• Signal loss on several satellite channels. TV

    This material will discuss the situation when, instead of a television picture of your favorite TV channel You receive a "No Signal" message. At the same time, I will make a reservation that you receive the television picture from satellite receiver. It doesn’t matter which model of receiver you use or which operator satellite television connected. The message will be approximately the same and appears on the TV screen at the most inopportune moment.

    In this situation, it is very important to understand who exactly is issuing the message about the lack of signal - the TV or the satellite receiver itself. These are two big differences. If there is no signal from the satellite receiver, the TV itself issues a message about the lack of signal. In the case when there is no signal from satellite dish— a message about the absence of a signal is issued by the satellite receiver.

    If we see a message about no signal displayed by the TV itself, then we need to deal with connecting the video cable from the receiver to the TV. Perhaps the connecting cable was damaged, it simply moved away from the video output of the receiver or from the video input of the TV. Another explanation is that the wrong video input is set on the TV itself. The point is that modern TV equipped with almost a dozen different video inputs. And you need to make sure that in the TV menu the video input to which the video cable from the satellite receiver is connected is set as active. Selecting the correct video input in the satellite receiver menu is done using the “INPUT” button on the TV remote control. Another such button may be called "SOURCE". Or it may not be signed at all, but simply marked with an icon - see the instructions on the TV.

    The question may arise - “how do you understand who displays a message about the lack of signal on the TV screen - the receiver or the TV itself?” It's very easy to understand. You need to pick up the receiver's remote control and call up any element of its menu - a list of channels, a settings window, or something else. If a corresponding window appears on the screen graphic menu receiver, which means the video signal from the receiver goes to the TV and in the receiver-TV connection there is no problem in transmitting the video signal. This means that the message about the signal belongs to the receiver and there is no signal from the satellite dish.

    If, with the receiver turned on, you try to call up the receiver menu, but do not see it, then this clearly indicates a problem in connecting the TV to the receiver.

    In the case when the receiver menu appears correctly on the TV screen, we conclude that the “NO SIGNAL” message belongs to the satellite receiver and the speech in this message it means that the receiver does not receive a signal via the downlink cable ( antenna cable) from a satellite dish.

    There is no signal from the antenna - how to fix it

    The receiver may not receive a signal from the satellite dish for a variety of reasons. Let's look at them in more detail:

    1. The receiver itself is not configured correctly to interact with the satellite dish. The solution is to check the receiver settings and make sure they are correct.

    2. The down cable from the antenna to the satellite receiver is damaged. The solution is to find the damage and fix it. Or replace the entire damaged cable.

    3. The satellite dish converter has failed. The solution is to replace the satellite converter.

    4. The antenna is mechanically damaged and is unsuitable for receiving a signal. The solution is to replace the satellite dish

    5. The antenna has lost its direction to the satellite. The solution is to adjust the antenna to good welcome signal from satellite

    This is what a message about a signal looks like when there is no signal from a satellite dish

    There are other reasons for the lack of signal from the antenna

    6. Solar interference. It doesn't last long. The solution is to wait until the interference ends

    7. Prevention in the satellite-teleport system. The solution is to wait until the end of the prophylaxis. Call the call center of your satellite TV operator and find out whether prevention really takes place. Or go to the office. operator's website.

    There is no signal from the receiver - how to fix it?

    1. Make sure the correct video input is selected on the TV. If not, choose the correct TV remote control

    2. Make sure that the required video output is enabled on the satellite receiver. For example, on the GS 8306 receiver, only one of two video outputs can work at one time

    3. Try replacing the video cable. Often short hdmi cable from tricolor kits fails

    4. Try connecting the receiver and TV using a cable with other connectors. For example. An HDMI cable was used for the connection; you can use a SCART-SCART or SCART-tulip cable instead. Or any other cable that fits the receiver output and TV input.

    Connecting a receiver to a TV is not particularly difficult if you have at least a little understanding of how video equipment works.

    Our service specialists perform the entire set of works necessary to ensure that the signal from the antenna appears on the receiver again and you can watch your favorite TV channels.

    Departure service specialist for setting up equipment is possible in Krasnodar and its suburbs.

    This is what the message about the signal looks like when it is not on the TV from the satellite receiver

    "NO SIGNAL" message. The message belongs to the TV

    Why is there no signal from the Tricolor satellite dish? There can be many reasons for this.

    If the signal from the Tricolor-TB satellite is lost, then the first thing to do is to determine whether the signal is lost on only one channel, or on all. It happens that operators reconfigure broadcast parameters, and after that the channels disappear. But finding and returning them is not difficult, and you can do it yourself. To do this, it may be enough to activate the search function, and those programs that continue to cooperate with Tricolor-TB will appear again.

    What to do if the satellite dish receives a high-quality signal for some channels, but not for others? You need to check if the settings have gone wrong. To do this, you need to select 1-2 channels and see if there is a signal. In this case, you need to look at the minimum signal indicator. If it is at zero, it means that the channel does not show at all. Accordingly, the antenna was turned and now, in principle, cannot pick up a signal. If there is a signal, but the TV does not show anything, then this means that the reason is something else.

    If it turns out that the reason is in the antenna, then you first need to check the reliability of its fastening. To do this, you just need to take it and shake it a little. If it gets loose, you need to securely fasten it again in the correct position, and then look at the TV. If a signal appears, then it is necessary to carry out a search procedure, compose new list channels if it is lost.

    In this case, you need to change the position of the plate very slowly, carefully, without making a step of more than 1 cm. You need to move both in the horizontal and vertical planes, but not at the same time, observing a time range of 3-5 seconds. If the TV “caught” the signal, then it is necessary to make adjustments so that the filling level of both scales (quality and signal) is greater than 70-80%. After this, tighten all the bolts so that the antenna is stable.

    Other reasons for signal loss

    Experts conditionally divide all the reasons into 2 groups:

    • external, which do not depend in any way on the serviceability and quality of operation of the receiving equipment (prevention on the channel, weather conditions, etc.);
    • internal, i.e. when there are problems specifically in the equipment (this group of reasons is considered more serious, and often leads to a complete or partial replacement of the equipment).

    Prevention on the channel

    Most often, such work is planned, and subscribers are notified in advance accordingly. by email. If there was no letter, then you can go to the official website of the operator and look for this information there. You can also call by phone hotline. You can ask your neighbors or friends who also use the services of this operator - do they have a signal? If they also don’t have a signal, then most likely this is due to preventive maintenance, or to some unforeseen equipment breakdowns at the provider itself.

    Weather conditions

    Thunderstorms, strong winds, heavy rain, severe frost and other adverse weather conditions can affect the quality of the received signal. If there is no signal on some channels during a thunderstorm or wind, then there is only one thing left to do - wait out the bad weather, and then check the condition of the antenna.

    During the cold season, ice, sticky snow, etc. may appear on the plate. You can carefully eliminate this cause, or you can do nothing if warming is expected in the near future.

    Changing signal reception capabilities

    If there is any obstruction between the antenna and the transmitter, signal reception may be affected. Such obstacles could be a new high-rise building, some kind of tall structure, etc. It happens that within 2-3 years after the antenna was installed, some kind of tree grew (or expanded), which was not given any importance when installing the antenna. And it may well create significant interference. In such cases, you must either remove the obstacle (if you have the right and opportunity to cut down this tree), or move the antenna to another location.

    Damage to the plate itself

    It happens that as a result of some mechanical impact the plate is deformed, dents, scratches, etc. appear on it. In such cases, you can try to restore the signal by slightly rotating the plate back and forth. If this does not help, you will have to replace it.

    Converter failure on the plate

    This is one of the most common reasons for signal loss. In such cases, there is only one way out - buying a new converter. To check, you can install another converter that is in working condition. Experts recommend always having a spare converter on hand. You can replace it yourself if necessary.

    Converter replacement:

    • remove the old converter;
    • install a new one without changing the position of the plate;
    • check the signal level and quality on the screen;
    • if the scales do not fill, then adjust the signal by carefully rotating the plate in the horizontal and vertical plane.

    Accumulation of insects inside the head

    This reason is rare, but sometimes it also happens. In particular, there is a known case when wasps built an entire aspen tree inside the antenna head, which caused the signal to disappear.

    Damage to the cable or cable connections

    Over time, the cable deteriorates, frays, and the braiding is destroyed. If the cable is in very bad condition, you will have to replace it. You can try to secure the damaged area with a twisted F-connector. To repair one damage, you will need two F-connectors, as well as a connector, electrical tape or adhesive tape, a knife, and pliers. Cut the cable at the break point, strip both ends, and insert them into the F-connectors. Fasten the connectors to each other using a connector, and wrap the top tightly with electrical tape or tape.

    Temporarily this method can help correct the situation, but then you will still have to change the cable.

    The problem is in the receiver

    This element is usually the most expensive part of the entire equipment set, but this does not mean that it cannot break. You can check its functionality in the following way: turn off the device, go with it to a neighbor who has a guaranteed working antenna, and connect your device to it. If the signal does not appear, then the problem is in the receiver. You'll have to take it in for repairs or buy a new one.

    TV problem

    It happens that all the equipment is working properly, but there is no signal on the TV. In this case, you need to check the television receiver itself. To check the settings, you need to press “OK” on the remote control. If the list of channels does not appear, then there is a problem with the settings.

    What to do if the signal is lost only on some channels

    You can fix this problem by updating the channel list:

    • disconnect the receiver from the power supply for a few minutes;
    • turn on the receiver again, wait until it enters operating mode;
    • turn on the channel that gave the “no signal” message;
    • if the channel display has not resumed, then carry out the channel search procedure using the following steps: “Menu” - “Search for Tricolor-TB channels” - “Ok” - “Attention! Do you want to update the list? - “Yes” - “Ok”;
    • save new channel list.

    It happens that there is a signal, in principle, but it is too weak. The reason for this may be a loose cable, broken connections, or an unstable plate. If the signal appears and disappears, it may be due to swaying tree branches. The same thing sometimes happens when using outdated models of receivers.

    If after all the manipulations you have carried out the signal still does not appear, then you will have to seek help from specialists. Only a professional who has the necessary equipment can reliably and objectively determine the reason for the lack of signal.

    If for some reason it is not possible to call a specialist, you can get advice at the contact center.

    This happens - it showed yesterday, but today it doesn’t.

    If the signal is lost from all or one satellite, do not panic and immediately call a technician. In some cases, you can fix everything yourself.

    In what cases can the signal be lost?

    After updating the channel list, the DiSEqC ports are not set correctly or not at all.

    The solution is very simple. In the installation menu select the right companion and at the desired frequency (look in the channel information by pressing the Ok or INFO button on the channel)

    We go through the DiSEqC ports one by one. Usually in most cases 4 port DiSEqC. Select the desired port, see the signal (colored stripes) and save. We do this with the rest of the satellites.

    If you downloaded a list of canolas from our resource, we suggest reconnecting the order of the DiSEqC ports on the antenna itself according to this diagram, because adjusting DiSEqC in the receiver can be difficult for an inexperienced user.

    If the receiver was not updated, and the signal disappeared on its own.

    All connection procedures should be carried out with receiver turned off.

    First of all, you need to inspect all connections, F-connectors for contact, and if necessary, clean the wire again. We inspect the cable for damage, you can even ring it with a tester.

    We look at the caps of the converters to see if there is ice, snow, droppings or other obstacles to radio waves. Often, after 7-10 years of service of the converter, cracks may form on its lid due to old age or even fall apart. If there is any, we replace it. Doesn't help, let's move on?

    The procedure will be relevant if no one touched the antenna.

    We check the functionality of DiSEqC and converters. To do this, you need to disconnect all the converters and connect them directly to the tuner one by one. If signals appear, then we simply buy another DiSEqC and change it, connect it in the same sequence as the previous DiSEqC. If there is no signal, then there is a possibility that the converter needs to be replaced. To know for sure, we simply replace the non-working one with the neighboring one - there will be a signal - the converter 100% needs to be changed. It is advisable not to move the multifeed, as the antenna will have to be reconfigured. Just unscrew the plastic fastener. When purchasing a new converter, it will be enough to install it in place of the burnt one and connect it.

    Today we decided to talk about the actions that need to be taken to determine the reason for the lack of a signal from the satellite for Tricolor subscribers. The fact is that many of the subscribers see the message “No signal” at least once. Some of those who come here see this inscription for the first time, while others receive this answer by choice desired channel This is not the first time.

    Reasons for the lack of Tricolor TV signal

    The main reason that there is no Tricolor signal is really its absence. Let's consider a situation where a person turns off his receiver in the evening and sees that there is a signal, and turns it on during the day and discovers that there is no signal on any of the channels.

    The first action that needs to be performed in this situation is to check that there are no natural reasons for removing the transponder broadcast; this could be planned preventive maintenance, which the operator reports about a few days before the event. Many satellite TV subscribers simply do not follow such information and are perplexed when they see the message “no signal”. To check that there are no planned reasons for the lack of signal, you can use the Internet - by visiting your operator’s website and reading the news for the last 10 days from your operator. If there is no information on the operator’s website about the planned cancellation of broadcasting, there is probably another reason.

    If you notice a lack of signal, this does not mean that there is a problem with the equipment or your antenna is faulty; perhaps the operator or owner of the satellite is carrying out preventive work on the broadcasting equipment that delivers the signal to the device itself, or some scheduled work is being carried out on the satellite itself.

    If you have not found any information about the cancellation of broadcasting on the date when you have no signal, you can proceed to the next step to determine the reason.

    • If you have relatives or friends who use Tricolor, call or contact them by other means of communication and check with them for signal availability. If they have no signal, just like you, you can simply forget about this fact for 10-20 hours, the signal will be restored or information about the cause and time frame for resolving the issue will appear. If the signal is present, the reason is probably in your receiving equipment and it’s worth starting to look for the cause locally.

    Finding the reason for the lack of signal in your equipment

    The first step is to test the cable from the receiver to the converter. It is necessary to make sure that there are no breaks, and the F-connectors must be tightly screwed along the threads, and the core coaxial cable has a protrusion on the F-connector of 0.5 cm. If all connections are good and the cable has no breaks - which is checked using a tester, you can safely move on to the next step. If a break is found, the cable must be completely replaced from the receiver to the antenna (you should not resort to “twists” - this can lower the signal level, and if the cable from the converter to the receiver is long, it can completely interfere with stable viewing of channels). If it is not possible to replace the entire cable, you can get by with a connector - for this you will need one connector and two additional F-connectors that are screwed onto the connector.

    • When using a connector - Cut the cable at the break point, peel it from the braid and screw the F-connector in exactly the same way as at the ends of the connection between the receiver and the converter, then tightly screw the F-connectors onto the connector and wrap the connector and connectors tightly with electrical tape to protect against moisture (if the break occurred in an open section of the cable - outside the window, on a street wall.
    • It is worth noting that a precaution against the possibility of a break would be to leave a supply of cable, which is collected in a skein near the antenna and secured with a tie to the mount; this will make it possible to cut off the required section in the event of a break and compensate for it with a supply, or run the cable again.

    If the cable is intact and there are no problems with it, the next thing you should check is the receiver. The most reliable way to check is to test the receiver from another tuned antenna. Here again, relatives or friends can help. Connect the receiver to a 100% working antenna (one that works with another receiver and has a signal on the other receiver). If there is a signal on your receiver from another antenna, then the tuner and the receiver itself are working normally and the reason lies in your antenna (converter, antenna setting). If suddenly there is no signal even when connecting to another antenna, we can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that the problem has been found and the receiver is not working.

    • If the problem is in the receiver, the tuner, which is responsible for receiving the signal, has probably failed. In this case, your receiver must be taken to service center to identify the malfunction and repair, if possible.

    Antenna problems

    Often, after carrying out the above steps, it turns out that the receiver and cable are normal and work without problems, which means that the problem with the signal arose due to the lack of it from the antenna. There are not many options here, the most popular of which are:

    • The antenna is out of alignment - Under the influence of wind, snow from the roof, possibly poorly tightened bolts and other reasons, the antenna may move by one or two, sometimes more degrees in the horizontal or vertical plane, which means the signal from the satellite will not be in the focus of the antenna and, accordingly, will be reflected to the converter and go to the receiver. To adjust the antenna in in this case necessary: ​​Check the tightness of the fixing nuts; if they are tight, move on to the second part; if one of them is not tightened too much or is completely loose, you should try to adjust the antenna.

    Antenna adjustment

    It is not difficult to adjust the antenna, because it is already almost pointed at the satellite and a slight deviation in the desired direction will have an effect. Ask someone at home to watch the signal on the TV (to do this, you can find the signal strength and quality levels in the receiver settings), and then apply gentle pressure on each of the four sides of the antenna to bend the mirror and hold it in this position for 5-10 seconds. At one point, when the mirror is bent in the desired direction, a signal will appear and the scales will reflect its strength and quality, this will be a signal for the need to adjust the antenna in the desired direction. Then it is necessary to loosen the fixing nuts responsible for fixing the desired (horizontal and vertical) position of the antenna and make a slight adjustment in the desired direction until maximum level signal on the scale.

    If the antenna is moved far enough away from the desired direction, resort to a full adjustment of the satellite antenna by scanning the horizon or contact an installer.

    Other problems

    There are more possible reasons disruption of signal reception from the satellite. In 50% of cases, the cause of the lack of signal is the converter, or rather its failure. It is often impossible to determine if a converter is broken with the naked eye; this is precisely the problem. But for safety, it is better to have a spare converter that can always be installed in place of yours.

    It is better to check the functionality of the converter before attempting to adjust or full customization antennas, because if the converter turns out to be inoperative, all attempts to tune the antenna will be unsuccessful. If you have a spare converter, simply remove the converter installed in the holder and install a new one, without the need to loosen the fixing nuts and knock down the antenna. If it is not possible to replace the converter without rotating the antenna, loosen the antenna and rotate it to replace the converter, and after replacing, expose it by eye, and then resort to smooth scanning of the horizontal and vertical planes.

    Scheme of action to determine the cause

    1. Check the cable.
    2. Check the receiver.
    3. Check the converter.
    4. Check antenna settings.
    5. Fix the found problem.

    All these manipulations, if there are problems with the signal, will solve them and the signal will reappear and you will be able to watch your favorite channels. If you have gone through all the necessary steps in the instructions and still cannot find the reason for the lack of Tricolor TV signal, contact our support service and describe your situation in the " " section, we will promptly help you with advice.

    Despite all the positive aspects of satellite television, Tricolor TV subscribers are often faced with the fact that all or some of the channels are not shown. When faced with malfunctions in satellite broadcasting, not everyone will be able to independently find the cause of the problem and fix it.

    This problem can be solved by identifying the cause.

    On all channels except information

    • First you need to clarify the activity of your subscription. This can be done in the following ways: in the TV receiver menu, on the official website (section “Payment”) or personal account.
    • If the subscription is active and the problem is not resolved, then you will need to update the activation keys. A request to resend the keys can be made in your personal account. After this, the receiver must be rebooted and left on one of the channels that is not accessible. The TV itself can be turned off. It takes no more than 8 hours for the signal to arrive.
    • Another reason can be identified by the absence of an ID code on the TV screen. The ID may not be displayed because the smart card or conditional access card is not installed correctly in the receiver. To check this option, in the case of a smart card, you need to take it out, reinstall it and restart the power supply. A power reset is sufficient for the access card.
    • If the ID does not appear on the screen, it means that the receiver has stopped reading the card. The solution may be to contact customer service.

    Only on some

    • In this case, you will need to run an auto search. New channels must be saved.
    • As a result of the update, the problematic TV channels completely disappeared from the list, which means they stopped broadcasting, i.e. as part of paid packages changes have occurred. It will be necessary to clarify the new composition.
    • There may be this option: TV channels without access remained on the new list, but the problem was not solved. You need to unplug the receiver and turn it on again.
    • If the channels still do not work, you need to reset the settings to factory settings: in the equipment menu, select the “Factory settings” item and click “Ok”. After this, you need to reboot the receiver and configure it again according to the instructions.
    • If after resetting the settings, access to TV channels does not appear, you should call a technical support specialist to diagnose the equipment.

    Inscription on the screen “No signal”

    Such an inscription may indicate a loss of the broadcast signal. The reasons for this are different. To determine them, you need to clarify the signal quality: press the F1 button on the remote control.

    1. If power is less than 70%, consider eliminating the following options.
      • Bad weather conditions may degrade broadcast quality. As soon as the weather improves the signal will be strong.
      • Stable broadcasting may be hampered by interference in the area (trees, tall buildings). Relocating the antenna will solve the problem.
      • Reason low level there may be incorrect settings antenna or cable damage. You can fix these problems yourself or call a specialist.
      • The reason for the missing image may be technical problems on the part of the service provider.
    2. If the broadcast quality is more than 70%, then a series of sequential actions must be carried out (with a transition to the next step if the previous one fails).
      • Search for channels again.
      • Reboot the receiver's power supply.
      • Reset settings to factory defaults.

    If access to TV channels could not be restored

    If all of the above manipulations did not lead to the desired result, then you need to contact the Tricolor TV Support Service. This can be done in different ways:

    • +7-800-500-0123
    • Contact via Viber and WhatsApp at +7-911-101-0123
    • Call through the website (in the Support section)
    • Skype: support_tricolor_tv
    • Online chat on the website
    • Application for technical support (you must fill out the application form in the appropriate section)