• Why do Internet pages take so long to open even though the speed is good? What to do if pages load slowly in your browser

    In this article I will talk about why browsers take a long time to load, slow down and freeze. I will also give several recipes for eliminating these problems.


    It so happened that one day I (that is, the author of this article) did not have access to the Internet at home. Why this happened is a separate question. I had to go to the neighbors because I had to send a very important letter. I noticed one nuisance on my neighbor's computer - the browser Mozilla Firefox Version 10 took a very long time to open. It opened so slowly on the netbook that during this time I managed to drink half a mug of the offered tea. After opening, I also had to wait until the interface Gmail will deign to respond to my actions, because the browser decided to freeze.
    Be that as it may, I sent the letter, thanks to the responsive people for this. But the situation with the browser did not give me peace of mind. I wondered why the browser takes so long to open? What is the reason for it slow work? Let me note that we are not talking about a long opening of pages, but about a long opening of the browser itself, regardless of the Internet speed.
    I conducted a small survey among my friends. The result was sad: for owners of old computers and netbooks, the browser (no matter what, the version is also not particularly important) opens in 30 seconds, if not more. Moreover, people consider this behavior to be the norm and silently tolerate it. In principle, you can wait half a minute, but some PC users, including me, find such waiting annoying. On modern machines, in isolated cases there is also a significant delay in opening the browser and freezing from time to time, but in general, thanks to gigahertz and cores, the situation is more rosy.
    This begs two questions: Why does the browser slow down and how to speed it up?
    Note: Those looking for recommendations should scroll down to the second chapter of the article.

    1. Why is this happening?

    1.1. Search for reasons

    All modern Internet browsers are complex software systems. During the launch and operation of the browser, many events occur: sorting databases that contain the history of visited sites, information about cached pages (these are pages, pictures and other objects that we have already downloaded from the Internet and that can quickly load from hard drive instead of slow downloading from the Internet), information about various add-ons, etc. It also downloads third-party components from other developers, such as Adobe Flash Player and Java.
    There is a utility called Process Monitor that can monitor program activity. Thanks to her, I found out that the Firefox browser on my computer generates more than 18 thousand events during the startup process! By events I mean opening files, checking the Internet, simply checking files for their presence, and much more that Process Monitor registers. Browser Google Chrome generates 34 thousand events at startup, Opera – 5 thousand, and Internet Explorer – 16 thousand. For comparison, on my computer, when running regular Notepad (notepad.exe), 1198 events occur.

    The number of events may vary by different computer depending on the version of the operating system and installed programs, so you should not take numbers as facts. This is a guideline, nothing more.
    It is logical that the actions that the browser performs affect the speed of its launch. Internal structure affects stability and responsiveness.
    For example, each browser tries to speed up its launch in its own way:
    • Chrome tries to show his window as quickly as possible, in background continuing to load add-ons and other components. This allows you to open sites up to full load browser, which occurs after ten seconds or even half a minute.
    • Opera I followed the path of maximum optimization - the fewer files opened, the faster. This approach works best with a fast hard drive.
    • Mozilla Firefox doesn't behave in the best possible way– until all components are loaded, you can’t really work, although the browser window may appear earlier. Developers do not want to correct this approach or cannot. All they promise is that by version 14 of the browser they will eliminate the problem of excessive consumption RAM.
    • What happens during startup Internet Explorer, I don't know. There is little information about this. From what I saw using Process Monitor, the browser opens in the same way as Opera, where the emphasis is on the minimum number of file operations required to launch.
    Regardless of how browsers try to speed up (or slow down, depending on how you look at it) their opening, they have common problems: loading time of third-party components and databases with the history of visited sites, entered addresses and other information.
    As for the actual work in the browser, the situation is similar here - the components installed in the browser, like a heavy load, turn any browser into a clumsy monster, overgrown with unnecessary functions.

    1.2. Third Party Components

    Here's the most common problem:

    Panels added to the browser are called toolbars(from the word "toolbar"). Whether intentionally or not, they can not only provoke a leak of confidential user data (this has been written, for example, about how, thanks to Google Toolbar and the Yandex toolbar, the cache search engines information of a rather personal nature came across), but also cause technical problems in the operation of the browser.
    Toolbar is a browser add-on. Like any add-on, it takes up RAM and requires processor resources to perform its tasks. On computers with a processor frequency greater than 2 GHz, the effect of toolbars is too small to be noticed by the naked eye. But on netbooks and older laptops, toolbars can significantly slow down the browser. Let me remind you once again about possible surveillance of the user, imposition of your services and display of advertising:

    There are also plugins. A typical example is Adobe Flash Player. Personally, I am of the opinion that one should distinguish plugins(plug-ins) and extensions, additions. Plugins are often not visible to the user, but they expand the capabilities of the browser, for example adding the ability to play online videos (VLC Web Plugin). They work at a "low" level with the browser, i.e. deeply embedded in it. In turn, extensions in Google Chrome and Opera, add-ons in Firefox and add-ons in Internet Explorer are often visible to the user in the form of some buttons, panels, etc. You can call this all conventions. Whatever you call them, the fact remains: all additional components slow down the browser and sometimes cause crashes. For example, I am haunted by a strange glitch: with Flash Player turned on, I cannot access the Odnoklassniki.ru website - any browser simply freezes. What this is connected with, I never found out. Fortunately, I don't need this site, so I decided to just not visit it.
    Extensions, as I noticed, cause almost no slowdowns in Google work Chrome and Opera, but consume RAM. In Internet Explorer 9 large number toolbars may cause spontaneous freezes, but does not have a noticeable effect on the consumed RAM. In Firefox there can be anything from long loading time to constant freezes in work.
    Conclusion: plugins always affect the speed of browsers and their stability, and their impact depends on the browser, but always negatively.

    2.1. Recipes for all browsers

    We're done with theory, let's move on to practice. Since it is very difficult to find out exactly which toolbars work “honestly,” you will have to act radically: remove all toolbars and components. For this purpose in Windows XP let's go to Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs. For Windows Vista/7/8 – Control Panel – Programs and Features. We delete all programs whose names include: AlterGeo Magic Scanner, Ask toolbar, Ask.com, Bing Bar, Gator, Google Toolbar, [email protected], QIP Internet Guardian, StartSearch, WinZix, [email protected], Yandex.Bar. There are also “bars”, but it is very difficult to find the names of all of them. I would be grateful if you indicate what you found in the comments, this will help other users.
    Then it is advisable to download and install the most new version Adobe Flash Play r – link. The newer the version, the higher the stability and speed of operation.

    2.2. Google Chrome

    Enter in the address bar about:extensions– a list will appear installed extensions. Go through the list, removing unnecessary ones. Kit necessary extensions Everyone has their own, I just recommend not removing AdBlock - although it eats up a significant amount of RAM, it is very useful - thanks to it there are fewer ads on the pages you open. The benefit is obvious.
    The list of extensions may be empty if you have not installed them.
    Then enter about:plugins– a list will appear installed plugins. You can disable all plugins except Native Client, Flash, Google Update, Java. Although I would disable Java, since firstly it is actually a hole in the browser’s security through which viruses can be launched, and secondly, for the average user Java is not needed in the browser (not to be confused with javascript, which is very important). If you leave Java enabled, download the latest version and install.
    The list may include plugins QuickTime And VLC Web Plugin, which are necessary to watch videos from the pages of some sites, so if some site asks you to install them, just turn the plugin back on. Adobe Acrobat And Chrome PDF Viewer Should not be disabled for those who view PDF files in a browser window, as with plugins disabled, these documents will be downloaded to the hard drive instead of opening.
    Also, some antiviruses install their own plugins, for example AVG. It's up to you to turn them off or not. Personally, I don't turn it off. Safety is more important than a few seconds of waiting.
    To apply the changes, you must restart the browser.

    2.3. Mozilla Firefox

    Press the button Firefox(in new browser versions) or open the menu Tools(in older versions and in Windows XP) – Additions. On the tab Extensions you can delete everything except explicitly useful additions, For example AdBlock And WOT. The list of add-ons may be empty if you have not installed anything.
    On the Plugins tab you can disable everything except Shockwave Flash. The situation with other plugins is described above in 2.2.
    You also need to restart the browser to apply the changes.

    2.3. Opera

    Extensions are available in the menu Opera – Extensions – Manage extensions. Plugins are available at opera:plugins, and there is one nuance - check the box in the list of plugins More details, to see full list. The fact is that Opera really likes to collect plugins different versions, especially Flash Player. I don’t know whether old versions are used or not, but I recommend disabling them, leaving only the newest ones (see the version number in the “Description:” line)
    The recommendations for disabling plugins are the same as for Chrome above. A browser restart will also be required.

    2.4. Internet Explorer

    If you have the ninth version, click on the gear on the right top corner window and select Add-ons. Then select Show: All add-ons. You can turn off everything except Shockwave Flash Object is Adobe Flash Player. Recommendations for other plugins are the same as for other browsers. By the way, Internet Explorer 9 to the right of the plugin displays the time at which the launch of the browser slows down with the add-on enabled - very convenient.
    In versions 6, 7 and 8, the Add-ons item is in the menu Service.
    A browser restart is also required.

    2.5. Clear browser cache

    Strictly speaking, such advice only helps on those computers with a slow hard drive. When a page loads, the browser does not search through files to look for those that it has already downloaded or that it can open instead of downloading from the Internet. It would take too long. Instead, it simply accesses the database, where everything is clearly structured and does not cause any delays. But since many people advise, I will also advise.
    Clearing the cache can be done through the browser menu, but as usual it’s a mess, and it will be difficult for a novice user to figure it out (checked). If you want, you can read the instructions. And I will write instructions for using the CCleaner program to clear browser caches:

    1. Download the lightweight version of CCleaner (without toolbars) - link.
    2. We install it and launch it
    3. In the program window on the left, select Cleaning, then in the Windows tab, uncheck everything except " Temporary browser files". In the tab Applications again, uncheck all the items except those that contain the word " cache".
    4. Press the button Cleaning and wait.
    5. Ready!
    Also, if you store all links as bookmarks, you can clear them using CCleaner Log of visited sites And List of entered addresses. This has a beneficial effect on Firefox and Opera browsers - tested.

    2.6. Defragment the hard drive

    Since this article will probably be read by novice users too, I’ll make a short explanation: information is stored on the hard drive regardless of its physical location. The beginning of the file may be at the edge of the disk, the middle somewhere at the end, and the end, for example, next to the beginning. Unfortunately, this is a fundamental flaw of the FAT32 and NTFS file systems that Windows uses to store data. This situation is called fragmentation. Periodically ( at least once a month) must be carried out defragmentation– organizing the physical location of files. It is easier for the disk's reading heads to read the entire file in one go, rather than rush back and forth in search of pieces. In principle, modern operating systems - Vista, 7, 8 - periodically start the defragmentation process themselves. Unfortunately, there are a lot of obstacles to this process - either the computer is not left alone for a minute, or they rummaged through the system settings and turned off “unnecessary” things, or a software failure simply occurs.
    To call defragmentation you need to press menu Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Defragmenter. Using this program should not cause any problems because it is simple.
    A member of our forum hitry spoke about how to run defragmentation in Windows 8 in comment No. 3 of this article, for which we thank him very much.
    I categorically do not recommend using third-party defragmentation programs for one reason - the defragmentation process itself is associated not only with the actual movement of files on the hard drive, but also with other functions, such as Prefetch. Simply put, third-party defragmenters can simply move a file to the wrong place, and even not notify you about it Windows components, as a result, the entire system and programs will load and work more slowly. We clearly don't need this.

    3. Summary

    The recommendation to disable plugins and extensions is effective. The recipe helps to get rid of spontaneous freezing and non-loading of pages (for example, instead of the content of the page, the browser displays dazzlingly pure whiteness).
    Ideally, for browser stability, it would be good to disable Flash Player, but alas, it is needed for the operation of many sites, including the popular VKontakte. If the browser freezes, then in some cases the problem lies in this plugin.
    You may be thinking: “How can this be, won’t disabling a dozen plugins hurt your browsing experience?!”
    I answer: no, it won’t hurt. A modern browser has support for a sufficient number of technologies and can correctly open the vast majority of sites (I don’t know the exact numbers). The rest of the sites are either specific - for example, they use additional plugins for broadcasting video streams from pages (sites with online TV channels), or are written by illiterate programmers who use various add-ons where they are not required.
    About clearing the cache: this procedure is very useful for older browsers. I remember that the reason for the slowdown in the Opera browser before version 10.60 was precisely the large cache. Moreover, forced restrictions did not help. As a result, I switched to Google Chrome, where in general the cache size, as I noticed, is not controlled, but its size does not affect the loading and operating speed. Although it is better to clear the cache in Chrome, because a large number of small files leads to file fragmentation.
    Note: It is better not to use old browsers, because this is a potential hole into which viruses can crawl.
    About the council hard defragmentation disk: this is useful in general for running programs, not just browsers.
    Perhaps, after reading the article, you will be surprised: “Where are the numbers and tests?”
    Unfortunately, I have not found a reliable way to test the speed of browsers. You have to rely on subjective feelings that say: yes, this helps. And I also have old computer with a 665 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM, where the difference is noticeable “by eye”.
    If my advice did not help you and the browser slows down and freezes, read also this article and this article.
    Useful forum topic: .
    I wish everyone fast browser and convenient sites!

    Edited: FuzzyL- April 9, 2012
    Reason: Added a mention of defragmentation in Windows 8

    Hello! We continue to look at malfunctions and other difficulties when working with Internet browsers. If you are reading this article, you have probably observed or personally encountered one of these moments.

    There are many programs. For example, in a recent publication I provided a list. Some of them are very popular and familiar to a large number of users.

    In some cases, one or all browsers experience severe slowdowns. Simply put, they slow down. Why is this happening? It may be different here.

    If you see that pages open slowly in the Yandex, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or others browser, then the problem is not necessarily them. Can you guess why? I suggest first considering the reasons, and then ways to eliminate them to resume comfortable work in the open spaces global network.

    Causes of malfunctions

    If everything was fine before, then slow page loading is associated with two categories of faults:

    1. software (violations in the operation of one or more programs, including the operating system);
    2. hardware (disturbances in the operation of microcircuits).

    Here are the common causes of software glitches that can affect the operation of browsers:

    • The browser's memory (cache) is clogged with strange files after viewing sites that are not safe for the computer.
    • Incompatible programs are used. Each has minimum system requirements that must be met.
    • The computer is infected with viruses.
    • Software applications or the operating system are damaged or not working correctly.
    • The computer is using an outdated or incorrectly functioning software(BY).

    Based on practical observations, I can identify another very common reason for the browser to load for a long time.

    For a visual explanation, I’ll open the task manager. To do this, use the key combination Ctrl, Alt, Del.

    I currently have multiple tabs open in Chrome. In the dispatcher you can see several of its processes. Opening a new tab will result in another one appearing. Each process consumes random access memory (RAM) and central processing unit (CPU) power. Resources are limited and when they run out the browser will start to slow down.

    You should not pay attention only to individual processes. Take a look at total percentage CPU load and allocated RAM. When everything starts to slow down, in many cases one or all available resources are already overloaded.

    Ways to speed up browsers

    Let's say Chrome, Opera, Yandex or another browser is open. First, we close what is not needed for the current work:

    • tabs;
    • programs;
    • folders.

    We make sure that everything unnecessary is closed. Has your browser stopped slowing down? If yes, then it is now clear why this happened - the existing ones were overloaded computing power.

    If these steps do not help resolve the slow opening of pages, then I would first do the following:

    • cleared the browser cache;
    • searched for and removed viruses.

    If that didn't help, I would completely uninstall the browser. world wide web and cleared his profile data. I talked about these and other actions that can be done if the browser does not open at all or works slowly using a specific example in an article entitled “”.

    I’ll finish here about the software reasons. Let's move on to issues related to the hardware of the computing device.

    Did you happen to see in the task manager, which was discussed above, that there are not enough resources? If this is the case, then it is worth considering expanding them. In this case, material about.

    By the way, technology does not last forever. Microcircuits get old and may begin to process information worse or even break down. In general, over time, their productivity can drop significantly. This should be taken into account when identifying and eliminating the causes of slow programs.

    I hope the information helped you and now pages in browsers load not slowly, but at quite a decent speed. Doing this is not always as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

    Finally, I will mention an interesting nuance beyond the scope of the topic under consideration. Do you earn a lot on the Internet? There are really good prospects. I periodically talk about specific ways to make money on the site and without it on the blog. You can look at the publications.

    I am preparing new materials. They appear on a regular basis. If you wish, you can enter your address email in a special form and issue free subscription for updates to my project. I also add article announcements to social networks. You can track them right there and choose the most interesting ones. See you later.

    Modern programs and services are firmly tied to the Internet. Network games; streaming content: video, audio, radio; as well as applications for work and entertainment are useless without a network connection. Therefore, low Internet speed does not allow you to perform daily tasks in full. Why the Internet works poorly and slowly, why it takes a long time to load and what to do to fix it, you will learn from this article.

    Router speed limit

    Open your router's control panel and check your internet bandwidth settings. Increase the value if necessary.

    It is also recommended to measure the Internet speed using a router and direct connection cable to the computer's network card. If there is a noticeable difference in speed, the probable reasons why the Internet is slow are the following:

    1. The router is malfunctioning. Sometimes resetting the settings and re-configuring, changing the firmware helps. Less commonly, the router needs to be replaced due to an irreparable breakdown/defect.
    2. The maximum throughput of the router is lower than the speed provided by the provider. Just replace the router with more bandwidth.
    3. The Internet cable in the provider's equipment is not connected correctly. There are common cases when the master connects network cable into the service port instead of the normal connector. When a router is detected, the speed automatically decreases. Therefore, it is important to inform your provider about a decrease in speed when using the router, in order to troubleshoot the problem.

    Cookies are full

    With each new visit to the site, the browser saves to disk some temporary files called cookies. The data stores information about site settings and speeds up identification. When you visit the resource again, the browser accesses the disk for the cache to speed up page loading. If the disk is slow and/or full of files, the duration of opening a page increases due to the cost of searching the cache. Therefore, clearing cookies sometimes helps speed up page loading. To delete the cache, open your browser settings, select the appropriate section and delete temporary files.

    However, this method will not help if the problem is that your internet is slow to load files, then the reason bad work in another.

    Network card drivers are outdated

    Check for updates to your network card. Sometimes developers make corrections to previously found errors and optimize overall work, which helps improve and speed up data exchange. If support is discontinued, a pluggable network card with supported support will work as an alternative.

    Outdated computer

    The speed of the Internet is also affected by the components of the computer. Morally and/or physically worn out components reduce page loading speed, downloading or file transfer.

    It is worth paying attention to state of hard disk. Slow, worn out and fragmented HDD negates all benefits high-speed Internet. Therefore, replacing the HDD with an SSD will significantly improve the computer's response. At the same time, it is important to correlate the update of some components with the overall assembly. Sometimes it makes sense to replace the computer completely. And in some cases, improvements are visible after installing an SSD and increasing RAM.

    This point also disappears if yesterday your Internet worked quickly, but today it has become slow.

    Energy saving modes activated

    Some network cards support "green" technologies aimed at saving energy or optimizing the Internet. Sometimes such features do not work correctly or limit bandwidth when required maximum speed. Therefore, it is worth opening the properties of the network card in the “device manager”, and on the “advanced” tab, select and disable automatic speed limiting functions and other “green” technologies.

    Also open the “power supply” section of the computer, where you can select balanced or performance mode. If the modes have changed, reset the settings to eliminate power restrictions.

    Viruses and malware

    When the Internet is slow, it is important to check the system for viruses. Because malware degrade system performance and reduce Internet throughput by loading the channel and/or deliberately using traffic redirection.

    Applications running in the background

    It is also worth checking programs running in the background, for example torrent clients and file download managers. Pause or limit your download speed.

    It’s also worth paying attention third party programs. Check the list installed utilities. Remove programs you have not installed, including plugins and services of various search engines. You should also not keep “optimizers” on your computer that are supposedly aimed at improving the performance of memory, the Internet, system resources and services. Since such programs sometimes degrade the operating system and slow down the Internet.

    If you like to spend time playing online games, check if updates are being downloaded. If necessary, set a limit on downloading updates.

    Applications running in the background can cause your Internet speed to slow down.

    Tariff plan

    The speed of the Internet is affected by the speed described in the provider’s tariff plan. The measurement is made in the form of received traffic volume per second. At the same time, some companies cleverly present speed by indicating “Mbit” instead of MB, which leads to confusion. So the “large” figure of 20 Mbit is equal to 2.5 MB. Therefore, a 100 MB file will download in 40 seconds, not 5.

    It is also important to carefully study the terms of the tariff plan for hidden restrictions. For example, a provider is ready to provide unlimited Internet at a speed of 40 Mbit, but indicate in small print that the speed will automatically decrease to 4 Mbit when downloading 100 GB per month.

    Users are often lured by high speeds of 100-150 Mbit. At the same time, they do not inform that the declared speed applies only to the local, internal, network with limited access to information. While the speed of global access is noticeably lower.

    The reason for slow Internet may be in the tariff plan, if you did not switch to another tariff and did not notice any jumps in network speed.

    Activated VPN

    The Internet works slowly if a program for redirecting traffic is installed or a VPN plugin is active. Incoming and outgoing traffic passes through a virtual private network, which allows you to change the actual location, thereby gaining access to resources and services that are not available in a particular region. At the same time, the boarding school’s bandwidth is reduced by 10-20 times, for example, 3 Mbit instead of 70 Mbit without using a VPN.

    Typically, speed limits are present in free ones. virtual networks. IN paid subscriptions, the throughput is higher. Therefore, it is rational to disable VPN and traffic redirection functions unless absolutely necessary.

    Aggressive advertising

    The presence of a large number of advertising banners reduces the page loading speed. Pop-up windows with music or video accompaniment actively consume traffic. On such sites, it is recommended to enable AdBlock, an ad blocking program. The utility is available for download from the internal program stores of most popular browsers.

    Firewall active

    The Internet is often slow due to the antivirus and/or firewall. Since by default programs are configured to scan everything incoming and outgoing traffic. Therefore, it is recommended to measure Internet speed with and without antivirus/firewall enabled. If there are restrictions, you should change the settings or find alternative program, where Internet speed is not limited.

    Problems with the provider

    The speed of the Internet is largely influenced by the service provider. Some unscrupulous companies deliberately cut bandwidth in order to evenly distribute speed among other subscribers. Promote automatic reduction of speed when connecting a router or active traffic exchange. In this case, it is recommended to sever the relationship and use the services of another, honest provider. And frequent equipment breakdowns and interruptions in Internet supply are additional reasons to switch to another provider.


    Low Internet speed is often caused by problems with the provider, wastage of traffic by background programs, failures in network equipment or an outdated computer. Therefore, it is important to diagnose problem areas one by one and troubleshoot problems. The article describes in detail why the Internet is slow and how to solve the problem. The list contains the most common reasons, including minor ones that users rarely pay attention to.

    Internet pages take a long time to load: how to fix the problem. Pages take a long time to load in the browser at good speed Google Chrome

    Pages load slowly in the browser at good speed: reasons

    There are many different tips on how to speed up your browser on the Internet. But it is important to remember that the reasons for long loading times for sites can be both external and internal.

    Before you start repairing your computer and Internet equipment, you need to make sure that slow loading pages in your browser are a symptom of internal problems and not external interference.

    Poor internet connection

    First of all, it’s worth checking the quality of your Internet connection, which directly affects the speed of your browser, which means it won’t take long to load pages. The connection can deteriorate due to problems or restrictions on the part of the provider, interference on the line, excessive use of the network, etc. Let's figure out how to check the speed:

    Checking via the command line

    Using online services

    So, the tests passed and everything is fine with the connection. But pages still load at good internet speeds, taking a long time.

    Browser and its settings

    The reasons why pages take a long time to load may be a clogged browser cache or a large number of open tabs, each of which consumes RAM and processor power.

    This is especially obvious if pages open slowly not in all browsers installed on the computer, but only in the current one. In this case, first you need to close unnecessary tabs, programs and folders. If pages continue to take a long time to load, take the following steps:

    Clear browser

    For stable operation of the browser, it is important to periodically clear the history, cache, cookies and delete unnecessary bookmarks. This can be done in the program settings in the main menu. If Internet pages continue to take a long time to load in your browser, you need to reinstall the program and clean your profile. To do this, the current browser is completely removed in the computer menu “Add or Remove Programs”, and the computer is restarted. After reinstallation, some browser files may still remain on the system. To get rid of these objects, you need to search for folders with the name of the browser. Open "My Computer", enter the name in the address bar and delete. Then install the latest version of the program and restart the PC.

    Disable advertising

    Pages often take a long time to load due to the abundance of advertising in the browser. Blocking advertising banners and videos will not only speed up the loading of web pages and reduce web traffic consumption, but also increase PC security. The AdGuard utility will help with this. The program runs along with the system and blocks intrusive advertising and opening malicious sites. The official website offers free trial period 14 days.

    Disable unnecessary extensions

    A large number of extensions can also cause the browser to work slowly and pages to load for a long time. It is recommended to disable unnecessary extensions in the browser section “Settings” - “Extensions/Add-ons”.

    PC performance

    Web pages on a computer or laptop take a long time to load also due to low PC performance, which slows down the entire system.

    And if cleaning and configuring the browser did not produce results, you need to check your computer for the following problems:

    Lack of free space on drive C

    System drive C often stores unnecessary information, such as temporary browser files or unused programs. Such objects clog up disk space, and for this reason the computer runs slowly. You can get rid of programs using standard tools in the “Control Panel” - “Add or Remove Programs” section.

    Unnecessary files are also removed by the CCleaner program, which can be downloaded from the official website. The utility has the ability to analyze disk space, delete unnecessary files and clean the registry, as well as configure startup in the “Service” tab.

    To speed up the disk, you need to regularly defragment it. How to find: " Local disk(C:)" - "Properties" - "Service".

    Lack of RAM

    To reduce the load on the processor and RAM, you need to remove unnecessary programs from the startup list.

    This can be done in the CCleaner utility, as mentioned above, or by running the msconfig command in the command line (Win + R - msconfig - Startup tab). It is also worth checking whether your computer has enough resources to normal operation or an upgrade is needed: Ctrl + Alt + Del – “Task Manager” - “Performance” / “Performance”. CPU and memory utilization percentages above 80 will indicate that there are not enough resources. If the situation does not change after closing unnecessary tasks, the computer will need repair.

    Automatic system or program updates

    Websites take a long time to load when several programs use the Internet at the same time. Torrent clients, applications for listening to music and watching TV online are especially demanding. automatic update BY. Bootloaders and applications must be disabled, and updates must be done manually or scheduled for a time when the Internet is not used by the PC owner.


    Surfing the Internet is not advisable without using a reliable antivirus program. The presence of viruses in the system slows down not only the loading of web pages, but also the overall operation of the computer, so scanning the system should be performed regularly. If your connection speed suddenly decreases, you should run an antivirus program and do an additional scan. It is also recommended to look at the list of threats that have already been neutralized: perhaps the moment the site page took a long time to load coincides with the time of the recent virus attack.

    Problem with the router, switch or cable

    When no problems are observed according to the previous points, and the sites still load for a long time, it is worth checking the equipment itself. If your computer is connected to the Internet via a router or switch, you should remove the network cable from the device and connect it to the PC via the Ethernet network connector on the motherboard. If the connection is restored, it means there is a problem with the router or switch. Setting up such equipment is described below. If pages are still loading for a long time, you need to check if everything is ok with the cable.

    Equipment setup

    You can check the connection status and device settings as follows.

    If you are using an ADSL modem or router, you should restart the device and go to the web interface. To do this, enter the modem's IP address into the address bar of your browser. On the main page or in the WAN tab, check whether the real connection speed matches the tariff and look at the connection settings. Here, in the “Filtering by MAC address” tab, view and disable extraneous devices that “steal” traffic. When using a switch, you should check the connection settings according to the instructions for specific model.

    It is recommended to disconnect the 3G or 4G modem from the USB port, then turn it on again, restart the device software and update the driver. These actions should solve the problem of long loading pages, but only if the problem is in the settings network equipment.

    Interference from outside

    It is not always possible to solve the problem of slow Internet on your own. Even the efficient operation of an Internet provider and properly configured equipment do not guarantee one hundred percent connection quality. When using wired internet there is a risk of damage to the cable leading to the apartment or office, and the provider may not be aware of the presence of problems. In this case, you should contact technical support and report the problem. When using a wireless modem, problems usually occur due to network congestion or signal quality. Then all that remains is to wait for the signal to improve, or change the telecom operator.

    Restrictions from the provider

    If pages take a long time to open, perhaps the reason lies in a banal restriction from the provider. Even at good rates with high speeds Evening speed limits may apply. You should clarify the details of the tariff used and, possibly, replace it with a suitable one.


    Web pages loading slowly in the browser is a fairly common problem that every user faces sooner or later.

    And finding a solution may not be easy due to the long list of possible reasons relating to PCs with operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, etc. But if you take care of your computer, regularly clean your browser, use useful programs like CCleaner, AdGuard and antivirus, then there will be no problems with long page loading times, you can avoid it altogether or simplify the solution.

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    Pages load slowly in the browser: how to speed it up, what to do?

    Internet users often encounter problems such as long loading times for pages in their browser. The reasons for this can be very diverse. And since you have come across this article, in order to find out why pages in the browser load so slowly, we will tell you about the most common and effective methods that will help eliminate this problem.

    Possible causes and solutions

    Once you have wondered why your Internet browser is running slowly, you must determine the correct cause of this problem and then begin to fix it immediately.

    Poor internet connection

    If you suspect that your Internet is very slow, but don’t know how to check it, there are two simple ways:

    Via command line

    Using the “Win ​​+ R” key combination on your keyboard, call up an additional menu, in the line of which enter the “cmd” command.

    Now, once the command prompt has opened, enter the following command: “ping” and press “Enter”.

    Important: This command sends microdata packets to the Google.com server.

    Now, depending on the data obtained, some conclusions can be drawn. If the number of lost packets is greater than zero, and the average time for receiving and transmitting data is more than 150 ms. – it means you have problems with your Internet connection.

    In this case, the correct solution is to contact your provider and explain your problem.

    Website www.speedtest.net

    By going to the website for checking the speed of your Internet connection using this link, wait until the page is fully loaded and click the test icon.

    Let me remind you that if the ping is more than 150 ms, and the speed is less than at least 2 MB, you have problems with your Internet connection.

    Lack of free space on drive "C"

    If the browser takes a long time to load, you should pay attention to the amount of free space on the system disk. To do this, open “My Computer” and if the information indicates that there is less than 1 GB of free space on the “C” drive, then you should perform the following three steps:

    Important: this method will be useful if not only your browser hangs, but also the computer as a whole.

    Cleaning temporary system files

    To do this, go to “My Computer” and right-click on drive “C” to bring up the properties of this drive. Now, remaining on the General tab, click on Disk Cleanup. In the new menu that opens, set the appropriate the necessary parameters checkboxes (you can select all), then click on “clear system files”.

    The cleaning process has started.

    Important: the cleaning process will take on average up to 2-5 minutes, depending on the configuration of your Hardware and the “Garbage” accumulated on your computer.

    Optimizing your hard drive

    To do this, go to the properties of drive “C”, as described above. But now go to the “Service” tab and click “Check”.

    Even if the notification says that verification is not required, you can still check your system disk for mistakes. After this, the system scanning process will begin.

    Important: You will still be able to use your computer during this procedure.

    The next step is to optimize the disk. In the disk properties, click "Optimize".

    And then select the system drive and first click “Analyze”, and then “Optimize”. Next, the whole process will start automatically, during which you will be able to use your PC.

    Removing unnecessary software

    To do this, open the Start menu and launch Control Panel. Now group the icons into categories and select “Uninstall a program.”

    Now, in the tab that opens, select the programs you least need (preferably they should be large, hundreds of MB or more).

    (As an example, I took one game that I finished a long time ago, and which weighs more than four GB.)

    Lack of RAM

    Often, in order to speed up the browser, it is necessary to reduce the load on RAM. To do this, you will need to close unnecessary background applications.

    To do this, press the key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Delete” and go to the “Startup” tab. Then disable all unnecessary at the moment applications and processes.

    Cleaning Browsers

    If the previous methods did not help and the browser still takes a long time to open pages, and simply takes forever to load, do the following:

    Clearing history and other “garbage”

    History, cookies, cache - all this takes up such precious memory. Therefore, in order to speed up opening pages in your browser, you need to go to the “Browser History” section.

    Then click on “Clear history” and check the boxes next to what you need. First of all, select clearing all time, browsing history, download history, cookies and saving cache entries. The rest is optional.

    Disabling advertising

    Open your browser settings and find the “Extensions (add-ons)” section. Next, go to the extension store and install the adguard anti-banner, which will not only protect you from unwanted advertising, but will also prevent malicious software from loading.

    Important: installation of the adguard anti-banner is not provided for the Yandex browser. In this case, an anti-banner called Adblock would be an excellent solution.

    Disable unnecessary extensions

    A large number of add-ons may also be the reason why you are unable to make your browser faster. Simply disable unnecessary extensions in your browser settings or remove them, leaving only the most necessary ones.


    Malicious software is also the reason why, for example, you can’t speed up the Yandex browser or solve the problem of Mazala taking a long time to open.

    To do this, you need to check your CP for the presence virus programs. An antivirus like “dr weber cureit” is good for this - this antivirus does not need to be installed on your computer and is a one-time check of your system for threats.

    Important: scanning with this antivirus is not a quick process. On average full check hard drive takes one hour or more.

    Adobe Flash Player Update

    This procedure should be used if your browser does not load the video.

    Go to the official website of the program using this link: get3.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer/update/ppapi/ and click “Update now”.


    Answering your question about what to do to make the browser work faster, we figured out all the possible causes of the problem and described methods for eliminating them. Therefore, in order to fix this small problem, we strongly recommend that you follow these instructions and follow the above solutions in order.


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    what to do if pages take a long time to load from the Internet

    If you open a browser and, after typing an address, wait a few minutes for the page to load, then how hard it is to wait and think why website pages take so long to load. There may be several reasons, dear computer users, and we will analyze each one separately.

    Reasons for slow page loading

    1. Slow loading due to low speed. The cheapest tariff of the provider is usually the slowest in terms of page loading speed, although the Diul-up Internet, remembered by some, made it possible to increase the loading speed by disabling images in the Opera browser.2. Slow Internet browser Explorer - there is nothing wrong with using the browser that is most convenient in your opinion, but I would advise you to test other browsers and perhaps you will like them less, but they work much faster, these are Firefox, Opera.3. Communication problems - occur when you use mobile modems in places where the signal is weak.4. Short-term speed problems - pay attention to what your computer is doing at that moment, perhaps it is updating the antivirus or operating system.5. Previously, the speed was good, but since yesterday there have been problems - most likely this is the result of the work of your provider, and you need to contact support, check the speed through the website speedtest.net by clicking on the begin test button there.

    What to do to make pages load faster

    Once you've identified the reason why your computer may be slow to load pages, there are a number of steps you can take to make pages load faster: 1. First, be sure to install the Firefox browser - pay attention to how fast the pages load; if this speed does not suit you, proceed to step 2.2. Install the Opera browser; in this browser, in addition to the turbo button, you can turn off graphics.3. If the speed is not satisfactory and there is an opportunity to choose a different tariff, then perhaps you can do it yourself at personal account on the provider’s website. In this article I did not consider connecting via a satellite dish, since there are also programs for compressing traffic - Globax, slonax, telnet.

    What not to do

    I would not advise you to use various accelerator programs, since many of them can configure your computer in such a way that you will be left without the Internet at all, because you will not be able to return the changed settings to their previous state without reinstalling the operating system. I myself tried to increase the speed loading pages using programs and I can say that the only real way increasing the speed means changing the tariff. In other words, if you have a bad line, then the programs will not help, if you have a cheap tariff, then you will not increase the speed above the bar set by the provider.


    So, dear users, if you have done everything, but nothing has helped, all you have to do is change your provider or wait until your provider finally turns to you, reduces tariffs, increases speed and works without failures, but for now you will have to work with the existing speed, but already without additional brakes in the form of the IE browser.

    I consider this article on what to do if pages take a long time to load from the Internet, I consider it completed, but you can ask questions and write your tried and tested tips. See you in the next lessons.


    all possible reasons and solutions

    Do pages take a long time to load in the browser? Don’t rush to blame slow Internet, because in 90% of cases the problem is on the user’s side. If you also encounter this, it is worth spending 1 hour of your time to find out what the reason is and improve the loading speed of sites. Let's get started.

    Reason #1: cache full

    Surely everyone has encountered the situation when a newly installed browser “flies”, but after a few weeks it begins to glitch and freeze, everything loads slowly and is almost impossible to work. Why is this happening?

    When you use the Internet, all information about the sites you visited and your actions is stored. Over time, data takes up everything more space and slow down the browser.

    Clearing all temporary files - cache, archive of visited sites and downloads, as well as cookies. History can be opened through the control panel or using the key combination Ctrl+H (History). Click "Clear history", select the desired options and confirm the action.

    Reason #2: extensions and toolbars

    Another option why pages take a long time to load is a large number of additional applications and toolbars built into the browser. In practice, almost no one uses them, that is, these add-ons simply take up space and consume traffic.

    Go to the extensions menu and remove everything except the most necessary one. First of all, you need to get rid of everything that ends in -toolbar, -bar, etc. We recommend leaving AdBlock - an intrusive ad blocker.

    The same situation applies to plugins. To see them, enter about:plugins or "browser name:plugins" in the address bar (for example, opera:plugins). What should be left behind?

    • Native Client;
    • Adobe Flash Player;
    • Google Update;
    • Java;
    • Shockwave Flash;
    • QuickTime and VLC Web Plugin, if you watch videos on different sites;
    • Adobe Acrobat and Chrome PDF Viewer if you often view PDF documents in the browser.

    We delete or disable everything else, after which you need to restart the program.

    Please note: in some browsers (in particular, Opera is guilty of this), the same plugin may appear several times in the list. In this case, you need to keep only the latest version.

    Reason #3: lack of space on the system disk

    It is extremely important that the C drive always has at least 10% free space, and ideally several gigabytes. If it is full, the computer inevitably begins to freeze. Often the browser loads slowly for this very reason; the system simply does not have enough space to process all temporary files and operations.

    If hard drive divided into sectors, transfer some of the information from drive C to another, for example D. Photos, music, videos and various documents can take up a lot of space, so it’s worth starting with them.

    If there are no free disks, remove programs and files that you do not use. Alternatively, some documents can be transferred to cloud storage (for example, Google Drive or "Yandex.Disk") or send to a flash drive.

    Reason #4: Antivirus scans pages for a long time

    Modern programs scan the sites you visit in “live” mode. That is, first the antivirus analyzes the page you want to open, and only if everything is in order, it gives permission to continue downloading and displaying information.

    If pages in your browser take a long time to load, you should try disabling protection for a while. Sometimes it helps. In this case, you will most likely have to set more low level protection or choose another antivirus.

    Reason #5: background applications

    Most users don't even pay attention to what programs and services are running in the background. However, they are the ones who can take over a significant portion of the traffic. One of the most powerful “vampires” is everyone’s favorite torrent clients (as soon as you have downloaded a file, it begins to be distributed from your computer, which can seriously slow down the Internet speed).

    Go to Task Manager > Startup and look at the list of applications that automatically launch when you turn on your PC. It is advisable to disable everything except system programs, responsible for the operation of the speakers, touchpad, etc.

    Reason #6: high load on the hard drive

    A fairly common reason for a slow browser. The fact is that information is written to the hard drive unevenly, that is, the beginning of a file may be located at the edge of the disk, the other part somewhere in the middle, and the end not far from the beginning. This is called fragmentation. How is it dangerous? Instead of gliding calmly, the head constantly “jumps” from side to side. In addition, your disk makes several times more revolutions, slowing down the entire system.

    Perform defragmentation (forced ordering of the physical location of information on the hard drive). To do this, go to Start > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter. Run the program and wait until the information is overwritten. As a result, not only the browser, but also the computer as a whole will start working faster.

    Reason #7: Browser Settings

    Some modern browsers have built-in options that, on the one hand, make browsing the Internet more comfortable, but on the other hand, lead to the fact that your browser pages take a long time to load. A striking example is network activity prediction in Google Chrome.

    Open your browser settings and disable such features. For example, action prediction is located in the "Advanced settings" on the "Privacy" tab. If the problem persists, it is recommended to reactivate all functions.

    Reason #8: viruses

    If the Internet takes a long time to load, the cause may also be banal viruses - malicious programs that somehow got onto your computer.

    Scan your system for viruses and spyware. It is best to use several programs - a regular antivirus (Kaspersky Anti-Virus, AVAST, AVG, McAffee, etc.), as well as special scanner applications. The most popular are Dr.Web, Malwarebytes, HitmanPro and SpyHunter.

    Tip: It's best to check in a safe place. Windows mode(with support network drivers). To do this, when you boot your computer, immediately press the F8 key and select the appropriate item. After the scanning is completed and the infected files are deleted, you need to restart the PC again to return to normal mode.

    Reason #8: outdated equipment

    What should I do if the browser is still loading slowly? If no attempts to “stir up” him are successful, most likely you just have weak computer. Every year, websites use increasingly complex technologies that are difficult for outdated technology to cope with.

    Of course, ideally, it is worth at least partially upgrading the equipment, for example, buying more powerful RAM. However, this possibility is not always available. In this case, you can try installing more old version browser, as a rule, they consume less resources (for example, Opera 10 “eats” 1.5 times more RAM than Opera 9). However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that some sites are displayed incorrectly.

    Useful programs

    Finally, we’ll tell you about several applications that will help you understand why pages take a long time to load in the browser and solve the problem.

    1. Speedtest.net. An online service for analyzing the speed of your Internet connection - you just need to click the "Start test" button. If the connection speed is low and does not comply with your agreement with the provider, you need to deal with the company providing access.
    2. CCleaner. The most popular program for cleaning junk on your PC. The application automatically solves system problems, deletes temporary files and memory dumps, and corrects errors in the registry. Here you can select programs for startup.
    3. Active Speed. Special program, designed to speed up the browser. Allows you to quickly clear history and cache, find out Internet speed and optimize your Internet connection. The settings have many useful functions and tricks. For example, there are additional options for improving the performance of online applications (useful if the game takes a long time to load).

    For stable and fast operation of the browser, it is extremely important to regularly clean the program itself and the PC. It is recommended to set history and cache clearing, as well as defragmentation to automatic mode(optimal frequency - 1 time per week).


    Internet pages take a long time to load: how to fix the problem

    Always nice to have open access to the Internet, especially if your ISP provides you with high-speed, unlimited connection to the network. However, many users around the world are faced with one of the most annoying problems that can only arise for “travelers” of the boundless expanses of the World Wide Web - terribly slow opening pages in the browser. Ok, it may not sound so scary, but this problem could very well darken someone’s already difficult day. In this article, we will try to consider with you various scenarios that, in theory, could result in long loading times for web resource pages in the browser.

    What to do if pages open slowly in your browser?

    So, the topic is, in essence, extremely simple, but it can be discussed for an incredibly long time. There are a huge number of reasons why you started to access web resources slowly. And this is really not an exaggeration: sometimes it can take an hour, two, three or a day to determine the root of the problem, since it can lie in many things. For example, you may be slow to open pages in your browser due to the fact that the speed of your Internet connection has dropped to catastrophically low values, to such a level that it is extremely difficult to open some easy Twitter or Youtube page. Or, for example, your network settings were changed, as a result of which a similar problem arose.

    One way or another, so as not to overdo it possible reasons line, let's arrange them in a convenient list so that you can familiarize yourself with it properly. Pages in your browser may open slowly for the following reasons:

    • Slow Internet connection speed.
    • Faulty Wi-Fi router.
    • Browser extensions, caches and cookies that slow down your browser.
    • The user tries to open pages in the browser through a VPN extension or service.
    • A virus has entered the operating system and slows down the speed of your Internet connection.
    • Antivirus or other software that also slows down the connection speed or takes up the channel for its work.
    • The provider's DNS server is currently experiencing operational problems.

    And these were the most common, popular reasons for slow loading of pages on the Internet. Sometimes it’s one thing, sometimes it’s a combination. It all depends on the case. It is simply impossible to recommend a specific method in this situation. However, we will look at a list of some methods that you can try to apply to your problem when downloading content from the network.

    Slow Internet connection speed

    If you notice that your browser has become significantly slower in loading various pages on the Internet, then perhaps the speed of your Internet connection has dropped to critically low levels. It is worth saying that, in most cases, even the weakest connection is enough to load average pages on the Internet, but if the speed drops, then even this may have problems.

    Check speed network connection extremely easy with the help of the Speedtest resource. Follow the link and run a speed test on your Internet connection. If the test shows you that the speed is fine, then the problem is definitely something else. However, if the test showed a really low speed, which, according to the connection package, should not be, then something is limiting it or the provider has problems. We recommend that you call him and find out the reason for the decrease in speed. If he indicates that everything is fine on their side, let's move on.

    Checking the browser you are using

    Perhaps the page loading speed has decreased due to some extensions installed in your browser. On the Internet, you will always find a bunch of users who claim that some extensions may well use your connection to one degree or another to maintain their work in the background.

    Try deactivating all extensions in your browser. It's also worth noting that things like cache build-up and cookies can affect page loading speeds. Go to your browser settings and clear your cache and cookies. However, be aware that by deleting cookies, you will get rid of completed forms with personal data, such as logins and passwords.

    Alternatively, you can also try reinstalling your browser or completely resetting its settings to find out for sure whether this is the problem or not. If you understand that the browser is definitely not the reason for the slow loading of pages on the Internet, then let's try to check something else.

    Disabling VPN

    VPN, of course, is a pretty useful thing that helps you get to places where you are not welcome. However, you should be aware that a VPN can significantly slow down your network connection speed. Perhaps you simply forgot to disable the client or VPN service extension in your browser, as a result of which pages from the Internet began to load extremely slowly. Make sure you are trying to use the browser normally.


    Viruses can be another reason why online content may slow down. Some of the representatives of this not very friendly software can even completely block access to the Internet, which is fraught with extremely serious consequences. We recommend that you scan your system for viruses just in case.

    You can scan using your system antivirus Windows Defender. Press Windows + S, enter “Windows Defender Security Center” into the search bar, go to the “Virus and threat protection” section and run a system scan. Get rid of pests if any are found. If after this the loading of pages in the browser began to proceed much faster, then congratulations - you have found the culprit of the situation.

    Disabling antivirus and other security programs

    This may be news to you, but some antivirus and other security programs can actually slow down your connection speed by using it for some other purpose, such as checking a virus database and the like. It’s quite simple to check whether the antivirus and other software is at fault: disable them for a while, and then check the page loading speed in the browser.

    You can disable Windows Defender in the same section of its settings, which we already looked at in the previous paragraph (Windows Defender Security Center). If you have a third-party antivirus, then you will have to try to disable its functionality yourself. Typically, you can access settings from the tray in the Start notification area. Look in the settings for the item about Active protection against viruses or other threats.

    Resetting network settings

    Changes in network settings could very well cause the problems discussed in this article. Fortunately, you can easily check your network settings and return them to their previous values ​​(default), in which there were no problems accessing the Internet. You can reset your network settings using a system tool such as Command Prompt. Press Windows+X on your keyboard and click on “Command Prompt (Admin).”

    As soon as the system console opens in front of you, you will need to enter the following series of commands into it:

    • netsh winsock reset
    • netsh int ip reset all
    • netsh winhttp reset proxy
    • ipconfig /flushdns

    With these commands you will reset WinSock, IP settings, Proxy, and also clear the DNS cache. Restart your computer, and then try opening a page in your browser again. If the download speed increased, then the issue really lay in the network settings. If you see the situation repeat, run the above commands in the system console to resolve the problem. However, you won't have to do this often.

    Changing the DNS server address

    The last thing we will touch on in this article is the problem with your ISP's DNS server. You can try switching to Google's public DNS servers for a while. It's very easy to do this:

    • Right-click the network connection icon in the Start notification area.
    • Select Open Network and Internet Settings.
    • Click on “Configure adapter settings”.
    • Double click on your network connection.
    • Click on the "Properties" button.
    • Double click on “IP version 4...”.
    • Set the addresses to and
    • Save your changes.

    Once you have completed all of the above, go to your browser and try to go to some resource. Perhaps this is all that can be advised in this situation. A huge number of factors can affect the speed of loading pages in your browser - and it is simply impossible to take into account each of them. Each user has their own computer configuration, network connection type, etc. etc. We hope that the tips and solutions in this article helped resolve your issue.

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    Browsers take a long time to load pages, what should I do?

    You need to check your Internet transfer speed, for free on speedtest.net

    You can also check on the Rostelecom website. If the speed is lower than stated in the contract, then call your provider’s technical support to change the settings. You can also reboot your modem or set-top box.

    To everything written before me, I’ll add: check your startup. It is likely that you have some kind of Internet connection optimizer installed that works in the opposite direction :) If this turns out to be the case, then uninstall CCleaner and do not install any optimizers - this is all from the evil one :)

    There are several fix options:

    First, check your Internet connection. If present, check the access speed (for example, on the site speed.yoip.ru, speedtest.net. And many more sites), because at low speed some browsers have a polling period and it gives an error,

    Clearing history and cookies significantly speeds up the performance of some browsers,

    In some cases, only reinstalling the application will help.

    There can be many reasons for poor loading, for example:

    1. you need to clear the cache and history - in Opera - go to settings - general settings - select the history to clear the cache (you can also do this with cookies)
    2. Clean your computer from viruses (there are special free programs)
    3. Perhaps somewhere in the apartment the cable is damaged or you have a weak modem, it also depends on the computer and its capabilities (you can check the speed on the website speedtest.net), if the speed is weak, you can first call the operator of your provider and they will check it over the phone , if they say that the supply from them is normal, then there is a problem with the equipment in the apartment
    4. Change provider
  • Visit your browser settings. Turn off everything unnecessary, especially advertising. The speed will increase significantly.

    Most likely you just need to clean your browser from viruses and unnecessary files, if it doesn’t help, then most likely you should turn off extensions that also affect the speed of the browser, and of course the Internet connection, sometimes it is unstable, and therefore the browser starts to slow down.

    Try clearing the cache and cookies, and then restarting the browser - it should help. I remember when I had this, I installed a program from a third-party site on my browser (Internet radio, various subscriptions, etc., social network buttons) - delete them.

    I also removed search engine programs and browsers from the computer that were automatically displayed when loading other files. (I did not delete it manually, but with programs to remove programs). Then I rebooted the PC and it started to work. Also check your Internet connection and antivirus.

    Once, I installed an antivirus that disabled my access to the Internet - I configured it differently and the Internet for the antivirus program was not the same as the virus.

    What is your internet speed?

    If this is not the reason, then I advise you to clear the cache using the CCleaner program.

    Question: Do your pages take a long time to load in all browsers or in one in particular? Try clearing your cache and tsuki. This is often the reason why pages on the Internet take a long time to load. Well, check your computer again for viruses. Also, what is your Internet connection speed? Maybe just low speed? It's also worth checking on a speed test.

    Reasons for such a long download:

    • The browser or computer is slow. There are some problems, maybe they were attacked by viruses. You can scan your entire computer for viruses. If your computer is old, then it's time to think about replacing it.
    • Try logging in from a different browser.
    • You can also clean the disk of old programs that have not been used for a long time.
    • Low internet speed, needs to be changed tariff plan.
    • Internet provider problems.

    - Perhaps many tabs or heavy pages with a lot of photos and videos are loading.

  • If there is a lot of memory, this does not mean that this is exactly the memory that is needed for the browser to work. Some basic common sense advice:

    • Install Adblock plus or another extension that removes advertising. The less of this crap jumps around the page, the faster the loading will be, and at the same time, the fewer cookies will need to be cleared in the future;

      reinstall the browser or choose another one. For example, there are also those who use Internet Explorer - it’s even indecent to mention it out loud, but if anyone doesn’t know, there are many best alternatives: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera;

      the antivirus does not delete cookies itself, you need to ask it about it - so ask, find the desired button, and even better - install some additional software - Super AntiSpyware (there are both paid and free versions - free edition), which can find much more unnecessary cookies;

      clean the cache thoroughly, at least start free version CCleaner program, just pay attention to the fact that it erases everything in one fell swoop, so it would be a good idea to first study the settings, and at the same time check whether you remember all the passwords for the accounts you are logged into - after using the program you will have to enter all the passwords again;

      check your Internet connection;

      think about whether you have been using the hardware for too long and whether it is time to change it.

  • info-4all.ru

    The Internet is slow, the browser takes a long time to open pages

    Lately, there have been a lot of complaints from customers about this: the Internet is slow, the browser opens pages slowly. What to do? We have already talked about speeding up your computer. If the problem is online, you can contact our service center, or follow the recommendations below:

    Let's look at the reasons. This:

      Computer viruses, Trojans, rootkits and other infections.

      Background programs, which send/receive information from the network. These can be either necessary, such as a torrent client or Download Master, or imposed program code, like SkyMonk. Do not download this software, and if you have downloaded it, delete it! We will also include in the list programs designed to update system software (Google Update, Windows Update, Bonjour, etc.).

      Full browser cache (cookies), C:\ drive, many unnecessary registry entries.

      The firewall and firewall are active, and a meticulous antivirus is installed that scans every transferred file from the network.

      The network card uses an exotic protocol (something other than TCP/IP).

      Physical lack of resources. This could be one channel, one router for 10 computers, or grandfather’s tariff plan with a speed of 256 kbit/sec unlimited, or an Athlon 750 MHz computer, 256 MB of RAM, etc.

      The number of unpaired electrons in a chromium atom in an unexcited state is equal to

    Do pages take a long time to load in the browser? Don’t rush to blame slow Internet, because in 90% of cases the problem is on the user’s side. If you also encounter this, it is worth spending 1 hour of your time to find out what the reason is and improve the loading speed of sites. Let's get started.

    Reason #1: cache full

    Surely everyone has encountered the situation when a newly installed browser “flies”, but after a few weeks it starts to glitch and freeze, everything loads slowly and is almost impossible to work. Why is this happening?

    When you use the Internet, all information about the sites you visited and your actions is stored. Over time, data takes up more and more space and slows down the browser.

    Clearing all temporary files - cache, archive of visited sites and downloads, as well as cookies. History can be opened through the control panel or using the key combination Ctrl+H (History). Click "Clear History", select the options you want and confirm.

    Reason #2: extensions and toolbars

    Another option why pages take a long time to load is a large number of additional applications and toolbars built into the browser. In practice, almost no one uses them, that is, these add-ons simply take up space and consume traffic.

    Go to the extensions menu and remove everything except the most necessary one. First of all, you need to get rid of everything that ends in -toolbar, -bar, etc. We recommend leaving AdBlock - an intrusive ad blocker.

    The same situation applies to plugins. To see them, enter about:plugins or “browser name:plugins” (for example, opera:plugins) in the address bar. What should be left behind?

    We delete or disable everything else, after which you need to restart the program.

    Please note: in some browsers (in particular, Opera is guilty of this), the same plugin may appear several times in the list. In this case, you need to keep only the latest version.

    Reason #3: lack of space on the system disk

    It is extremely important that the C drive always has at least 10% free space, and ideally several gigabytes. If it is full, the computer inevitably begins to freeze. Often the browser loads slowly for this very reason; the system simply does not have enough space to process all temporary files and operations.

    If your hard drive is divided into sectors, transfer some of the information from drive C to another, for example D. Photos, music, videos and various documents can take up a lot of space, so it’s worth starting with them.

    If there are no free disks, remove programs and files that you do not use. As an alternative, some documents can be transferred to cloud storage (for example, Google Drive or Yandex.Disk) or sent to a flash drive.

    Reason #4: Antivirus scans pages for a long time

    Modern programs scan the sites you visit in “live” mode. That is, first the antivirus analyzes the page you want to open, and only if everything is in order, it gives permission to continue downloading and displaying information.

    If pages in your browser take a long time to load, you should try disabling protection for a while. Sometimes it helps. In this case, you will most likely have to set a lower protection level in the settings or select a different antivirus.

    Reason #5: background applications

    Most users don't even pay attention to what programs and services are running in the background. However, they are the ones who can take over a significant portion of the traffic. One of the most powerful “vampires” is everyone’s favorite torrent clients (as soon as you have downloaded a file, it begins to be distributed from your computer, which can seriously slow down the Internet speed).

    Go to Task Manager > Startup and look at the list of applications that automatically launch when you turn on your PC. It is advisable to disable everything except system programs responsible for the operation of the speakers, touchpad, etc.

    Reason #6: high load on the hard drive

    A fairly common reason for a slow browser. The fact is that information is written to the hard drive unevenly, that is, the beginning of a file may be located at the edge of the disk, the other part somewhere in the middle, and the end not far from the beginning. This is called fragmentation. How is it dangerous? Instead of gliding calmly, the head constantly “jumps” from side to side. In addition, your disk makes several times more revolutions, slowing down the entire system.

    Perform defragmentation (forced ordering of the physical location of information on the hard drive). To do this, go to Start > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter. Run the program and wait until the information is overwritten. As a result, not only the browser, but also the computer as a whole will start working faster.

    Reason #7: Browser Settings

    Some modern browsers have built-in options that, on the one hand, make browsing the Internet more comfortable, but on the other hand, lead to the fact that your browser pages take a long time to load. A striking example is network activity prediction in Google Chrome.

    Open your browser settings and disable such features. For example, activity prediction is located in “Advanced settings” on the “Privacy” tab. If the problem persists, it is recommended to reactivate all functions.

    Reason #8: viruses

    If the Internet takes a long time to load, the cause may also be banal viruses - malicious programs that somehow got onto your computer.

    Scan your system for viruses and spyware. It is best to use several programs - a regular antivirus (Kaspersky Anti-Virus, AVAST, AVG, McAffee, etc.), as well as special scanner applications. The most popular are Dr.Web, Malwarebytes, HitmanPro and SpyHunter.

    Tip: It is best to scan in Windows Safe Mode (with support for network drivers). To do this, when you boot your computer, immediately press the F8 key and select the appropriate item. After the scanning is completed and the infected files are deleted, you need to restart the PC again to return to normal mode.

    Reason #8: outdated equipment

    What should I do if the browser is still loading slowly? If no attempts to “stir up” it are successful, most likely you just have a weak computer. Every year, websites use increasingly complex technologies that are difficult for outdated technology to cope with.

    Of course, ideally, it is worth at least partially upgrading the equipment, for example, buying more powerful RAM. However, this possibility is not always available. In this case, you can try installing an older version of the browser; as a rule, they consume less resources (for example, Opera 10 “eats” 1.5 times more RAM than Opera 9). However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that some sites are displayed incorrectly.

    Useful programs

    Finally, we’ll tell you about several applications that will help you understand why pages take a long time to load in the browser and solve the problem.

    For stable and fast operation of the browser, it is extremely important to regularly clean the program itself and the PC. It is recommended to set history and cache clearing, as well as defragmentation to automatic mode (the optimal frequency is once a week).