• Laptop at idle 70 degrees. What processor temperature is considered normal for a computer?

    Hi all! In this article we will talk about what normal temperature the laptop processor should be present during its daily operation, and we will also figure out how to view it.

    After all, quite a lot has already been said on the blog about methods, so, as they say, all that remains is to put the finishing touches on this issue.

    Let's start right away by defining the criteria for the normal operating temperature of a laptop. After all, what can we talk about further if we at the moment We don’t even know the basic temperature limits.

    But there is no definite answer here, since more powerful processors and video cards heat up more and this is normal, and weaker ones, accordingly, will have a lower permissible heating limit.

    Therefore, the general recommendations will be as follows. In a lightly loaded operating mode (surfing the Internet, working with office documents) the temperature should vary within 50-65 degrees, and when using resource-intensive applications (games, graphic editors) 70-85 :

    Of course, there are modern chips whose peak temperature can even reach 100-105 degrees. But this statement does not apply to ordinary office laptops. For them, the level of 80-85 is no longer considered very good.

    Now let’s talk about how you can see the processor temperature on a laptop. In most models this can be done directly in . But on ours, for some reason, such information is completely missing:

    Therefore, we go a different way. We will install a program that can not only serve as a thermometer, but also thoroughly test the laptop in order to record the maximum temperature limit.

    This way we can check by cleaning the ventilation system and applying a new layer of thermal paste. Therefore, in the next step we download free version AIDA64 Extreme programs.

    Its installation is quite standard, no questions or complications should arise. Now we are making the first launch and following the “Computer-Sensors” path:

    In the "Temperatures" section you can see the current indicators of the central processing unit (CPU) and graphics card(CPU GT Cores). As you can see in the screenshot above, so far everything is within normal limits.

    Now let's load the laptop, as they say, give it some heat. But before that, you still need to play it safe and find out the maximum permissible value of the temperature of the “heart” of the device in order to be more confident in the tests.

    To do this, you need to follow the path “Summary information - CPU type - Product information”:

    The next step should open the official website of the manufacturer with detailed technical characteristics selected CPU. Unfortunately, quite often AMD information is not displayed correctly.

    But according to Intel, the full layout is given without problems. For example, it turns out that the author of the article’s budget laptop can be “fried” to crazy temperatures:

    Now feel free to select “Service Test of System Stability” in the AIDA 64 program:

    And click on the “Start” button below:

    After this, a rather lengthy process of testing the system will begin. On the top graph you can monitor the current thermal performance of the CPU, hard drive and graphics card in real time. Below is the loading scale. So all that remains is to watch with interest.

    And at this stage, a story about what the normal temperature of a laptop processor should be at regular work and how you can watch it has come to its logical conclusion. Therefore, you can relax while watching the video.

    Many PC users are tormented by the question: what should the processor temperature be? Sometimes it reaches large values ​​and people worry about whether everything will burn down?! I am very glad that you came to see me. In this article we will try to figure out what temperatures are normal for a processor and in what ways it can be measured.

    The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the PC and is responsible for processing large quantity information. And the more information it processes, the more it heats up and its temperature increases accordingly. I want to say that there is a very widespread opinion on the Internet that when buying a processor for a computer, it is better to refuse the BOX option with a standard cooler included, and buy separately and not spare money on it. Unfortunately, at one time I skimped on such an option and on my processor you can easily fry eggs. You should be more prudent and don’t repeat my mistakes.

    What should the processor temperature be?

    So, what should the processor temperature of our PC be? If we generalize processor manufacturers, we can say that the critical operating temperature of a processor is 100 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, then destructive processes begin in the processor, and sooner or later it fails. On average operating temperature CPU operation is in the range of 60...80 degrees, and about 40 degrees Celsius when idle.

    Some sources say that for different manufacturers Normal processor temperature may vary:

    • Intel- when the processor is loaded, its temperature ranges from 60 to 70 degrees Celsius. If the processor is not loaded, its temperature should be about 35 degrees Celsius
    • AMD- under load, the processors of this manufacturer are in the range from 60 to 80 degrees Celsius. When idle, its temperature should be around 45 degrees Celsius

    Motherboard developers have provided various options for operating a PC and have crammed special sensors to monitor various parameters, including our favorite processor temperature. Most likely, even if you went into the BIOS, you hardly noticed that you can regulate the processor’s power yourself and set it to turn off when it overheats. Some processor models have automatic protection against overheating, but it is still better not to let this happen and regularly clean the system unit or laptops from dust.

    Cooling systems

    In general, there are three main types of cooling systems:

    1. Passive
    2. Active
    3. Liquid

    Passive cooling system- This is a regular heatsink on top of the processor. As you understand, the effect of such a system is not great. Therefore, we immediately move on to the second.

    Active cooling system- this is a well-known cooler (radiator + fan). This type is the most common option for cooling the processor. Even on budget computers, the processor is usually cooled by a cooler.

    Liquid cooling system- the most expensive and most effective. It is a special pump that drives liquid through tubes connected to the processor. The liquid circulates and takes heat away from the processor. You yourself understand that for fluid circulation it is necessary extra food. Typically this type of cooling is used in expensive (gaming) computers.

    How to find out the processor temperature?

    Two ways come to mind:

    • Go into the BIOS and look in the special section
    • Using specialized utilities

    First option. We go into the BIOS by pressing F2 or Del when loading (different manufacturers have different keys). And find the tab System Health. There will be testimony various sensors including processor temperature.

    Second option. Installing the program AIDA64 or CPU-Z or HWMonitor. And there are many similar options. All these utilities show detailed information about the computer and also information from sensors. And of course the processor temperature.

    How to reduce CPU temperature

    If you are concerned about the question of how to reduce the temperature of the processor, then you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the cooling system, or simply put, the cooler. They often and thickly become overgrown with dust, and this directly affects the quality of processor cooling.

    Personally, from time to time I simply take my home vacuum cleaner, put it on low power and remove all this dust. Usually I don’t even disassemble the cooler. However, for more high-quality cleaning It's worth disassembling the cooler, or at least disconnecting it from the processor.

    In the vast majority of cases, this simple procedure helps to reduce the operating temperature of the processor and avoid problems with overheating.

    In general, we looked at the temperature - made sure that it was within the acceptable range and calmed down. Otherwise, open the cover of the system unit, disconnect the cooler, place a frying pan on the processor, throw in two eggs, salt to taste and fry the eggs. Don't let the heat go to waste: maniac:. Well, if you don’t have enough heat, you can build one for yourself and warm yourself from it.

    Laptop overheating: causes and methods of cooling

    And laptops are also susceptible to overheating, in my opinion less so, but the problem still exists. If after 20 minutes of use your laptop gets so hot that you can iron clothes with it, then it’s time to think about cooling the device. Its overheating can cause many problems: slowdowns, increased fan wear and even melting of the motherboard (by the way, new laptops automatically turn off when they reach a critical temperature).

    There are many reasons for overheating, but the main ones are:

    1. Pollution. Dust, lint, and other small objects clog your vents over time. The hot air simply has nowhere to escape, and it remains inside. By the way, this problem often occurs among those who like to place their laptop on their laps or bed.
    2. Thermal paste is dry or missing. It fills the microscopic gaps between the processor and the heatsink. If there is no paste (or it has dried out), then heat transfer is disrupted and the processor simply does not have time to cool down.

      Using Applications. If you play new games or run graphic editors on an old device, then get ready for the fact that in 40 minutes you will be able to fry eggs on your laptop. And don't say I didn't warn you!

    Laptop Cooling Methods

    Before we talk about cooling methods, you need to make sure whether the laptop really needs them. To do this, measure the temperature of the processor and video card using the program. For example, the well-known Aida64 application is suitable. After starting the program, go to the “Computer” tab, then find the “Sensors” item. All the information is contained here (by the way, the program is paid). The processor temperature under load should be on average 85-90 degrees (you can find out the exact numbers on the manufacturer’s official website). Critical temperature video cards - 100-105 degrees.

    There is also a simpler (and free) program called Speecy. To find out the processor temperature, go to the " CPU" and find the parameter " Average temperature" Information about the video card is indicated in the “Graphics devices” tab. If you find that the temperature is above critical, then proceed to the following steps:

    1. Cleaning .

    Attention! If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

    To clean, you need to disassemble the laptop and get to the motherboard. The difficulty is that laptops from different manufacturers are understood differently. For example, in some laptops, to get to the cooling system, you only need to remove back cover, and in others - completely disassemble the device.

    Once the screws are removed and the motherboard is removed, it's time to start cleaning. To begin, clean the cooler and its blades from dust using a simple brush. Then wipe the vent hole, which is located on the bottom cover. The radiator grille (which is located on the left side of the laptop) needs to be blown out. For this, a simple hair dryer with a narrow nozzle (use cold air) or a special compressor that blows air under high pressure is suitable. If you are not going to change the thermal paste, you can assemble the laptop.

    2. Replacing thermal paste .

    First you need to completely remove the remaining old paste. You can use toilet paper for this. Then wipe the surfaces to be treated with a cloth soaked in alcohol and wipe dry. You can start applying.

    Attention! Thermal paste is applied in a very thin layer to close the microscopic gaps between the heatsink and the processor (video card). A thick layer of paste will have the opposite effect, and the heat will take longer to escape.

    There are several ways to apply the paste:

    1. Apply one drop and then press the radiator on top. The paste will spread on its own (don't forget to remove any excess around the edges of the processor).
    2. Spread the paste with your finger plastic card or other flat object. After applying the paste, the laptop can be assembled.

    There are several other cooling methods:

      Cooling pad. There is some effectiveness in its use, but it is small. The temperature drops by only 3-7 degrees, and the stand takes up one USB port.

      Usage various applications . Some programs (for example, SpeedFan) can increase the fan speed. The temperature drops slightly, but the coolers wear out faster.

    By the way, I advise you to buy goods on Aliexpress with cashback (read discount 8,5% ). So almost everyone buys on Ali, and if you still buy directly (that is, without a discount), then correct yourself and save your honestly earned money. I do it through official partner Aliexpress (and at the same time asos, banggood, gearbest and ozon) - EPN.BZ.

    To avoid frequent overheating in the future, follow these rules:

    1. At least once a year complete cleaning and replace thermal paste.
    2. Do not place the laptop on soft surfaces (furniture, carpet) or on your lap to avoid blocking the ventilation openings.

      If the laptop is on a table, then place a small stand under it for better air circulation.

      Do not leave your laptop on the floor, as all the dust collects in the lower part of the room (20-25 cm from the floor).

    These simple tips will help your folding friend not to burn out ahead of time.

    What should the processor temperature be?

    I hope that you figured out what the processor temperature should be with the help of this article. Therefore, let me take my leave for today. Good luck! Come again.

    Today it is difficult to imagine a person who would not have a computer at home. Moreover, we are talking not only about desktops in the classical sense of the word, but also about laptops, tablets and all-in-one computers.

    Most often in lately people buy laptops because they can serve as an equivalent replacement for bulky desktops. The problem is that many do not have the slightest idea about even the most basic rules for caring for such equipment. Due to ignorance, it often fails.

    What can cause a computer to break down?

    Do you know how to find out the temperature of a laptop? It would seem, what does temperature have to do with care? Oddly enough, but the most direct. The more the processor heats up, the worse the cooling system works, the higher and higher the likelihood of the laptop failing. It is overheating (after spilled drinks) that takes honorable second place among the causes of “death” of mobile computers.

    In some cases, the manufacturing company's engineers are to blame for simply failing to design normal system heat sink, but much more often the fault lies with the users themselves, who are trying to run the latest gaming hits on a cheap laptop.

    Characteristics modern processors(the same Core i3) allow this to be done, but the system is still unable to remove excess heat.

    So how to find out the temperature of a laptop? Let's look at a few programs that will help you do this.

    Open Hardware Monitor

    It's extremely simple, but quite informative. system monitor. The program is completely free and does not require installation. To obtain information about the temperature of your processor, right-click on its “.exe file”, and then select “Run as administrator” from the menu that opens.

    A rather ascetic main application window will open, in which the overall system temperature will be recorded in the first two positions, and below will be the readings of the processor, video card and hard drive.

    Here's how to find out your laptop's temperature using this utility. But what to do with the resulting numbers? To help you understand, here are the average statistical data on the maximum permissible heating of components:

    • central processor - from 70 to 80 degrees Celsius;
    • video card (with air cooled) - 80 degrees Celsius maximum;
    • the most “gentle” in this regard - hard drive, which should not heat above 60 degrees.

    However, the latter does not apply to solid state drives, which are practically not subject to heating.

    How can you find out the temperature of a laptop so that the information received is as objective and reliable as possible? To do this you will have to use the simplest method"stress" testing.

    Let's start the stress test

    First we close the windows By third party programs(including browsers), go to Open Hardware Monitor with administrator rights. If the temperature indicators are far from those given in the article, you can start.

    Launch something like a game or a heavy program like Photoshop. In principle, half an hour of work is enough, after which you can start Hardware Monitor again. If the indicators are almost very close to the maximum values ​​​​given above, then there is something wrong with the cooling system of your laptop.

    How to check the temperature of a laptop functional programs? And do such people exist in the world?

    AIDA 64

    The wonderful application AIDA 64 was developed by Lavalys and was originally known to users under the name Everest. Since checking the temperature of a laptop is often only required once, a month-long trial version will be sufficient for most users.

    We think that it is not worth describing the installation in detail, since any user who has at least once dealt with a computer can handle this. This laptop temperature detection program runs with administrator rights, so be sure to confirm the appropriate privileges in the UAC window that appears.

    Open the “Computer” tab and look for the “Sensors” item there. Pay attention! The subsequent system scan will take some time, so be patient. The more similar your laptop is to a typewriter, the longer the scan will take.

    Explanation of symbols

    After this process, a dialog box will appear in front of you, in which the scan results will be presented. Since many of them are presented in the form symbols, it wouldn’t hurt to decipher them:

    • The “CPU” designation indicates the temperature of the central processor;
    • "GP diode" shows temperature GPU on the video card;
    • something like: WS Digital HTS725... indicates the temperature of the hard drive;
    • CPU1/1, CPU2/2 - show the heating of each processor core (if it is multi-core) separately.

    By the way, to what extent do the above indicators correspond to the norm? It should be noted that the maximum allowed often varies greatly depending on the manufacturer, so you should look for exact data on its official website. The same goes for the video card.

    Speaking on average, the normal temperature of a laptop should not exceed 45-50 degrees on average. Please note that average computers of this type are not distinguished by brutal performance, and therefore their components most often do not contain particularly powerful parts.

    Thus, if your laptop for 13-25 thousand rubles suddenly starts to warm up to 60 degrees Celsius, then this is already a reason to raise the alarm.

    Checking laptop temperature without using third-party programs

    We don’t always have access to the Internet, and measuring the temperature of a laptop may be required at any time. What to do in this case?

    Reboot your computer. At this time, press and hold the button. This action will result in loading not the operating system itself, but the BIOS. Since there are currently dozens of versions of the mentioned software, it is simply impossible to give specific instructions, so let’s talk about the general procedure.

    First you should find the “H/W Monitor” item. Go to this line using the arrows on your keyboard, then press Enter. After this, you will see several symbols, with the first number indicating the temperature in Fahrenheit, and the second in Celsius.

    In general, the monitor will show something like this: System Temperature 80*F/30*C CPU Temperature 90*F/36*C.

    Fan speed

    So, we told you how to use a laptop without resorting to the help of any third-party programs. Important! In most cases, the CPU temperature should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius. The only exceptions are single-core processors from AMD of older series, which can become hotter even under normal load.

    If you expand the list, you can find out more detailed information about all temperature indicators, as well as the rotation speed of the coolers. This data will be located in the CPU Q-Fan function section or in a section with a similar name.

    In general, it is from normal operation The cooler depends on the temperature of the laptop. The program will only show you general indicators, but you must interpret them yourself. So, low speed rotation of the cooler under heavy loads indicates that its pulley is clogged with dust.

    To exit the BIOS, press the ESC button, and then F10. This is where your research ends.

    How to know if your laptop is working at its maximum capacity

    We talked so much about how to check the temperature of a laptop that we completely forgot to talk about the signs that indicate the need for such a check. It's time to correct this annoying omission!

    Firstly, you need to pay attention to the condition of the cooling system in case of heating when watching HD movies, playing games and working with photos.

    As a rule, the device’s fan begins to “howl” bottom panel The laptop almost melts, and the keyboard is uncomfortable to work on, as it gets very hot. In this case, there are clear manifestations of overheating, which can also be expressed in a sharp slowdown in the launch of even the simplest applications.

    How to prevent overheating?

    Having spent so much time talking about what the temperature of a laptop should be and how to determine it, it would be ridiculous not to talk about methods and principles for preventing such a situation. So, what needs to be done to prevent equipment failure due to overheating?

    First, clean the external air duct grilles from dust at least once a month. This will ensure that hot air leaves the cooling system without extra effort. Wipe your computer regularly with special cleaning wipes.

    Avoid working on your laptop by placing it on a thick, loose blanket. In such conditions, even the most sophisticated cooling system will not cope with its responsibilities. Finally, be sure to change the thermal paste at least once every six months.


    Also, don't forget to purchase a can of compressed air: It is extremely convenient to blow out dust, lint and cat hair from the most difficult to reach places on your laptop. In addition, it won’t hurt to “walk” through the manufacturer’s official website. There may be useful tips regarding repair and prevention of breakdowns of your computer model.

    In particular, it is on official resources Most often there are cooling system diagrams. If you decide to disassemble it to replace thermal paste, then these materials will provide you with significant support.

    Speaking about the heat-conducting paste itself, we could recommend purchasing it only in specialized computer stores. Moreover, you need to purchase exactly those brands that were recommended by the manufacturer of your laptop.

    Finally, soberly assess the capabilities of your own equipment: if your computer is equipped with a weak Celeron processor, its design does not provide for it, then you should not run “heavy” applications. This won't end well.

    What is one of the most common reasons unstable work computer? Banal overheating. Interruptions, errors, lags, sudden reboots and shutdowns - this is an incomplete list of symptoms that it manifests itself. Is it possible to work comfortably? Of course not. Is it possible to identify the problem before it takes such obvious forms? Absolutely yes. How? It is enough to monitor the temperature of devices from time to time, and the most indicative of them is the temperature of the processor (CPU).

    What CPU temperature is considered normal?

    To monitor any indicator, you need to know its normal value. Unfortunately, there is no uniform temperature standard for PC and laptop processors. For different generations, modifications and models, it is its own. Thus, the maximum and operating temperatures of mobile CPUs are on average 10-20 degrees higher than desktop ones. Older generation processors can only withstand heating up to 60-70 °C, while modern ones can heat up to a hundred and above. AMD products generally have a narrower operating temperature range than Intel.

    You can find out what temperature maximum your processor is designed for from its documentation on the manufacturer’s website. Let's look at a couple of examples: Intel® Core™ i5-6200U for laptops and AMD 10 PRO-7850B for desktop systems.

    Maximum crystal temperature Intel Core i5 6200U is specified in the case specifications (the “T junction” parameter). As we can see, it is 100 °C.

    If mobile processor produced in two buildings different types- removable and non-removable, the “T junction” column contains 2 values. Intel Core i5 6200U is available only in a non-removable case - FC BGA 1356, as indicated by the letters BGA ( B all G rid A rray) in its name. The pins of microcircuits in such packages are an array of tiny balls that are soldered to contact pads on motherboard.

    The name of Intel removable processors contains the abbreviation PGA ( P in G rid A ray). Their contacts are represented by an array of pins that are inserted into the socket (processor socket).

    The maximum temperature of modern mobile CPUs in BGA modifications is 100-105 °C, and PGA - 80-90 °C.

    The maximum temperature limit for this CPU is 72.4°C. This is the average value for AMD A-series desktop gems.

    The optimal temperature value for both mobile and desktop processors is conventionally considered to be 35-50% below the maximum under normal load. Short-term peak rises to values ​​10-15% below the limit are also considered acceptable.

    How overheating is harmful to a computer

    Some users are very frightened by even a slight increase in the temperature of the processor, they say, it can burn out. Not really. Modern CPUs have a very reliable thermal protection system and simply don’t burn. When the temperature reaches the limit, they reduce clock frequency, which gives them the opportunity to cool a little. At this time, the computer suddenly slows down or freezes completely. And if heating continues and reaches a maximum, it turns off.

    The processor temperature is an indicator of the health of the entire system. Her constants high values usually indicate overheating of other devices, which happens, for example, due to contamination of the cooling system with dust. Excessively high temperature the environment is most harmful not to the processor, but to the mechanics of the hard drive. But sudden power outages when the CPU thermal protection is triggered are especially dangerous for it. The fact is that the read and write heads, which fly above the surface of the platters during disk operation, may not have time to move to the parking area, fall on the magnetic layer and physically destroy some of the information on it.

    High temperatures inside the PC case also adversely affect the condition of the power supply and video card. Both of these devices generate a lot of heat during operation, and constant exposure to sauna conditions contributes to their wear and failure much earlier than expected.

    CPU Temperature Monitoring Tools

    There are many programs with CPU temperature monitoring functions in nature. The following are the most popular among our compatriots:

    • HWiNFO 32/64 — free Windows application, displaying a significant amount of information about all computer devices, including temperature sensor readings.
    • Aida64 is a paid utility with a 30-day warranty trial period, which in addition information functions has diagnostic.
    • Core Temp is a simple program that shows detailed information about the processor and constantly monitors its temperatures.
    • Real Temp - produces almost the same data as Core Temp, plus has the function sound notification when the specified temperature threshold is reached.

    And CPU-Z, unfortunately, does not show the processor temperature.

    The example below shows part of the system monitoring summary table obtained by the HWiNFO utility.

    The first column of values ​​displays the current CPU status, the second - the minimum, the third - the maximum, the fourth - the average.

    Unfortunately, universal utilities of the above do not always provide reliable data. As, for example, in the case shown in the following screenshot.

    Here, we see that the first temperature value is much lower than room temperature, and the second is approaching the upper limit of the norm for this processor. To find out what it really is, I'll use Asus utility AI Suite 3, which was installed on the computer along with the motherboard drivers (Windows 7 OS). Her indicator is exactly true. And normal.

    By the way, you can find out the temperature of the “stone” without programs. Just look into the BIOS. In console versions of the utility BIOS Setup The option is called “CPU temperature” (sometimes “CPU Temp” or “Processor Temp”) and is located in the “Power” or “PC Health” section. In graphical versions (UEFI), it is usually displayed on the main screen.

    BIOS indicators are certainly reliable, but not very informative, since the computer at this time does not perform any operations that load it. After Windows startup The processor temperature rises by about 5-10 °C as system processes and background programs start running.

    How to evaluate the efficiency of a cooling system

    You can judge whether the cooling system of the processor (and other devices) is functioning effectively enough indirectly - by the operation of the computer. When the equipment is well cooled, the machine operates stably, uninterruptedly and confidently pulls a load adequate for it. CPU temperatures approach the upper threshold values ​​only during very intensive work, but do not reach the maximum.

    If there is insufficient cooling, the computer begins to slow down, first at high, then at medium and, finally, at light load. In particularly advanced cases, it freezes during Windows startup or even before it starts. It often reboots and turns off spontaneously. CPU cooler and other fans tend to produce a loud whine, and hot air is blown out of the case vents, if they are not completely clogged with dust.

    There are situations when you need to quickly check the efficiency of heat dissipation from the processor, for example, if you are overclocking a system or diagnosing someone else's computer. This can be done using any CPU stress testing program that displays real-time temperature graphs. The test takes 5-10 minutes. At this time, you should watch the growth line; the numerical values ​​are secondary here.

    A CPU temperature rise curve with a gentle rise indicates that the cooling system is effectively coping with its task. And if the line goes up almost immediately, the processor is not cooled enough.

    An example of such a test in the AIDA64 program running on Windows 10 is shown in the screenshot below.

    In this graph we see completely normal indicators. At 100% load, the laptop CPU heated up from 55 °C to 70-72 °C, and the temperature rise line was almost horizontal. By the way, the “T junction” of this processor is 100 °C, which means it has about 30 degrees in reserve.

    How to improve CPU cooling

    An increase in CPU temperature above normal is a consequence of two reasons: increased heat generation or decreased cooling efficiency. Heat generation increases as a result of overclocking or replacing the “stone” with a more efficient one, and the cooling system ceases to perform its functions due to contamination or breakdown.

    I think it’s clear how to deal with dust pollution on a computer. In short, for prevention it is enough to blow out the cooling system from a can of compressed air (sold in office equipment stores) once every 2-3 months (more often depending on circumstances).

    In advanced cases, large accumulations of dust are removed with a vacuum cleaner, after which the cooler is dismantled and fresh thermal paste is applied to the processor.

    Many owners cope with cleaning system units on their own. The most difficult thing here is to remove and install the cooler correctly without damaging anything. With laptops, things are different: some models are easy to clean - to access the cooling system, you just need to unscrew a few screws and remove the cover, while others are difficult, since they have to be disassembled almost completely.

    If your desktop PC's processor overheats because the cooling system can't handle it, you'll most likely have to replace it with a more efficient one.

    Choosing a suitable cooler

    The same documents where we looked at the maximum permissible temperature will tell you which cooler can effectively cool your processor. Namely, the specifications on the manufacturer’s website. This time we are interested in the following 2 parameters:

    • Thermal power (design power or TDP).
    • Socket type (processor socket configuration).

    Here is an example of these settings for the Intel® Core™ i5-7400:

    And here is for AMD Ryzen™ 5 1600:

    So to new cooler was able to lower the temperature of the CPU to acceptable values, its TDP - heat dissipation ability, measured in Watts, must be no less than the TDP of the processor. More is possible. Also, the cooler must support the socket configuration, otherwise you will not be able to install it on the board.

    Another important characteristic that you should always look at when choosing a cooler is the dimensions. Too big may not fit in system unit or cover 1-2 slots RAM on the motherboard. The remaining parameters are of secondary importance.

    Let's try, as an example, to select a cooler for the Intel Core i5-7400 on Yandex Market. If we do not take into account the dimensions, any model with a TDP of 65 W and support for the LGA 1151 socket will suit us.

    Let's enter these parameters into the search system and get a list:

    • Cooler Master DP6-8E5SB-PL-GP.
    • Thermalright Macho Rev.B.
    • Zalman CNPS9900DF.
    • Deepcool NEPTWIN V2.
    • Noctua NH-U14S, etc.

    Prices, as you can see, range from 420 to more than five thousand rubles. Of course, the selection also included powerful gaming coolers capable of cooling irons, but for our not too hot CPU, serious expenses are not justified. The model will cope with its cooling for 450-800 rubles. The rest is a matter of taste.

    CPU overheating! Temperature rising! Heat dissipation! With these words, many scary stories begin about too hot relationships between a person and a laptop. In some of them, the laptop explodes, in some it dies too early... And there are also those where the owner, holding a hot laptop on his lap, can no longer continue the family line.

    The key element in all these stories is the processor temperature. It's no secret that while doing its job of processing information, the processor generates heat. Of course, laptops have a cooling system, but its power is not always enough to cool the processor to an acceptable temperature. So, what processor temperature is considered normal for a laptop and how not to go beyond it?

    A little theory

    Modern processors are initially able to withstand quite a lot of heat without harm. Thus, the critical temperature can reach one hundred degrees Celsius or even more. It's not just that enthusiastic overclockers come up with special cooling systems to overclock processors to the limit!

    Another thing is that such a high temperature can damage other components of the laptop - for example, plastic elements. The body is unlikely to catch fire, but it is quite likely to melt. This is precisely what is avoided by installing powerful laptops clever heat sinks.

    As for the human body, heating to 40-45°C will already cause discomfort for the user, especially if the laptop case is made of metal and conducts heat well. What can we say about higher temperatures!

    Of course, low-power processors have much lower heat dissipation, so we will consider only relatively powerful devices based on Intel i5, i7 and AMD FX processors.

    In practice

    To look at the practical heat dissipation of processors, the researchers looked at several popular models With different processors, both with a discrete video card (which takes on part of the processor load) and with an integrated video core.

    Yes, for Acer laptop TravelMate P238-M-5575 with a common dual-core Intel Core i5-6200U processor and a built-in video core, the usual operating temperature was about 35-40 degrees. In this range, heating can be noticeable, but does not cause harm to either the device or the person. Using the HW Monitor test utility, we were able to increase the processor load to a level at which the temperature for the complex of both cores was 79°C. This is far from the critical temperature of the processor itself (it is about 100°C), but the user may find it, to put it mildly, elevated. Another thing is that a person will not feel this temperature, since the cooling system in the laptop does its job.

    Another model - Asus F555UB-XO043T - is based on the same processor and also does not have a discrete graphics card. The result turned out to be a little predictable: the emitted temperature also remained within 80°C and could not somehow get closer to risky values. The user, of course, should not hold a laptop operating in this mode on his lap, but if the device is on a table (and even more so on a special cooling stand), there should be no harm from this.

    Of greater interest to us is testing the Gigabyte P55K v5 laptop, which belongs to the class of gaming machines and offers maximum hardware. In our case it is almost uncompromising Intel processor Core i7-6700HQ (HQ index means four cores, but overclocking disabled) plus video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965M. This is a much more powerful kit: although the card reduces the load on the processor itself, it itself contributes to the overall heating. Therefore, the laptop has a more advanced cooling system.

    Here tests show numbers that can take your breath away. When running our friend HW Monitor, one of the processor cores heated up to critically close to 99°C, the rest, however, were not too far behind. The heating of the video card reached 81°C.

    Dangerous? Yes. But this is an artificially achieved load. In fact, the normal temperature of the laptop processor, even when running very heavy games, barely reached 80°C. And given that the generated heat is immediately dissipated and removed, the laptop is ready for short-term extreme loads.

    Finally, let's break up Intel's monopoly with a laptop AMD processor FX-8800P. This is an Acer Aspire E5-552G, which also has a video card on board AMD Radeon R8 M365DX. It is curious that the integration of a system from one manufacturer allows you to use the built-in and discrete video card both alternately and simultaneously, in CrossFire mode. This means maximum use of all computing elements, which means maximum heat dissipation.

    Let us remind you that for the AMD FX-8800P the critical temperature threshold is lower than for Intel designs, and is only 90°C. For the user, this means that the developers have reduced heat transfer, and the case will not be such a fire-breathing “stove” even under high load.

    The results turned out to be very encouraging. Even with the most high voltage, which was provided by the Prime95 utility, the processor temperature rose to only 54°C. The main “stove” (unlike previous examples) suddenly turned out to be discrete video card, which reached as much as 74°C. However, this result is far from critical values.

    Practical conclusions

    In practice, for users, this experiment can generate a whole set of interesting conclusions:

    • If you know what the processor temperature on a laptop should be in theory, then values ​​that seem critical may turn out to be quite acceptable. The numbers may look dangerous, but they are worth comparing with the limit values ​​​​from the processor specifications.
    • Laptop developers envision reliable operation of laptop processors within the specified values ​​​​from processor manufacturers.
    • But the critical values ​​themselves may decrease in the case bad work cooling systems. Therefore, owners of powerful gaming laptops should especially carefully monitor the ventilation and heat dissipation of their machines.
    • If you often use your laptop in extreme mode, you should enhance the cooling, for example, with a stand with a fan.
    • Case overheating usually does not reach dangerous values. However, if the case begins to heat up more than usual, this is a signal of a cooling problem. In this case, the following procedures are needed:
    1. Update BIOS. If the problem is common to the series, an update may solve it.
    2. Replace thermal paste.
    3. Check the system for presence malware. You're not interested in someone mining bitcoins on your expensive laptop, wearing it out and giving nothing in return?
    4. Be vigilant!