• School for an electrician: everything about electrical engineering and electronics. Home appliance repair lessons on video

    Andrey Golubev - author of video tutorials on repairs consumer electronics, microwave ovens, televisions and audio equipment, dedicates its video lessons to those who do not want to be a slave service departments and spend many times more money on household appliances when they break down than when buying them.

    Have you ever observed how experienced technicians easily find faults and masterfully handle tools and measuring instruments? Many people are ready to constantly admire someone's work, without even thinking that they can learn all this themselves! Video tutorials are interesting way training. They are presented in accessible, simple language with good explanations.

    The first video records the repair process home theater"LG":

    Receiver repair. When starting to repair a receiver, the first thing you need to do is visual inspection installation Sometimes the problem is a simple failure. This rule applies not only to the repair of receivers, but to all household appliances.

    Philips DVD repair:

    Restoring the DVD player head cable:

    Repair of microwave oven LG MS-1744:

    LG microwave repair. It all started with a banal replacement of the mica gasket, and ended with the replacement of the transformer:

    What to do if the microwave sparks? The mica gasket needs to be replaced. Replacing mica is not such a difficult task when repairing microwave ovens, and any housewife can do it.

    We repair PDP Samsung TV domestic production. The cause of the malfunction is a manufacturing defect.

    Xoro LCD TV repair. This video shows how ridiculous malfunctions of modern television and radio equipment can be.

    LG DVD repair. This video discusses replacing the optical converter on an LG DVD karaoke center.

    The LCD TV does not respond to the remote control. The remote control itself is not always to blame for the lack of response to the remote control...

    Repair DVD Samsung. Some problems sometimes seem to be completely unrelated. So it is in this Samsung DVD repair - the failure of an element of one unit affects the operation of another.

    Sven subwoofer repair. The Sven subwoofer was not repaired - the UTC2030 (TDA2030) amplifier chip had failed. Moreover, the microcircuit was torn into pieces. In addition, the path burned out.

    DVD repair, namely pulse block nutrition DVD player not much different from repairing other switching power supplies. However, each technique has its own nuances.

    Microlab amplifier repair. The cause of the malfunction was the failure of tda 2030 microcircuits

    The microwave does not heat:

    This video covers a couple of cases. DVD repair when the video freezes. In the first case, all suspicions point to the head. Especially heads of this type often begin to hang as they “warm up” after 10-20 minutes of reading.

    Repair of ADSL modem Intercross 5633:


    There are many concepts that cannot be seen with your own eyes or touched with your hands. The most striking example is electrical engineering, consisting of complex circuits and obscure terminology. Therefore, many people simply retreat before the difficulties of the upcoming study of this scientific and technical discipline.

    The basics of electrical engineering for beginners, outlined in accessible language. Backed up historical facts and clear examples, they become fascinating and understandable even for those who are encountering unfamiliar concepts for the first time. Gradually moving from simple to complex, it is quite possible to study the presented materials and use them in practical activities.

    Concepts and properties of electric current

    Electrical laws and formulas are required not only for carrying out any calculations. They are also needed by those who practically perform operations related to electricity. Knowing the basics of electrical engineering, you can logically determine the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it very quickly.

    The essence electric current consists in the movement of charged particles that transfer electric charge from one point to another. However, with the random thermal movement of charged particles, following the example of free electrons in metals, charge transfer does not occur. Moving electric charge through the cross section of a conductor occurs only if ions or electrons participate in ordered motion.

    Electric current always flows in a certain direction. Its presence is indicated by specific signs:

    • Heating a conductor through which current flows.
    • Change chemical composition conductor under the influence of current.
    • Exerting force on neighboring currents, magnetized bodies and neighboring currents.

    Electric current can be direct or alternating. In the first case, all its parameters remain unchanged, and in the second, the polarity periodically changes from positive to negative. In each half-cycle, the direction of the electron flow changes. The rate of such periodic changes is frequency, measured in hertz

    Basic current quantities

    When an electric current occurs in a circuit, a constant charge transfer occurs through the cross section of the conductor. The amount of charge transferred over a certain unit of time is called, measured in amperes.

    In order to create and maintain the movement of charged particles, it is necessary to have a force applied to them in a certain direction. If this action stops, the flow of electric current also stops. This force is called the electric field, also known as. It is this that causes the potential difference or voltage at the ends of the conductor and gives impetus to the movement of charged particles. To measure this value, a special unit is used - volt. There is a certain relationship between the basic quantities, reflected in Ohm's law, which will be discussed in detail.

    The most important characteristic of a conductor directly related to electric current is resistance, measured in Omaha. This value is a kind of resistance of the conductor to the flow of electric current in it. As a result of the influence of resistance, the conductor heats up. As the length of the conductor increases and its cross-section decreases, the resistance value increases. A value of 1 ohm occurs when the potential difference in the conductor is 1 V and the current is 1 A.

    Ohm's law

    This law relates to the basic provisions and concepts of electrical engineering. It most accurately reflects the relationship between quantities such as current, voltage, resistance, etc. The definitions of these quantities have already been considered; now it is necessary to establish the degree of their interaction and influence on each other.

    In order to calculate this or that value, you must use the following formulas:

    1. Current strength: I = U/R (amps).
    2. Voltage: U = I x R (volts).
    3. Resistance: R = U/I (ohm).

    The dependence of these quantities, for a better understanding of the essence of the processes, is often compared with hydraulic characteristics. For example, at the bottom of a tank filled with water, a valve with a pipe adjacent to it is installed. When the valve opens, water begins to flow because there is a difference between high pressure at the beginning of the pipe and low at its end. Exactly the same situation occurs at the ends of the conductor in the form of a potential difference - voltage, under the influence of which electrons move along the conductor. Thus, by analogy, voltage is a kind of electrical pressure.

    The current strength can be compared with the water flow, that is, the amount of water flowing through the cross-section of the pipe over a set period of time. As the pipe diameter decreases, the water flow will also decrease due to increased resistance. This limited flow can be compared to electrical resistance a conductor that keeps the flow of electrons within certain limits. The interaction of current, voltage and resistance is similar to hydraulic characteristics: with a change in one parameter, all the others change.

    Energy and power in electrical engineering

    In electrical engineering there are also such concepts as energy And power related to Ohm's law. Energy itself exists in mechanical, thermal, nuclear and electrical form. According to the law of conservation of energy, it cannot be destroyed or created. It can only be transformed from one form to another. For example, audio systems convert electrical energy into sound and heat.

    Any electrical appliance consumes a certain amount of energy over a set period of time. This value is individual for each device and represents power, that is, the amount of energy that a particular device can consume. This parameter is calculated by the formula P = I x U, the unit of measurement is . It means moving one volt through a resistance of one ohm.

    Thus, the basics of electrical engineering for beginners will help you understand the basic concepts and terms at first. After this, it will be much easier to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

    Electrics for dummies: electronics basics

    Name: How to master radio electronics from scratch.

    If you have a great desire to become friends with electronics, if you want to create your own homemade products, but don’t know where to start, use the self-instruction manual “How to master radio electronics from scratch. We learn how to assemble structures of any complexity.” This book will help modernize and expand on some of the basic designs. You will learn how to read circuit diagrams, work with a soldering iron, and create many interesting homemade products. You will learn how to use a measuring instrument, design and create printed circuit boards, and learn the secrets of many professional radio amateurs. In general, you will gain enough knowledge to further master electronics on your own. The book also contains a small reference book on radio components, which may also be of interest to professionals.
    This textbook is written in an accessible and in simple language, without unnecessary literary lyrics. To introduce young radio amateurs with electricity and various measurement quantities, used elementary method comparisons. Next to each circuit diagram is an image with appearance and pinout (location of pins) of radio components. Everything is described in detail, sometimes the installation of a particular device is presented so that you can visually see what should happen.

    Dear readers!
    All of you, of course, know about one of the widest areas modern technology- electronics. Whether you are watching TV, listening to the radio or using a music center, electronics are “working” everywhere. It is she who “draws” the image on the TV screen and “brings” the announcer’s voice into the apartment, turning recordings on magnetic tape of audio cassettes and CD grooves into sound.
    Look around carefully and you will see many devices that, thanks to electronics, are reborn, for example wrist or table clock. Electronic devices they count seconds and minutes with great precision, showing the time on the screen. And take telephone set: appeared in it electronic memory, capable of storing dozens of numbers. It is not necessary to type them - just click on the button that corresponds to specific number. An electronic “eye” in the camera monitors the illumination of the subject and automatically sets the desired shutter speed. Even residential calls are electronic. When you press the button next to front door sounds are heard in the apartment that imitate birdsong or the melody of a famous song, and sometimes a woman or male voice, which says: “Open the door!”

    From the author
    Chapter 1
    Lessons from a young designer
    Introduction to electricity and other quantities
    Introduction to radio components
    Semiconductor devices
    Zener diodes
    Other radio components
    Chapter 2
    Tools and devices
    Workplace of a radio amateur
    We use a digital device
    DC and AC voltage measurement
    DC current measurement
    Resistance measurement
    Diode continuity test
    Measuring and testing capacitances and inductances
    We use a pointer device
    Checking resistors
    Checking capacitors
    Checking inductors
    Checking low-frequency chokes and transformers
    Diode check
    Thyristor testing
    Checking transistors
    Secrets of proper soldering
    Chapter 3
    Basic safety rules
    The rules must be known and followed!
    The effect of electric current on a person
    What is lightning?
    Chapter 4
    Ohm's law
    Basic principle of Ohm's law
    A little history
    Chapter 5
    My first homemade products
    LED flashes
    Electronic canary
    Busy indicator telephone line
    Chapter 6
    Introduction to microcircuits
    Microcircuits for wide applications
    Chapter 7
    Application of specialized microcircuits
    in practice
    My first power amplifier
    Volume, balance and tone control ULF
    Chapter 8
    Development and production printed circuit boards
    Basic rules for board development
    PCB etching
    Radio amateurs advise
    Layout of radio components on the board
    Chapter 9
    Professional circuit design
    Stereo ULF with tone block
    FM stereo receiver
    Output indicator
    Chapter 10
    Electricity is man's friend
    DIY power supply
    Power supply for electromechanical watches
    Light for switch
    Lamp brightness control
    DIY phase meter
    Hidden Wiring Finder
    Chapter 11
    A selection of circuit diagrams
    ULF with an unusual tone block
    Musical doorbell
    New Year's garland
    Automatic periodic switching
    and turning off the load
    Universal charger
    Digital electronic watch
    Chapter 12
    Radio designer software
    Description of the CircuitMaker package
    Let's sum it up
    Chapter 13
    Information sheet
    Learning to choose batteries
    Abbreviation for resistor ratings
    and capacitors
    Color coding of fixed resistors
    Serial and parallel connection
    resistors and capacitors
    Foreign rectifier diodes and bridges
    Microcircuit voltage stabilizers
    Marking and characteristics of thyristors
    Transistor pinout
    Musical synthesizers of the UMS series
    English-Russian technical dictionary

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    Beginning radio amateur: school for beginner radio amateur, diagrams and designs for beginners, literature, amateur radio programs

    Good afternoon, dear radio amateurs!
    Welcome to the website ““

    The site works “ Beginner radio amateur school“. Full course training includes classes ranging from the basics of radio electronics to the practical design of amateur radio devices of average complexity. Each lesson is based on providing students with the necessary theoretical information and practical video materials, as well as homework. During the course of study, each student will receive the necessary knowledge and skills in the full cycle of designing radio-electronic devices at home.

    In order to become a student of the school, you need a desire and subscription to the site’s news either through FeedBurner, or through standard window subscriptions. Subscription is required to receive new lessons, lesson videos and homework in a timely manner.

    Only those who have subscribed to the training course at the “Beginner Radio Amateur School” will have access to video materials and homework assignments for the classes.

    For those who decide to study amateur radio with us, in addition to subscribing, it is necessary to carefully study the preparatory articles:

    You can leave all questions, suggestions and comments in the comments in the “Beginners” section.

    First lesson.

    Second lesson.
    Radio amateur laboratory. We assemble the power supply.

    We decide on the scheme. How to check radio elements.

    Preparing parts.
    Location of parts on the board.
    Making the board yourself in a simple way.

    Soldering the circuit.
    Functionality check.
    Making a housing for the power supply.
    Making a front panel using the “Front Designer” program.

    Third lesson.
    Radio amateur laboratory. We collect function generator.

    Designing a printed circuit board using the program “ Sprint Layout”.
    Use of LUT (laser ironing technology) to transfer toner to the board.

    The final version of the board.
    Silk-screen printing.
    Checking the functionality of the generator.
    Setting up the generator using special program“Virtins Multi-Instrument”

    Fourth lesson.
    Assembling a light and sound device using LEDs

    We decide on a diagram and study the characteristics of the main parts.

    Photoresists and their applications.
    A little about the Cadsoft Eagle program. Installation and Russification of the official version.

    We study the Cadsoft Eagle program:
    initial settings programs;
    – creation of a new project, new library and a new element;
    - Creation schematic diagram device and printed circuit board.

    We clarify the scheme;
    We make a printed circuit board in the Cadsoft Eagle program;
    We service the board tracks with the “Rose” alloy;
    We assemble the device and check its functionality specialized program and a generator;
    Well, in the end, we are happy with the results.

    Let us summarize some of the results of the work of the “School”:

    If you went through all the steps sequentially, then your result should be as follows:

    1. We learned:
    - what is Ohm’s law and studied 10 basic formulas;
    – what is a capacitor, resistor, diode and transistor.
    2. We learned:
    ♦ produce housings for devices in a simple way;
    ♦ tinning printed conductors in a simple way;
    ♦ apply “silk-screen printing”;
    ♦ produce printed circuit boards:
    – using a syringe and varnish;
    – using LUT (laser ironing technology);
    – using PCB with applied film photoresist.
    3. We studied:
    - program for creating front panels “Front Designer”;
    – an amateur program for setting up various devices“Virtins Multi-Instrument”;
    – program for manual design of printed circuit boards “Sprint Layout”;
    – program for automatic design of printed circuit boards “Cadsoft Eagle”.
    4. We have produced:
    - bipolar laboratory block nutrition;
    – function generator;
    – color music using LEDs.
    In addition, from the “Practicum” section we learned:
    - gather simple devices from scrap materials;
    – calculate current limiting resistors;
    – count oscillatory circuits for radio devices;
    – calculate the voltage divider;
    – calculate low and high pass filters.

    In the future, the “School” plans to produce a simple VHF radio receiver and a radio observer receiver. This will most likely be the end of the work of the “School”. In the future, the main articles for beginners will be published in the “Workshop” section.

    In addition, started new section on studying and programming AVR microcontrollers.

    Works of beginner radio amateurs:

    Intigrinov Alexander Vladimirovich:

    Grigoriev Ilya Sergeevich:

    Ruslan Volkov:

    Petrov Nikit Andreevich:

    Morozas Igor Anatolievich:

    This video course will appeal to all soldering enthusiasts. Radio electronics will teach you the basics, which will later allow you to assemble any circuit and device.

    Lesson #1. Voltage and current. What's the difference?

    The first video of the course will tell you about the very best basic concepts: current and voltage. You will learn why you need to know about them and how they differ.

    Lesson #2. Resistance. Ohm's law. Resistor.

    The current strength in a section of a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage at the ends of this section and inversely proportional to the resistance of this section. If this sentence doesn't tell you anything, then you should watch the next video in this course.

    Lesson #3. Parallel and serial connection

    Don’t know the difference between parallel and serial connection of circuit elements? How to calculate the required resistance and how to connect resistors? You will learn about all this from the next video.

    Lesson #4. Variable voltage. Frequency.

    Frequency, alternating voltage and current. What they are, why you need to know them and how to work with them - all this is in the new video course lesson.

    Lesson #5. Capacitor

    The capacitor is a part that is used very, very often. However, not everyone understands why it is used. This lesson will tell you about this in detail and simply.

    Lesson #6. Capacitor (continued)

    Continuation of the lesson about electrical capacitor. What is it for and what to solder it with.

    Lesson #7. Diode. Zener diode.

    Diodes are the topic of the new video. How they work, how they work and what they are used for.

    Lesson #8. Inductor

    The video tutorial will clearly show and explain what an inductor is. You will become familiar with its properties and use cases.

    Lesson #9. Rectifier. Diode bridge.

    You now know about diodes and their structure, but this video will tell you what a diode bridge is. You will also understand why a capacitor and diode are used in a rectifier.

    Lesson #10. Free energy. Self-feeding???

    Free energy and ways to obtain it, self-powering, perpetual motion, gravitational and anti-gravitational, magnetic and antimagnetic engines - this is what you will learn about from the video.