• Full system rollback. How to do a system restore on Windows 10

    For many years, System Restore has been successfully used to resolve crashes and problems in Windows. You will find it in Windows 10; The use of the Recovery function is described in detail in the article “Restoring Windows 10”.

    But you'll soon find out that Windows 10 includes many more useful tools, designed to ensure the functioning of the computer at the proper level and eliminate problems that arise during its operation.

    In the following sections, you'll learn about many of the new operating system tools, how and when to use them, and which ones are best for troubleshooting your specific problem.

    How to roll back the Windows 10 system. Reset the operating system.

    The rollback or reset tool, described below, allows the system recovery process - should the need arise - to delete all user data, including account settings, personal settings and files. In such a case, after reinstalling Windows 10, you will receive completely new computer, in which it was not preserved important information its previous owners, and you don't have to worry about its safety. To return operating system V initial state, follow these steps

    1. Click the button Start and run the command Options. The Settings application window will appear on the screen.
    2. In the Settings window, click the Update and Security. On next page settings go to the left panel and click on the section Recovery. In the right pane, find the Reset your computer subsection and click the Start button.

    If you continue the operation, a window will appear on the screen asking you to choose one of two ways to restore the computer to its original state.

    3. Select one of the options and click the button Next.

    You are asked to choose one of two methods to reset systems

    • Save my files. This is the most common method of reinstalling Windows 10, ensuring the safety of accounts and user data. IN in this case you will need to reinstall all separately installed programs (but not applications from Windows Store). Having chosen this option, proceed to step 5 of the instructions.
    • Delete everything. In this case, all user files and account data are deleted from the computer, after which a complete reinstalling Windows 10. You can start working on your computer from scratch. If you choose this method, proceed to step 4 of the instructions.

    4. If you decide to completely delete user data, then indicate whether you need to clear the entire disk. As before, you are asked to choose from two options.

    • Just delete my files. If the computer will continue to be used in your home, then you can safely choose this option. Despite the complete removal of personal data, attackers equipped with special hardware and software, will be able to easily recover previously deleted user data and use it to obtain important information about the previous owners of the computer.
    • Deleting Files and Disk Cleanup. By choosing this option, you can safely sell your computer to others, even strangers. It is guaranteed not to contain personal data available for recovery. And all because after deletion user files The disk is additionally cleared of all information stored on it.

    5. After selecting one of the options above, click on the button Reset. The operating system will begin the procedure of deleting data on the system hard drive and then reinstalling it. After its completion, you will receive a computer in the same condition in which it was purchased - with completely “zeroed” Windows settings 10. You can safely start working on the computer.

    Reinstalling Windows 10 takes from 15 minutes to an hour. After resetting the operating system, your computer receives new life, which involves complete or partial customization.

    Return to a previous version of Windows

    It was previously discussed that Windows users 7 and 8.1 get the unprecedented opportunity to upgrade their operating system to Windows 10 for free, but only during the first year of its sale. The question immediately arises: will it be possible, after switching to Windows 10, to change your mind and return to the previous operating system?

    To restore a previous (original) version of the Windows operating system on your computer, you will need to go to the Update and Security category of the Settings application (as described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the instructions above). But now, instead of going to the Restore section, in the left pane, click on the title Reset your computer to its original state. Next, click on the Start button to initiate the transition to more old version Windows that was already installed on your computer at some point. All programs installed on it are restored along with the operating system, and files associated with Windows 10 are permanently deleted.

    When working with a computer, failures often occur. Some of them can lead to bad consequences, even complete system failure. To fix this problem you need to perform a system rollback. In this article we will tell you how to roll back a Windows 7 system to a specific date. It is quite possible to perform such actions and there is nothing extra natural about it.

    Reasons There are many reasons for this. First of all, this is the incompetence of the user himself. Knowledge about the computer and working with it is not enough, but the desire to delve into the folder under named windows, where all information about a given system is stored, takes over. Situations arise when, due to inexperience or carelessness, necessary data is deleted and, starting from the first reboot, the computer stops working.

    The second reason is viruses. The computer is constantly exposed to significant amounts of virus attacks, and viruses can easily penetrate the system. This should never be forgotten, especially when working with the Internet.

    Recovery using system tools Restore the system using standard program It’s quite possible, if the cause is not viral damage to the operating system. Before you perform a rollback, you need to check your computer for viral infection. If this occurs, then the system simply needs to be cleaned. After complete removal everyone virus programs You can begin to roll back the system.

    Actions begin by going to the Start menu. Next you need to click on the line “All programs” and find the “Standard” section. Having opened the section, click on the “Service” folder. In the menu you need to select the “Windows 7 System Restore” section. After this, the system will scan your computer within a few minutes and open a system recovery program. In the pop-up window, select the date you want to rollback to. Then click Next and wait until your computer restarts.

    It is worth noting that a system rollback cannot be performed on certain time, since this requires creating restore points. To successfully complete the process, you must ensure that the computer system itself has the ability to create restore points. Typically, this feature is enabled by default in the factory settings of the computer. In addition, there are programs that allow you to create such points yourself.

    Rollback using disks This method is used in cases where an attempt to rollback using system tools was unsuccessful. To do this you will need a resuscitator disk. After turning on the computer, you need to insert the media and load the first stage. Next, you just need to sequentially carry out the commands according to the instructions that appear on the screen. That's it, the system rollback is complete!

    Conclusion Now you know how to roll back a Windows 7 system to a specific date. It is advisable to create a restore point yourself before installing each program or check whether there is one at all. Thus, you can avoid serious consequences by maintaining the same settings and programs installed earlier.


    How to perform a system rollback on Windows 7

    Each of us, while using a computer, encounters various problems, it simply cannot be avoided. Someone catches a virus, someone has a program failure, or even a system failure; the problems can be described for a long time. Everyone copes differently, some call specialists, others look for a suitable antivirus, or reinstall something. But the easiest way is to roll back the system to a date before the problems.

    System rollback will restore system files on the date when the restore point was created, and programs installed after will be removed from the system. Documents, files, music, movies will not be affected. Therefore, I recommend creating them manually from time to time. The operating system itself creates them once at a certain time and before installing programs that may affect system files.

    And so press start - all programs - standard - utilities - system restore

    The System Restore program will launch, click Next

    In the next step you will see all the current recovery points; if you need all of them, including old ones, then check the box next to “Show other recovery points”. Then select the desired restore point and click next. Please note that each recovery point has a description, sometimes it is very useful. (for example, “The point was created before such and such a program was installed”)

    In the next step, confirm your decision by clicking on the “DONE” button


    How to restore the system to an earlier date?

    In this article I will talk about how to restore the operating system to its working state if any problems occur in the system.

    Sometimes it happens that after installing a program unknown to you or updating a driver, the system begins to work incorrectly or stops starting altogether.

    In most cases, such problems are resolved by restoring the system to an earlier date.

    That is, before installing some programs or drivers on the system hard section disk, a recovery point is created or updated. This is done so that you can roll back the system in case of problems.

    If suddenly the system starts to work incorrectly, then first you should use the last known good configuration or safe mode. Here's how to do it.

    If the first method does not help, then you need to perform a system restore.

    How to restore the system?

    After installing the operating system, recovery is enabled by default. It is highly not recommended to turn it off, since if there are no restore points, you will have to reinstall the OS in case of malfunctions...

    In order to enter the system recovery menu, you first need to open the control panel and select Recovery. If you have Windows 7, then System Restore is located both in the Control Panel and in the Start/All Programs/Accessories/System menu.

    The following window will appear:

    System recovery menu

    Creating a recovery disk - recording the operating state of the operating system on a flash drive or DVD. A useful thing that will help restore stable operation of the system even if it is impossible to start. Recovery is performed using a bootable image.

    Running a system restore - undoes all actions performed on the system and restores the last working state before the OS was affected by any application or user action.

    At startup, a window will appear with a selection of previous dates and times when the system was working normally. In order to restore, select the date you need and follow the path - further. You will have to wait a little while for the system to roll back.

    Also, you can see which programs may be affected after recovery.

    System Recovery Settings

    In the settings, you can select on which partitions recovery points will be created, the amount of disk space for creating points, and directly creating a point right now.

    Protecting the system from unwanted changes

    When you click the Configure button, you will be given a choice between enabling or disabling recovery (of course, it is recommended to enable it), as well as choosing a disk space.

    Recovery Settings

    You can leave the default size or select a larger one (for better effect). After that, space will be reserved on the C:/ drive and will be filled as required.

    Also you can see busy place recovery point.

    If it is not possible to load the operating system, then insert the installation disk with the OS and preload it (must be set in the BIOS to BOOT section CD-DVD ROM is first in the list, otherwise the disc will not boot, but loading will start OS. The first on the list should be an optical drive or flash drive, and the second should be hard drive(HDD)). After loading the disk, in the initial installation window there will be a “System Restore” option at the bottom. This menu will be similar to the one described above.


    How to create a restore point in Windows and perform a system rollback

    Working regularly with a computer, there is a high probability of “catching” a virus that will affect the stability of the operating system. If all threats are removed by an antivirus program and uninstalled recently installed programs and the drivers did not help, you will have to use Windows 7 system rollback.

    Today I will tell you several ways to do this. Don't think it's difficult. Any novice user can handle it.

    What is a rollback point?

    A rollback point (TO) or a recovery point (RT) is a version of the Windows OS hidden in an archive (What is data archiving). It can be used in the future to get computers working again. TO is created either automatically by the system (after each installation of new software or drivers), or independently by the user. Without a dot Windows recovery produce this process it is forbidden.

    We create maintenance for our own safety

    If you do not want to worry about the safety of your own data, create a TV before installing new programs and drivers and if you plan to make changes to the registry or BIOS configuration. To create a backup archive, you need to do a few things: simple steps. This is done in a few minutes.

    Click the “Start” button (located at the bottom left of the screen) and follow the path: “Computer - Properties - System Protection”. The following should open:

    Through this window, not only the creation of TO occurs, but also the direct restoration of the operating system. Before you begin, make sure that protection is activated on the system drive. If it is not there, click the “Configure” button. A window will open in which you need to select the desired partition and the amount of memory that will be allocated for backup copies (3-5 GB is enough).

    Now let's move on to the process of creating a recovery point. As many of you have already guessed, it starts by clicking the “Create” button.

    Enter a description in the field of the window that opens. For example, if you plan to install the “Example” program, you can specify its name. If it comes to a rollback, this will make it easier to navigate. It is worth noting that TO can be stored in a computer from several weeks to several months. Therefore, if you created it a few days ago, you can easily use this point.

    We roll back through “Start” and “Run”

    If your computer has stopped working stably, but starts, then you can restore it directly from windows interface. First you need to open system utility. There are two ways to do this.

    The first is to go to “Start” and type “restore…” in the search bar. A message will appear where you need to select the “System Restore” application. The second - through command line. To open it, press the Win key combination (located between CTRL and ALT) + R. In the line, type “rstrui.exe” (without quotes). When using any method, the desired program will open, which looks like this:

    A list will appear on the next page available points recovery. Select the one you need (based on the description and creation date).

    At the final stage you need to select system disk and click the “Done” button. Another window will appear. Click “Yes” there. The rollback will take place over the next few minutes. It will end after the system is rebooted. Information about the completion of returning the previous settings should appear on the desktop that opens. If no changes occur, try repeating the process, but with an earlier TV.

    Using the last known good configuration

    If the malfunction is so critical that the operating system does not start, you will have to use this method. In fact, it is the simplest. You need to take a minimum of steps to get your PC back up and running.

    Restart the PC and, after loading the BIOS (when the start screen image ends), press the F8 key several times (located at the top of the keyboard above the standard numbers). This will open the selection page additional parameters launch the OS. Here you should select the “Last Known Good Configuration” option.

    If everything is fine, then stable work will be resumed. When you restart your computer again after selecting the above item and returning to the previous black screen, you must use the method that I will describe below.

    Activate "Safe Mode" to roll back Windows

    If the methods described earlier did not help, try this. Reboot again and press the F8 key several times after activating the BIOS. You will see the already familiar section with a black background, where you need to select “ Safe Mode»:

    The system will start, but with serious restrictions. I’ll say right away that you won’t be able to interact with many applications, because this mode intended for system actions (in particular, rollback). Run the System Restore utility as we did in the first method. Only here in the first step you need to select the TO manually:

    Then the algorithm of actions is already familiar: select the desired point and system disk and agree to all subsequent conditions. After a reboot, correct operation of the Windows OS should resume. But provided that you created a backup copy before the problem occurred.

    We roll back the system with the installation disk and to factory settings

    TO this method continue if the previous ones did not help. To use it, you must have a flash drive or disk with Windows on hand. the required version how to record an image boot disk I already told you earlier. That is, if you have a “seven” and a disk with a “ten”, then you won’t be able to roll back from 10 to 7. To get started, insert the disk or flash drive and restart your computer. After activating the BIOS, press F9 or F11 several times.

    The Windows OS installation program should start. On home page Click on the “System Restore” button.

    A well-known utility will launch, where you need to select a restore point, system drive and agree to all subsequent warnings. It is possible to roll back to factory settings. But this depends on the characteristics of the PC and the installer. This can be done at the stage of selecting a recovery tool (see screenshot above):

    In the next step, select the first item:

    Once the process is completed, the computer will reboot and you will have to re-specify the system configurations. It is worth noting the main disadvantage of this method - after it all files on the hard drive will be deleted. Don't forget to save them to the cloud.

    Of course, it’s better to never encounter something like this, but no one is immune from the activities of modern hackers. If you want to protect yourself from modern threats, use Dr.Web antivirus software Security Space 11. You can buy it at large online store software AllSoft.

    Now you know where the tools necessary to roll back Windows 7 are located. With this knowledge, you can restore without any problems correct operation your computer if any problems arise. My article today is coming to an end.

    Don't forget to subscribe to the blog! Andrey Zenkov was with you, see you in the next materials.

    System Restore is one of those computer functions that I think everyone should know. After all, sometimes, even an experienced technician cannot always determine for what reason a particular computer failure occurred. However, the developers of the Windows system foresaw this and it was for such cases that they came up with such a function as, system rollback until she was fine.

    In what cases is it necessary to perform a Windows system restore?

    I won’t go far and give an example from my own situation.

    One day it happened that I had a “fly” Microsoft program Office Word, some kind of glitch occurred in it, and it stopped starting! This was really a problem for me, because I work in this program very often and my husband, I had a licensed program. That is, I lost not only the program, but also the money I paid for it. At first, I started to panic, but one computer geek I know tells me: “ Why don't you do a system restore?", I speak - " Will she help get the program back?", He - " Certainly!" I thought, trying is not torture, in extreme cases, I have nothing to lose. In the end, I completed Windows 7 system recovery, and lo and behold, the program worked!

    So you can do a system rollback not only when you installed something wrong (until now I only used it in such cases), but also when some serious program crashes.

    On what principle does system rollback work in Windows 7 and Windows XP?

    The principle of system recovery is quite simple. Your Windows OS makes system restore points. What are these dots?

    Points are a conditional name, because in fact, a recovery point is a saved copy of the system at the moment when your system is working normally and without errors. That is, the OS itself remembers its normal operating state and makes a note to itself that if some kind of failure occurs, or if we install something wrong on our computer, it should return to such and such a point . I hope the answer is clear. By the way, this answer may lead to another question for you - where does it store a copy of the system? And really, where, who knows, there are several such copies, where do they all fit? Let's figure it out.

    To do this, let's go back a little to the time when you just... Most often, during installation, disk space divided into two sections (if you have one section, then be sure to split it, I explained how to do this in the article) one system and the other for everything else (games, movies, your videos, photos, etc.). But, if you've ever noticed, several gigabytes disappear somewhere after installation. Those. for example, when I bought a computer, my hard drive was stated to have a capacity of 720 gigabytes. Now look at the picture below.

    One disk has a capacity of 98 gigabytes, the other has 600, for a total of 698, that is, 22 gigabytes have disappeared somewhere. It is these 22 gigabytes that are the very memory in which all my system restore points are stored. By the way, this is not the limit, on many computers much more disk space is allocated for this matter, for example, on my laptop, which I bought not so long ago, as much as 40 gigabytes are allocated for the “Windows 7 System Restore” function!

    Well, now, let me tell you how to roll back a Windows 7 and xp system. By the way, if you noticed, I say either rollback or recovery, don’t be alarmed, they’re the same thing. So let's get started.

    How to perform a system restore on Windows 7 and Vista?

    Since these two OS system recovery happens the same way, then I will show everything using the example of Windows 7.

    1. First you need to click the Start menu and select All Programs.
    2. After which, almost at the very bottom you will find the Standard item. Once you find it, open it.

    3. In the Standard item, again almost at the very bottom, there will be a Utilities tab.

    4. By opening this folder, you will see the long-awaited System Restore item. Click on it.

    5. After which a small window will appear on your monitor: Start System Restore. I won’t show it to you, because... It loaded very quickly for me and disappeared, I didn’t even have time to take a photo.
    6. Now the main program window will open, click next.

    7. After which a window should open where you can select the recovery point for the number you need. By the way, if you click on Show other recovery points, you will see all the points for all the numbers that are on your computer.

    A small digression. If you see in the screenshot above, under the heading Description, the reason why a restore point was made is written, this reason is “Center Windows updates" Those. if after the update some strange errors began to appear, or the OS began to take longer to load, then you can do Windows 7 system rollback before it worked without this update. But the reason for the appearance of the point can be not only the update, also, in this line you can see the inscription “Planned recovery point” or something like “Install SUCH PROGRAM”, “Remove SUCH PROGRAM”. Of course, in place of SUCH PROGRAM there is the name of some serious program, like Microsoft Office Word.

    We're distracted, let's continue

    After which, the process itself will begin. Do not restart your computer until everything is finished. Upon completion, the computer will reboot and a window should pop up indicating the successful completion of this special operation.

    IN windows vista everything is almost the same. Only the first window that opens is very different.

    How to restore windows xp system?

    To begin with, I would like to warn owners of computers that have older versions of Windows XP installed, they may not have such a function as system recovery.

    Unfortunately, I can’t show you with screenshots how to perform the same operation in Windows XP. But I know for sure that it is done in the same way, i.e.: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore. As you can see, everything is simple, then you just need to choose for what number you want to do it Windows xp system rollback, and then the process itself will go on.
    Let me take my leave with this.

    P.S. For clarity, I recorded a video lesson; it lasts only five minutes, so watch it to reinforce the material.

    In case of failures and errors, to return the operating system to previous state Windows XP has a built-in system for archiving the registry and system data. And although it is imperfect in many ways, it often helps solve problems. The name in English is System Restore Application, which means system recovery program. Often the process of restoring a system to its previous state is called " System rollback". The program can be accessed in different ways. The first thing you need to do is check if you have it turned on system recovery system. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” icon (see note at the end) and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu at the bottom. In the window that opens called

    “Properties” select the “System Restore” tab at the top. The window has a list of disks and if the recovery system is enabled, then next to each entry there should be the inscription “Monitoring”. At the bottom there is the inscription “Disable system recovery on all disks”; if the system is turned on, there should be no check mark next to the inscription. When you select a disk and click the “Options” button, a window of the same name will open in which you can disable system recovery on this

    disk. Here you can also use the slider to change the disk space allocated for archiving. System Restore creates so-called system restore points. By default, restore points are created periodically and when

    important system events, for example: installation of programs, drivers, package updates. You can create your own restore points. It is especially useful to do this if you intend to perform dubious actions in the system, the positive outcome of which is not certain.

    There are several ways to use the recovery system. The first way, through help and Windows support. To do this, click the start button and in the menu on the right, click “Help and Support” and on the right we find “Undo changes using System Restore” and click on this inscription. The “System Restore” window opens where you can select


    earlier state of the computer" or "Create a restore point", select what you need and click "Next". If you selected "Recover more than

    early state of the computer" will open a corresponding window with a calendar where you can select a recovery point by date or time and click "Next" to continue the recovery. When choosing

    To create a recovery point, in the window that opens, you need to enter the name of your point and click “Next” it will be created.

    Sometimes Help and Support is missing from the Start menu, then you can try calling it with the F1 key. If this does not help, then you most likely have the Help and Support service disabled. You can read how to deal with services

    You can open the “System Restore” window by following the path, Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore.

    Note: Sometimes users, not knowing how to display a full-fledged “My Computer” icon on the desktop, pull out the shortcut (the one with the arrow). Then, when you select "Properties", the shortcut properties window opens, and this is not what we need. To solve this problem, you need to go to the “Start” menu and right-click “My Computer”, and then as indicated above. Or display a full-fledged icon on the desktop. You can read about this

    How to roll back the system, Windows 10 and working with restore points! We will tell you about the options to do Windows rollback 10 to desired point recovery!

    After all, even if not system partition available system backup, created using software for backup, it will be of little use if you don’t have a boot disk with the appropriate program at hand. Restoring the operating system by returning to initial settings- saving user files, but losing installed programs and system settings- too radical a step, which should be taken only after attempts to roll back to the recovery point have failed.

    What is a Windows 10 restore point

    A point is a saved copy of system settings for a given date or event, which allows you to roll back the Windows 10 system. The OS saves data about the settings of the main drivers and files. And restores them if necessary, regardless of their new location and condition.

    "Checkpoints" are created according to the following scenarios:

    • Direct user request
    • installing drivers that do not have digital signature Hardware Quality Labs
    • automatically every 24 hours
    • OS update

    How to perform a system rollback on Windows 10

    1. First of all, you need to open the "Control Panel". You can do this in several ways:
    2. After that, go to the viewing type - categories
    3. Click on "System and Security"
    4. Select "System"
    5. In the left column, click on the line “System protection”
    6. Select your system disk (with Windows icon) and click on the configure button
    7. Check the "Enable system protection" checkbox and indicate the amount of space that you are willing to allocate on your hard drive to create a copy of the OS (we recommend that you allocate at least 20GB if your hardware allows). Confirm "OK"
    8. After that, click on the “Create” button. The settings will be saved and the creation process will begin. control point(usually takes no more than 5-10 minutes).

    System rollback procedure

    If it loads

    Restoring a conditionally working OS is quite simple.

    When the system won't boot

    In a situation where the computer does not boot at all, you can try to get into the recovery environment by holding down the Shift+F8 keys while the OS is loading. But achieving the desired goal will not be easy. Few people manage to press these keys at the right moment due to the reduced loading time latest versions Windows. As soon as the computer starts to boot, you need to quickly press Shift key, and then frantically fiddle with the F8 key. After training, perhaps the efforts of some will be rewarded.

    It is much easier to enter this environment either through installation disk, or using a specially created disk.

    Below we will consider both of these options and roll back the “ten” to the recovery point.

    Using the Windows 10 installation disc

    It doesn't matter which installation DVD(or flash drive) is available on hand - with the same Windows edition 10 that is installed on the computer, or on another, in any of these cases the issue with access to the recovery environment is resolved. Moreover, for these purposes you can use the installation Windows disk 8.1 or even the test edition of Insider Preview, which is available completely free of charge on the Microsoft website.

    Insert the installation DVD of either Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 into your computer drive, or connect bootable USB flash drive, if the distribution is recorded on it. from the appropriate media. Click "Next" in the first window of the system installer.

    Select "System Restore" at the bottom of the window.

    The same recovery environment will appear in front of us, in the menu of which we need to select one or another action. We need a diagnostic section.

    Creating a Windows 10 Recovery Disc

    If you don’t have an installation disk with system versions 8.1 or 10 at hand, you can’t do without involving a second computer device in solving the problem. And instead of waiting for the image with the distribution to be downloaded from the Internet, it’s easier to create a disk Windows recovery 10 her regular means. Naturally, for this it is necessary that on the second computer device the same Windows 10 was installed. In general, the availability of such a disk must be taken care of in advance. This way, the resuscitation disk, recorded on a flash drive, will always be there for you if problems arise with loading your computer.

    To create a disk, go to the control panel. The shortest way to it is to call context menu on the Start button.

    At the top of the control panel window (right) is the search field. Write in it key query To search for the desired section, I and select this section.

    We need the first function - “Create Disk”.

    The program will warn that all existing data on the flash drive will be destroyed. Click “Create”.

    Now turn on BIOS loading from the required media - from a flash drive. After loading, you will see the same recovery environment designed to resuscitate the OS. Further steps will be exactly the same as in the previous case.

    In what cases is it impossible to roll back Windows 10 to a restore point?

    As already mentioned, the process Windows rollback may not always complete successfully, and this applies not only to the situation involving the recovery environment, but also when we are talking about the usual launch of this process in the system properties window. If viruses damage important files the rollback points you have created, most likely the only way out of the situation may be, if not reinstalling the OS, then at least returning it with the loss of all settings and programs.

    Sometimes it will not be possible to successfully roll back an operating system using a recovery environment due to reduced functionality. And this, by the way, is one of the reasons why you should not use homemade Windows builds. Often the latter are designed only for Windows installation from scratch, without the possibility of returning to the previous OS state. The functionality of the system's bzhcap is cut out by assemblers, supposedly for the purpose of optimization. In this case, it will not always be possible to revive the operating room even with the help of third-party Live disks. But even in the case of pirated Windows build with reduced functionality, various kinds of problems can be foreseen by stocking up in advance backup copy systems and bootable media by using third party programs for backup.

    Have a great day!