• The com google process location process has stopped. An error occurred in the “com google process gapps” application - getting rid of the problem

    Android device users regularly encounter “Process com.google.process.gapps has stopped” or “Process com.google.process.gapps has stopped suddenly” errors. They refer to the same problem, and occur on absolutely all devices and in different versions mobile OS from Google. How to fix these errors?

    Clear application cache

    The first thing you need to do is pay attention to which application launch causes this error to appear in the system. Once the application is identified, you need to clear its cache. To do this, go to: “Settings” > “Applications”. Select the right application> "Storage", delete its cache.

    If this does not help, then delete the application data in the same menu. Deleting data will affect the operation of the application, for example, saved files or progress in the game will be lost, so if this data is important to you, then save it in advance.

    If this does not help, then reinstall the application.

    Clear Google cache Play Services

    If after reinstalling the application the problem does not go away, then the next step is clearing the cache Google Play Services. This application is a set of instructions responsible for interacting with Google services of third-party applications and Android..

    WITH quit settings of all applications

    Another way to get rid of the annoying error “The process com.google.process.gapps has stopped” is to reset the settings of absolutely all applications. Android Feature is that all applications can freely communicate with each other, so the error may appear at the moment when the original application is accessed by another. You can reset the settings from the same menu, “Settings” > “Applications” > by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner

    Disable automatic app updates

    One more possible reason the appearance of this error is the incorrect behavior of the Google Play servers responsible for auto-updating applications in background. Disable this function in settings by opening Google Play > Settings > Auto-update apps. Remember that after this all applications on the device will have to be updated manually.

    Many users of Android devices have encountered such a problem as the appearance of the “com.google.process.gapps” error, which reports that the application has failed. The most annoying thing is that such messages begin to appear quite often and prevent you from using the application normally. The cause of the error in most cases is the software that was downloaded from Play Market or from other services, or unsuccessful termination of a running process.

    The most annoying thing is that after the first appearance of such a failure in operating system, it is not possible to trace its relationship with the frequency of occurrence. It may appear once every few minutes, or it may not appear for several days, but in any case, if the error has not appeared for a long time, then you can not hope that it has disappeared by itself. So what can you do to get rid of this annoying error?

    Ways to solve the error

    If you are tired of struggling with such an error, then I can please you, since it can be overcome quite easily and now we will consider 6 main ways to correct the error. If the first method does not help, then try the next one until you return the device to full functionality. So let's get started:

    Method one

    When you see a message about this glitch on the screen of your device, you need to do the following:

    1. We enter the menu of your phone or tablet and go to the “Settings” section.
    2. Next, look for an item called “Application Manager” (on some versions it is called “Application Management” or something like that), which has 3 tabs – “downloaded”, “running”, “all”. Select the last tab “all” and scroll to the very bottom in the list of applications.
    3. At the very bottom there may be underloaded applications, which, in fact, cause such a conflict. Simply turn off or stop loading the application/service and the problem will be resolved.

    Method two

    To eliminate this error it is quite enough. This is done quite easily and allows you to solve the problem almost instantly, but later similar error may appear again and you will have to repeat this operation periodically. If clearing the cache did not help, then proceed to the second method.

    Advantages of the method:

    • speed of problem solving;
    • there is no need to reboot the device.

    Disadvantages of the method:

    • the possibility of an error appearing almost immediately.

    Method three

    Go to the settings on your device and find the “Applications” item and scroll until “All” appears on the screen. After the inscription appears, click on the strip icon in the upper right corner and select the “Reset application settings” menu item.

    Advantages of the method:

    • speed of problem solving.

    Disadvantages of the method:

    Method four

    Quite often, restarting the application helps resolve the problem. If the com.google.process.gapps error occurs, then simply exit the application and launch it again. After this operation it should disappear.

    Advantages of the method:

    • instant solution to the problem;
    • there is no need to reboot the device.

    Disadvantages of the method:

    • it extremely rarely helps to eliminate the error;
    • occurrence of repeated errors.

    Method five

    Deleting an account in Play Market and . This method helps solve the problem if for some reason you interrupted the application download and were unable to restore it later.

    Advantages of the method:

    • It may be possible to solve the problem if other methods have not helped.

    Disadvantages of the method:

    • there are no guarantees of getting rid of the error;
    • the complexity of solving a problem without a guaranteed result.

    Method six

    If you have tried all the methods, but the error persists, then you need to reset all settings to default to go to factory settings. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu, sub-item “Confidential” and click “Reset data”.

    Use this method only in extreme cases when other methods have not helped, since you will have to configure the phone again, of course, if you did not change the factory settings. However, when using this method you need to connect your device to your computer and reset all existing information to your PC, since during the recovery process all information will be deleted and it will no longer be possible to restore it.

    Advantages of the method:

    • complete solution to the error "com.google.process.gapp".

    Disadvantages of the method:

    • need to connect to a computer;
    • loss of unsaved data;
    • The recovery procedure may take 30-40 minutes.

    After using any of the methods, you need to restart your device and in 95% of cases the error will disappear. In case of her reappearance just repeat these manipulations again.

    Of all the errors that can happen on Android, this is one of the most harmful. Crash Google Apps it doesn’t seem like it should have serious consequences for the entire device, but it does, and when you see the scary message “ com.google.process.gapps has stopped“- that’s it, you’ve been sucked into a hopeless vicious circle where the phone refuses to listen to you.

    But before you reset your phone to factory settings in a panic attack, wait. Even if the phone seems completely paralyzed, there is still a chance to save it - and it is very simple.

    What is "com.google.process.gapps"?

    "gapps" stands for Google Apps and covers most of the Google apps on your phone, including Gmail, Calendar, Play Store, Hangouts and Google Plus(about which in lately not very often remembered).

    So it’s not very pleasant to receive a message that all these “gapps” have stopped working, because this could mean all the listed applications (as well as Google Play services).

    Clear Google app data cache one by one

    So how to solve the com.google.process.gapps problem? What to do next? Even if you receive this message regularly, your phone will still be at least partially functional, so close the message and try opening Settings > Applications. If the message continues to pop up, close it and make your way to the application list.

    Once you reach your goal, scroll down to " Google Services Play", which, from experience, are the most vulnerable of Google's applications and most likely to be the source of the error.

    Click Google Play Services > Storage and then Clear Cache. If the problem persists, tap Manage Space, then Clear All Data (or Clear Data depending on what Android device you have).

    If this does not help and the error message continues to appear, follow the steps described for other Google applications - Google Play Store, Gmail, Maps, Calendar and Google+: clear the cache and then the data until the problem goes away.

    If this does not help, uninstall updates for Google Play Services (in the “Information” section, accessible through the list of applications in the “Settings” menu).

    If the problem is still not resolved, uninstall updates for Google applications one by one until the error disappears.

    Resetting application settings

    Perhaps you once disabled something that shouldn't have been disabled (especially if you have a rooted device), or perhaps the default settings of one of the applications were lost. Possible solution– Reset all application settings in one fell swoop. This will not affect application data, but the applications themselves will return to the state when they were first installed on the phone.

    To do this, go to Settings > Apps, tap the menu icon at the top right, and select Reset app settings.

    If the message “The process com.google.process.gapps has stopped” begins to appear on the screen of your Android smartphone with enviable frequency, this means that a rather unpleasant glitch has occurred in the system.

    Most often, the problem appears after an important process has been completed incorrectly. For example, data synchronization or updating was stopped abnormally system application. Errors can be caused by various types third party software installed on the device.

    The most annoying thing is that a message about such a failure can occur so often that it becomes simply impossible to use the device.

    Despite the unpleasantness of the situation, the problem is solved quite simply. Another thing is that universal method, applicable to all cases of such a failure does not exist. A method may work for one user that will not work at all for another.

    However, all the solutions we offer will not take much of your time and are quite simple, if not elementary.

    Method 1: Clear Google Services Cache

    The most commonplace manipulation to get rid of the error described above is clearing the cache of the Google Play Services system application. In rare cases it can definitely help.

    The method is absolutely safe and, as mentioned above, quite simple, but in some cases it can be effective.

    Method 2: Start disabled services

    This option will suit the vast majority of users who encounter a crash. Solving the problem in in this case comes down to finding stopped services and forcing them to start.

    To do this, simply go to "Settings""Applications" and move to the end of the list installed programs. If there are disabled services on the device, they can be found in the “tail”.

    Actually, in Android versions, starting from the fifth, this process looks like this.

    If these actions do not bring the desired result, it is worth moving on to more radical methods.

    Method 3: Reset Application Settings

    After using previous troubleshooting options, this is the last “lifeline” before restoring the system to original state. The method is to reset the settings of all applications installed on the device.

    Again, there is nothing complicated here.

    After the reset process is completed, it is worth rebooting the device again and checking the system for the failure we are considering.

    Method 4: Reset the system to factory settings

    The most “desperate” option, if it is impossible to overcome the error in other ways, is to restore the system to its original state. By using this function, we will lose all data accumulated during system operation, including installed applications, contacts, messages, account authorization, alarms, etc.

    Therefore it is advisable to do backup copy everything that has value to you. Required files like music, photos and documents can be copied to a PC or cloud storage, for example, to Google Drive.

    But with application data, everything is a little more complicated. To “back up” and restore them you will have to use third party solutions, such as , etc. Such utilities can serve as comprehensive backup tools.

    Good Corporation application data, as well as contacts and default settings are synchronized with Google servers. For example, you can restore contacts from the cloud at any time on any device as follows.

    In principle, backup and data recovery is a very voluminous topic worthy of detailed consideration in a separate article. We will move on to the reset process itself.

    Having configured the gadget again, you will find that the annoying message about a failure is no longer there. Which is exactly what we needed.

    Note that all the manipulations described in the article are considered using the example of a smartphone with Android 6.0 “on board”. For you, depending on the manufacturer and version of the system, some points may differ. However, the principle remains the same, so there should be no difficulties in carrying out operations to eliminate the failure.

    This article is for those who have received one of the following errors: "Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped" and "com.google.process.gapps has stopped unexpectedly." They refer to the same problem and are actually easy to resolve, so don't panic. Below we will show you how to fix it.

    Some devices from previous generations, such as Samsung Galaxy S6 or HTC One M8s may be particularly susceptible to this error, but nevertheless, the problem can happen to anyone and the solutions are the same. So, take a deep breath and carefully follow our instructions to get started again.

    1. Reboot your phone

    Many people think that this is nonsense, but turning the device on and off is always the first thing you should try in such a situation.

    Just hold the side power button within a few seconds and you will be given the option to reboot your device.

    2. Clear the cache for the application in question.

    If you notice that an error message appears when you try to run specific application, then most likely this application is causing the problem.

    Open " Settings > Applications and find the corresponding application.

    Click on the application and then click " Storage" and on next page click " Clear cache".

    If that still doesn't help, you can also clear the app data. This means you will lose your game progress or chat history etc, so you may want to create a .

    You will see a button Erase data over Clear cache(See picture below, right).

    If none of the solutions are helpful, the next step is to try uninstalling the app (which you can do from the same page as clearing cache and data) and reinstalling it.

    3. Clear Google Services Framework data

    If clearing cache and data for specific application or even deleting it doesn't work, there is one more quick solution which you can try.

    This method will remove Google settings Play Services, but they are easy to restore; you probably won't even notice it happened.

    • Open " Settings > Applications
    • Click 3 points in the top right corner and select " Show system processes"
    • Scroll through the list of applications and select Google Services Framework.
    • On the details page about the application click " Storage", then " Clear cache" .

    4. Reset the application settings.

    Another option is to go to " Settings > Applications > All and reset the app settings (this option can be found in the three-dot icon menu).

    This will return all of your app's settings to their original settings, but will not delete the app's data. In other words, you won't lose any progress you've saved.

    5. Turn off automatic app updates.

    This error often occurs after an app update, so if you disable automatic updates from Play Store, the error problem will not occur as often. You still shouldn't manually update your applications to avoid handling potential errors that may follow.

    To turn off automatic updates, go to the Google Play Store app settings and turn off automatic updates.

    6. Restart Download Manager

    Sometimes the error "com.google.process.gapps has stopped" can be due to Download application Manager. Here's how to check it.

    • Go to Settings
    • Click " Applications"
    • Find Download Manager and open App Info
    • Disable him, then turn it on again it and check if the error occurs.

    7. Perform a factory reset

    Perform a factory reset on your smartphone

    If you are still facing problems after trying all the above, you are left with no choice but to perform a factory reset. This is a drastic measure and there are consequences. All your data will be lost. Therefore you must advance.

    Once your data is saved, it's time.

    • Go to Settings and click " Recovery and reset."
    • Now make sure it's enabled Data backup.
    • Click " Account for reservation", to choose which one account you want to save your data. Make sure you have access to this account.
    • After that, go to the menu " Restore reset" and click the button Reset settings" down.

    Confirm that you want to do this and your phone will be the same as it was when you bought it. Your data will be restored when you sign in to your Google Account.

    How often do you see this error message? Did these tips help solve the problem? Let us know about it in the comments.