• Why is iTunes not installed on my computer? Problems when installing iTunes on a computer and their solutions

    When trying to install Apple's iTunes multimedia application on Windows systems, you can often encounter errors related to the impossibility of installation of this package into the operating system environment. What this is connected with, so to speak, in a global sense, is not known for certain. However, even if installer failures occur, you can apply one universal solution, which eliminates this problem. This will be discussed further.

    Why won't iTunes install?

    First, let's talk about the relationship between the competing corporations Microsoft and Apple. The point is that iTunes app, adapted for Windows systems, is a direct challenge to the entertainment market. It is clear that by creating a platform for Windows, Apple is trying to push Microsoft and conquer its niche. In turn, Microsoft is not going to give up, constantly putting a spoke in the wheels of almost everyone software products Apple.

    In fact, iTunes is not installed for the simplest reason: the system Windows security creates its own unspoken restrictions (firewall services, TrustedInstaller, Windows Defender, presence of a super administrator, etc.). Sometimes even running the installer as an administrator does not help, and the system consistently produces an error at the stage of installing the program.

    iTunes does not install on Windows 7: fixing the installer problem

    However, despite all these negative aspects, there is a way out. If iTunes does not install, the first step, as both developers recommend, is to download the latest version of the program from the official Apple website, intended for further installation. In some cases this solves the problem. But not always. When iTunes won't install, you have to look for ways to work around the restrictions.

    And most cardinal decision, according to the vast majority of users and experts, it is a change in extension installation file from EXE to ZIP. This can be done at any file manager, working on the principle of Norton Commander. But you can also use Explorer, but before renaming, you must enable the display of extensions for registered file types in the view menu.

    Reinstalling an optional component

    So iTunes won't install. What to do next? As practice shows, one option that almost always works is to restore, remove, and reinstall the Apple Software Update component. When you run the installer of the main program, this element is installed first.

    On this step in search of a solution to the problem that iTunes will not install, you need to enter the programs and components section through the “Control Panel”, find it in the list installed applications the above item and use the recovery item via RMB.

    After this, again, via RMB on the program line, you must select deletion. Upon completion standard procedure You will have to clean the registry yourself (regedit in the Run menu). To get started, you can use search activation via combination Ctrl+ F, where the name of the applet is entered in the main field, and moving from one key to another is done by pressing the F3 key. It is clear that all found records need to be deleted, and then full reboot systems.

    Finally, if iTunes does not install, you need to unpack the renamed archive and run the updater installation file, which is shown in the image above. Upon completion of the operation, you should use the original installer of the main program from the same directory.

    Additional measures

    This method, if iTunes is not installed under any pretext, allows you to fix the problem in most cases. However, this may not work either, since the system may have activated additional restrictions. How to get rid of them? It couldn't be simpler.

    iTunes is not installed on the system, if only because the installer file may be blocked by a firewall. In such a situation, you just need to go into the firewall settings and simply disable it while installing the applet. However, a global solution would be to create a new rule and add the iTunes installer to the list of exceptions.

    The same goes for " Windows Defender", and sometimes an antivirus, the operation of which needs to be suspended. In some packages, you may have to use settings to add the application to the list of trusted ones, as well as reduce the security level. Even in the system itself, you can try to find a parameter and set the slider responsible for the security level to the lowest position, save the changes, reboot the system and perform the installation again.

    In general, if iTunes is not installed, such comprehensive solutions help in almost all situations where an installer error occurs. The only thing you should pay special attention to is downloading the latest version of the main applet and running the installers as an administrator.

    It is impossible to imagine an iPhone or iPad user who could do without iTunes. This "Apple" media player - indispensable program for organizing watching movies or listening to music.

    If you have an Apple mobile device, but personal computer Windows operating system, you may need to install iTunes on your PC to sync the two devices. The media player freely supports Microsoft's OS, but sometimes problems arise during installation. If iTunes does not install on Windows 7, then our guide will help you fix the problem. It is also suitable for Windows 10.

    Why iTines won't install?

    There may be several reasons why iTunes does not install on Windows 10 or 7. Among the most common ones:

    • insufficient level of rights;
    • installer errors;
    • service problems;
    • files previous version programs;
    • failure to start services.

    Let's look at each case separately, why it happens and what solutions exist.

    Insufficient level of rights

    First of all, it’s worth saying that you need to install iTunes as an administrator; to do this, you must log in under an account with the appropriate rights. Sometimes the system crashes and you cannot run the installation under administrator rights.

    Therefore, their presence should be checked and, if necessary, restored. The ntpasswd utility will help with this. Afterwards, log in as “Administrator” and perform the following actions:

    1. Open “Control Panel”, and then go to “Account Settings”.
    2. Go to “Manage another account”.
    3. We highlight yours account and click on “Change account type”.
    4. Select the “Administrator” access type and confirm the changes.

    Installer error

    If you see the following error when trying to install iTunes, then know that there are problems with the installers Windows Installer.

    Starting the service manually may help. To do this, follow these steps:

    The problem can also be solved by updating Windows Installer, which can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

    Service problems

    The following error, in which iTunes is not installed on the computer, indicates a failure in the installer Windows components. Also, this service can simply be disabled.

    First, let's make sure it works.The service management window will help with this - we do exactly the same actions as in the method described above. Set the launch to “Manual”. After that, click on the “Run” button. If an error message appears during startup, the component must be reinstalled.

    You can use the troubleshooter to resolve the issue. Go to the official Microsoft website and look for Microsoft FixIT there. Or simply follow the link.After downloading, we launch the utility and wait until it does its job.

    Files from the previous version of the program

    Sometimes errors are caused by old files left over from the previous version of the program. This is indicated by the following error:

    Or this:

    If you encounter one of them, then the utility under named Windows Installer Clean Up. We launch and, upon achieving the result, delete the applications AppleApplicationSupport, AppleMobileDeviceSupport, AppleSoftwareUpdate, Bonjour, QuickTime. This can be done through the “Control Panel” and the “Add or Remove Programs” menu.

    To consolidate the effect, you can use the system’s safe mode and delete all folders named iTunes from the system.After all the manipulations, we try to install the program again.

    Failed to start services

    Right before the end of the installation, you may see an error like this:

    She talks about the failure themselves iTunes services, without which the program can only be used as a player without all other functions.Most often, the reason is that the installation is not running as an administrator. Disabling Windows' built-in UAC protection system may also help.

    The methods described above will help you cope with most errors associated with installing iTunes on operating systems. Windows systems. We hope they will help in your case too.

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    iTunes is a media application from Apple. It allows you not only to listen to music, watch movies and manage playlists. If you have an Apple device, then you can synchronize your entire media collection and transfer files between it and Windows 10. So for iPhone and iPad owners, there is no question why you need to download iTunes on Windows 10.

    Download the latest version of iTunes for Windows 10

    It is best to use the official Apple website.

    The application is offered free of charge.

    In this case, the site detects your operating system and downloads suitable version programs. Once the download is complete, click on the downloaded files icon in the bar below and the installation will begin.

    iTunes won't install on Windows 10

    Most often, there are three reasons why iTunes does not install on Windows 10:

    The problem always lies in the same thing - the wrong installer downloaded from the Apple website. The installation sometimes fails and the program incorrectly detects the hardware parameters of your computer. In this case, you need to download the required option:

    1.Download for free in Russian

    2. For 32 bit

    3. 64 bit for old video cards

    Why doesn't iTunes see iPhone Windows 10?

    When connecting your device to a computer, a number of problems may arise:

    1. Old version of the application.
    2. Driver failure.
    3. Lack of trust in PC.
    4. Problems with the cable or USB port.

    The last problem is the easiest to solve. Check the cable for bends or kinks. Take another, proven one. The port may have failed. Connect to another. If nothing helps and the iPhone is still not visible, then this is not the problem.

    If the iTunes application is outdated, then it does not see the iPad in Windows 10. These are features of Apple software. You need to open it and run updates.

    After restarting your computer, try connecting your smartphone.

    Sometimes the problem lies in the drivers.

      • Right-click the Start button and select Device Manager.

      • In the section mobile devices Right click on the Apple shortcut. Select "update".

      • Click on the "Search this PC" command.

      • Then click on the “Select driver from the list of already installed” button.

      • Click "Have from disk".

    Click "Browse" and go to:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers. Select the file usbaapl64 (for 64-bit PCs).

      • If the file is not there, go to

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.

      • After reinstallation, connect the device. It must be discovered.

    Another option is that you didn’t notice or forgot to click the “Trust this computer” option. It is displayed on the iPhone or iPad screen when connected to the PC.

    Sometimes crashes appear after you try to synchronize your device and computer. Most often this is treated by reinstalling the iTunes application. In this case, you must manually delete all the folders in which it was installed. Look for them at C:\Program Files\iTunes. Also check for Windows updates and install them. Often iTunes does not work precisely because of the lack of current version OS. You can also try going to safe mode and run the program.

    So, you bought a brand new iOS device and now you need to install it on your computer iTunes program(Itunes), without whose help you won’t even be able to simply transfer music to Apple. You download the program, run the installation and... the system gives an error!

    What to do and what to do in such a situation? In this article we will tell you why the iTunes installation may not start and how to solve the problem.

    The first reason why iTunes may refuse to install is, of course, trivial system failure. This type of failure can be easily resolved by restarting the computer. So yes, the first measure to eliminate problems with iTunes installation will be similar to measures to combat any other system bugs - just perform a reset!

    Adjusting system settings

    Another simple guide that can solve installation problems is adjusting the system time. Many may be surprised by this recommendation, but the fact remains that incorrectly set date/time on a PC often causes serious bugs, including the refusal of iTunes to install.

    Administrator rights

    Reboot and adjustment system parameters didn't give the desired results? Then let's move on. Another popular reason why a particular utility is not installed on a PC is that the user is working through a guest account. To fix the problem, you will need to log into the system using an account with administrator rights.

    If you do not practice account separation, then try the following - right-click on the iTunes installation file and select “Run as administrator” from the drop-down menu.

    Blocking by security programs

    iTunes installation still won't start? This means it’s time to start adjusting the settings of security utilities. The fact is that sometimes antivirus software and/or firewall work too responsibly, introducing suspicious programs into those that you 100% trust, in particular iTunes. To ensure that security services do not interfere with the installation, we recommend turning them off completely while the procedure is being carried out.

    Of course, you can not disable the utilities, but simply make adjustments to the settings by adding iTunes to the list of trusted programs, but sometimes this measure is not enough.

    "Tails" of previous versions of iTunes

    If iTunes does not want to install even with security programs disabled, it may be due to other software conflicts. In the event that you have already installed iTunes on your PC and then incorrectly removed the program, interfere new installation maybe, let's say, the “tails” of the previous version.

    To check if it has been completely removed previous version iTunes, download some uninstaller, for example, Revo UnInstaller, install the program, run it and through the search find the following “tails” - iTunes, Quick Time, Bonjour, Apple Software Update, Apple Mobile Device Support and Apple Application Support. Delete everything you find from this list, and then don’t forget to reset your computer.


    Continuing the topic of software conflicts, it is important to say that these can be caused by utilities that have not been updated for a long time. Therefore, if after cleaning the “tails” the iTunes installer still refuses to work on your computer, it’s time to visit “Windows Update” (“Start”, “Update Center ...”) and see if there are current undownloaded updates - if any , complete them all. Then be sure to restart your computer and try running the iTunes installer again.

    Version detection error

    Is the installation still failing with an error? Well, the reasons and solutions to the problem are not over yet. The next one is this. Sometimes Apple program does not identify correctly Windows version, you should especially pay attention to this reason if iTunes is not installed on Windows 10.

    How do you usually download iTunes to your computer? The user must go to the official Apple website in a special section and start downloading; at the time of downloading, the version of the platform installed on your computer will be determined and the corresponding version of the program will be downloaded. If the version is not detected correctly, iTunes installation will fail.

    If you suspect that you are encountering this particular problem, try manually selecting the version you need on this page of the Apple website and installing it.

    Windows Installer Errors

    And finally, the last of the most likely causes of iTunes installation errors is problems Windows services Installer. Perhaps for one reason or another this service was accidentally disabled and to correct the situation you will need to activate it. To do this:

    We hope that after this iTunes procedures will definitely install on your PC.


    We started the article with banal advice - reboot, and we'll end with banality - check your computer for viruses. What can you do, no one has canceled malware, and if it is in charge of your computer, then no installed iTunes- is far from the biggest problem that threatens you. So be sure to check your PC for viruses, first making sure that you have a good and updated antivirus.

    If nothing helps?

    We believe that by doing one of the steps above, you will most likely get the iTunes installer to work. If these guides do not solve the problem, we recommend contacting Apple support - the company’s specialists will definitely help.

    In many articles devoted to the problem “iTunes will not install on Windows 10, 7, XP, etc.”, you can find advice to remove or fix hosts file, as well as perform a number of other actions that are difficult for the average user to understand. As a result, an attempt to solve the problem may result in further big problems. That is why we recommend contacting the support service, in this case, even if you have to perform some complex actions, you will work under the strict guidance of understanding people and everything will end successfully!

    Software installation problem Apple on operating systems from Microsoft is always up to date. This trouble did not go away and popular program iTunes.

    Why are there problems with iTunes?:

    • Incorrect installation of the application itself, isolated installation errors
    • Windows configuration is incorrect
    • Conflict with antivirus or other installed applications

    Below we will consider all the factors listed and you will always know what to do if iTunes does not install.

    First of all, you need to make sure that the distribution is up to date. Latest version iTunes must be downloaded from the official website of the Apple company. If you use a third-party distribution, the program file may not only be outdated, but also infected with a virus.

    You only need to install iTunes with computer administrator rights. Therefore it is necessary to context menu installation file, use the “Run as administrator” option.

    Restoring a previously installed version

    In some situations, after an installation error occurs, you can try to restore the program again. To do this, you need to restart the iTunes distribution and select “Recovery” in the installation menu(you also need to run it with administrator rights).

    Windows setup

    Step 1: Install the latest updates

    The availability of updates is checked in Windows Update by clicking the “Check for updates” button. It is located in the System and Security group in Control Panel. If there are uninstalled updates, click “Install updates”. To apply the update results, a mandatory system reboot is required.

    Step 2: Disable Windows Firewall

    The built-in firewall may also affect iTunes installation. To avoid unnecessary problems, it is better to simply turn it off. The “Windows Firewall” item is located similarly to the “Center” Windows updates" Next, in the left menu, select “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” and check all the boxes that say “Turn off Windows Firewall.”

    Step 3: Checking the HOSTS File

    HOSTS can be damaged by various malicious software. It is located at: “ C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" For opening HOSTS, you can use Notepad or any other available one.

    Here you need to make sure that the only line that is not marked on the left with a “#” symbol is the entry: “ localhost" If the list contains additional entries, then you need to delete them or comment them out by adding the “#” symbol to the left. Next, close HOSTS and save all changes made.

    Software conflicts

    Finding possible conflicts with other installed programs is not an easy task. There are a huge number of programs, and it is impossible to identify all the problems that exist with them.

    Why are such conflicts possible? Each software developer approaches its implementation differently. Programs can affect system files, thereby interfering with other applications.

    Main sources of conflicts

    Most probable cause errors may occur due to the operation of the antivirus. Therefore, you need to try to disable it too.

    Oddly enough, conflicts often arise with another, previously established, software from Apple. Therefore, we find the “Programs and Features” item in the “Programs” section of the “Control Panel” and sort the list installed programs by the "Publisher" column. We remove all applications whose publisher is “Apple Inc.”

    If all else fails

    If nothing helps and the problem cannot be solved, then all that remains is to contact technical support Apple company. You can do this at apple.com. Any questions about installation can be asked in its Support section.