• Removing installed android applications. Utilities for complete removal of programs. How to get rid of unnecessary factory programs

    Number of companies issuing Android devices is constantly increasing. A couple of years ago, no one had heard of such manufacturers as Xiaomi or Leco. And today they are beginning to compete with such giants as Samsung and Lenovo. There is also competition in developing applications for their devices so that users can take advantage of all the capabilities of their devices. This is why when you buy a new phone or tablet, it turns out to be almost completely full. different programs, they are also called system or stock. Are they needed or are they just borrowing money? free space, it's up to you to decide. But if you still decide to get rid of unnecessary programs, and at the same time clean it to speed up the work, then we will tell you how to remove pre-installed applications on Android.

    What applications can be deleted?

    There is no single list of programs that can be safely removed without harming the system, so everyone must determine for themselves which of them are not needed. We offer a list basic programs and those elements whose removal will not harm the operation of the Android device, for example, Google maps.

    List of programs:

    • Voice search or dialing;
    • Help and support from the manufacturer;
    • Standard email client or browser (Internet);
    • Unused video, audio players;
    • Not necessary services Google (Maps, Gmail, Gtalk, etc.);
    • All kinds of games, books, etc.

    Under no circumstances should you randomly delete applications or files you don’t like, this can lead to a crash of the entire system! Any application is a file with apk extension. It is this file that should be deleted. If available, you also need to delete files with the .odex extension. Then this procedure can be considered completed correctly.

    This is what the program system file itself looks like:

    Here is a list of possible system applications to remove:

    • AccuweatherWidget.apk - weather informer;
    • AnalogClock.apk - analog clock widget;
    • BlueSea.apk, Aurora.apk, etc. – all types of live wallpapers;
    • ChatON_MARKET.apk - chat from Samsung;
    • Encrypt.apk - memory card encryption;
    • Geniewidget.apk – news widget;
    • GooglePartnerSetup.apk - another one social program Google;
    • Kobo.apk – magazines;
    • Layar-samsung.apk - augmented reality browser;
    • MobilePrint.apk - remote printing of documents;
    • PlusOne.apk - another one social service from Google;
    • SamsungWidget* — different types widgets from developers from Samsung;
    • VideoEditor.apk - video editor;
    • Voice*.apk – programs for working with voice;
    • Zinio.apk – Internet magazines.

    How to remove unnecessary pre-installed applications?

    Removal standard programs without root rights, that is, manually, it is carried out in the usual way. Choose "settings", further "applications". We activate the required one and click delete.

    There's nothing complicated here. Difficulties usually arise when deletion is not possible, or an error occurs when performing the operation. Then you need to use special programs or simply disable it (see our video for more details).

    1. We use ES conductor.

    We have already written about where to download and how to use it. Within the framework of this material, we will talk specifically about deletion on Android.

    After launching Explorer, scroll to the right or click at the top of the window, depending on the version, to open the menu. In it you need to find and activate the “Root Explorer” in order to obtain rights to delete the previous installed programs. It is usually located in the “tools” section.

    Now you can proceed to the removal procedure itself. In the system Android pre-installed applications are on internal memory in the "system/app" folder. Select the desired file by touch and click delete.

    Some of them download their updated version additionally to the “data/app” folder. We recommend checking there for the presence of the program to be removed.

    More quick way, this is to uninstall the files from the “system” menu section. It is located in the initial menu, “APPS” tab.

    1. We use CCleaner.

    We have already published instructions for installation and operation. To remove pre-installed programs, run cleaner and enter the main menu. We are interested in the “system” tab. Let's select it.

    The window that opens will display a list of all programs available for removal. You don't have to search for exactly where the applications are located. Removal is carried out automatically, literally in a couple of clicks (before deleting, the cleaner will ask). And then it will reboot your device to shut down correctly.

    1. Delete preinstalled programs With using titanium backup.

    In this video we offer you visual instructions Another way to remove system applications on Android.

    Let us note once again that if you are not sure about the purpose of a particular program, it is better not to delete it. We hope that this material was useful to you. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. We will try to help.

    Are standard procedures. They can be performed by any user who is at least a little familiar with the operating system itself, but in cases with standard utilities and built-in programs, removal using conventional methods is impossible.

    The fact is that the manufacturer sews them into the “body” operating system, which, as we know, can only be reached experienced users. But there is still an opportunity to “demolish” unnecessary software or services. This will free up more space for the programs you really need, and will make working with the gadget much more convenient.

    Removing system applications cannot be done with a “clean” OS. It is protected by default, and ordinary users access to system files is denied. Permission can only be obtained with special rights. They are called root rights. Moreover, they must be complete and not partial. Otherwise, the deletion action will not be possible.

    Each gadget has its own programs that provide root rights, but among them the following universal applications can be distinguished:

    • Framaroot.
    • Root Explorer.
    • Root App Remover.

    In addition to one of these programs, you need to have on your gadget installed conductor, which can give you access to the file system.

    Snap to conductor

    To delete files, you need to provide root access to the explorer at the very beginning. Step by step, using the ES Explorer program as an example, it looks like this:

    1. Install and launch Explorer.
    2. Swipe right to open the menu.
    3. Tap on the “Tools” item.
    4. Next, select “Root Explorer”.
    5. After this, a window will pop up in which you must grant the conductor “Superuser” rights with your consent.
    6. Next, another window will pop up. In it you need to specify the item “Connect as R/W”.
    7. In the drop-down menu, set all checkboxes to “RW” and confirm the action.

    Conductor permissions have been granted.

    IN File Manager this procedure is even simpler. Here you need to select “Settings” in the menu, then find “Root Explorer” and check the box next to it, confirm the request for Superuser and you can delete what you don’t use.

    Procedure for removing unnecessary applications

    Before uninstalling system applications in, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following tips:

    1. The search for all standard programs should be carried out in the folder at /system/app. This will make finding installation locations a little easier.
    2. To gain access you must install special application, which will provide root rights, and bind it to Explorer.
    3. Be sure to think a few times before you start uninstalling. In some cases, seemingly insignificant applications may be responsible for the operation of necessary and important services.
    4. If you don't need programs from Google, of which there are quite often large number, then they can be deleted without hesitation. But under no circumstances should services be demolished.

    Let's proceed directly to the removal.

    First, find the /system/app folder. Go into it and delete apk files that have the same name as not necessary programs. Along with them, you must delete the file of the same name with the .odex extension. This completes the entire procedure. The programs will be completely removed from the registry and memory of your smartphone or tablet.

    Removing preinstalled ones, as can be seen from the method described above, is not difficult. But despite its simplicity, only you are responsible for all actions, and there is something to harm there. For example, by accidentally deleting a service, you can completely lose wireless transmission data, so be careful and think a hundred times before uninstalling.

    Pros and cons

    Having grouped all the above information, we can highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure for removing “hard-wired” programs.


    1. A large amount is saved RAM in case the programs that need to be removed are constantly running.
    2. Expanding memory for installing useful applications.
    3. Complete replacement of standard software with applications that will be more convenient and functional.
    4. If you remove unnecessary applications, you can significantly expand your knowledge of the work and structure of this OS.


    1. Very often, uninstalling unnecessary programs can lead to inadequate operation of the gadget.
    2. Without complete software, the operating system may lose a large number of functions.
    3. If you remove built-in Android applications, this may also affect the operation of some services, for example, a refusal to send SMS, etc. may occur.

    Low-quality software for granting root rights comes across very often. It becomes the reason incorrect display applications and services, useful ones you may delete by mistake.


    All users who decide to remove built-in standard ones need to mandatory figure out what can be “demolished” and what cannot, because there is a high probability of further defective operation of the device if important system programs.

    In order to always have enough space on your phone or tablet and avoid any glitches, you need to know how to delete applications on Android. Typically, removing simple, user installed applications on Android OS does not cause any difficulties. However, removing system or standard add-ons is not such a simple operation and many people do not know how to do it.

    Sooner or later it becomes necessary to remove unnecessary applications from Android

    Most Android add-ons are very easy to remove. We will list several ways in which you can throw away various email clients, Google maps and other things unnecessary for an Android device.

    The easiest way is to simply go to the menu where all the icons are displayed, press and hold the icon of the program that you want to remove. A window will appear in which you will need to click on the “Delete” button.

    Via settings or Google Play

    Also in Android regular applications can also be deleted through the settings menu or store Google Play. In the settings we simply tap the “Applications” item, then from the list of all installed programs we select the one we want to get rid of and click on it. Then click “Delete”.

    With Google Play it's just as simple:

    1. Go to Google Play.
    2. We find what we need using the search.
    3. In the Android application window, click “Delete”.

    Uninstalling applications on Android via Google Play

    We remove software that was not installed by us

    With extensions supplied by the creators of the device, everything is far from so simple. The Android OS prevents us from clearing them. As a rule, these are the necessary programs that most owners of Android devices use. However, among them there are also those, such as Gmail, which only accumulate a cache and take up extra memory on the device. Therefore, many want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

    The user, as a rule, must have elevated rights in order to remove standard email clients and other carrots from Google. Special programs will help you obtain Root rights. They are both universal and specialized for a specific Android phone or tablet. Among the universal ones:

    • Root App Remover.

    Then you need to download any file manager, thanks to which we can get to system files. After this, all powers must be granted to the conductor.

    ES Explorer

    ES Explorer is the most commonly used file manager, so using its example we will show in detail how to remove standard applications. It must be provided with extended rights.

    • We go to our file manager and open the settings menu.
    • Tap “Tools”.
    • Select “Root Explorer”, then agree to grant the program all rights.

    • After that, select “Connect as R/W”.

    Select the item “Connect as R/W”

    • And check the RW boxes.

    Now you can go directly to cleaning installed by developers.

    Removing an apk file

    • If there are odex files with the same name as the application, they also need to be deleted.
    • Updates for system add-ons may be stored in the data/app folder; we also erase them.

    Root Uninstaller

    There are also a number special programs, which are made in order to remove applications built into the phone. One of them is Root Uninstaller.

    1. Launch Root Uninstaller.
    2. We grant extended permissions in a manner similar to the previous one.
    3. Open the “System Applications” section.
    4. We select the applications that we want to clean, click on them, and in the window that opens, click “Delete”.

    Here are two fairly easy ways to clean your Android device of unnecessary system add-ons. The main thing about them is obtaining expanded rights.


    If you don’t need to completely clear Android of some add-on, you can simply stop it. To do this, select the desired add-on from the list in the settings menu, then click the “Disable” button.

    After this it will not be destroyed, but will disappear. It will no longer interfere with your notifications or occupy your cache.

    The firmware of many smartphones and tablets running Android contains so-called bloatware: applications pre-installed by the manufacturer of dubious usefulness. As a rule, it is not possible to remove them in the usual way. Therefore, today we want to tell you how to uninstall such programs.

    Why applications are not removed and how to get rid of them

    In addition to bloatware, virus software cannot be removed in the usual way: malicious applications use loopholes in the system to pretend to be the administrator of a device for which the uninstallation option is blocked. In some cases, for the same reason, it will not be possible to remove completely harmless and useful program like Sleep as Android: it needs administrator rights for some options. System applications like the Google search widget, standard dialer or Play Store are also protected from uninstallation by default.

    The actual methods for removing uninstallable applications depend on whether your device has root access. It is not required, but with such rights you will be able to get rid of unnecessary system software. Options for devices without root access are somewhat limited, but in this case there is a way out. Let's look at all the methods in more detail.

    Method 1: Disable Administrator Rights

    Many applications use elevated privileges to control your device, including screen lockers, alarm clocks, some launchers, and often viruses that masquerade as useful software. A program that has been granted access to Android administration cannot be uninstalled in the usual way - if you try to do this, you will see a message stating that uninstallation is impossible due to active device administrator options. What to do in this case? Here's what you need to do.

    1. Make sure the developer options are enabled on your device. Go to " Settings».

    Pay attention to the very bottom of the list - such an option should be there. If it is not there, then do the following. At the very bottom of the list there is an item “ About the phone" Enter it.

    Scroll to " Build number" Tap on it 5-7 times until you see a message about unlocking developer options.

    2. Enable USB debugging mode in the developer settings. To do this, go to " Developer Options».

    Activate the options using the switch at the top, then scroll through the list and check the box next to “ USB Debugging».

    3. Return to the main settings window and scroll down the list of options to the general block. Tap on the item " Safety».

    On Android 8.0 and 8.1 this option is called " Location and protection».

    In Android Oreo this feature is called " Device Administrator Applications"and is located almost at the very bottom of the window. Enter this settings item.

    5. A list of applications that are allowed will appear. additional features. As a rule, there are inside remote control device payment systems(S Pay, Google Pay), customization utilities, advanced alarm clocks and other similar software. There will probably be an application on this list that you can’t remove. To disable administrator privileges for him, tap on his name.

    On latest versions OS from Google this the window looks like this:

    6. In Android 7.0 and below - in the lower right corner there is a button “ Turn off”, which you need to press.

    In Android 8.0 and 8.1 - click on " Disable device admin app».

    7. You will automatically return to the previous window. Please note that the check mark next to the program for which you have disabled administrator rights has disappeared.

    This means that such a program can be removed in any available way.

    This method allows you to get rid of most uninstallable applications, but may not be effective in the case of powerful viruses or bloatware embedded in the firmware.

    Method 2: ADB + App Inspector

    Difficult, but the most effective method getting rid of uninstallable software without root access. To use it, you will need to download and install it on Android computer Debug Bridge, and on the phone - app Inspector.

    Having done this, you can proceed to the procedure described below.

    1. Connect your phone to your computer and install drivers for it, if necessary.

    2. Make sure that the archive with ADB is unpacked to the root system disk. Then open " Command line": call " Start" and type the letters in the search field cmd. Right-click on the shortcut and select " Run as administrator».

    3. In the window " Command line» write the commands sequentially:

    cd c:/adb
    adb devices
    adb shell

    4. Go to the phone. Open App Inspector. A list of all applications available on your phone or tablet will be presented. alphabetical order. Find the one you want to delete among them and tap on its name.

    5. Take a close look at the line “ Package Name“We will need the information recorded in it later.

    6. Return to the computer and “ Command line " Type the following command in it:

    pm uninstall -k --user 0 *Package Name*

    Instead of *Package Name* Enter the information from the corresponding line from the page of the application to be deleted in the App Inspector. Make sure the command is entered correctly and press Enter.

    7. After the procedure, disconnect the device from the computer. The application will be deleted.

    The only drawback of this method is that it removes the application only for the default user (the “user 0” operator in the command given in the instructions). On the other hand, this is a plus: if you deleted system application, and encountered problems with the operation of the device, it’s quite simple do a factory reset to return what was deleted to its place.

    Method 3: Titanium Backup (Root only)

    If your device is rooted, the procedure for uninstalling uninstallable programs is greatly simplified: just install Titanium Backup, an advanced application manager that can remove almost any software, on your phone.

    1. Launch the application. When you launch it for the first time, Titanium Backup will require root rights, which must be granted.

    2. Once in the main menu, tap on “ Backups».

    3. A list will open installed applications. System ones are highlighted in red, user ones are highlighted in white, user ones are highlighted in yellow and green. system components, which are best left untouched.

    4. Find the application you want to remove and tap on it. A pop-up window like this will appear:

    You can immediately click on the button Delete", but we recommend that you make a backup copy first, especially if you are deleting a system application: if something goes wrong, just restore the deleted one from the backup.

    5. Confirm deleting the application.

    6. At the end of the process, you can exit Titanium Backup and check the results of the work. Most likely, an application that cannot be removed in the usual way will be uninstalled.

    This method is the simplest and most convenient solution to the problem of uninstalling programs on Android. The only negative is free version Titanium Backup is somewhat limited in its capabilities, which, however, are sufficient for the procedure described above.


    As you can see, uninstallable applications are quite easy to deal with. Finally, we remind you - do not install dubious software on your phone from unknown sources, because you risk running into a virus.

    In one of my previous articles, I told you, dear readers, how you can install applications or games on your mobile device. Sooner or later, programs located on a smartphone lose their relevance, become boring, and in order to save space on the phone or memory card, they “ask” to be deleted. This review will be devoted to the topic of uninstalling applications.

    To begin with, I would like to give a classification of removal methods. These include:

    1. Removal third party applications standard method, through the “native” application management utility on Android.
    2. Use of various (non-native) programs that facilitate removal.
    3. Using built-in utilities that are part of the application (file managers).
    4. Removing programs from the Android market.
    5. Uninstallation standard utilities your mobile device(those that are preinstalled by the manufacturer).

    Removing third-party applications using the standard method, through the “native” application management utility on Android

    Let's start with the simplest, in my opinion, method of removal. To do this, you need to go to the application manager in the Android operating system (application management tool). We follow the path: Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications . Here you have the opportunity to view all installed programs, both on the memory card and in the phone itself (there are four tabs at the top of the screen: third-party, just launched, all applications, on SD card). Choose what you need and take it down. The only thing is, you cannot delete all applications. The thing is that some programs have high priority ( MANUFACTURER INSTALLED ), and in order to uninstall them you need to get ROOT rights. We will dwell on this below.

    The use of various (non-native) programs that facilitate removal.

    Besides standard means application management, there are another type of programs (third-party, also called downloaded) that can help you remove unnecessary ones. An example of such utilities are , . We present to your attention full list installed applications, uninstallation occurs with one touch of a finger, but again, you can not remove everything you want.

    Using built-in utilities that are part of the application (file managers)

    Another opportunity to get rid of the redundancy of your mobile device is file managers, which, in addition to their direct functions, include routines that remove applications. These include:, and others. As in the two previous cases, you are provided with the entire list of installed programs, with the ability to remove, but not all utilities.

    Removing programs from the Android market.

    There are two options for getting the desired result:
    1. Removal free application, in which you simply go to the Android market, click on the corresponding application or game and uninstall it. There are no difficulties in this.
    2. Removing (Returning) applications or games that you purchased with money. There is nothing particularly difficult here either. You can get your money back. More details on how to do this.

    Uninstalling standard utilities of your mobile device (those that are preinstalled by the manufacturer).

    Perhaps the most interesting and time-consuming point of this article. You probably noticed that some programs on your mobile device, for some reason, are not deleted. I’ll tell you a little secret, they are pre-installed (the manufacturer installs a set of standard software and protects it from accidental deletion). The difference from third-party or downloaded programs is that they can only be removed with administrator rights (need Root permissions to access the folder /system).
    For those who have such a privilege, you can read the article further, and for those who do not have the opportunity to have Root rights for starters, .

    So, in order to remove standard applications, we will use a program called. For those who don’t know, all programs installed on your mobile device are stored in a folder at /system/app. And in order to remove such unnecessary program like Footprints and its widget (in our country this service is not very popular and is rarely used by anyone), you need to delete the following files from your memory:

    1. /system/app/HtcFootprintsWidget.odex
    2. /system/app/HtcFootprintsWidget.apk
    3. /system/app/HtcFootprints.odex
    4. /system/app/HtcFootprints.apk

    In order to clearly show you how standard applications or games are removed, I want to show you the example of uninstalling a primitive file manager OI File Manager .

    Before that, let me remind you again, you need superuser rights (Root) , in order to perform this kind of manipulation. Otherwise, it turns out that users install such programs, and subsequently blame the teams of authors for the inoperability of these applications. In addition, there is also a decrease in the overall rating of programs in the Android Market and other users, looking at the ratings, draw hasty conclusions.

    After a lyrical digression, we will directly move on to consider the application called. This program is capable of uninstalling not only system programs, but also ordinary ones (third-party ones). But let's not deviate from the goal, namely the removal of the pre-installed file manager. Log in and launch the pre-downloaded application.

    Select the application you need to remove (in addition to doing it manually, you can use auto-search by entering the appropriate name in context menu, which is located at the bottom of the screen)

    After we have made our choice, click on the application, which then opens a window with two selection buttons: Recycle(delete) or Cancel(cancel). Click on Recycle and see that this application trying to get the right to act like system administrator your mobile device. If you have such an opportunity, the Superuser program opens, which requires confirmation to provide this application Root rights.

    Once we have agreed to the above steps, this utility will display a message indicating that the uninstallation was successful. True, there is a small but, you did not completely delete what you wanted. Saved backup in the so-called “recycle bin”, so that in case of mistaken deletion you can restore it. If desired, it is possible to completely and irrevocably rid the memory of your device of all traces of this program.

    So, I can congratulate you, firstly, on the fact that you have gained invaluable experience when working with your smartphone, and secondly, something new and useful, and also freed up some space in your mobile device.

    I hope that this article could be useful for beginners in the field of knowledge of the Android operating system. The only thing I want to advise you is not to delete everything, especially those applications that you have no idea about. Otherwise, you can uninstall some service, after which you will have to reflash your mobile device.