked with HDD, with low speed and low efficiency. But they have been replaced by a new generation of drives, the so-called SSDs, which work much faster than their old counterparts. Like all new devices, at first they were expensive, and their volumes were not very large in capacity.

    But over time, manufacturers began to increase their volumes, and due to competition, the cost began to decline. It would seem, what else does the average user need? But they have one person

    problem: excessive overwriting of data can completely disable it. But setting up Windows 7 for optimal performance with an SSD, and this will lead to an increase in the service life of the solid-state drive.

    Why do you need to configure the OS?

    All flash drives have their own memory; it is based on microcircuits. They do not have moving parts like HDDs, and therefore they are not afraid of any shocks. SSD memory consists of many cells that can wear out when large quantities rewrites.

    And very important point is setting up the OS to transfer data to a flash drive, since calling some services and operations from the drive is slow if you don’t configure Windows.

    The setting will reduce the use of space and access to it, which will certainly lead to an increase in the service life of removable media. If SSD is used in normal mode, it can last for a decade, and if you use it actively, the period is reduced to 2 years.

    To install Windows on the drive, you need to prepare the system. We check:

    1. We go to the website of the computer or SSD manufacturer and check that the versions are up to date. If you intend to reflash it, you can erase all data, and you should be aware of this before installing the OS. Find information about the update, download it to your computer;
    2. We switch the system startup in the BIOS setting to AHCI, that is, we set the removable drive first. Use newest modes, otherwise it will work with glitches;
    3. Removable media must be formatted. You can use Windows tools, it will cope with this task;
    4. you should check the system boot from removable media, connect it, create on it logical partitions. If it was previously split, then update them, delete the old split, and split again. Now install on it the latest version of the disk controller driver, previously downloaded from the manufacturer’s website.

    Video: Optimizing SSD drives

    Disabling services and functions

    Many services and functions enabled by default in Windows 7 greatly slow down the startup of a system with an SSD; we will tell you how to disable them correctly, and which services are not rational to disable. Since running services consume a lot of computer resources, disabling them will speed up the start and operation of the removable media.

    Indexing and caching

    To disable cache entries, do the following:

    The option to create a write cache in Windows 7 constantly accesses the device's RAM, and records the most popular commands, and then they will be executed on removable media. But SSD is much faster than HDD, and this option is unnecessary.

    Indexing is only useful for operating a system with an HDD, but it is not effective for removable media: it will not affect the speed, and the disk will last much less, since the index data will be constantly updated.

    Disabling this feature will not affect the database, and therefore the disabling operation will occur without the system starting:

    • my computer;
    • storage;
    • properties.

    In the window that opens, uncheck the “allow indexing” option, and if the system gives you an error warning, then you don’t need to return everything back, and uncheck it anyway.


    Disable defragmentation in automatic mode, this function is not needed, it will only reduce its capabilities.

    We do:


    Windows has useful features energy saving: sleep mode and hibernation. These functions are designed specifically for laptops for which energy saving mode is relevant.

    Hibernation is the saving of computer data when it goes into sleep mode; windows records it and saves it in the Hiberfil.sys folder on the HDD. When you exit this mode, all data is unloaded and the computer starts working from where it was stopped.

    If you disable this mode, you can significantly increase the space, and if you start the system from it, then there is no need for them.

    The system will start up much faster, and you can disable it from the start menu:

    You should start the service as a computer administrator, right-click, open a command line: enter:

    After these steps, the service will be disabled.

    System Restore

    Using this function, you can roll back the system if some glitches begin. windows creates restore points, writes everything to separate file, which takes up a lot of space. You can disable this feature, but it will be better if you limit the size of the file intended for system recovery.

    To do this, open the “my computer” folder:

    Prefetch and SuperFetch

    SuperFetch is responsible for caching the most popular files, but to run from a drive this service is not needed and should be disabled.

    The Prefetch service is responsible for loading programs into the computer's RAM, and in our case it is useless, so we disable it:

    Video: Disk setup

    Moving the swap file

    It is advisable to do this if the OS is 32-bit, the page file needs to be moved to another location, you should run a number of commands:

    • Control Panel;
    • System;
    • Additionally;
    • Performance;
    • Parameters;
    • Additionally;
    • Virtual memory

    If your computer has 64-x bit windows with more than 8GB of RAM, you can safely disable the paging file option:

    Is TRIM enabled?

    With the TRIM command, the OS transmits important information to the SSD about unused data blocks that can be cleared by it itself. Since the option to format and delete files can lead to poor drive performance, this function allows you to reduce the number of unnecessary files and clean it up.

    This is one of the most basic commands that must be enabled, otherwise the write level will be low, which will lead to reduced functionality of the disk space.

    To make sure this feature is enabled:

    Setting up Windows 7 for an SSD drive, SSD Mini Tweaker program

    If you are not a computer genius, but want to transfer the OS to an SSD, then use a small SSD utility Mini Tweaker. The program does not take up much space, but copes with its task quite quickly, and is relevant for those users who are planning to transfer the launch of a Windows 7 system of 32 and 64 bits to an SDD.

    The window of the launched program looks like this, and you can immediately configure the necessary parameters.

    Many functions for windows transfer are not needed, they can only slow down the process itself:

    The program will help you configure about 13 parameters that will increase performance if it starts with an SSD. The goal of optimization is to reduce access to removable media, which prolongs its performance.

    Your operating system can be activated if you run it from an SSD drive, and Windows 7 is perfectly adapted to run from a solid-state drive. Even if you have a lot of power-hungry programs installed, with proper optimization you can debug it to run from an SDD, paying special attention to Superfetch/Prefetcher and defragmentation.

    If you have a large operating memory, then this is even better: you can successfully optimize it, which will only lead to faster performance and a longer service life of the removable storage device.

    SSDs are getting cheaper every day, and let's hope this trend doesn't change.

    Many new computer models already contain this type of drive; manufacturers themselves have optimized the operating system for efficient work from a solid state drive.

    Of course, you need to choose the optimization method yourself, and we have only given the most important tips How to do this without losing important data when migrating the system to an SSD.


    How to set up an SSD drive for Windows 7

    For many users replacement of hard disk to solid state drive SSD is the most effective PC upgrade. In terms of reading information, an SSD drive is many times faster, therefore, the performance of the computer significantly increases. But they have one drawback - the limitation on the number of rewrite cycles, characteristic of flash drives.

    Setting up an SSD under Windows 7 is necessary because you need to minimize unnecessary write cycles to flash memory cells in order to increase the life of the solid-state drive.

    If you have Windows 10 installed, then it already automatically detects SSD drives and makes adjustments to their operation to achieve maximum performance. Therefore, on Windows 10, setting up an ssd is not so important and is performed at the operating system level.

    Disable disk defragmentation

    During the defragmentation process, logically interconnected data blocks that are scattered throughout the media are arranged in a single sequence. SSD drives do not need to be defragmented. If for HDD hard drives defragmentation can increase efficiency in reading speed and thereby speed up the PC, then in the case of SSDs this process can only do harm.

    Disabling Perfetch and SuperFetch

    The Perfetch folder is designed to speed up windows loading and program launches. The folder contains information about frequently used programs on the computer and stores them in the initial (system) part hard drive.

    The SuperFetch service monitors the programs you use frequently and loads them into random access memory (RAM) when you start your computer, so they start faster when accessed. Thus, when you run a program, the computer begins to read its files faster from RAM than from the hard drive.

    But considering high speed reading solid-state drives, these functions are superfluous.

    To disable them, go to the Windows Registry Editor with administrator rights.

    In the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” directory, find the “SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/SessionManager/MemoryManagement/PrefetchParameters” key and change the “Enable Prefetcher” and “Enable Superfetch” values ​​to “0”.

    Disabling ReadyBoot

    ReadyBoost speeds up Windows and works together with the SuperFetch service. While SuperFetch loads program files into random access memory (RAM), ReadyBoost uses the flash drive as a cache for the slow hard drive.

    To disable ReadyBoost you need to do the following:

    • Start;
    • Control Panel;
    • System and security;
    • Administrative tools;
    • Performance Monitor;
    • On the left side, expand the Data Collector Groups section and select Startup Event Tracking Sessions;
    • double click on “ReadyBoost”;
    • Tracking sessions;
    • Uncheck the box next to “Enabled”.

    Disabling or moving the paging file to the HDD

    The paging file increases the size of your computer's cache. In case of physical insufficiency RAM memory, the windows operating system moves some of the data from the RAM and thus prevents software or system errors.

    If the computer is equipped with a small SSD and a traditional HDD, then the page file can be placed on the SSD. If you have windows x64 installed, the page file can be disabled.

    TRIM function

    In the Windows 7 operating system, it is important to check whether the TRIM function is enabled. Note that this function informs the SSD drive which area on the disk is no longer in use and can be cleaned. If the feature is disabled, it may reduce the performance of the SSD.

    To check:

    • go to the command line as administrator;
    • enter the command “fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify”;
    • If after execution DisableDeleteNotify = 0 appears, then the service is enabled.

    Disabling sleep mode (hibernation)

    The hibernation feature clearly reduces the time it takes for the Windows operating system to start from the hard drive. Compared to hard drives, SSD drives are much faster in terms of readout time, which makes the startup process much shorter. Therefore, hibernation mode in computers with SSD does not bring tangible benefits and can be disabled.

    When entering sleep mode, all data from RAM is saved to the hard drive in the hiberhil.sys file, which is quite a decent size. This is especially true for small SSDs; disabling sleep mode frees up valuable space on the SSD drive.

    To disable, use the Win+R keys to launch a command prompt as administrator and type the command “powercfg -h off”.

    AHCI mode

    For full operation of the SSD drive, including using the TRIM function, you need to enable AHCI mode in the BIOS. If you simply change the mode, then after turning on the Windows boot process may be interrupted by an error (blue screen).

    To fix:

    • go to the windows registry editor as administrator;
    • find the entry “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Msahci” or “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/lastorV”;
    • Click twice on “Start” and change the value to “0”;
    • restart your computer;
    • change the SATA controller mode to AHCI in the BIOS.


    Setting up Windows 7 for optimal operation with an SSD drive

    Here I will not tell you what an SSD is and why it is better/worse than a regular hard drive. I recommend that you first read previous articles on this topic, which talk about the Combination of SSD and HDD drive for a desktop computer and recommendations for installing MS windows 7 on an SSD. If you listened to the advice in these articles, Windows 7 should already “fly” on your PC with an SSD. You won’t be able to speed it up even more, even after optimizing many system functions, the results of which have a much greater positive effect on HDDs than on new SSDs. These possibilities are discussed in 4 parts of the article " Windows settings 7 from A to Z." In this same article, I want to describe those manipulations that are designed to extend the life of your solid-state drive (by reducing the load on it) and free up about 5-10 extra gigabytes of space, which in our case is very important. Today we make all changes manually. If the process is not important to you, download it. SSD program Tweaker (Pro), which will perform steps 3,5,6 for you. and much more... What are we going to do today? Here summary:

    • 1. Transfer the paging file to another disk (HDD)
    • 2. Disable the creation of system restore points
    • 3. Turn off the indexing function
    • 4. Disable the defragmentation service
    • 5. Disable the Hibernation feature
    • 6. Disable Prefetch and Superfetch

    First. Moving the swap file will increase the number free space on the SSD exactly as much as this file itself weighs. It’s better to have it on the HDD, where there is much more space (especially since the swap file is used only when there is insufficient RAM and is required by at most 5% of applications). We follow the path "Start" - right click on "Computer" - "Properties" - on the left select "Advanced system settings" and look at the following three screenshots (stole from another article): As a result, our page file will become fixed size, which will prevent its constant fragmentation; and will be stored on another drive (not SSD).

    Second. Disable the system's creation of restore points. I don’t know how it is for anyone, but it was always easier for me to roll back a fresh operating system from an image than to guess at what recovery point it was 100% working. But in the case of SSDs, everything is much more categorical. The function of creating restore points MUST be disabled. About a year ago it became known that when the creation of recovery points is enabled, work that is vital for SSD features"TRIM". Due to this, over time there is a gradual degradation of the drive’s operating speed. Well, two auxiliary factors - as a result, we will reduce the load and increase the amount of free space on the SSD. We follow the previous path: “Start” - right click on “Computer” - “Properties” - select “System Protection” on the left and look at the following screenshot:

    Third. The indexing feature was created to speed up searches in Windows. Its work is that during inactivity, the operating system checks, updates and saves indexes for all files on your disks in order to quickly display the results of possible search queries. This increases the load on the disk (or rather, the load time increases) and the index files themselves take up a certain space on it. I windows search I don’t use it at all, and thanks to the high response speed of the SSD, this function simply makes no sense. Open "Explorer", right-click on the SSD - "Properties" - uncheck the box next to "Allow the contents of files on this disk to be indexed"

    Fourth. The defragmentation service on SSDs is unnecessary (due to a completely different operating mechanism than on HDDs) and contraindicated (NAND memory used in SSDs has a limited number of rewrite cycles). If it so happens that Windows 7 left this function enabled (usually when installing the operating system on a solid-state drive, the defragmentation service is disabled by default) - follow the path: "Start" - "Run" - enter "services.msc" (without quotes) , look for the "Disk Defragmentation" service in the list, double-click on it, select "Disabled" in the "Startup type" field, click in the order "Stop" - "Apply" - "OK".

    Fifth. Hibernation. This function is only needed when using HDD and is mainly used on laptops. This is a kind of “Deep Sleep Mode”, in which all contents from RAM are written to disk to speed up further system loading. This is not relevant for SSDs and, in addition, disabling Hibernation will free up about 2 GB of disk space... Click “Start” - “Run”, enter the text “cmd” (without quotes), in the window that appears, write the command “powercfg -h off” " (without quotes), press the "Enter" button.

    Sixth. Prefetch - Preload frequently used applications and libraries into RAM. When using an SSD, the performance increase is not noticeable. When disabled, space in RAM is freed and the number of requests to the drive is reduced. Superfetch - caching frequently used files. Absolutely useless on SSD. To disable both functions, go to “Start” - “Run” - enter “regedit” (without quotes), in the windows registry editor go to the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\MemoryManagement\PrefetchParameters right-click on each of the items : "EnablePrefetcher", "EnableSuperfetch", select "Change", enter the number "0":


    Setting up SSD for Windows 7 - optimization, program, TRIM

    Windows 7 was not originally designed to run on SSDs. Since their introduction, Microsoft has released numerous updates designed to improve the performance of the OS on solid-state drives. However, you need to carry out additional optimization manually, which gives much more effect.

    SSD drive

    Solid State Drive (Solid State Drive) is a storage device based on flash memory and a control controller.

    They are widely used in computer technology and have some advantages over HDD:

    • high speed;
    • impact resistance;
    • heat resistance;
    • small size and weight;
    • noiselessness.

    In Windows 8 and above, they work stably and quickly, but under older OS, problems with wear and tear are inevitable. To avoid this, you need to optimize the parameters, which is what this article is devoted to.

    What does optimization give?

    Windows 7 has several services that increase the performance of regular hard drives. But with SSDs, they not only do not bring any benefit, but interfere with operation and significantly reduce the service life of the device. Windows setup 7 on an SSD nullifies all attempts by the OS to destroy it, and allows you to achieve better performance.

    Even if you compare the maximum read/write speed declared by the manufacturer, the difference will be huge.

    The linear speed of solid-state drives is 3-4 times higher.

    A typical hard drive can rarely achieve a read speed of 180 MB/s. At the same time, he does not waste time moving the head, but focuses on reading the data.

    For a regular SSD, such as the Kingston SKC380S3, the limit is 550 MB/s. for reading and 520 for writing. In mode linear reading it uses all channels and reads data in large blocks. However, if you take a deeper look at performance, the superiority of SSDs becomes even more impressive.

    When testing the reading speed of 512 KB blocks (small files), the gap becomes even larger. The SSD does not spend much time searching for a block, as a result of which its speed still remains within 500 MB/s. The hard drive spends more time moving the head than reading files. Its speed is reduced by three times and averages 60 MB/s, which is 8 times slower than an SSD.

    Photo: reading test of arbitrary blocks of 512 KB in size

    If we go deeper into the tests and check the speed on 4 KB blocks, the SSD will outperform the hard drive by 50 times. Loading the OS, copying documents, small images and launching programs - all this corresponds to this mode of operation. In addition, solid-state drives can simultaneously handle multiple requests, while HDDs are single-threaded.

    Video: how to properly configure the system for operation

    Setting up an SSD in Windows 7

    This process requires patience and includes the following procedures:

    Setting up Windows 7 for an SSD begins with flashing the drive's firmware. All manufacturers regularly release new versions of software for their devices, which eliminate errors and weaknesses previous versions. You can download it from the official websites of the brand. The software package also usually includes instructions for installing it and updating the firmware.

    AHCI and TRIM

    SATA interface has many functions that speed up data exchange. In order for them to become available, you need to enable AHCI controller, since most PCs are still configured by default to work with an outdated ATA controller. You can switch to AHCI either automatically or manually.

    Automatic switching:

    During the next start windows 7 will do the rest of the work itself. If for some reason the utility does not work, then you can do everything manually.

    Manual switching:

    As a result, after a reboot, the AHCI controller will be visible in the device manager.

    AHCI is finished, the TRIM command is next. It helps the OS notify the SSD about what data the file system no longer contains and what data the drive can delete. That is, this command removes garbage and does not allow it to reduce the level of performance.

    You can enable TRIM if the following conditions are met:

    • The SSD controller supports this command;
    • SATA: AHCI mode is enabled.

    If the conditions are met, you can proceed to enable TRIM:

    Disabling system protection

    The instructions are quite simple:

    It is important to understand that by disabling protection, the OS will not do control points recovery and in case of failure it will be impossible to resort to Windows recovery. Therefore, it is worth using software from other developers to provide the recovery function, for example, Acronis True Image.

    Disable disk indexing

    Indexing is carried out only to speed up the search process. hard drive. Given the SSD's multi-threading and performance, indexing and searching services are not needed.

    Disable search like this:

    We disable indexing like this:

    1. open “Computer”;
    2. Right-click on the section -> Properties;
    3. at the very bottom of the window that opens, uncheck the “allow indexing...” checkbox;
    4. apply and close the window.

    Along the way, you can also disable defragmentation, which is useless on SSD drives due to quick access to cells.

    You can do this:

    Disabling paging

    The paging file is necessary for running programs that require a large amount of memory. If there is not enough RAM, then temporary data is loaded into this file. You can disable it only if you have sufficient RAM installed on your computer (at least 8 GB). Otherwise, it is better to move the swap to another partition, that is, to the hard drive.


    Disabling hibernation

    Hibernation or deep computer sleep was invented by Microsoft to prevent the computer from spending a lot of time starting up. This feature allows you to turn off the computer's power without closing applications. When you wake up the next time, all programs continue to work.

    At the same time, when the PC goes to sleep, a large amount of data is written to the drive and the SSD wears out faster. Also, for many people, hibernation is not needed, since PCs with solid state drive loads very quickly.

    If you decide to disable hibernation, you can do it like this:

    SSD Tweak Utility

    To optimize your system to use the SSD drive automatically, you can use the SSD Tweak Utility. The program allows you to quickly and easily do everything that was stated above, except for enabling the AHCI mode. The program is published with a different set of tools.

    There is a free version with basic set functions:

    • disabling defragmentation;
    • disabling recovery;
    • stop indexing.

    Other features available in the paid version of Tweaker Pro:

    1. enable and disable services;
    2. setting hibernation settings;
    3. validation and experimental optimization of the TRIM command.

    The program also allows for deeper customization, which includes many more parameters. After starting the program, on the right side of the window you can see detailed description and tips for setting up the system.

    To start optimization, just click the big button in the middle of the program window - auto-tuning configuration. The utility itself will configure the basic parameters and provide a report.

    Settings and windows optimization 7 under SSD - the process is not fast, accompanied by several system reboots and visits to the BIOS. However, if you do not configure it, you cannot disable unnecessary services, then after a few months the once-fast SSD may exhaust its supply of write cycles and stop working.

    Need USB WIFI adapter for LG TV? Find out how to choose here.

    What to do if the laptop does not see wifi? All the answers are here.


    How to optimally configure an SSD drive under Windows 7

    In this article we will talk about setting up an SSD drive for the Windows 7 operating system. We will consider what needs to be done for this and why to set up SSD devices in Windows 7 in general.

    So, just recently, a friend of mine bought a powerful computer. And for greater speed, it was decided to install an SSD drive there to install the operating system on it.

    Let's figure out how an SSD differs from a regular HDD. As Wikipedia tells us:

    SSD - Solid-state drive (English solid-state drive, SSD) - a computer non-mechanical storage device based on memory chips. In addition to them, the SSD contains a control controller.

    Unlike an SSD, an HDD is a hard magnetic disk drive or HDD (hard (magnetic) disk drive, HDD, HMDD), a hard disk, in computer slang “hard drive” is a random access storage device (information storage device) based on principle of magnetic recording. It is the main data storage device in most computers.

    The main advantage of an SSD over a standard hard drive is the absence of mechanical (moving) parts, which increases its reliability. Also advantage of SSD This is a high speed operation, it heats up less and does not make any sounds during operation. But SSDs, in addition to many advantages, also have disadvantages. The main disadvantage of SSDs is the limited number of write/rewrite cycles. Conventional (MLC, Multi-level cell, multi-level memory cells) flash memory allows you to write data approximately 10,000 times. More expensive types of memory (SLC, Single-level cell, single-level memory cells) - about 100,000 times. In order to reduce the number of accesses to the SSD drive and, accordingly, extend its life, its fine tuning is necessary. Well, another drawback is incompatibility with older OS (below Windows Vista).

    Next, let's look at what exactly needs to be done to configure a solid-state drive under operating conditions. windows system 7. Since when I set up my friend’s SSD, I didn’t take screenshots, I will perform these settings on my old computer with a regular HDD.

    So let's go.

    Point one: disable hibernation. You need to disable it for the reason that every time the computer switches to this mode, a large amount of information is written to the hard drive, and I always turn it off because sometimes it is difficult to exit this mode. In addition, by disabling hibernation we will free up space on system disk approximately equal to the amount of RAM. Hibernation is needed to quickly load the operating system, but since we have an SSD drive installed, Windows already boots in just 5-10 seconds. To disable hibernation, launch the command line (Start - Run, here we write the cmd command). In the command line we write powercfg.exe /hibernate off . After you restart your computer, you will see free space on the system disk.

    Or go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Power Options” - “Setting the power plan” - “Change power settings” - find the “Sleep” item, open it, enter the “Hibernate after” item and enter the value “0”.

    Step two: move the folder for storing temporary files TEMP to regular HDD.

    To do this, right-click on the "My Computer" icon - "Properties" - "Advanced system settings" - the "Advanced" tab - the "Environment Variables" button - and change the path of the TMP and TEMP variable to another folder (I created it in advance on the disk D:\).

    Point three: disable “System Protection”.

    To disable system protection, right-click on “My Computer” - “Properties” - “System Protection” - “System Protection” tab - “Configure” - “Disable system protection”.

    By disabling system protection, in the event of a system failure, we will not be able to recover from backup copy, but we don’t need it, because the system is installed in about 10-15 minutes.

    Point four: transfer the swap file to the second hard drive. To do this, right-click on “My Computer” - “Properties” - “Advanced system settings” - the “Advanced” tab - the “Performance” section - the “Settings” button. Here we change the parameters as in the figure (depending on the free space on the D:\ drive, you can set a larger volume).

    Point five: disabling indexing.

    Indexing is necessary to speed up disk searches. But, for example, I have never used the search, and besides, the search works quickly on an SSD even without it. Therefore, this option can be safely disabled. To do this, go to “My Computer”, right-click on the C:\ drive, and select the “Properties” drop-down menu item. In the “General” tab, uncheck the “Allow the contents of files on this drive to be indexed in addition to file properties.”

    Or you can remove indexing for all disks by disabling the “windowsSearch” service. To do this, go to “Control Panel” - “Administration” - “Services” - find our service and double-click on it - select the startup type “Manual” and click the “Stop” button.

    Point six: disable Preftch and RedyBoot.

    Prefetch is a technology that allows you to speed up Windows loading by proactively reading data from disk. It is not needed for SSDs, because SSDs already have a high speed of random data reading.

    For disabling Prefetch launch the registry editor (Start - Run - write regedit and press Enter). Next, open the registry branch:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

    and change the value of the Enable Prefetcher key to “0”.

    RedyBoot is an extension to Prefetch. In order to disable it, we follow the path:


    Here we change the value of the Start parameter to “0”.

    Point seven: transferring application caches. Here, first of all, we mean transferring the browser cache to second hard disk. I won’t describe how to do this, because each browser has its own method. Therefore, if you decide to transfer the cache to a second hard drive, then Google will help you. But I wouldn’t do this at all, because we installed the SSD to speed up work, and moving the cache to the second HDD will not increase our speed. In general, it's up to you.

    It is also necessary to disable defragmentation, but for Windows 7, unlike Vista, defragmentation is automatically disabled when installed on an SSD drive (the same is written about Prefetch and RedyBoot, but I did not have them set to “0”, so check) .

    That's all. You can find more tips on the Internet for optimizing SSDs for Windows 7, but they are not as important as these. However, even without such SSD settings It will last quite a long time, but if you want to extend its life as much as possible, I recommend following the above points. Plus, we will free up some space on the system disk, and considering the cost of a gigabyte of memory for an SSD, this is quite justified.